Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 27 2017


For more infomation >> HONDA WAVE 100 MODIFIED SUPER DRAG BIKE RACE (OPEN ENGINE) !!! - Duration: 2:49.


Co nowego u nas, czyli Nowości w 27.09.2017 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Co nowego u nas, czyli Nowości w 27.09.2017 - Duration: 2:49.


Bad Kids & Giant Balloon Family Fun Play, Baby Songs Nursery Rhymes for Children #forkids - Duration: 3:02.

Learn colors with ballon

For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Giant Balloon Family Fun Play, Baby Songs Nursery Rhymes for Children #forkids - Duration: 3:02.


20 Famous Bollywood Families You Didn't Know That They Were Related To Each Other!! - Duration: 4:27.

20 Famous Bollywood Families You Didn't Know That They Were Related To Each Other!!

For more infomation >> 20 Famous Bollywood Families You Didn't Know That They Were Related To Each Other!! - Duration: 4:27.


Thực hư cảnh Hoàng Thùy khóc khi đối diện Hoa Hậu Phạm Hương tại Hoa Hậu Hoàn Vũ - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> Thực hư cảnh Hoàng Thùy khóc khi đối diện Hoa Hậu Phạm Hương tại Hoa Hậu Hoàn Vũ - Duration: 10:13.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.83 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.09.27] - Duration: 33:04.

(Episode 83)

It's our last night here.

Why? Are you sad?

Of course.

This is our honeymoon destination after all.

Let's come back next spring.

Just the two of us.

Why don't we bring Mother too?

You're doing that on purpose, right?

Doing what?

You're saying

the sweetest things to impress me.

I always say only the sweetest things.



I hope we're not interrupting.

Of course you are.

You're interrupting in a big way.

What? We shouldn't have come?

No. We're happy to see you.

You're something else, Bora.

I wasn't sure you would.

I wasn't sure I would either,

but here we are.

Won't a marriage license alone make you sad?

No, not at all.

Small weddings are popular these days.

Once we get our families' blessing,

our two families can go

somewhere nice and take pictures.

Her thinking is so sweet.


Hey, must you be lovey-dovey in front of me?

How did you hold back all this time?

He must have gritted his teeth and endured.

I'm envious.

Hey, he says he's envious.

Be better to him instead of causing him grief.

When did I cause him grief?

It's actually the other way around.

Congratulations on getting married.

I've been invited to many weddings, but it's

been a while since my congrats was truly heartfelt.

I wish you both great happiness.

I'm sure you two will do well too.

Congratulations, Bora.

Thank you.

Hey. Where are you?

Did you find Bora?

(Sarang Welfare Center)

She was definitely here, but they say

she left yesterday.


So you missed her again?

Anyway, I'll find Bora no matter what,

so don't worry and go to bed.

Where's Dohyeon?

He's in Gangwon-do but just missed her.

Is she out to see her old man collapse?

Dohyeon says he'll find her.

Just consider it a one-time act of defiance.

Otherwise, you'll really collapse.

Come on. Let's go in.

Oh, my. Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Hang on. I'll go get your medicine.

That was hilarious.

Man, I'm tired.

We'll go to bed.

Yes, you must be exhausted.

Good night.


Good night.

Yes, you too.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Should we have another drink?

Sounds good.

Are you causing my sister grief these days?

She looks rather distraught.

It's tough, isn't it?

Being in a relationship is hard.

But you managed to seal the deal.

You don't say.

All I had to do was just push ahead,

so I don't know why I agonized.

I feel so relieved

now that I made this decision.

You said you liked Gunghwa because she's brave.

Why don't you be brave too?

My family's opposition isn't a big deal to me.

What pains me is seeing her suffer because of me.

In any case, I slipped up, causing

her to suffer at my family's hands.

That's why I was very mean to Bora,

thinking it was in her best interest,

but it actually made her suffer more.

I was a fool.

Anyway, please take good care of my sister.

Ms. Lee's very worried, right?

As you can imagine.

But Mom has been very fond of you,

so she'll understand.

How will she welcome me though

what with my dad and all...

I tell Suhyeok everything will be fine,

but frankly, I'm very scared

as I know how my family will act.


I'll be okay,

but it won't be easy for Suhyeok...

