Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 31 2018


Super full blue moon and total lunar eclipse meditation on January 31st at 1 11 PM UTC

by Therese Zumi Sumner

TZ here: As I mentioned yesterday here is the other meditation on the Full Moon tomorrow

January 31st at 1:11 PM GMT/UTC.

The meditation that I posted here last week that was created by Sword takes places at

11:29 PM exactly 18 minutes after this one and so for those who would like to take part

in both you have the option of reading about Swords meditation and sitting a bit longer

doing that visualisation.

On January 31st 2018 we are being graced with a very rare and powerful Celestial phenomenon:

we will be witness to a triple blessing of a Super Full Moon, Blue Moon and a total Lunar


This is manifesting for the first time in 150 years.

We can harness these vastly powerful cosmic energies to assist our personal paths, as

well as to support the Planetary Liberation.

The cosmic frequencies of this incredible event will synchronize to activate our abilities

within to create positive change.

They can assist to clear shadow aspects of ourselves that no longer resonate with our

highest good.

This powerful triple combination of Super Full Moon, Blue Moon, and total Lunar Eclipse

will allow us to create a clear, insightful connection deep within to identify what needs

releasing for the evolution of our spiritual paths.

These energies will manifest within us, acting as cleansers to purify and raise our vibrations,

and creating a clearer, more potent connection to our Higher Selves and Source.

It is a pathway to become pure vessels of Cosmic Light.

It will then be possible to anchor the higher frequencies we emanate into the Planetary

Grid to further support the Light Forces in clearing Sub-lunar Space for the implementation

of the Galactic Codex.

As we increase our vibrational purity within our energy fields and consciousness, the unique

waves of celestial energies continuing to enter our galaxy will boost our abilities

in specific ways.

We will notice increased insight, intuition, creativity, telepathic abilities, vivid dreams,

waking visions, and more compassion in our daily lives by operating through our hearts.

It will be much easier to release negative emotions like anger, hatred and pain.

This increased level of purity will assist to activate the Planetary Grid with a more

pure and unified human consciousness field, creating a more powerful Mandala of Light

that we collectively represent.

The Light Forces can use this higher consciousness energy field to assist in clearing the Plasma

Plane and Physical plane.

It is especially effective to clear these planes during our mass meditations.

These upcoming weeks are an excellent time for deep introspection and meditating to chart

a clear course on our Ascension paths.

Be honest with yourself about what needs work or releasing.

The truth holds a vibration that can sincerely activate a more pristine, clear vibration

within you.

This is what is known as being one�s authentic self (denial blocks this.)

We do this by breaking apart the perceived illusions of the 3D self and operating from

our higher heart or Higher Selves in our daily lives.

It is not a time for fear or doubt, but a time for self-forgiveness, self-acceptance

and self-love � as we have all been greatly affected by the Cabal.

We can take this time to heal internally.

Be kind to yourself, other beings, and the Earth.

Seek support, seek truth, seek authentic love from oneself, and others.

Be sure to get plenty of rest, keep your protective shields active, ground yourselves frequently

into the heart of the Mother Earth, and feed your soul with all that brings you peace and

comfort and�above all, enjoy the upcoming Super Blue Full Moon!

We will be doing this very special meditation on January 31st at 1:11 PM UTC, during total

lunar eclipse.

Instructions (Suggested time for this meditation is 15 minutes):


Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.


State your intent to use the present meditation, during this Full Moon, as a powerful Light

Portal anchoring Pure Divine Feminine energy to the planet.


Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through all

points of Light in our galaxy and in our solar system and then through your body to the center

of the Earth.

Then visualize another pillar of Light rising from the core of the planet and going through

you and then through all beings of Light in our galaxy back to the Galactic Central Sun.

You are now anchored in two pillars of Light, the energy is flowing downwards and upwards



Now visualize this energy as Soft Pink Ray of Light flowing through your body and then

through your raised hands in form of a spiral expanding throughout the whole planet encompassing

all beings and all life on Gaia and the planet itself.

Visualize this soft pink light healing all beings, animals and plants, healing minds

and hearts of every man, woman and child.


See all beings on the planet experiencing pure Goddess energy.

See them free from the grip of the dark forces, see them all healed, with all burdens taken


Visualize all people living in Peace, Harmony, Love and Understanding with each other.

See them celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of the New society on planet

in abundance, prosperity and unity.

And then see everybody�s needs being met and everybody living their life as they desire.


