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WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 0:52.Crap. I dragged Nakanishi down today.
Damn... That idiot Chuckie T went crazy last night, huh?
I wanted to pluck Beretta's chest hair.
But I missed my chance.
Chuckie went total Child's Play.
何がだ?俺はこの通り バッチリだぜ。
What Managers Need To Know About The History Of Entrepreneurship? - Duration: 12:49.Hi. how are you doing today?
welcome to another video at Square One Challenge.
We discussed in our previous video that entrepreneurship is the most important
driver of the global economy and what methodological approaches have been
taken in defining entrepreneurship.
In this video we'll take you through the
evolutionary journey of entrepreneurship its emergence and acceptance in the
early civilizations and the emanation of the modern form of entrepreneurship.
This video will provide you with the historical information that is pertinent to managers in today's economy
Do you know that the historical evidence
suggests that Islamic civilization was one of the earliest civilizations that
accepted and flourished entrepreneurial activity as compared to the Roman Civilization?
Do you also know that in Europe the role of entrepreneur was once
associated with negative connotations such as greed, exploitation, selfishness and disloyalty?
Yes! it's true. It's true that it was after the 18th century in Europe that the
role of entrepreneur began to be recognized as the
driving force of the economy and a very positive contributing member of the society.
SQUARE ONE CHALLENGE aims to provide your FREE education on entrepreneurship
so that YOU can create successful enterprises that both Scalable and Saleable.
We may think that the concept of entrepreneurship is a new one
and belongs to the modern world but the history of entrepreneurship actually
goes back to 20,000 and 30,000 years. In various academic or business writings
you may find that the historical evolution of entrepreneurship has been
broken down into various stages by different authors.
But, to make it short
I will elaborate them into the following three eras; the earliest period, the
Middle Ages and the modern period.
Here, I will only be giving
a brief summary on the emergence of entrepreneurship in the earliest period and how it flourished
through the Middle Ages
However, if you're someone who is interested in
going deep down into the history of entrepreneurship
Joe Carlen's book a brief history of entrepreneurship on the Pioneers
profiteers and racketeers who shaped our world explains a great deal about the
historical evolution of entrepreneurship. If you are an entrepreneur who is fond
of history, in fact every entrepreneur should know about the historical
development of entrepreneurship and also if you want to know how improvements in
doing businesses contributed to the economic development from the earliest
form of entrepreneurship till the modern one I highly recommend you to read this book.
So, in this video I will only shed a light on the earliest history of
entrepreneurship as most of the content of this video is more focused towards
the business management element of entrepreneurship
The historical evidence of entrepreneurship that dates back to
Upper Paleolithic period and the end of Stone Age where we see the emergence of
entrepreneurial tribes who innovated new methods for hunting and agriculture they
were more sedentary tribes who didn't want to go too far our places for
hunting. so they started farming cattle and later
on learn to grow their own crops and then they gradually innovated on methods
to improve their living standards the earliest archaeological evidence
indicates that entrepreneurship flourished most in the Mesopotamia
civilization the civilization in which the Egyptians Sumerian cities and the
city of Babylon was formed it is during this period that the entrepreneurial class
of the venturesome merchants entrepreneurs emerged who were also known as the
enterprising tradesmen while Mesopotamian and Phoenicians provided
positive environments for Entrepreneurship however not all
civilization foster entrepreneurship one such example is the Roman civilization
who were reluctant to entrepreneurial activity they inhibited the idea
of creating new things and rather created wealth through the spoils of war
in the early 7th century the Islamic civilization fostered many great acts of
entrepreneurship in fact Islam itself promotes the idea of entrepreneurial
endeavors a famous verse from Quran that is often quoted by Muslim economists
encourages Muslims to indulge in entrepreneurial activity in fact it's one of
the many verses in Quran that promotes its believers to seek paths of business
endeavors to please Allah Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also
set a great example of transforming the social political and military actions
over the course of centuries Muslim laws rules practices standards beliefs systems
and reward mechanisms transformed their societies and the major reason for this
was that Muslim jurists or policy makers or Caliphs who incorporated these
practices in Islamic law and refined them repeatedly were businessmen who
were mostly into the trading businesses with the passage of time Muslim traders
pollinated the soil of Middle East and Asia with their entrepreneurial
innovativeness such as use of trading contracts introduction of arithmetic
simplified accounting methods use of Arabic numerical such as zero and the
widespread use of paper in academic text these Muslim traders are known as
influential pollinators of entrepreneurship who transplanted
institutions across regions organize commercial trips with highly uncertain
outcomes build commercial links with unknown territories established new
