Hello everyone has come to the XEncryption channel
Reverse a string in C/C++ | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
How to Get Rid Of Excess Earwax Buildup: Best Way to Remove Ear Wax - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
Fuji Guys - FUJIFILM X-A5 - Top Features - Duration: 8:22.Hi everyone. Welcome back to the Fuji Guys channel. I'm Gord of the Fuji Guys.
The X-A5 is Fujifilm's latest system camera. With interchangeable lenses a flip up
screen that's touch so just like your cell phone. If you'd like to find out
more about the X-A5, keep on watching.
The X-A5 features an APS-C size sensor
that has 24 megapixels. Inside there, there are also a number of those photo
sites that have "Phase detect" autofocus. What does this mean? It allows for even
faster autofocus. Depending on the lighting conditions the camera will
either be in phase detect autofocus or contrast detect autofocus. It does this
automatically, so you don't have to worry about that. What it allows you to do is
to have even faster autofocus so you can very quickly and easily move from shot to shot.
The X-A5 features a 3-inch LCD screen that's touch enabled which allows
you to be able to touch the area and capture the shot as soon as it captures
focus. You can also have it where it will actually just change the autofocus and
wait until you actually press the shutter button before it takes a picture.
You can also turn that off if you want to. Also on this screen you can see that
there's a film simulation mode. You tap on that area and you can decide and
scroll through the different film simulations and preview what the effect
will be from within there. Let's go back to normal here. It also allows you to
capture selfies by rotating over 180 degrees. You can also then use the
special rear command dial to be able to use the power zoom. To do that you first
need to enable it and it's actually on page 5 of the menu and down the bottom
of it you'll see a setting on there for electronic zoom setting. Simply turning
that to the on position allows you to use the rear command dial to be able to
change the focal length of the zoom lens. So, we rotate it up to 180 degrees, lift
it up a little bit then we can actually use it to capture it. Now, I can rotate
the command wheel and actually change the different zoom ratios within there.
If I press in on that, it'll actually take the shot
The X-A5 with the power zoom kit; let's talk a little bit about that lens.
There's actually two different ways that you can zoom using that lens.
First of which is closer to the camera at which point there's a toggle so you
just move it from side to side and will actually automatically zoom depending on
how much you've pulled it. Secondly, you have the ability to fine-tune your zoom
by rotating the front of the collar. At that point you can get precisely to the
zoom you're looking for and take that shot. The X-A5 offers a feature called
focus burst mode in 4k and what that does is allows you to capture subjects
that you would not normally be able to capture in focus. Normally when you're
taking a shot when you take a shot of two subjects that are at different
distances are either one or the other will be in focus and not both. So, you can
see I've got are they've got one of the cameras in focus or the other if I go in
actually into 4k multi focus mode what it does it actually takes a series of
photos at various focuses does it fairly quickly and then through interpretation
of the camera afterward you can actually compile those series of still images set
at different focus distances and put them together into one image. If I want
to I then just push the multi focus mode I can actually select which focus areas
I want to have in focus, let the camera take care of things automatically or
select the range. In this particular case I'll select automatic and let the camera
take care of assembling all those slices of the images of the different
focus distances and be able to put those together into one image
where the entire image is going to be in sharp focus from foreground to
background. Once the camera is finished processing it'll ask me to save the
image at which point I push the "Q" button and it'll save the image. Playing
the images back you can see that I've got the original image where I've got
are there it's in the back camera's in focus or the front camera's in focus but
with this special image I've actually got everything in focus from the
foreground all the way through to the background. The X-A5 also offers Bluetooth
and Wi-Fi to be able to quickly and easily transfer
your pictures from the camera to your smartphone. It's just a matter
if you haven't already set it up to be set up for the image pairing go into the
menu and on this third page - connection setting and then - Bluetooth settings.
Start the pairing registration. There is a QR code on the back of the camera that
that you can actually use your smart phone to scan that'll take you to the
webpage to be able to download the app. Once you've got the the app downloaded
all you need to go is pairing into pairing registration the camera will
connect up. Hit the camera that you're going to be connecting to and now it
actually has all the settings within there. It just wanted to confirm that
actually it's got the date and time from my smartphone over. Now I've got it
connected up. From within there there's a few different things that you can choose
in your settings including the fact that if you want to you can actually have it
where it will directly send all the photos, as a 3 megapixel file, after
you've taken the shots, directly over to your smartphone. There's no need
to start the pairing process it actually is quite easy to be able to do within
there. There's also the ability to track your GPS so you acquire GPS through
your smartphone and then using this very low-power connection it will constantly
every minute or so do an update to your geo-positioning so it will actually
automatically tag all the photos that you take with the X-A5 and have the correct location.
The X-A5 also offers the ability to turn a time-lapse into a
movie in-camera. First, all you need to do is set up what you want the resulting
movie to be what format the resulting movie to be in from 4k 30p. You also
have full HD at a few different frame rates available as well.
Then it's just a matter of going into the interval timer shooting and select
how many seconds or minutes between each of the photos that you want to do and
then how many times you want the shutter to fire. Turn all those numbers in
and hit OK then it you need to decide whether you wanted to have just still
images made it or you want you then also want to make a
time-lapse movie and then it's just a matter of hitting okay from there when
do you want the camera to start recording the shots and you
decide from within there at which point it'll start taking photos. And, depending
on the interval between the shots that will actually potentially shut down the
camera briefly in order to save power. Just before it's ready to take the next
shot it'll power back up again and then be take the next shot. After it's
finished recording all of the frames you then have the ability to set a recording
at which point you then to end up with all of those frames at still images and
then the resulting movie file. The X-A5 is a great choice for those of you that are
looking to do your owns vlogs. Reason being it does offer 4k (15p) recording
as well as full HD at 120p.There's an external microphone input to be able to
put a 2.5mm microphone jack in as well as an HDMI
out so you can actually record to an external video recorder. The other nice
thing is the fact that because you can actually turn it around and put it into
the selfie mode you can monitor yourself while you're doing the recordings to be
able to confirm that you're actually going to be in focus and that you're actually also in the frame.
