Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

New Zealand—the destination of choice

for fabulously wealthy Chinese.

After the United States, Australia, Thailand,

Canada, and the UK.

That's why I came to New Zealand.

To see all it has to offer!

My first stop was in Karaka.

I came to see this stunning, brand-new,

ultra-modern 4,000 square foot, luxury lifestyle home,

sitting on 10 acres of lush countryside.

With four sun-drenched bedrooms,

an expansive high-end kitchen,

and floor-to-ceiling windows.

Plus a heated saltwater pool complete with gas fireplace.

I couldn't wait to get the tour.

So what does a home like this go for?

Well this property is going to auction

and we would expect interest

at upwards of three million.

It is a brand new home,

it's only one and a half years old.

Everything's brand new here.


Similar properties have sold in the

four to five million dollars around the area.

Four to five million dollars in the area?


So it is a premium area in Karaka.

Is New Zealand still a hot property market for Chinese buyers?

I think New Zealand will always be

a hot property market for Chinese buyers

because of what it offers.

Why are they attracted to this area?

I think it's due to, well,

it's the beautiful environment that Karaka offers,

the lovely openness,

green pastures, fresh air.

There's a very good private school close by,

we do have quite a lot of Chinese people looking in the area.

How many homes in the area

are going to Chinese buyers?

Well, the Chinese buyers,

they've been in the market quite some time now.

I haven't got a percentage

but the last two properties that I've sold in Karaka

have been to Chinese buyers.

How have Chinese buyer affected the property market?

They've offered...

yeah, certainly they've offered competition for local buyers.

Has that affected the prices of the houses at all?

A little bit, yes, yes.

Yes, it has.

Turns out, more than a bit.

According to this report from the Economist,

New Zealand has the most unaffordable houses in the world.

Prices have jumped 75 percent in four years,

largely because of foreign buyers.

And the majority of those are Chinese.

Karaka was so nice that I was thinking of

becoming a foreign buyer myself.

But I couldn't spend all day lounging by

the heated saltwater pool.

I had more luxury homes to visit.

So I was off to Auckland, New Zealand's biggest city,

to check out one of its most sought-after neighborhoods.

I spoke with real estate agent Diana West.

She offered to show me a 3 million dollar suburban home.

It was...a different kind of luxury.

So this house will most likely go for over 3 million dollars?


And so what is the draw to a location like this?

Is it the stunning luxury lifestyle?

Well when you get rid of this and build your luxury home it will be.

But it's the location for the school zones,

you've got Auckland Grammar, Ipsen Girls Grammar,

so it's actually the land value here.

Because it's such, once you get rid of this house,

and build two luxury homes here,

they will be worth easily $3.5 million dollars each.

In this property market,

how many homes are going to Chinese buyers?

I'd say probably 80-90%.


How has that affected the property prices?

Well it's driven them up hugely

because we've got an influx of population

and seemingly with a lot of funds available

and that has actually driven out a lot of the local buyers.

Has that caused resentment?

Yeah it does.

For a number of years in fact,

the local Kiwi people wouldn't come to auctions

because they said what's the point?

We're going to get beaten so yeah,

there has been resentment.

Okay, so 10 years ago

how much would a house like this have gone for?

Probably a million.

A million.

So prices have basically doubled.

Or tripled in this case.

Because what's happened in the meantime

was the council has changed all the zoning rules,

so you've got properties like this

that would have just been one house,

and now have the ability for multiple dwellings.

Are Chinese buyers still as interested in this market?

There has been a little cooling.

We find in general the Chinese are the first to get on the bandwagon

when they perceive there's a lot of growth in the market,

and then, in general,

they are the first to recede and start to become cautious

when they see the market plateauing

and that's what we believe we're doing at the moment.

The market is cooling a bit.

Yes  it is, a little bit.

Do you think it will ever go back to the pricing of 10 years ago,

before the influx of Chinese buyers.

No, no there's just too much population pressure in Auckland.


Particularly in these well sought after suburbs.

Trying to tackle this problem,

the government proposed new laws

regulating foreign buyers.

But Diana thinks its too little too late.

There are proposed laws

that would restrict foreign buyers.

Do you see that affecting the market?

No I don't,

I think it's a bit like shutting the gate

after the horse has bolted.

The real change we saw here

was when they brought in the Bright-Line Tax rules several years ago,

and that requirement was for people

to have a New Zealand bank account

and a New Zealand IRD number,

and that stopped a lot of the foreign speculation

happening from people who did not live here

because they couldn't comply with those rules.

And so that's when we stopped seeing all that happening.

So really, the people who have been buying

for the last couple of years

are generally resident or applying for residency.

So I don't see this ban on foreign ownership

having any difference at all.

I realized that to be able to afford property in New Zealand,

I would need to be fabulously wealthy

to be just moderately well off.

Which gives me an idea....

Welcome to Lifestyles of the Moderately Well Off!

Life is slightly better

for the fabulously wealthy in New Zealand.

Luxury pools

Luxurious lounges

Exotic animals

All on the doorstep of your 3 million dollar dream home.

Behold what the world has to offer

on Lifestyles of the Moderately Well Off!

So I might never be able to own

a luxury property in New Zealand.

But you know what?

Even without a house,

I can still enjoy the moderately well off lifestyle.

For more infomation >> 'Phong Cách Sống của Người Khá Giả' | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 8:24.



For more infomation >> COLLABADMIN: LE MASCHERE REVENGE!! FT LELLA REVIEW BEAUTY - Duration: 4:13.




by Cristina Valenzuela

Scientists are now inventing the �ultimate intelligent machine�, a computer which will

beat man in every way. If the machine can outstrip man, then what is man? What are you?

What is the future of man? If the machine can take over all the operations that thought

does now, and do it far swifter, if it can learn much more quickly, if it can compete

and, in fact, do everything that man can � except of course look at the beautiful evening star

alone in the sky, and see and feel the extraordinary quietness, steadiness, immensity and beauty

of it�then what is going to happen to the mind, to the brain of man? Our brains have

lived so far by struggling to survive through knowledge, and when the machine takes all

that over, what is going to happen? There are only two possibilities: either man will

commit himself totally to entertainment � football, sports, every form of demonstration, going

to the temple, and playing with all that stuff � or he will turn inward. ~ J Krishnamurti

(A Timeless Spring)

So predicted Krishnamurti a decade-and-a-half before the emergence of the Internet. I have

previously written about technology�s ability to disconnect us from ourselves. Today, I

would like to explore this a bit further.

