Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Drunk guy: What is capacity of engine?


Drunk guy: 600 only?

Back off buddy.

I'll hit you!

Drunk guy: atomik exhaust..(?)

Blah blah...

Drunk guy: Are you recording?

Back off, back off...

Girl: C'mon..

Girl: C'mon..

Drunk guy: Bring it on!

Check out my exhaust. Look in this hole. It'll be great.


She basically told me that "I am bothering her on the road, my motorbike is useless and I should take a bicycle instead", while I kept on telling her that the speed limit is 30 here and inquired whether she is familiar with the number 30.

For more infomation >> Stupid, Crazy & Angry People vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:17.


Movies That Angered Their Real-Life Characters - Duration: 10:03.

Having a movie made about your life might seem like a modern dream, but for those who've

watched their stories play on the big screen, it can sometimes be a nightmare.

For these real life people who were depicted in movies, the experience of becoming film

famous was not all it was cracked up to be.

Here's why.


If you're unfamiliar with the story of Moneyball, it's a retelling of how Oakland Athletics

general manager Billy Beane reshaped the way professional baseball scouts and front offices

put together a competitive roster.

The movie was critically acclaimed, but Oakland's real-life manager Art Howe was not pleased

with what he saw.

Howe was portrayed in the movie by Philip Seymour Hoffman, and while Hoffman may have

been an Oscar-winning prestige actor, Howe thought he was too hefty to play him.

But that was the smallest of his concerns with the depiction.

Howe also took issue with the fact that he was represented as little more than an old

school baseball dinosaur who was being lapped by brilliant minds like Beane.

He even called the movie "character assassination," saying,

"People who don't know me are going to think that's how I was.

You work to build a reputation and then in two hours this movie breaks it down."

He was also less than impressed with the movie's attention to players' on-base percentages

because, in his words, that was a "duh" moment.

"no seriously."

The Blind Side

For Baltimore Ravens' offensive lineman Michael Oher, all the buzz that followed his portrayal

in The Blind Side was a bit infuriating.

While it was true that the Tuohys took him in and have since become his family, the movie

made it seem as though he was a gentle giant with protective instincts whom Sandra Bullock

guided into getting good at football.

But in real life he'd been playing football for years before he was brought into the Tuohy


As he told NPR,

"...I could not figure out why the director chose to show me as someone who had to be

taught the game of football.

Whether it was S.J. moving around ketchup bottles or Leigh Anne explaining to me what

blocking is about, I watched those scenes thinking, 'No, that's not me at all!

I've been studying — really studying — the game since I was a kid!'

That was my main hang-up with the film."

"Well alright then."

Straight Outta Compton

Dr. Dre, Eazy E, and Ice Cube might've been the best-known rappers from the groundbreaking

group N.W.A, but there were two others in the group who got less favorable coverage

in the cinematic version of their story, Straight Outta Compton.

DJ Yella and MC Ren didn't become as famous as their peers, so they weren't as prevalent

in the movie.

For DJ Yella, it wasn't a big deal.

He told XXL Magazine that he was glad they took a few liberties with his history because

it added some levity, saying,

"It needed a little extra, a little more excitement to the movie and stuff … so it wouldn't

be so tense, so serious all the time."

For MC Ren, however, he didn't appreciate the fact that the film characterized him as

a glorified extra.

MC Ren said that he felt disrespected by the movie because it failed to show his contributions

to their song list, writing on social media, "True fans know my role in the group as far

a lyrics are concerned, don't let the movie fool you about my contribution to the group."

Even so, he still gave props to the pic for successfully telling the story of N.W.A … even

if he wasn't in it as much as he might've liked.

Pain and Gain

This Michael Bay crime comedy about a trio of bodybuilders who end up kidnapping a guy

might not have been the most prestigious movie to ever hit the marquee.

But for the real-life man who was victimized by the incident, it had a major impact on

his life.

In the movie, the kidnapping victim was played by Tony Shaloub as an unrelentingly terrible

person, who audiences probably didn't feel too badly about seeing brutalized by the trio

of baddies.

"Victor Kershaw is a criminal p---k who deserves bad stuff to happen to him."

In reality, though, the victim was a man named Marc Schiller, who later filed a lawsuit against

Paramount Pictures for the way he, and the crime, were portrayed.

At the time of his kidnapping, Schiller owned an accountancy firm and a deli and had broken

off a deal with a friend who later made a plan to extort him.

According to Schilling, the movie falsely portrayed him as "a deplorable, unlikable,

sleazy, rude, abrasive, womanizing braggart" and claimed the movie ruined his life.

Considering he'd already been kidnapped, tortured, and extorted by his real-life assailants,

the fact that the movie victimized him once more was salt on the wound.

Paramount later settled with Schiller for "an undisclosed amount," and Schiller committed

his version of the story to paperback.

All Eyez on Me

This bio-pic of Tupac Shakur was a critical miss for several reasons, not the least of

which was how the movie recreated Jada Pinkett Smith's involvement in his life story.

The actress skewered the film on Twitter and accused the filmmakers of fabricating a scene

wherein Shakur read her a poem and claimed they completely invented a farewell between

the two.

She also denied the occurrence of an argument portrayed in the film,

calling the movie's version of events "deeply hurtful."


It's a scientific fact that everybody loves Tom Hanks, and the man he portrays in 2016's

Sully is a bona fide hero.

Capt. Chesley Sullenberger III was the pilot who pulled off the Miracle on the Hudson,

so named because it was one of the most insane emergency landings ever attempted and saved

every person on board the plane.

But if the film's plot had been true to the actual events, it would have been over in

half an hour because all that time spent investigating whether or not he'd done right thing was greatly


There was never any significant doubt as to whether Sully made the right call.

The first set of simulations, shown in the film to constitute damning evidence that the

emergency landing was unnecessary, showed just the opposite.

And the final report praised both Sully and the crew for their heroism.

The real investigators were none too happy about this, accusing director Clint Eastwood

of making manufactured villains out of them for the sake of dramatic tension.

Now-retired lead investigator Robert Benzon complained that the film had hurt his reputation,

while putting its level of realism "somewhere between Sharknado 2 and Sharknado 3."


Nelson Mandela is widely regarded as one of the greatest men of the 20th century.

And his wife is extraordinary in her own right.

From her social justice efforts to her positions of power in South Africa, her life's work

is definitely worth talking about.