And those are just some of the features that are
available on the new Fujifilm X-A5. Hope you enjoyed and found out a few things.
If you should have any questions or comments about this video feel free to
leave them in the comments section. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel to
find out more videos including our opening box as well as our first look
video on the X-A5. And more. Look for us on Twitter @fujiguys or on Facebook and
instagram as well. Until next time, I'm Gord of the Fuji Guys. Thanks for watching.
7 Creepy and Mysterious Events Caught On Tape - Duration: 12:17.Spirit and Ghost photography are pretty popular among many, that are interested in the paranormal.
Even scary and creepy videos are getting captured, that include these paranormal phenomena.
While some of theme have been debunked over time, not every clip is being thought of as
not real.
This should leave as at least in a state of suspense when we are watching the following
7 scary videos.
Are you ready for today's Frosty episode?
Let's dive in into 7 Creepy Videos of Mysterious Events that have been captured all around
the world.
Number 7 In Asia, there are limitless Urban Legends
and Tales about haunting and ghosts, that take place in the strangest places imaginable.
Tonight, we are following a group of three teenagers, who want to know, if the lies any
truth behind the claim, that this house is being haunted by a roaming lady ghost.
As they inspect the abandoned building, they notice a latter that leads up to the attic.
And of course.. why not take a look, right?
The attic reveals nothing but darkness.. but still, they climb the latter.
After hearing strange sounds from one corner.. they capture this.
Have they come across the lady ghost, that is said to haunt this building?
Who can say for sure?
Number 6 A CCTV camera could capture a strange spectral
image in the Bodmin Jail in Cornwall.
Many criminals found their end in these dreaded halls.
People are not sure if an inmate or even a guard was haunting this notorious location.
As we zoom in on the footage, we can clearly see a manly shape that is passing by our camera.
Is he wearing a dark uniform?
Maybe it was even one of the executioners that were working in this prison, so long
What do you think?
Number 5 When a cousin visited her grandmother, she
immediately felt uneasy in the apartment.
She never had these strange feelings before and it seemed a bit odd, that a strong magnetic
field could be felt by both of them.
He grandmother even told her about nightmares that she was having at the time.
One night it got so bad, that the young girl decided to capture the living room of her
grandma's apartment on video.
As we see several orbs flying by, a creepy and grim creature seems to stare right back
at the camera.
Could it be, that her grandmother was haunted by an unknown ghost?
Frightened to the core, grandma moved to another apartment shortly after.
Number 4 This woman was skyping with her new boyfriend.
She told him that she thinks her apartment is haunted and that the spirit of a child
is trapped on the second floor.
Unfortunately, her room was also situated on the second floor of her families house.
At first, her boyfriend did not really put too much thought into this claim.
Since he was not really a believer, he thought that his girlfriend simply had a very vivid
But then, all of a sudden, this happens.
Zooming in on the shape reveals what experts believe to indeed the spirit of a child.
Not much is known what happened after this incident.. but one thing is for sure.
Her boyfriend is a believer now as well...
And before we proceed any further, I would love to inform you that I started playing
creepy games now and I would love to share this experience with my Frosty Family!
So if you haven't, please subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon to never miss
any of my new uploads.
I also have a new shirt design with the Frostmare 2018 logo in my merchandise shop.
Please see the link in the description.
And now let's keep going.
Number 3
The man in the following clips stated that all of a sudden strange knocking in his apartment
caught his attention.
That caused him to look for the origin of this disturbance.
It didn't take him long, to also realize that a strange sweet smell was lying in the air
as well.
Was it the perfume of a woman?
The knocking kept going on.. and he was slightly freaking out at this point.
After checking his window a second time... this sinister face was waiting for him.
The man had no explanation of what had happened or who this mysterious face belonged to..
but he is certain, that a ghostly entity wanted his attention.
Number 2
A ghost hunter from South America documented his latest adventure.
He was hiking in the local woods, which apparently were said to be haunted by many spirits that
were trapped there after the civil war.
It is pitch black outside, and his camcorder doesn't reveal much besides Trees and plants
that he had to pass through in order to proceed on his journey.
After he felt the first blast of cold air, the man began to feel quite uneasy.
Seemingly nervous, he started to walk faster.
When he then can notice the creams of an unknown creature, he makes his way even deeper into
the woods.
And then.. something seems to have found him.
This unsettling image is believed to belong to a sinister demon.. of course we can't say
for sure.
But the man never forgot his nightly journey in these woods.
Number 1 Another ghost hunter was on a nightly investigation
in an old bathhouse.
He got the tip from a colleague, that swore, he had captured some unexplainable photos
in said location.
As he wanders through the rooms, he notices that some weird noises originated from the
shower area.
Alone and a little bit on the edge, he makes his way slowly towards the sounds.
He then recorded the shower room for several minutes, until he realized, that these strange
noises seemed to stem from the drain on the floor.
Foolishly, he decided to see if he could find the cause of these sounds.
Full of fear, his camcorder seems to record the face of a creepy figure... is it a ghost
that could not find peace and is bound to this old bath house?
What is your opinion?
Thank you guys for watching!
Please leave a like and consider becoming a Patron of Frostmare.
The link is in the bio.
I hope to see you all very soon!
Stay frosty
2018 | ignite - Duration: 4:30.HELLO. It is a new year.
I mean, we're already like a month into it, but a year has– has changed–
The year went from 2017 to 2018 in the last time since I last uploaded anything to this channel.
Two things to know about me is that I love New Year's stuff and I am basically always late to everything ever.
Also I'm literally not going to talk about it all in this video but I should cknowledge that also since the last time that I uploaded a video to this channel,
uuh, my hair is blue and I have a tattoo...hmm??
I mentioned last year that I sometimes do a big year end processing and goal setting thing and I did that again in December of 2017.
One part of that process is choosing a theme word for the year ahead and my word for last year was focus.
I had a lot of big ambitious plans for 2017 and none of it really panned out.
I fell short on all of my major goals, but I also put in a lot of work and I kept showing up in whatever ways my mental health allowed,
and so it's hard for me to really call that a failure.
I wrote about that earlier this month and I will link that blog post below, if you're interested.
