Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 7 2018

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For more infomation >> Disney Cars 3 Action Movie | Giant Tiger Attack Cars 3 And Tow Mater | Toys For Kids Videos - Duration: 3:25.



For more infomation >> ЧЕМ ЗАМЕНИТЬ сыр ПАРМЕЗАН 👍| QUESO PARMESANO VEGANO👌 - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> Вязание крючком. БЕЗРУКАВКА. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА+ОПИСАНИЕ - Duration: 24:28.


Pastane Lezzetinde Ağızda Dağılan TAHİNLİ KURABİYE TARİFİ - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Pastane Lezzetinde Ağızda Dağılan TAHİNLİ KURABİYE TARİFİ - Duration: 1:23.


British FIRST Time Trying To Speak German! - Duration: 6:46.

- When British people try to speak German -

So hey guys Stefanie22899 again this time with Lewis, ..

He is British so he doesn't understand what I'm currently saying ..

We thought, well I thought, ..

.. he didn't ..

That we make a video today where he tries to speak German.

I got a glass with words inside, the green ones are easy words, which should be quite easy for him to pronounce

.. and the red words more difficult ones.

And the second glass would be with sentences ..

.. same thing - red is difficult and green easy.

As I'll speak English with him for the whole time, I will add subtitles ..

Whenever I'm speaking German you got English subtitles and when I speak English - German subtitles.

Yeah, that was pretty much ..

For more infomation >> British FIRST Time Trying To Speak German! - Duration: 6:46.


【祝!8連敗】フェス結果発表「花 vs 団子」(語録字幕)【スプラトゥーン2】 - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> 【祝!8連敗】フェス結果発表「花 vs 団子」(語録字幕)【スプラトゥーン2】 - Duration: 7:33.


5 Best Players In 2018 FIFA World Cup - Duration: 5:42.

The FIFA World Cup is watched by millions of fans every four years

And it's watching the best football players in the world go head-to-head on the same field that makes it worth watching

So here are the top five players to look out for in the 2018 FIFA World Cup. How's it going guys?

I'm Leroy Kenton, and you've made it back to another episode of FTD Facts. I love talking about football

It's my favorite sport of all time and guys before I get into this video

I want to know who are some of your favorite football players

Let me know down below in the comment section for sure one of my all-time favorites is

Ronaldinho like he's just football gold okay, so starting with number five in this episode

We have Cristiano, Ronaldo who represents the team Portugal

No name has been as popular and football in the past decade as Cristiano Ronaldo

Ronaldo has risen to fame by winning all possible cups at the club level and in the summer of 2016

Ronaldo led Portugal in winning their first major title by claiming the euro cup this achievement alone

Cemented Ronaldo as one of the greatest football players in the history of the game after helping

Portugal topped their qualifying group ahead of Switzerland

Ronaldo will be aiming higher this time around in Russia in 2018

This will be his fourth World Cup appearance as a player coming in at number 4

We have

Francisco Rome on a lark on Suarez for Spain

Now the Spanish national football team or more affectionately known as the red fury are one of the favourites

Expected to win the 2018 World Cup the Spanish football team has some of the best midfielders in the entire world

however one of those players stands out above all and that is Francisco Ramon all Archon Suarez commonly known as

Isco now Isco who also plays as an attacking midfielder for Real Madrid has been

Amazing to watch since making his international debut in 2013

So look out for him. He's gonna light up the field in the 2018 World Cup now

We're at the halfway spot in this episode at number 3 we have Tony Cruz of

Germany the name Tony Cruz recently caused a big stir with EA Sports when they named him the best

center midfielder in FIFA 18

Described as the best passer in the modern game on the EA Sports

Website Cruz has been given 81 for shooting 81 for dribbling and 88 for passing and his overall rating is

90 and I mean I would say that's pretty accurate because Cruz has certainly left his mark

both at the club level as well as at the

international level

Like this guy he was regarded by many as the best player in the 2014 World Cup as he was the most important man in

Germany's midfield, okay, we're coming close to the end of this episode

We have net number two Neymar for Brazil Neymar da Silva Santos jr.

Commonly known as does Neymar or Neymar jr.

