Relaxing by the fireplace while it's snowing outside
Beautiful house overlooking a snow-covered field of pine trees
Thank you for watching my video of Beautiful Relaxing by the fire with snow.
Fast & Furious Takedown - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:12.Fast & Furious Takedown - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ
Schweizer Ärztevereinigung lehnt Ausweitung der Sterbehilfe ab | 29.11.2018 | - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Colocar Barra de Progresso(ProgressBar) em Listbox de Formulário Excel VBA - Duration: 11:31.-------------------------------------------
ASMR JACK IN THE BOX MUKBANG (No Talking) EATING SOUNDS | Zach Choi ASMR - Duration: 11:19.Hey guys! Welcome back ^^
Let's eat Jack in the Box!
[ Spicy Chicken Sandwich ]
[ Jumbo Jack Cheeseburger ]
and this is my favorite food from Jack in the Box...
Seasoned Curly Fries!!
Gotta have Honey Mustard
and Sweet N Sour :)
and my MVPs know what's up
Let's go! I'm starving!
Thanks for watching! <3
INSTAGRAM MADE ME BUY IT! | OMNIE BEAUTY MAGIC CONCEALER - Duration: 4:18.Hey ladies welcome back to my channel on this channel we talk about life food
family and fun and today we're doing a concealer review for those of us that
don't have perfect under eyes so stay tuned and let's do this
you look good really thanks
it's this concealer all right so today we are looking at a concealer that I
found actually off of Instagram and I had never heard of this before there is
a link on Instagram to go and buy this but I found it on Amazon so I ordered it
off of Amazon and this is called cover perfection the magic concealer and it's
from Omni beauty that is what it looks like and I think was 12 dollars or so
online and it says 7 in 1 the magic concealer when you see the videos on
this they're actually wearing this as foundation but I just use it as
concealer and you get .88 fluid ounces for the 12 or 13 bucks
it has a squeezy tube here and so good packaging simple to use easy it's nice
and thin and sleek, good for travel so the color that I got is sand and it's
kind of a beige undertoned neutral undertone concealer it's a good color
for me and the reason that I was looking for this is that I have used the Tarte
shape tape for a really long time and I do like that but especially in the
winter months for me it can get really drying under the eyes and I still have
to set it with a powder just to make sure it doesn't crease but then it looks
really dry and if you have any kind of texture or fine lines or puffiness or D
all of the above then you know that can get a little bit kind of crapey and
gross underneath there so I was looking for something that's a little bit
creamier but isn't going to you know smear around
all day cause my eye makeup to smudge fade crease all of that and that's kind
of a tall order so with this one though I found this
to actually hold up to the hype I don't know if their hype is their hype no
one's even heard of this I don't know if there is hype, but I found that this
actually did hold up really well it looks nice and smoothing under my eyes
it stays all day it doesn't crease if I set it with a powder and then when it is
set with a powder it doesn't look super dry it's a good color and you know it is
12 bucks or 12 or 13 dollars but you get quite a good amount in there and this is
gonna last me a really long time so I really like this for mature eyes I also
do not like the mature kind of thing I mean if you've watched my channel at all
I don't know much surety isn't some of it please start acting like adults but I
do actually really like this for under eyes that are not smooth and young and
beautiful so I'm gonna insert some pictures of one side one of my eyes
being done and the other one not and then another picture of both of them
being done and this is all in natural lighting no filters and things like that
and you can see what it looks like for yourself okay so I think that this
concealer is worth checking out you can get it on Amazon I will have a link
below in the description box just click on show more or if you're on your phone
just hit that little triangle in the bottom right hand corner beneath
this video and you can check it out and order one for your self and it's a good
concealer if you're having a great day stay
inspired try some new things and I'll see you in the next video
Neu-Ulm vor dem NUXIT | quer vom BR - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Plätzchen-Beauftragte - quer-Ministerpräsident | quer vom BR - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
Tony Stark Builds Mark I Armor / First Suit Up Scene | Iron Man (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:48.Okay? Can you move?
Okay, say it again.
41 steps straight ahead. Then 16 steps,
that's from the door, fork right, 33 steps, turn right.
Where is Stark?
He was here a moment ago.
Go look for him.
Yinsen! Yinsen! Stark!
