Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Feb 1 2018

(They come out to thank the audience.)

This is a moment that I've never experienced.

If I get the chance to dance again,

I'll definitely take it.


Ballet healed me.

I had no idea that challenging myself would be fun.

You can do anything if you put your mind to it.

I performed on this very stage.

That alone was a meaningful moment for me.

It was like a dream.

It was like a sweet summer night's dream.

I'd probably never forget it.

Many thought that we were attempting the impossible.

However, we danced in the show in our own way.

We were all stars of this performance,

and The Swan Club was such a great show.

(Our challenge ends here.)

You all did great!

I think I'm going to cry.

It was better before it all ended.

Thank you so much. You were great.

(It's now time to wake up from this dream.)

(But they'll never keep dreaming in their hearts.)

(Thank you for watching.)

For more infomation >> After 'The Nutcracker' show is over.... [The Swan Club/2018.01.31] - Duration: 1:48.


Youtube plans for 2018 - Duration: 3:01.

Hello everyone and welcome back! happy new year by the way how's yours going so far? mines off to an okay start very busy and cold and it's making me feel super sluggish as usual but I'm here to talk to you today because we need some more positivity especially on youtube what with everything that's been going on with the second wave of the adpocalypse that's *sigh* that's a whole other video that I don't really think I'm qualified to talk on since since I just started since I just started my hope to be flourishing youtube career now I wanted to talk to you guys about what I have planned for 2018 I have all kinds of plans to make all kinds of content for you guys like I wanted to last year I'm just hoping I have more time this year I'll make time I don't want any kind of excuses hold me back anymore like they've been I want to be way more active this year with you guys I wanna leave a lot more comments I wanna make a lot more friends on here I wanna get all kinds of feedback on what I can do better with my videos weather that be better editing um different video ideas etcetera etcetera I plan on experimenting with vlogs and more laid back content and everything else in between like I said before Iwanna make a career out of this at some point if I can that would be amazing even with all the problems I plan to give 2018 on youtube my very best shot I wanna try and upload as much as I can I always second guess myself when I think of a video idea but no more I just want to make the kind of content I wanna see and just have fun with it I don't wanna worry about if other people will like this or if it'll make me famous or not I just want this to be fun and if if I end up making a career out of it like I want to that's fantastic if not I'll just enjoy it for the fun that it brings me it's also one of my new years resolutions to you know make more content for you guys side note I just wanna touch on this real quick I know for us smaller channels it's gonna be really hard to get our foot through the door like myself and my friend Dar which you should check her out I'll leave her channel link in the description below she's an amazing lady and a very sweet friend to all you newer channels out there just stay strong be yourselves and make the kind of content you wanna make don't let anything or anyone stop you from doing what you wanna do just have fun with it and the money will come if that's what you're looking for let's all just stick together and ride this crazy youtube wave and come out stronger for it I promise there will be new content coming soon thank you all so much for sticking around with me this long and I hope you're here to stay for a good long while please feel free to check out the links in the description below if you're so inclined that's all I really have to say keep an eye out for me guys that's all I really have to say for now and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> Youtube plans for 2018 - Duration: 3:01.


MÁY QUÉT MÃ VẠCH CHƠI TÀI XỈU BỊP MỚI NHẤT - 0944052468 - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> MÁY QUÉT MÃ VẠCH CHƠI TÀI XỈU BỊP MỚI NHẤT - 0944052468 - Duration: 7:41.


All About Memories - Tech-Walk - Duration: 3:55.

With time, the meaning of memory has changed.

From your memory which helps you to remember things, to the cache memory in electronic


In today's video, we are going to take a deep look at memory and we will learn about different

kinds of memory.

I'm Priyank Gada and you are watching another exciting episode of 'TechWalk'

Music - Not For Nothing !

If we ask people about memory, some people will talk about SSDs and RAMs

But in reality the meaning of memory is completely different

Even a normal engineer wont know the

The real meaning of memory.