Has scored 52 goals in 80 matches for Brazil since his debut at the age of 18

And he's the fourth highest goal scorer for the Brazil national team

Known for his dribbling his finishing and ability to handle the ball with both feet

I mean Neymar is even compared to the former Brazilian forward Pele

everything points towards Neymar being one of the most phenomenal players of the 2018 World Cup in Russia

But as excited as people are to see Neymar in the World Cup

He's not number one on this list that goes to Lionel Messi of Argentina

Leo Messi is Argentina's all-time leading goalscorer and has been dominating the field for over a decade now

Having proven himself over and over again with his club team

FC Barcelona Messi has played in three World Cups so far

2006 2010 and 2014 and three Coppa Americas those are in

2007 2011 and 2015 however having the World Cup title is all it's missing under his belt

Which makes Leo Messi even more determined in mode evaded than ever?

To put on his best game out there on the field in the 2018 World Cup

And this is gonna be his last chance to win the World Cup Leo Messi will be 31 years old

He's more experienced more determined than ever and that

Makes him the top player on this list to check out in the 2018 World Cup. Hey guys so that concludes this episode

Let me know what other players you're excited to see in the 2018 FIFA World Cup. It's gonna be awesome

I know it

But leave those down below in the comments section you can also follow me on Instagram

To keep up with all the stuff going on when I'm not filming videos sometimes

I post like photos of me filming videos so whatever the case is plus or some other good stuff down there that you would definitely

Want to click on for sure?

Hey and for all of you who made it to this end screen be sure to check out our other

2018 World Cup videos we have a playlist

specifically for those videos

Or if you want to know more about the different cultures

countries and places and just other amazing stuff around our world

We have videos covering those topics as well be sure to subscribe if this is your first time here and come back every single week

For new videos until the next video guys stay educated and stay awesome

For more infomation >> 5 Best Players In 2018 FIFA World Cup - Duration: 5:42.


TEST VĚDOMOSTÍ | Poznáš státní vlajku? - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> TEST VĚDOMOSTÍ | Poznáš státní vlajku? - Duration: 10:04.


After inter-Korean summit announcement, S. Korea's Moon says "ultimate goal, getting rid of all ... - Duration: 2:44.

The first inter-Korean summit in more than a decade is set.

Pyongyang expressed willingness to talk to Washington.

However, President Moon Jae-in made it clear, regardless of these developments... his end

goal remains unchanged: scrapping all nuclear weapons on the Peninsula.

Moon Connyoung has our top story.

Guarded optimism... appears to be the stance South Korean President Moon Jae-in has chosen

to take regarding the latest leap forward in relations between the two Koreas.

According to President Moon's press secretary, the South Korean leader made clear on Wednesday

that his end goal remains unchanged: North Korea's denuclearization... and that sanctions

on Pyongyang will not be eased for the sake of a summit with the North's Kim Jong-un.

President Moon's remarks follow his envoys' press briefing on the outcome of their two-day

visit to North Korea.

"South and North Korea have agreed to hold the third leaders' summit at Peace House in

Panmunjom in late April.

For this, we agreed to hold working level talks."

The Peace House is a building that sits on the South Korean side of the so-called truce

village that straddles the border... and if the summit is held here, it would mark the

first time a North Korean leader has stepped on South Korean soil since the end of the

Korean War in early 1950s.

n another remarkable development, South Korea said North Korea is willing to talk to the

U.S. about giving up its nuclear weapons and has agreed to refrain from conducting nuclear

and missile tests while engaging in dialogue.

Plus, for the first time ever, the two sides will open a communication hotline so that

Moon and Kim can directly speak to one another before the get-together.

''North Korea clearly stated its willingness to denuclearize.

It also clarified that it had no reason to retain nuclear weapons if the military threat

to North Korea is resolved and regime security is guaranteed."

It's a positive statement that caught many by surprise but when parsed... comes with

significant caveats.

Pyongyang's reference to elimination of "military threat" against the regime could run counter

to U.S. priorities which has 28-thousand-5-hundred troops stationed in South Korea.

"Along with Suh Hoon, Director of the National Intelligence Service and others, I will soon

be visiting the U.S. to explain the outcome of our North Korea visit.

We also plan to visit China and Russia following the U.S. trip."

The presidential envoys leave for Washington Thursday morning.

Despite the caveats, the agreements represent a significant diplomatic accomplishment for

South Korean President Moon Jae-in who used the

Winter Olympic Games to engineer a thaw in relations with the North that had previously

seemed a distant prospect.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.