WE ARE RATS IN A TECHNOLOGICAL LABYRINTH After performing a series of experiments with

hungry rats locked in a box with a lever, behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner coined

a term known as �Schedules of Reinforcement� or �Intermittent Reinforcement�.

The experimented went as follows; The rats were divided into two groups The first group

was the Fixed Schedule group who received a food pellet after pressing the lever a fixed

amount of times, say 20. In the second group, known as the Variable Schedule group, the

rat earned the food pellet after it pressed the lever a random number of times. Sometimes

it would receive the food after pressing 10 times, and sometimes after pressing 200 times.

To the second group, the arrival of food was unpredictable. This made the addiction or

reinforcement to the lever a lot more stronger. Skinner found that the first group of rats

stopped pressing the lever almost immediately after the food stopped being supplied. The

second group however was a lot more motivated, and they kept on pressing the lever for a

very long time afterwards.

After returning from our Involution workshops in Europe where I spent 3 months with no smartphone

at all, I�ve become noticeably more aware of the tendency in myself and others of checking

our phone constantly like rats waiting for that stimulating fix; that latest Facebook

message, status or photo, email, or latest shocking news headline.

Most of the emails and Facebook updates are junk, but every now and again you will get

that one little pellet that makes checking your phone once every 10 minutes worthwhile.

THE HEART OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL LABYRINTH One of the feelings that stood out the most

from my technological minimalist experience (a candle lit house with no televisions in

a 2 km radius), is that I found it a lot easier to center myself.

My mind felt a lot more clear and inspired; I found it a lot easier to be mindful, to

find the heart, the center of myself.

I�ve experienced something very similar when researching information. When I Google

something, as you expect, I get a �Googol� of results. Although I have more information

at my disposal, I feel I am retaining a lot less than I do when I solely focus all my

attention on a single book of that particular topic.

Linda Stone, a former employee of Apple and Microsoft, has coined the term �continuous

partial attention� to describe life in the era of e-mail, instant messaging, cellphones,

and other distractions. And it is this �continuous partial attention� that I feel exactly reflects

my own dilemma.

Whenever I immerse myself into an activity, I must do it with the fullest of my heart,

with all of my focus and attention encapsulating that action. It is here that spiritual mindfulness

comes into play.

ESCAPE FROM THE TECHNOLOGICAL LABYRINTH Can externally focused technology and internally

focused mindfulness co-exist? I think they not only can, but they must.

Technology is a tool, an instrument to make our lives easier and better. But it has its

limitations. Technology cannot fulfill us spiritually, it cannot makes us feel more

connected with ourselves � only with the external world.

For spiritual mindfulness to become relevant to our modern day lives, we first have to

separate them from the supernatural and mystical baggage that makes them so difficult for us

to accept.

The moment will come when, as technology simplifies our work and our lives, we will realize that

just like in the Pixar movie �WALL-E� � physical comfort and mental stimulation

isn�t enough. That we want to feel more meaningful experiences in life than having

someone �Like� our witty status updates every few hours.

That moment will see technology reach the point where computers will be able to outperform

us, and humans will scratch their heads and ask themselves � What now?

Technology will never be able to write beautiful poetry like Blake, it will never be able to

compose musical pieces like Bach. That is our purpose with soulwork, to focus our attention

on our inner world, our emotions, our thoughts and passionate desire to express them, that

is what we will have left. That is all that we will have left.

To live with greater presence, meaning, and mindfulness in the technology age is what

we must strive for.

A few years ago a neighbor asked me why I cut my lawn with a push-mower. I told him

that motor-operated lawn mowers are corrupting society; that life is an infinite lawn, a

composition of unexciting simple moments with a few �spikes� of stimulation here and


Cutting the lawn this way has taught me to cultivate patience, to enjoy a task that is

found a chore by most. Trying to get it over and done with as quickly as possible steals

you of the opportunity to engage in the feelings of falling in love with the smells, the textures,

the light formations, sounds and everything that simply existing offers.

The paradox is that the more you accept the unexciting aspects of life, the more exciting

they become.

Unless we learn to embrace these mundane moments, without avoidance or frustration, without

trying to escape the lack of stimulation that this very moment presents, we will never find

peace and will insatiably hit that smartphone lever chasing after that food pellet.

Here, I�ll throw you one last pellet in the shape of a video to illustrate all of

this. I hope you enjoy:

Mindfulness can not only coexist with technology, but it can enhance the experience itself.

How often do you sit down on the computer, surf the internet and think �wow, I have

infinite information at my fingertips. I have hundreds of thousands of people from all across

planet earth to connect to, if I wish. I can share my thoughts with thousands of faces

from Afghanistan to Albania, and can befriend anyone from any culture from Belarus to Brazil.�

Try it. You may like it.

For more infomation >> HOW TO ESCAPE THE TECHNOLOGICAL LABYRINTH - Duration: 8:10.


KQ Fellaz 미국 연수기 EP. 5 - Duration: 3:08.

- We're having brunch. - Brunch. <KQ Fellaz is having brunch before today's schedule>

What will we have for brunch?


Steak, for brunch?

What would a classic American brunch be like? <KQ Fellaz excited for American brunch>

<Various classic American brunch dishes>

What are we having for brunch? Don't you know yet?

- I have no idea. - For reals?

It's my first time having brunch.

Ah, your first time?

What would you like to eat?

- Me? Meat. - Meat?

- Steak. - Steak. <SEONG HWA has been obsessed with steak>

<KQ Fellaz suddenly speaking in English>

Show us some dance moves? Freestyle.

<Big brothers joking around with JONG HO, the youngest>

<JONG HO suddenly apologizing>

- He won't dance just anywhere. - No? Ah, no wonder. <His interpreter SEONG HWA by his side>

<KQ Fellaz keep speaking in English>

<JONG HO and YUN HO says they're friends> Here's another friend, YUN HO.

<He keeps asking the same question>

<YEO SANG, who was filming the video, appears>

You're watching our members getting better and better in English.