Special thanks to our Indian education system which is focused on hunting grades rather

than pure knowledge.

Let's keep everything aside and learn about.

A memory is just like a human brain.

which stores data and instructions

Which allows the processor to process.

The data.

Memory is divided into a large number of small parts called cells and each cell has a unique

address, which varies from zero to memory size minus one.

For example if a computer has 64 memory units i.e. 64 x 1024 = 65536 memory locations.

The address of these locations varies from 0 to 65535 i.e 65536 -1

Let's keep mathematics aside.

I personally hate maths.

let's talk about types of memory.

Primarily there are three main types of memories.

we have the cache memory, primary or the MAIN memory and secondary memory.

If we talk about cache memory, it is very high-speed semiconductor memory which can

speed up the CPU.

It acts as a buffer between the CPU and the main memory.

It is used to hold data which is frequently used by the CPU.

The parts of data and programs are transferred from the disk to cache memory by the operating


Cache memory is faster than main memory but stores the information for short period of

time and the data is for temporary use.

and the operating system can use the data later

Cache memory is limited and can be quite expensive as compared to the main memory or the primary memory.

The main memory is used by the computer to store data which is currently used by the computer.

It has a limited capacity and data is lost when power is switched off.

It is generally made up of the semiconductor device.

This memory is not as fast as cache memory but comparatively faster than secondary memory.

main memory is usually volatile memory.

It is further divided into two subcategories.

RAM and ROM. which we will learn about in the next video.

This type of memory is also known as external memory or non-volatile memory.

It is slower than the main memory but is used to store data permanently.

CPU directly does not access these memories.

The contents of secondary memories are first transferred to the main memory and then the

CPU can access it.

These are usually magnetic and optical memories, for example, CD / DVD ROMs, etc.

So that's it for this video, in next video we are going to learn more about RAM and ROMs.

Dont forget to hit the subscribe button and also press the bell icon so you get notifications as soon as i upload new videos.

Its me Priyank Gada !signing off.

For more infomation >> All About Memories - Tech-Walk - Duration: 3:55.


#CodyMars™: Trailer - Duration: 1:11.

Presented By:

An E.D.J. Stories Production



What will happen next?

You Decide!

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For more infomation >> #CodyMars™: Trailer - Duration: 1:11.


Frea King Show: АНТОХА МС, ИВАН ДОРН, 25/17, КИРПИЧИ, ХАСКИ + Pier 2 (Brooklyn) - Duration: 24:02.

For more infomation >> Frea King Show: АНТОХА МС, ИВАН ДОРН, 25/17, КИРПИЧИ, ХАСКИ + Pier 2 (Brooklyn) - Duration: 24:02.


British PM vows to work with China to stop 'reckless' North Korea - Duration: 0:52.

British Prime Minister Theresa May says the UK will work with China to stop what she called

a "reckless" North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un from launching a nuclear war.

Speaking alongside the Chinese premier Li Keqiang in Beijing on Wednesday, May added

that they agreed to implement stronger sanctions on Pyongyang in a bid to curb its nuclear


We agree that its pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programs is illegal, reckless, and

poses an unacceptable threat to international peace and security.

And we have agreed the full and effective implementation of UN Security Council sanctions

is vital to persuade the North Korean regime to change course and abandon its illegal activity."

The sentiment was echoed by Li, who reaffirmed that China, a key North Korean ally, is committed

to upholding global peace.

For more infomation >> British PM vows to work with China to stop 'reckless' North Korea - Duration: 0:52.


All About Computers - Tech-Walk - Duration: 2:45.

Hello, Bonjour, Namaste, Welcome to the first episode of Tech-walk

Tech-walk - A channel basically created

to take you guys on a walk with me

In the technology world. I am priyank Gada

and you are watching Tech-Walk

As this is the

First episode of tech-walk, we are going to talk

about some basic stuff, we are going to talk about

about computers, and if we ask

a simple question to the audience,

'What are the various types of computers available ?'