I don't think you need to worry.

Suhyeok seems ready to take on anything.

And he never looks back when

he says he'll do something.

Just leave it to Suhyeok.

He'll figure it out.

Thank you.

But this is better than I thought.

What is?

This must be why people elope.

It's rather romantic.


I came thinking it was over between us.

One never knows what life holds,

seeing as Suhyeok came for me.

So be good to him.

He went through a lot

trying to find you.

Of course.

Oh. Inspector Cha seems more attractive

the more one gets to know him.

Not as attractive as Suhyeok of course.

Come on.

I don't know what to say.

You're too much.

Cut me some slack for a bit.

Suhyeok and I are just starting out.

You're more thick-skinned than you look.

How did you even think of doing something like this?

I would never even dream of it.

I put everything on the line.

And you got Suhyeok.

Why don't you do what I did?

Inspector Cha seems 100% committed to you.

You ought to hold on to him if you really love him.


They got married after Suhyeok came looking

for her in a remote town in Gangwon-do.

Will you even look for me if I disappear?

Of course. It's dereliction of duty.

I won't just look for you.

I'll arrest you.

Good grief.

Your professional commitment's something else.

Are you still mad at me?

Are you still angry that I talked back

despite being your subordinate?

No, it's not that.

Come on. You're still mad.

I wanted to be a terrific man for you.

But you made me suffer?

I'm the one who met too good of a man.

They say many women these days want to marry up.

So how did I end up with such a good catch?

You're mocking me, right?

Good grief. At least you're quick to catch on.

I was taken aback that you asked me

to come here with you.

I suddenly came to my senses.

Maybe this is a type of insecurity.

You know very well

marriage can't be a simple matter for me.

I did a lot of thinking even just to remove

my late husband's picture on my bedside.

He's someone I loved,

and he's Uri's father.

But ever since I began seeing you,

I felt uneasy looking at his picture.

Such things compounded

along with the issue of Uri,

so I figured I'd just pull the plug.

I was a coward,

unable to take the challenge head on.

Hearing that makes me feel more ashamed

that my foolish behavior caused you grief.

I was only out to protect you as I felt bad.

I had no idea this is what you were thinking.

When your grandmother said to leave Uri,

I should have just

blamed you and lashed out.

Then things wouldn't be this strained between us.

Moo Gunghwa...

My goodness. Now that I've laid it all out there,

I feel much better.

Wow. The air's so fresh.

What a shame we're leaving tomorrow.

Then let's not go.

Let's stay here together tomorrow.

Good morning.

Taejin didn't come home again?

Oh... He must have a lot of work.

How's Haechan?

Has he eaten?

I made porridge for him.

What for?

Did he suffer an internal injury?

No, but he hasn't been eating.

Something too heavy might upset his stomach.

He didn't have dinner last night either.

Good grief. Let's serve the master.

Why did they make him take all those

group lessons and do this to him?

Mom, just look the other way.

I bet they're even more upset.

Haechan, you should eat.

Are you on a hunger strike?

Stop thinking for now

and start out with some porridge.

The whole family is

feeling down because you are.

Should I leave?

Will you eat alone?

Haechan, eat, okay? Eat.

Don't go in.

I brought him some porridge,

so leave him be.

It doesn't feel right to leave him alone...

It's better to leave him alone at times like this.

I know it's frustrating, but alas.

What if you go and try talking to him

and he refuses to eat again?

Thank you for being so considerate, Mother.

Don't thank me.

I don't do nearly enough.

How upset that child must've been.

What do we do?

About what?

Haechan's school.

He can skip today,

but what if he stays that way?

We can't keep him at home forever.

You're worried about that right now?

Shouldn't I be?

Whatever's happened, he's still a student.

To get him an extended leave,

we must explain to the school why.

What if Haechan's branded a problem kid?

So what?

Your son's a mess right now.

It's not just his arm that's broken.

His heart is broken too, okay? His heart.

In any case, I'm so grateful to Officer Moo.

Taejin told me

she was the one who saved Haechan.


She thought it was odd

Haechan was alone and gave him her number

so he could call her if anything happened.

Thank her if you see her.

If it hadn't been for her, he would've had it worse.

Okay. Here we go.

1, 2, 3.