<KQ Fellaz finally sit for their brunch>

We have our food all ready! <The food is all set!>

<KQ Fellaz start having their brunch>

<Say something, don't just eat…>

Thank you. <HONG JOONG taking care of SAN>

<KQ Fellaz eat well, they must've been hungry>

<You can't even tell what the menu was after they ate up> It's all gone in less than 10 minutes.

I didn't think I'd be full…

But I am.

<HONG JOONG, WOO YOUNG What are you guys doing…?>

<Staff> You guys finished?

Yeah. Oh, you're filming a video. <He thought he was posing for a photo>

I was curious what you guys were doing.

<Staff> How was brunch?

- Delicious. - Express how much you enjoyed it.

No wait, one, two, three.

<Expressing how delicious it was>

You too. One, two, three.

<Expressing how satisfied he was>

- You too, one, two, three. - Hey, why are you guys trying to look cool?

<Expressing how fantastic it was>

You too. One, two, three.

One, two, three.

<Expressing how it was so good he couldn't even open his eyes>

- Are we heading straight to Santa Monica? - Ah, yeah. <First brunch in America is over!>

- Are we going? We're not going. - We're not going.

We'll drop by some place before Santa Monica but I don't know where.

We sure have an exciting schedule.

- Shall we? - Shall we?

Let's roll! <See you at the next location!>

For more infomation >> KQ Fellaz 미국 연수기 EP. 5 - Duration: 3:08.


Vietnam travel_CHÙA BA VÀNG VÀ NHỮNG ĐIỀU NÊN BIẾT - Duration: 18:13.

For more infomation >> Vietnam travel_CHÙA BA VÀNG VÀ NHỮNG ĐIỀU NÊN BIẾT - Duration: 18:13.


Airtel Offer On Nokia Latest Mobile 2018 | Airtel Offers 2018 | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 7:01.

Airtel Offer On Nokia Latest Mobile 2018

Airtel Offers 2018

Omfut Tech And Jobs

For more infomation >> Airtel Offer On Nokia Latest Mobile 2018 | Airtel Offers 2018 | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 7:01.


Star Wars: Warum die Jedi aufhörten Rüstungen zu tragen [Legends deutsch] - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Warum die Jedi aufhörten Rüstungen zu tragen [Legends deutsch] - Duration: 4:07.


Length Contraction and Time Dilation | Special Relativity Ch. 5 - Duration: 7:17.

In our universe, when you change from a non-moving perspective to a moving one, or vice versa,

that change of perspective is represented by a what's called Lorentz transformation,

which is a kind of squeeze-stretch rotation of spacetime that I've mechanically implemented

with this spacetime globe.

Two of the most famous implications of Lorentz transformations are phenomena called "length

contraction" and "time dilation" – and while their names make them sound like they're

two sides of the same coin, they're definitely not.

We'll start with time dilation, which is easier to see – suppose I have a clock with me

that ticks every two seconds.

But if you're moving at a third the speed of light to my left, then from your perspective,

the time coordinates at which my clock now ticks are slightly farther apart – according

to you it takes about 2.12 seconds between each tick, instead of 2 seconds.

Time literally is running slower for me relative to you, because Lorentz transformations, which

represent how relative motion works in our universe, kind of stretch things out a bit.

Likewise, if you have a clock with you that ticks every...

2.83 seconds, then from my perspective it will tick every 3 seconds.

So both of us perceive each other's perception of time as running slow by the same factor

– that is, relative motion causes our perception of the duration of time between events to

become longer, or dilated - "time dilation".

If you're wondering how it can make sense that we both perceive each other's time as

running slow, well, I have another whole video on that, but in short, it's because our respective

worldlines (which correspond to our own time axes) are rotated relative to each other,

and so we each only attribute a projection of the other person's worldlines' length as

representing movement through time, and the rest as movement through space.

The factor by which intervals are dilated depends on how fast we're moving relative

to each other, v, and the expression looks like this – but it's really just saying

"how much higher up in time is this point after a Lorentz transformation?"

And if you plot the expression, you'll see that for slow speeds, relative time intervals

are roughly equivalent, but the closer you are to light speed, the more relative perception

of times becomes distorted.

Length contraction, on the other hand, is a tad more complicated.

First, we need something with length.

Let's suppose we have a cat whose tail is at position 0 for all time, and whose head

is 600 million meters to the right for all time (remember, each horizontal tick mark

here represents 299,792,458m).

So from my perspective, the cat is 600 million meters long.

However, from your perspective moving at a third the speed of light to the left, the

ends of the cat get stretched out from each other by the Lorentz transformation – which

at first might seem like dilation of distance, not contraction.

And this is indeed true – from your perspective, the distance between the cat's tail at my

time t=6 and the cat's head at my time t=6 is indeed longer: it's now 636 million meters

(dilated by exact same factor as in time dilation).

However, this dilated distance doesn't represent the length of the cat from your blue perspective,

because these measurements of the positions of its head and tail no longer happen at the

same time, and the cat moves in between when the measurements are taken - that's what having

a slanted world line means - changing position as time passes, aka movement.

And if something moves while you're measuring it, that measurement doesn't represent its


So to correctly measure the length of the cat from your perspective, we need to measure

the positions of its front and back at the same time according to your perspective.

Which is this distance here, which is clearly shorter - 566 million meters.

In fact, it turns out it's exactly the inverse factor from the other distance - instead of

multiplying 600 million by 1.06, it's divided by 1.06.

The same thing happens the other way, too: if you have a cat that's stationary in your

perspective, then when I view it from my perspective, I'll measure its length (by measuring the

head and tail at the same time, according to me), as being shorter.

This is the phenomenon we call "length contraction" – the measured lengths of moving things

are shorter than when those things are viewed as not moving.

The precise factor by which lengths are contracted again depends on how fast we're moving relative

to each other, v, and looks like this.

And similar to the case of time dilation, the closer you are to light speed, the more

relative perception of lengths becomes distorted.

So let's recap: time dilation of moving objects is simply the direct effect of Lorentz transformations

stretching consecutive time coordinates apart in time, while length contraction of moving

objects is a combination of the stretching effect of lorentz transformations on spatial

distances (which is kind of like a "distance dilation") PLUS then changing the times

at which we're comparing things because they were no longer simultaneous.

This is what I meant when I said earlier that time dilation and length contraction aren't

two sides of the same coin: time dilation compares the times of the same events in the

new perspective, and it pairs with distance dilation, which compares the positions of

the same events in the new perspective.