See the Flower of Life Planetary Light Grid filled with loving pink Goddess Light of Unconditional


Visualize all goddess vortices on the planet being activated together with all divine masculine

vortices and the Planetary Light grid being accomplished and fully activated.

And so it is!

At the end of this meditation, we would also suggest for everyone to read the following

Galactic Codex declaration out loud or in your mind, as a way to support Operation Mjolnir

by the Light Forces, which is a special operation to enforce implementation of the Galactic

Codex within quarantine Earth.

You can also apply the Triangle Groups of Light technique with your soul brothers and

sisters on the Physical planes when you do this meditation.

There is also another full moon meditation proposed by my brother Sword, which will be

held at the time of the maximum eclipse, start at 1:29 PM UTC right after our meditation.

It has a more specific purpose to help the Light Forces to clear the sub-lunar space.

Please also participate in this meditation if you wish.

Here is a very beautiful poster created by Gaia Magdalen that you can share on social

media to make people aware of this.

Victory of the Light!

All the links in this article are available in the article source link below in our description.

For more infomation >> MAKE IT VIRAL! Super full blue moon and total lunar eclipse - Duration: 7:59.


Seventeen Things You Should Know Before You Fall In Love With An Old Soul - Duration: 6:20.

Seventeen Things You Should Know Before You Fall In Love With An Old Soul


Don't worry about going overboard with impressing us.

It's the simple things in life we have the most fun with.

The easiest way to our heart is just doing things like walking around a city exploring,

going on long drives in the country on the weekend, a trip to the bookstore, and conversations

that last long into the night.

We value seemingly simplistic gestures over anything else because it's in those moments

where we feel we truly connect with someone.


We spend a lot of times in our heads.

Like, A LOT of time.

Old souls create rich inner lives and it's within ourselves where we truly flourish.

When you find us lost in thought or daydreaming don't be afraid to pull us back into the

real world.


Don't expect us to ever care that much about material possessions or gaining wealth or


To old souls, none of those things really matter.

We don't really care about how much money our partner makes or living the typical modern

lifestyle with an emphasis on materialistic things.


Sometimes we'll prefer hanging out by ourselves to hanging out with you.

We need a lot of alone time to reflect and decompress from whatever's going on in our

lives, and we just need the person we're dating to understand that, rather than feel

rejected or upset.


We hold unconventional ideas about life and standards of living.

We see the world and our life on a much larger scale and because of that, our philosophical

views can impact our relationships and the way we interpret the things that happen in

our lives.


We tend to have an easy-going and carefree nature about us, but sometimes it can seem

like we don't care or like significantly hard moments aren't as hard on us as they

are for others.

It's not that we don't care, or we aren't impacted on the same levels, but we see each

struggle in life as a moment to learn from and make us stronger.


Our dreams and plans for our lives can at times seem too large for where we're currently

at in our life.

Part of seeing the world and our life on a larger scale is that we can often visualize

where we're going to be years from now, and even if something won't happen for quite

awhile, we know we're taking the steps to get there.

To fall in love with an old soul is to fall in love with their dreams, their passion for


Belittling our desires in life is the fastest way to ruin a romantic connection with us.


We don't really have a lot of friends.

Tons and tons of acquaintances, yes, definitely, but we can probably only count our number

of friends on one hand.

An old soul is always a bit of a loner through life.

We feel like we just don't fit in with the rest of the world and our self-awareness about

ourselves can sometimes inhibit us from making other friendships.


If we say we "have a feeling" about something, just go with it.


We often get gut instincts about people and situations.

We know sometimes it may seem illogical but we've learned to hone in on our intuition,

and it's rarely ever wrong.


For us to really stay in a relationship we need a deep connection with our partner.

something that goes beyond the surface level of lust, attraction, and surface similarities.

We need someone who is a freethinker and who has similar philosophical ideas about life.


We have a lot of paradoxical traits.

On one hand we value stability, but on the other hand we also require a lot of freedom

in our lives and in our relationships.

A relationship where we can have a bit of both is where we can really thrive.


We seek comfortable, cozy experiences.

We're more apt to want to spend a night in making dinner, watching a movie, or listening

to music together as opposed to going out to a club or bar.

We'll join you if you really want us to go with you, of course, but just know for

us, comfort is key.


Old souls have a very romantic view of the world and our relationships, which is great,

except when we idealize things too much and become let down by our own expectations.