Marriage license as soon as you return?


You two are our witnesses.

Don't back out later.

Of course not.

Congratulations, Suhyeok.


You're not coming?

We're going to stay a bit longer.

Do that then.

We're off.

See you in Seoul.

Congratulations, Bora.

What are you talking about?

What about Haechan?

Why are you asking me that?


Please go.

I'm in no mood to talk to you right now.

So how is Haechan right now?

How is he?

He's holed up in his room,

refusing to talk or eat.

But how... How could that happen?

That's what I'd like to ask you.

How could you do such a thing?

How could you put Haechan among those kids?

Do you know what they did to Haechan?

Treated him like a bum and bullied him.

And as if that wasn't enough, they beat him up!

Even their mothers

treated him like a dumb delinquent...

Don't worry.

I'll make those women come apologize to you.

Who cares about an apology

when Haechan's in such a wretched state?

This was a matter concerning Haechan.

How could you be so aloof?

I trusted you and sent him, and now look.

How can you say I'm aloof?

What else would you call it?

If you had looked into it better,

this wouldn't have happened.

What made you tell me the kids were top-notch?

I heard the tutor had sent all her students

to prestigious high schools,

even overseas,

so for Haechan's future...

So you put Haechan there based

only on what others told you?


I'm sorry, Baekho.

I should've looked into it better.

I messed up.

No, ma'am.


What are you doing?


Why are you blaming Mother?

Haechan had been acting strangely way before.

You'd refused to listen when I told you,

so why blame someone else now?

There should be a young couple staying here.

They called, so I came to see them.

The couple that came yesterday?

I think they just went out for a walk.

Thank you.

I'm so glad we came.

Suhyeok and Bora had their share of heartache,

so it was nice to see them happy too.

Yes. It was very nice to see.

It really is very nice here.

Even the air smells different.

This must be why people travel.

Did you used to travel a lot too?

A bit.

I'm envious.

It's been ages since I traveled.


We've been dating

and yet we never came to a place like this.

You don't say.

You're so dull, Cha Taejin.

Cha Taejin?

What? What?

What else would I call you?

Must I call you Inspector Cha here?

How are you?

You were worried, right, Mom?

But how come you two are...

Your family's up in arms right now.


Bora and I are married, Mom.

Oh, no. She must be very angry.

You did what? Get married?

I'm sorry.


Forget it.


Mom? Mom?

You got married without even telling me?

Is getting married something you just do?

But you were fond of Bora.

What does that have to do with this?

Her family will lose it if they find out.

What can they do?

Bora and I are in love.

We must face them.

And what if you end up wounded and tattered?

I'll go talk to them, Mom.

Do words get through to those people?

Chairman Jin came all the way here

and threw a fit like he'd kill you

if something happened between you and Bora.

And yet you'll go their house?

I should go.

Are you upset?

I feel bad.

Why would she welcome me?

I should be grateful if she doesn't hate me.

Mom will come around soon enough.

Are you sure you're okay with

going to my house?

That's not the point.

They bore you and raised you.

Of course I should present myself.

I'm sorry.

I'll get mad if you keep saying that.

I feel so guilty every time I look at you

since a wuss like you

mustered so much courage for me.


I don't how I had the guts to break up with you.

How would I have lived without you?

You trust me, right?


Were you that scared

when I said we should reconsider?


My heart sank.

We should just seal the deal too.

Inspector Cha.

Isn't that why you brought me here?

We won't get anywhere

if we worry about this and that.

Let's just do it.

I'll go tell my family I'm marrying you.

I don't have enough for an apartment,

but with my savings and a loan,

we could get a lease.

Let's start out like that.

Why don't you make yourself clear?

It's nice you're being amenable.

Let's tell our families as soon as we return.


Oh, hi.

Is something wrong?

What do you mean

compulsory transfer?

Okay. I'll head back right now.

I'm sorry, but something came up.

What is it?

It's no big deal.

But I have to head back right away.

I'll go pack.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry and go get some sleep.


Drive safe.

We're off.

Let's go.

Are you going to Bora's?


How's Mom?

She's obviously upset.

You're back early.

What about Inspector Cha?

It's a long story.

Wish you luck.

You too, Bora.

Thank you. See you.

Let's go.

