Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 28 2017

Energy Update � Our Personal Rapture And Our Personal Revelations

We are in an adjustment �time� of the/our �old world� energies and very new energies

that came through with the Equinox.

As our life and world most certainly did and has changed!

Our personal rapture and then also with this our own personal revelations.

From the eclipse of the lions gate and onward with other energies that have come through

and now with the Solstice energies, the world and life we �used to� live and have is

no longer �the same�.

I mean really really not the same.

As the solstice energies came through, it brought through such a final �end of the

old world� energy.

That many turned into such negativity of the world is going to end and so on.

No one person is coming back to �save us��it is us saving ourselves of the Christ energy

within us!

No rapture as written in books, has occurred.

So much that was written in a certain �book� was twisted and changed and altered and is

full of �fire and brimstone�.

Fear, fear, fear!

And that fear was felt collectively in a very huge and new way recently from this.

As what transpires or occurs energetically in spirit in visions and messages are NEEDING


Let�s �have a look� at what has been coming through from Spirit to Soul in the

last 5 weeks leading up to this �event� in Real-Time:

18 Aug 17 ~ Deep Ancient Wound from first incarnation-Energy �spilling� to others

Pts 1&2.

Major transition of entering into a New Consciousness-of Spirit and Soul.

20 Aug 17~ Vision/Diagram of two earths that came from Spirit, shared from 6D Pt 1.

Newly discovering in a new way in linking our Spirit to our Soul.

21 Aug 17 � Another Vision shared in a drawing of more that came of a Pre-Dawn Dawning Pt


22 Aug 17 ~ Pre-Dawn � New Consciousness Pt 3.

Feeling two world of energy at once.

The old and the new.

24 Aug 17 ~ Pre-Dawn Energies Pt 4.

Upgrade-feeling a little �haywire�

25 Aug 17 ~ Pre-Dawn Dawning of a New Earth is finally here!

Pt 5.

We are simply �not able� to follow the/our old path of our lives that greatly altered

with the total solar eclipse energies of 21 August 17.

26 Aug 17 ~ We are currently in a Transition of a Pre-Dawn Dawning-of a New Earth Transition

-with a triple twist- Pt 6.

Coming home to our Sovereignty.

27 Aug 17 ~ Turning Point-Transition-Past Present Future Pt 7.

Future dark/old energy being shook up like a blanket of dirt being tossed up and particles

are floating �not able� to settle back down.

New 6D vision of this drawing in a picture.

29 Aug 17 � As our NEW EARTH Dawning is rising, we are in the Pre-Dawn Transition

energies Pt 8.

Multiple high frequencies came through, head pressure felt.

Echo�s of we are in a time �like� the rapture that is written of in the bible.

30 Aug 17 ~ Letting Go to Move Forward.

It�s like being in a �hole� for a very long time.

A �hole we have been in for so very long, not only this lifetime but Past Ancient Times

as well.

2 Sep 17 ~ Feeling �spacey� while feeling in a �hole� at the same time.

Balancing the new upgrades/Pre-Dawn Dawning of a New Earth energies.

The �above� and �below� of finding a new balance.

4 Sep 17 ~ I am Dying�and I am not the only one.

Learning a new way.

Letting go to move forward.

In a new way we have not experienced before.

7 Sep 17 ~ The Dawning of a New You.

We are needing to put ourselves first in a way that we have not done before, not like


Years worth of releasing of �being� a �certain way� for so long.

8 Sep 17 ~ LET GO of logic and trust your Feelings.

Yes we do need logic.

More like let go of coming from the head and coming from one�s heart.

9 Sep 17 ~ The Tide has Turned-Pre-Birth.

Another big turning point for us all.

A real turning point of how one handled things = a Transition further along our paths/Souls

Divine Journeys.

10 Sep 17 ~ Collective Amplified Release/Purge/Healing.

Our planet is going through a Major Release�so are you/we.

10 Sep 17 ~ Personal 6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer update on current energies Pt 1.

Dream/vision shared of a very huge light web, in small sections was filled with tiny colourful


Large Silver Scarab beetle climbing onto this web.

Pt 2 � A continuation of this in that a �fake� web of fake old energy.

Fake as in no longer or not real for us here and now.

Pt 3 � Going deeper.

Sliding door moments or Parallel timelines.

Pt 4 � Faith and Gratitude.

