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What is Qi and Blood - Scientific TCM - Duration: 3:12.In today's lesson, we'll talk about the core of traditional Chinese medicine, that is Qi and blood.
What is Qi? Does it really exist?
And what about 'blood' in Chinese medicine? Is it same as the blood in our blood vessel?
So let's answer these questions in more details.
During our last lesson, we talked about Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang in Chinese medicine is actually metabolism in modern medicine.
And Qi and Blood is actually the substances that flow in our circulation system during metabolism
OK, let's explain them in more details using the metabolic map
They are the substance in the circulation system
Qi is the special gas substance
And what about blood in Chinese medicine?
It is absolutely not the blood components in our blood vessel.
Absolutely not!
Then what is 'blood' in Chinese medicine?
It is the liquid substance in our entire circulatory system, apart from blood in blood vessel
It has a fixed flow law
Such as lymph fluid and tissue fluid
And a lot of students asked me
"Dr Liu, does Qi and blood in Chinese medicine really exist?"
I can assure you that they 100% exist
How can I be so sure?
Because we can hear the sound of Qi and blood flowing in patient's circulation system very clearly during our clinical treatment.
It is very loud and flows in a particular order
And the speed is very fast!
And you might ask, so what does it sound like?
You can listen to the sound of gas and liquid flowing in the pipe. It's quite similar
And not only does the doctor hear it during treatment,
Our patients can also hear and feel these gas and liquid flows in their body very clearly.
Safe / Koruyucu (2012) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Jason Statham Filmi - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
I was There (Scene) | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Movie Clip 11 - Duration: 4:59.I miss the Shire.
I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else.
Off with you, on one of your adventures.
But my own adventure turned out to be quite different.
I'm not like you, Bilbo.
My dear boy.
- Now, what have I forgotten? - Packed already?
No harm in being prepared.
- I thought you wanted to see the elves. - I do.
- More than anything. - I did.
It's just....
We did what Gandalf wanted, didn't we?
We got the ring this far, to Rivendell. And I thought...
...seeing as how you're on the mend, we'd be off soon.
Off home.
You are right, Sam.
We did what we set out to do.
The ring will be safe in Rivendell.
I am ready to go home.
His strength returns.
That wound will never fully heal. He will carry it the rest of his life.
And yet to have come so far still bearing the ring...
...the Hobbit has shown extraordinary resilience to its evil.
It is a burden he should never have had to bear.
- We can ask no more of Frodo. - Gandalf, the enemy is moving.
Sauron's forces are massing in the East. His eye is fixed on Rivendell.
And Saruman, you tell me, has betrayed us.
Our list of allies grows thin.
His treachery runs deeper than you know.
By foul craft, Saruman has crossed orcs with goblin-men.
He's breeding an army in the caverns of Isengard.
An army that can move in sunlight and cover great distance at speed.
Saruman is coming for the ring.
This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the elves.
We do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and Isengard!
...the ring cannot stay here.
This peril belongs to all Middle-earth.
They must decide now how to end it.
The time of the elves is over. My people are leaving these shores.
Who will you look to when we've gone? The dwarves?
They hide in mountains seeking riches. They care nothing for the troubles of others.
It is in men that we must place our hope.
Men are weak. The race of men is failing.
The blood of Numenor is all but spent, its pride and dignity forgotten.
It is because of men the ring survives.
I was there, Gandalf.
I was there 3000 years ago...
... when Isildur took the ring.
I was there the day the strength of men failed.
Isildur, hurry! Follow me.
I led Isildur into the heart of Mount Doom...
...where the ring was forged, the one place it could be destroyed.
Cast it into the fire!
- Destroy it! - No.
It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure.
Isildur kept the ring. The line of kings is broken.
There's no strength left in the world of men.
- They're scattered, divided, leaderless. - There is one who could unite them.
One who could reclaim the throne of Gondor.
He turned from that path a long time ago.
He has chosen exile.
PIONEER DJ DDJ-1000 / Controlador Rekordbox Dj / Video tutorial unboxing review - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E29 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:41.Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power
Rangers and then discuss it!
