Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017


And the instinctive repulsion experienced by some people?

Where do they originate from?

It is question 389 of "The Book of Spirits."

[ ♪ Soft Song ♪ ]

Spirituality in Drops

- They are unfriendly spirits who guess

and recognize themselves, without speaking.

The instinctive, spontaneous, sudden repulsion that

happens when two people feel, both or one of them,

translates, in many instances, a reunion of the past.

Souls who have intertwined relations of conflict,

who have injured each other or unilaterally,

and the injured person when he meets the other

feels activated within himself a nucleus of repulsion,

as if recognizing the enemy.

But, along with this causality, there is another

that the Spirits have pointed out that it makes very

often in our daily lives that we feel this

perspective of repulsion, that feeling

of detachment, of discomfort before someone,

is magnetism.

When we are closer to someone who

magnetically does not associate,

does not tune with us, we spontaneously feel,

naturally, a repulsion that is made,

characterizing that we are dystonic souls

in relation to each other.

It is not that either is bad; is that

they are different and in being different there is no

a sympathy; there is no affinity

when meeting them.

This does not represent in any way, any

turn away from

the people who initially generate

this kind of repulsion, even

because someone who is different from ourselves

only brings a magnetism representing

a different content of life than

our relationship with difference

is a very gratifying experience

for learning, since it is with the different

that we enrich ourselves and

that initial repulsion can then yield to a

relation of complementarity when we

open empathically to the other,

in order to learn in the way of the other,

, in the form of the other to put oneself in the world,

with the magnetic style that the

other presents itself, thus creating a possibility

of reciprocal enrichment.

It was not without reason that Jesus brought twelve,

different from one another, and

despite John calling himself the

beloved disciple, Jesus loved all.

But John was so prophesying, thinking that Jesus

could distinguish him by certainty,

for being the youngest, the most enthusiastic, and for keeping

a loving connection with Him.

It was He who said that: God is love!

In a deep harmony with the cosmic

magnetism of Jesus' love.

However, they all made up a garden

of differences that made a group of apostles

who initiated Christian

thought by giving expressive contributions to Humanity.

Therefore, my friend is not the one who thinks

like me, is the one who thinks next to me.

[ ♪ Soft Song ♪ ]

For more infomation >> Espiritualidade em Gotas / Ep. 96 - Antipatias! - Duration: 4:07.


How to hack the game "Parchís Playspace" - Duration: 1:40.

Add coins

To subscribe to the channel and the first learn about new hacks

For more infomation >> How to hack the game "Parchís Playspace" - Duration: 1:40.


Kisner's chopper ride, JT goes lefty & Casey leads - Duration: 3:05.

When you are one off the lead and have a football game to catch down the road in Athens, Georgia…

That's right, Georgia Bulldog Kevin Kisner had himself a day!

Shooting a 64 for the low score Saturday – which just so happens to be game day.

Kiz tweeted out on Friday night that he was looking for a ride to the Georgia game after

his round Saturday.

Little did he know he'd do this…

Nearly holing out on the third to setup his 2nd straight birdie…

Then, actually holing one on the 14th from off the green for a tie for the lead…

When you do that, you get to leave the course in style, right Kis?

Not something you see everyday.

But Paul Casey atop the leaderboard at the TOUR Championship sure is.

The 36 and 54-hole leader shot a 65 to take the solo lead on moving day.

In his 3 previous appearances at East Lake, he has finished no worse than the top 5.

And this is why….

That'll be a 40 footer coming in on 17 to take the solo lead, please…

Or you could be like the FedExCup No. 1 and drop 75-foot par-saves like it's no big deal

8-strokes back, Spieth says he doesn't feel like he's far off

from getting everything in line for Sunday.

Someone who does have it all together and making quite the case for Rookie of the Year

-- Xander Schauffele drained a 20-foot eagle on 6 en route to his 10-under-par…

But sometimes, you have to get a little crafty.

Yep, that's Justin Thomas hitting left handed and no, he's not left handed…The FedExCup

No.2 is 5 strokes back.

So is Brooks Koepka, who muscled up for this 340-yard blast on 14 for the longest drive…

It all comes down to this!

Only one more day of the 2016-17 season left!

Catch the action from the season finale starting at 11:30am ET on Sunday on PGA TOUR LIVE.

I'll see you there and on Monday for a recap of what's trending off the course

in Trending On TOUR.

For more infomation >> Kisner's chopper ride, JT goes lefty & Casey leads - Duration: 3:05.