Say something. Say something back to him.
- He's speaking Hungarian. I don't... - Then speak Hungarian.
- Okay. I know. - What do you know?
- How'd that work? - Oh, my goodness.
- It worked all right. - That's what I do.
- Let me finish this. - Initialize the power sequence.
- Now! - Tell me. Tell me.
Function 11. Tell me when you see a progress bar.
- It should be up right now. - Yes.
Talk to me. Tell me when you see it.
- I have it. - Press Control "I".
- "I." Got it. - "I." "Enter." "I" and "Enter."
Come over here and button me up.
Okay. All right.
Every other hex bolt.
- They're coming! - Nothing pretty, just get it done.
- Just get it done. - They're coming.
Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you follow me out, okay?
We need more time.
- I'm gonna go buy you some time. - Stick to the plan!
Stick to the plan!
Retired Trooper pleads guilty in overtime scandal - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
My FIRST TIME in Temtem 🔥EPIC VIDEO🔥 - Duration: 10:57.Muic
Music... Before starting with the
video. I have to show you how is the start of the game. You can see now the customization menu and that there are a lot of things to
customizate, color options, in the description you will have
the link to join to my clan of Temtem with all the advantages of being a member of my clan. Remember that this is the first alpha
so it is the earliest version of the game, You are seeing that i am choosing my name after creating my character
You can only use a capital for the name, numbers,etc but not using more than one capital letter
your mum wakes you up when you are in a bed as in the pokemon games, it is the same
Here you start waking up in your bed too
with your mother telling you that the breakfast is ready, then after talking enough time you can choose your starter
there are Starter of Narture, Fight,Mental
I chose the Mental Temtem because i loved it
Finally we are in Temtem, I am going to tell you what things has the game. The main thing is that your head
isnt too big like in pokemon, it is a thing that we can to thank crema for not having that head
which you dont know if your character will go forward or backwards because depending on where is the head it goes in a direcction
the joistick dindt work, you only had to move your head
Firstly you see that
the first Temtem in your team follows you
I have been playing it for 3-4 hours. I have in my team a Tuwai NV 20,....
In the next video you will see how we defeat the first dojo leader
but firstly i have to upload my first time in Temtem
After playing it for 3-4 hours, this game is the best. Why your name is Titania?
i have see Titania now WTF!
We can heal our Temtem, this is the animation of the healing. Now the max level is 25
I wonder being able of uploading a video of a LEVEL MAX Temtem team
after showing you how it works , we are going to play the game for a while and test the mechanics , if you see that the game lags
dont worry because it is a common thing because it is the first version
It has less than one day, the game is forced to the max because it is in ultra. I am playing it on steam
using keyboard and mouse, you can play it with controller too
I am thinking about making tournaments of the game (Sadly now it is imposible) because the room it is random
Now it is imposible . LETS ROCK IT!
i dont know what it is that Temtem, this is one of the Temtem starter
the nature starter, with this he is going to fly
i have ¡oh, no!
it dies , okay but it is nature so it didnt recieve a lot of damage, i think that it is pokemon but it is different
x4 you can go with your granmother, i has flew away
you have the stamina as i said in the information video, here when a turn ends if you have defeated
a Temtem it shows the xp which you gain and your stats and the increase
perfect, lets give a nice fly to this paharo, i will not use a ability because it will cost more stamina than i have so it will cost HP
to Ouchic for using that skill
okey, we dont level up and we earn a few pansuns
it is original, we continiu where
we left it, we are going to fight
this trainers
there was a rare bug, dont worry because it is the first version and day
it hast a lot of content, lets see if we beat this trainer, i want to find the dojo leader
for the next video defeat that dojo leader
and obtaining the surfboard, i think that i can,
we are going to do this because i think that i defeat loali which is a Temtem that i love, i dont know if kaku dies with this