Our partner can help us out with this by helping us stay grounded and reminding us of the realities

of life if we become a bit too in our heads about something.


We have a tendency to be overthinkers.

We're highly analytical and we're always noticing the things other people seem to skip


Sometimes this causes our brains to go into overdrive.

This is great when you want to get the scoop on a situation or person, but because of our

analytical nature it can sometimes be kind of annoying when we're in a state of overthinking



The person we date needs to have their own desires and dreams of their own.

Old souls are looking for the kind of person who thinks for themselves and is fearless

in the way they make their decisions and live their life.

They have to have their own innate desire to better themselves and not just follow a

path someone else has paved or told them to go down.


Communication is one of the greatest forms of intimacy to us.

We want to hear about your childhood, your bad day at work, the diner you go to every

weekend 3 blocks out of your way because they have the best coffee and eggs, the time you

broke your arm playing baseball, your plans for the weekend.

Old souls are very cerebral people.

Hearing about your history, learning about the way you look at life, and how you understand

the world around you based on your past experiences, is exactly what helps us to better connect

with the person we're dating.

Don't ever think any story is too boring or unimportant.

We want to hear it all.


We might not be seeking a life-long partnership, but we still need our romantic experiences

to have a deeper meaning.

We understand that people are not always meant to be with us forever, a lesson we've learned

far too many times, but we still seek a connection that goes beyond the surface level.

We want real passion, dedication, a romance we'll always look back on fondly.

All in all, that's the 17 Things You Should Know Before You Fall In Love With An Old Soul.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Seventeen Things You Should Know Before You Fall In Love With An Old Soul - Duration: 6:20.


10 YOUTUBER'S Favoritos/ TAG DEL YOUTUBER🙈🎬 - Duration: 13:28.

For more infomation >> 10 YOUTUBER'S Favoritos/ TAG DEL YOUTUBER🙈🎬 - Duration: 13:28.


Touhou Project Double Dealing Character: Werewolf Gaming Ep. 23 - Duration: 4:56.

The full moon rises on another episode of Werewolf Gaming, and welcome to bullet hell!

The shooter genre has been a part of video games as long as video games have existed.

From Spade Invaders to Galaga, in fact the vast majority of old school arcade games fell

into the top-down shooter vein.

Even newer classics like Undertale have these gameplay elements embedded in them, to show

how the simple idea of dodging and shooting has lasted all this time, and won't be going

away any time soon.

But today's game is something special even in its genre, not cause of it's innovation

per se, but because of just how prolific it is and how many games are in the series.

This time, we're gonna give tribute to: Touhou Project!

Also known simply as Touhou, this is a top down shooter series made by one person: ZUN.

From the music to the coding and graphics, he's done it all.

Ever since the first game in November 1996, he's created sixteen games in the main Touhou

series, not including the manga, light novels and books all centered in the game's fictional


And what is this world?

Well it follows the story of Reimu, a Shinto shrine maiden who combats a menagerie of peculiar

yokai, ranging from vampires, ghosts, fairies, and more Japanese specific monsters like tengu

and oni.

But this is Werewolf Gaming, so we're going to talk about the true werewolf of the series,

Kagerou Imaizumi!

Kagerou, which literally means shadow wolf, is a boss in the third stage of the fourteenth

Touhou game, Double Dealing Character.

Not only is she a werewolf, but the type of wolf she turns into is the now extinct Honshu

wolf, wiped out over a hundred years ago.

In fact the character's last name last name, Imaizumi, is in reference to the first biologist

to research the Honshu wolf.

Wolves used to be pretty revered in ancient Japan, seen as protectors of the forest who

would safeguard travelers making their way through the woods.

Even the skulls of wolves were used to ward off malicious beings, just as they were protectors

in life.

Does this lead up to some werewolf legends?

You bet it does!

The Ainu natives of Hokkaido, Japan, have a creation myth about their tribe being born

from the offspring of the Horkew Kamuy, the Howling God, and his human bride, making them

literal wolf children.

In addition to these ancient ideas, some new modern werewolf myths have arisen as well.

There's a trope with modern Japanese werewolves that simply seeing a round moon-like object

can trigger a transformation.

From anime to music videos to games, the oldest use of this trope I can find is from a 1979

episode of Doraemon called, well, Werewolf Cream.

Just goes to show how cultures and myths continue to evolve, all around the world, with everything

from film, TV, and video games like Touhou!

Thanks for joining me for an, admittedly late episode of Werewolf Gaming.