Failure or not, it was rough.
And so I decided to set some looser umbrella goals for 2018.
To be clear: I think that anybody telling you that one or the other is inherently better or worse is wrong.
I think that it is a matter of understanding yourself and where you are at in your life.
But this is about me and where I'm at in my life right now.
So, my word for 2018 is IGNITE.
I even got this fun bracelet as a reminder.
This word, for me, is largely about beginnings. Starting things.
That's a space in which I generally come alive, which is also probably part of why I love New Year shit so much.
Last year was long and fucking difficult, but I got through it and now I am ready to get fired up about new wonderful things.
Including some old things that I am making new again.
One of the things that I hadn't really planned on focusing on that much,
but is already shaping up to be a big part of the year ahead is pouring a lot of my time and energy into Snark Squad again,
which isn't exactly a new thing, but it feels like a new beginning, I guess.
In part because we ARE doing a lot of new things this year.
The biggest being the podcast (Snark Squad Pod), which you should check out if you haven't already.
It is a media podcast where me and the always brilliant Marines talk about books and TV shows and just all sorts of pop culture, media-related things.
And it has just been a ton of fun.
The hours that I spend working on that are my favorite parts of the week.
I love it. I'm having a blast.
And I hope other people are enjoying it too.
We're also launching a newsletter and a Discord server and generally just...
trying new things with the site and the little community that we have there.
All of that relates to my two big umbrella goals for the year – the bigger of the two being trying to be better about spaces of community.
Building them, participating in them, nurturing them – just all of it.
I'm excited to be back in this place where I'm spending all of this time and energy on this thing that is bigger than myself that I care so much about.
There's always this weird dynamic that I have with personal content spaces like this one.
Creating conversation pieces out of my own thoughts and getting them out of my head is good,
but at the same time, it's also a space where I am an island.
Snark Squad, on the other hand, has always been a community, and one that (again) I care deeply about,
and I'm just really excited to be reinvesting myself in that community this year.
I think that starting my job at Complexly had me kind of going all in on Nerdfighteria and YouTube communities.
And I do love and care about those spaces, but Snark Squad is something that I helped build and so it means something to me in a very different way.
In all of my processing, I think that the feeling of being an island was part of what made 2017 so difficult for me,
and so that is why course correcting away from that is a big part of how I want to go forward into 2018.
My other major umbrella for the year is about learning new things, trying stuff. Making messes.
Which, again, is also related to all of the new kind of things that we're trying on Snark Squad,
but is something that I'm working on in other areas of my life, as well.
We will see how that works out for me.
But in the meantime: I would love to hear what kind of plans you are making right now – big or small, new year's related or not.
So please let me know in the comments below, so I can support you and cheer you on and all of that good stuff.
OK bye.
Conquering Vietnamese local restaurants without English menu [Battle Trip/2017.01.28] - Duration: 7:18.If we just go where everyone goes,
it'd be boring.
So there's a really famous
restaurant loved by the locals.
It doesn't even have an English menu. It's local.
I wanted to show Jungsoo
what the locals enjoy.
So I chose a special place for the first dinner.
(5 ways to enjoy Nha Trang, bo lac)
(A popular restaurant among locals)
This is a famous place?
They don't even have an English menu.
The tourists don't know about it.
It's a Vietnamese local eatery.
What's good here?
The best dish here
is this bo lac.
Bo means beef.
And lac means shake.
They shake the beef in a pot.
If you eat it with banh mi,
it's really delicious.
They call baguettes
banh mi over there.
That's because of their colonization influence.
- France. / - The French...
They needed their baguettes but they didn't have any
so they made it with local ingredients.
- Oh, really? / - Yes.
Vietnamese food
has less calories than you'd think.
- Really? / - Yes.
I ate so much.
- Over there. / - But you didn't gain much weight?
I really stuffed myself over there.
But then...
- I didn't gain that much weight. / - Right?
How about this corn?
- Okay. / - This corn looks good.
It's called bap xao tom.
Bap means corn and tom means shrimp.
- I think it'd be good. / - Really?
- Is this that shaken thing? / - Yes.
That looks so good.
The bread looks delicious.
Looks good!
For 20 cents,
you can keep ordering more bread.
The bread is 20 cents.
The food here...
It suits the Korean palate.
They use refreshing Vietnamese spices
but it tastes similar to our braised ribs.
It's a flavor that everyone can enjoy.
Yeah, it's good.
I normally like coriander.
- It's good with coriander. / - Because you sweat...
- Of course. / - In hot countries...
- The food is salty and stimulating. / - Right.
- The coriander tasted so good. / - That looks good.
This isn't eaten often
here in Vietnam.
They eat it at parties and on special days.
Let me try this
in a wrap.
(How does bo lac taste with vegetables?)
This tastes better with bread.
This tastes better with bread.
Does it not go with the lettuce? Like this?
- With the bread. / - They're like mother and daughter.
- Right. / - Yeah.
You get really hungry after a bath.
You do.
(I pair well with leafy vegetables)
This is so...
- In the wrap... / - That has to be good.
That looks so good.
It looks like stir-fried pork.
The bo lac...
That looks similar to lettuce.
Let's see.
if you eat it like that,
you don't get tired of it.
It's really good.
This tastes different to this one.
This seems more Korean.
It's not refreshing.
It's a little spicy.
You can't stop eating it.
Like Korean stir-fried pork.
- If you had to compare. / - Made of beef.
If you had to compare.
For me...
I like it better with this lettuce.
I thought only Koreans ate meat
wrapped in vegetables.
- But they do this Vietnam too. / - Yeah.
From what I see...
Bo lac is more delicious than this dish.
More than this one.
Yes, bo lac is better.
This is the dish you chose.
They must've fried the corn.
Is this dried shrimp?
That one!
- I'd like them to sell it in Korea. / - Stir-fried corn.
The price is amazing. It's $1.50.
- It's too expensive. How would you eat it? / - $1.50.
(Bap xao tom, $1.50)
How is it?
(Thumbs up)
For me...
(A whole new world)
You made an excellent choice.
This is so good.
This is something I haven't tasted before.
- It's savory and salty. / - It's so cheap.