Length contraction, in contrast, compares positions at the same time according to the

new perspective.

So you might be wondering, is there a time version of length contraction, then?

Is "Time contraction" a thing?

Yes, yes it is (though people almost never talk about it and it doesn't have an official

name, but I think it's nice to complete the full picture.

the one missing piece is to compare times at the same position): Let's imagine I've

put a lightbulb at every point in space (even in between where I can attach them to the

time globe) and I turn them all on simultaneously at one time, and then turn them off simultaneously

a little bit later.

From your moving perspective, any particular one of my lights will have its on-off time

interval dilated, of course, but at any particular location in space (like, where you are), the

duration of time between when the lights go on and when the lights go off will actually

be shorter.

Maybe it should be called "duration contraction"!

So, to summarize, when changing to a moving perspective in our universe, there's both

time dilation and length contraction, but there's also distance dilation and duraction


These four ideas said aloud as words certainly sound super contradictory and impossible (I

mean, how can the time be both shorter and longer?!), but if you have a spacetime globe

it's easy to understand there are no paradoxes or contradictions – we simply need to be

more careful with our ideas of distance and time intervals when applied to extended objects

in spacetime: do we mean the time between two exact events (time dilation), or the time

between the versions of those events that happen at the same place (duration contraction)?

Do we mean the distance between two events regardless of when they happen (distance dilation),

or the distance between the versions of those events that happen at the same time (length


This is subtle stuff, and words and equations by themselves make these concepts really really

hard to keep straight; but a spacetime diagram doesn't lie.

To get more experience with time dilation and length contraction yourself, I highly

recommend's course on special relativity.

There, you can do problems that build off what you learned in this video and explore

real world scenarios where it's important to take time dilation and length contraction

into account, like the famous Michelson Morley experiment.

The special relativity questions on are specifically designed to help you go deeper

on the topics I'm including in this series, and you can get 20% off of a Brilliant subscription

by going to

Again, that's which gets you 20% off premium access to all

of Brilliant's courses and puzzles, and lets Brilliant know you came from here.

For more infomation >> Length Contraction and Time Dilation | Special Relativity Ch. 5 - Duration: 7:17.


Kids Try Weird Ice Cream Flavors | Kids Try | HiHo Kids - Duration: 5:50.

- What flavor is this?


(upbeat, playful music)

- Hi! I'm Willow.

- [Ethan And Elena] Hi!

- I'm Ethan. And this is--

- I'm Elena.

- That's what I was gonna say.

- [Interviewer] Today is a very special episode.

What do you like to eat on a hot day for dessert?

- Ice cream, ice cream, we scream for ice cream!

- (Ethan and Elena scream)

- [Interviewer] What are some normal ice cream flavors?

- Strawberry

- Cookie dough and mint chip.

- Vanilla

- [Interviewer] Va what?

- Vanilla

- [Interviewer] Well, today I'm gonna show you

five different kinds of ice creams

that I bet you've never had before.

Are you ready for the challenge?

- Uh-huh!

Is it vanilla?

- [Interviewer] I don't know...

- Let me try.

Doesn't taste like vanilla.

- [Interviewer] What does it taste like?

- Why is it spicy?

- Actually, it does taste like vanilla.

Actually, it's spicy.

- Please tell me.

- [Interviewer] Tell you what?

Tell me what flavor.

- [Interviewer] Why? What's happening?!

- My throat...

- [Interviewer] This is Spicy Ginger.

- No, no!

- [Interviewer] Yes it is.

It's spicy ginger!

- No, I don't like it.

Take it away.

Ooh, it's blue.


- Wait, is this pistachio?

- [Interviewer] Nope.

This is...

- Pistachio?

- [Interviewer] No.

Oh, okay.

- (gasps) Licorice!

- [Interviewer] Yep.

- Yes!

- I don't like it.

- Yes, yes yes!

- You'll knock my ice cream down.

- Yuck!

- Bye!

- Chocolate and vanilla and strawberry,

that's all my favorite.

- [Interviewer] Oh, okay. I see.

- I don't like all these.

- You evil licorice.

- Oh, it's good.

- [Interviewer] You like black licorice?!


- [Interviewer] What's wrong with you?

- What?

- [Interviewer] I'm just kidding.


- [Interviewer] Alright, we'll move on to the next one.

- Bye!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

Why does it look like there's something at the bottom?

- Yummy!

- [Interviewer] This is Beecher's Cheese

and toffee peppercorn.

- Toffee?

Oh, okay.

- [Interviewer] Cheese.

It's chee--

- Cheese, where?

- [Interviewer] In the ice cream.

- Oh my goodness.

- Cheese belongs in ice cream.

Let's move on.

- Chocolate?

Mm-mm, not chocolate.

- Definitely cement.

- [Interviewer] Cement?

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What kind of cement?

- Ground cement.

Why do I like the taste of cement?

- You want some?

- I don't think you need that.

Its already made with chocolate.

- For real?

- Shh...

- Yuck!

- (laughs)

- [Interviewer] This is Salty Caramel Ash

made with dry burn activated charcoal.

- What?

(Elana shrieks)

So they use a big train with a whole bunch of rocks

and put it in a ice cream and then they like

chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga and then they drive over

the ice cream and make it so tasty.

- [Interviewer] You're right.

Alright, are you ready for the last one?

- It is, what kind of flavor is this?


- Wait.

- Yuck!

Tastes like mushroom.

- [Interviewer] It's this fruit called Durian.

- Mmm, mmm-mmm.

- Durian!

- [Interviewer] It's big and it's spiky.


- I like it.

- [Interviewer] You are the only kid

to like the durian ice cream.

- Ahh.

- I can't take this taste anymore.

- [Interviewer] So Suvi, if you were

to come up with your own flavor,

what flavor is it going to be?

- Unicorns, I love unicorns!

And we can eat it and it will taste like cupcakes.

- [Interviewer] Ooh, what would you call that ice cream?

- Vanilla

- [Ethan and Elena] Thank you for watching!

- What's the weirdest ice cream you've ever tried?

Let us know in the comments down below.

- And let us know what we should try next.


For more infomation >> Kids Try Weird Ice Cream Flavors | Kids Try | HiHo Kids - Duration: 5:50.