Today, we're exploring the eighty ninth episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as
well as the twenty ninth episode of Season 2, titled "Goldar's Vice Versa".
We begin this episode at the Youth Center where Rocky and Adam are sparring, and whoa,
Adam's ass is just out there.
Billy comes up, talking about the vice versa dance happening at school soon.
Rocky got asked by Jessica Peterson, and Adam isn't going because no one has asked him
to the dance yet.
Billy says the same for him, but then Laura from Opposites Attract comes up, walking to
talking to Billy.
Bulk and Skull are also not looking forward to the dance, and their gender swapped twins
are there, looking for them, except Bulk's twin wants Skull and Skull's wants Bulk.
Billy comes over saying that he's now going with Laura, and Adam gets all bummed, so he
Zedd sees this and says he has the perfect girl for Adam.
Aisha runs into Adam in the hallway at school, and she says that basically some girl from
the volleyball team likes Adam, so he needs to go to volleyball practice after school,
and she'll ask him.
Bulk comes up to Skull, showing Skull that he found a note in his locker, and it says
"we have what you've been looking for".
Bulk says "do you know what this means?!" and Skull says "somebody has the combination
to your locker" in the one of the best line deliveries Jason Narvy has done thus far.
Bulk thinks this means whoever wrote this knows something about the Power Rangers, and
they split up.
Zedd is worried Adam is going to get asked to the dance, so he tells Goldar to go down
At Volleyball Practice, Adam sees the girl, and he's petrified to even talk to her,
but then putties show up, and Adam fights then.
Hot damn, we are getting some great Adam martial arts today!
He makes quick work of the putties, and sees that the girl is gone.
Bulk and Skull are at school waiting to meet with their secret messenger, and they only
see their stage five clinger pursurers, and they decide to jump out the window.
Kim and Aisha talk to Adam about what happened with the putties, and Kim says he should've
give up, then looks at her communicator like it's a functioning watch and leaves.
Whatever, there's a girl doing a demonstration in the juice bar, and Aisha says she must
be new because clearly, Aisha knows everyone already.
Her name is Sabrina, and she tosses her bag onto Aisha and she hits on Adam immediately.
Then, Bulk and Skull come in, talking to Ernie who has a letter for them.
This one says "the youth center in five minutes", but then their rapists show up,
and they hop over the bar and hide, and Ernie covers for them, which is great.
Adam says goodbye to Sabrina, and he talks about how amazing she is to Aisha, and Aisha
isn't sold.
All three are all going hiking together tomorrow before we see Sabrina talking to no one like
a psycho about how she's going to kill them or whatever.
During the hike, Sabrina is rude to Aisha, pointing and hitting her in the face in a
great bit of physical acting.
Zedd sees this, and he says "Two Rangers?
Goldar and the putties show up, and Adam tries to protect Sabrina, but then she turns into…
And Adam and Aisha are like "who the hell are you?" because yeah, why would they know
who she is?
Then, Goldar ties up the two Rangers with an energy beam.
At the Youth Center, it's all decked out for the Vice Versa dance, and Kim and Billy
tell Ms. Applebee how Adam has a date, and they mention that she's a new girl, and
Ms. Applebee is confused because the last new girl at Angel Grove was Aisha, not Sabrina.
Then, Tommy and Rocky show up, saying that Adam didn't show up to work out.
They think it's suspicious, so they go to the Command Center, seeing that Scorpina is
there with Adam and Aisha, and again, Rocky is like "...who?"
Whatever, it's morphin' time!
Red, Pink, and Blue take on the putties while Tommy says he'll take on Goldar and Scorpina
solo because of course.
The putties get destroyed, and Billy calls out his Power Lance, just slashing the beam
Aisha and Adam morph.
Meanwhile, Tommy kicks Goldar and Scorpina in the face, which is great.
Then, Zedd makes the two grow giant, and Zordon says "they're super difficult, so if you
need to, use the Thunder Ultrazord.