However, she didn't want her life story to be told on-screen.

And when Winnie came along, with Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson portraying her, she took umbrage

to its development and tried to stop the movie in its tracks.

Mandela had originally asked to simply see the script before the film went into production,

but for some bizarre reason, the studio refused.

So, in the end, Mandela probably didn't mind it much that the movie never landed with critics.

The Experiment

This 2001 film was based on the infamous Stanford prison experiment, which had participants

play the roles of prisoners and guards in an attempt to shed light on the psychological

effects of power over others.

The results were not pretty, as the "guards" wasted no time in lording their authority

over the "prisoners," subjecting some of them to psychological abuse and humiliating punishments

like cleaning toilets and peeing in buckets.

The man running the experiment, psychologist Philip Zimbardo, allowed this to continue

for six days before calling it off at the insistence of his girlfriend.

The test pushed the boundaries of ethics—but never did devolve into brutal violence and

rapes, as depicted in the film.

Zimbardo, president of the American Psychological Association at the time of the film's release,

was not happy.

He said, "It makes Stanford and me and psychology look bad."

To be fair, the film does only claim to have been inspired by real events, but most filmgoers

probably can't tell the difference.

Patch Adams

This 1998 dramedy about Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams gave new life to the story of the dedicated

doctor who merged the worlds of medicine and clowning.

Although reviewers weren't very impressed with the flick, the harshest criticism came

from Patch Adams himself.

In an interview, the doctor disparaged the film for allegedly making his children weep

with displeasure.

He felt it created a hollow caricature of him while stepping around all the grueling

effort he put into actually helping people.

"All right.



When discussing the film's real-world impact, Adams pulled no punches, saying, "We put up

fake, meaningless heroes to completely divert intelligence from our population.

So, our kind of work, if anything, is denigrated."

He went on to lament that the film did nothing to bolster his real-life efforts to heal the


Apparently, depicting Adams as a doctor who put enema bulbs on his face didn't leave a

positive impression.


In an age where news outlets consistently get accused of alleged bias and fakery, Spotlight

provides a noble portrait of journalistic courage and integrity.

The Oscar-winning movie revisited how the Boston Globe exposed heinous sexual abuse

and a dastardly cover-up by the Catholic Church.

So, a picture this serious might seem to demand a standard of truth-seeking worthy of the

journalists it represents.

However, one of real-life people depicted in the movie was more than mildly offended

as to how he came off in the pic.

School representative Jack Dunn was painted as a morally ambiguous figure who tried to

excuse away abuses.

"It's a big school, Robbie, you know that.

And we're talking about seven, alleged victims over, what, eight years?"

The real Dunn subsequently sued the studio for defamation, and ultimately, the filmmakers

apologized to him and settled for an undisclosed sum.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Although there were also penny stocks and tax evasion in the mix, The Wolf of Wall Street

is really just about a couple of white collar hustlers that bathe in cash and drugs.

Based on the duplicitous rise of corporate conman Jordan Belfort, the movie takes viewers

on an intoxicating odyssey of unabashed decadence, but not everyone appreciated the picture.

According to Andrew Greene, the picture is nothing short of cinematic slander.

His portrayal in the film was a blip on the movie's radar, but in Greene's mind, The Wolf

of Wall Street unfairly picked on him, depicting him as a dope-swilling degenerate who arranged

illegal transactions for Belfort.

"See, I told you he was fantastic right?"

Moreover, his alleged onscreen equivalent, Nicky "Rugrat" Koskoff wears a toupee and

acts like a cartoon.

Greene took those indignities as a huge affront and sued for millions of dollars.

And when the studio tried to have the case thrown out, they failed, and a New York judge

even ordered Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese to testify about the film.

If he does win the suit, it'll give all new meaning to that scene with Leonardo Dicaprio

throwing his cash into the ocean, won't it?

"Holy f--- you did just say that."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Movies That Angered Their Real-Life Characters - Duration: 10:03.


Ρωτάτε και απαντάμε #2 - Duration: 1:52.

You ask, we answer!

Hi! This is the second "You ask, we answer"!

Today we only have one question.

George Mavridis, Known Olympiakos fan, asks;

"When is to be screen the animated Wembley final (in 1971, where PanathinaIkos played against Ajax)?

George, I'm really glad you're interested in Panathinaikos' history in the European football competitions.

Unfortunately, we must wait for the series

the animated series of the great course of Olympiakos in the European competitions.

As I've learned, it will be completed in seven episodes.

Number seven is significant. It's a holy number.

It's also the number of the gate of Olympiakos fanatics.

And for some undefined reason Juventus comes in mind (beat Olympiakos by 7-1).

Beyond teasing between football fans, truth is that there are not enough quality

animations on football.

Yet, I have in mind a recent, beautiful animation

that Liverpool uploaded in its' youtube channel

and it is about its first football match in its history.

I've past the link to the video in the description below.

Apart from that, let ma ask you to ask question in the comments field

Or in the social media accounts of vktoons.

Practically, you may ask everything on animation;

On how an animation productions is done,

on animation history,

on Greek and non Greek productions,

on everything vktoons is doing.

In general, on everything concerning animation we create

or other other creators make.

That's all for today. We'll talk again next week, in the new "You ask, we answer"...

...I hope...

For more infomation >> Ρωτάτε και απαντάμε #2 - Duration: 1:52.




For more infomation >> FIFA 18 EA ACCES GLITCH PLAY FIFA ALREADY FOR FREE!! 1000 HOURS - Duration: 2:40.


Машинки - Транспорт и спецтехника - Машины для детей - Мультики про машинки - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Машинки - Транспорт и спецтехника - Машины для детей - Мультики про машинки - Duration: 1:51.


Gospel of the day Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> Gospel of the day Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - Duration: 14:04.


Energy Update – Massive Fear Energy In The Astrals - Duration: 7:44.


I�m sure that you hesitated before choosing to read this article, as most of us have been

sucked into a binge watching marathon on more than one occasion (myself included).

While it may seem like we�re buckling down to give ourselves a break, we may actually

be hurting ourselves far more than we realize.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time has proven to be harmful to our bodies, especially

for adults over 50, and when you match lounging with television, you create a deadly combo.

In an Australian study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers

examined more than 8,900 adults and found that each additional hour of TV viewing was

associated with a 12% increased risk of inflammatory-related death, and those who spent more than four

hours a day watching TV were at an even higher risk.