For more infomation >> After inter-Korean summit announcement, S. Korea's Moon says "ultimate goal, getting rid of all ... - Duration: 2:44.


Grandes documentales. | Cielos abiertos: Túnez. - Duration: 51:49.

For more infomation >> Grandes documentales. | Cielos abiertos: Túnez. - Duration: 51:49.


Поздравления МОИМ 250 ДРУЗЬЯМ С ЛЮБОВЬЮ!!!ВЫ САМЫЕ ЛУЧШИЕ! - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Поздравления МОИМ 250 ДРУЗЬЯМ С ЛЮБОВЬЮ!!!ВЫ САМЫЕ ЛУЧШИЕ! - Duration: 1:35.


Перший раз у перший клас: як це роблять німці | DW Ukrainian - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Перший раз у перший клас: як це роблять німці | DW Ukrainian - Duration: 3:26.


Giải Pháp Cho Bệnh Đau Dạ Dày Khi Bị Nhiễm Vi Khuẩn Hp | SỨC KHOẺ 365 - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Giải Pháp Cho Bệnh Đau Dạ Dày Khi Bị Nhiễm Vi Khuẩn Hp | SỨC KHOẺ 365 - Duration: 8:13.


youtube test - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> youtube test - Duration: 3:43.


Tintoretto. Birth of a Genius : the exhibition - Duration: 4:03.

What characterises the most

young Tintoretto, his personality, surely is his ambition.

The determination to succeed.

The desire to rise to the top of the artistic scene.

Tintoretto, Birth of a Genius


This artist

young Tintoretto, his personality, surely is his ambition.

young Tintoretto, his personality, surely is his ambition.

The idea behind this exhibition is the construction of an artist.

The idea behind this exhibition is the construction of an artist.

An artist from a rather modest background

who would gradually rise to the top of the artistic scene

and become

one of the first painters in Venice.

Venice in the 16th Century was one of the great European powers.

This city was also centred on itself

and was building its myth.

To build this myth, it needed the artists.

This exhibition was designed by a great specialist

of Tintoretto's work, Roland Krischel.

The particularity of this exhibition is

that it doesn't look at all of his works.

It focuses on one part of his life,

a particularly important one,

since it was the first part of his activity.

The starting point of the exhibition

is Tintoretto's oldest preserved painting,

"The Adoration of the Magi", from the Prado Museum.

He is hesitant about how to stage the scene,

about perspective,

but you can see that already, in this piece,

there is a new breath, that will be his signature.

He distinguishes himself

from other painters of his time by his quick painting,

with small touches, juxtaposed,

out of which shapes appear.

This rapid technique will allow him

to produce tremendously.

We feel that he is searching for an artistic identity,

for a synthesis between all the progress

made by the great masters of his day.

Tintoretto was greatly inspired by other art forms.

He did not look only at painters, but also sculptors.

He was fascinated by sculpture,

expressed in three dimensions and working on relief.

The exhibition contains a piece

that's emblematic of Tintoretto's admiration for sculpture.

It's "St Louis, St George and the Princess"

kept at the Gallerie dell'Accademia.

The position of St George is borrowed from an ancient sculpture,

of which we show a cast in the exhibition.

The princess

was borrowed from a sculpture, a model

by Bartolomeo Ammannati

that was in Padua, showing the same position

as this princess.

They spotted in his surroundings

an artist called Giovanni Galizzi.

He worked with him and assisted him in producing artwork.

Tintoretto worked mainly on the architectural settings

and may have entrusted an assistant, like Giovanni Galizzi,

to dispose the characters on this architectural backdrop

to allow him to sell the picture.

What we would like visitors to remember from this exhibition

and about Tintoretto, this young man,

is his nonstandard personality,

an energy expressing itself both in how he built his career,

but also in his painting.


Subtitles: Marion Cole

ST' 501

For more infomation >> Tintoretto. Birth of a Genius : the exhibition - Duration: 4:03.


'Maximum pressure' on Pyongyang may have caused change in attitude - Duration: 2:51.

From continued nuke tests and rhetorics to a historic summit set for April.

The significant change is welcome, but sudden.

Hwang Hojun zooms in on what might have triggered the turnaround, and help us gauge if Pyongyang's

intention to denuclearize is genuine.

