Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Top 10 Bollywood 90s Famous Actresses Then And Now ! you don't believe

For more infomation >> Top 10 Bollywood 90s Famous Actresses Then And Now ! you don't believe - Duration: 4:32.


ピザの配達員にチップ代わりに渡された子猫。17年経った今・・・【考えさせられる話】 - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> ピザの配達員にチップ代わりに渡された子猫。17年経った今・・・【考えさせられる話】 - Duration: 2:26.


Kman夾娃娃 高低差小滿滿球池台,兩爪捏會內丟如何夾出!?用這招輕鬆連續夾兩盒!航海王 CP9 卡莉法。UFOキャッチャー#117 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 高低差小滿滿球池台,兩爪捏會內丟如何夾出!?用這招輕鬆連續夾兩盒!航海王 CP9 卡莉法。UFOキャッチャー#117 - Duration: 4:46.


Junmi KIDS| Apprentissage de la même couleur avec des ballons et Batman| Batman a joué des ballons - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> Junmi KIDS| Apprentissage de la même couleur avec des ballons et Batman| Batman a joué des ballons - Duration: 12:07.


Dananjaya Hettiarachchi - Látok valamit (2014-es Nyilvános Beszéd VB, 1. helyezett) - Duration: 7:46.

Dananjaya Hettiarachchi

I See Something

I See Something

Dananjaya Hettiarachchi

You and I are not very different from this flower.

Just like this flower is unique,

you are unique.

All of us have something special that makes us as beautiful.

Do you know what makes you special?

Now the answer to that can be a little difficult to find,

because sometimes life has a cruel way

picking out your petals,

breaking you in two and throwing you into the trash.

Now when you're broken, it's very difficult to feel special.

Mr. Contest Chair, my fellow flowers!

I can remember the first time I broke.

I was seventeen years old.

I had already flunked high school and managed to get myself arrested.

Now, I wasn't afraid of the cops.

But there was one person I was very afraid of and that was my mama.

Raise your hand if you have an emotional mother. Let me see!

Put them all together you get my mama.

I can hear her scream outside the police station, even the cops were afraid.

She came up to me,

held the iron bars,

looked into my eyes and I saw a tear coming down her face.

Now I've seen my mama crying before.

But mothers cry three types of tears:

tears of joy, tears of sorrow and tears of shame.

And when a son sees a mother cry tears of shame,

that's a life changing moment.

She looked at me and said: "Son, I want you to be a better man!"

That night when I drove home

my dad was waiting for me at home.

Now my dad is a cool dad.

Raise your hand if you have a cool dad!

Put them all together you get my dad.

My dad came up to me and said: "Son it's okay.

You flunked your exams. You already got arrested. That's fine.

You get that from your mother's side.

I want you to start working immediately."

And I said: "Okay!"

So my dad took me to meet one his friends called Sam.

Now, Sam was an accountant who had an accounting firm

and had generously decided to make me his personal assistant.

And there he was.

He looked like a Teddy bear, but this man was special.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

And then he said the most amazing thing.

He said: "Son, I see something in you!

But I don't know what it is.

If you decide to work with me, I can help you find that something."

And I was like, wow!

That's the first time in my whole life somebody has ever told they see something in me.

And I started working for Sam.

And everyday after work he used to tell me stories

about the world, about history, about culture, about philosophy.

And it was much more interesting than what I learned in school.

And I discovered I can dream and I started dreaming, ladies and gentlemen.

After one year I went back into high school,

completed my exams and went into college.

After successfully completing college I found a great girl.

But not a job.

I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.

Have you ever had that problem?

And when you're lost it's difficult to feel special.

So I went back to my cool dad and I said: "Dad, I feel lost."

He said: "You are like your mother."

So my dad introduced me to this strange club.

That had a strange name,

with strange people – talking.

On the first meeting they told me to do something called a table topic.

I aced it!

But while I was speaking I see a strange man seated in the back row.

Humble, simple, the unfailing quality of kindness in his eyes.

As soon I finished he walked up to me, looked me dead straight in the eye and said:

"Son, I see something in you!

But I don't know what it is.

If you come here twice a month maybe we can find that something."

And ladies and gentlemen, I discovered I could speak and I love speaking

and that led me to become a teacher.

I know what it's like to not have enough money in your bank account.

I know what it's like to worry when the bills start coming in.

And sometimes

in the middle of the night I wake up my beautiful wife and I ask her:


why did you marry me?"

She says:

"I saw something in you.

But I still I don't know what it is."

Ladies and gentlemen today I'm a dreamer, I'm a speaker

and I learned the unfailing quality of unconditional love from my wife.

I was broken and I've been broken, lost and broke many times in my life.

But the people in my life were able to reach into the trash can

and make me whole again.

If it was up to me, I would have never been able to do that.

And this is why if you have great people in your life

no matter how broke, how lost or how broken you become,

they can piece you back together.

Ladies and gentleman, when I look at you I see something in you,

but I don't know what it is."

Over to you.

Subtitle and timing: Edit Trunko

For more infomation >> Dananjaya Hettiarachchi - Látok valamit (2014-es Nyilvános Beszéd VB, 1. helyezett) - Duration: 7:46.


[English subs] BACK TO SCHOOL DIY : MAKE UP STATIONERY - Duration: 3:57.

Hi everyone, this is Mini from minicuteclub!

For today, Tada!

I'll be showing you how to make three makeup-like DIY stationeries!

It's easily make these in 5 minutes, so I highly recommend it!

Even better, you can make them all with dollar store items!

So let's get right to it!

First, get an eyeshadow pallette from a dollar store

Then, remove each of the eyeshadows with a razor knife

First stick the knife into the edge

then lift up to completely take off the eyeshadow

After they're all removed, I'm going to store these in a different container

Then, get these sticky notes that you can also get from a dollar store

There are different sizes of sticky notes

so I recommend choosing a size that's closest to the pallete spaces to make work easier

Now, get a good sense of the fit on the palette

and use the knife to trim the sticky note

Place the sticky notes onto the palette and firmly press down...

It's hard to catch on camera, but

There are marks on the sticky notes, so I'll be cutting slightly to the inside of these marks

Cut several sheets at a time...

Place them inside just like this

I'm going to repeat the process for each section

It's turned out like this!

A good tip is to place the sticky notes loosely

By having them loose, it makes it easier to pull them out when in use

I screwed up a bit on the right side

I placed them inside too tightly

so it's become hard to take out

I no longer can take it out from the bottom

So don't place it too tightly, and give some room

Next, get yourself a highlighter palette

I think it's also a great idea to use a used-up highlighter to make a flower petal highlighter!

Again, get sticky notes from a dollar store

All you need to do is cut them so that they fit in here!

And just like that, we made eyeshadow and highlighter sticky notes!

Next, I'm going to transform this eyeliner into a pen!

I think you should use an already used-up one, or one that you no longer use

Each eyeliner is different,

so there will be eyeliners that this trick won't work with

I already disassembled this eyeliner

so I know I can separate this one into two in the middle

I'm going to put this pen refill in it

The end was too narrow,

so I went ahead and cut off a part of it with a razor knife

With the wider opening, now I can stick the pen refill inside

Just put the two pieces together..

And now we made an eyeliner pen!

So how do you think?

I used vivid colors this time, but

Using pastel color might make it look even more realistic!

Have fun making these!

I'll see you in my next video! Bye-bye!

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