wind blade, lets see, KAKUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
rlly? and it uses poison spores
i hate that attack i dont like it nothing
kalathu you are going to be a shit
i am going to rest and use the DC beam for defeating kalathu
i think it is x4 the max damage for example if it is water and wind type
it poisoned my twice Temtem
Kaku and loali are OP because they have the toxic spores
the water canon if you have a kalabys it is the best attack, be carefull with that attack
because the damage go away
We defeat kaku and we win the game
It takes more than time than expected, they challenge me while i was here
who are you? Alejandro
What is this Temtem? AHHHHH....... the Temtem that we defeated with a hit
you are going to fly this time
i think that with this i do x2 of damage, he defeated my
Houchic , x4 here is
i dont kill him because he was lucky
Loali pls
show them the true power, if you dont die with the DC beam you die because of the toxic spores
to the cemetery you go ,NOOOOO it fails, dont worry the toxic spores are going to kill him
or it wil be low hp, no it isnt at low hp, i will use this i wish i go first
it attacks loali, it is 11 levels up so i think he destroys my loali
lets see to the level that ganki will level up and loali
because the enemy has a higher level
ohhhh, i like this 48 damage, 15 stamina
lets change it for sparks (it is only use for SPATK up)
okey, perfect. I hope you enjoy it , remember,remember, ..... subscribing and giving a like
you have my social media in the description. I made a Temtem clan
i will let the official Discord of the clan in the description ( i am doing it) and a post of the Temtem forum
about my clan and all the advantages that all players of the clan will have
When the tournaments will avaliable the members of my clan will have a custom banner and logo
FREE of my clan, i recommend you to join, you will have the post in the description
and the official Discord of my clan. I hope you enjoy it , give a like and subscribe
Pokimane Flexes Her Muscles | Albert with the impressive one hand shuffle | DisguisedToast Card Re - Duration: 10:03.What does STPeach think about fuslie, boom yeet skrttttt marowakkkk, Rachel wants to stream on MFC .... - leslie, Hashtag no Filter~, RIP the Most Alpha of all Males, EXPOSED Kappa, Toast loses it on rank 50 chat, sponsors child slavery is no problem for xchocobars (bans viewer), I LOVE YOU!, I WILL BEAT ASCENSION 6, See Lin murders Chad Barbo, Lily is not metagaming, Well I think chocoAww
¿Qué sostiene mi vida? - Duration: 9:29.Book of Mathew chapter 7
verse 24
"Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine,
and does them, I will liken him to a wise man
who built his house on the rock:
and the rain descended,
the floods came, and the winds blew
and beat on that house;
and it did not fall, for it was founded
on the rock.
"But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine,
and does not do them,
will be like a foolish man
who built his house on the sand:
and the rain descended,
the floods came, and the winds blew
and beat on that house;
and it fell.
And great was its fall."
you know
it's amazing that it says
when the rain will come, the rivers
the winds, it doesn't say, "If
they come." They will come. There´s no option
if one day it will come, it says it will come
one day the rains will come
the rivers, the winds are going to hit
and what is going to determine
what type of house you have
is what type of foundation you have
the Lord Jesus said
there is only type types of people
there isn´t a midpoint
he said, there is the one
who builds his house
and for me your house is your life
on the rock
and there is the one who
that decided to build it without
I remember some years ago
I had an experience that shook
my house, my life
that truley made me think if I
was cemented in the right place
after a convention
that we do each year for the youth
we went out on a trip
I remember that it was
an extreme day
and we had torrentism, rappel, all of that
and to finilize
we rode on
some small boats
they called them rafts
that fit 7 to 10 people
we went on the river
before we got on
I remember it had rained a lot
so the currents of the river was
and I remember we asked the guide, we told him
"Hey, is it safe?"
I don´t know if he was thinkin in business and said, "No yeah, don´t worry about it."
