easy kolam
நடிகை கல்யாணி இப்ப எப்படி இருக்காங்கனு பாருங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD NEWS | Tamil News - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Kman夾娃娃 你信嗎!?無擋板清台再送K88小海螺。迪士尼正版達菲熊髮圈。UFOキャッチャー#116 - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
🎵 DJ LIGHTS KINGSO 👀COLOR CHANGING PARTY STAGE DISCO LIGHTS REVIEW 👈 - Duration: 5:25.Hey guys I have a new colorful LED stage light from Kingso. It is sound activated it
would be great for parties or of any kind of event where you want to add some
fun color and excitement. So here's the box that it came in. So this device can
be used in auto mode or with sound control which responds to the beat of
the music that you're playing. As you can tell there is a button it is menu then
there's up and down and there's enter so menu is for the function selection and
then up and down you can change the scan speed so at what up-and-down
does that it changes the rate at which the lights move so you can have it fast
you can have it slow enter remembers the setting when it was
what did we turned on again this is the display screen and this is the sound
receiver it says mic on there this is the power outlet I'll plug it in and
show you in a few seconds what it looks like
all right so we have this going right now it is in the third mode of A. We
can change
go faster
this is very lightweight so it'll make it very easy to take it to different
places and plug it in all right so let's do some music going
I won't be catching up on reddit. I won't be watching any news
I'll let the planet spin without me because everything has been without me sometime
everyone will be alright if i'm not live by satellite
It's a beautiful day. I'm going away don't bother to facebook message or call me cause I'm living life in Airplane Mode
Everything is ok. I just want to play.
I'm gone for the day
thanks for watching we'll open up the windows for some air
and hear the voices down the street of children
on the beach. It's a beautiful day
I just want to play
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