So they really went?

How can they not?

And suffer her family's wrath?

Geez, Mom. It is what it is,

so you should've wished them well.

They must be upset as it is.

Did I tell them to upset themselves?

My goodness. You're busy even on your day off,

Inspector Cha.

Where's Detective Han?

In the interrogation room.

Come see me when you're done.

Yes, sir.


So what happened?

What's the reason?

They say it's just a reshuffle.

What with my kid's kindergarten,

it's bit of a headache

to move so suddenly.

I'm sorry

I asked you for a difficult favor.

Hey, the matter doesn't concern you alone.

It concerns me as well.

I'm more worried about you.

I hope nothing happens to you.

Okay, okay.

What happened to Detective Han?

Why a sudden compulsory transfer?

And Senior Inspector Hwang insists

you come see him tomorrow.

What in the world is going on?

One of the suspects in the golf range owner's murder

is an associate of a witness of my drug case.


You started digging into that again

when you were sent here because

you wouldn't let that case go?

Senior Inspector Hwang must've

caught on, so what will you do now?

He won't sit back if he finds out

you're re-investigating that case.

I'm sorry, sir.

Sorry won't cut it, will it?

Hey, Jin Dohyeon!

What are you doing?

Let go!

Cha Taejin.

What's the matter with you?

Just watch!

I'll crush that little twerp no matter

what it takes.

Who is it?

Is it Dohyeon?

It's Bora.


You're not welcome here.

Get out. Get out right now!

How dare you show up here? Huh?

I came to present myself, Father.

Present yourself?


Have you lost your mind?

How am I "Father" to you?


I married him, Dad.

What? You did what?

Is Hwang out to get Cha fired?

What if Inspector Cha really ends up fired?

Mom, don't get married.

You won't marry and just live with me, right?

What have you done to my daughter?

I'll do it, so go on in.

You can't make me into a mean mother-in-law.


Thank you, Mom.

This is why raising a son is thankless.

How could she...


For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.83 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.09.27] - Duration: 33:04.


S. Korea succeeds in counter-missile system test - Duration: 0:39.

The South Korean successfully tested the indigenous directional infrared countermeasure, or DIRCM.

The system would protect aircraft from guided missiles, allowing them to penetrate deep

into enemy territory.

According to defense ministry officials, the trial was conducted back in July at the test

site of the Agency for Defense Development.

Equipped with a high-tech laser-jammer, the DIRCM disrupts infrared signals to stop guided

missiles from reaching aircraft that have it onboard.

Seoul has been working to improve its ability to use planes to deploy special forces troops

to take out North Korea's leadership should the need for such a measure arises.

For more infomation >> S. Korea succeeds in counter-missile system test - Duration: 0:39.


Mixed Funny Moments # 2 - Olaylarla Twitch - Duration: 10:22.

The Mixed Funny Moments # 2

Twitch Presents events

good time.

For more infomation >> Mixed Funny Moments # 2 - Olaylarla Twitch - Duration: 10:22.


幸せの定義? How Do You Define Happiness? [🇫🇷フランス弾丸旅行vlog 2 My vlog in France🇫🇷] - Duration: 10:03.

'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are


Did you film this???

I was invited to Imane's place. (She was in my videos last year)

Salut! Welcom back!

Thanks. We're near Metro "Nation"

Yea, more like "Père Lachaise"

Ok, well thank you for inviting me.

Sure, no problem.

We are gonna party.

We call that "Decanter"

"Decanter" or "Decanteur"?

"Decanter" could be "Decanteur"..

Anyways, we have that because we are having a french party.

You do like this

How do you wash a decanter?

-It is so hard. -You have to scrabble.

I thought so.

You have to buy a special brush.

Do you know any character from "Final Fantasy"??

-"Sasuke"?? -Nooo

He is from "Naruto".


-Try. -What was it??

-Did you really play the game? -"Sasha"?

-Sasha? -She's from Pokemon

I've never played Final Fantasy to be honest.

-Fils de fil? -Who?

Qui veut une fille???

-Luffy? -Nooon!

-He is from "One Piece".

Why did you told me that?? He told me to say it!

-Son Goku is from "Dragon Ball" -We know that.

You forgot ?

What ?

-Where should I press to record? -It's filming already.

