Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

Worshiping Allah in the old age,


is a big deal.


being blessed to bow before ALLAH during the youth,

getting the divine light of tears in the eyes,

the divine terror,


and fear of ALLAH,

this is a great gift.

It is for ALLAH to bestow it upon anyone he chooses.


is His blessing

Fear of Allah is his benefaction

The fear of ALLAH

is a gift given to the people by ALLAH.

When ALLAH decides to help someone,

He gives him the light of the divine fear.

He bless him with His fear.

He bless him to be afraid of him.

He gives him the wealth of abstinence.

And if someone claims with valor

that "I am not afraid"

or commit sins with audacity

even after committing a sin,

take pride in it.

This is a sign that ALLAH is displeased.


to get a chance to commit a sin,

and vaunting afterwards,



and pleasure even on that?

This is a great


and a sign to be far off from the blessings of ALLAH.


the blessing to do good deeds,

and to refrain from committing sins,

the terror of ALLAH,

and the presence of the fear of ALLAH in the heart,

and even if at sometime commits a sin

then seeking penance immediately.

It is the dignity of a that MOMIN lies in this.



that when a MOMIN commits a sin

he feels like he has come under a mountain.

he feels it like a burden,

he tends to seek penance and forgiveness immediately.

Tends towards ALLAH.

So that

he could get forgiveness.

and the example of a hypocrite is like,

he feels after committing a sin,

like he blew a fly away with minimal gesture that sat on his body.

and how many times does he blows those flies away during the day,

A man,

from dawn till dusk,

and at the night he neither has counted nor he remembered,

that how many times have I performed this action

So, let you and I

can look at ourselves

by entering our conscience

can take a peek at where we are standing

If we commit a sin sometime

do we get into a state where

feel like we have down under a mountain

or like that

if a sin has been committed by us

do we feel like nothing has happened,

like a fly is blown away with a little gesture

You and I

put ourselves

in the court of our own conscience

can look at

where we are standing,

whether the hypocritical conduct

is not present in our lives

or whether it is the pride of a MOMIN

that after committing the sin

we feel like state of being under the mountain

and try to seek penance as soon as possible,

get restless,

would not stop the tears in the eyes

and turn towards GOD (ALLAH)

and a sensation of frenzy in ourselves,


and a feeling of regret

that what have we done?

Our GOD (ALLAH) has gotten angry with us.

So you and I,

should see ourselves,

where we are standing.

So may ALLAH help us in doing so.

For more infomation >> Raza Saqib Mustafai | Khof mil jana ALLAH ki nemat hai | New Bayan 2018 - Duration: 3:11.



For more infomation >> LOL TEK ATAN EKKO! LOL KOMİK ANLAR MONTAJ! - Duration: 9:07.


How to draw BOAT easy - Duration: 1:48.

How to draw BOAT easy

For more infomation >> How to draw BOAT easy - Duration: 1:48.


This AI Learned To See In The Dark | Two Minute Papers #253 - Duration: 3:03.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

If you start watching reviews of some of the more recent smartphones, you will almost always

see a dedicated section to low-light photography.

The result is almost always that cameras that work remarkably well in well-lit scenes produce

almost unusable results in dim environments.

So unless we have access to a super expensive camera, what can we really do to obtain more

usable low-light images?

Well, of course, we could try brightening the image up by increasing the exposure.

This would help maybe a tiny bit, but would also mess up our white balance and also amplify

the noise within the image.

I hope that by now you are getting the feeling that there must be a better AI-based solution.

Let's have a look!

This is an image of a dark indoor environment, I am sure you have noticed.

This was taken with a relatively high light sensitivity that can be achieved with a consumer


This footage is unusable.

And this image was taken by an expensive camera with extremely high light sensitivity settings.

This footage is kinda usable, but is quite dim and is highly contaminated by noise.

And now, hold on to your papers, because this AI-based technique takes sensor data from

the first, unusable image, and produces this.

Holy smokes!

And you know what the best part is?

It produced this output image in less than a second.

Let's have a look at some more results.

These look almost too good to be true, but luckily, we have a paper at our disposal so

we can have a look at some of the details of the technique!