Confusing English Words | Fix common Pronunciation / Vocabulary Mistakes & Errors | English Speaking - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> Confusing English Words | Fix common Pronunciation / Vocabulary Mistakes & Errors | English Speaking - Duration: 13:01.


5 MINUTES For Happiness: Ep 32 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:10.

Greetings and welcome to Awakening With Brahma Kumaris. Welcome, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti and welcome to Soul Reflections.

Thank you.

It was an interesting discussion about the food and water we consume.

It has been any interesting experiment for me and I am liking it.

I checked the effect of what I eat after energizing food.

When kids come to me to play in the morning, what I do with water is.

The entire water for the household - I energize it with the thoughts -

That the powers of Supreme father are filled in this water.

In every drop. You are pure, you are powerful.

You are love.

You are very tolerant.

You are love, love, love.

I keep repeating this.

After that I do a few minutes of meditation.

I feel the difference and I enact the whole scene.

I visualise the powers coming into the water.

And that when everyone in the house is drinking it, there is so much love the family.

Everyone is peaceful. There is no anger, irritation or hatred.

My house is become a temple, it is very peaceful.

Everyone should do this as an experiment and see the results.

In every house one person can take up this responsibility.

The water stored in that house.

From where everybody is going to drink.

And even the food prepared for everyone. Everything should be energized daily.

You mentioned about water. It plays such an important part.

The drinking water that we used throughout the day.

If we collect it in a container.

Add focused energy into it.

And very specific intentions pertaining to that house should be added into it.

We had two people visiting us at the centre recently and both of them shared their experiences.

One of them said that there used to be frequent conflicts between his two daughters in law.

They could not get along with each other.

He said since he could not do anything about it, he felt he will just add that intention into the water stored at home for consumption.

So he added the intention - both of them mutually respect each other, and share a very good relationship among themselves.

He said - while I was doing it, I started doing it more like fun.

He said in a subtle way, he did not even believe that it will give such results.

He said he was surprised that it brought so much change in them.

He said he did it everyday.

But everyday he would invoke and fill God's power in that water.

He said he would had an intention in it everyday.

That the relationship between these two souls is beautiful and perfect.

He said another experience. He said because of his age, his memory power was reducing.

He started to forget a few things.

He could not remember where he had kept something.

He said he added that intention also into the water at home.

He added the intention - my memory power is perfect.

He said he has got results.

Another sister who came to the centre shared

That her husband had got into a deep addiction of smoking.

She said there used to be frequent quarrels at home and everyone tried to stop him from smoking.

But he refused to give it up.

She said because she did not know any other way after all that, she started adding the intention into water.

He would take that water to office.

She added the intention - this soul is free from this addiction.

She said the number of cigarettes her husband would smoke everyday

Has drastically come down.

He is himself surprised about being able to reduce it.

Because he wanted to do it but was not able to.

But because of drinking the energize water over a few days

The addiction has not yet finished completely.

So she said it has reduced very significantly.

What was the intention added into that water?

The soul is free from the addiction.

This soul's will power is very very high.

We can experiment this with anything.

Otherwise it is like having a power and not using it.

We have the knowledge and we have the power. But the power needs to be used.

If there is a challenge at home or conflict in relationship.

We work so hard to harmonize that relationship.

We say we will do anything to restore that relationship or restore somebody's health.

But the power we have to correct all those things.

Are we using it?

Let us start using that power.

Start adding those vibrations in food and water and serve it to them.

How long will it take to do it?

Every morning if we just another is the water which everyone will consume through that day.

How long will it take us to do it? 5 minutes.

5 minutes of energizing water.

Will give health and happiness to the entire family.

The effect of thoughts and vibrations on water.

The effect of vibrations of water on the person drinking it.

When we go to Haridwar or Rishikesh, we worship the waters of River Ganga.

What is the significance of water from River Ganga?

Why is it such high energy water?

Healing water and high energy water is different.

Why is it high energy water?

There is another reason. What goes on, q on the banks of river Ganga throughout the day?

Aarti is performed so many times throughout the day.

Purification, sacred fire is lit.

They are all of very high energy frequency.

They drink that water and start the rituals.

And as they do the pooja?

The power increases.

Everybody's intentions get added to that water.

They float Diyas on that water.

The water itself is worshiped and the river Ganga is referred as mother.

Referred as Devi (Deity), embodiment of purity.

People also believe that our sorrows and voices get finished by taking River Ganga's blessings.

If we give this intention to the water.

As - you and our sorrows and wrong Karmas.

The vibration gets into the water.

It is not only about one person, but here it is a power of collective consciousness.

Collective consciousness of several souls everyday over hundreds of years.

They have all been giving that vibration to that water.

For that water it is a blessing.

And that water becomes a blessing for everybody else thereafter.

If somebody is ill or restless we give them Ganga-jal (water from river Ganga).

What is the vibration in Ganga-jal?

That it removes sorrows and illnesses. It gives us peace.

We give that water to everyone to drink.

We need to start doing all these things. We know about them.

We have seen the results.

But we have not implemented it in personal life.

For example this line - river Ganga removes sorrows.

It means it gives peace and happiness to everybody.

Even our sins are washed away, it is said.

What is sin? Even wrong thought.

When water can give peace and happiness to the mind.

Thoughts will automatically become fine. And with thoughts are fine, our Karma will be perfect.

It means we can do this to water everyday.

Today let everyone take this up as an experiment.

Do not let the mind say that there is no time to do it.

Even if the mind says there is no time.

If we look at the whole process, it takes 10 minutes.

To fill water and collect it together.

Then meditate on it and then fill it up in everybody's water bottles.

The whole exercise takes only 10 minutes.

But what are the results that we get because of this?

In my house everyone's bottles come to me filled with water. I meditate on them.

The kids gather around their bottles. It is like a game for them.

I tell them to add their intentions to it.

Taking out 10 minutes.

And investing pure energy.

What is the result of this investment?

Whoever consumes this water throughout the day

They will experience peace of mind, healthy physical body.

Only in 10 minutes.

Where as we would struggle to achieve all these things.

We were ready to do anything.

We would wear rings as protection.

We can see the effect of energizing even medicines.

We are all aware of placebo effect.

What does it do?

Suppose the mind creates a thought.

As - This medicine will give me health.

So when we are taking that medicine.

What vibrations did we give that medicine?

That this medicine is going to heal my particular illness.