�No matter what� we are experiencing, know we are always so loved and supported�it

is us needing to learn this within ourselves as well.

14 Sep 17 ~ Core Depression Releasing.

A new renewal and re-wiring.

Coming out in a deep depression in the human and humanity collectively.

Needing to be felt to be released.

15 Sep 17 ~ Here we go again, what is �happening�.

When energy �arrives�, how this transpires in the human, is not the same as what comes

through in Spirit.

17 Sep 17 ~ Vision/Dream of Light Gold Metallic �ships� have arrived in the Astrals.

17 Sep 17 ~ Two core foundations the Soul and the Spirit are being felt.

An �overspill� of being linked to not only the Divine within but we are also feeling

and clearing/processing for HUMANITY as well!.

19 Sep 17 ~ Pushing through our �old� stubbornness and resistance.

A few different processes, releasing, clearing, shifting �going on� in Spirit and Soul

and our link with both.

Waves/echos of the �old� presenting themselves � SACRIFICING OURSELF FROM A PAST LIFE has

come up with this.


Rising over the �lip� of energies, the crest of the wave of Beyond.

Being �put back together� in a New Way.

Feeling �broken� from energies in both Spirit and Soul.

20 Sep 17 ~ Personal Sharing.

Be AWARE of Distractions of any kind of information or insight as to what is �coming� or what

�things are going to be like�.

21 Sep 17 ~ WTF.

Feeling tired, but �can�t� rest, wanting to rest but unable to..energies peaking with

the old.

We are in a rapture collectively yet individually.

23 Sep 17 ~ Being �Tested.

With the new we have just implemented or are implementing-by others of �old� (energy)


Are we going to say �the buck stops here� or are we going to allow ourselves to be �confused�

or affected by someone else�s energy.

24 Sep 17 ~ Massive Fear energy in the astrals/collectively/Taking Small Step Forward.

Be aware of this energy as it can/has seeped through to our energy and will elevate (fear)

of any current situation on we are in or going through.

Needing to protect in the Human AND in Spirit as well.

We need to �push through� in a positive way of what we are wanting/feeling to move

forward with, as guided by our Soul and Spirit, that we feel deeply, as part of our Souls

Divine Journey.

Any small step, no matter how one may feel it is a small one, is a step forward in pushing


Read, feel and resonate to where you are currently �at� with what has been shared here.

As when was the last time your nurtured yourself, I mean �really� nurtured your Spirit AND


And then there is the physical as well.

And the mental and emotional.

Taking �time out� to just simply honor yourself in ALL you have been �going through�

lately, especially.

Yes I know, we may have �jobs� or �things� we need to do in life, yet at the same time,

we can make a choice and a decision to be Spiritually Mindful that we ALSO NEED to include

within all of this, time out for ourselves.

It can be any small thing that we can do to honor and nurture as we are able to do this

in so many various ways.

I was out talking to someone the other day, at her place of employment, and this lady

(who I had met before and sort of knew) was sharing how she was having a bit of a �rough�

day and that she didn�t cleanse or protect her energy that morning (this was just after

lunch) and it threw her right out and it was going to be a long day and had been already.

�So you don�t have 5 minutes to go to the ladies and go and do this now?

You do have a choice to do this you know and talk some control back of your energy� and

this was said in a very lighthearted and fun way.

She laughed and said �You were my mirror today, thank you� and off she went to go

and do this.

Love and nurture YOU�all that you have given and said to others you now need to give to


You are amazing and so strong and so deserve this.

To own your Sovereignty!

As we are now birthing through a/our new baby within!

Ahh I jump ahead here� lol as let�s just read and feel this energy update of the last

5 weeks and take some �time out� within all of this and what we are each going through,

to allow us to nurture ourselves.

In Spirit and Soul and all other layers and levels within


For more infomation >> Energy Update – Our Personal Rapture And Our Personal Revelation - Duration: 10:49.


PANGIE SE TATUA / Sin mente 😱 - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> PANGIE SE TATUA / Sin mente 😱 - Duration: 5:04.


Get ALL FACTION Gear in under an HOUR!!! - Duration: 3:56.

Hi Guardians welcome back for another video where I give you tips and tricks so you can

play this game as efficient and effective as possible.

Today I am going to show you how you can earn all your faction gear in under an hour.

With the latest update you can pledge to one of the Faction, Future War Cult, Dead Orbit

and New Monarchy and earn tokens by just playing the game.