- Perfect with beer. / - Yes, perfect with beer.
- With beer. / - It's perfect with beer.
- It's very crunchy. / - Oh, you ordered the beer.
- Hyunjoo, thank you. / - You worked hard.
Not at all. Traveling with you...
I'm able to experience things I wouldn't on my own.
I got to eat good food thanks to you.
Things I like.
Look forward to tomorrow as well.
Okay. Thank you.
The hot spring we'll be visiting today...
It's mud hot spring with an egg theme.
This is nice.
What is that?
- Mud hot spring. / - Okay.
If you look here...
This is so nice.
It's great that she's having fun.
- She eats well. / - Hyunjoo must've been real happy.
It's good.
This is my favorite.
This is nice.
It's good we came to Nha Trang.
This is nice.
- Yang Bay... / - Is ours over already?
For now.
- It ended too soon. / - That theme park...
You paid for a tour package, right?
You can apply for it.
You can pay a $7.50 entry fee
and enter the park.
If you use a tour package,
they pick you up, provide the meal,
and even give you an English guide.
- $7.50 for just the entry? / - Yes.
I shouldn't say this but the Fukuoka Tour team
just said,
"Let's go to Nha Trang next time."
Jungah, are you on our side now?
No, that's not it.
It's so affordable.
- I love eating. / - Really?
- It's awesome there. / - To be honest...
It's definitely cheaper than Japan and seems delicious.
- I was a tiny bit jealous. / - I hesitated at first.
But it was so good.
So good.
I want to applaud Guide Kong.
Well done, Guide Kong.
she enjoyed the trip way more than I thought.
She really liked it.
So from the first day,
I was able to let go of my concerns.
- She's so energetic. / - Very nice.
If she was tired and couldn't be bothered...
- It's really exhausting. / - Of course.
- But you really enjoyed it. / - The idea of traveling...
- Is to enjoy the local food. / - Right.
That's the point of traveling.
- It's to have fun. / - Right.
If you have time,
would you like to be an MC on our show?
- How about being a regular? / - We need one more.
How about becoming a regular member?
- You're so fun. / - That's a bit...
I'll think about it.
Yes, thank you.
Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Mope.io I ate All the Snails on the Map - Duration: 8:52.-------------------------------------------
Ellen's Game of Games - Say Whaaat?: Episode 7 (Highlight) - Duration: 5:03.-------------------------------------------
JungSoo makes a wish at Po Nagar Temple: Battle Trip ratings go up! [Battle Trip/2017.01.28] - Duration: 3:25.(Guide Kong's Nha Trang Tour, day 2)
The people are all so polite.
They're very polite.
- It's so good. / - They're all nice.
(What are the plans for day 2?)
(6 ways to enjoy Nha Trang, Po Nagar)
Guide Kong.
Where are we starting off today?
What you see here
is a place that existed for 1,300 years in Vietnam.
It's a Hindu temple raised by the Champa Kingdom.
Entry is $1.10.
- That's amazing. / - It's so good.
- Champa Kingdom? / - Yes.
There are many minority groups in Vietnam.
And the oldest group, the Champa Kingdom,
built this historic site.
It's called Po Nagar Cham tower.
As you can see, it's built on high grounds
so if you look down from there,
you can see all of Nha Trang city.
It was unique that the temple was in the city.
That was really charming.
- The fact that you don't have to go far... / - In the city.
To see a historic site. It's very convenient.
I guess it's a must to see this in Nha Trang.
- At least once... / - How did they build that back then?
There were 8 in total but only 4 are left.
(Entrance fee for Po Nagar, $1.10)
Are you okay to climb the steps?
I'm okay.
Are you short of breath?
No, I'm...
This is...
I feel like you're more fit than me.
I'm so embarrassed.
No, no.
My goodness.
How did they stack the stones like that?
How they delicately stacked the stones
is still a mystery like the Pyramids.
Yeah, yeah.
Those stones...
How did they stack them so neatly
like steamed rice cakes?
Like steamed rice cakes?
Rice cakes...
- It does seem like rice cakes. / - It does.
This is the Po Nagar temple
so there's a place that houses the goddess.
Po Nagar defines the goddess with 10 arms.
They come and pray here to have sons.
They have this...
In every country.
- Should we go further in? / - Okay.
You can go there in shorts, right?
You can't.
- They give you a gown to rent. / - Lengthy clothes.
(They're praying right now)
Did you pray?
I did.
I asked for lots of work next year.
I'm healthy now but...
- For good health? / - Yes, for good health.
I prayed for family health and happiness.
And that I'd get lots of work.
- Health... / - Health is most important.
Our episode of Battle Trip...
High viewer ratings.
She even thought of our ratings.
Thank you, ma'am.
Please be a regular.
I think the ratings will be too high.
Great ratings thanks to you.
Don't you think we'll win?
Fuji Guys - FUJIFILM X-A5 Camera - First Look - Duration: 8:08.Hey everyone. Jerry of the Fuji Guys. Today I'm gonna go for a skate. I've got my
skates with me today, and it's a gorgeous day here Toronto. It's about -8 degrees C,
beautiful sunny day, so today I thought I would do a vlog style first look with
the new X-A5. So, I got the X-A5. It's got a the same selfie screen as
we had on the X-A3. I do have the mic input so I'm able to use the the ST-1 mic.
One of the really nice things about the X-A5 is that it has a 24MP
sensor. It's a new sensor with phase detection autofocus, so much
better as far as being able to track and being able to focus in low-light
as well. A lot of the improvements as well for video recording with face
detection during the video record so you could see it actually handles pretty good.
Why don't you come along. It's a beautiful day.
Let's get into the subway. Let me kind of talk a little bit about the processor.
It's the same processor that you would expect in all our X-series cameras; you
get the same beautiful color reproductions and the same film
simulations that you would get in all of our cameras. Velvia, Provia, Astia,
Classic Chrome, Black and White; with all the different filters in it. All the
wonderful color that you would expect out of a Fujifilm camera.
Let's go over the camera real quick. On the top of the camera we have the flash. To raise
the flash there's a little switch on the side, and it just pops up We have the
hotshoe. We have the command dial for all the modes; different shooting modes:
manual mode and the advanced shooting modes and the scene positions.