In general, watching television has proven to negatively impact mental health; it alters

your brain, lowers your attention span, and has the potential to make you more aggressive.

You don�t need to experience the �trance-like� state television can put us in, but I�m

sure you�ve witnessed it before.

This trance occurs roughly 30 seconds after you start watching TV.

Your brain begins by producing alpha waves, leading to a light hypnotic state that makies

the viewer less aware of their environment and more open to subtle messages � aka programming.

In the 1990s.

Dr. Teresa Belton, a visiting fellow at the University of East Anglia, studied the effects

that television has on the imagination of 10-12 year old children, ultimately concluding

that television negatively impacts their development: �The ubiquity and ease of access to television

and videos perhaps robs today�s children of the need to pursue their own thoughts and

devise their own occupations, distracting them from inner processes and constantly demanding

responses to external agendas, and suggests that this may have implications for the development

of imaginative capacity.�

And these physical affects are becoming increasingly apparent.

Not only does it eventually lead to immobility as you age, but with the risk of creating

inflammation in the body, you are susceptible to a host of diseases including kidney disease,

diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer�s, and even depression.

Dr. Megan Grace is the lead investigator at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in


Between 1999 and 2000, her team quizzed adult participants about their viewing habits via

a questionnaire.

Again, this was before we had access to popular streaming websites like Netflix.

The participants were separated into three groups based on

their TV viewing habits: less than two hours per day, greater than two hours but less than

four hours, and more than four hours.

�TV time was associated with increased risk of inflammatory-related mortality.

This is consistent with the hypothesis that high TV viewing may be associated with a chronic

inflammatory state,� the authors wrote.

They followed up with their participants 12 years later and found, of 909 deaths, 130

were inflammatory-related.

Of the inflammatory-related deaths, 21 were from diseases of the respiratory system and

18 of the nervous system, and those who watched between two to four hours of TV a day showed

a 54% higher risk of inflammatory-related death.

Additionally, people who watched more than four hours of TV a day doubled their risk

of dying from an inflammatory disease compared to those who watched two hours.

In addition to cutting down the amount of time

you spend sitting in front of the TV and sitting or lying down, you can help combat

inflammation with a number of foods like avocados, berries, sweet potato, onions, and watermelon,

and herbs like, cloves, ginger, rosemary, and turmeric.

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Massive Fear Energy In The Astrals - Duration: 7:44.


Overwatch Moments #88 - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #88 - Duration: 10:10.


Our HOMEMADE PLANE is finished! | FLYING BIKE #2 - Duration: 5:27.

We started building our homemade plane in our last video

We now have to cover the wings and stabilize it

the experiment is about using normal materials to build a plane

so we will use bed sheets to cover the wings

the fabric has to be sealed

normal paint isn't perfect but as you know, we try to just use normal materials

we have to stabilize the fuselage

so we bought another old laundry spider

now we have to balance it so we build this thing

the bike is fixed here

so we will see what happens when I get on the bike

it is balanced pretty well

but we still aren't shure if we will be able to hold it stable

maybe we will have to use three wheels

we will now test if it is possible to stabilize the plane while driving

we couldn't go very fast because the front wheel will go up

so I would drive on one wheel unable to steer

this is why someone had to hold it

so we will attach two more wheels to hold it stable

we just went up to 15km/h

the plane should take of at 40 km/h

this should be possible when we attach the wheels

if you have an idea how we could call the plane let us know in the comments

you have been pretty creative for our submarine

we will work on our human drone very soon, we still are waiting for the rotors

we have given the model away on PATREON

thanks to everyone who supports us!

unfortunately we won't be able to upload every week

because it is a lot of work

and we want to produce the best quality for you!

So don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! ;)

For more infomation >> Our HOMEMADE PLANE is finished! | FLYING BIKE #2 - Duration: 5:27.


Entertainment Weekly | 연예가중계 - Lee Jehoon, Apink's Namju, Lee Jongseok [ENG/中文字幕/2017.09.25] - Duration: 51:29.

(Episode 1690)

Hello, everyone.

I'm Shin Hyunjun of Entertainment Weekly.

The main topic this week

is the celebrity blacklist rumors.

There was lots of other bad news as well.

He's a music legend.

Suspicions surround singer Kim Gwangseok's death.

And there's new news about Park Yuchun,

who was accused of rape.

We'll let you know the details soon.

The first story

is by Kim Taejin, who's dressed like a panda.

And Coco, who loves my nose.

Manners maketh the man.

Does everyone remember that line?

We met with the stars of

"Kingsman 2," Colin Firth, Taron Egerton,

and Mark Stone.

They were all passionate about Korea.

Stay tuned to see it.

First, we'll sum up this week's news.

While suspicions about of Kim Gwangseok's death

are growing, it was shockingly discovered

that his daughter died ten years ago.

We looked into it.

Ms. A, who accused Park Yuchun

of sexual assault, held a press conference.

We went to the site. Let's check it out.

♪ Write a letter in the fall sky ♪

(Singer who aroused emotions with songs)

(Kim Gwangseok)

Bardlike singer Kim Gwangseok

sang of deep emotional pain.

Things were weighing on me,

and I felt I had no way out.

I thought about suicide.

A popular singer has committed suicide.

His death, which was reported as a suicide,

is in the spotlight once again.

On September 20, it was discovered

that his daughter died ten years ago.

Suspicions of their deaths are growing.

A movie about the singer's life was released

last month, reilluminating the issue.

It said that his sudden death 20 years ago

was very suspicious. (Movie "Kim Gwangseok)

The event in the movie occurred on January 6, 1996.

Kim Kwangseok went home after being at a cafe with

friends and hung himself with a cable by his stairs.

Based on the evidence of his wife,

the only witness, it was ruled a suicide.

However, director Lee Sangho has investigated

this case for 20 years, ever since he was a reporter.

Why does he keep casting doubt

on the singer's death?

First, he says the crime scene was suspicious.

He says the cable isn't long enough

to cause the kind of injury he had...

Kim Gwangseok's wife, Ms. Seo, gave her testimony

after the incident, but an expert disagreed.

There wasn't enough rope remaining to tie around

his neck, which means that

the testimony is incorrect.

The movie also brought up something else.

While alone, I sometimes think that

it's very torturous

Before Kim Gwangseok died,

he talked about marriage.

Seo said that the two had marriage problems

due to other women at the time.