Once you have 20 tokens you can trade them in for gear.

By the end of the week, the faction that has the most tokens gathered by all the guardians

will win and you will be able to buy one of their weapons for only one thousand glimmer

if you are pledged to the winning faction.

For those who didn't , the gun will cost fifty thousand glimmer.

But you can also just earn all of your faction gear in under an hour with the following method.

Remember that I said that you can earn tokens and trade them in for gear?

What we are going to do is farming those tokens and trade them in so you have all of the weapons

and gear from your faction.

For this farming method we are going to the lost sector on the rig on Titan.

Just follow my lead here, we will be heading towards the Cargo Bay lost sector that is

located on the left when you land on the rig.

Jump over the ledge to enter the building , and from here go down the stairs towards

the lost sector.

In the lost sector there will be 6 supplies that spawn on 8 different locations.

Shooting these supplies will give you a faction token.

So that is essentially the strategy here, we enter the lost sector, shoot the 6 supplies

to get 6 tokens , rinse and repeat.

To make it easier for you I have located all 8 possible locations of the supplies.

When you enter the room there might be one on the far left side wall, the second one

is at the far back left corner, number 3 is behind the container, the fourth one is all

the way in the middle at the back wall, Number 5 is in front of you and number 6 a bit further

away before the ledge, Number 7 is sticked against the left wall of the right container

hidden behind a box, and the last one is in the far right hand corner.

To make the run as efficient as possible I recommend to run any gun with Explosive rounds,

this will be able to 2 shot the supplies making your run much more efficient.

You can use the better devils hand cannon or the exotic Sunshot hand cannon, or use

the Blue scout rifle the Madrugada SR2, this has lightweight frame to move faster and explosive


If you are using a hand cannon you should use this route where we shoot the supplies

in the following order, 5,7,6,3,1,2,4,8.

As you can see in the video first check the supply in front of you, then jump on the container

to check location 7 on the right 6 in front of you and 3 on your left, then make a left

and check spot number 1 , head to the back corner to check spot 2 make your way to the

middle back to check 4 and head over to the last spot number 8 to finish your run.

Afterwards head back to the middle and get yourself killed in order to respawn.

The most efficient run is to use the scout rifle, since it has lightweight which makes

you move faster and you can hit the supply from further away which means less time spent

on running.

The farming route is slightly different you start with 5 in front of you, head to the

right to check number 8 then head to the back and check 4, from this position you can check

number 3 and 1, then go to the back to check 2, and you will be ending with 7 and 6.

Rinse and repeat.

By doing so you can get enough tokens in an hour to get all the gear you want from your

faction, You can turn in a maximum of 600 tokens per character after that you will only

get shaders.

So that means you can get up to 30 legendary weapons or gear.

And this should be plenty enough to get all the faction gear.

Thanks you so much for watching this video.

I hope this helps you get the gear you want.

Subscribe if you want to see more content or watch my latest or recommended video in

the end screen.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Get ALL FACTION Gear in under an HOUR!!! - Duration: 3:56.


10 TRICKS on DE_NUKE You Probably Didn't Know - Duration: 8:41.

Hey guys, NadeKing here.

In today's video you will see 10 tricks on De_Nuke you probably didn't know yet.

This is the last video in this video series, so make sure to watch those tricks for all

official maps and please hit the like button for those videos,

you will find them faster if you need them again and those likes will help me to produce

more quality content for you guys.

Btw if we collect 2000 likes for this video I will crouch on the hut.

Yep, just like this.

Now lets start and hopefully you will see something new for De_Nuke.

To begin with, I show you one sick pixeledge spot in secret.

This is rather a theorycraft position, but if you could get good spawns, force Ts

back with your nades, have yourself covered with some smokes you could try this spot out.

So let your teammate boost you and let him stand up under you.

Now jump and crouch plus hold your backwards key, which in my case is


It is hard, but possible to get stuck in this position and this angle rarely gets checked

tho, so if they do late secret push you could wait and backfire them to get some really

easy kills.

As you can see, from the enemy perspective it looks like this.

If you are not focused on this place.. you will probably not see that there is somebody

up there.

So supergeneral spot, altough it takes a bit practise to get there and they must play slow

outside round or you have to throw many good nades to force

them back and get to this awesome position.

Alright, now ramp.

You should know that with a casual boost, you could get up here.

