Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Great Shift Gateway Meditation

Dear friends I�ve been quiet recently because I�ve been ill.

A stomach virus that has made me feel like I�m being changed from the inside out.

I�ve also been sleeping lots.

My vibration has felt low because of this.

To recalibrate we change at a cellular level, this transformation can affect us profoundly

in our minds, bodies and spiritually.

The transformation can be felt physically, mentally and emotionally.

Having a holistic approach to our lives, seeing everything as connected is the beginning of

quantum existence.

When cosmic flow of higher frequencies is very powerful, as it is during this Great

Shift Gateway, our guides and higher self ground us by keeping us embedded in lower


To ground us is to help us stay in this lifetime, this dimension, otherwise we may soar off

into the cosmos and not have the skills to reintegrate back into this lifetime.

This is a careful, if accelerated process.

With each new set of upgrades, we move up the spectrum of universal frequencies.

Shamans have been taught and shown how to manage the transition to higher dimensional

wavelengths, how to get there and how to get back.

During this illness I�ve found it difficult to meditate or do yoga, and have not been

able to go out and realign in nature.

When we begin meditating and we touch those Zen spots of bliss we can be overtaken by

an overwhelming wish to be there all the time.

This is good as it encourages us to change our lifestyles, to clear out energy vampires,

stress and clutter from our lives.

Meditation is a lifestyle not a hobby, it transforms us, bringing us back to our true


Similarly we find true inner peace in mindfulness.

The combination of mindfulness and meditation is the holy grail of awakened existence.

We use both to deprogramme from matrix algorithms of greed, hate and fear.

The emotions of gratitude and humility reset our vibration, raising it to higher frequencies.

There is a lot going on for us!

Our bodies become less able to tolerate matrix toxins, portions get smaller, food becomes

fuel, a source of energy rather than simply for pleasure, convenience or driven by addictive

substances like sugar.

By eating and drinking mindfully we savor each bite, we slow down, become more connected

to the food beyond our taste buds, we feel it in our stomachs and are increasingly aware

of how it affects us.

This can also be said for how we nourish our minds.

By filtering out news, religious dogma and mainstream media twisted by fear and seeking

active ways to change and improve our world, we move away from fear towards love.

By raising our awareness of the sources of literal and subliminal programming in popular

culture, politics, education and religion we take the reigns back.

We choose what goes into our minds rather than being the drones, the sheeple the matrix

wants us to be.

We stop being defined by fascist rhetoric and labeling or capitalist consumerism.

We regain our sovereignty.

Spiritually we meditate to immerse ourselves in love frequency.

This takes seed in our core, our solar plexus is activated and we find the inner calm we

experience in meditation seeps into our lives.

We are calmer in our day to day interactions, we find compassion where before there was

bitterness or anger.

We learn the language of energy, for protection, for clearer vision, using our instincts more

than our eyes to inform our thought processes, emotional responses and behavior.

As our third eye is triggered and cleared we become more in tune with guidance from

multi dimensional soul tribe, integrating this into how we live our lives.

None of this is an easy process.

We are not passive mannequins, recalibration doesn�t just happen to us.

We must respond to and make the necessary changes in our mind set and in how we arrange

the furniture of our lives.

To integrate upgrades is an active process.

We open our minds as our upper chakras come online.

We release old and new karmic weight through painful emotional rollercoasters that require

courage, self care and belief in our place in the multiverse.

This karmic release further activates our chakras, heart, solar plexus and root, encouraging

flow of high frequency energy throughout our system.

As we awaken to the deception, oppression and manipulation of the matrix we must free

our egos from algorithms of self harm.

We clear our sacral and root chakras of blockages, letting go of anxiety, toxic foods and drinks,

to balance and strengthen our beleaguered sacral chakra.

The programming of �short term fixes� money, status symbols, addictions and distractions

attacks our sacral chakra.

Interconnected with the fear conditioned into our fragile egos at very young ages, our sacral

and solar plexus chakras require a complete overhaul for maximum integration of upgrades.

We cannot be passive in this process, we have to heighten our awareness of our mind body

soul system and take care of it accordingly.

Mindfulness brings us into the present.

Mindful eating means we are connected to the quality of fuel we are putting into our bodies.

Mindfulness by definition relieves stress, we stop obsessing with the past or fretting

about the future.

