Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 7 2018

I'm gonna spare you the soldering you know that I'm explain what's going on

here I have a horn button this horn button has a button for lights and it

has a button for the horn and it has some type of connector on it I have a

scooter horn these were purchased on eBay

I made a DIY 3s2 pack I made a homemade DIY three s2p

battery pack it's connected with a XT60 now I opened up the horn button to

see the wiring white and green are used for the horn I'm gonna be using those. The

red and the black is for lights I'm not using those now this goes on my

handlebars and it's not long enough to go to the back where I have batteries

and stuff like that so I'm gonna have to add extra wiring

because it's not long enough with the red and black wire for the lights I want

to tuck it away and tape it off with electric tape electrical tape just in

case I want to use later

I know this looks a little confusing but this is basically the things I need

going down here I need three pieces of wire I need one xt60 male I need two

female wire connectors I need tape a solder soldering gun and solder I need

shrink to a glue gun pliers rising wire cutters and wire strippers

now what I'm doing is this is the horn horn button this is the horn and this is

the battery pack I have the red and the black wires taped off and tucked away

here's the green wire and here's the Whitewater

I remember I said they weren't long enough so this is one piece of wire two

pieces of wire and three pieces of wire that I added to the mix so what i do

what i did was i soldered extra wire to the white wire and to the green wire

then I took another piece of wire it to one of the blue connectors and that wire

goes to the negative of the xt60 that we started on the green wire goes to the

xt60 and the white wire also gets a blue connector

now you plug the blue connectors right into two things on the horn you plug the

xt60 mail into the female battery pack to look in both diagrams if you want to

call them that here's the battery pack

xt60 here's the horn

here's the horn button that we're gonna put on the bike

here's the watch with the blue connector

and we're just gonna plug these blue connectors into the horn

here's the mail xt60 gonna plug this into the battery

now I'm gonna toot this one so be prepared for that

now I have to do is install all of this on my bike this goes on the handlebar

I'm gonna run a line to the back of bike I'm install this near my rack and this

is removable and rechargeable as you can see I removed my hand grip and I have my

brake hanging over here so I'm just gonna install my hand button this way

I'm gonna test and make sure the button is in a good spot there's a tiny screw

under here and this tiny little thing just screw it tight I'll show you the

screw right there

now I gotta adjust it to where I want it again you're not going to tighten it out

of the way believe the little rules for more adjustment

I'll break that going I'm gonna Africa alcohol here my rag and loosen it a

little more slide it back into position

line it up with my other break or what's it going to be a break

and tighten this down

no ma'am a trip back and this is a pretty tight grip I'm going to put some

alcohol in here and I'm gonna put some alcohol there I'm just gonna tighten

make that grip and then take that wire just tie it onto those handlebars run it

right along there move that put the wire into their stuffing in those things and

bring it up through the trunk

I finally figured out where I'm gonna put it there's a spot right under here

and I'm going to use some rubber let me sit it on there

I'm tip tight and this rubber is just for my old inner tube Mossman put a

piece of rubber

behind it really sturdy there

all right the hell is this dog why I cleaned up that's the horn

you know the other side so you can see the difference pretty cool I get that ya

feel so much safer with that button there

For more infomation >> How to Wire and Install a Scooter Horn on Ebike - Duration: 10:55.


E "A" OSCAR VAI PARA… - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> E "A" OSCAR VAI PARA… - Duration: 3:20.


Scars | Season One | Extended Trailer - Duration: 3:58.

- Hurry up Kyle, the plane leaves soon.

I apologized to the others for your

behavior, in case you care.

- Nobody asked you to.

- What?

- I said, nobody asked you to.

I didn't ask you to do any of that

so don't act like you're doing me a big favor.

The audio board failing, the laptop freezing,

we took all those issues to that idiot and he ignored them.

You were right there when he brushed us off.

- Then why didn't you defend us

instead of throwing me under the bus.

And what about vomiting on his

wife's dress at the awards ceremony?

Did you forget about that, Asshole?

- I made it perfectly clear, I didn't want to drink

until after we packed up the gear but no,

both of you made me have to go get a drink.

- We had a drink, you didn't have to drink the whole bar.

- Please, Kyle, if you ever feel

like you need to talk about it, talk to us, or to someone.

- Yeah, I'm not particularly interested in

sitting around a church basement listening to

a bunch of people whine about their pathetic lives.