-Ouch. -Attention, You've been drinking

(I can play the piano when I'm drunk enough XD)

-Can't anymore. -Can you play one more?

-No -NO?

I'm too drunk to play..

-Salut! -What we were talking about?

What we do? What we say?

-I don't know. -What is the theme?

Can we talk about "Happiness"?

-Happiness? -To be happy.


You know, I asked the same question to my nephew who's 3 years old.

-What did he say? -He said happiness is "Tchin Tchin"

What does is mean?

To have a toast! He's only 3!

-To drink.

He knows but I don't know what is the happiness. Do you know?

-Happiness? -Yea

I don't know but I think that it's something simple.

That's why her nephew said "Tchin Tchin"

-To have drink -It's simple.

-With friends. -Yea

With someone you love.

With good friends, you mean?

Yea, that's happy and do what you like.


By that definition, we are happy right now!

-Because we are... -Yea!

We are eating and drinking wine.

-Eating cheese. -Yea, we are happy!

-It's the happiness in french style, wine and cheese. -Merci

Vive la France.

Is it by mistake or design? I feel so alone on the Friday nights

Can you make it feel like home, If I tell you you're mine?

Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry

Sometimes love is not enough And the road gets tough I don't know why

Keep making me laugh Let's go get high The road is long,

We carry on Try to have fun in the meantime

Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

So choose your last words, This is the last time

Cause you and I, We were born to die

I forgot the lyrics!

It's like I told you, honey

Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry

Sometimes love is not enough And the road gets tough I don't know why

Keep making me laugh Let's go get high

The road is long, We carry on Try to have fun in the meantime

Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

So choose your last words, This is the last time

Cause you and I, We were born to die

Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry

Sometimes love is not enough And the road gets tough I don't know why

Keep making me laugh Let's go get high

The road is long, We carry on Try to have fun in the meantime

Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

So choose your last words, This is the last time

Cause you and I, We were born to die

Clap clap clap!

You are amazing..

I know I know ( I forgot the lyrics..)

(And she did too XD)

She's so beautiful And I tell her everyday.

There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause, you're amazing Just the way you are

The way you are, the way you are

'Cause, you're amazing Just the way you are

Did you film this???

For more infomation >> 幸せの定義? How Do You Define Happiness? [🇫🇷フランス弾丸旅行vlog 2 My vlog in France🇫🇷] - Duration: 10:03.


Farming Simulator 17 Krone TX Trailers - Duration: 14:54.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will Collect chaff using two modded Krone TX Trailers.

Krone TX 460D 46.000l Capacity 2 Wheel Setup

Krone TX 560 D More Realistic 56.000l Capacity 5 Wheel Setup 6 Design Setup Colorable rims

To test the trailers I will use the JCB 3200 Xtra And the Krone Big X 1100 Cargo

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Krone TX Trailers - Duration: 14:54.


China imported North Korean coal for first time in 5 months...before UN deadline kicked in - Duration: 2:20.

China appeared to be making a switch from unconditional support for North Korea to joining

the rest of the world in punishing Pyongyang... as it began cutting off coal imports from

the regime.

But it seems Beijing bought one more load... before the new UN sanctions kicked into effect.

Kwon Jang-ho has the details.

After 5 months of zero coal imports from North Korea, Beijing's customs office has announced

that 1-point-6 million tons of coal, worth 138-million U.S. dollars, had been brought

in in August.

This comes as a bit of a surprise, as China had announced in February that it would not

take in any more North Korean coal for the rest of year and the customs figures had reflected


News outlets are citing local sources which say the latest imports were shipments that

had been already been paid for but were stranded in Chinese ports after that ban was imposed.

However as it was within the previous UN sanctions limit of 7-point-5 million tons for the year,

watchers say Beijing may have given last-minute approval to bring the shipments in before

a new blanket ban on North Korean coal came in in mid-August.

When the foreign ministry's spokesperson was questioned about the import figures at a regular

press briefing on Wednesday, he said not to worry, and that China was strictly implementing

the UN Security Council's resolutions.

It is perhaps a timely boost for North Korea as sanctions and a national drought seem to

be having an effect.

The South Korean government revealed on Tuesday that North Korean gas prices had tripled in

recent months.