We lock into the now, engage our physical and non physical senses, to appreciate the


We connect with our friend, partner, child instead of worrying about work emails, bills

or what we haven�t done on our to do list.

When we do approach those emails we are focused only on that job, we don�t feel guilty because

we are not doing something else.

Much of the matrix�s control of us relies on keeping us in a semi permanent state of


This creates a static energy that buzzes and hums around and in our energy field, disrupting

the natural flow.

Eventually the static will cause blockages that can lead to illness.

Meditation raises our frequency and allows us to spiritually grow.

It is the combination of mindfulness and meditation that keeps us balanced on our cosmic surfboard.

We are multi dimensional beings with the innate power to manifest our own reality.

By being mindful we are grounded in gratitude, in meditation we embrace love, this combination

teaches us the skill sets to be co creators of our own reality.

If like me you�ve felt very 3d recently, too grounded in reality, trust that this may

have been necessary to allow full integration of recent cosmic upgrades activated by the

888 Great Shift Gateway.

If you are meditating and loving it, soaring in the stars, relish those spaces, embed them

into your psyche, into your existence.

We are not passive players in this cosmic evolution, be an active participant in your

transformation, engage with the changes in your mind body soul system.

These truly are exiting times friends, be safe in the knowledge it�s happening to

lots of us.

We are feeling our way out of the darkness of the matrix, seeking inner light to manifest

outer peace.

In love and light beautiful people.

For more infomation >> Great Shift Gateway Meditation - Duration: 8:09.


ரயிலில் திருட்டுத்தனமாக பயணம்செய்த 23 வயது இளைஞன். - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> ரயிலில் திருட்டுத்தனமாக பயணம்செய்த 23 வயது இளைஞன். - Duration: 0:55.


😍 ARK OTTER TERRARIUM, MONKEY TEMPLE &MORE!! Ark Survival Evolved Eco Terrarium Mod Update - Duration: 13:24.

hey there my name is Fresonis and welcome back to Ark Survival Evolved with

eco terrarium mod yeah yeah and update so if you haven't seen a previous video

well go check it out because in my castle and in tower up there I place the

terrariums and I place them all back again I had to do it again so welcome to

my museum full of terrariums and some of the old ones have been updated so we're

gonna check it out and there are also two new ones so let's take a look at the

first one over here check it out this whole part here in the mail has been

added to it so those rock formations it gives so much nice detail to it and

other than that check it out here we have a cute

Megalosaurus sleeping how nice is that oh that is so nice Rory's gonna doing a

little bit weird stuff but other than that nice I like the small details those

nice small surprises DeLong you check a terrarium out more you see this one the

monkey one hasn't been updated and oh yeah this one has been updated as well

- dear bo1 oh my god I will I remember when I did a review on this oh I was so

in love with this mantis in the mouth being eaten and this one is still alive

the pool one in the Mantis is like yeah I'm gonna eat you but what I have added

is this skeleton up here so just an extra little detail and it fills it up a

little bit more and it looks much better now

dosed for no those also that they have not been updates are we gonna go around

the corner then this one depend on the pen a habitat I believe yeah that one

has been updated much more life now in it before it was just the plants and the

flowers and the bear over there but now check it out we even have a Troodon

Troodon a compy for soundest that is a company that is not a Troodon

I can't be eating a mouth and you had that math is lucky because it is that in

not life anymore and yeah there are some bees that have

been added there's another one math I almost want to say butterfly but and I'm

gonna get some crazy mad people at me that is a mod another butterfly and here

we have a water bug and yeah other than that I don't think any extras has been

added just a cool habitat with some extra life now in it really awesome

no that one hasn't been updated this one this no one this one has been updated or

that only scold us now one this one is called the penguin habitat and yet I

believe those trees have been added I'm not sure though but what I know for sure

is that this this part over here is new so we have this this happy penguin over

here the Cairo coup and what are those acts or something or poop I don't know

what are you collecting what are you so happy about

maybe those are your ex I don't know you could use something yes yo Abbi so other