SRB2 Addon - Roasted Ravine Zone w/ Thunder Shield ("My hat's on fire! HELP!") - Duration: 7:01.


"No money; no tacos."

"Oh... A hat."

"Tails! Get the freaking hat!"

For more infomation >> SRB2 Addon - Roasted Ravine Zone w/ Thunder Shield ("My hat's on fire! HELP!") - Duration: 7:01.


5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:44.

5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert

Sometimes, small talk is necessary in order for us to be socially accepted in the society,

however, it doesn't do much justice for introverts who dread it.

The pure meaninglessness of conversations that revolve around the weather just to avoid

silence can actually be more stifling when no actual growth or learning takes place.

The absence of these components blocks honest connections with others that can cause introverts

to feel even more alone than ever.

And yet, to survive socially in this world, we have to be willing to meet somewhere in

the middle.

The world isn't a mind reader, so we shouldn't treat it like one.

Instead, we can be brave and join the dance.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 5 ways to survive small talk as an introvert.

Likewise, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!


If you feel anxious about making small talk, just remember that the situation in itself

isn't threatening, but rather the anxiety is based on your own beliefs and doubts.

Not every conversation you have with someone will be life-changing or fulfilling, but if

that were the case, then we wouldn't have a need to form exclusively special relationships

with the few people we have the confidence to call our best friends or our lovers.

If you fail at making small talk with someone to get the ball rolling, it's okay.

Give yourself credit for stepping out and trying.

It's going to be awkward at times, but that's not to say that it'll be like that for every

single experience.

Be kind to yourself.

Part of getting better at something means having to take both the good with the bad.


Put less pressure on yourself.

If you don't want to be in the spotlight, then you don't have to be.

You can still engage in small talk without having to disclose a lot of information about


Instead, ask questions to get to know the other person better.

Once you can weave a solid ground that establishes some similarities that the two of you share,

slowly, you can pitch in and relate.


Elaborate on your responses.

When someone asks you how your week is going, instead of just saying, "It's going well,"

you can say something like, "It's going well.

I've been making more time for myself to enjoy life."

That way, the other person can ask you more questions along the way, so the conversation

doesn't remain stagnant and substance can be added as it grows.


Steer the conversation by offering a chance to dive in the deep.

This is your chance to shine!

You can get to know the person you're conversing with on a deeper level by asking open-ended


This allows the other person to say more than just a few words.

Questions that ask about their opinions, what their dreams are, or factors that they can

largely identify with can make room for the conversation to build up into something more

stimulating and fulfilling.

Then, you can reciprocate and insert your own opinions and relevant life stories.


Don't brood over what went wrong.

Instead, take mental notes (or physical ones) to help you do better next time.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Instead of blaming yourself, wishing you could've done things differently, take each experience

you engage in small talk as a lesson to sharpen your skills.

Ask yourself questions, such as What worked, What didn't work, What can I do next time

to prevent this from happening again?

The best part is that you always have the power to help yourself.

And remember that making small talk is just a tiny part of you; it's not an accurate

portrayal of who you are.

Rather, it only acts as a gateway for something potentially bigger and meaningful, but you

have to be receptive to those opportunities if you ever want to grow.

Well, that's the 5 ways to survive small talk as an introvert.

Really cool information isn't it?

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:44.


Shitlords Anonymous : Bisexual Princess awakens 5 Illuminati antifa - Duration: 1:57:41.

For more infomation >> Shitlords Anonymous : Bisexual Princess awakens 5 Illuminati antifa - Duration: 1:57:41.


【英雄手遊時間】請命令!提督SAMA 當個瀟灑的提督! - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 【英雄手遊時間】請命令!提督SAMA 當個瀟灑的提督! - Duration: 6:37.


Cogman Cooks Dinner | Transformers The Last Knight (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:39.

Get in there.

Oh, my... Sorry.

I just got this thing that was on my arm

and it's, like, just moving all around.

Yeah. It seems to not be... If you'd...

It's just sort of slithery...

Slipping from the arm to the...

- Yeah, it's coming down. -lt's going down your pants there.


And is it tight or gripping on?

It doesn't hurt, but I don't know what it does.

It's like some worthless alien junk.

I think the purpose... I think the... We'll find out what the purpose is.

If... If you want to.

Cogman! What is... What is all this?

End of the world.

I thought a meal, a last meal, would be in order.

- Great. I'm starving. - No canoodling.