We have the on/off switch with the shutter release. We have a function button and a
command dial that helps control the shutter and manual or shutter priority modes.
On the back of the camera we have the same 180-degree tilting screen that
we had before; on the X-A3. It's a touch screen as well and we'll go over the
details a little more in detail later. On the back we have our display back our
quick menu, our menu ok, our self timer, drive modes, white balance and auto focus
modes as well as the trashcan when you're in playback mode. There's also the
playback mode button and the record button for video mode as well. At the top
here there's a secondary command dial and this allows you to control the
aperture with lenses like this new XC 15-45mm, and I'm going to touch on that a
little bit. It's a F3.5-5.6 power
zoom. It's really good and handy for this camera for the vlogging style that
I'm doing today and and other things as well. It's really came in handy today.
I really enjoyed using it. Then we also have the lens release so the lens
release is right below the lens and you just rotate and remove the lens.
On the bottom of the camera; pretty simple we have here the tripod mount as well as
the battery compartment and the memory card slot. On the right side of the
camera we have our HDMI and USB and you can charge this camera through USB and
the HDMI does allow recording out to an external recorder for example. And, on
this side earlier I alluded to the switch for the flash but there's also
another little cover here little rubber cover and this covers our microphone
jack as well. So we can use the ST-1 mic for example like I'm doing today.
I'm just getting here at the rink and as you can see it's quite packed quite a
few people already out and about skating. It's a typical day here in Toronto.
It's not the only thing to do on a winter's day is to sit by the fire and
and stay nice and warm when you can actually get outside and get some nice
activities and some nice fresh air here today.
On a cold day like today you really want to make sure you have good battery
power so we've really improved the battery performance on the camera. You get
about 450 shots per charge; so that's really important on cold days or just
under full day of shooting. Today I chose the two-tone black and silver
version just because of maybe what I'm wearing to kind of match my style but
you know you do have some choice of color depending on your style. You
could go with the pink version or the brown version as well so both very stylish colors.
On the X-A5 we've eliminated the focus mode selector on
the front of the camera and we've in fact changed it so that it's one of the
options on the touch screen. You can see here you can actually just touch and
select which focus mode you desire at the same time just above you also have
access to your film sim and it's easy with the display of how it's going to look
depending on which mode you decide to choose.There's Velvia mode there.
That gives us a punchier contrast a brighter, more vivid color
for still photography. If we go one more step to the advanced options now we have
access to the different advanced filters like: Dynamic Tone, HDR art, a new filter
that we've incorporated this year as well as the miniature and the partial
colors that you're used to. If we continue down to the scene position mode
now we have access to the different scenes like portrait and it gives you a
little representation with what mode you want. Today we got a lot of white and
snow we might want to use the the snow shooting mode in this particular instance.
Fuji has really added some new features with the 4k video on the X-A5.
We've got 4k up to 15 frames per second. We've also got some new video options as
far as slow-motion goes; so you can do up to 120 frames per second at 1080p to get
that really cool smooth motion look. Along with that 4k options
as far as video goes we've also added 4k for time-lapse video
built into the camera itself as well as being able to do a 4k focus stacked
image which basically allows you to really broaden your depth of field for
product images and the like. With the new sensor and the new phase detection
autofocus the camera really performs in low-light. The focus really is snappy and
an overall performance in video is much improved over the predecessors.
As always, we have Wi-Fi in our camera. This allows us to share those pictures and
videos instantly through our favorite social media network. The one added
feature, though, with the X-A5 is Bluetooth, so it's going to facilitate the
connectivity between the Wi-Fi connection and the camera itself.
I'll tell you, I put on a bit of a sweat today. It's a chilly one though so I'm
calling it a day; hands are getting a little chilly, feet
are getting a little chilly. Wow what a gorgeous beautiful day it is today to go
for a skate. I hope you liked the video. Be sure to subscribe like and certainly
comment down below. Be sure to like us on Facebook follow us on Twitter and
Instagram. And, until next time, I'm Jerry of the Fuji Guys. See you soon.
चटपटीत रगडा पॅटीस | Ragada Patties Recipe | Indian Street Food | MadhurasRecipe | Ep - 313 - Duration: 12:09.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump Jr.: SOTU was unifying speech for all Americans - Duration: 10:55.-------------------------------------------
Work and prices in UK | with Andrea - Duration: 12:30.-------------------------------------------
Park JungSoo & Kong HyunJoo's friendship trip to Nha Trang, Vietnam [Battle Trip/2017.01.28] - Duration: 16:03.It's time for Battle Trip where we give you
great tips for trips.
It's winter. The weather's colder.
You tend not to leave the house at times like this.
But going on trips is like a treasure
at times like this.
This can be the peak of the travel season.
- It is. / - Because of the holidays.
People tend to go away with their children on holidays.
When you think of traveling with your kids,
shouldn't you be happy?
- Of course. / - It makes me really happy...
But it's also so hard.
Up till what age is it hard?
How much do they need to grow...
It's still getting harder.
Now that they can talk, they don't listen.
It's that time.
For the 2 week holiday,
we traveled to Guam with the kids.
- Enjoy life. / - Yeah.
You went quickly.
I really like it
when the airport and the hotel are close.
- Being close... / - I prefer that.
That's a good thing.
That's most convenient with kids.
With an evening flight, the kids go to sleep.
And I can drink then on the plane.
There are various conditions.
So I really prefer Guam and Saipan.
I favor Southeast Asia.
It's warm there too.
- It's good to travel. / - Sikyung...
When I call him on the weekends,
he's always in Japan.
I'm a rookie singer in Japan.
What are you doing over there?
You are a rookie?
I go on radio.
I've been on TV for 7 minutes.
I sing in front of the shopping mall.
- You're back to being a rookie? / - Yes.
They announce me in front of the crowds.
It's kind of my second life...
- As a rookie singer. / - In Japan?
No one there knows who I am.
Didn't you go on holiday, Kim Sook?
I'm too busy to travel these days.
