Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 7 2018

COLORFUL Ice Eating ASMR Compilations - Satisfying Crunchy Ice Eating with Juices In It by OSVchannel

For more infomation >> COLORFUL Ice Eating ASMR Compilations #5 - Satisfying Crunchy Ice Eating with Juices In It - Duration: 3:39.


Whole30 Diet Review – Before & After Has Us Shook! - Duration: 11:16.

Hi guys, my name is Zena.

I'm the Senior Content Manager here at HUM.

And I'm Sarah, the Director of Education.

And today we are talking Whole30.

Yes, we are.

Actually, I'm trying Whole30.

I'm terrified.

Whole30 is essentailly, if you're unfamiliar with it, an elimination diet – or an anti-inflammatory


What you're going to be doing is eliminating sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, and alcohol.

So many things.

And essentially anything if you read and it's a long list of ingredients, basically anything


So the idea of Whole30 is that it's a 30 day challenge of whole foods.

So we'll check in with Zena throughout the next 30 days and see how she's doing... for

better or for worse.

So scared.

Alright so what we did to start and to kick this off was we took some body parameter measurements

just to be able to see what changes are going to happen over the next thirty days.

Because while you're doing Whole30 it's recommended to not weigh yourself, to not think about

your body, just do it in the beginning and then at the end.

So that's what we did.

We took some measurements and we're going to see if any of that changes over the next

thirty days.

Do you notice any issues with your energy levels or digestions or anything?

Yeah, I feel like I definitely get moody and cranky.

I'm sure that could be sugar crashes.

As far as my skin goes, I keep having weird breakouts that are just under the surface

and I can't get rid of it or figure out where it's coming from.

And then I feel like sleep can always be improved.

Cool, so those will be really good parameters to be able to track and see how you are at

the end of this.


Okay, Whole30 challenge, I'm ready for it.

Here we go.

Wish me luck.

Good luck, Zena!


So it is Day 4 of Whole30.

I still really miss sweet chocolatey things.

So I found this Eating Evolved chocolate.

There's no added sugar.

There's no dairy in it.

It's just pure dark chocolate.

And it's super bitter.

It's so gross.

I am one week into Whole30.

It's actually going pretty well.

I thought this was going to be really, really hard but once I kind of just hard lined the

things I couldn't have, I just started focusing on the things I could have and now I feel

like I'm very used to that.

Not having sugar I thought was going to be really, really difficult.

But having fruit instead, is actually pretty satisfying once you get over it.

I did discover freeze-dried fruit which I kind of feel like is cheating because it's

so sweet and delicious that it tastes like candy.

I was also really nervous about not being able to drink.

You think that drinking really isn't a huge deal in your life but most social settings

as a young adult in a big city revolve around bars and drinking.

But it really hasn't been that bad.

I went out to a karaoke bar on Sunday with my friends and I still sang a song.

So guys, you can karaoke without drinking.

Who knew?

I will say for all the things I'm not eating, I thought I was going to have drastic changes

in how I feel and I was going to be on top of the world with energy and glowing from

the inside...

I don't think that's the case yet.

My skin is one of the concerns I was hoping to see better...

So that's my update for now.

We'll see what happens in the following weeks.

Hopefully some big changes to all make this worth it?

Stay tuned!

In case you're wondering how hard it is to order takeout on Whole30.

It's really freaking hard!

I thought I was being really smart and was like "Oh, I can get a poké bowl with greens

instead of rice and it will be no problem.

And then I got to the sauces and I was like "Ooooh.

A lot of these probably have sweetener."

So I had to call and check.

But then I forgot soy is not allowed!

So that means soy sauce is not allowed.

And all of the sauces had either soy or sweetener.

Not a huge deal!

I'll order from somewhere else.

I can get a salad with steak or some other protein but just a good reminder of how hard

it is to eat out.

So it's funny.

We did this check-in last week and I was feeling like "I'm a recovered sugar addict.

I did it!

I don't need sugar ever again."

And then I went grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

I bought a bag of dried mango and ate the whole bag in one sitting, which I then read

has 90 grams of sugar in the bag which is way more sugar than anyone needs in a single

sitting – I don't care what it's made of.