so we went, confident
I remember that we were in three different boats
and we started, we went out
and we were going very fast in the beginning, very happy, very glad
and the faster we would go
the more we would laugh
but there was a moment when the boat started to go so fast
the current was so strong
that the laughing started to change
at the end there was a small curve
and we saw it and said well we know the destination of this boat
either it´s going to flipe over
or it´s going to hit
there was a huge rock at the end
and I remember that we all started to go into a state of panic
we all said, My Lord what can we do to stop this boat
Well what happened? We crashed
against the rock
we all went flying
my sister ended up in like a forest that was there
everyone ended up like that but I was under
under the boat, under the water
and the river was so strong, the river´s name was the black river
so I opened my eyes
and all I saw was black
and it was like a movie, I saw everything
and in that moment
when I started to struggle
because when one is under water the first thing one does is look for air
I couldn´t get out because my foot
stuck to a rock
I was desperate, and in that moment
I entered into despair, I said, "Oh Lord
I can´t die
I was 16 years old
and I felt like I was drowning
and I felt that I wasn´t on the rock
I was on the sand
when your on the rock you know
you know
if you die today, you know
and I felt, even though I was in the church
I wasn´t good
and I started to cry out
I remember that it might have been seconds but it felt like an eternity and I said,
"Lord, give me another opportunity
to build my life differently
to not finish this way
and I cried out with all of my strengths
and I felt a force that took me out
It was a force, it was impossible
it was God
that day
the house that was on the sand fell
and a new construction started
I knew that day
I couldn´t play with God
one can´t play religion
one can´t play that today I love God
today I serve him and tomorrow no, I was like that
one can´t play with that because God loves us
God is patient but in the bible we see
there is a moment where God says no more
and my life in that moment didn´t
have the right foundation
thank God I am here today
because of the mercy of God
and I can say today with complete confidence that my house
my life is on the rock
Jesus on many occasions
he showed how he is that rock
Jesus is the rock
when you have a personal encounter with Jesus
you start to establish
to cement your life in him
not in a religion, in a person
when Moses
had to deal with a people that murmered, that yelled
God told him to speak to the rock
tell it that I´m going to send water
to supply the necesities of my people
and Moses was with such anger that he didn´t hit the rock
he hit the rock
in the book of Hebrews, the Word reveals and says
and the rock was Christ
I don´t know
if Moses knew
that he was hitting just any rock
he was hitting God
how many times does one do this
when one plays with God
when one doesn´t take the calling seriously
when one becomes a house
that doesn´t have foundations
I ask you, if the rain comes today
if the rivers, if the wind hits
because it says that they hit strong
your house
what would be the destination?
would it remain or would it fall?
when you meet Jesus
when you have an experience with him
you establish and cement your life in him
And the rock was
it makes all the difference
it isn´t religion
it´s Jesus
and today you can cement you life
in him
Close your eyes
Lord thank you
I ask that today you awaken my heart
that I don´t continue
cementing my life in the sand
in the temporary
that I could cement my life in you
I want to know you
I want you to change my life
and I want to be a house
on the rock
forgive me
if I wasn´t firm
if I was playing religion
today I want to know you
I ask you Lord in the name of Jesus
Well if you liked this video don´t forget to subscribe to our channel
we would also love to hear what God is doing in your life
leave your comment, share it with someone
I´ll see you soon
Inspiration - The Power of an Ideas Manifesto - How to Get Your Mojo Back - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
RWBY WHITE TRAILER | Reaction - Duration: 9:24.So when a girl does some Jean fund the workouts, you know
I'm just doing some Jane Fonda workout smother my own business doing them workouts being like one two lifts. Here we go
What happens I get this notification, okay, it's notification that our Ruby reaction video reached over
Which means?
We're going to do an entire
Series dedicated to Ruby. Yes, don't worry
My workout wasn't interrupted that much but I did get a little excited then ended up celebratin having one these
So, uh, that means I still got do more lifts. That's right boy. It's got still through them lips. That's right
But hello everybody. My name is Katja and guys welcome back to miss gets called the geeky and let's play talk show
That's all about you guys. Guessed it geeky goodness and video games and guys guys guys today
We're going to continuing our Ruby. Yes, I'm saying it correctly Oh Ruby reacts with moving on to the white trailer
It just says Ruby white trailer
Roosterteeth gotta love roosterteeth. I love that name by the way, been a big fan of roosterteeth. So I'm glad I'm doing this
But yeah today we're gonna be reacted to the white trailer that you guys have been recommending that I do after doing the red trailer
Which was the previous episode. So if you missed out on the previous episode be sure to pause this video