They might categorize into two types

i.e. Laptops and PC's

The reality is completely different.

Computers are mainly divided into five types

Depending on their speed and performance

Now if we talk about the PC's

It is the first type in computers

PC basically stand for personal computers

a personal computer is an inexpensive


which we use in our day to day life

Now this computers, are manufactured in such a way,

that their computer power is processed

by a single chip, so this are

the laptops and the PC's that we use.

The second type is the workstations

These are the computers that are used for

engineering purposes, used for

photo-shop and desktop publishing.

Now this can be categorized

somewhat like the personal computers

Yes ! a gaming PC like the one which

I have with GTX 1080, can be categorize as

a workstation

Now the third type is the mini computer

Girls ! this is for you. Mini computers

are micro or small computers.

Which look cute

This type of computers support almost like 250 users at a time

So you can basically create

a network of computers using mini computers

and individual users can create their account on it.

Next type is main frame computers.

Main frame computers basically support

100s and 1000s of users at a time.

These computers are kind of expensive so they are not used

in day to day life. Main frame computers

can execute many programs simultaneously and

support multi-tasking.

Next type is supercomputers. Now supercomputers are kind

of really expensive computers which are

mostly used for scientific purpose.

and for insane calculation and mathematics.

Now this is something that our education

system will teach you and

I know this is kind of out-dated.

We have something like IOT and stuff

going on right now.

But, for the first episode, this is the best i can give.

That's it for this video, I hope you enjoyed the video.

and learn't something new. Please hit the subscribe button

and share this video with your friends. BTW I am priyank gada, signing off!

For more infomation >> All About Computers - Tech-Walk - Duration: 2:45.


The Anti-Federalist Papers | Brutus 7 - Duration: 14:52.

The result of our reasoning in the two preceeding numbers is this, that in a confederated government,

where the powers are divided between the general and the state government, it is essential

to its existence, that the revenues of the country, without which no government can exist,

should be divided between them, and so apportioned to each, as to answer their respective exigencies,

as far as human wisdom can effect such a division and apportionment.

It has been shewn, that no such allotment is made in this constitution, but that every

source of revenue is under the controul of the Congress; it therefore follows, that if

this system is intended to be a complex and not a simple, a confederate and not an entire

consolidated government, it contains in it the sure seeds of its own dissolution.

— One of two things must happen — Either the new constitution will become a mere nudum

pactum, and all the authority of the rulers under it be cried down, as has happened to

the present confederation — Or the authority of the individual states will be totally supplanted,

and they will retain the mere form without any of the powers of government.

— To one or the other of these issues, I think, this new government, if it is adopted,

will advance with great celerity.

It is said, I know, that such a separation of the sources of revenue, cannot be made

without endangering the public safety — "unless (says a writer) it can be shewn that the circumstances

which may affect the public safety are reducible within certain determinate limits; unless

the contrary of this position can be fairly and rationally disputed; it must be admitted

as a necessary consequence, that there can be no limitation of that authority which is

to provide for the defence and protection of the community, &c."1

The pretended demonstration of this writer will instantly vanish, when it is considered,

that the protection and defence of the community is not intended to be entrusted solely into

the hands of the general government, and by his own confession it ought not to be.

It is true this system commits to the general government the protection and defence of the

community against foreign force and invasion, against piracies and felonies on the high

seas, and against insurrections among ourselves.

They are also authorised to provide for the administration of justice in certain matters

of a general concern, and in some that I think are not so.

But it ought to be left to the state governments to provide for the protection and defence

of the citizen against the hand of private violence, and the wrongs done or attempted

by individuals to each other — Protection and defence against the murderer, the robber,

the thief, the cheat, and the unjust person, is to be derived from the respective state


— The just way of reasoning therefore on this subject is this, the general government

is to provide for the protection and defence of the community against foreign attacks,

&c., they therefore ought to have authority sufficient to effect this, so far as is consistent

with the providing for our internal protection and defence.