But his family members said otherwise in the movie...

The remarriage was a shock.

(Movie "Kim Gwangseok")

He said he'd just play with his guitar.

And that the publication right would be different.

So his dad helped him with the contracts after that.

And after that...

Third was the first witness' conflicting testimonies.

This is the first time she said it.

It was a mistake.

After drinking,

while joking around, that happened.

After four years,

the director saw her testimony change.

(Lee Sangho / DIrector) When a liar starts talking,

that's when the lies begin.

After watching this develop for 21 years,

I didn't hear her tell the truth at all.

As suspicions grow,

it was discovered that his daughter died

ten years ago, shocking many.

According to the police,

in December 2007 at age 16,

she died after getting surgery for severe pneumonia.

An autopsy showed no traces of poison,

and the hospital records confirmed this,

so her death was ruled as being due to lung disease.

Seo would say hi on behalf of her daughter

to friends.

This news of the daughter's death is

shocking everyone.

If the court knew that

Seoyeon had died,

the rights issue wouldn't have turned out like this.

She got the deceased daughter's share,

and that's how things have been until now.

As news spread, netizens demanded that

the case be reinvestigated regardless of

the statute of limitations, with a law named after him.

The director of the movie, Lee Sangho, submitted

a reinvestigation request on September 21.

Police said that would reinvestigate.

Seo, who had been silent,

spoke through a media outlet.

She said she told others her daughter died, but

was too busy, and that she would prepare for a legal

battle and present a statement next week.

Is it valid suspicion of the truth

or an uncommon witch hunt?

We can only wait for her statement.

We hope that the truth

of the incident is revealed soon.

Ms. S, the second woman who accused Park Yuchun

of sexual assault, held a press conference.

It was on September 21.

Ms. S was arrested for making false rape accusations

against Park Yuchun.

She was ruled innocent in the second round of trials.

The court said it's difficult to rule the

accusation as

spreading false information, upholding

the lower court.

A press conference about this was held that day.

The woman in question sat behind a screen

and spoke in a trembling voice.

As he's so famous, I wonder if anyone will

believe me or if I'll get retaliated against.

I withdrew my accusation so as to

not reveal my name.

I wondered who would believe a sex worker

and some think it's okay for people in this industry

to get raped, and that if I report it

it would be disregarded as baseless.

So I wanted to say this again.

Park Yuchun's side said that

the not guilty verdict was unjust,

and they will prepare for a final appeal.

Many are wondering

how this legal fight will turn out.

Hello, Entertainment Weekly.

You might know me from Midnight Dinner Talk.

It's weird being interviewed on my marriage here.

What's in her shoulderpads?

With news of Lee Jihye marrying, we went

to witness the event full of nervousness.

They're beautiful.

On September 18th, singer Lee Jihye

married a man three years her senior.

The marriage at a hotel in Jeju-do,

attended by friends and family,

was lauded for being a small wedding.

How pretty.

Congratulations. Live happily ever after!

Her friends all came out

to congratulate her,

making the event full of fun.

Hairstylist Jang Seokhyeon attended

and posted about it on social media,

showing the happy wedding and all the well-wishes

of friends and family. (Kim Woori's SNS)

Hello, I'm Chae Jeongan.

I guess I'm not close enough to her.

(Relaying well-wishes of friends)

I'll be a friend who's like family. Congrats.

I'm so glad you met him, and I'm so happy.

I hope you have a baby soon

and are fertile like me.

The uploaded video was full of song and dance

showing the mood of the reception.

(Happy wedding reception)

On social media, Lee Jihye

shared her thoughts on marriage.

Let's hear it.

I got married!

I think a lot will be laughing.

It took a while, but I met my match

and marrying in the cool autumn air

and letting you know this was so fun and I'm happy.

Thinking of how long it took for this to happen,

we'll be respectful and considerate of each other.

She's planning on donating

the marriage gifts.

Their plans to selflessly donate it made headlines.

How great.

Please show us love and thank you.

Congrats on marriage!

- Be happy! / - Be happy!

Have a safe birth.

The action blockbuster the whole world is

waiting for.

"Kingsmen" will give us butterflies

again this winter!

They're back!

The leads of the movie are here!

Thank you guys!

"Kingsman: The Golden Circle" has returned with

stronger criminals along with the spy crew.

I'm personally a huge fan of the last movie.

Harry was shot right in the face.

He's really alive?

With the posters, everyone was like,

"Oh my god, it's true."

We would've all loved to make it a complete surprise.

This is the problem. You have to market a film

and it's very very hard to keep it a secret,

especially in 2017.

But in an ideal world,

I wouldn't have my name

on the credits, no poster,

no appearance at the premiere,

absolutely nothing to do with the film,

and then let at least the first day, have people...

Give them a surprise.

This time an American spy member joins.

We exepct to see casual and cool action scenes.

The scene with the American spies and British spies

made news in terms of styling.

Whose suit would you want to try on? Which outfit?

I'd like to try on Colin's.

He looks so handsome!

And Taron's.

It'd have to be a Kingsman suit rather

than a denim jacket.

There's no denim jacket and there's no way.

I'm getting into Mark's old suit.

I'll stick to the suit.

You didn't know cowboy fashion?

What did you think of the cowboy Americans?

I like the look of it on other people.

But I have tried on a cowboy hat before

and I sort of feel like a little boy

whose mom has dressed him up for a party.

It just doesn't do a great thing for me.

Seems like they secretly think like that.

What's the most important part of

becoming a kingsman?

Well speaking as Merlin who trains them,

there are number of things that have to be present.

I think confidence, bravery,

style, dignity,

respect for others, and good manners...

And a big knife for you.

And a massive machine gun will do.

Lassos going on.

Well, that's the statesman's territory.

We don't really use skipping rope.

Have hope kingsman!

Also Julian Moore's transformative villian acting.

The second movie had Julian Moore transform

into a villain. What kind of villain would she be?

She's quite sensational.

Absolutely, there's nothing scarier than a villain

who's attractive.

- She's quite seductive. / - Seductive.

What did you think of the actions scenes this time

around because they're always new action scenes?

The trailers were very heartpounding and

they were all so lit.

So were any scenes a little bit too real?

They were quite unrealistic

in their ambition,

but that's what makes them so exciting.

The characters are able to do things that people

can't do in real life. Most of things my character

does, people sort of say how on earth

did you manage to do that?