It reveals that we have to use a Convolutional Neural Network to learn the concept of this

kind of image translation, but that also means that we require some training data.

The input should contain a bunch of dark images, these are the before images, this can hardly

be a problem, but the output should always be the corresponding image with better visibility.

These are the after images.

So how do we obtain them?

The key idea is to use different exposure times for the input and output images.

A short exposure time means that when taking a photograph, the camera aperture is only

open for a short amount of time.

This means that less light is let in, therefore the photo will be darker.

This is perfect for the input images as these will be the ones to be improved.

And the improved versions are going to be the images with a much longer exposure time.

This is because more light is let in, and we'll get brighter and clearer images.

This is exactly what we're looking for!

So now that we have the before and after images that we referred to as input and output, we

can start training the network to learn how to perform low-light photography well.

And as you see here, the results are remarkable.

Machine learning research at its finest.

I really hope we get a software implementation of something like this in the smartphones

of the near future, that would be quite amazing.

And as we have only scratched the surface, please make sure to look at the paper as it

contains a lot more details.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> This AI Learned To See In The Dark | Two Minute Papers #253 - Duration: 3:03.


Recetas de cocina: Quesadillas de Nopales y Pimientos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Recetas de cocina: Quesadillas de Nopales y Pimientos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:50.


Emojis - Like-Moi ! - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Emojis - Like-Moi ! - Duration: 3:49.


Sùi mào gà giai đoạn đầu ở nam giới và cách chữa trị sùi mào gà - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Sùi mào gà giai đoạn đầu ở nam giới và cách chữa trị sùi mào gà - Duration: 1:37.


¿Qué es la depresión? Cómo ayudar | Gina Tost - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es la depresión? Cómo ayudar | Gina Tost - Duration: 5:07.


How To: Fix a Flat - Duration: 4:27.

Take 73!

On unavoidable downside to cycling…

No stop, take 74!

Never trust the video team!

How To: Fix a Flat

One unavoidable downside to cycling is the dreaded flat tire.

Fortunately, a few quick steps will have you up and on your way in no time.

To fix a flat, you'll need a spare tube, tire levers,

either a floor pump or a CO2 inflator, and a seat bag to store your tools.

You can find all the tools you need at your local Trek retailer or on

We're going to fix a flat rear tire, but the process is basically the same for both the front and rear tires.

Start by removing the wheel.

First, shift the chain the hardest gear, which is the smallest cog.

Then, release the brakes.

How you release the brakes depends on what type of brakes you have.

Most road bikes have a brake release lever that will release brake tension.

For disc brakes, there's nothing extra you need to do.

Disc pads are fixed and the disc will move in and out between the pads.

Next, open the quick release.

Gently pull the rear derailleur towards you to slide the wheel out of the dropouts.

If your bike has thru axles, you will need to unthread the axle until you can easily pull the entire axle out of the frame.

Then the wheel can be easily removed.

Set the bike down on the non-drive side.

Once the wheel is off the bike, start near a spoke.

Use the scooped end of your tire lever to grab the edge of the tire and work it over the edge of the rim.

Attach the hooked end of the tire lever to the nearest spoke.

Use the scooped side of your second tire lever to work more of the tire over the edge of the rim.

Once you have a few inches over the rim, work your way around the rest of the wheel.

Completely remove one side of the tire from the rim.

Remove the valve nut.

Push the tire near the valve stem away from the rim, and pull the valve stem out of the wheel.

Then remove the rest of the tube.

There's no sense in adding a new tube if the cause of the flat is still in your tire.

So first check to make sure the tire is clear of debris.

Visually inspect the outside of the tire.

Carefully run your fingers through the inside of the tire, feeling for anything sharp.

Remove anything that could cause another flat.

Sometimes glass or other small, sharp objects can cause a flat.

So, please be careful when inspecting the inside of the tire.

If you don't find anything, you may have a pinch flat.

Pinch flats happen when an underinflated tire hits a square-edged bump.

The tire can become pinched between the rim and the bump, causing a flat.

Now that we've checked our tire and removed any flat-causing culprits, we can replace the tube.

When you remove the tube from your seat pack, it will be flat.

It can be hard to place a flat tube in a wheel, so inflate it with just enough air to give it some shape.