If anything it might encourage me to drink more.

- We just, we don't want another incident.

- [Kyle] Incident, nice.

- Do it again, and I'll never forgive you.

Do you remember when I replaced all your vodka with water?

- What?

- I didn't, but what would you do if I had?

- We'd never be friends again, I'd cut you out forever.

- Oh please, you'd miss me too much.

- I'd miss my vodka, you on the other hand are replaceable.

(smack sound)

- Christ, why did you move back here?

- [Man] I can handle it just fine.

- [Woman] No you can't, look at you now.

- I can't just leave her here now that he's back.

(muttering) - Stop it!

- If I could just get her somewhere safe,

I'd be out of there tomorrow.

- Who's this?

- Serena, this is Cassidy, my neighbor.

- Hey.

- Cassidy, this is Serena, my girlfriend.

- Why is she here?

Are you sleeping with her?

- Why would you think that?

I'm not gay alright, I don't sleep with guys.

- But you did last night and it was wonderful.

- Shut up.

- Excuse me?

- This never happened.

- You do remember it was you that

picked me up last night right?

- No I didn't, get the hell out of here!

- At least I try things, have you ever taken any risks?

- I'm not reckless like you, I have a stable job.

- At an art store?

Can you even afford to pay bills with that job?

- He's right, your free ride needs to end at some point.

Why don't you do something with your life?

- I am.

- What are you doing?

- I don't know yet.

I'm still trying to figure that out.

- You're just going to let it get worse and worse?

It doesn't add up.

- I don't know, I don't have the answers for you.

- You know, your blade isn't your only friend.

- Goodbye, this isn't your fault.

Who are you?

For more infomation >> Scars | Season One | Extended Trailer - Duration: 3:58.



For more infomation >> ONRUSH // STAMPEDE GAMEPLAY // DIRECTOR'S CUT [ES] - Duration: 1:08.


Wyghor Camargo - Duration: 3:54.

Olá todo mundo !!!

Meu nome completo é Wyghor Tales Camargo.

Mas as pessoas normalmente me chamam de ''nego''

Eu tenho dezesseis anos de idade

e meu aniversário é em agosto, dia doze.

Eu nasci em São Carlos

Minha ocupação é de estudante.

Eu estou no primeiro ano do ensino médio

mas eu tenho dois anos ainda pra terminar.

Eu moro com meus pais...

Minha mãe, o nome dela é Alexandra Carla.

Meu pai, o nome dele é João Batista.

e também meu irmão, o nome dele é Wylgner Gomes.

Nós todos estamos morando juntos em São Carlos.

No Bairro Santa Maria II

na rua: Doutor Manoel Fraguas, número 105.

Eu consigo usar o computador muito bem.

consigo formatar um pc facilmente

e tenho vários cursos de informática.

Eu domino totalmente o microsoft excel, powerpoint word...

e photoshop também, mas este só um pouquinho.

e eu monto computadores.

Eu não tenho muitas habilidades

mas tenho técnicas.

Eu amo esportes

Eu sou bom em futebol, handbol e sou ótimo no basquete.

eu amo matemática e adoro cálculos.

Mas eu odeio português e sociologia...

Não é pra mim.

Meus dias são todos iguais

Eu acordo as seis em ponto.

eu tomo um banho...

escovo os meus dentes

como algumas frutas e depois vou pra escola

no período da tarde eu vou pra academia

das ... cinco as sete eu malho.

e depois eu... eu volto pra casa.

Nos finais de semana faço coisas diferentes

Eu relaxo mais...

Eu jogo videogames

Assisto filmes e seriados

por exemplo...

The flash, The walking dead, Arrow, Agents of shield e etc.

Eu acho que no futuro vou estudar o curso de engenharia civil.

na universidade, mas eu ainda não terminei o ensino médio.

mas eu planejo fazer um curso técnico

por exemplo...


Bem... eu ja falei muitas coisas sobre mim.

Mas é so o começo! :D

Até mais, tchau!

For more infomation >> Wyghor Camargo - Duration: 3:54.





Chaffetz speech at George Washington University slammed in op-ed - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Chaffetz speech at George Washington University slammed in op-ed - Duration: 3:07.