But if you stay crouched in this corner there is higher chance that someone will spot you,

so when someone is pushing ramp you need to start taking battles right away.

On this same position, there is actually lower box, so if you crouch here and face downwards

you can do sneaky play and let some enemies past you and stand up and then get

some eazy peazy kills.

This is what it looks like from the enemy perspective again, if you are not focused

on this certain spot, it could easily work for you.

So, this is definitely something to try out and experiment with.

Let me now down below, did it worked for you or not?

T roof.

If you have time and you feel you could make a crazy play or just want some extra info

you could make a cool two man tower.

Ask for a boost right here.

Let your teammate under you stand up.

Break the glass and start jumping.

You can actually spot heaven from here.

So, if you see somebody you can tell it to your teammates, it may be valuable.

Also, if you feel crazy enough you could hit a jumping scout shot and even get a kill from


It would be perfect way to start the round.

This is a great way to spend your time if you are playing a slow round.

Big garage roof.

If Ts are playing slow at outside you can do those jumps and get on this roof.

Now crouch and hug this wall.

Line yourself up with this thingy, so you cant really see it like this.

Now you are in a position, that you have a offangle to Silo, but enemies coming

from outside area can't really see you.

You can use this to your advantage, let them come closer and then jump out from here or

just wait here and tell the info to your teammates.

Choice is yours.

Again a really creative idea to play around, so just have fun with it.

Alright, B bombsite.

You can actually create yourself a really powerful offangle to defend vent and B site


So go to this awesome room, whatever you like to call it and now shoot this door and stop

when you achieve the smallest hole possible.

Now you can actually see vent and the bombsite and if anybody comes here you got a nice little

advantage against him, especially if he comes from vent.

So, this is what it looks like from the enemy perspective.

If you use this spot once or twice in a match.. trust me, it will work really fine.

Just try it out.


If there is good awp in ramp and he is holding this long annoying angle it is really hard

against him, but we could try to wallbang him.

So, take a position like this.

Now aim like shown, in the center of this door window and try to shoot.

Ofcourse you can play around with it and shoot a bit right and a bit left, whatever works

for you.

If you are lucky.. you may get this AWP down and go for the ramp rush.


Next up trick, which takes place in the positions where we have glass.

If you are already next to glass - take out your graffiti and spray it on the glass.

The best ones are the ones, which cover the most area and have a blue color,

because this is the CT color right.

My best one with those requirements is this blue hand imitation.

As you can see from this side of the window the graffiti is not bothering

you, you could easily see through the glass.

On the other side, enemy will see it like this and you got a huge vision advantage against


So, you could use this trick from here like this.

Or next to B bombsite, like this.

Keep in mind that once someone breaks the glass you need to spray your graffiti again.


Here we got a cool one way smoke.

So, you can see them and they can't really see you through the smoke.

Go to this position.

Aim on this little yellow line and use right click throw.

Smoke lands on this edge and this leaves you tiny gap to look through.

You will see people coming towards ramp, altough they can't really see anything.

This is the enemy's point of view.

Keep in mind that he could try to shoot through the smoke, but if he does, he will anywayz

most likely miss it.


T outside.

If there is good CT AWP in big garage and you want to suprise him.

You can suprise him with an awesome offangle with this two man tower.

Make a boost right here on this box.

Now you can see over this roof and if there is anybody in big garage holding

wide AWP angle you should get him with ease.

You can do this boost with two players, but if you don't want to be visible before you

need third guy, who could boost you up on this box.

So, use smoke or third guy, make this boost and clear outsite/big garage area.

Easy as that.

And the last tip for this video.

This is kind of teamplay tip.

I think you know that this molotov from squeaky to CT vent is really common if it is going

to be A hit or even if they go from vent to B, still they may try to molotov

this place.

What you can do?

If you got a friendly teammate in B bombsite and you feel it coming ask for a smoke like


This smoke actually will help you to stay on your position, they can't molly you out

from here.

Also, you got a little vision advantage, as this smoke

provides you some cover.

They can see you, but it is not that easy.

So if they do their casual execute and you have this smoke down.. it is a lot easier

for you to defend the bombsite.

By the way, join with the supergeneral Steam group and as always, hope you improved your

supergeneral CS:GO knowledge and thanks for watching!

Now its really right time to eiter subscribe or click on the next video.