The state governments are entrusted with the care of administring justice among its citizens,

and the management of other internal concerns, they ought therefore to retain power adequate

to the end.

The preservation of internal peace and good order, and the due administration of law and

justice, ought to be the first care of every government.

— The happiness of a people depends infinitely more on this than it does upon all that glory

and respect which nations acquire by the most brilliant martial achievements — and I believe

history will furnish but few examples of nations who have duly attended to these, who have

been subdued by foreign invaders.

If a proper respect and submission to the laws prevailed over all orders of men in our

country; and if a spirit of public and private justice, oeconomy and industry influenced

the people, we need not be under any apprehensions but what they would be ready to repel any

invasion that might be made on the country.

And more than this, I would not wish from them — A defensive war is the only one I

think justifiable — I do not make these observations to prove, that a government ought

not to be authorised to provide for the protection and defence of a country against external

enemies, but to shew that this is not the most important, much less the only object

of their care.

The European governments are almost all of them framed, and administered with a view

to arms, and war, as that in which their chief glory consists; they mistake the end of government

— it was designed to save men[']s lives, not to destroy them.

We ought to furnish the world with an example of a great people, who in their civil institutions

hold chiefly in view, the attainment of virtue, and happiness among ourselves.

Let the monarchs, in Europe, share among them the glory of depopulating countries, and butchering

thousands of their innocent citizens, to revenge private quarrels, or to punish an insult offered

to a wife, a mistress, or a favorite: I envy them not the honor, and I pray heaven this

country may never be ambitious of it.

The czar Peter the great, acquired great glory by his arms; but all this was nothing, compared

with the true glory which he obtained, by civilizing his rude and barbarous subjects,

diffusing among them knowledge, and establishing, and cultivating the arts of life: by the former

he desolated countries, and drenched the earth with human blood: by the latter he softened

the ferocious nature of his people, and pointed them to the means of human happiness.

The most important end of government then, is the proper direction of its internal policy,

and oeconomy; this is the province of the state governments, and it is evident, and

is indeed admitted, that these ought to be under their controul.

Is it not then preposterous, and in the highest degree absurd, when the state governments

are vested with powers so essential to the peace and good order of society, to take from

them the means of their own preservation?

The idea, that the powers of congress in respect to revenue ought to be unlimited, "because

the circumstances which may affect the public safety are not reducible to certain determinate

limits," is novel, as it relates to the government of the united states.

The inconveniencies which resulted from the feebleness of the present confederation was

discerned, and felt soon after its adoption.

It was soon discovered, that a power to require money, without either the authority or means

to enforce a collection of it, could not be relied upon either to provide for the common

defence, the discharge of the national debt, or for support of government.

Congress therefore, so early as February 1781, recommended to the states to invest them with

a power to levy an impost of five per cent ad valorem, on all imported goods, as a fund

to be appropriated to discharge the debts already contracted, or which should hereafter

be contracted for the support of the war, to be continued until the debts should be

fully and finally discharged.

There is not the most distant idea held out in this act, that an unlimited power to collect

taxes, duties and excises was necessary to be vested in the united states, and yet this

was a time of the most pressing danger and distress.

The idea then was, that if certain definite funds were assigned to the union, which were

certain in their natures, productive, and easy of collection, it would enable them to

answer their engagements, and provide for their defence, and the impost of five per

cent was fixed upon for the purpose.

This same subject was revived in the winter and spring of 1783, and after a long consideration

of the subject, and many schemes were proposed; the result was, a recommendation of the revenue

system of April 1783; this system does not suggest an idea that it was necessary to grant

the United States unlimited authority in matters of revenue.

A variety of amendments were proposed to this system, some of which are upon the journals

of Congress, but it does not appear that any of them proposed to invest the general government

with discretionary power to raise money.

On the contrary, all of them limit them to certain definite objects, and fix the bounds

over which they could not pass.