There are signs of food shortages as well, with Beijing revealing that North Korea had

imported 14-thousand tons of Chinese corn in August, a nearly 46-fold increase compared

to last year.

These figures come before the latest UN Security Council resolution was passed on September


The latest sanctions reduce North Korea's oil imports by 30-percent and ban the export

of all textiles.

An official from Seoul's unification ministry said that the UN sanctions, along with China's

bans on coal, iron and lead, could reduce North Korea's exports by 90-percent compared

to last year.

However, questions remain as to whether that will be enough to slow down the regime's nuclear


Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> China imported North Korean coal for first time in 5 months...before UN deadline kicked in - Duration: 2:20.


カップル 感動話!無職で結婚も 子供も考えなかった彼氏が 変わった衝撃のキッカケとは - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> カップル 感動話!無職で結婚も 子供も考えなかった彼氏が 変わった衝撃のキッカケとは - Duration: 10:27.


Author Claims to Identify UFO on 3000 Year Old Egyptian Papyrus - Duration: 6:13.

Author Claims to Identify UFO on 3000-Year-Old Egyptian Papyrus

The God Ra of the ancient Egyptians is said to have sailed down from the stars and landed

in Egypt, founding a powerful civilization.

This is all very well but was it some misconstrued myth or could there be some grain of truth

to this obsession.

A 3000 year-old vignette from the Djedkhonsuiefankh funerary papyrus on display in the Cairo Museum

shows exactly how Ra's ship appeared to the earliest scribes who created the papyrus.

It looks nothing like the traditional boat seen in other later depictions and it looks

exactly like something important the ancient Egyptians passionately describe in their texts:

A disc that flies and radiates bright light!

Wayne Herschel South African author of a book titled The Hidden Records which offers a completely

new hypothesis explaining the star god veneration of ancient civilizations insists this depiction

is the secret behind the iconic winged disc of Egypt.

He supports many other controversial authors who have suggested that the strange winged

disc of Egypt really is an ancient UFO.

But believes this is the missing piece of the puzzle that proves it.

He says the anomaly on the papyrus is clearly celebrating exactly what it is, a flying disc

that shines like the sun and comes from the stars.

Wayne Herschel suggests there is a lot more evidence to reason here.

It is not only a flying disc arriving from the stars, but the papyrus also shows the

constellation that is closest to the specific star of Ra with other forgotten symbols.

There is a lot more here.

He says another very important issue here in the scenario portrayed in the vignette

is where the disc landed.

It is shown positioned on what can only be the Sphinx of Egypt with what he insists is

its full undeniable pictographic title.

It also suggests the place of the legendary Hall of records!

It shouts out convincingly in context with everything else here that its a real ship

from the heavens in typical UFO style landing on the famous Sphinx monument and its on a

recorded on an ancient Egyptian papyrus!

"It is a disc with a dome radiating coloured bright light... and it is poised on three

legs like a tripod.

No wonder the back of the Sphinx was flat.

Wayne Herschel claims there is also a tomb that clearly depicts the Sphinx with a lion's

head, something completely missed by historians and authors alike.

"There are remnants of what appears to be the remains of an arched door that is now

filled in from many repairs over thousands of years and its visible at the back of the

Sphinx's head!"

Deciphering the true meaning of this papyrus has been the subject of debate among scholars

for years.

It is still explained away as a cult like strange belief system and is still a mystery.

Firstly, ancient Egypt has at least five different interpretations of the genesis pictoglyphs

to start with, so even the ancients had forgotten most of its meaning.

Wayne Herschel proposes a whole collection of supporting evidence and carefully presents

this in a two-part video [below].

With such a controversial claim, every minute detail needs to be seen for its merit.

Wayne Herschel's book The Hidden Records, which challenges the fundamentals in archaeoastronomy

like never before, previously identified a stellar pattern that is reproduced in the

founding monuments of just about every Megalithic ancient civilization.

Since the book, with the theory that the star of the "gods" is identified in a precise position

near a cluster of stars called the Pleiades, he sets out to prove another 16 or so civilisations

across the globe showed exactly the same records.

"Virtually all ancient civilisations obsessed in star gods with their beginnings.

Many went on to build massive monuments to mark the stars positions on the ground and

virtually all choosing the same 'x' that marks the spot as their ultimate monument within

the specific star pattern."