markets and introduced people to new commodities. By the middle of second
millennium middle Easterns were playing a secondary role in the expansion of
global commerce and by the half millenium middle Easterns were playing
no leading role in the early modern phase of institutional development that
led to industrialization here question arises that if Islam promotes
hard work risk taking an innovation then why the most innovating and entrepreneurial
countries of this time are not Muslims? Leading Muslim reformers of 19th century
emphasized that the formal notion of Islam that is the perverted form of
Islam which council passive resignation to the flow of evens counteracts with
the authentic Islam which holds the individual responsible for its acts
including his failures and requires the active use of God-given talents another
belief that Islamic institutions that served innovators became
dysfunctional as the Islamic law failed to stimulate the development of
organizational forms of resource acquisition and management on a larger
scale the importance of Islamic entrepreneurial history in laying the
foundation of modern form of entrepreneurship is evident from various
academic texts yet very few names of successful entrepreneurs of early
Islamic civilization can be found in historical archives the reason for this
is the lack of record-keeping and archiving or preserving of documents
from generations after generations that could have assisted later generations of
owners and managers
it was during the 18th century that the term entrepreneurship was first
established by an Irish French economist Richard Cantillon he was the first
person to introduce the term entrepreneur in the economic theory the
word entrepreneur is derived from a French root which means to undertake and
this undertaking is described as the adventurous actions of a person
developing a business opportunity or enterprise later Jean-baptiste say first
described the function of entrepreneur as someone who bears the risk and whose
success depends upon their ability to judge future demands and profits in 19th
century Leon Warlas argued that entrepreneur is someone who brings
equilibrium to the production in such a way that the profit is maximized
afterwards Frank Knight proposed a model where he describes entrepreneur as
someone who takes risks by making decisions in an uncertain environment in
this model of uncertainity entrepreneur uses his skills in judgment and
knowledge foresight confidence in his own judgments and capacity for
leadership Schumpeter was the first economist who theorized the idea of
entrepreneurship he viewed entrepreneurs as wild spirits
whose drive for innovation and improvement creates upheaval and change he proposed
the theory of creative destruction and explained it as a process of continuous
industrial mutation that continually destroyed the old structures and creates
a new one the entrepreneur carries out new innovation thereby rendering all
industries obsolete established ways of doing businesses are destroyed by the
creation of new and better ways to do them David McClelland defined the
concept of entrepreneurial function and described entrepreneurs as high
achieving in who have an innate desire for taking
responsibility of their own decisions that involves a moderate to high degree
of risk and they have interest in getting knowledge on the results of
their decision Peter Drucker took this idea further and
argues that an entrepreneur is someone who actually searches for change
response to it and exploit change as an opportunity entrepreneurs
excel at seeing and taking advantage of possibilities created by social
technological and cultural changes Paul Davidson Reynolds was a renowned
researcher and the recipient of the annual Swedish international award for
entrepreneurship and small businesses research in 2004 and in 2012 he received
the dedication to entrepreneurship research award from the Academy of
Management entrepreneurship division his research proposed the do's and don'ts of
the startup processes he viewed entrepreneurship as the
entrepreneurial function that can be conceptualized as the discovery of
opportunities and the subsequent creation of new economic activity often via
the creation of a new organization
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [3rd match] - Duration: 3:40.Damn... They got us…
We can't lose anymore. We were determined to change the course today.
I don't think that we let our guard down at all. I thought Koji would get it done in the end...
It will hurt us if we lose again.
Even though we're just over half way, we can't be trapped here.
It's frustrating.
But I will survive until the end, with Koji. Absolutely.
That's all.
This is the tough reality Tencozy faces.
But I will flip everything and come from behind and win.
Nobody thinks it's possible, huh? But we've gone against what's possible for years.
People don't expect much from us,
But even from the bottom, we turn things around. That's what Tencozy is all about.
We'll keep going.
あまりにもハッピーで レフェリーにキスしちゃったぜ。
本気のキスしたらダメなんて 言わなかっただろ!
でも俺たち他にもメロメロになってる 奴らがいるよな。もちろん、テンコジのことだ。
最近仲間同士でやり合ってるけど、 俺たちが勝ってる。
でもテンコジ、俺たちはあなた達のことが 大好きだって知っていて欲しい。
また対戦してもいいしチームを組んでもいい… だって俺たちは永遠に友達だろ。
裕二郎?裕二郎と… ハングマン・ペイジか。
K.E.S. 。EVERYBODY DIESだろ。 でも俺たちは死なない。
キャッチフレーズを"SOMETIMES PEOPLE LOSE"に したらどうだ。
あ、それにEVIL、SANADAも。 これはキツい試合になるぞ。
言っただろ。3試合の内2勝できたら問題ないって。 鈴木みのるには負けたから…
何としてでも絶対にドームで 試合をしないと。
Where are you?
何て書いたんだ? ちゃんと翻訳したのか?
優勝はフィンジュースだって書いたんだろ。 良い目してるな。
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [5th match] - Duration: 2:42.大丈夫か?
元気はなさそうだけど、 死んではいない。
Not yet, not yet...
That was the most impactful move I've taken in this league.
Damn. I feel dizzy. It was awesome.
They are awesome.
Those two are something after all.