So along with the medicine the vibration also enters our body.

And the medicine does its job.

Sometimes while taking medicines we create an intention

That the medicine has some Side Effects which will make us feel weak.

Or that it creates Side Effects like headache and nausea.

So we gave this intention to the medicine while eating it.

When people are not aware of the side effects of a medicine.

Then the side effects are very minimal.

The more we get information about side effects.

The side effects will only increase.

Because the mind creates that vibration.

Gave it to the body.

Even the medicine got that vibration.

Once I was taking a medicine for high blood pressure and made a mistake.

I read all the warnings and Side Effects printed on the back of the pack.

And because I read them with so much attention then become conscious, I experienced all of the side effects.

You would take that medicine even earlier?

When I didn't know about its Side Effects then I didn't have any side effect.

Here we have to see the power of the mind, power of the vibration.

Power of the intention.

To everything that we eat and drink.

We can also do the opposite of it?

Suppose a particular medicine has a side effect.

Let's say it is more or less certain.

That this medicine will have this particular side effect.

But taking that medicine is very important for us.

So while eating that medicine we can add an intention into it.

That this medicine will give me only health. None of the side effects are wrong effects will affect me by taking it.

No. The intention should be - There is no side effect to this medicine at all.

This medicine is completely filled with God's powers.

Once it enters my body.

It is going to heal this particular issue and is giving me health.

There is no side effect at all.

After this if it is taken?

Anyway we need to take the medicine and suppose a side effect is definitely there.

But using our thoughts will reduce the intensity of that side effect.

If we don't do this, using our thoughts we will increase the intensity of the side effect.

We need to do all these experiments daily.

See their results.

Once you start getting the results.

As you said it starts feeling like a game.

We will start using it everywhere.

The more we use it the more we will see the results.

Even if your family member or friend is admitted in the hospital

We experiment with it all the time.

Supposing you are lying on the bed in the hospital.

You are unable to eat food so I-V fluid is being given.

So through the IV, you are getting food and medicines.

Your family members are sitting around you.

Unaware we create thoughts of worry and fear.

Now we should start creating aware thoughts.

Consciously, that the fluid that is getting inside.

It's going to enter the body and do its work.

What about energizing that fluid?

We should not let only the medicinal property of that fluid to go inside the body.

Along with the fluid even vibrations should get into the body.

Each time the fluid is getting in, we give it the intention

This fluid is filled with God's power.

Every drop that is going inside the body.

Is not only medicine, but even God's divine healing is entering the body.

Divine healing power is entering the body.

This is something we need to experiment with.

The other day I was doing this with the lady who was going through chemotherapy.

She said earlier when she would go for the chemotherapy sessions.

She had fear, insecurity and uneasy feeling.

And even the fear of the side effects after the chemo.

When she went with all these vibrations.

It means the medicine is also going in along with these vibrations that are getting created.

So these vibrations will influence the medicine which is going in.

After she learnt this, she says now whenever she has to go there

She said as long as the session goes on.

She continuously keeps on repeating the intentions.

So that no other thought comes up.

And these thoughts become constant.

God's healing energy is filled in this.

Once it goes in, God's healing powers will destroy every single cancer cell

And make me perfectly healthy and Powerful.

This medicine has no side effect.

She said she has started doing it like a Mantra.

It is like a chanting because that session goes on for a few hours

She said - I do it continuously and I am feeling so much better and healthier.

Mind is peaceful she said.

There are so many small things which we can do throughout the day.

We only need to prepare a small list first.

Of the number of things where we can use the power of vibrations.

That whatever we are consuming should have our intentions added.

So we energized the vibrations of money earned.

We raised the energy of the mind.

By taking in the right information in the morning.

Even filling the mind with the right information at night before sleeping.

And during the day we need to take care of the information we consume.

We need to take care of the company we keep.

It means we took care of the food and mind.

Their influence will definitely show on the body.

We need to take care of the money also.

Fourth energy.

So 4 energies are - Money, food, mind and body.

When we take care of all this, relationships will get taken care.

All these will have an influence on our relationships.

Taking care of our money is very important.

Because the money we get home comes with vibrations.

It comes with a certain energy.

Money is not just currency.

Money is not just notes and coins.

Money is vibration and energy which comes to our house.

So we need to pay attention to the way or the means in which it is earned.

Lots and lots of attention.

That the money earned is perfectly clean.

We referred as White money.

White money means money whose energy is white.

I heard a discourse of Jagadguru Shri Shankaracharya.

She has mentioned that there is a lot of difference between Sri Lakshmi and money.

He mentions that what is earned with purity and honesty qualifies as Sri Lakshmi.

Such money is equated to Deity Sri Lakshmi.

He mentions that money earned through other means can be called money or any other term we may want to use.

So now that we have understood, we need to apply it in our life.

When we mention as money earned through wrong means.

The definition of such means of earning is also changing today.

Many things that are being earned through wrong means.

If you try to save money or earn it by causing harm to somebody.

Exploiting somebody who is helpless. There are so many examples of this especially in real estate business.

There are so many properties which the bank was forced to put on auction. Somebody told me to invest in one such property.

I said I have no intentions to live in such houses.

Because I don't want to live in a space which has somebody else's pain.

So we ourselves need to create the definition of money earned through wrong means.

We need to do it ourselves.

We should not base it on the definition which people call as normal.

Because in Kalyug the definition of normal itself has become very different.

A lot of things which are unethical today.

Which gives pain to other people.

Which in a subtle way is exploitation, although it may directly not look like that.

In a subtle way it is cheating.

A lot of such practices have the label of being Normal, today.

Once they are all labelled as Normal, a lot of people start doing them.

And when many people start doing them, they are not even aware.

That they are earning money through wrong means.

So this cannot be generalized, but it has to be everybody's personal checking.

We should ask ourselves - is the money I earn, coming home with pure energy?

This is very important.

We should not create the definition based on anybody else's definition of right or wrong means.

If we didn't like somebody's work, we withhold his payment.

If he is creates pain we will get his vibrations.

We saved money, but he went into pain.

Clarity in work.

Clarity in earnings.

Absolutely ethical, and earned by giving peace and happiness to somebody.

But money earned by giving pain and sadness to somebody

Brings home an energy of restlessness and worry.

This is not a small thing.