Astronomers have desisted from commenting after realising the patterns speak for themselves.

But what is even more daunting for scholars is that if these patterns so meticulously

laid out by the ancients on the ground are indeed venerating a very specific area in

the night sky.

Wayne believes in his conclusion it presents a very powerful case for our human ancestors

having originating from the stars.

"The 3000 year old papyrus has everything I was looking for... the cosmic address of

the ultimate Sun God "Ra", what his celestial ship looked like, and where it landed... all

this in a well known Genesis portrayal of the beginnings of ancient Egypt."

"The papyrus has the typical Egyptian portrayal of the sacred feminine (already popularised

by Dan Brown) and the seeding of the sky goddess Nut by Geb.

I have produced animations and detailed artefacts and murals that tell the story in a simple


But be warned, the ancient Egyptians were very sexually explicit in their portrayal

of the human genesis.

But history is history and the meaning of this papyrus challenges everything in Egyptology

from ground zero.

The ancients certainly did not lie about their star gods.

These gods appear to be very real, not just to the Egyptians but all ancient civilizations.

It explains why so many venerated the cosmic bull, it was Taurus.

Infinitely more important, Wayne Herschel challenges Egyptologists ...

They worshiped a SUN...

BUT it was not OUR sun at all!

For more infomation >> Author Claims to Identify UFO on 3000 Year Old Egyptian Papyrus - Duration: 6:13.


Top U.S. general says North Korea's military posture remains unchanged - Duration: 1:53.

A top U.S. military brass says North Korea has not changed its military posture,... despite

the recent escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

However the regime remains a clear and present threat to the United States,... with the capability

to strike the mainland with ballistic missiles.

Yu Joonhee shares with us the remarks by the U.S. JCS Chair.

General Joseph Dunford,... chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff,... says North

Korea has shown no signs of unusual military activity.

His comments to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday contrast the view of

Seoul's intelligence agency,... which believes the regime *has ramped up its military activity

near the East Sea.

Despite this,... the general said the U.S. is staying watchful and vigilant,... and has

taken appropriate measures to protect itself and its allies in the region.

(English) "We haven't seen a change in the posture of

North Korean forces.

We watch that very carefully.

We, clearly, have postured our forces to respond in the event of a provocation or a conflict."

Dunford also warned... that North Korea represents Washington's greatest national security threat...

and it *should be assumed the rogue state... can already hit the U.S. mainland with ballistic


He said there's a consensus among intelligence communities,... Pyongyang will have fully-capable

and reliable ICBMs ready within a period of months.

Although the regime's missile technology,... especially those related to atmospheric re-entry,...

has yet to fully mature,... Dunford said there were no doubts North Korea will develop the

required engineering solutions.

The general also agreed with the notion... that Kim Jong-un's main motivation for pursuing

nuclear weapons is the survival of his regime.

He said the military fully supports the Trump administration's efforts to find a peaceful

resolution to the crisis through diplomatic pressure,... warning of the serious risks

associated with a pre-emptive strike.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Top U.S. general says North Korea's military posture remains unchanged - Duration: 1:53.


How to Draw Accessories for Girls | Coloring Womens Ring, Lips, Llipstic and Handbag Coloring Book - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> How to Draw Accessories for Girls | Coloring Womens Ring, Lips, Llipstic and Handbag Coloring Book - Duration: 11:09.


S. Korea's global competitiveness ranking at 26th for 4th straight year: WEF - Duration: 1:35.

The World Economic Forum released a new global competitiveness ranking.

South Korea fails to move up from the 26th spot for nearly half a decade.

Lack of development in the financial sector and the labor market are cited as some of

the factors pulling the nation back from moving up the ranks.

Park Ji-won explains further.

In its annual report,... the World Economic Forum gave South Korea relatively high marks

for its fiscal sustainability and prices,... as well as infrastructure,... with both categories

ranking among the top ten in the global rankings.

However, South Korea's labor market and finance sectors were weaker than other areas -- in

73rd and 74th respectively, out of the 137 countries reviewed.

Overall, South Korea's global competitiveness ranking has been glued to 26th place for the

past four years,... and the report noted that South Korea is one of the few advanced economies

to experience a general decline in performance for the majority of its pillars of competitiveness.