I would say I'll see you next month, but there's actually no full moon this February!

So next time, I'll see you in the year 20XX, when the next moon rises.

For more infomation >> Touhou Project Double Dealing Character: Werewolf Gaming Ep. 23 - Duration: 4:56.


Abraham Hicks 😃 - Sobre a diabetes e outras doenças - Duration: 13:06.

GUEST: - What is in my existence right now is this thing this drama I'm being called diabetes

And I want it to be helped.

ABRAHAM: - But... So, let's change the conversation a little bit and make it accurate

ABRAHAM: - What is, we just ask them. GUEST: - Right!

ABRAHAM: - With you sitting right there, listening.

GUEST: - I said I feel that there's something.

ABRAHAM: - But, it's alright! But what is, is well being.

What was is diabetes.

Now, we know that's tricky but think about it

Can you follow us when we say, since we stand in the vortex where everything that you've put is

Can you feel why we would call anything that's manifested old news?

Old news because what's in the vortex is the new vibration. This is really where it's at!

So, what you've got to figure out is to how you can feel the nowness of the Wellness

Rather than the old news of the diabetes?

GUEST: - And standing in the now, this is the tricky part for me

Because there's all this medication involved and there's a fear of putting it down

ABRAHAM: - Don't put it down! But do you are you in the process of medicating yourself every waking hour?

GUEST: - No. ABRAHAM: - What percentage?

GUEST: - Nothing that long. ABRAHAM: - That argument doesn't hold water, does it?

GUEST: - It is not very well! Not very well!

ABRAHAM: - Pretty good excuse but we are not buying it.

GUEST: - Well, it's just difficult to stop beating the drum, I guess.

ABRAHAM: - Fun to watch you argue for your limitations

GUEST: - Isn't it?

ABRAHAM: - Because... Because none of it, in other words

We get it that what is has your attention, we're just trying to convince you

That doesn't have to have all of your attention

And that if you would give more of your attention that then you have been giving to the vortex

To not to solving diabetes, but to being in the vortex why?

EVERYBODY: - Because it feels good!

...being in the vortex, because that's where clear ideas are and that's where you feel good

And that's where you breathe more deeply.

In other words, what trips so many of you up is that you have a condition or an issue that

You want to be present in every conversation

And we don't want it to be present in any conversation except, maybe, the brief conversation

That you have to have with someone about the medication that's a really small percentage of your life

And we know, there are so many people that for have for so long been shining the only spotlight

On the manifestation stuff around

And so as humans you talk about what has manifested, you talk about why it is manifested

You talk about who was involved in it being manifested

You talk about how this manifestation relates to every other manifestation on the planet

You sort your manifestations into piles: these are good piles, these are not so good piles

You talk about whose fault it is that those piles even exist

You gather together armies to blow up piles

You put philosophies together. You section off your libraries

And your bookstores into different categories of things that are important

And then all of this sorting and sifting of all of this reality you give yourself the distorted viewpoint

That what is is the most important thing when it isn't!

It isn't! It was the balancing off place for what's over here

That hardly gets any of your attention because that's got all of your attention

Even though if you would look over here you would feel great.

We want somebody to explain to us in a way that will make some sort of reasonable sense

How it is possible that you would want to look at the old news instead of the new news?

Or at the news that doesn't feel good instead of the news that does feel good?

In what world have you been oriented to do that?

Why would you do that?

GUEST: - There's no good reason.

ABRAHAM: - There isn't a good reason that you've been doing it. It is we're just doing a really good sales job

Because we want you to accept the reality of this vibrational reality

We want you to accept the realness of it, because we can feel the vividness of who you are there

And we know that in the blink of an eye, we know that from one thought to the next

That you could come into full harmony with all of that power

Where you would allow the cells of your body to find the realignment that they know how to make

That is being hindered by your attention to what is

So, let us ask all of you some questions just to sort of keep this ball rolling a little bit

You have physical bodies, we know you agree with that

The physical bodies that you walk around in

Are physical in nature in the sense that you're tangible and you have stuff that can be recognized and felt

In other words, there is a realness about this physical world that is satisfying to explore

Start in another place

To be Source Energy (non-physical) and to extend into the physical was a really exhilarating idea

Every one of you said: "Oh, tangible! Oh, visceral! Oh, physicalness of creation out there on the leading edge!"

"Oh, I want that feeling, smelling, hearing, tasting, touching, physical experience."