If I could sit in a warm room, watch Battle Trip
and eat mandarins until my fingers go yellow...
- Right. / - Nothing would beat that.
Where will we go today?
Let's meet the person that requested the trip.
Let's meet them now.
Hello, I live in Jinju.
I'm Gwon Minseong, 33 years old.
I'm planning a hot spring trip for the winter.
Please plan a unique hot spring trip
that will refresh my mind and body on Battle Trip.
A hot spring trip is perfect.
Going to a hot spring when it's cold...
Hot springs are like theme parks these days.
There are all sorts of varieties.
- It'd be fun to go to each one. / - In Korea...
There's Paradise Spa Dogo in Chungcheon
and Onyang Hot Spring.
So many nice places.
There's Suanbo Hot Spring as well.
The greatest charm of the hot spring is in winter...
- And the ones that are outdoors. / - They're so nice.
When you go in there and just have your head out,
you start to sweat on your face.
- Then you step out and sit on the ice. / - After rest.
Then it starts steaming from your body.
- The metabolism kicks in. / - You go back when it's cold.
The snow piles up, right?
You leave the beer in there
before you go in the water.
Just like when you go skiing.
After 10 minutes of being in the hot spring,
the beer is really cold.
Like watermelon in the stream.
Right before it freezes.
- Wow, and you drink it? / - That's right.
I'm starting to drool.
Who visited which hot spring today?
Let's meet them.
Let's welcome this week's trip planners.
A vacation spot like a hidden gem in Vietnam.
It's good we came here.
Nha Trang Tour.
Let's go!
Check it out.
This is perfect.
We'll bare Fukuoka.
Fukuoka Tour.
(Revealing the hidden hot springs)
This week's hot spring tour is an actress special.
Park Jungsoo.
- You hardly appear on variety shows. / - Right.
- I was shocked. / - I came for Hyunjoo.
- Because of Hyunjoo? / - Yes.
She likes me so much.
Are you normally close?
We're in the same agency.
Same agency.
With Hyunjoo...
Her hobby is traveling and so is mine.
So we said
we should go together one day.
At first, it must've been...
You must've felt shy.
Wasn't it embarrassing?
She was so
adamant about letting go.
She told me that.
She told me that we must let go.
So we didn't put on makeup...
I said this...
She wore a bathing suit.
- Yeah, that photo... / - Even we don't wear that.
There's a difference in their makeup.
You're right.
- Right. / - We were completely without makeup.
- Natural. / - I didn't wear makeup.
With Kong Hyunjoo...
- You'll see our bare faces. / - Okay.
You'll see two different people.
Following on.
They traveled to Japan for their hot spring trip.
We have Yang Jungah and Yun Hyeyeong.
We're not in the same agency...
- But we've been close for a long time. / - We're close.
- They're really great actresses. / - Of course.
- And pretty. / - Are you saying we're bad actresses?
- And pretty. / - Are you saying we're bad actresses?
No, I mean all four of you.
No, the thing is...
- Oh, no. / - Sung Sikyung!
- Serves you right! / - We got caught.
It feels like I'm watching a drama.
I've been in a drama with Sikyung.
In the past.
- You were in a drama together? / - Yes.
He was a cameo in my drama.
You're a good actor.
He's no actor.
Hyeyeong, was there a special reason that
you chose to go to Fukuoka with Yang Jungah?
We chose Fukuoka because...
- It's the closest place by plane. / - It's close.
When it comes to Fukuoka...
- Beppu, Yufuin... / - Yufuin.
- They're the focal areas. / - Lots of Koreans.
Instead of those places...
We chose places
that aren't must-visit.
We chose secret places.
- We love things like this. / - Really?
That's where we went.
Being a hot spring trip,
I feel like we had a special experience.
I'm so curious.
You went to Nha Trang.
I've never heard of Nha Trang, Vietnam before.
- Are hot springs famous there? / - To be honest...
It's the first time I've heard Nha Trang said like that.
- I always knew of Nha Trang. / - Oh, Nha Trang.
But I've never heard of it said the Korean way.
That's what they call Nha Trang these days.
So you went to Nha Trang?
Yes, Nha Trang.
I've heard of Nha Trang.
You'll find out in a minute
but I loved it.
- Really? / - Yes, yes.
You must've been to Japanese hot springs before.
- Right. / - Yes, yes.
I had no idea there were hot springs...
- I know. / - In Nha Trang.
- Is there a unique hot spring? / - Because...
I said I like hot springs, Hyunjoo looked it up.
She didn't want to get cursed out by me.
I wanted to visit
a special hot spring with a theme...
- You must've been so nervous. / - So I searched...
- What if you took her and she's like... / - I was.
- What is this? / - What's this?
What is this?
That's right.
- Like a mother-in-law. / - That's right.
What is this place?
On this trip...
You won't see her act like that even for a second.
Not at all?
What kind of hot spring is it?
Tell us about it.
Nha Trang is a hidden gem of Vietnam.
It hasn't been tainted yet.
- You can see beautiful views. / - How was the food?
You can look forward to it.
- Vietnamese food is good. / - The best?
In terms of cost-effectiveness...
- Best in terms of cost-effectiveness. / - Effective...
I wondered
when I liked Vietnamese food so much.
That's how impressed I was. I ate so much.
- We'll have to check it out. / - It's so different.
Japanese food is good too but Vietnamese is different.
- Right. / - Yes.
Let's check it out now.
The Nha Trang, Vietnam trip.
Let's check it out together.
(Nha Trang, Vietnam)
You can't leave out motorbikes with Vietnam.
That's right.
It's really humid over there.
The weather was so nice.
- What is this place? / - I thought it was Hawaii.
It was so nice.
(Experience both Mediterranean)
(And Vietnamese culture)
I need to go to Nha Trang.
(Who will plan the trip to Vietnam?)
Hyunjoo suffered because of me.
Where is your partner?
Right now...
She's not in Korea.
She left everything to me like it was a given
and left on a trip to Spain.
She's a traveler.
We haven't been in any dramas together...
But we've been to many events...
So I got close with her on a personal level.
She's very young at heart.
Like a young girl.
And easy going.