It's a totally new thing we haven't seen before".
Man, this show.
Anyways, the Rangers call out their Thunderzords, forming the Thunder Megazord while the White
Tigerzord runs through explosions before converting into Warrior Mode.
They fight the two in a spliced footage fight before they get knocked down pretty hard,
knocking the White Tigerzord into its animal form?
Whatever, they form the Thunder Ultrazord, which is pretty much just Tor firing lasers.
This is lame as hell.
Scorpina and Goldar bail, and Zedd is pissed.
At the dance, everyone is having a good time except for Adam who is bummed because he doesn't
have a date.
And Kim says, "it could be worse", and Tommy says, "you could be here with Scorpina".
Okay, Tommy, gets a good line in for once.
Then, that random girl from the Valleyball Team shows up, and Adam asks her to dance.
Ernie also has a secret message for Bulk and Skull, and it says to turn around, and it's
the two sexual assaulters, and they have what they've been looking for: true love.
They then grab the two and start forcing them to kiss them.
My god.
Oh, and apparently this is funny to the Rangers?
That was straight up rape on the dance floor!
The end.
This episode isn't half bad, to be honest.
Yeah, it's just kind of spinning the wheels, but it shows that Adam is the shy kid while
Aisha is the gossip, which is a little too close to just being a copy and paste version
of Kim for my tastes, but she definitely does it a little bit differently, so it works well
Also, I like that Adam and Aisha are paired together because clearly they're the ones
who are the closest right now because it's 3 newbies and 3 veterans.
So, how will next time go?
Until then, may the power protect you!
How to End a Letter in English ~ Improve Writing Skills in English - Duration: 2:22.Hi there. Welcome to Harry's World of Words and Phrases and English in a
Minute. We're now going to talk about endings for letters. People when they're doing
exams English exams one of the questions always is to write a letter. And the two
types of letters that you're asked to write or either formal or informal. And
each of these would have a different type of ending. And of course if you're
writing a letter yourself then you might want to know which ending you use.
Whether you're writing for a job interview or you're just writing to a
friend to thank them for some birthday present or Christmas present that they
gave you. So when it's formal we usually end a letter with words like
yours faithfully, yours sincerely. Usually when you see yours faithfully you don't
really know the person that you're writing to. "Dear Sir or Madam" at the top
of the letter and the end "yours faithfully, Harry". Okay. But if you know
the person's name and you might have at the top of the letter say "Dear Mr. Smith" and at
the end of the letter sign it off "Yours sincerely". Or something like "I'm looking
forward to your reply" or "look forward to hearing from you".
Yours faithfully, yours sincerely. And if you're writing an informal letter, well,
there really are no rules because it means exactly that you can really
put what you like because the informal letter is usually going to somebody you
know really well: a family member or a friend. So endings might be just simply:
thanks or see you soon, catch up soon. Cheers.
Write soon. Write back soon. Or little more formal but not so formal - regards.
Thanks for writing. Okay so these are different ways that we can end our
letters but make sure you know what type of letter you're writing. Is it formal?
Then you really have to be very formal in your ending. Is it informal? Then you
have complete freedom as to how you end it.
Okay. So enjoy writing your letter. And as always subscribe to our channel
and join us on and we'll catch up very soon
Мультики про игрушки – Вспыш и другие машинки. Мультфильмы для детей! Развивающие видео для малышей - Duration: 11:21.-------------------------------------------
Krist Cries at "Sotus S Fanmeeting At Hatyai" (27.01.2017) - Duration: 0:34.Last night, after finishing practice, I went back to the room and I thought that...
If tomorrow's stage is the last stage
I would like to say it directly that I stick with fans club a lot
And I have thought that... If one day, they (fans) leave me, what should I do???...
Things Not To Say To East Asians - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
My Favorite Cars and Awesome Fans from Tokyo Auto Salon! - Duration: 7:11.Everybody who walks by the booth keeps pointing at you Steve!
That makes me happy!!
He is a famous Youtuber!
Hi Everyone! I'm Steve!!