Wait, Cogman?

- Yep. My daughter would... - So my grandma said...

My daughter would love this.

My grandma would absolutely...

She keeps saying I've got to move on.

Yeah, I was about to say. She would love it.

- Really? - Yes, all the time!

- What does she say? -"Go on a date, get a boyfriend."

ls this a date?

No. God, it's not a date. No. It's just that...

It's romantic.

Sushi é la Cogman!

Wow, looks great.

For more infomation >> Cogman Cooks Dinner | Transformers The Last Knight (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:39.


BREAKING: FBI Makes Illegal Move Against Trump | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:32.

Supporters of President Donald Trump have long suspected that he faces deep resistance

in Washington, D.C.

One of the biggest sources of resistance is the "deep state," which is led by the


This week, for the third time in a row, the FBI has refused to handover subpoenaed documents

relating to the mostly debunked "Trump dossier."

So far, both the FBI and the Justice Department have been saying "no" to the House Intelligence

Committee, according to The Gateway Pundit.

This is not only illegal, but it raises questions about the much-vaunted "independence"

of the FBI.

So far this week, the top law enforcement agency in the nation has received a black


On Monday, former Trump campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had had his phone lines tapped

by the FBI.

Some of these taped conversations could very well have included President Trump.

So far, it appears that the outgoing Obama administration used a secret court order to

have Manafort spied on.

One of the driving forces behind all of this "deep state" intrigue is the now widely-discredited

"Trump dossier" that allegedly insinuates or proves that President Trump is being blackmailed

by Russian intelligence services.

This dossier was compiled by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele.

Steele now works with "opposition research" organization Fusion GPS.

Fusion GPS also has ties to the communist dictatorship in Venezuela and to the Russian

lawyer who seemingly set a trap for Donald Trump, Jr. during a suspicious-looking meeting

last year.

According to the Washington Examiner, House Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) "originally

set a Sept. 1 deadline for production of the dossier documents.

The FBI did not comply.

Nunes then extended the deadline to Sept. 14.

The FBI did not comply.

Then, Nunes extended the deadline again, to Sept. 22.

Now, again, the FBI has not complied."

While much of the "Trump dossier" is laughable, it has influenced public policy.

For instance, before being fired, FBI Director James Comey cited the dossier in several briefings.

The FBI has refused to handover subpoenaed documents relating to the mostly debunked

"Trump dossier."

Should the FBI hand it over?

Furthermore, now that Robert Mueller is investigating some of President Trump's decisions (including

the firing of Comey), the highly salacious dossier is enjoying a second life.

Unless the full contents of this dossier is turned over to the House Intelligence Committee,

then one is only left with the impression that the FBI is trying (desperately) to use

this dossier as some kind of battering ram against the Trump White House.

This story highlights not only the insidious power of groups like Fusion GPS, but also

the fact that in today's Washington, "transparency" is just a nice word that means nothing.

If the Trump dossier is really so explosive, then why keep it hidden from the light of


The Democrats have made a devil's bargain with the "deep state" out of their sheer

hatred of Donald Trump.

If the "deep state" somehow wins this war, then expect the Democrats to suffer under

an empowered intelligence-bureaucracy regime.

The deep state wants to keep itself in power, and right now Donald Trump is a threat to

that authority.

Should the FBI turn over the Trump dossier?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: FBI Makes Illegal Move Against Trump | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:32.


Beauty Review - Synergie Mineral Second Skin Crush | 高比 Gobby - Duration: 11:23.

Hello Everyone~

For more infomation >> Beauty Review - Synergie Mineral Second Skin Crush | 高比 Gobby - Duration: 11:23.


トイレの中へ【マイクラ】Into the toilet!【実況】 - Duration: 10:33.

Hey everyone, it is NihonJack.

Time for a toilet let's play!

Let's do this!

OK, let's go!

So, Jack...

Last time was a toilet prank....

I played a prank on you, yeah?

Then after that...

You asked to do a let's play.



So this time we are going to do a let's play together.


Hey, Dad...


What happened?

What happened?

Help me! Help me!

What should I do?

I am going to die.

Did you die?

He took my stuff.

The Enderman was too strong!

Why was it attacking us?

I looked at its eyes.

OK, let's not look in its eyes.


It looks like you are vomiting.

Like puke.

Yeah, real funny.

Look, the Enderman took a block.

Do not look at its eyes.

OK, I won't look at its eyes.

OK, I won't look at its eyes.

OK, I won't look at its eyes.