普通の人間にしてはデカすぎる。 マジでデカい。
But I thought maybe we could steal a win…
However, I guess we were thrown off our plan today.
But Zack and I are just regular guys. Those two are monsters.
This should be the last time we face them.
I'm glad they're my teammates.
Lance, Smith and Zack…
Glad they're on my side.
We could have died if we kept going.
The next one will be easy. Today was tough.
Just this one was tough.
This one was tough. But the next one…
Let's go eat vegetables.
仲間だろうと時には 争うこともあるだろ。
俺たちモンスター相手に激しい闘争を やってくれたじゃないか。嬉しいぞ。
しかし天山&小島ごときに負けるとは… まだ怒りが収まらない。
怒り狂ったこの俺たちを止められる者はいない… お前達の負けは仕方がない。
テンコジのせいでますます 怒りに火がついた。
お前は確かに世界一のテクニシャンレスラーかもしれないが、 今夜の俺はお前の土俵で闘った。
しかしパワーでK.E.Sを上回ることは できなかったようだ。
俺たちは仲間だろ。今日の試合は ただのビジネスだ。
K.E.Sはいつも通り与えられた仕事を しっかりこなしてやっただけだ。
誰が相手であろうとキラーボムを食らわせてやる。 それが俺たちのやり方だ。
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [6th match] - Duration: 0:23.クソ。ここで負けるわけには いかなかったのに。
すまない… 膝を痛めてしまった…
We're on a roll!
sankranthi muggulu 2019 | rangoli kolam designs for pongal 2019,sankranti 2019 muggulu,TNBN Tv Live - Duration: 1:14.rangoli
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
PewDiePie - Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) - Duration: 2:15.I dont like my mom T series
Not a single person does other than india
But I must go siko mode
Your gonna have a bad time
Bobs or vigana? Whichever will it be?
Sit the frick down T-Series; I'm here to spill the real beans
You try'na kill me for spot on number one,
But you India you lose, So go back to tech support
So best think you haven't won;
When I'm through with you we're gonna be completely
Fricken done,
'Cuz we only just begun;
i'll review you,
*clap clap*
Zero bye
Female gone,
So come on T-Series, looking hungry for some drama?
Here, let me serve you Bitch Lasagna
Female Lasagna
Female Lasagna
T-Series ain't nothing but a
Female Lasagna
Female Lasagna
Female Lasagna
Look at T-Series, they're just crying for their momma;
Female Lasagna
Female Lasagna
T-Series ain't nothing but a
Female Lasagna
Female Lasagna
Female Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
T-Series just wet themselves in their pajamas!
So who the hell is Bob and why you wanna kiss him?
(ew) (ew)
I'm a blue-eyes white dragon while you're just dark magician
You got a fifth of the population in your nation but
I got 9 year olds the world so hold your defecation
Motu Patlu? What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community,
No papa,
No papa,
Yes papa,
Now down all of the sugar and let's throw this fucking party with some..
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Look at T-Series, they're just crying for their momma
Bitch Lasagna.. Bitch Lasagna
T-Series ain't nothing but a
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Bitch Lasagna
Look at T-Series, they're just wetting their pajamas!
T-Series ain't nothing but...
You got a population of 1.32 billion but;
Most your videos can't seem to hit even a million
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [8th match] - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
"Смотр". Выпуск от 1 декабря 2018 года - Duration: 26:13.-------------------------------------------
RAW HONEYCOMB First Time (Extremely STICKY EATING SOUNDS) தேன்கூடு MUKBANG | Saapattu Raman | - Duration: 11:11.First time in my life i'm trying raw honeycomb
Christmas Special - Sangeeta´s Kreations - Duration: 2:41.Namaste friends welcome to my channel Sangeeta´s Kreations and this is Sangeeta
Christmas is approaching and like Santa there is lot for us to do. there is
no better time to start planning for all the crafts. I wanted to do something
different I have been busy collecting gathering all the handmade gift ideas
especially for you and your kids and and if you're looking to avoid something
spending lot of money then you are on the right track I am coming up with very
beautiful easy simple DIY art projects that only requires few materials and you
will create a beautiful masterpiece
this Christmas crafts idea that will add extra festive to your home
I'll be posting five diy per week ,yes my friends 5 DIY for me isn't it great
this is really a special Christmas season for us so get the spirit with our
unique and easy Christmas crafts ideas for this subscribe my channel if you
haven't so you don't miss any of my videos and hit the bell button for
notifications give like share comment below what you want to know and what you
want to learn see you soon till then Namaste!!!
Good looking
Đầm Choàng Cổ Đỏ - DCCD01 | - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Taijiquan Self Defense: stroke the lute - Duration: 1:12.Hi everyone, thanks for watching . . .
. . . there are kids outside today, so there's going to be a bit of background noice.
Christoph and myself are going to demonstrate a possible application for stroke the lute.
Intro [music]
This is one of the applications for stroke the lute.
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