Funny Prank videos
Please Stop Enabling Tana Mongeau - Duration: want to know how you know you can trust everything that I say because look
at all these books everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we
talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you new to my channel my
channel is all about mental health and what I like to do is pull different
topics going on in the YouTube community to try to teach you how to improve your
mental and emotional well-being so that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe
and bring that notification bell and real quick
before I jump into this Tana mongeau situation really exciting the discord
server is that like over 500 people and we got so many different chats man and
amazing people like if you haven't joined yet you need to get up in there
like we have like specific chats for like eating disorder recovery addiction
recovery trauma just everything people share like there are what are you
waiting for come on in there hang out with us so yeah I don't know what
happened okay like Tristin should I tell them so I told the chain of events that
happened okay here's the chain of events that happened so I'm just chillin making
me in Tristin some dinner oh my god it's like a tana mongeau story time within a
video about her story time what TANACEPTION looking for you through
YouTube to see what we're gonna watch so this videos like getting recommended to
me and it's something about Tana mongeau being in a fight and we click on it and
apparently it's a woman everydaydays who was involved in this situation and I was trying to
follow along with it and it made absolutely no sense so because I'm a
curious guy I went to go see if Tana talked about it and lo and behold Tana
did so as I'm cooking dinner I decided to watch at Animoto video which I don't
watch and this video is not about her fight I could make an entire video about
how ten not a psychic she's just a hot mess
and these things happen to people who act cray-cray but yeah this video is
more about enabling because the inch of this video it got me kind of riled up
the whole first part of her video was her new merch line called cancelled my
new cancelled merch as you guys know for the past month every single day I've
been working so hard on creating the perfect merch capsule not only the
designs and working with up-and-coming artists to make graphics that I love but
making sure every single item is the quality and shape and size and fit of
clothing that i wear every single day but thank you to everyone over the Black
Friday weekend who's already picked these up I did not expect so many of you
guys just like from my Instagram and Twitter to just go right away and buy it
and you guys literally blew me out of the water I haven't seen merch sales
like that in so so long so thank you so much so today today oh you know what
let's talk real quick you didn't think you were gonna click on a video about
Tana mojo and learn about neuroscience did you did you admit it ok so check it
out today we're gonna be talking about enabling we're gonna be talking about
positive and negative reinforcement we're gonna be talking about famous
psychiatrist I'm even gonna give you an amazing book recommendation so anyways
like I was a little upset about this because I know I know she's selling a
ton of much like she talked about how many people are already ordering it
she's pushing her merch I know I know she's selling a ton of it and I turn to
Tristan and I'm like yeah like this is like messed up this is less than a year
less than a year from the Tanic on debacle right like this whole hot mess
you know her screwing this whole thing up you know pointing the finger at
Michael Wiese even though they both screw this thing up and now she's
pushing merch on people like you guys like let's let's talk let's be honest
just me and you real quick there are people who still haven't gotten refunds
yet there are people who flew halfway around the world to go to Tana Khan all
right there are people who were like what am I supposed to do and all sorts
of things did an amazing job doing meetups and
stuff like that while Tana was out partying that night you know but she was
really just you know trying to do damage control or whatever it is
but there are so many people that screwed over by that thing who are now
potentially buying merch all right Mike let that process for a second second
everybody like this is terrible when it comes to reinforcement like I mentioned
this is one of the Jake Paul videos I mention this in a few videos we are the
reason that people like Tana exists okay so let's talk about neural pathways real
quick and the reward center of the brain so there's this beautiful little
chemical inside of each and every one of our brains and it's called dopamine when
we get something that we like we get a little love spritz of dopamine you know
why do you know why it was very important for our evolution because it
told us to do that thing again so there's this guy named dr. Judson Brewer
amazing man and he calls it the habit loop okay so our brains are set up in a
way where there's a trigger a behavior and a reward right so say for example
you get nervous you bite your nails you feel less nervous all right that lays
down a memory so your training your brain for every time you get nervous you
bite your nails and it'll calm you down right but this works for other things
too so Tana mojo screws up she makes a lot
of money her brain is wiring in a way that's
saying okay screw up sell people stuff and that's okay do you see what I mean