So, what I was trying to say...


Well, today... after this.

There are secrets in the toilet.

So we are going to try to make it inside.


Let's get these zombies!

I am talking to you!

You are wimpy!

I am going to give you blocks, so make something.

First, a sword.

I may have just looked into its eyes.

OK, payback.

But we haven't attacked it...

Oh no! I attacked it!

I am running. Bye bye!!!!

I am going to die! I died!!!!


What the hey.

There were two creepers.

I came to a super bad place.

Skeletons! Skeletons!

There are like way to many monsters here.

Don't you think there are too many monsters?


It is OK. You made it through.

It's because it's night!

These monsters are from the toilet, right?

I took your stuff.

You took it?

I have not put anything over there.

Oh-no! Enderman! Endermen are scary.

The skeleton is attacking me.

I died.


You killed me?

I was smashing a skeleton.

And I accidentally hit you...

There are a bunch of big zombies!

Shouldn't we make a house?

I hate these guys.

I am going to die...

I hate these zombies.

I really hate these guys.

Let's get them. Get 'em!

I don't think we are ever going to make it in the toilet at this rate.

Come into the dirt house.

This house is super boring.

But it is just for a little time.

Till the sunrise?

Yeah. No we can go out.

There are tons of zombies.

I am going to die.


I am going to get you!

I am going to get you!

OK, Dad, shall we go into the toilet?

We have to go in from the top.

OK, I have a lot of blocks

But I need even more.

I can't get in without more.

Maybe we should make something like a tower over here.

Right here.

I am getting some blocks.

Look at me dad. Look at me.


Look at me.

Where? Up! Up!

I can't get up there with that though!

Just a bit more...

I made it!

Where do you go into the toilet?

I died.

I died.

Skeletons! Scary!


What are you doing?

Making ladders.

Your face is scary.

You look like you are performing magic.


I am going to give you this.

I need more.


OK, I will make a sword.

Please do!

OK, let's go!!!

Where is the crafting table?

Straight ahead, over there.

There is a chest too, because I put my items in it.

OK, you put them in.

But... I don't have any wood.

Hey, I don't have any wood.

What is wood?


Stick? Trees?

You don't have sticks?

I do have one...

Well, then you should be able to make one!!!!


One stick on the bottom, and

And two rocks on top.

Then you can make a sword.

Bo means stick, right?


But I can't figure out how...

What are you saying?!!!!

One stick, right?f

Yeah, you put it at the very bottom.

So I put it at the bottom...

There is a recipe book.

The green book is the recipe book.

The round...

I guess it has to be the round stone.


I can't read this...

I want to go into the toilet now!

Did you make a sword?


OK, hurry up.

This is cool!

It is high up!

You have to jump! This is super high!

You jump here!

You have to jump.

I'm scared!


If I fall, what happens? You...die.

So jump!

I am scared of heights!

What is it called? Something phobia.

I am going to push you.

I thought I was going to die!!!

OK, let's go in.

Let's go inside!

Let's go!!!!

We are almost there!

We are going to make it!!!

OK, just a bit more!

Tell me how you made this...


What is on the other side of this door?

Please subscribe!

And leave a like!

Jack it up!

For more infomation >> トイレの中へ【マイクラ】Into the toilet!【実況】 - Duration: 10:33.


Coloring Pages How to Draw Microwave Chicken Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 3:43.

Coloring Pages

Coloring Pages How to Draw Microwave Chicken Learn Colors for Kids

For more infomation >> Coloring Pages How to Draw Microwave Chicken Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 3:43.


Kamen Rider Decade THEME SONG /仮面ライダーディケイド OP ( Lyrics ) cover by atsuki - Duration: 4:48.

Miageru hoshi sorezore no rekishi ga kagayaite

Seiza no you sen de musubu shunkan hajimaru Legend

OORORA yurameku jikuu koete Tobikomu meisou suru Parallel world

On the road dare mo tabi no tochuu Hontou no jibun jishin de au tame

Aruki tsuzukeru no sa ima o We're all travelers

Boku no me no ma e ni hirogaru Kokonotsu no michi wa itsuka kasanatte

Atarashii yoake e to tsuzuku michi ni kawaru no darou

Mokugekise yo Journey through the Decade

RENZU goshi ni kiritotta keshiki o mitsumete mo

Shinjitsu to wa kokoro no me no naka ni utsuru mono sa

Dokoka de tatakai no maku ga aki Boku to iu genjitsu sarau Halation

On the road tabi ni deru riyuu wa Sekai ga horobiru mirai kaeru tame

Motto tsuyoku yume o idake We're all dreamers

Boku no unmei wa kanarazu Juudome ni tachiagatta sono toki ni

Atarashii kaze toorinukeru michi ga hiraku no darou

Mokugekise yo Journey through the Decade

Jibun ga shunkan goto ni Ketsudan suru sono subete de

Mirai wa risou ni mo zetsubou ni mo Kawatte yuku dakara kitto Shinjita michi hashire