You guys know who he is right?
You guys watch my channel?
The Thumbs Up line of shirts consists of my Hakosuka and 240Z designs!!
Both are printed on the front and back of a high quality shirt!!
Thumbs Up!! It means GOOD!!!
Steve is so popular here!!!!
Kimbra: "Top of the World" - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
Мощнейший женский талисман на удачу. Как сделать своими руками за 1 вечер? - Duration: 5:02.-------------------------------------------
VI SPIEGO L'ORDOLIBERALISMO - Francesco Forte - Duration: 19:42.-------------------------------------------
KARAOKE | Mây Lang Thang Remix | Như Ý - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Isabel Luque, La Palma - TTR Travel Industry Road Show - Duration: 1:52.(orchestral music)
- We are here now to get people to know
La Palma, it's one of the Canary Islands.
It's an amazing island to do outdoors-y and
kind of activities in the open doors.
Also, it's a great destination to do star-gazing.
So, it's one of the best places
in the world to see the stars.
So, it's definitely the place to go to do an
adventurous activity and do something
different from the other Canary Islands.
It's not all sun and beach.
You can do trail running, hiking, and
do some mountain bike in the island.
For now, we have the connection to Tenerife.
So you can go from Dublin or Belfast or Cork to Tenerife.
And then from Tenerife you can
easily go to La Palma with Binter Canarias.
So it's a great connection.
It's really quick, only 30 minutes
from Tenerife to La Palma.
You can also get a ferry.
For example, if you do twin destinations and you
just stay in Tenerife for a couple days,
you can get your car to La Palma to ferry and stay
in the island for only five days and get to know
the destination, do some activities in the open door,
enjoy the stars. The Road Show was amazing.
Amazing agents, really convenient,
really interested in the destinations.
They organizers us a really great team.
We really have an amazing time here.
So yeah, definitely coming back next year.
(orchestral music)
DIY Container Garden on Wheels - HGTV - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
President urges all-out efforts to improve and protect lives of people - Duration: 2:48.The Presidential Office hosted a workshop for top government officials.
Hwang Hojun fills us in on how the event is designed to help build unity and improve coordination
among attendees, to ultimately, efficiently carry out the task of improving people's lives.
It was the first meeting of its kind since the launch of the Moon administration.
President Moon Jae-in chaired a workshop on Tuesday, bringing together at the Blue House
all the government's ministers and vice ministers.
Just a day before, the ministries had finished briefing Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon on their
policies for 2018, which the President said the workshop was meant to consolidate.
"Today's workshop is about combining all your new-year government briefings as well as sharing
and strengthening our commitment make sure the government improves the livelihoods of
our people."
According to the Presidential Office of Cheong Wa Dae, about 150 people were in attendance,
including all 24 ministers and ministerial-level officials as well as some 60 vice ministerial-level
In the meeting, President Moon said the Republic of Korea owes its establishment, its democratic
history, and its economic growth to the sacrifices and the participation of the people.
He said now the government must look back at whether it has taken care of the people
and should take on a great sense of responsibility.
The South Korean President also said that the people must be the priority in everything
the government does.
He reemphasized the need for nationwide safety checks on public facilities, no matter how
long it takes or how much it costs.
He also reiterated the importance of raising the minimum wage, which his government did
at the start of this year, and creating more quality jobs for the people so they can have
the opportunity to work and ensure a minimum living standard.
President Moon insisted that all government policies must be pursued from the people's
perspective and called for more active and genuine communication between the public and
the government.
The liberal leader also called for innovation within the government.
He said quote "public officials themselves may become the target of innovation if they
fail to become its main agents" and urged them to take the lead in building a fair and
just society.
And last but not least, President Moon stressed that all ministries should strive to cooperate
since they're all in it together.
"It's not me, the President, but the people that all of you must answer to.