So, here you are. Then you said: "Being the eternal being that I am...

"I'm going to explore this leading-edge environment and I'm gonna ask it to be even better ."

"So, I'm going to explore it and know what I don't want and ask for what I do want...

"And there will be a vibrational version of it that will proceed it's manifesting change."

With us so far?

And now what so many of you are saying is: "but I'm so accustomed and so hung up on...

"And so enamored by..."

"So distracted by the physicalness of my world..."

"That I'm going to opt out of the expansion part just for a little while..."

"And I'm just going to lazily observe what is."

And we say that's where it derails.

So, then you say: "oh, well, when I am sick I ask for wellness..."

"But it's hard for me to find the feeling of the wellness..."

"Because the feeling of the sickness is so easy for me to read."

"So easy for me to interpret."

And we say: "It's only easy for you to interpret because you've been interpreting it."

That's like saying: "I continue to do it because I've been doing it."

Why do you do that?

"Well, because I've been doing it."

Well, but do you like it?

"No, I hate it!"

Well, why do you keep doing it?

"Because I've been doing it!"

Would could you do something else?

"Well, probably, but it's just easy to keep doing what I've been doing."

And so we come into your experience and we explain to you the laws of the Universe

And we explain to you how vibration precedes everything

And how the vibration of that which you are is always the leading edge of that which you are

And that when you don't keep up with the leading edge of that which you are

You feel the drag of not keeping up that some call stuck

But, it's just the drag of not keeping up

So sickness, no matter what the label, is just the drag of not keeping up

Being ornery: that's just the drag of not keeping up

Being overwhelmed: that's just the drag of not keeping up

You are genius creators exposed to the most leading-edge plethora of opportunities to expand

That has ever existed anytime, anywhere.

And you have created a vortex that is moving faster than anything that we've ever witnessed in all of creation

And the biggest complaint that we hear from you is: "I'm not keeping up!"

And you know how we hear it? "I'm worried about this."I'm discouraged about this"

And we say: "Well, you're just not keeping up with the real thought of who you are."

"You're holding on to old news. You're not just you're just not keeping up with the real thought."

So, what's the real thought of who you are?

And you say: "Well, I can't find it. And we say: "you don't need to find it. Just stop thinking the old thought."

That really is our message here.

You don't have to find and articulate the new thought,

You just have to keep stop keeping the old thought that isn't working so alive and so well

Stop beating the drum of that when you describe yourself as someone who has diabetes

That is not helpful to you!

You want to start describing yourself as: "I'm on my way to something wonderful!"

Or "I have a vortex of creation where all os well."

And we know there are some people you might want to say that too

And some people you might not want to say that too

But there's nobody, there's nobody that you want to say: "I've got diabetes!"

There's nobody that you want to say: "I don't have enough money."

There's nobody that you want to say: "My relationship isn't working" or "I don't have enough work."

You want to stop saying those things, because every time you say them you keep them activated

Which keeps you from going into the vortex where the improvements are.

You see what we're getting at?

It's really an interesting thing

Esther and Jerry we're laughing about it at lunch

That Abraham is going to such extreme as to smear Esther's lipstick all over her face

[audience laughs]

In order to convince you that no thought is really the way to tiptoe into the vortex

And begin the practicing of the vibration of who you are

GUEST: - Okay. Thank you very much

ABRAHAM: - Do you believe that the vortex exists?

GUEST: - Yes, I do. ABRAHAM: - Do you believe that you are well in the vortex?

GUEST: - Yes, I do. ABRAHAM: - Do you have the power of focusing around the diabetes?

GUEST: - Yes. ABRAHAM: - Do you have to focus around the diabetes 100% of the time...

In order to go into the vortex occasionally?

GUEST: - No. ABRAHAM: - Do you have to go into the vortex constantly and steadily in order to get improvement?

If you go into the vortex a just a larger percentage of the time than you have been

Will you see evidence of improvement?

GUEST: - Yes. ABRAHAM: - So going to the vortex because it feels good it's a pretty easy thing to do?

GUEST: - Yes. ABRAHAM: - And hanging around in there a little longer will become increasingly easier

GUEST: - Yes. ABRAHAM: - And improvements to your physical condition and every other condition

Must therefore follow

GUEST: - Yes. ABRAHAM: - So is there any downside to blissfully going into the vortex?

Isn't it worth just gambling that it might work?

[audience laughs]

GUEST: - Yes. ABRAHAM: "- I went to the when to this workshop..."