Let's let's go to let's go to a great pausing
face right now ready pause this video
You pause okay you watch that video right? You're caught up already solo
Yeah, we're doing Ruby reactions here, you know lots of fun here
I miss Ghetts quote. If you're new, I welcome you to this crazy family and I'm on the beanbags cuz the comfortable the
Relaxation mode and yeah, it's fun. They're monstrosity. They're enormous these things
I came in the mail and all like yo, I thought there was smaller
But Kat doesn't know measurements just like she doesn't know how to do workouts properly snap lightly, but hey
We learn when we get older, but hey guys
let's get react into Ruby white trailer cuz I'm excited to learn more about these characters before jumping into these series and if this also,
Gets over 1,000 likes that kind of proves to me that
you guys really want Ruby on the channel and I'll be happy to react to all the seasons that are out to do like an
entirety of a awesome
Entirety, I don't even know I'm saying so let's get react this time. Let's get
Everyone is entitled to their own sorrow for the heart has no I couldn't read the whole thing
Hello, hello, it's ready. What's your name
Well, she is white here, but I don't think that's her name
The lights are showing on her she had danced she could dance because I can't dance for my life. So whoo she's singing
Whoa, don't hit me with these feels girls. Don't hit me with this feel
Whoa, hello, big dude, they get bad Oh Jimmy
It's just a bad one thing at the same time, that's crazy. I won't be able to do that
Yes, I'd like her movement she's cool
A good design as well. Very simple. That's it girl. Come on you oh hello
Ticket skip it that's cool
And you guys said the compotes or music to that is that is unruly ins in a nutshell
Girl down girl down
Get up mama gonna get up for dopey. Is she down on herself
Hmm, whoa nice voice
Maybe she's remembering this Oh
Do not be hurt you're gonna get it and everyone like it gonna dab that here not that but dab it dab it off oh
Nice I totally spit this is so graceful
Okay, so I guess she does like ice power tech thing
Yeah, he's hyped music boy just leave her alone okay, I know she's pretty but still you leave her alone
By the way, she'd be cooler cosplay as a league or else it
Shaboom all like that see that's what they did with the Ruby too can like show it went to her face
Nice and I zoom
Good direction on the cinematography
So beauty so pretty so pretty
Yay, that was cool. That was I'm gonna make that was actually really cool
Was she having a performance and remembering what happened?
Or was it happening at the same time?
And I love how they always have the little bit of red within it. Oh, oh
So you really like it, okay, so basically she's kind of like a singer a dancer
And also has awesome ice powers. Okay, I could have
That's cool. That's cool. So next we got is that black and then yellow? Alright review type
However, all think I love her design because I wanna learn more about her character based alone-alone
Just seeing this trailer but also because it seems that she has ice powers
For some reason the ice power ones, maybe they're the ones that seem more like lost to you know, because they're frozen
They're the mines are frozen in there
They just their hearts are I don't even know what I'm saying
But you know what I'm saying here is like basically she mean I don't know. I won't learn more about her. She's a singer
She's a dancer people like her stuff. They were clapping for her
but also was that my question for you guys as the audience of fans of Ruby was this basically her
thinking of the past of what happened and kind of being like oh,
I'm I'm performing while also thinking about the the grand battle that took a foot within my the grand scheme of things
So I love this. I can't wait to get into the series alone. But I love how they do market their trailers. It's perfection
Why because they do it per character?
They're not just saying like here's what the entirety of the series is about it kind of want to make you think what the series
Is about they want you to get into it by learning through the characters point of view
Which is by far really in a nutshell
Why because that means that this is a very character-driven story maybe thick on plot and maybe awesome on plot
But at the same time, I think it may be following the characters
Which is really good because this way I get the bond with them but based on some of the comments you guys have been saying
Cat you're going to lose your mind with a series cat you're not ready for this series cat you're gonna need a lot of tissue
Boxes, is it emotional? I'm not there yet based on these trailers alone. I could tell that
There's a lot of fighting going on it. I'm not ready for that
But yeah
If you guys get this up to a thousand like that basically means you guys want me to have more ruby on this channel
I would love to react to the entirety of the series. We're already thinking about dedicating an entire
like maybe like we'll call it like an arc on miss cat squad dedicated to Ruby the miss get squad arcs will separate them into
Arcs and be like the arc of Miss cat squad there will be reactions. Yes miss cow squad is becoming its own like
fictional universe
Great, but am I guys don't forget to give this a thumbs up if you enjoyed it
Don't forget to subscribe if you like this video and also don't forget to hit the bell
Notification because if you don't then you're gonna miss episodes on this gets bought and who wants to do that?