সিরিয়া সম্পর্কে আল কোরআনে মহান আল্লাহ কি বলেছেন মতিউর রহমান মাদানি || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> সিরিয়া সম্পর্কে আল কোরআনে মহান আল্লাহ কি বলেছেন মতিউর রহমান মাদানি || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 5:22.


tarik : "We didn't expect that Liquid would be that good" - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> tarik : "We didn't expect that Liquid would be that good" - Duration: 8:06.


FACEİT | CSGO REKABETÇİ | 3 HP 3 KİLL + TAŞIDIM!! | Rekabetçi TÜRKİYE - Duration: 22:09.

For more infomation >> FACEİT | CSGO REKABETÇİ | 3 HP 3 KİLL + TAŞIDIM!! | Rekabetçi TÜRKİYE - Duration: 22:09.


চিত্র নায়ক ওমর সানি মৃত্যুমুখে, দেখুন একি হাল এখন, অবস্থা খারাপ | Omar Sani | Bangla News - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> চিত্র নায়ক ওমর সানি মৃত্যুমুখে, দেখুন একি হাল এখন, অবস্থা খারাপ | Omar Sani | Bangla News - Duration: 1:44.


Аниме приколы под музыку | Anime Crack | Смешные моменты аниме | Анкорд жжёт | Аниме музыка #32 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы под музыку | Anime Crack | Смешные моменты аниме | Анкорд жжёт | Аниме музыка #32 - Duration: 4:37.


First Look: Prodigy H5 Hybrid Driver - Duration: 3:22.

What's up guys, this is Will Schusterick

3X USDGC Champion.

We're in Woodstock, GA, home of Prodigy Disc

Out at Dupree Park, testing out the brand new 400 H5.

The H5 is a brand new disc to the Prodigy line.

It has a slightly rounded edge so it fits nice and tight in your hand.

It's fairly understable for those players with a little bit of a lower arm speed

It's really easy to get the H5 to go nice and straight.

Even those players who have a little bit of a higher arm speed,

you're going to be able to get a nice, easy hyzer flip out of this disc.

With the H5, a slight hyzer release and a little bit less power

you're going to be able to get it to flip up and fly extremely straight.

So that's great for those wooded type of shots

or people with a lower arm speed looking for a really long, right to left fading disc.

With a flat release and little bit lower power

The H5 is going to move slightly from left to right,

it's going to have that slow fade, and once again land flat to the ground

The H5 does not have a lot of fade at the end of its flight.

With a slight anhyzer release, the H5 is going to move on

a big left to right angle

and once again, for those players with a bit of a lower arm speed

the H5 moving from left to right

Still holds the angle for a long time and does not have a hard fade at the end of its flight.

I think that the H5 is a great disc to fit in between

the F5 and the D4, because of the stability

and the fact that it does not fade hard at the end of its flight path.

The H5 on an anhyzer out of your hand,

on a lower arm speed is great for those long left to right angled shots.

For players with a higher arm speed and an anhyzer release

the H5 is going to be a great roller, especially with the rounded edge.

What's up guys? My name is Dylan Holt

This disc is butter on a roll, I'll tell you what!

I'm going to use the H5 for big, left to right, anny finishing shots

or in the woods, any time I need a quick, hyzer flip to flat

with a dead straight finish. This disc is going to do it every time.

Thanks for watching our H5 review video. I'm Will Schusterick with Dylan Holt

in Woodstock, GA at Dupree Park

Make sure to pick up an H5 from your favorite Prodigy retailer.

For more infomation >> First Look: Prodigy H5 Hybrid Driver - Duration: 3:22.


Bonsai - kiến thức về phong lan trên mang ko đáng tin sự thật đằng sau những bài viết về phong lan - Duration: 21:16.

For more infomation >> Bonsai - kiến thức về phong lan trên mang ko đáng tin sự thật đằng sau những bài viết về phong lan - Duration: 21:16.


দেখুন খালেদার সঙ্গে দেখা করে যা বললেন ফখরুল, Khaleda zia - Duration: 1:59.

bangladesh news

For more infomation >> দেখুন খালেদার সঙ্গে দেখা করে যা বললেন ফখরুল, Khaleda zia - Duration: 1:59.


पोहा रेसिपी | Homemade Poha Recipe | Poha Kaise Banaye Recipe | Delicious Poha Recipe - Duration: 3:22.

Delicious Poha Recipe

How To Make Poha At Home Poha Kaise Banaye Recipe

Poha - Flattened rice


2 Onion


For more infomation >> पोहा रेसिपी | Homemade Poha Recipe | Poha Kaise Banaye Recipe | Delicious Poha Recipe - Duration: 3:22.