For more infomation >> 10 TRICKS on DE_NUKE You Probably Didn't Know - Duration: 8:41.


Farming Simulator 17 FISHING RIVER BOAT - Duration: 5:37.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I make this video for fun this a flying River boat You can transport with it grain or seed and fertilizer 15.000l Capacity.

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 FISHING RIVER BOAT - Duration: 5:37.


中居正広の"帽子"にSMAPファンが注目「エールなのかな」「偶然とは思えない」 - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> 中居正広の"帽子"にSMAPファンが注目「エールなのかな」「偶然とは思えない」 - Duration: 2:07.


La asesora nacionalista catalana Pilar Rahola falseó su currículum con dos doctorados - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> La asesora nacionalista catalana Pilar Rahola falseó su currículum con dos doctorados - Duration: 3:29.


7 TRUCOS De Supervivencia Que Podrían Costarte La VIDA - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> 7 TRUCOS De Supervivencia Que Podrían Costarte La VIDA - Duration: 6:54.


Shah Rukh Khan Fall In Love Again With Gauri Khan | Best Moments Of Shah Rukh Khan And Gauri Khan - Duration: 3:26.

Shah Rukh Khan Fall In Love Again With Gauri Khan | Best Moments Of Shah Rukh Khan And Gauri Khan

For more infomation >> Shah Rukh Khan Fall In Love Again With Gauri Khan | Best Moments Of Shah Rukh Khan And Gauri Khan - Duration: 3:26.


ਇਸ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਣੋ - ਆਸਾ - Bibi Ravneet Kaur - Duration: 24:40.

ਬਿਲਾਵਲੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: ਤਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਧਨੁ ਅਰਪਉ ਸਭੁ ਅਪਨਾ ॥ Body, mind, wealth and everything, I surrender to my Lord. ਕਵਨ ਸੁ ਮਤਿ ਜਿਤੁ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਜਪਨਾ ॥੧॥ What is that wisdom, by which I may come to chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har? ||1|| ਕਰਿ ਆਸਾ ਆਇਓ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਮਾਗਨਿ ॥ Nurturing hope, I have come to beg from God. ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਪੇਖਤ ਸੋਭਾ ਮੇਰੈ ਆਗਨਿ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Gazing upon You, the courtyard of my heart is embellished. ||1||Pause|| ਅਨਿਕ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਕਰਿ ਬਹੁਤੁ ਬੀਚਾਰਉ ॥ Trying several methods, I reflect deeply upon the Lord. ਸਾਧਸੰਗਿ ਇਸੁ ਮਨਹਿ ਉਧਾਰਉ ॥੨॥ In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, this mind is saved. ||2|| ਮਤਿ ਬੁਧਿ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਨਾਹੀ ਚਤੁਰਾਈ ॥ I have neither intelligence, wisdom, common sense nor cleverness. ਤਾ ਮਿਲੀਐ ਜਾ ਲਏ ਮਿਲਾਈ ॥੩॥ I meet You, only if You lead me to meet You. ||3|| ਨੈਨ ਸੰਤੋਖੇ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਦਰਸਨੁ ਪਾਇਆ ॥ My eyes are content, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਫਲੁ ਸੋ ਆਇਆ ॥੪॥੪॥੯॥ Says Nanak, such a life is fruitful and rewarding. ||4||4||9||

For more infomation >> ਇਸ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਣੋ - ਆਸਾ - Bibi Ravneet Kaur - Duration: 24:40.


New Top 10 Simulation Games for Android iOS 2017 , New Best Simulation Games for Android iOS 2017 - Duration: 6:28.

Hello Guys, welcome to the gamers point, Today we are gonna show you 10 latest simulation

games for your android and ios devices.

but before we dig in, make sure to hit that subscribe button and also click on the bell

icon so you never miss any future updates.

FIrst on our list is Virtual dad: Ultimate family man.

In this game you will help a dad in daily routines, and complete various missions while

helping other family members.

The main charater of this game, is an exemplary father and husband, who wants to help his

wife, kids and even pets.

Your job is to help him in cuting lawns, make barbeque, put out fire, help his wife in the

kitchen, look for the lost things, play with a dog, spend time with children, and enjoy

a happy family life.

This game has rating of 4.2 stars and is available for free.

The Tiger.

In this game you will take a tiger across beautiful, and dangerous jungles to hunt & fight

against wild animals and other tigers.