than that I don't think this this terrarium has been changed this one in

the update it says that this one had has been adjusted but I don't know what has

been adjusted we still see the moment up here and no no no I'm not gonna do the

special effects again like in the previous video a little silly and you'll

see the dives but other than that yeah maybe some extra trees or something but

I don't see oh I do see a loot crate has been added and Britt's up here and what

is this and human a frozen human oh my god

oh could have missed that yeah it is on the other side that's the thing with

this if if you put it like this you you miss it all that kind of stuff so don't

put a long sight against the wall but put the short side against the wall but

concede this awesome stuff here as well so did human was on on his rifle grabbed

a loot crate and then went for a sleep but now he's frozen to death oh oh I

like that that is so cool okay so that is that the terrarium and

the beef one has also been updated but adjusted I don't know what has been

adjusted because I couldn't find any new secret still we have the Microraptor

here up the tree and the Troodon but other than death I don't know I don't

know let's see those we already have seen that one hasn't been updated this

one has been updated this one also now has a loot crate in it and it has some

jellyfish up there at school and still oh yeah there is an loot crate as well

and still I'm missing something right here in the middle this is also new this

diving equipment but yeah I don't know that there should be something swimming

or something in here right in the middle or yeah I don't know that is my feeling

I I still have the feeling that there is something missing it is cool that this

has been added but maybe it would be nice if it was a diving diver that was

swimming here or something yes something like that

other than that still it is a cool terrarium this one no be one the be one

hasn't been changed still we have the steel deck teen over here and we have

still the oh my god the twerking dung beetle is still in it and then we have

the quetzel I believe it is a quest habitat that one sadly still has just

one quetzel I'm still a little bit to say it about that so please if you see

this video the map maker of eco mods please add another quetzel because it is

named the quetzel habitat and we only see one and maybe add a little baby

quetzel here or yeah I would really love to see an hovering quetzel up here in

the air just like you have with your y-fronts you're

gonna check it one in the moment and other than that this one has been

updated the giant skeleton that you see here has been added so that is new and

other than that I believe the rock formations are a little bit different

here and I said be dead but yeah please add extra Kratts Oh so here we have the

vibrant one this one has been changed a lot with details you still see two

vibrance here but now this one is a little one instead of a grown-up one so

just like that is the mommy or daddy and this little one is eating the office

that mommy or daddy has brought to it the egg has changed the color so now it

is lightening vibrant egg and not a fire from egg so that is cool and what is

that sound I don't know what whoa whoa whoa whoa

whoa no no no no no no no no no no no I know

what you why did you spawn here yeah you don't belong you go away I will

destroy you okay hopefully the titanosaur isn't coming back and making

too much noise but the small details well we still have

the man here eating cooking but there is something missing the female is gone

there was a female here taming and feeding that trike and yeah she was

showing off goodies a little bit too much so I had to blur that out in the

previous video but she still here somewhere but it is different now

because check it out there she is she went on an adventure and she came across

this one the t-rex and the t-rex is luckily on the other side but I think if

he does two steps forward he can definitely eat her but yeah see she is

now hunting see so she was hunting or maybe they broke up she broke up with

her husband over there on that side and yes he is making her own base here so

yeah a cool addition to this already nice habitat I like that

all those little details really really nice and it's so cool to

see this so yes he's not showing off or a goodies anymore so I don't need to

blur it out in the dead this is still the same so that was it about the update

for the Y run habitat really cool are you ready for it we're gonna check out

the new ones so this one on left has been added a while ago but I didn't do a

review on it check it out this one is called monkey

temple terrarium and already some nice details oh my god that one is wrongly

poop and that one is like I gotta catch it or or not but it is oh so nice and

this one is nicely under statue and of statues

I think they belong to what's called the center map with the gorilla thing a team

and that kind of things oh here's the sleeping one oh yeah it is

sleeping okay okay nothing wrong happened with it that one is eating and

yeah just a nice nice decent and something else some little secrets can

we find some little secrets here we found it one sleeping there maybe I

missed something here maybe there maybe there's something no nothing here maybe

back here oh yes check it out another compy and the company is yeah you are

we're talking about you oh cool just a small extra detail added to it this is a

small secret because yeah the main team is this and then you see a small secret

like that that is just so awesome and the next

terrarium is even more awesome you know the author is now in the game and check

it out the author has its own habitat now and for the first time free roaming

creatures in it how nice is this so we have an utter up here that is

nicely yeah relaxing there we have one floating here in the

oh they are so cute but check it out they are they are swimming that is the a

circle and a fish the fish is well at least yeah this one is swimming around

and that one is swimming around also the salmon and there goes the other oh oh oh