N. Korea 'willing' to return to negotiation table, discuss denuclearization} A little

over a week after the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, in which North Korea also participated, came

Tuesday's agreement in which Pyongyang said it is willing to return to the negotiation

table -- even willing to discuss the issue of denuclearization.

According to the Blue House, the North claimed it would no longer need its nuclear program

should military threats against it be removed and its safety guaranteed.

Some experts think N. Korea responding to 'maximum pressure' campaign} So what's caused

this apparent change of heart?

It could be the constant efforts by President Moon Jae-in's new liberal administration in

South Korea to resume dialogue with Pyongyang, but experts say the North could very well

be acting out of desperation.

Korea National Diplomatic Academy "North Korea would be worried, even fearful, of the so-called

maximum pressure and sanctions out of the U.S. and talk of possible military options.

Plus, those stifling sanctions are leading to complaints among North Korea's wealthy


So, Kim Jong-un would be feeling pressure to do something about that."

If so, that might be a credit to President Trump's aggressive posture.

Last October, he met with defense officials at the White House to look at his military

options, even tweeting that, in dealing with North Korea, "only one thing will work."

Pyongyang has long blamed 'hostile' U.S. policy for nuclear ambitions But, in fact, Pyongyang

has long said it's developing nuclear weapons precisely because of what it calls America's

"hostile policy and nuclear threat," and it has refused to put its nuclear weapons up

for negotiation.

Experts caution against assuming that Pyongyang will denuclearize So, while Tuesday's agreement

is significant, some experts doubt whether North Korea will really give up its arsenal.

For one thing, the agreement between Seoul and Pyongyang is still conditional,... not

to mention Pyongyang's conduct in the past.

Asan Institute for Policy Studies We've been down this road before.

We've had the summits.

We've had countless negotiations.

We've had two previous agreements, both of which have all failed.

And so history teaches us that dialogue and negotiations and agreements don't necessarily

lead to a change from the status quo or the trajectory of foreign relations with North


In just a month's time, the third summit between the heads of state of South and North Korea

will take place, and it'll be the very first time a North Korean leader has set foot in

the South.

But experts caution against celebrating that as a victory in itself, since there's still

a long road ahead until Washington and Pyongyang reengage in dialogue... and until the Peninsula

is truly free of nuclear weapons.

Hwang Hojun Arirang News.

For more infomation >> 'Maximum pressure' on Pyongyang may have caused change in attitude - Duration: 2:51.


Star Wars: Die Kopfgeldjägergilde - Die "Regierung" der Kopfgeldjäger [Kanon & Legends] - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Die Kopfgeldjägergilde - Die "Regierung" der Kopfgeldjäger [Kanon & Legends] - Duration: 4:57.


Summary of past inter-Korean talks and what is expected of talks in April - Duration: 1:41.

Curiosity peaks as to what we can expect from the first inter-Korean summit in more than

a decade.

Kim Mok-yeon helps paint a clearer picture of how it could unfold by reflecting on previous

such sessions.

The first inter-Korean summit took place in the year 2000.

Then South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and then North Korean leader Kim Jong-il met in

Pyongyang, to hold talks based on 'Peaceful coexistence'.

As a result of the talks, the two leaders signed the June 15th Joint Declaration, which

led to increased economic cooperation between the two Koreas, and to reunions of separated

families twice that same year.

The talks also led to Kim Dae-jung being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

The second summit came seven years later, between the next South Korean President, Roh

Moo-hyun and Kim Jong-il. Those talks centered mainly on peace and prosperity,

including topics on building military trust and solving the North Korean nuclear issue.

 The three-day summit, also held in Pyongyang,

led to the two leaders vowing to end the armistice agreement signed in 1953, and forge a permanent

peace treaty between the two Koreas.

 And now, eleven years later,... after the

positive outcome of President Moon Jae-in's special envoys' visit to the North, the two

Koreas have decided to hold their third historic summit by the end of April.

The talks would likely center on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, the reopening of

the Kaesong industrial complex and even on the possibility of North Korea holding talks

with the United States. The two sides first spoke of a summit after

the North Korean delegation invited President Moon to Pyongyang during the Winter Olympics,

possibly hinting at North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's increased willingness for talks.

Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.

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