Start back at the valve stem hole, and insert the valve stem.

Work your way around the tire, tucking the tube under tire all the way around.

Now that the tube is in place, let's get the tire seated back in the rim.

The tightest part of the tire is next to the valve stem.

Starting there, use both thumbs to push the edge of the tire back onto the rim.

Continue using your thumbs to tuck the tire back on to the rim, working your way around the wheel.

The tire will get tighter as you work your way around.

Your thumbs are the best tool for this job.

But, if they're just not cutting it,

carefully use the scooped end of the tire lever to press the rest of the tire back inside the rim.

Be careful not to damage the tube with the lever.

We'll want to give one last check to make sure that the tube isn't pinched between the tire and the rim.

Do this by gently pushing the tire to the side as you work your way around the rim and look for any obvious pinches.

Reinstall the valve stem nut.

Using your pump, re-inflate the tire.

The flat is now fixed, and it's time to get the wheel back onto the bike.

Put the rear wheel back in the frame and set the chain on the smallest cog.

Pull the rear derailleur back out of the way and let the wheel slip into the dropouts.

If you have disc brakes, make sure the disc is inserted between the fixed pads.

Insert the axle through the frame and hub.

Then, thread it in and close the lever.

If you have a quick release, close the lever, making sure you have proper tension.

If you're using a type of brake other than disc, be sure to close your brakes too.

Lift the rear wheel and give the bike a quick pedal to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Congratulations, you are now flat-free!

Enjoy the rest of your ride.

For more infomation >> How To: Fix a Flat - Duration: 4:27.


Free Juice WRLD Type Beat "F THE WRLD" | Juice World Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:22.

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For more infomation >> Free Juice WRLD Type Beat "F THE WRLD" | Juice World Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:22.


THE WEEK END VLOG | DAY 3 | ENG SUBS - Duration: 23:10.



C : Jeremy... D : Wait a minute...

D : The seat-belt... C : The seat-belt is blocked. We think the problem is in the trunk, isn't it ?

D : OW S**T ! L : AAAAAAAH !

"DAY 3"

J : Look who was the first awake today...

J : Right, the first awake on the other side (of the house)

D : Hello !

J : Yeahhhh ! A second one awake...

J : A Russian Boy !

J : How's going Lily ? Ow Lily, you created havoc this night...

J : So much...

J : You opened some doors, you were hit in the head by the toilets door... I don't even know why this one was opened by the way...

J : Charline ! C : I put...

C : I put like... 5 billions alarms...

C : I didn't hear a single one of them...

J : Oh look at your face !

C : Yeah it's... J : It's the Sunday 9.00 am face !

J : Where are we going to this morning, Dimitry ? D : To the Ice Rink ! J : YEAH ! TO THE ICE RINK !

J : Let's goooo !

J : Yeah... so cool ! L : Huh-huh !

L : My dog doesn't understand what's going on since yesterday... We go out, we come back, we go out, we come back...

J : We just arrived !

J : So yeah, Last week,

J : ... from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, we were only 5 (on the ice)

D : This is so cool. J : Isn't it ?

J : This is so classy.

J : Oh ! I put my backpack in the car-trunk

J : Open the car-trunk !

J : Are we ready to go to the rink, Dimitry Golik ? D : Let's do it, baby ! J : LET'S DO IT BABY !

J : Are you loose-goosey, behind ?


C : How can I say it ? I will certainly fall !

J : How's your first laps ?

C : Eeeeehm... I haven't fallen yet !

J : Hey, but now it's awesome !

J : Since a few weeks, the rink is not so crowded... Because we're in April...

J : With Spring, people come less often to skate.

J : So we have the rink for ourselves on Sunday Morning.

J : It's amazing (for ice skaters) to practice some skills, and especially to jump.

J (about Charline) : I love how she skates !

J : It was a Charline Ice Skating Jump !

C : We don't see it, but for a quarter of a second, my feet leave the ground !

J : Oh the catching-up !

J : THAT catching-up...

J : I skated on my own blade print. Look at it !

J : Look at this thingamajig !

J : Look at the blade-prints overlay !

J : Dudes ! Look ! The overlay sizes two fingers width !


C : Who did that ? J : Me. It's a 2 jumps overlay

J : It's not full-rotated !