like imagine this and this is again this isn't a video for Tana there's a video
for all of you like especially parents out there like imagine imagine my son
imagine my son screwed up maybe he got in trouble at school or something like
that and he never apologized he never corrected any of his behaviors and I
bought him toys I am teaching my son that if he screws up he is going to get
rewarded think about that for a second like
is not good so when it comes to people like Tana or Jay Paul or Logan Paul or
whoever it is we are reinforcing this behavior
this is enabling so I'm real quick-like go check out this book by dr. Judson
Brewer is called the craving mind anybody anybody who's watching this
video you need to get that book he dives into the neuroscience of positive and
negative rewards he's got a lot of extensive research and done brain scans
when it comes to social media when it comes to food addictions when it comes
to smoking when it comes to alcohol and drug addictions like there's so much in
there and he also talks about developing good habits like if you're somebody
who's trying to develop good habits please please do yourself a favor and
get this book the craving mind but anyways back to enabling and this
positive reinforcement like somebody who is an addict this is something that kept
me in my addiction this is why we need to talk about enabling we need to keep
talking about enabling because a lot of you don't understand that you are
enabling people okay so for example in my addiction I was still getting money
from my parents right every time I would call them to borrow money they would
give me money my friends would loan me money my friends would hang out with me
my parents would invite me over all these things so my brain was training
itself in a way this isn't their fault okay this is not their fault but my
brain was training itself in a way saying like Chris it's okay if you keep
screwing up because things are still going well I did not turn my life around
until that stuff stopped all right so I want you to picture a world real quick
where tannaz merch sales went down where tennis subscriber numbers went down
where these things happened do you think do you think because of that negative
reinforcement she might start changing her behaviors because this is an
absolute mess like there's so many things wrong and I've touched
this in other videos but I was telling Tristan so in the YouTube analytics you
can like see your demographics and you can see your age groups and I'm sitting
there watching this I'm like she she knows how young her audience is and the
stuff that she talks about this it's just mind-blowing like I wish I could
see like who the bulk of her audience is but this goes back to a video that I
just made about Eugenia Cooney like as parents you know we need to be better
monitors of like what our children are watching and know who they're watching
what are they watching a for what are they learning and all that kind of stuff
because at the end of the day it is on us as parents you know what I mean but
if I want to do this please please please for the love of God because I was
talking to Tristan about this and I'm just curious how many people like just
let me know in the comments how many people who are 20 years old or older or
subscribe to Tana mojo please let me know in the comments that will help my
research that I do I don't know what kind of research it is but I'm very
curious about that alright anyways anyways let me know down in the comments
below - here's my question for you like have you enabled poor behavior and
somebody before do you think this is a reason why they haven't corrected their
behavior alright let's not the conversation down below alright
but anyways again go check out that book the crave you mine by dr. Judson Brewer
I'm gonna link it down to the comments
below come to our discord server that'll be
down in the comments in the description below but anyways that's all I got if
you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you
subscribe and bring that notification bell because I'm making a ton of videos
and a huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon
you are all amazing and if you didn't know now you know that there's some
exclusive content over up over on patreon so go check it out alright and
if you would like to do patron to the top right there thanks so
much for watching I'll see you next time
댓글 Q&A 어디서 그렇게 싸게샀어요? [playsin플레이신][4K][60P] - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
किसानो ने किया दिल्ली पे कब्ज़ा और बड़ा एलान आपका क्या कहना है कमेंट करे #Farmers in Delhi - Duration: 1:41.Delhi Rally
Farmers in Kissan
Breaking News
Girls Reaction When You Are Good-Looking And Singing Well [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:10.I'll fly over the blue sky Boarding an airplane was my longtime dream
I cannot say anything for waiting time I cannot tell you what I think
Everything's ready I felt my heart rumbling
It's time to fly to the sky I was a little bit scared
This is my first flight, however, I pretended to my friends as it's not
I told I used to fly many times
Hey, turtle, board on the airplane Are you ready?
Passing through a lot of people, this is the last gate in the airport
I'm so excited But I'll behave more naturally
I'll fly over the blue sky Boarding an airplane was my longtime dream
I cannot say anything for waiting time I cannot tell you what I think
I'll fly over the blue sky Boarding an airplane was my longtime dream
I cannot say anything for waiting time I cannot tell you what I think
Thank you Goodbye, goodbye.