We try to save money by resorting to many small unethical practices.

But in the process if somebody else's mind is getting disturbed.

And we earned that money.

First of all why do we want to earn that money?

We feel it brings happiness to our house.

But that money has been saved, by giving somebody pain.

It is earned by disturbing somebody's mind.

So that money cannot bring home happiness.

It will bring disturbance.

So it is very important to pay attention to this.

I used to manage my son's projects.

The way our industry works is

If somebody gives an advance payment

For a project

Once we take it, it is ours.

The commitment of date is given for the shooting.

After that whether or not the person makes the movie, it is his problem.

So as per the agreement, once somebody pays us, they can get work done. It is their responsibility to get work done.

But if for any reason the work does not happen from their side, we need not return the money as per the agreement.

So the money is once received is not returnable, unless it is specifically written in the agreement.

Earlier it used to be mostly a verbal discussion.

And for high amounts like 50 lacs or 1 crore.

My son had 3 to 4 such projects at one time.

One of them came to my son and said his health is very bad.

And he requested to give him back his 11 Lakh paid as advance, saying that he will not be able to make the movie.

He said he is in a lot of problem so he asked if we can give him back his money.

Something came to my mind that I immediately wrote him a check for that amount.

That money was very useful to him because he got hospitalized. He passed away after 15 days.

So I was thinking, what if I had refused to pay the amount?

What kind of energy would that amount carry with it, in my account?

Giving back the 11 lakh

Was it right or not right?

He had a right over it, but as per our agreement

Once the money is given, it was his duty to take work.

You signed a contract.

He gave you money but he did not get the work done.

Even your dates got blocked and went for a waste.

So that money belonged to you.

So now by the definition of what is labelled as Normal.

That money belongs to you.

So as per today's norms, that money belongs to you.

Even if you had taken somebody's advice at that time.

Even a lawyer would say I didn't have to give it back.

But if you would not have given him back the money.

What vibrations would you have been getting from him?

And not just from him but from his entire family.

And that day when you give him back his money.

The money in your house reduced a little bit.

The money reduced from your balance.

The money in your house got reduced by that amount.

Generally we are focused only on whether our money increased or decreased.

Why should I give what is mine.

That day your money reduced a little bit.

But you created your definition of Normal.

And your definition was - since work has not happened.

We can give him back his money.

So that day you earned blessings.

There was a change in my mind set.

It made me change so much that I called back so many people.

Somebody had paid me 51 lacs, somebody had paid 1 crore.

They had also been asking for the money back. But until then I had refused saying let them take the shooting as per the agreement.

So when I decided to give back their money after this incident, one of them came to me and said

It seems he had to vacate his house if you are not got that money.

So he said I saved him from having to vacate his house.

Even his mother called up to give me blessings.

When earned ethically, money comes home with blessings.

You mentioned last time

That even if we do it once, our will power increases.

So once I decided to give back people's money because they had not gone ahead with the shooting.

I gave away crores back.

But now I feel so peaceful. I am getting hundred times more.

By doing all this your belief system changed.

You change your definition of Normal.

So this is about creating your personal definition of Normal.

It keeps happening throughout the day.

Houses on sale and you pay advance amount to book it.

But later on if the person is not able to buy it.

At that time if the advance money is returned back to him, what will other people say?

They will tell him - you didn't have to return it, it was yours.

We need to create our own definition of Normal.

What people around us say or what the society says, should not be our definition of Normal.

For us the definition of Normal would be

The one whose energy is high.

The definition of normal in the world gets based on different criteria.

For us the definition would be

One where money and comes with blessings.

It will give others peace and happiness and then come to our house.

That money doesn't have only our benefit.

Even they will benefit from it.

Such a money has pure energy so we can equate it to Sri Lakshmi coming home the form of money.

So from money to food to mind to body

Even the destiny will be of high frequency.

That is why we do Pooja and say Sri Lakshmi has come home.


Thank you so much, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> 5 MINUTES For Happiness: Ep 32 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:10.


Grandes documentales | En busca de esplendores secretos: Rumanía, el país de los vampiros - Duration: 25:31.

For more infomation >> Grandes documentales | En busca de esplendores secretos: Rumanía, el país de los vampiros - Duration: 25:31.


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Learn Colors with PACMAN and 3D M&M Chocolate for Kids & Children - Duration: 2:00.

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Benefit Of Onion - Health Benefits Put Sliced Onion On Your Foot Overnight - Duration: 3:28.

Benefit Of Onion - Health Benefits Put Sliced Onion On Your Foot Overnight

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For more infomation >> Benefit Of Onion - Health Benefits Put Sliced Onion On Your Foot Overnight - Duration: 3:28.


LOVE ME DO / SCANDAL 10th ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL 2006-2016 / 歌詞 lyrics furigana - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> LOVE ME DO / SCANDAL 10th ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL 2006-2016 / 歌詞 lyrics furigana - Duration: 3:57.


Essence Of Murli 30-05-2018 - Duration: 6:32.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 30th May 2018

Essence:Sweet children, in order to become heirs, surrender yourselves, ( to god )

that is, become destroyers of attachment to everyone.

Follow the sakar father fully. ( i.e follow Brahma baba fully )

Question:What is the way to be saved from sin and to attain blessings from many souls?

Answer: In order to be saved from sin, surrender your body, mind, and wealth, everything, to the Father.

Then look after everything as a trustee. Continue to take shrimat at every step.

Shrimat says: You children cannot use your money for any sinful act.

To donate to sinful souls is also to become an instrument for sin being committed.

Therefore, if you have wealth, open a spiritual hospital and you will receive blessings from many.

Song: Our pilgrimage is unique.

Essence for dharna: 1. Even if you have sinful thoughts, you must not perform any sinful acts with your physical senses.

In order to attain the kingdom, you must definitely make a promise of purity.

2. Die alive and consider yourself to be a small child.

Listen to the one Father alone and study from Him alone. Forget everything else.

Blessing: May you be free from thought and worry and experience the Father's power in the form of help.

( There are plenty of benefits in being free from thoughts.We become free from worry and become Lord of worryless world )

Some children think that how service will increase and when good students will come

and for how much longer they will have to continue to run around for service.

However, service will not increase by thinking about it.

Be free from thoughts and keep your intellect free

and you will experience the Father's power in the form of help

and service will automatically increase.