J : I have so much a hard time now !

J : Lucas, explain to Marie why we have both a thigh-ass !

L : Why ? Because as Skaters fall all the time...

L : Yeah because YOU fall all the time (I nod)

L : You fall all the time so it tamps the ass...

L : Then it runs down to the thighs... Then it makes a thigh-ass !

L : It's a scientific evidence !

"Then, this happened"

D : Two !

D : Come on !


D : Ohhhh...

J : I Succeed Three jumps ! THREE !!!!!!

J : Right ! Now my thighs hurt so much !

J : This is crazy ! I am a nag ! A NAG !

J : Yeaaaah ! right, now someone has to pick up my keys !

J : So they are in one of my pockets there...

J : i think they are in this one because it's zipped. L : Won't you mind if I frisk you ? Because Last time you did. You said "I only want Marie to frisk me"

L : Twat !

L : Marie is missing so I can't do it in an other way...

J : I love you Marie.

L : Okay. So you haven't choice... J : Absolutely. I have no choice.

J : But of course, I prefer when it's Marie who frisks me the days she's here.

L : You TWAT ! C : This nastiness...

L : Take back your s***ty cap !

J : Was the session good Charline ?

C : Yes. J : Did you skate well ? C : My right bun can talk a lot about it !

J : For me, it's both buns...

J : Statistically, I must be the one who falls the most on the ice on the Sundays morning.

D : It's because you try more things than the average.

J : Yeah. True. I try more thing than most of the people but...

J : ... I fall more than the average, so !

J : This is it !

J : Here's what I can call a "Real April Spring Good Weather"

J : We'll try to scare Charline...

D : She's naked !

J : WWWWWHAAAAAAAA ! C : Owwwwwwwwaaaaaye....

C : You TWAT !

J : Charline... C : ... I put some body wash on my eyes because of you !

J : Charline takes a shower ! She's naked !

J : Where are we going Dimitry ? D : We'll take some pictures.

J : Where ? D : At the point of view... C : ...Of Villerest J : Right...

J : ... Oh I left my car opened...

J : But we can say... It's not here where someone can steal me stuffs...

J : Because here, it's closed.

J : And Lucas has the gate's keys !

J : There's something which...

J : Why is there something emerging from the backseat ?

J : Ow it's a scoobie !

J : There was a scoobie in my backseat !

C : But a Scoobie candy from last time ?

C : Ah no, a scoobie craft !

J : Maybe I should use the gearbox...

J : At least the reverse gear....

C : Aren't you too cold, Dimitry, because of the opened window ?

D : No.

C : You can say it if... J : He never fells cold... He's Russian...

J : I realized... We spent all weekend walking !

L : Yeah... like old people !

C : But with all the food we ate since Friday... J : we could go to the Pouilly Walk...

L : But I think, it's finished.

J : But, Seriously... I don't know about you Charline, but for me...

J : All the falls from this morning... (Charline agreed)

J : I have so much pain in my ass... C : See... I have my bum which protests too much...

J : But you know, my painful thighs just ended... Because you know, on the ice, I have shaking thighs...

J : ... and I had a very... very tensed A.C.L.

J : But now, it's about my bum...

J : Have you ever felt like, Far-West with this thing (wooden bridge) there ?

L : Of course not. C : Yeah a bit.

J (To Lucas) : But you're such unexcited by anything... just get out !

J : right, We had a great idea to drive here than...

J : Upside... (where we have gone the previous days)

J : Do you like the sun ? L : yeeees...

C : No... No... I don't like the sun... L : I should bring my sunglasses...

D : Yes... Very Much... C (to Lucas) : See ?

D : But it hurts the eyes !

J : We'll walk on the wooden bridge !

J : We're on the bridge !

J : Oh I have something under my shoe... L : On the bridge... of Commelle-Vernay... D (to me) : Oh you too ?

J : It's fine. D : Wait... There's an other one sticked on your left shoe...

J : bloody thorn !

L : Hey, are you interested in kidnapping the locomotive, then we go to Magnieux with... J : Yeah...

C : But Jeremy, we can take picture with the locomotive... J : But the entry is forbidden...

J : Right. So now, I am just sooooo upset...