You will experience the life of a Tiger in this game.

There are different types of tigers available to play.

Game also has RPG elements, as you will be improving your Tiger stats with the progress.

Theres is also online multiplayer option where you will team up with other players to defeat

strong bosses, or Fight against teams from around the world.

The Tiger is a free game and has rating of 4.7 stars.

Fishing boat driving simulator 2017.

Control a fishing boat, a fast motor boat or a big ship and conquer waste of water.

In this game you will Feel what it's like to be a professional seaman and fisherman.

Take your fishing boat from the harbor and be ready to meet huge sharks and other inhabitants

of the deep sea.

Find the right path, and use your skills and try not to damage your boat or crash against

the other ships.

Complete hard missions, improve your skills, buy new motor boats, jetski and so on.

This game has received rating of 4.5 stars and is available for free.

Emergency driver Sim.

Drive various cars in the streets of a huge metropolis.

Perform tasks that are important for the life of the city.

In this game you have to keep order and ensure security in a big city.

Swipe the streets, put down fires, engage in high-octane chases, races and crashes!

Complete each of the tasks as dilligently as you can, showing your skills and earning

stars for your progress.

Handle your car with precision and care but don't forget about the ticking clock.

This game has the rating of 4.5 and is totally free.

The Pirate : Plague of the dead.

This is a sandbox game, where you will see what it's like to be the fiercest pirate


Assume the role of legendary pirate captain John Rackham, and use voodoo magic to raise

the Flying Gang from the dead.

Take a pirate ship across deadly dangerous waters of the Caribbean sea and participate

in the sea battles and find treasures.

Step on the command bridge, hold the steer wheel, and determine the right route and go

to find adventures waiting for you in this game.

The Pirate is a free game with rating of 4.4 stars.

Home Street.

Home Street is a new, Home Decoration and Life Simulator Game where you can build your

dream home, be who you want to be, and bring it all to life in a town built on friendship.

Create your dream home and design your own character.

Join the community and meet your new neighbors from all around the world.

Meet interesting characters and follow their fun stories and adventures.

Learn new skills, unleash your creativity, and live your dreams.

Home street has rating of 4.3 stars and can be downloaded for free.

Flight simulator 2017 Flywings.

In this game you will take a modern aircraft and take off and land in various airports

of the world.

Sit in a pilot's chair of a different aircrafts, such as passenger airliner, transportation

plane or even jet fighter.

Fly up and take the right course by following the instructions of an airline operator and

be ready for emergency situations on board.

There are more than 1000 missions, over 600 airports, and 9 different cities around the


This game has received rating of 4.1 stars and is available for free.


My Virtual Pet Dog.

This is a new virtual pet game on the market, and is full of different contents.

In this game you will take care of a cute pug puppy.

You will feed him, wash him, and take him to the bed.

There are many things to do in the game, like building house, growing plants in garden,

or creating music.

There are also 50 different mini games, such as cycling, basketball, fruit ninja, and many


You can also play with up to 4 friends in real-time multiplayer.

This is a free game and has a rating of 4.6 stars

Construct Rail Road Euro Train.

In this game you will run a railway construction by using the available construction machinery

to complete different tasks.

Build a railway from the ground, and clear the construction ground with the help of a

powerful bulldozer.

Carry big stones in the dump truck body, control an excavator and dig a pit, operate heavy

machinery and build your own railway road.

There are many different task to complete and various unique vehicles to master.

This game has received ratings of 4.3 stars and can be downloaded for free.

Real car parking 2017.

Get into a modern car equipped with a parking sensor, and carefully park your car in the

given place.

Improve your driving skills and master the parking art, under hard conditions, and complete

different missions.

Drive carefully across parked cars to avoid crashes against numerous obstacles.

Game has beautiful graphics, decent controls and has features like, parking sensor system,

detailed interior, real car engine sounds, and many sports cars.

Real Car Parking 2017 is a free game and has ratings of 4.5 stars.

So guys these were 10 latest simulation games that you must try on your android and ios

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Untill then, keep Gaming and have a great day.

For more infomation >> New Top 10 Simulation Games for Android iOS 2017 , New Best Simulation Games for Android iOS 2017 - Duration: 6:28.


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For more infomation >> Pashto bayan pa azan pase aghastal پشتو بیان پہ آزان پیسے اغستل by shaikh ameenullah - Duration: 5:07.


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