Because she's easy going and daring,
she doesn't like things to be stuffy.
So I...
I stressed a lot about this trip.
She's anxious.
- Why? / - She looks really anxious.
But we have similar personalities.
(Who is her daring partner?)
I'm trembling because I'm nervous.
She looks like she's trembling a lot.
- I was really trembling. / - Does she hit you?
- No. / - Why are you trembling so much?
I don't know what to do.
Where is she right now?
Is she here?
She must be here.
She's here, right?
Is she here?
Where is she?
She's really running out to welcome her.
They're like mother and daughter.
When did you arrive?
- Of course I came earlier... / - You're wearing loafers?
- Loafers! / - Why am I still so short?
I feel even shorter.
I'm annoyed. Stand over there.
Let's hold hands.
Hyunjoo is tall.
Should I sit?
Thank you for calling me...
- Hyunjoo. / - Not at all. I've prepared something.
Have you seen this?
No. What is this?
Is this that...
It's the signature item on Battle Trip.
- You carry it around and film like this? / - Yes, like this.
If you give this to us...
- It won't be good. / - Still.
Okay. I'll do my best.
(So much cuteness)
She really liked that later on.
- What? / - Ta-da.
- Guide Kong. / - Guide Kong.
- That's very cool. / - Yes...
Guide Kong's Nha Trang Tour.
Welcome to the Kong Tour.
- That's awkward. / - It's so unnatural.
She must've studied a lot.
How many countries have you been?
Which countries?
For the show,
I sat down and counted.
Around 24 to 25 countries.
And around 50 regions?
- 50 cities. / - Japan, China, Hong Kong, Macau...
Vietnam, the Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand, Taiwan,
Australia, New Zealand, Bali, Hawaii,
Fiji, Samoa, Kenya, England,
Germany, France, Spain, Italy,
Switzerland, Czech Republic, Monaco.
I have never
been on a package tour.
From the airline to the hotel
to the local destinations...
- I plan them all. / - She's a master traveler.
It's easy if you have...
- Someone like that. / - You need them.
- So good. / - It's comfortable.
- You need to travel with her. / - I have to do it myself.
With language...
I can speak enough to travel without problems.
But with Vietnam or China...
It's a bit...
- It's not easy. / - There's like this card...
For people who travel.
It has pictures and phrases.
So I prepare the picture cards.
She's very meticulous.
She could be a travel guide.
I do want to be a travel guide.
I wanted to be a travel writer as well.
This is my debut as a guide.
I've prepared a schedule.
- Oh, schedule? / - Yes.
It has to be perfect when you go with a senior.
(Girly at times)
This is nice.
Can't we just stay here?
The fact that they don't give you napkins...
Are you crazy?
What do we do?
(Two-faced customer, Park Jungsoo)
In Vietnam...
There's a legend that's similar to one in Korea.
I'm really scared.
(Guide of misfortune, Kong Hyunjoo)
It's so nice here.
- Is that the hot spring? / - Yes.
- Hot spring. / - It's a theme park.
Since everything costs so little...
- Order whatever you want. / - Food, food.
I'm going there no matter what.
All of the foods are like a dollar.
- Nha Trang Tour. / - Nha Trang Tour.
Let's go!
I really like Guide Kong.
(Korea to Nha Trang, Vietnam)
Guide Kong.
(Is this how you use this?)
What do we ride in?
We can use an airport pickup service.
It's $20, one-way.
Great job.
It's good that I came with you.
Let's go.
Let's leave.
We've arrived at night
and it's so great. I love it.
- If you use the pickup service... / - Pickup service.
A local service will come and get you.
Wow, so nice.
It's great that I came with you.
The swimming pool is so pretty.
It's so pretty.
Tomorrow night...
Should we go for a swim?
- It feels great just thinking about it. / - Great, right?
That's the swimming pool at our resort.
It was so sick.
- That hotel costs a little over $100? / - Yes.
- A little over $100? / - Yes.
It's so big.
- Hyunjoo. / - Not at all.
- Guide Kong. / - We haven't even begun yet.
- So far, I'm grateful. / - You've only seen the hotel.
We'll have the buffet breakfast
and head out quickly.
- Let's walk around the beach. / - Beach? Okay.
Good night, good night.
- You're right in front of the beach? / - Yes!
The weather's so nice.
(5 ways to enjoy Nha Trang)
This beach is so nice.
This place is incredible.
- It's like Hawaii. / - So incredible.
It's really clean from up close.
We are currently at Nha Trang.
She really looks like a guide.
It's called the Naples of Asia,
the Mediterranean of Vietnam.
It's the hidden gem of Vietnam.
What's Nha Trang famous for?
When it comes to Nha Trang...
The beach we're walking along right now...
It's 6km long.
It's really...
It keeps going. I think this is pretty.
I think it's prettier here than Naples.
It's much more tranquil than I expected.
Nha Trang...
It's not a well known vacation spot.
So compared to other areas...
- I love that. / - You can relax and enjoy it.
Why didn't you wear your bathing suit?
- Huh? / - Bathing suit.
- Forget it. / - What?
You need to swim.
No, no, no.
Also, I...
Prepared this especially for you.
A course to conquer the hot springs in Nha Trang.
There are hot springs here?
They're no ordinary hot springs. There are mud ones.
There are natural open air hot springs.
- That's so good. / - Look forward to it.
Thank you. You thought of my skin care.
We're going to eat pho now.
- It'll be boring to just go... / - Great.
So we'll head there on a cyclo.
- Great. / - Shall we head off?
Seeing Hyunjoo like this...
You seem like a Vietnamese person.
A Vietnamese beauty.
ASMR foams sounds - Duration: 13:59.ASMR Foam Sounds
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Watch Donald Trump's first State of the Union address - Duration: 3:28:03.-------------------------------------------
Watch Trump's first State of the Union address - Duration: 3:49:24.-------------------------------------------
Black Rifle Just Black Coffee Review - Duration: 7:13.- Hey, welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee
your place for average Joe coffee reviews.
Today's coffee is Just Black.
(upbeat music)
- So today we're reviewing
Black Rifle Coffee Company's Just Black.
- That's it. - That's it.