The report also pointed out that the South Korean economy still shows large disparities

between the various criteria.

It advises the South Korean government to focus on making its labor market more flexible

and to focus on innovation-driven growth.

Switzerland topped the list, followed by the United States and Singapore.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's global competitiveness ranking at 26th for 4th straight year: WEF - Duration: 1:35.


Preta Gil - Decote - ft. Pabllo Vittar - REQUEST REACTION! - Duration: 3:15.

Hello my little lovelies, it's your friend Thandi here again hope you are having a wonderful


And i'm back with another reaction video for you

And today i'm doing going to do something new, and it features somebody we all love

and that is Ms Pabollo Vittar.

But this track is by someone called Preta Gil, and the track is called Decote.

So yes guys i know a few of you have been requesting this and i want to mix it up again

and i want to do a bit more Pabllo but i want to react to someone new as well!

So lets check out what Preta has to offer!


Give me a Plus sized Queen!

Don't even!


Don't you dare slay like this, don't you dare slay me like this!

Give me a Plus-sized Queen!


Oh my ... YES!


Look at this Queen look at Pabllo, look at you!

Look at these Queens!

What's this I live, I love

Yes, yes, yes

You can't slay like this all day everyday... it's not fair!


You guys know me, i know the music i like, YOU know the music i like and you guys always

suggest a great song.

I just don't understand...

I must be the luckiest Youtuber in the universe because you guys know me.

You have never shown me a rubbish song ever!

Look how beautiful Preta is i can't!

Give me some natural hair, give me some big beautiful bouncy curls...



Switch up the beat man!

Yes Girl

Yes it is too much yes, yes


Seriously you guys, you guys know me so well.

Your suggestions just actually kill me and then give me life again...

Seriously i love you guys so much!

Thank you for the awesome, awesome suggestion and thanks you so much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video please give it a THUMBS UP, lets get this video to 1000 likes,

please share with your friends and Subscribe and remember to turn on your Notifications!

And I will see you next time for another Reaction Video!


For more infomation >> Preta Gil - Decote - ft. Pabllo Vittar - REQUEST REACTION! - Duration: 3:15.


2017 Hyundai Elantra Review and Price - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> 2017 Hyundai Elantra Review and Price - Duration: 12:07.


Janam Janam DILWALE KOREAN MIX SHEZADI FANA YouTube - Duration: 3:08.

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

For more infomation >> Janam Janam DILWALE KOREAN MIX SHEZADI FANA YouTube - Duration: 3:08.



EVERYONE! Hello~ I am Katie!

First of all, my Korean isn't that good and I also have a cold

That's why I am reading off a script.

I'm German and I have been listening to Kpop for 10 years now.

My korean age is 29.

9 months ago (actually a year ago now) during a difficult time me and my American friends met by chance because of BTS.

We are all Nuna fans and call ourselves "illegirls".

And now please anticipate our reaction video! Thank you! Bye~

Becky (Using American Sign Language): B-e-c-k-y!

Becky: Yaayyy!!

Becky: What you said! (Agreeing)

Becky: Yes!

Becky: B-T-S!!!

Becky: Jin's Era!!!

Becky: Yes (We love every member!)

Becky: B-T-S, B-T-S!!!

Becky: B-T-S, B-T-S!!!

Becky: Yes (All of us agree that this dance is FIRE)

Becky: JIN!!!!!!

Becky: (Dancing while signing 'I love you')

Becky: My Man is the best!!!

Becky: The BEST part!

Becky: Beautiful

Becky: La la la la la~~

Becky: (Giving applause)

Becky: Same, same.

Becky:Yes!! Mine is bad!

Becky: (Agreeing)

Becky: Ok, thank you!

Becky: So in February when Spring Day arrived/was released it was perfect for me

Becky: because I thought about my best friend who died about 7 years ago.

Becky: The song lyrics made sense for me. They perfectly aligned with our story and reminded me of him.

Becky: When I hear it I think about him and I remember our time together and it really means a lot to me.

Becky: The handwriting on my tattoo is actually Jin's! Well, because he's my favorite member!

Becky:(Applause to MNET)Same!

Becky: I love you!!!!

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