There's the help from a bit of the pull of the wire.

When the tension is high, it's really like that.

You feel there are high stakes and

you're on the edge of your seat

and all the near misses and the jeopardy.

Do you have anything to tell the Korean fans

who are going to watch the movie, including me?

Well, we're here because of you.

We heard how much love we got for the first film,

and I was very very moved by that.

And all the responses we've had.

And I've always wanted to come here anyway.

We have thing where we say a little bit of Korean.

Do you guys know any Korean?

I know "Saranghaeyo."

Korea has this phase where

they really like hearts, so can you show a heart?

Yes, I heard the last time I was here.

- This one, right? / - Medium size one.

- There's a big one. / - And the little one.

Show me.

This one like this? (Trying hard)

And there's one like this. (Heart master Taron)

(I love you Entertainment Weekly)

With heartpounding manners, the stars of

"Kingsman" will make history this winter.

Colin Firth always has style.

I wonder if he'd say the same about me.

Just stop.

I'm sorry.

I can't wait to see the movie.

I'll definitely go see it.

And congrats to Lee Jihye on her marriage.

See you on Midnight Dinner Talk next week.

Yoon Jiyeon and Kim Saengmin have stories next.

I'll go first.

This is a special feature by Entertainment Weekly.

It starts this week.

It will probably be fantastically fun.

I'll remind you through a memory.

Stars Koreans love.

The top 100.

Let's check it out in a bit.

I met with actor Lee Jehoon, a lovely star

who's like the perfect boyfriend.

He wasn't a master at it, but for his apprentice,

he put his heart into cooking.

We'll check it out soon.

First, we have Hot Star-gram.

The star today is a guy straight from a comic,

actor Lee Jongsuk.

Go go go!

Only following the hottest stars!

The star of Hot Star-gram this week is...

Hello, I'm actor Lee Jongsuk.

You forgot this.

Oh my god, I'm saving him in my heart.

You shouldn't do that.

The beautiful smile of Lee Jongsuk.

His eyes when he smiles melt hearts.

He's handsome eye candy

with no flaws.

Let's follow Lee Jongsuk,

who has killer appeal.

From now on, I'll call on myself. (Source: MBC)

We'll do the same.

Let's check out his very different past.

Ever since he was young, he looked handsome.

He has nothing to be ashamed of.

He looked the same as a child, but after growing up,

he came to our sides. (Source: Youtube)

With his combo of boyish looks and manliness,

he was the youngest of 16 national models.

There's something you don't know. (Source: SBS)

What is it?

I played roles of people in their late-20s since debut.

I get younger as I do more work.

And then I became a high schooler.

A school uniform suits him.

They say fashion completes good looks.

No matter the school outfit or the looks,

he makes headlines with just his presence.


Why are his acting and a school uniform inseparable?

(He wore a school uniform in seven works)

He wore a school uniform in seven works.

He's known for wearing it now. (Source: SBS)

He makes the hallway look like a runway.

We'll give you more and more.

His first charm is

his trademark cuteness.

(Source: MBC)

I need a computer too.

Please give me a computer...

Bu-eeng bu-eeng...

Give it to me, please!

Okay, just take it.

Really? Really?

Even at events,

they suddenly do that "Bu-eeng" thing when I say hi.

(Can't wait) Start!

Bu-eeng bu-eeng...

Bu-eeng bu-eeng is the best.

This cuteness follows him everywhere.

Bu-eeng bu-eeng...

Bu-eeng bu-eeng...

Then Kim Woobin just had to speak up.

Just stop it already, you twerp.

His charms don't stop there.

This is called a banned video among his fans.

This is a 16-year-old Lee Jongsuk

doing a wavy dance. (Source: SBS)

He wraps it up nicely at the end.

Then he became different. (Source: YouTube)


The grand reveal of 16 years of dance experience.

So he always knew how to.

He looked relaxed with a big smile.

He's basically an idol.

What about his singing skills?

Please use it once a day.

There's nothing he can't do.

That's not right...

We're fine even if it's not.

Because you're the star? (Source: MBC)

The special privilege of the star.

Handsomeness is the star's privilege.

This is always there.

(#SelfishHeight #PerfectSuit)

You... (Source: SBS)

What are you...

They say men look best in suits.

I guess you understand that.

My heart skipped a beat.

So did we.

With just a suit,

he makes women swoon.

The ultimate style king.

What about his looks?

He has unrealistically great good looks

and this time, he's coming out of a comic book!

The first thing this comic book hero did is...

(Source: MBC)

Becoming a master of kissing (Source: SBS)

in the real world.

Is that Lee Boyeong?

After a soft kiss... (Source: SBS)

He made women swoon with a manly handcuff kiss.

(Source: MBC)

A handcuff kiss.

The result?

This is the 2016 MBC Grand Award. (Source: MBC)

He got the Grand Award for Acting within 6 years.

Thanks to my fans.

Thank you. I'll work hard.

Working all the time in 2017 in all genres,

he's succeeded at intense acting.

We can't wait to see more of his challenges.

We'll always be rooting for you.

This was Lee Jongsuk's Hot Star-gram.

"Reply 8090."

Who lives in your heart from that time?

I invite you to take a walk down memory lane.

What is this? (1983)


Do you have the most popular pencil board?

Of course.

Hold on. It's this guy.

(MC Hyunjun, great!)

You made a good purchase.

It's good, but I meant a Korean star.

Oh, sorry, a Korean star.

A Korean star, not a foreign one.

This guy.

No thanks.


This guy is good.

He looks a bit lackluster.

No, just wait 35 years.

He's good. He won't disappoint you.


Pencil board stars Koreans love.

Starts now!

They took up a page in our notebook back then.

First, we'll do numbers 100-98.

Leon Lai, one of the "4 Heavenly Kings" of Hong Kong.

Please introduce yourself in Korean.


Why won't you say anything?

Why won't you say anything?

I want to be with you more than anyone.


His Korean is lacking, but his passion is great!

A Hong Kong star who Koreans love.

Are you satisfied, number 98?

Okay. Understood. Okay.

After Leon Lai, who Koreans love,

is this 90s new-generation star.

I thought that was Hong Jingyeong.

In the 90s, female stars had a maidenly,

classy style.

She skyrocketed to fame with her bubbly charm

and was a youth icon representing the generation.

She was on every show back in the day.