"And they challenged me to stop thinking negative thought by just quieting my mind."

"They teased me with the idea of going into the vortex but I don't know if it's worth it."

[audience laughs]

You say: "It's a big price to pay!"

"Joy is a big price to pay!"

[audience and guest laughs]

...for wellbeing. For rendez-vouing with lovers. For being all that you've been born to be.

For aligning up with the energy that creates worlds.

Tapping into the creativity that's all swirling there and waiting for you to be

So inspired that your day just unfolds with one good thing after another

As you delight in the rendezvousing of of the physical manifestations of what's going buzzing around in your vortex

We know! It's a big price to pay...!

GUEST: - If it's so easy and wonderful, why do we make it so hard?

ABRAHAM: - You tell us.

GUEST: - I don't know. [audience and guest laughs]

ABRAHAM: - We think it's because... We think it's a one simple reason

We think you believe in reality and you don't believe in vibrational reality

We think that reality that everybody you know has been trying to get you to face reality

The doctor wants you to look at the tests and take the medicine

The teachers in the school wanted you to take the test and look at the scores

We think that early on in your experience

You have given up your relationship with who you really are in order to find approval from others

And never really found it because you were looking for that love in all the wrong places

So, then the next question is well isn't it set up a little screwy then?

In other words, why would we set ourselves up for something that is so difficult?

And we say what's so difficult about wanting to feel good and finding a thought that does?

We think it's just a complete misunderstanding

We think that you've been so convinced that the solutions that you seek are buried in the problem

That you've just become more problem oriented than solution oriented

And we think it's the misunderstanding that...

We think that you've forgotten that with the solution comes lightness of heart and ease

And with the problem comes heaviness of heart and struggle or stuckness

We think it is something just that simple.

But you don't have that excuse anymore, you know too much!

You now know about the vortex, you now know about real time, you now know about present reality

You see? And so you have the option now!

You can think the less than good feeling thought or the better feeling thought

You have those options and as you take it to heart and really in a determined way begin to apply yourself

You're going to discover improvement in your experience

That will be obvious to everyone who has any association with you

GUEST: - Thank you so much. ABRAHAM: - Yes, indeed.

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks 😃 - Sobre a diabetes e outras doenças - Duration: 13:06.


KHAIRO KAPAL Prank Flop! - James Shrestha - Duration: 3:32.

Greetings and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to prank my brother Johan

Since last week, Johan has been telling me to dye his hair platinum, like this

Johan! How did you want your hair to be dyed?

what do you mean what kind of hair?

didn't you say you want to dye your hair? yeah

white? no not white! platinum!

you mean Korean, KPOP style?

yeah right Korean! does this look like KPOP?

William let's go! let's go buy the hair dye!

it's about to be six! go quick!

I have never dyed anyones hair!

this is the first time, but let's see how his hair turns out to be

we will only find out after we dye it

(brothers dancing)

oh that smells bad!

that's making my head feel hot

that's how it is mate

you put too much mate, it's burning mate!

it's burning mate! I don't know

don't put too much mate

don't use the black plastic, take out the white plastic

dont do that mate

(laughs) putting a bin bag on his head

do it properly mate! it's sticking

bring that mate, its all over my skin now

this looks funny though!

(laughs) do it slowly

that's okay now mate

i really cant wait to see how his hair is gonna turn out

as far as i know, if you dye blonde on a natural hair, it does not look good!

we will know after half n hour

johan is about to wash his hair,

has his hair gone brown?

are you ready to see your hair?


that looks so bad! what is this?

oh shoot!

oh shoot!

the top bit looks so bad!

I think you turned ginger

i need to change the colour of my hair!

i made the video but in the end this happened!

no mate, what are you recording! record straight!

Johan expected platinum,

I expected Blonde!

But it turned out to be rooster colour!

For more infomation >> KHAIRO KAPAL Prank Flop! - James Shrestha - Duration: 3:32.


The Fosters 5x14 Promo "Scars" (HD) Season 5 Episode 14 Promo - Duration: 0:31.


Hey, it's me.

Oh my God, where are you?

I'm in a holding cell downtown.

Are you okay?

I gotta get out of here before I get processed.

They're gonna strip search me.

Have you heard from anyone at the JJC?

No, they said it might be a while before anyone gets in to see me.

I won't be safe in central jail if people find out.

The Fosters all new next Tuesday 8/7c everywhere you watch Freeform.

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