Give it to him, hurry!
My daughter said you are so good at singing
My daughter said you are so good at singing She was really surprised
She was really surprised
I think she loves his face not the song
ఉద్యోగం త్వరగా రావాలన్నా ఉద్యోగంలో ఇబ్బందులు తొలగాలన్నా| Job Remedies in Telugu | Job Secrets | JOB - Duration: 4:14.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE
Super Police Movie Comedy Scene HD | Telugu Comedy | Venkatesh | Nagma | Suresh Production - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
SHANTI VLOG: Shanti People live show "The Planets" in Kyiv (Eng Sub) - Duration: 6:50.This is Kyiv!
Now we're at MonteRay.
Usually it hosts rock concerts
and Shanti People sometimes.
This is how the stage looks like.
This is Sasha.
He's a cool person!
He always helps us
to do our concerts less awful...
We are good at that!
Shanti People!
Everything's cool!
It's gonna be a good concert!
As she asked guys from the club
"Don't sit at the Altair, please!"
It's an improvised Altair.
This is our Volokos!
And Chaba.
Unfortunately, I don't have time today
to tell you about Chaban's devices.
I will do it next time.
Now we're going
to set up visuals
with Volokos.
She's putting on control wristbands.
Today I have a white eye!
Just one!
Today I'm working as
a mandarin peeler.
This is an underground dressing-room.
A lot of different bands...
It has to be Shanti People sticker somewhere...
It's over there!
Right, here it is.
It's here for a long time.
I've become more wisdom...
We've started our planet "stream".
We're waiting for the visitors already.
I'm divinely happy today!
Cause today my favorite...
The best team ever is working with us!
This is our friend Kirill!
He's making the best pics and we see
each other only at photoshoots!
Last time it was when I was pregnant!
Those beautiful poster pictures were shot by him.
This is fairy Ira!
She's making such beautiful dresses.
Today Hanna is my private...
Mandarin peeler!
Exactly! Mandarin peeler!
Contact me.
This fairy will be dancing!
And now, specially for promoters -
In the nearest future we will add
the massage therapist to our rider.
She is pretty cool at that!
You understand who this fairy is!
Here is Masha!
Usually she's making clothes
but tonight she will be dancing.
Lena plays the flute usually
but she will be dancing tonight too!
Everyone will be dancing tonight!
What people can expect today?
New Year gifts!
I'm very satisfied!
I have no thoughts.
I gave all I can.
And now I'm just happy.
Then I will tell you how it was later...
We are very pleased with this event!
Come back to us!
We like your show.
Monteray Live Stage!
Make a branded merch, please!
Or we will make it and sell it to you.
Yeah, we will be selling those T-shirts illegally.
We will try to make merch in the nearest feature.
Reef Tutorial - Gioco da Tavolo - La ludoteca #70 - Duration: 7:01.-------------------------------------------
Dishoom - The Game (by ErosnowGame) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 5:23.Dishoom - The Game (by ErosnowGame) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ
Арест Хаски #ябудупетьсвоюмузыку | Класс народа - Duration: 9:00.-------------------------------------------
Espectáculo Violento 👬🕺🏻🐂 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 26:17.-------------------------------------------
Cliente sin control 🤤🥃👨🏿✈️ | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 23:01.-------------------------------------------
【モッパン】韓国コンビニのお餅系商品食べる。 - Duration: 7:29.-------------------------------------------
Braised Kimchi With Pork - Please Follow the recipe... This Is The Best [ENG CC] - Duration: 3:47.Ingredients: In the description
Make cuts in the pork
Pour 1L of water into a pot
Add minced ginger, Soybean paste
Dissolve soybean paste
Place Kimchi on pork
meanwhile, prepare all vegetables
Slice onion along the grain
Cut hot Pepper into a half and use top of pepper only.
To cook pork Quickly, cut it with a scissor.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 8 minutes
Perfectly Completed
Teatr_aria: theatrical joke @ Notary's Inn (English Subtitles) - Duration: 13:55.please gents, please! Take a seat! You're just in time because the theatrical joke is about to start, please!