oh this is so utterly cute so we have a salmon up here any other details that I

don't want to miss out any other secrets nothing here mmm no I I don't think any

other secrets other than that and oh this is oh yeah we have a small fish up

here as well oh this is so cool it is I I bet it will be a lot of work who make

those other swim around like that oh but it is so cool it adds so much more life

to it and oh really not making you're doing really amazing job I forgot your

name I'm sorry about it but yeah you still do an amazing job really really

I'm really proud of you and if you don't know it

the mapmaker the sea has already more than 1 million followers on her moths

so she have some different moths some different eco moths you have for the

garden for structures and yes stables I believe and all the counting's on our

server we have the Eco Dago decoration mod that one is also nice but in total

more than a million subscribers that is just insane so really she is doing a

really good job oh my god so yeah that was it that I could show

you about the update on the eco terrarium smart so some small changes

some small adjustments to the ones that we have already seen before and two new

ones totally awesome so you had that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed if

you did a live likely when you thought about the video or whatever in a comment

below and as always if you haven't already a mercy moment future lens

method I bought like a maniac and I will see

you all in the next video

For more infomation >> 😍 ARK OTTER TERRARIUM, MONKEY TEMPLE &MORE!! Ark Survival Evolved Eco Terrarium Mod Update - Duration: 13:24.


DanTDM Sings Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 1:52.

I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage

The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you

I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie

You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time

I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

For more infomation >> DanTDM Sings Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 1:52.


KARŞILIKLI ABONE KAZAN - Duration: 1:23:36.

For more infomation >> KARŞILIKLI ABONE KAZAN - Duration: 1:23:36.


PWF 2017 Victor Truviano conference ES/EN/IT/FR - Duration: 1:15:29.

For more infomation >> PWF 2017 Victor Truviano conference ES/EN/IT/FR - Duration: 1:15:29.


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For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Mehmet DEMİRKOL: "Hani Tudor Yapamazdı" | Youtube - Duration: 10:25.


Love quotes | Short and Inspirational Family Quotes with Images - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Love quotes | Short and Inspirational Family Quotes with Images - Duration: 2:18.


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For more infomation >> சீரியல் நடிக்க வருவதற்கு முன் வாணி போஜன் என்ன செய்தார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Tamil News - Duration: 2:51.


GALATASARAY | Kerem İNAN: "Galatasaray'da Kadro Artık Oturdu" | Youtube - Duration: 16:25.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Kerem İNAN: "Galatasaray'da Kadro Artık Oturdu" | Youtube - Duration: 16:25.


Sony Vegas Pro 13 And HD 11 URDU Tutorial_Part 3_ Video FX & Transitions Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:01.

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For more infomation >> Sony Vegas Pro 13 And HD 11 URDU Tutorial_Part 3_ Video FX & Transitions Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:01.


Butifull Girl headshave in the street live video 2017 - Duration: 5:55.

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For more infomation >> Butifull Girl headshave in the street live video 2017 - Duration: 5:55.


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For more infomation >> Selling on Amazon FBA Guide + Tools for Success - Duration: 7:14.


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For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Galatasaray Maç Çevirebileceiğini de Kanıtladı" | Youtube - Duration: 11:18.


Ejen Ali | Mission: Orientation Promo (English Subs) - Duration: 0:31.



These are all your classmates.

They've been training here for nearly a year.


The I.R.I.S., they say.






Every Friday, 5:30 PM.

Only on TV3.

For more infomation >> Ejen Ali | Mission: Orientation Promo (English Subs) - Duration: 0:31.


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For more infomation >> Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Full Episodes - daniel's friends say no - Duration: 31:13.


Blue Mocktail Recipe - Non-Alcoholic Drink - Duration: 0:55.

It's Mocktail Monday and today's theme is aqua!

Hello and welcome to the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en! Today's mocktail features the

blue cotton candy syrup we used for last Thursday's happy hour, which was sent to us by our fabulous friend DOG from the Xingcat channel, but with none of the booze! I

call it Aqua Maqua. To make it, all you do is combine 2 oz of white tea, ¼ oz blue cotton

candy syrup and 3 dashes of lemon bitters. Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail glass

and top with a splash of seltzer! It gives new meaning to the term "Blue Monday!"

Thank you for visiting the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en! Please subscribe to our channel

for lovely libations, Mocktail Mondays and more! It's always happy hour at the Velveteen

Lounge Kitsch-en!

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