She dominated TV in multiple genres.

She's one of the original multi-talented entertainers.

I can't stand injustice.

You can't stand injustice?

A conception dream with a pig?

My mom had a dream of a black boar.

I think that's why I'm dark.

With her beautiful, healthy bronze skin

her pretty face and hot body,

she was a trendsetter of the 90s.

Everyone wanted to be her in the 90s.

Who's next?

Actor Lee Jongwon, who made women cry.

(Source: SBS)

We'll reveal his past.

Height befitting a model.

Foreign looks.

He looked great even beside Jang Donggun.

(Source: MBC)

With his spectacular charisma,

he rose to fame as a next-generation star.

This was the ad that did it.

The viral ad that made male students want to be him.

Many were injured copying this.

This scene made chairs disappear from classrooms.

(Don't follow me!) It was fantastic.

Meanwhile, Maggie Cheung was a pencil board star

as was Korea's Lee Jiyeon!

The leader of Baekdusan.

She was scouted by Yu Hyeonsang

and entered the entertainment world.

Armed with purity and youthful freshness,

this singer was the ideal girl of male students.

While girls were jealous of her.

Even before the internet,

she had tons of negative rumors about her,

and she eventually married and left the spotlight.

I thought I'd stay a success for a long time,

(Source: SBS)

but I sunk to the bottom.

At 38,

in order to become a chef,

I found a job and earned $10 an hour.

That's not that much.

Lee Jiyeon transformed into a star chef,

raking in $2.5 million in annual sales.

News of her comeback after 25 years just surfaced.

This is a specially prepared performance.

A top American star!

A performance by Tommy Page!

Star 76 is Tommy Page!

With his sweet voice and good looks,

he made women swoon as a teen star.

I heard your mother's mother is Korean.

News of his Korean grandmother made headlines.

That's Lee Hyeonwu.

She was born in Seoul. I'm looking for her birthplace

but I haven't found it yet.

I'm happy to have met you. Thank you.

Thank you.

He did a chocolate ad, which was proof of popularity.

Tommy Page made women swoon.

He was even actively performing in music.

He committed suicide in March 2017,

saddening fans worldwide.

He'll always be in our hearts.

Let's check out the 69th star.

Who could it be?

It's Kim Boseong!

(Live and die with loyalty!)

The magnificent Kim Boseong, who spoke of loyalty

once made young female fans swoon.

Did you know he was a teen star?

He had an onscreen romance with the hottest

star of the time, Lee Miyeon.

With a melancholy look,

he used his moody expressions as a weapon

and became a teen idol through acting.

Vroom vroom!

Number 65 is

the teen idol Sobangcha!

(Dominated the music world when soloists ruled)

Their sloshing wave dance,

their perfectly accurate point dance,

and their intense somersaults get a perfect 10!

The performances were reminiscent of circus acts.

They aroused a fire in young girls' hearts.

Jeong Wonkwan's hairstyle was popular among boys.

Nine out of ten times on field trips,

someone would perform a Sobangcha song.

Women joined their fan club.

Their fanclub name was "Beepo Beepo."

Their activities were impressive.

I miss number 57, Jo Yongwon.

I remember this.

Why are you chasing me? It's so annoying!


She became a celebrity at just 15.

I'm number 17, Jo Yongwon.

You're in 9th grade. Why did you

choose getting chased?

It's happened to me a lot.

With her overpoweringly pure looks,

she was known for having a perfect face.

She shined despite the tacky makeup in those days.

She was a walking doll.

She was spectacular.

She shined even with no makeup

and she had solid acting.

She was well-loved as one

of the top teen stars.

Then one day,

she suffered an unfortunate incident

and suffered major injuries to her face.

She left the entertainment industry

and went to study in Japan.

Now she is fully recovered,

so we hope to meet her again.

Number 55 is Jeon Doyeon.

Number 54 is Son Jichang.

This man brought hordes of fans everywhere.

(Source: MBC)

With his fantastic looks from birth,

he looks great even in a normal photo booth photo.

A multi-talented entertainer who can sing,


and succeeded in everything he did. (Source: MBC)

Not only that, proving his popularity,

his costars were always the hottest actresses.

Do you recognize me?

How could she? That's Shim Eunha.

And Miss Korea, Go Hyeonjeong.

You're so pretty.

He even starred with Wo Huijin,

who looks like Olivia Hussey.

But the one who walked down the aisle

with him is the petite beauty Oh Yeonsu.

After marrying, he became a businessman

and started his second career.

I miss number 53, Shin Haecheol.

52 is Keanu Reeves.

Stars Koreans love number 51 is

a regular, Im Cheongha!

She came to Korea after receiving offers.

- Nice to meet you. / - Nice to meet you.

Her Korean fanclub gifted her

a beautiful hanbok they made together.

We found a photo of her now for the viewers.

- She looks the same. / - As beautiful as ever.

Beauties are forever. Great!

What pencil cover star

is forever in your heart?

100 pencil cover stars.

The patterns on his hat and shirt are the same.

See you next week!

Look forward to next week!

A special interview at the cooking studio

in this warm autumn weather. Cook & Talk!

The star today has a sweet smile.

We're here with actor Lee Jehoon.

We had fun cooking while cracking jokes.

Look forward to it.

(Cook & Talk with actor Lee Jehoon)

Let's check it out!

This is the cooking segment of our show.

Are you ready?

I washed my hands.

Let's have fun,

and make some delicious food.


You're usually called mysterious.

Do you cook at home?

I'm worried.

Not at all. I...

What did you cook most recently?

What food?

I opened up a ramen bag.

Then put in the seasoning packet.

What a shame. (Hiding laughter)

Let's hope it turns out well today.

Let's see what Lee Jehoon prepared today.

Since Chuseok is coming up,

I will prepare songpyeon rice cakes.

To celebrate the season,

Lee Jehoon prepared a Chuseok gift set.

The first dish is

chewy and a sweet requirement for Chuseok.

Songpyeon looks delicious.

Let's make it.

It seems that...

- Is this flour? / - Yes.

This is purple sweet potato.



Black sesame.

This is just flour...

Is this really sweet potato?

- Squash. / - Squash.

I just thought of Na Munhui.

You filmed with him.

Please reenact the scene!

Squash sweet potato!

Let's check out that scene. (Source: MBC)

Squash sweet potato! Squash sweet potato!

Squash sweet potato!