Yours is the table number 17!
I had imagined it!
What did you imagine?
That they would give us table 17.
If something happens this evening it's not my fault but of the table they assigned us!
Filiberto, stop with your quirks, it's a coincidence, that's all!
Is it true, young man, that this is a coincidence?
But certainly lady! As you can see all the other tables are occupied, the only free one is 17!
... it is natural that it is free: nobody wants it!
sorry, can someone exchange the table? We accept any number!
Do not listen to him, gents, you must forgive him! He is suffering from a strange form of superstition!
Are you superstitious young man? No lady!
Bravo, so you must be, otherwise you can become like my husband. Why, how did her husband become?
but let's forget about it, it's not the
moment or the place to say how it has become because of its quirks.
the important thing is that you do not let yourself be influenced by the table 17.
But do you want to joke madam? In fact, please, if you want to sit down, I will immediately set the table, please!
You sit down, I do not sit down, I eat standing up!
Filiberto, sit down! Let's not make scenes!
All right, I sit but I have to turn around the chair three times
Sorry gents if our entry is been a little animated,
but it's all his fault!
As I told you, he suffers from a strange form of superstition ... it's a phenomenon that nobody can explain!
Not even the experts of the paranormal!
All those who visited him concluded by telling me:
"Madam, we can not do anything about it! Yours is not a normal husband, but a... paranormal husband!
it's a kind of human magnet that attracts incidents of various kinds on himself and on those around him! "
Please, Gertrude, do not talk like that! Do not make me ashamed! Do not humiliate me in front of these gents!
I promise you I'll control myself tonight!
Stop it, I do not believe you! And how many times you promised and then you have made of all the colors ?!
Even tonight, eh, when we came here,
he made one of his! In a curve there was a black kitten that was
crossing the road...
A kitten ?! You say a kitten?!?
That animal looked like a tiger! He looked at me with his eyes of fire and with his mouth wide open like that!
Do you see it? Do you see how he's exaggerating ?! Now he also misrepresents reality!
As I told you, the kitten was crossing the road
and he, suddenly brake, and stopped right in the middle of the road
"Go ahead!", I told him, "Are you crazy ?! That went through the road from right to left, something
must happen! I do not go forward but I turn around and go
back!" "Go ahead!", I told him! "No, I go back!". "Go ahead!!!"
And go back, go ahead, and go back, something really happened!
... an off-road vehicle arrived and hit us in the rear quarter that the 500 bumper arrived above the trunk!
I told you that something had to happen !!!
And thanks! While we were standing in the middle of the street someone from behind had to arrive too!
... an off-road vehicle has arrived, did us a damage that with less than we cannot handle it with less than 500 euros.
It 'does not matter! The important thing is that I do not move!
Do you see it ?! You see with which
pathological and paranormal logic my husband thinks!?
But nevermind! Let's not talk about his paranormality. If we are here tonight
it's because we have to celebrate ... it's our anniversary! We are married for 17 years, if you want to greet us...
(Best wishes!)
Nice party! It's exactly 17 years since we got married, we got married on November 17th on Friday
They gave us the table 17, tonight something must happen!
Did you see? What did I tell you?!?
But Filiberto, this is a coincidence! Who knows how many times it happened to him! ... is true young man that happened to you other times to stumble?
Really lady it is the first time it happens to me in ten years of impeccable service!
Well, it means that there is always a first time!
And you can be sure that since today it will happen to you at least once a week!
Do not impress yourself, young man!
Maybe it's better if you order immediately immediately, so I'll serve you immediately immediately, and you leave immediately immediately!
Ah yes yes! Dear, I have an idea! What do you say if we do the same
dinner we made in the first night of honeymoon on the Costa Smeralda?
Up to you, I do not want to put my tongue on it!
Ah, great! So, young man,
write: naturally appetizer of sea, first
linguine with the rock, second sea bass with green salad,
mixed cheeses and, finally, flambè fruit, white wine, mineral water, coffee and
and ammazzacaffè. I do not forget anything, dear?
No, no, the menu was this! But remove the flambéed fruit.
I told you, remove the flambéed fruit!
But why?!
You forgot what happened 17 years ago to that waiter on the Costa Smeralda ?!