J : They all have their polaroid shoot... and me... L : Next time you'll... J : No but wait ! L : Next time you'll be more egocentric... J : Yeah !

J : Next time, I'll do my shoots first...

J : ... but it's very very annoying...

J : Because my Polaroid said that I have had still one sheet...

J : But... no... my polaroid is empty...

D : Yes Jeremy...

J : Right... let's go...

J : See ? We're from the same family !

J : It's to warm... yeah... The temperature is hot.

J : Right, it's not the winter after all...

J : We enter to the house !


"Then, this happened"

J : I do... a kiss to Lucas !

J : ... because we're going back home.

J : We'll drive again, but without Lucas. D : how sad it is... J : Because the weekend is about to end.

C : Funny, you still have some white on your face. J : Yeah... yeah... I still have cream pie on my face !

J : Wait. I don't know if I can cross (with my big bag)... Oh yes I can...

J : goodbye Lily !

J : Goodbye Lily !

J : Ow I left the car opened ! No, I left the car with opened windows...

C : So, Dimitry, then me or Me, then Dimitry ?

J : What ? Ah ehm.... Dimitry first because he's on the way...

C : Maybe you have an overdose of me !


J : Goodbye Lucas !

J : we have to beep him to make him pay attention to us...

J : Oh I am a bit close (to the door gate)... OOOOOOOOH ! D : OOOOh !

D : Be careful with the rearview mirror... J : Yeah... it will be fine.

J : it will be fine...

J : It will be fine...

J : It will be fine. Look... it goes... C : Yeah it is.

D : It was very closed ! C : It was to the nearest millimeter...

J : See ?

C : Can you put some tunes ?

J : We say "Goodbye" to Dimitry. D : Yeah. J (Russian Accent) : GOODBYE !

C : See you "back-to-the-school" D : до свидания (Goodbye)

J : пока (bye !) D : ... more.... пока ! J : yeah пока !

J : Goodbye ! See ya ! C : See you next week, Dimitry !

D : See you next week... Let's go !

J : Bye ! C : Bye !

(Dimitry closes the door then opens back) J : What ?

(Dimitry check the seat-belt) D : Oh no, it's fine. J : Yeah it is.

J : Right ! let's go.

J : Right. Charline, now I say "Goodbye" to you.

C : In fact, I want... you're work... to London... J : yeah ? C : I don't want you to go... J : Yeah ?

C : ... to see you this summer. J : Yeah I know

J : but that's it.

J : Bye !

C : See ya !

C : Good Luck ! J : Thank you !

J : Thanks for watching this video...

J : If you enjoyed it, don't hesitate to Like, Comment and Share it to your friends.

J : I'll put anyway my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Behance links in the description.

J : I'll also put the Facebook, Instagram and Website links of Patin'air in the description.

J : And I'll also put the Instagram links of Charline, Dimitry and Lucas in the description.

J : And I you want to subscribe to my channel, click on this thumbnail !

J : See you soon for new adventures !

For more infomation >> THE WEEK END VLOG | DAY 3 | ENG SUBS - Duration: 23:10.


Photoshop & lightroom Tutorial : Edit | Cinematic Matte Effect /(instagram#2) - Duration: 42:45.

Hello my friends with you simax

In this video you will see how to modify photos in Photoshop & lightroom

Here we clean the face

As you noticed without cutting off the background This method is better

To meet a future ring and do not forget the admiration and participation




For more infomation >> Photoshop & lightroom Tutorial : Edit | Cinematic Matte Effect /(instagram#2) - Duration: 42:45.


Learn Spanish - Sustantivos y Género (Gender of Spanish Nouns) - with Quiz - Duration: 7:19.

Hi guys. I am Karin, your Spanish teacher from,

the fastest and most fun way to learn Spanish

Today we are here in the Nouns and Genders Hospital

to learn about, well, nouns and genders. Let's go!

Well, guys, in this imaginary hospital, We are going to learn two things:

thing number one: What is a noun?

and thing number two: What is the gender of a noun?

Well, starting with the number one thing from the list, what is a noun?

Remember that nouns are simply things or people.

they can be physical or tangible things that you can see and touch,

such as a car or a beer.