(You have to stab the squash sweet potato!)

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I choose the squash.

I choose the purple sweet potato then.

If you combine them it's squash sweet potato.

Let's make the dough.

I heard you give out rice cakes on set.

Yes, to signify the start of filming

and to get things off on the right foot,

I always pass out rice cakes.

We have small talk while eating it.

Songpyeon is a type of rice cake.

- I like rice cakes. / - I see.

I love eating spicy rice cakes

when I eat outl.

You're really good.

I want to add salt.

Tell us about your new movie.

"I Can Speak."

What kind of movie is it?

A grandmother with 8,000 complaints against her

and a law-abiding level 9 civil service worker

bicker and fight,

but get closer through English

and get closer to the truth.

How many times have you said that?

You said it so precisely.

Sometimes I change it,

but I really love this movie,

so explaining it is really fun.

I see.

You filmed it with Na Munhui.

I never lived with my grandmother.

But seeing her on set,

she felt like my grandmother.

She's very nice, and it was comfortable.

I was happy just being beside her.

You taught her English in the movie.

KBS WORLD is shown

all over the world...

I think




Are you an English teacher?

Are we doing a good job? Are these okay?

They came out fine despite our worries.

This shows that

one's child will be good-looking.

So did your mom have really well-made rice cakes?

I don't want to say it myself,

I really like her songpyeon.

- Your mother's? / - Yes.

I want to give this to someone.


Who do you have in mind as you make it?

I'll tell you later.

Why did you bring that up then?

It's a secret for now.

After putting them on pine needles,

we steamed them and prepared other food

while waiting.

I heard you prepared something while doing that.

Yes, a unique dessert.

I learned it not long ago.

He seemed to be a fast learner.

I'm wondering what he'll make.

Let's become Lee Jehoon's girlfriend for 30 seconds

and learn how to make his unique dessert.

How are you? I'm going to make

a delicious dessert with dried persimmon for you.

Make a mark with a knife in the top.

Then spread the dried persimmons.

Then spread cream cheese on top.

How novel.

What is that?

Sorry, I should have practiced more ahead of time.

It's fine!

The dried persimmon role made with love looks good.

We have to add sesame seeds to songpyeon.

You have to answer my questions quickly.

Okay, sure.

What do you always do every day?

It's a habit, but I drink coffee.


What song do you listen to most?

Hip-hop songs?

I really like hip-hop these days.

What do you think of director Lee Junik's rap?

It was very unique.

The great Kanto earthquake of 1923.

No? No? You don't know it?

It gets stuck in our head when we hear it.

You have you know this! You have to!

How amazing.

I was surprised he could freestyle rap.

He's spectacular.

Is it okay to say this?

Your fans gave you a nickname.

- What nickname? / - "No Fun."

Yes, I hear that a lot too.

He's very serious.

They call me boring.

And after appealing that way to so many people,

they said I was unexpectedly funny.

They can't fall out of love with me.

I don't want to!

You have to do a good job rolling it.

I've never made rice rolls, but now I'm doing this.

(Nervous) Do it like this.

You're doing great. That's right.

(The result?)

Is the cream choose supposed to come out the side?

It expresses my love.

All your love.

I'll try it.

What will it taste like?

(This it it!)

I want to try it.

Mixing nuts and cream cheese

is fantastic.

Who did you make this for today?

Do you like squash and sweet potatoes?

(The giveaway hint is squash and sweet potatoes)

I like squash and sweet potatoes.

I see.

It's for Na Munhui.

Although not the work of a master,

these dishes were made with spoonfuls of love.

Do you know who it is?

These are my attempts at songpyeon

and dried persimmon,

so I hope you enjoy them.

I love you.

Lee Jehoon rushed to her

before the songpyeon cooled...

- They really met. / - I made you something.


What's the occasion?

- Let's have it together. / - Okay.

It's delicious. Try one.

It's really good.

(How many points out of 100?)


Thank you.

(To the viewers) Be healthy.

Please come to see "I Can Speak."

Thank you.

Come to the theater to see it!

Come to the theater to see it!

Thank you.

We felt the warmth of his heart.

This was Cook & Talk with Lee Jehoon!

Many that saw Lee Jehoon's movie said

it was enjoyable and touching.

I'm definitely going to go see it.

We showed pencil cover stars from 100-51 today.

I must be on the list next week.

I hope I'm there as a domestic star.

Kim Saengmin's story is next.

Kim Seunghye has something prepared.

I met up with hip-hop pigeon Defconn

and Apink's Namju.

They're not uncle and niece,

so I was confused by the matchup.

But they showed unexpected chemistry.

Let's see their spirited interview!

Coming up soon!

First, we'll have Veteran.

The star today is Cho Heebong.

Let's listen to his deep tales

and the story of his rise to stardom together.

It starts now.

Kim Seunghye used up her spirit.

21 years as a reporter.

A dinosaur of the journalism world.

You again?

You're dancing quite well these days.

Is it a weapon?

I'm popular these days.

(Falling in love...)

Who's under investigation today?

An actor in both dramas and movies.

An indispensable actor,

many know his face but not his name.

He's a mysterious character who tried

to get into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Send him in!

Veteran starts now!

Hold up your head.

How did you get here?

I don't know what I did wrong.

You don't know why you're here?

(You really don't know?)

I don't know.

(So that's how you're gonna be... )

What color is the hair

of this great idol?

What does it look like?

What color is it?

You're quite a crazy guy.

Do you like idols?


I like 2NE1.


(Excited alone)

You're very positive. Great.

I'll consider liking MOMOLAND from now on.


Your name?

Cho Heebong!

The result of my investigation shows that

the OBGYN doctor gave you your name.

What does your name mean?

My name means "group," "shine," "revere."

The group reveres me as they shine.

- That's a star. / - It's not.

I revere the group.

I like those philosophical names.

You have the power of humility.

I suppose that's why you could come this far.

I couldn't overtake Kim Saengmin.

I see.

I was surprised. You studied economics

at Sogang University.


Things turned out like that.

(Huh? A fellow alumni?)

You should've served the country.

You should've served the country.

Why did you do acting?

It was the movie "Jesus's Crown of Gold."

I was in high school and studied literature.

I went to go see it with my teacher.

So you became enamored with acting?

Yes, exactly.

So I wanted to act in college.

That's how I began.

His heart raced while watching the stage.

And he decided to become an actor.