This recommendation was passed at the conclusion of the war, and was founded on an estimate

of the whole national debt.

It was computed, that one million and an half of dollars, in addition to the impost, was

a sufficient sum to pay the annual interest of the debt, and gradually to abolish the


— Events have proved that their estimate was sufficiently liberal, as the domestic

debt appears upon its being adjusted to be less than it was computed, and since this

period a considerable portion of the principal of the domestic debt has been discharged by

the sale of the western lands.

It has been constantly urged by Congress, and by individuals, ever since, until lately,

that had this revenue been appropriated by the states, as it was recommended, it would

have been adequate to every exigency of the union.

Now indeed it is insisted, that all the treasures of the country are to be under the controul

of that body, whom we are to appoint to provide for our protection and defence against foreign


The debts of the several states, and the support of the governments of them are to trust to

fortune and accident.

If the union should not have occasion for all the money they can raise, they will leave

a portion for the state, but this must be a matter of mere grace and favor.

Doctrines like these would not have been listened to by any state in the union, at a time when

we were pressed on every side by a powerful enemy, and were called upon to make greater

exertions than we have any reason to expect we shall ever be again.

The ability and character of the convention, who framed the preferred constitution, is

sounded forth and reiterated by every declaimer and writer in its favor, as a powerful argument

to induce its adoption.

But are not the patriots who guided our councils in the perilous times of the war, entitled

to equal respect.

How has it happened, that none of these perceived a truth, which it is pretended is capable

of such clear demonstration, that the power to raise a revenue should be deposited in

the general government without limitation?

Were the men so dull of apprehension, so incapable of reasoning as not to be able to draw the


The truth is, no such necessity exists.

It is a thing practicable, and by no means so difficult as is pretended, to limit the

powers of the general government in respect to revenue, while yet they may retain reasonable

means to provide for the common defence.

It is admitted, that human wisdom cannot foresee all the variety of circumstances that may

arise to endanger the safety of nations — and it may with equal truth be added, that the

power of a nation, exerted with its utmost vigour, may not be equal to repel a force

with which it may be assailed, much less may it be able, with its ordinary resources and

power, to oppose an extraordinary and unexpected attack; — but yet every nation may form

a rational judgment, what force will be competent to protect and defend it, against any enemy

with which it is probable it may have to contend.

In extraordinary attacks, every country must rely upon the spirit and special exertions

of its inhabitants — and these extraordinary efforts will always very much depend upon

the happiness and good order the people experience from a wise and prudent administration of

their internal government.

The states are as capable of making a just estimate on this head, as perhaps any nation

in the world.

— We have no powerful nation in our neighbourhood; if we are to go to war, it must either be

with the Aboriginal natives, or with European nations.

The first are so unequal to a contest with this whole continent, that they are rather

to be dreaded for the depredations they may make on our frontiers, than for any impression

they will ever be able to make on the body of the country.

Some of the European nations, it is true, have provinces bordering upon us, but from

these, unsupported by their European forces, we have nothing to apprehend; if any of them

should attack us, they will have to transport their armies across the atlantic, at immense

expence, while we should defend ourselves in our own country, which abounds with every

necessary of life.

For defence against any assault, which there is any probability will be made upon us, we

may easily form an estimate.

I may be asked to point out the sources, from which the general government could derive

a sufficient revenue, to answer the demands of the union.

Many might be suggested, and for my part, I am not disposed to be tenacious of my own

opinion on the subject.

If the object be defined with precision, and will operate to make the burden fall any thing

nearly equal on the different parts of the union, I shall be satisfied.

There is one source of revenue, which it is agreed, the general government ought to have

the sole controul of.

This is an impost upon all goods imported from foreign countries.

This would, of itself, be very productive, and would be collected with ease and certainty.

— It will be a fund too, constantly encreasing — for our commerce will grow, with the productions

of the country; and these, together with our consumption of foreign goods, will encrease

with our population.