But nouns also include more abstract things,

like heat and freedom.

So that's already part number one.

You already know what a noun is

But what is the gender of a noun?

Well, an important concept what you must understand in Spanish

is that every noun has a gender: masculine or feminine.

But how is it that an object or a non-living thing has a gender?

Well, it is important to highlight that the gender of a noun

normally has nothing to do with the object itself.

It is simply a way to classify nouns:

between masculine and feminine.

For example, the noun "auto" is masculine

and that's just the way it is, for no particular reason.

To understand this concept of gender better,

here we are in the Spanish Hospital of Nouns and Genders.

We go to Maternity to see how they organize

the nouns by gender in Spanish.

Now, come with me.

Normally we can see the noun's gender

based on the ending of the word.

The nouns that end in -o are masculine

and those that end in -a are usually feminine.

For example:

Say if each of the following words is masculine or feminine.





But what do we do with nouns that don't end in -o or -a?

Nouns ending in -aje (such as "trip")

or -or (like "terror") are masculine

and nouns that end in -ion ​​or -dad are feminine.

Now let's do a test

to see if you're understanding up to this point.

You have to help our nurse, Laura,

organize the nouns by their gender.

Say if each of the following words

is masculine or feminine.







S, the letter S

Thursday (the day of the week)

But be careful with these rules that we just saw.

Here we have examples of nouns that do not follow the normal rules.

Some nouns, such as map, planet, system, program, day and sofa,

end in -a but they are masculine.

"Hand" is feminine even though it ends in -o.

"Moto" and "photo" are also feminine but only because they are shortened words.

You can see the full version "motorcycle" and "photography" does end in -a.

How do we know for sure what the gender of a noun is?

The best way is to look up the word in a good dictionary

and memorize the gender every time that you learn a new noun.

Start the habit now.

Your homework is to look up the following words in a dictionary

and write in the comments if they are masculine or feminine.







Well guys, that was todays lesson.

If you liked it, subscribe to our channel,

Give us a like, and leave your comment.


For more infomation >> Learn Spanish - Sustantivos y Género (Gender of Spanish Nouns) - with Quiz - Duration: 7:19.


FIFA 18: WM MODUS SPIELEN! + Für die Weekend League qualifizieren 🔥😊 | Luki Perni - Duration: 2:32:33.

For more infomation >> FIFA 18: WM MODUS SPIELEN! + Für die Weekend League qualifizieren 🔥😊 | Luki Perni - Duration: 2:32:33.


12 cosas que cambiarán en Inglaterra y en nuestros corazones cuando por fin William sea Rey - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 12 cosas que cambiarán en Inglaterra y en nuestros corazones cuando por fin William sea Rey - Duration: 3:08.


undercut on pixie cut older women - Barbershop Women - Duration: 17:59.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> undercut on pixie cut older women - Barbershop Women - Duration: 17:59.


DIm Cay Alanya - Duration: 19:26.

For more infomation >> DIm Cay Alanya - Duration: 19:26.


New Earth News – The "Big Wave" For 2018 - Duration: 2:06.

New Earth News � The �Big Wave� For 2018

by Celia Fenn,

So as we enter the first few days of Gemini, I have to say I am feeling better than I have

in a long while.

The energy waves are still rolling through, but the intensity has leveled out for me,

although today was another one of those technicolor HD days where everything seems brighter and

bigger and almost overwhelming.

Now I just tell myself this is 5D and that its all ok.

I think in the next few weeks as we move towards Solstice we will continue to ride these waves

of �adjustment�.

The �Big Wave� for 2018 will start picking up energy around the 26th and 27th of July

as we move into the Lion�s Gate.

This will be accompanied by a Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius/Leo.

And yes, it will be a special one.

Apparently, it will be the longest Lunar eclipse of the century at 1 hour and 43 minutes.

I feel pretty sure that this will allow for an absolute tsunami of Diamond Light to start

the Planetary New Year and open the Lion�s Gate Portal.

Oh yes��things are about to get really interesting in this shift.

Remember to breather deeply and enjoy the ride!

This is the New Earth coming in and it promises to bring us a New Life and a New Dream.

Release the old and old expectations and be open to embracing the New in all its forms

and in all its blessings!

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