So I've decided to try and avoid the dried fruit because part of Whole30 is about being

aware the things that you eat and why you eat them and I think I do turn to sugar as

a snacky bored thing instead of sitting down and having a satisfying meal.

I've still maintained a pretty good social life, which again, is something I was really

worried about.

It's been great.

I go out to bars and just order a hot tea like a ninety year old woman and I kind of

love it.

I checked my bank account this week and it was exactly where I left it, which is not

usually the case after a weekend.

You know, you spend $15 on a drink at a bar and you don't think anything of it but when

you cut that out you really notice how much money you're saving.

So that's something I'm really enjoying about Whole30.

We had an office temptation yesterday.

Evidence of things I can't eat at the office on Whole30.

This is torture.

But I just kind of knew, okay, I'm not doing that this month.

So it's Week 2.

Things are going really well.

Honestly I could see myself incorporating some of these things long term into my diet.

I don't know.

Is that crazy?

Stay tuned.

Who knows?

Maybe Week 3 will be the week that I crack.

Okay, so it is Week 3 completed of Whole30 which means I only have one week left to go.

Which is really nuts!

It's gone by really fast, I think.

All things considered.

There are definitely some challenging moments.

I went to another potluck party on Sunday and brought some prosciutto and melon – but

there were so many yummy looking things there like chocolate galore and cupcakes and brownies

and that really is the hardest part.

Going out to eat you're just in charge of your own plate and your own order, but anytime

you go into a situation where there's just a stack of free delicious food that's chocolatey

and sugary and full of non-Whole30 approved ingredients – that's the toughest part,

for sure.

My skin has been clearing up this week.

It was really breaking out a lot last week.

I think skin takes a while to show a difference when you change your diet.

I kind of felt like my skin might have even been purging from not having processed foods

and sugar, that my skin was breaking out, getting rid of excess but it's maybe, hopefully,

starting to tone down a little bit more now.

One week left of Whole30!

Let's see it goes.

Get ready to see what the final results are.

So curious.


The thirty days are done and now it's time to take some measurements and see from a anthropometric

and data standpoint how Zena did.

But really what's more important is how you feel.

Pretty good!

I don't know.

I thought this was going to be torture and it's been fine!

I feel good.

I'm very curious to see.

30 inches!

What you were before was 33! Woah!

You lost three inches off your waist!

That's huge!

Which is amazing!

That's so weird.


Alright let's see what you weigh.

Okay, 149 lbs.

Thirty days ago you weighed 152.2.

So that is a three pound difference, which is amazing!

What next?

Now we're going to do body fat percentage!

Body fat percentage is 23.4%.

BMI is 23.

A month ago, thirty days ago, your body fat percentage was 24% so you lost 0.6% of your

body fat which is amazing.

And then your BMI went down as well from 24 to 23.

But you did lose 3 inches off your waist.

Which is crazy!

So that to me is the most amazing change that you can notice in that timeframe.

Because that just signifies that you're digestion is probably working better.

You're not as bloated.

That some of the fat that you were carrying around from your waist, you've lost – 0.6%

of it.

And it's just a really good indicator for overall health.

The Whole30 Challenge is complete!


So I am done with Whole30.


But also...

I feel like I could just keep going with this for a while.

My skin definitely cleared up a bit.

I think I'm dealing with a little bit of hormonal acne and I still have some blemishes here

and there but the first two weeks it was really bad.

It was full breakouts all over and I think eliminating sugar really helped to clear it


So now there's just a few here or there but they're not as extreme.

Definitely a good lesson in how the foods that we eat really affect our outer appearance

and our skin, not just digestion stuff is an obvious no brainer but really eliminating

sugar and dairy did help to clear my skin up a lot.

The best thing about Whole30 is just knowing that I have some will power.

I've never thought of myself as a person who has a ton of willpower.

But I do!

And I think I learned a lot about reading your body's cravings and satisfying it with

something healthy.

Very glad I did the Whole30!

Thanks for following along.

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Are there other 30 day challenges we should try?

And don't forget to subscribe to our channel!


For more infomation >> Whole30 Diet Review – Before & After Has Us Shook! - Duration: 11:16.


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