Baba is Karavanhar (One who inspires us) and you, souls, are the instruments to do it.

This is known as being free from thought, that is, having remembrance of One.

Such souls cannot have any worries.

Where there are pure and positive thoughts, there cannot be any worry.

Slogan: Step away from all situations with your stage of being beyond and you will experience the one Father's support.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 30-05-2018 - Duration: 6:32.


PRIXLINE ✅ Empieza YA (El consejo del día) 🤗 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> PRIXLINE ✅ Empieza YA (El consejo del día) 🤗 - Duration: 1:01.


PJ MASKS Toys Learn Colors with PJ Masks Toy Surprise - Duration: 10:03.

Hey Dino pals, this is Toy Rex here. Let's see what toy surprise we have today

Hi PJ Masks. Hi Toy Rex. You have a surprise for us. I sure do today

It's a special toy rex toy show with pgms surprise toys

Well, PJ Masks surprise toys that sounds so fun get to open this door and inside our PJ Masks Surprise Toys

You guys each get to open up two doors. Well, that means we get two toys each

Yep, two toys for the Pj Masks superheroes. Let's go super cat speed

There's a blue door orange door green door a purple door and a red door

Which door are you gonna pick? My favorite color is blue. So I'm gonna pick blue great choice

Jeff boy gets open up the boudoir. What toys are inside. Let's see. Wow. That's cool. What is it?

Whoa, it's a blue cheese from the paw patrol pup. That's awesome

What color door you're gonna choose outlet?

Let's see, what toy I like got she's opening up the door Wow, cool. What's this?

Also, it's a paw patrol mushrooms and there's more

Well, it's a spinner

- spinner and there's a shield

Wow totally awesome. It's all the paw patrols

Well, we got super sky, that's so awesome super Scott has a pink bandana and I'm pink cape on wow

She's really stretchy and really squishy. That's so cool to make her eye really big

Well, let's see sky go for a jump. Whoa

What color are you gonna choose?

color Wow

I wonder what's whoa, you're gonna get

Geckos can open up the red door. Well, look, there's a green surprise egg

Wow, this is a green surprise egg. It's green just like gecko sushi. Let's open it up. They're friends

Wow super cool gecko got a cat boy PJ masks. Watch there is Kaplan logo. Let's see

Well, we can tell the time and there's cat boy. It's time to be a hero and open up some more toys

It's back to cat boys turn. This cat boy is gonna pick the orange door. Well, there's a lot of toys

Let's see what we get Wow. It's a Thomas and Trey mystery mini. So cool. There's Thomas

There's an orange straight and there's a question mark that means it's a train that's inside. Let's see what train we got. It's snippety-snip

Here we go diner friends

well, we got a blue train and this is a special Christmas one because it has Christmas lights all over it and a bunch of

Snow on the top. So cool. This little train looks so happy. He's blue with black wheels

No doubt, let's turn again. She's gonna pick the purple door and here she goes

Wow, that's inside. It looks like another surprise egg

Wow, it's a purple surprise egg. It looks so pretty. Here we go

Well, we got the patrol pups Skye

Awesome. It's super good. She's wearing her superhero mask that's pink and she's gonna walk

Thank you and look here's another super sky, but this one's squishy. Cool

I can't wait to open up another toy get a pizza orange door

Well, it's another surprise egg. Let's see what we got. It's a pink surprise egg

Sushi a bunch of toys inside you'll be gun

Cool, we have the PJ masks pants. First. We have kitty. This is cap ties little cat. She's blue with

He's all green with really big guys just like Gekko he can camouflage

First room and then we have this super cute red birdie

Pretty good omelet pepper. She's so pretty

That's so cool, we got a bunch of superhero surprise eggs and a bunch of mystery blind bags, let's check it out

Well, this is a keyring Rhinebeck. There's


Girl she's got super big on she's better Lucy and blue cape and she's got a Golden Bell. Raven is super powerful

She has psychic powers can fly and is a keychain so you put on your backpack. Let's go for a spin


And what's this one cool, it's another keyring. This one's a Disney one. There's Jesse. I look it's toilets. Let's open it up

Here we go

Whoa, we got lunch. So he's a pink bear. That's a bad guy, but he looks super cute

He's a little handsy though. He's got his cane and he's all pink. Let's go first bin

Well, he's been super good. He's like a ballerina one more time Oh

Which one's this oh, it's a My Little Pony blind bags

We got a green pony

She's a Pegasus pony cuz she has wings and she's got dark green hair

Her cutie mark is a cloud with a bunch of rain. And here's her collector's card

Her name is sprinkle. Melody sprinkle. Melody enjoyed guessing what the weather will be like

She must be good friends with Rainbow Dash

Turn the blast off

and this one is

Well, it's a thomas in france mystery. Blab a super cool. I see Thomas right there and the mystery one

It's a train that's inside. Let's open it up

Here we go

This funny-looking black train and he's got bananas over him. He's number 15 and he allows bananas

Yummy, yummy. He's got blackness my true. It is face

Looks like he's a bunch of he wrote it just like a monkey because he loves bananas. Let's go for right

Now it's time to open the superhero surprise eggs this one

Wow, we got grey hug, he looks super big look at how big his arms are

He's got lots of muscles and he's super strong. Well hook his bruise better. He's a nice guy

And your fight and he's also a member of the adventurers awesome next we have this Irie man surprise egg


He's wearing his superhero costume zoom is also a member of the paw Patrol. He's the orange wider puppy

He drives a hovercraft and he loved water animals. This is a very squishy Zuma. We can stretch his face. Ah, ah,

And we can make it I really big

All that took rose and she was really bouncy wash. Whoa fighter man. He looks so cool

And he's ready to shoot his spider web to swing around town

Red and blue costume and there's a spider logo his special powers. Give him spider sense. Let's see spider-man do a flip wah, ha ho

Lose this one. Wow, it's a giant hulking. Let's compare it to the little hump Wow

Wow, we got another paw patrol mashup, this is Marshall. Oh


Iron Man

Awesome. I remain its member of the Avengers and he wears a red and gold power armor suit and look at all this fire in

The ground it looks like Iron Man is blasting off and ready for action

And this is wow it's a little Batman

He looks so cool. Batman's wearing his gray and black suit and he's got a gold utility belt

Thanks for watching Dino pals, you guys are awesome

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