Quite right! I had forgotten it! What a careless!
Immediately delete the flambéed fruit! It could happen tonight too...
What could happen tonight ?!
The thing happened on the Costa Smeralda!
But nevermind it! Better if you do not know what happened, and better that these gents do not even know it!
Erase, immediately erase the flambéed fruit!
And I can not!
Why can not you?
But because I had not written anything! The pen does not work anymore!
It does not work anymore!!!
Up until five minutes ago it wrote that it was a beauty!
A beauty!!!
Do you remember? It happened also to that waiter on the Costa Smeralda!
What happened to him ?!
Nothing! The pen stopped to work to him too!
But do not stand still impaled! Write this menu and serve us dinner so we eat immediately immediately!
Sorry gents, there would be someone
so kind to lend me a pen? So the gents eat immediately immediately ...
Dear colleague, I'll give you the pen.
Are you a waiter too?
I was! I was! I did quit exactly 17 years ago, when these gents, that evening of 17 years ago, made a fateful dinner!
It seemed like a familiar face! Of course! I would add a nice known face!
A nice known face?! Finally tonight I come to know what happened ...
Excuse me, colleague, but can we know what happened?
What happened ?!
Do you see this?
... it is the result of that evening! When I was serving flambéed fruit to these
gents! He himself asked me: "It is never happened to you that the fire sticks to the glove? "
He did not finish saying it that the thumb of the glove caught fire like a wick!
But then I put the tray on the table and tried to put out the fire with the napkin! Then always him
said: "Be careful, that it can burn even the napkin! "
And the napkin burned ?!
It caught fire in a moment! And even the tablecloth caught fire!
But I told you so! Yes, yes, yes, he told you so!
And this is precisely the point! Everything that he said happened! At one point he said: "Be careful, it can even burn the table!"
And the table caught fire?!?
It set the table on fire, set the chairs on fire, and caught fire all the hall!
Then you are a living disaster!
What a disaster, young man ?! I wanted to be useful. I wanted to help the situation ...
Ahhh, nice help! Nice help, ah! Then, at one point he said:
"If a little wind comes inside here, it burns the whole restaurant!"
And did the wind come out?!?
The wind came out, which fed the fire!
And I had said it: "If the wind comes out the flames fly! "
Did you understand?! The more he spoke, the more the flames and the wind increased!
the more he spoke, the more the wind increased!
In short
The fire destroyed the restaurant and even the building, even the palace! And fortunately there were no victims, for the timely intervention
of the firefighters! I also remember that they worked until the following morning
And then one, dear colleague, a fireman fell and broke his arm and leg!
But I warned him from under the ladder! "Mister firefighter, be careful on the ladder, you can fall and break your all the bones ..."
Did you understand?! Everytime he speaks it happens a misfortune!
So, in order not to make anything happen, he must stay dumb! Dumb!
Please, my lady, please! Keep your husband shut up! I'm afraid that this evening it happens like ... like 17 years ago on the Costa Smeralda: a fire !!!
But do not talk nonsense, young man! It couldn't never happen tonight!
There is no breath of wind, no leaf moves!
You are right! There's a calm tonight ... but it's not one normal calm ... it seems that calm ...
that comes before...
... earthquakes!
There was ... there was a small telluric movement ...
... fourth, fifth degree ...
Nothing serious!
Small ... small movement ... telluric ...
fourth fifth degree ...
Out!!! Get out of this place immediately and never come back!
But it's not possible! We will never return to the "Notary's Ostaria" ever again!
Never come back! Out!
Ignorant! Lout!
I was so scared ... that my mustache fell!!!
Did you understand?! If it happened as on the Costa Smeralda, who knows what would happen!
Sorry gents, as our 500 does not start, there would be someone so kind to give us a ride?
But the driver must be very careful! it takes nothing that in a downhill the brakes break...
Out! Out! Out! Do not come back! Out!