On the road dare mo tabi no tochuu Hontou no jibun jishin de a u tame

Aruki tsuzukeru no sa ima o We're all travelers

Boku no me no mae ni hirogaru Kokonotsu no michi wa itsuka kasanatte

Atarashii yoake e to tsuzuku michi ni kawaru no darou

Mokugekise yo Journey through the Decade

For more infomation >> Kamen Rider Decade THEME SONG /仮面ライダーディケイド OP ( Lyrics ) cover by atsuki - Duration: 4:48.


Xiaoyi Yi-M1 - Duration: 44:42.

For more infomation >> Xiaoyi Yi-M1 - Duration: 44:42.


Life, Sex & Death - Rise Above - YouTube: 2:08 - 2:30 - Duration: 0:23.

♪ Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in an Egyptian Sphinx ♪

♪ A Hare Krishna thing ♪

♪ Pinned up against a wall ♪

♪ A man throwing knives as he laughs from center ring ♪

For more infomation >> Life, Sex & Death - Rise Above - YouTube: 2:08 - 2:30 - Duration: 0:23.


Dj Khaled - Wild Thoughts ft Rihanna , Bryson Tiller Spanish Version ( Lil Haze x Kid Chainz) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Dj Khaled - Wild Thoughts ft Rihanna , Bryson Tiller Spanish Version ( Lil Haze x Kid Chainz) - Duration: 3:30.


ఓ జనమ / Telugu Subtitle / New Video Song HD / CGTI Vijaykumar - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> ఓ జనమ / Telugu Subtitle / New Video Song HD / CGTI Vijaykumar - Duration: 9:49.


Toothpastes from Young Living! ASL - Duration: 3:19.

Hello all!

Young Living has four different toothpastes you can choose from

These two here are my favorites!

Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste

And the other one here is the Kids toothpaste

They both have the power of Thieves in it

This one here looks small, but actually it does comes in 4 oz like the Kids one

This is the travel sized Thieves aromabright which you can buy in a pack of five travel sized 2 oz tubes.

this is the travel size version

that is what I have right now to show you

but I want you to know it does comes in the big size too!

okay, so these toothpastes are high powered essential oil toothpaste with a special two part essential oil system that has:

antistain whitening enzymes,

time-released essential oil mouthwash in it,

Therapeutic-grade essential oils

which contains the following:


Cinnamon Bark,



and Eucalyptus Radiata

in the Thieves blend.

a low-abrasion formula containing the smallest particle size, commercially available calcium carbonate, and zinc oxide.

it also has special tartar-control agents

And best of all?

it contains all food-grade and edible ingredients!

If you swallow it, no problem, it's okay!

It has patented Liposome technology

which means that it binds essential oils to the mucus membranes in the mouth

for unmatched breath-freshening and oral hygiene!

And studies have shown that even after 30 rinses some active material from the essential oils is retained on the tooth enamel to help protect it

It's great for your oral health!

Now the Kids toothpaste-

It has a citrus taste to it,

more citrus tasting

and I really like the taste of both of these!

sometimes I'm in the mood for one or the other

So to be honest-

sometimes the kid one is in my bathroom,

and the other Thieves one is in the kids' bathroom!

or vice versa

We use both, for variety

We like both

and both are safe for all ages to use

and you don't have to spit it out

no poison control warnings on it because it's non-toxic!

They contain no fluoride,

no preservatives,

okay now, what else might I be missing that I need to tell you?

No synthetic dyes in it,

no artificial flavors,

You NEED to try it!

You will LOVE it!

Our whole family loves these toothpastes!

Good Bye!

For more infomation >> Toothpastes from Young Living! ASL - Duration: 3:19.






Bollywood Celebrities Caught Red Handed With Seriously Secret Love Bites That You Won't Believe!! - Duration: 4:25.

Bollywood Celebrities Caught Red Handed With Seriousy Secret Love Bites That You Won't Believe!!

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