No, there's more to say.
So first of all, the company is veteran owned.
- Right. - Which is what kind of
drew us into it cause he's a veteran.
- That's right, Semper Fi.
And not afraid to put some, you know,
weapons on their bag which I like.
They're like, oh okay, politically incorrect.
That's, who cares?
- Right. - That's how I feel.
- Yeah, really cool packaging
and you said they have funny commercials.
- Yeah, I saw a couple of them anyway.
- Yeah, some of them are maybe not good for kids.
But, ah-- - N-S-F-K.
Not safe for kids. - Okay. (laughs)
Not sure where you're going...
So this is a hundred percent Arabica coffee.
It's supposed to be an eight on the roasting scale
which is towards the darker--
- Like their boldness-- - Well, that's, no no no,
that's the roasting scale so from lightest to darkest
it's an eight out of like, I think, ten.
The tasting notes it says,
it's a blend of Central American
and Colombian supremo coffee.
It's roasted medium-dark to give it
a consistently bold and roasted flavor.
- Mmhmm. - So we're expecting it to be
bold and roasty. - Bold and roasty.
- Which we prefer.
That is, like, my profile. - Right.
- Well, maybe not so much bold but roasty.
But I like a richness,
but that's pretty much the same thing.
I mean kinda different but.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- You don't care.
- Yeah, when it says bold, I expect it to like.
- A lot of robust flavor like in your,
in your face. - Right.
- In this part of your face.
- Let's talk about cost.
- 12 dollars for the bag.
- So a dollar an ounce.
- Yeah, so 16 bucks for a pound
which is the most expensive coffee
that we've ever used so far.
- Except for Lake 503 Coffee. - Nope.
That was still, that was a whole bag that we got.
- Yeah, and it was a 12 ounce bag.
- I think you're wrong, but we can check the review
to see that.
- Okay, alright, but anyway,
if it's not the most expensive
it's the premium pricing.
I mean, there are more expensive coffees
than this, certainly.
I mean there's like 30,
well there's even more than that 30 dollar a pound.
But, um yeah, so.
- It's a coarse ground coffee. - Yeah.
- You can hear it in the bag and see it.
But we'll see what kind of effect that has on the flavor,
we don't really know.
- Well, generally speaking,
if it's coarser ground it's gonna be...
- Less flavor. - Yeah, less flavor.
It's good for, like, when you have a french press.
- So you don't get all that grinds up in your...
- Yeah, grill. - Grill.
(laughs) - We said grill.
- Yes, but we almost lost, missed the high-five.
- Okay, so, it smells good.
- Ah!
- So it says bold and I don't get bold.
- No.
I'm wondering which branch of the military.
- But, um.
I don't know, like it...
It's not bad coffee.
It's like okay coffee to me.
My own opinion. - Yeah.
- It's like, it's okay.
- Yeah, seems pretty weak though.
- Yeah.
- And we've tried it in different levels.
With one table...
Cause the bag doesn't say.
Normally, you know, the bag will say
use two tablespoons, use a heaping one, use...
This one doesn't say either way,
so we did one, one and a half, heaping, two
and it was just kind of the same.
- Yeah. - Each time we did that.
- Yeah. - And there's just not
a lot of flavor. - Yeah.
Did you, what did you do on this one?
- This is one and a half. - Yeah.
So normally or in a lot of coffees
if you used one and a half,
that's gonna be a strong cup of coffee.
Especially like, Pete's, gosh.
Be too bitter probably. - Right.
- But this is just kinda like meh, you know?
I don't know, I'm just...
For the price, I expect more, that's the thing.
Like, I really wanted to love this coffee.
I wanted to...
Cause, you know, support your vets.
I'd rather give my money to veterans
than, you know, other corporations and stuff.
- Right. - But this bag, at least,
not so much. - Yeah.
And then also, but the thing to think about
giving money to veterans versus other corporations,
probably a lot of corporations are run by veterans.
- Well, we'd have to fact check that.
- Well, a lot.
I didn't say which ones.
- A lot of times on Undercover Boss, it's a vet.
- Uh, but overall, I'm just dissatisfied with...
And I don't think it's because of the cost, you know.
- No, no. - It doesn't really matter.
- We don't, we don't grade that harshly.
- Not at this level. - Mm mm.
- If it were. - Now if it's like a
50 dollar a bag. - What's that like?
- I don't know, but I'm saying
if it was 50 dollars a bag,
I would have really high expectations.
But, you know, 12 dollars a bag,
I'm not gonna be really hard on it.
And it's just... - Just kinda bland.
- Yeah, it's, yeah.
Just kinda bland. - Yeah, so.
- Sorry.
- Unfortunately, I would say pass.
We're not gonna buy it again.
This roast.
- Yeah, no, I do want to give them another shot
and buy like a, there's a (laughs).
- Another shot. - Man, that was good.
Uh, there's another one called like
Ace or no, I don't know.
It's got an ace on the bag, I think.
They've got really good marketing.
- Yeah, so hopefully the other coffees
will play into that, you know?
This one might just be one that they're trying to...
Because it's Just Black,
they might be trying to appease a lot of people.
And just kind of hit the mar...
Or missed the mark. (laughs)
- You are on fire.
- That's never good
when you have a weapon that it's on fire,
unless it's a flamethrower.
Then that's good.
But, you know, overall, um.
I don't know.
I might have to say... - Two and a half?
- Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Two and a half just because it was kinda,
just kinda not, no flavor to really speak of at all
and just kind of bland. - Yeah.
- Alright, well. - So sad.
- Yeah, if you've tried this roast
or any of their other roasts, let us know
which one might be better. - Yeah, yeah.
- Then we can try them and see.
Cause we don't wanna risk too much on expensive coffee.
- Right, yeah. - See what I'm saying?
- Yeah, okay, I thought you meant they're gonna like
send out people to hunt us because,
because we didn't like this roast.
No, they're great people.
Vets are great.
- But let us know in the comments below
and we'll get right back to you.
Right, until next time - Keep grinding.
- Hey, thanks for watching our reviews.
Please be sure to subscribe
and check out our other reviews here.
(upbeat music)
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