《Girls' Talk- Cooking Girls》第85集 三文魚忌廉芝士飯糰 - Duration: 11:16.-------------------------------------------
Roadways a mess in Santa Cruz County during Wednesday's storms - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
TOKİNİN BİLİNMEYEN SIRRI - PUBG MOBİLE - Please Fix This Bug - Duration: 11:50.-------------------------------------------
How To Curl Short Hair Using Rod Foam Rollers - Duration: 7:16.hey guys welcome back to my channel so today's a little hair hairstyle whatever
video it is on how to curl short hair using these flexible little foam rollers
so if you'd like to see how I curl my short hair teet list it's really gentle
on the hair and please keep on watching also make sure you guys subscribe to my
channel hit that notification about bookmark my page upload a video every
single day the week I know what you guys to miss any if you watched yesterday's
video sorry about the way I sound I'm super sick but guys I misplaced one of
my rollers but I did pick these up at a local Dollar Tree for a buck this is not
a Dollar Tree gold this is just you know these are really really cheap and they
are a really fast easy way to a curl or you know add some texture to your hair
and I know like when I got my hair cut short I didn't think I'd be able to curl
my hair because that it would look funny so but I've been using these years until
I've I've used these and I actually really really love the way my hair
turned out so I'm gonna go in and guys show you guys how I use these so yeah
you can get a six pack or relatively very very cheap if you have thick or
long hair you might need to buy a few packs but they're really really
inexpensive and they are reusable so I got my little foam rollers here and I
got my Kristin s beach wave spray you can use a texturizing spray whatever
you'd like I just have this and my hair is clean and dry I just got out of the
shower couple hours ago I let it dry naturally so and I'm gonna be leaving
these in over and I can pop these in while you're doing your makeup you can
leave these in overnight whatever you'd like I like to leave them in overnight
for a stronger curl so first thing I'm gonna go ahead and do is you can part
your hair any way you want okay I'm fine with the center part and I'm just going
to spray a little bit and work this into my hair I'm gonna start on one side so
that way you know okay just think a little bit too much time
because it kind of makes my hair okay make my hair look a little crazy but
just work a little bit of texturizing spray you can do hair spray to do mousse
whatever product you like okay guys you're just gonna get a little foam
roller and I like to be larger chunks where my hair is short okay so I like to
do a large chunk and I like to just find it okay so you're just gonna I like to
wind it up to the scalp just because my hair is short if you have longer hair go
ahead and just you know do it to whatever length you want I know a lot of
people they like to do kind of like mid lengths and I liked I don't care if a
little bit pokes out because that will make it look a little bit more natural
okay once again guys I'm just going to take a large chunk just light it up
okay guys now that my hair is up and got my little curlers in I'm gonna go ahead
and just do one more little spritz okay guys so I'm gonna go to bed now I'm
gonna go take some nyquil and put on some bakes and yeah I will see you guys
in the morning to style this take it out all that jazz so I'll see you guys in
the morning bye morning guys so hair stayed in well
it's looking super awesome but I'm gonna go ahead and take out these little
curlers let's see what we're what we're dealing with this morning but cute guys
like I said we're gonna go ahead and style these so okay guys so I'm kind of
left looking like the Mad Hatter but I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna go grab some
hair things and we'll get this styled up and all that jazz cuz yeah I'll be right
back okay just went and grabbed some bobby pins and we're just gonna go ahead
and do a cute little style okay so I think I'm just gonna go ahead and I
want some curls at the very top so I'm just gonna go ahead and pin this up
okay and then I think with the rest I'm just going to go ahead and kind of sweep
it back and but we got curls in the back and everything but I think that's really
really cute I like that a lot but guys you can totally use those little bendy
flexi rod roller thingies they work great on short hair you know you could
definitely have your hair kind of relax a bit before you start to style it
totally up to you before so it's good morning
but I've totally up to you but I really really like the kind of curls that I get
with with the little flexi rods they're soft and they stay all day in my hair
and yes I did use the texturizing spray but guys really easy way to do a cute
little style and yeah absolutely love a little little flexible little roller
things they are great but you guys we hope you have a wonderful day make sure
that you guys leave a comment down below share this video do you like to wear
your hair curly I like to wear my hair curly during the holiday season it just
I don't know does a little bit more festive
so I personally like to do curls during the holiday season and I really think
this is cute and I feel like the little curly faux hawk I think it's really
really cute but that's just me but you guys also make sure that you guys follow
me on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat it's all
a bunch of glam babe I will see you guys tomorrow for another video
have a great one guys
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