My dad searched through my bag

and ripped up the script.

I was acting

and I wrote my own original work.

We would get together and write,

and reading a script for a while, you'd fix it.

It was that kind of work.

The quality of the script he pulled from

my bag was really low.

If there was Shakespeare in there...

But it was an original play.

There was ridiculous stuff in there.

I was just annoyed.

That's what I thought after some time passed.

You spent a lot of time as a nameless actor.

What gave you strength to endure?

I wasn't unknown for long.

I didn't have much to offer compared to others.

It was luck.

My friend prepared to be a director

and shot a simple film.

I was cast in it.

It was an independent film. Very small-scale.

But "Singles" director Kwon Cheolin saw it,

and I auditioned for a small role.

He asked me if I wanted to do it,

and debuted in the movie "Singles."

("Singles" - 2003) I can't speak?

Korea is a free country but I can't speak?

You were bound to be a star.

- How old are you? / - I was born in 1999.

She was born in 1999 and you graduated in 1990.

I'm year of the rabbit.

I graduated before she was born.

How much do you get paid for independent movies?

I had the lead role.

So you were guaranteed some.

Yes, that was it.

You were an economics major.

You didn't get paid for manual labor.

(Territory unimaginable for Kim Saengmin)

So he loved it enough to cover it.

You have to ask the psychology department that.

That's psychology.

What a great answer.

You're probably too old to remember

how many projects you did...

Oh, sorry.

You do seem too old to remember.

You became active right upon becoming a

scene stealer.

Investigator Jooe!

6 movies in 2006, 2 in 2007,

5 movies and 4 dramas in 2008,

More than the menu at Rice Roll Heaven.

Let's check out 2015.

3 movies, 3 dramas.

One movie usually takes six months.

How is that physically possible?

Because I'm not the lead.

I didn't know. I'm sorry.

You just seemed like a National Tax Service employee.

You are an economics major!

That's why his adlibs are like that.

Let's bring the psychology major here.

You also did theater while doing these projects.

Have you had a kiss scene?

Yes, and I've had a bed scene.

(Oh my god)

You had a bed scene?

I don't mean sleeping.

- So dying? / - Not sleeping.


(Slow response)

I did have one.

I worked out

and did pushups before I got on the bed.

I did pushups then got on the bed,

but they just filmed it without caring about that.

That might have been the most human bed scene ever.

- The standards were different. / - Yes, they were.

You've done various dramas, historical and current.

You're a top supporting actor with amazing presence.

What drama do you like these days?

I watch a few, but I like

"Strongest Deliveryman" most.

"Strongest Deliveryman" has strength.

It's simple yet touching.

It deals with the loves, dreams, and hopes

of youngsters.

That's the role it plays.

How far does your love line with

Lee Minyeong go?

I hope they write it the way I want.

The writer...

(Personal opinion) I think it'll turn out well.

But I don't know what Lee Minyeong wants.

I see.

Are you into traditional music?

I did a show with

the Korean Traditional Music Institute.

It was a kokdu show with traditional music.

It was a story about 4 kokdu and

a young brother and sister leaving a fantasy world.

You know a bier?

There are dolls attached to it.

A kokdu is the presence that were are thankful to

for leading us onward for 49 days.

Do you like new things?

Of course. Who doesn't?

I like completed things.

What kind of actor do you want to be remembered

as in 20 or 30 years?

I don't care how this gets interpreted.

I want to be an actor like you.

(Embarrassed) Okay.

I was shocked.

I have to do what I prepared.

Cho Heebong, the actor that shines more

than others in a lead role.

Thank you for the stubborn interview today.

Investigation complete!

- The end! / - Thank you.

We root for you in any challenge you take on.

Thank you. (Hope Heebong will achieve his dreams)

We're rooting for you.

- What a magnificent actor. / - He's cool.

Hip-hop pigeon Defconn.

Pure girl group Apink's Namju.


Why are the two of them, who have

nothing in common, here today?

Ready, cue!

(Great chemistry / Uncle & Niece recording)

♪ I make you dance ♪

It's Rico, Defconn!

It's Ellie, Namju!

Let's check out the delightful interview with

Namju and Defconn!

Please tell us what kind of movie it is.

It's a story about the fate of a trapped

underwater colony.

It's a bit different than "Finding Nemo."

They're marine animals, but they live in New York.

Did you do the recording all at once?

We tried to,

but we had to do the making,

so we did it wrong on purpose.

(Cowardly excuse)

There are all kinds of characters.

The multi-talented idol Ellie is similar to me

in that she's very spirited.

And her eyes are big like mine.

They're exactly the same!

I'm the charming hairy crab.

- Rico. / - You look like him.

We like dancing and rapping.

"We got an offer for animated work."

"Tell them I'll do it."

"But the role is a hairy crab."

"Tell them I'll do it."

I thought it would suit me very well.

You really love animation, right?


This was an ad filming.

He was like that at home?

I'd be crazy if I did that at home.

I'm not that crazy about it.

This was for an ad filming,

and the ad company sent me

this blanket as a prop.

I just laid down and struck a pose.

You're the eating pixie.

She can eat so much.

I eat 37 meals a day when I get stressed.

I eat without stopping.

I don't just like eating,

I like looking for stuff to eat

and you know the show "Battle Trip"?

I'm so confident I'd do well.

They keep eating.

I really want to go on "Battle Trip" and I can

do really well. Please cast me!

I'm very confident I'll do well.

Please make a poem with your name.

I'll start. D.


Good start.



You're good.


Conni, conni, conni!

That was cute.

This Chuseok...

"Deep" will take over theaters!

Save it in your hearts!

I'll go see it! Hope the movie hits it big!

That's all the news we have for today.

We'll be back next week with more news.

Everyone, be happy!

("We, First" by ELRIS)

For more infomation >> Entertainment Weekly | 연예가중계 - Lee Jehoon, Apink's Namju, Lee Jongseok [ENG/中文字幕/2017.09.25] - Duration: 51:29.


Gran Turismo Sport - Die erste Regel des Motorsports | Kollisionen vermeiden - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Gran Turismo Sport - Die erste Regel des Motorsports | Kollisionen vermeiden - Duration: 0:38.


Découvrez La Nouvelle Huile Jeunesse Divine I L'Occitane - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Découvrez La Nouvelle Huile Jeunesse Divine I L'Occitane - Duration: 0:31.


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