It is said, that the impost will not produce a sufficient sum to satisfy the demands of

the general government; perhaps it would not.

Let some other then, equally well defined, be assigned them: — that this is practicable

is certain, because such particular objects were proposed by some members of Congress

when the revenue system of April 1783, was agitated in that body.

It was then moved, that a tax at the rate of _____ ninetieths of a dollar on surveyed

land, and a house tax of half a dollar on a house, should be granted to the United States.

I do not mention this, because I approve of raising a revenue in this mode.

I believe such a tax would be difficult in its collection, and inconvenient in its operation.

But it shews, that it has heretofore been the sense of some of those, who now contend,

that the general government should have unlimited authority in matters of revenue, that their

authority should be definite and limitted on that head.

— My own opinion is, that the objects from which the general government should have authority

to raise a revenue, should be of such a nature, that the tax should be raised by simple laws,

with few officers, with certainty and expedition, and with the least interference with the internal

police of the states.

— Of this nature is the impost on imported goods — and it appears to me that a duty

on exports, would also be of this nature — and therefore, for ought I can discover, this

would be the best source of revenue to grant the general government.

I know neither the Congress nor the state legislatures will have authority under the

new constitution to raise a revenue in this way.

But I cannot perceive the reason of the restriction.

It appears to me evident, that a tax on articles exported, would be as nearly equal as any

that we can expect to lay, and it certainly would be collected with more ease and less

expence than any direct tax.

I do not however, contend for this mode, it may be liable to well founded objections that

have not occurred to me.

But this I do contend for, that some mode is practicable, and that limits must be marked

between the general government, and the states on this head, or if they be not, either the

Congress in the exercise of this power, will deprive the state legislatures of the means

of their existence, or the states by resisting the constitutional authority of the general

government, will render it nugatory.

For more infomation >> The Anti-Federalist Papers | Brutus 7 - Duration: 14:52.


KUPERCAYA JANJI-MU - AGATHA CHELSEA (karaoke | lirik) - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> KUPERCAYA JANJI-MU - AGATHA CHELSEA (karaoke | lirik) - Duration: 4:40.


Aron Choi HTC Testimonial - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Aron Choi HTC Testimonial - Duration: 4:04.


Zombie Catchers HUNTING for FUN ZOMBIE #4 cartoon game for kids ZOMBIE videos for kids - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> Zombie Catchers HUNTING for FUN ZOMBIE #4 cartoon game for kids ZOMBIE videos for kids - Duration: 10:36.


Russian envoy to North Korea says limitations on oil trade are too harsh - Duration: 1:49.

Russia's envoy to North Korea has warned that international limitations on oil trade with

Pyongyang are far too harsh... and could leave the regime with no choice but to lash out.

He says the crushing UN sanctions on North Korea will inevitably lead to a humanitarian


Lee Seung-jae reports.

With the ongoing sanctions on North Korea aimed at curbing the regime's development

of nuclear weapons,... the UN and the United States have sought to reduce the North's access

to crude oil and refined petroleum products.

However, according to Russia's ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Matzergora,... lowering

deliveries any further would be interpreted by the North as an 'act of war'.

With UN quotas set at around 540-thousand tons of crude oil a year to be delivered to

North Korea from China, and some 60-thousand tons of oil products from Russia, China and

other countries,... Matzergora said it was a "drop in the ocean" for a country of 25

million people, adding that shortages would lead to serious humanitarian problems.

Russia's deputy foreign minister Igor Morgulov also stated that Russia has no obligation

to carry out sanctions produced by the U.S. Russian officials deny charges by Washington

that Moscow, in contravention of UN sanctions, was allowing the North to use Russian ports

for transporting coal.

With no clues on whether or not the latest UN sanctions will slow down North Korea's

nuclear and missile programs,... questions remain over how Russia's relations with the

isolated state will affect the ongoing tensions on the Korean peninsula.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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