We are bound together by a common destiny; we are all in this same boat called the Moon
President Moon's remarks about the government doing its utmost to protect people's lives
come after a string of deadly accidents, including a fire at a local hospital last week in which
39 people died and more than 150 others were injured.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
How to Journal for Better Sleep - Duration: 4:48.Hi everyone Justine Froelker here its Take Care Tuesday so we're talking about
nighttime routine still last week I talked about devotionals non-religious
or faith-based whatever and this week I'm going to talk about journaling so
this is not this like 80s movie journal all your feelings and then go back and
read them like I don't hardly ever recommend that my clients or my friends
ever go back to reread their journals because notoriously most of us have kept
our journals and wrote down all of the shit that happened throughout the day
like all the negative stuff all the hard stuff and then we go back and read it
and it's terrible it's an awful idea so I want to give you a different
definition of journaling journaling at nighttime specifically because I also
journal in the morning so we will get to that when we get to the morning routine
stuff so I told you I am a plethora of freaking resources and self-care routine
hence Take Care Tuesday so nighttime journaling write out what comes to you
write down your feelings for the day that's totally fine like if you want to
write a huge long narrative go for it the biggest thing though you must end on
a gratitude because what you think of last will be what your brain works
through as you sleep and so we want that to be a positive note we want it to be a
gratitude so write down the huge narrative if that's what you want to
write write down or maybe you just need to write down all of your to-do lists so
you're not ruminating it all night long or maybe you just need to write down a
gratitude because you're that tired that's okay too give yourself grace and
that permission so the biggest thing about that gratitude journal and I
shared this on multiple of my platforms and blog posts and things like that but
I just don't think you can ever get enough of it so a gratitude journal
write down things that you are grateful for however I have a couple rules when
it comes to my gratitude journal at night so number one I always end on
something that I'm grateful for at the end of my journal no matter what that
journal consists of at the end of the night number two I think about one to
three things that I'm grateful for from that day this is to help my brain
unwind so I mentally through my day and think about 20 to 30
spots on my day of what I was grateful for the good stuff and the bad stuff
because it's important to have perspective on the hard stuff too okay
there's always something to be grateful for even in the hard and the dark so I
write down one to three things that I'm grateful for rule number three those one
two three things are something different every day this is not to make me go
backwards in my journal and to make sure I'm not repeating something this is
simply to help us remember that there's always something to be grateful for
there are always small things to be grateful for I had a client once tell me
that she went back and read some of her gratitude journal at the end of the year
because she had kept it for an entire year and she said that all of those
moments were like seared into her brain she remembered what she was wearing what
she smelled like or what she smelled what she was tasting like she remembered
everything and it was a good happy moment because she took a moment to
write it down in her gratitude journal which is just a great side effect of the
gratitude journal rule number four one so of those one to three things that
you write down that you're grateful for you're going to choose one of those
things and write down three to five sentences about why you're grateful for
it okay because your return is actually in the details because it might have
been a crap ass day and the only thing I can think of to be grateful for is my
buckwheat pillow which I love so much so I'll make sure to link it below but
maybe it's just been one of those days the only thing I'm grateful for is my
buckwheat pillow there's probably a million reasons that
I'm grateful for that I'm grateful for it because it helps me
sleep better all through the night which means I'm well rested it means I don't
have back pain anymore which means I can workout in the morning which means I
have energy throughout the whole day which means I feel comfortable in my
body my body is healthier and it works the way it's supposed to
blah-blah-blah-blah your return is in the details okay so there is your
nighttime journaling exercise so to review write down those thoughts if you
need to get them out write down the to-do list to definitely get those out
write down nothing if you're just done for the day
and always always end with gratitudes one to three things that you're
grateful for something different every single day and then choose one of those
things and write three to five sentences about why you are grateful for it I
would love to hear what your journaling exercises are that
you do so make sure to comment below and please if you found this video helpful
make sure to like it share it with someone you care about because maybe it
will help them too and to make sure you never miss a Take
Care Tuesday or a Therapy Thursday make sure to subscribe to my channel and
click to get notified so you never miss anything thanks so much for being here
and being on this journey with me and I'll see you next week for Take Care
Tuesday and Therapy Thursday
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