闖入一晚要價15萬的高級套房!! 住在高級套房必做的三件事 - Duration: 16:48.

For more infomation >> 闖入一晚要價15萬的高級套房!! 住在高級套房必做的三件事 - Duration: 16:48.


The Age of Unlightenment - Duration: 6:53.

Folks, it's official, we are entering the Age of Unlightenment.

My friend, a true feminist in the best sense of the word and a fearless defender of free

speech, Christina Hoff Sommers, was invited to speak at Lewis and Clark Law School this


Here's what happened when she began her talk...

Putting aside the creepiness of the clone-like repetitive chanting from the protestors, their

use of free speech actually isn't a use free speech at all.

While of course they have a right to protest, your right to exercise your free speech doesn't

come at the expense of someone else's right to exercise theirs.

So what this means is, yes, you CAN peacefully protest outside of an event, you CAN silently

protest inside of an event, you CAN hold all the signs you want and you CAN encourage others

to join your cause.

You canNOT, however, use your freedoms to trample on the freedoms of others.

This chanting, which again took place before Christina had even begun to speak, reminded

me of when I was at UCLA with Milo two years ago.

Protestors screamed, spit, threw garbage cans, pulled fire alarms and even called in bomb

threats before we even took the stage.

Perhaps the most egregious, though, was the group of students who linked arms to create

a human wall to stop us and other viewers from even going inside the venue itself.

So apparently they aren't against walls, they just don't like Trump's wall.

Christina's talk continued through the chanting, and the protestors then broke out in song...

Quite a catchy tune wouldn't you say?

Of course, Christina Hoff Sommers isn't a fascist at all, she's just an old school liberal

who dare challenge modern day Leftist.

Ironically these people so keen on fighting fascism don't understand that they themselves

are the ones who are actually using fascist tactics of silencing and drowning out their

opponents until there is no opposition remaining at all.

But if you're still confused, here's a simple definition of fascism:

Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial

power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce, which

came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Do you think Christina is for dictatorial power?

Is she for forcible suppression of opposition?

To top it off she even works for the American Enterprise Institute, which is against control

of industry and commerce.

Now just think for a moment if the ideas that these students are espousing were the set

of ideas in power?

They actually would be for dictatorial control, as they believe their cause is the most just

and their opponents are simply evil.

How do you think it would be going for dissent and opposition in their system?

Perhaps the most insidious piece of the cultural marxism that we see spreading on college campuses

is that it is using the freedoms that our democratic capitalist society against itself.

Of course it would never offer the same protection to minority voices in the dystopian future

that it would bring.

While this event thankfully wasn't nearly as violent as when Milo when to UC Berkely

and the school burned down, or when it took 600K in security to ensure that Ben Shapiro

could speak there without threat, this display at Lewis and Clark is just another reminder

of how the backwards thinking of cultural marxism is coming for all dissenters, cloaked

in the mask of tolerance and diversity.

These incidences are happening at colleges all over the country and turning places of

higher learning into places where people are just getting high...on intersectionality.

Sadly, this story really only broke on right leaning blogs and was only shared by the usual

suspects who continually defend freedom of expression.

As of recording this, I haven't see any Left leaning websites that covered it.

The reason for this of course is two-fold, on one hand when you can win arguments by

silencing your opponents, your job is pretty easy, but also, and more importantly, the

good actors on the Left who want to call out events like this rarely do because they know

that the same tactics of smearing and silencing will be used against them as they are purged

from their former home.

Just ask former guests of mine like Bret Weinstein, Laura Kipnis, Lindsay Shepherd and others,

who dare speak out against this tyrannical faux diversity movement.

The silver lining though, of course, is that the more that people like Bret, Laura and

Lindsay speak out, the more room they give for people like you to do the same in your


Speaking of Berkeley, I'll be there, tomorrow Thursday night, hosted by the the Berkeley

College Republicans.

I'll be joined by Heather McDonald and Steve Simpson.

We'll be live steaming the event right here at 8 pm pacific time.

Come join us and ask us as many hard questions in the Q&A as you'd like.

I only ask one thing, which is that if you sing make it a little snappier than what we

just heard.

A cover of Journey, Fleetwood Mac or Frank Sinatra would be preferable...

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