But anyway guys, I'm gonna get back into my Jay quantum walk up
And yeah, maybe play I won't be interrupting the sample notification because if I do I don't have to eat more Wendy's
Okay, I've burned everything off cuz my that my metabolism is freakin crazy and I live in New Jersey and what happens in?
New Jersey everything it's pretty fast moving nobody comes and enjoys it you don't want to come you don't live here
We have crazy fire hydrant, but alright guys. I hope you have it on maybe that you stay safe out there
There's always miss catalyst video and Boris you to finger and you're in a fanboy every single day
Hey squad, thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of Miss cat squad
Do you want to follow our adventures outside of YouTube?
Be sure to check out the description down below for all these awesome fun links
And if you really love what we're doing on YouTube, I'm going to be part of the journey and to contribute to it
Be sure to check out to our patreon page for awesome monthly awards
Thanks again squad and until the next video embrace your inner fangirl hindering a fanboy every single day
Can Screens Damage Your Eyes? - Duration: 3:45.[ ♪INTRO ]
If you're watching this video, you probably spend a lot of time around digital screens.
Like right now, for example.
And unless you're watching this far in the future after we've had some sort of apocalypse,
there are screens all around us.
So of course, a lot of people are worried that exposure to all this unnatural light
is harmful.
But can digital screens really hurt you?
Well, at the very least, they can can cause temporary annoyances like headaches.
But the research is still out on permanent damage.
If you stared at a screen for too long, you may find yourself feeling what's known as
digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome.
The most common symptoms are blurred vision, headache, and pain in the neck and shoulders.
Unfortunately, even though we know it's connected to spending a bunch of time looking
at a screen, there are a bunch of potential causes — from screen viewing making you
blink less often and squint more, to it affecting your pupil response time, to it exposing you
to more blue light.
Or people could be suffering from digital eye strain because they don't have the right
lens prescription, or one that doesn't take into account astigmatism.
Basically, there's no one cause.
Luckily, the symptoms of digital eye strain go away when you give your eyes a proper rest,
and studies haven't shown any long-term effects even if you suffer from it regularly.
And if you want to avoid that pain in the first place, doctors recommend you take a
20 second break from your screen every 20 minutes, staring off at an object 20 feet
Still, there might be another way screens could harm you, and that's through exposure
to blue light that can kill cells in your eyes.
The color of blue light comes from its short wavelength, which also means it has high energy
— enough that blue light can damage and eventually kill the cells in your eye's
The light reacts with certain molecules, knocking off bits of them and creating reactive oxygen
species, or ROSes, which will bond with almost anything.
They can cause so much damage that cells eventually destroy themselves in a process called apoptosis.
We know this happens because researchers have done a lot of experiments — not directly
on human eyes, of course, but on animal models like rats or human retinal cells grown in
petri dishes.
The thing is, most of those studies focus on high-intensity light from LED lamps, and
sometimes expose the subjects to that light for day-long lengths of time.
So even though we know that high intensity blue light definitely causes retinal cell
death, it doesn't tell us much about the real-life dangers of screens.
There was one 2017 study that looked at the effects of low intensity blue light at three
different wavelengths emitted from common types of screens.
Specifically, they found that blue light at 449 nanometers caused the largest increase
in those harmful ROSes.
But light with a slightly longer wavelength of 470 nanometers didn't do much damage.
That 21-nanometer change in wavelength might not seem like a lot, but the difference means
the two colors of light have different amounts of energy.
The 470 nanometer light, which was a sort of turquoise, just didn't have enough energy
to effectively break apart molecules.
This suggests we'd do well to decrease the amount of shorter wavelength blue light from
our screens if we want to save our eyeballs.
But don't shut your eyes just yet, because it ignores one major comparison: daylight.
Look anywhere on a clear day and you'll see a lot of blue.
And that blue light is way more intense than what you get from staring at a computer screen.
A paper published in 2016 looked at the amount of light — both in general and in the blue
part of the spectrum — from a range of electronic screens and compared it against the amount
of blue light you'd be exposed to from simple daylight.
Its conclusion?
The blue light from devices like laptops and smartphones, quote, does "not represent
a biohazard, even for long-term viewing."
So go ahead and watch as many more SciShow videos as you want.
We're officially non-hazardous!
And in the meantime, thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, and thanks especially
to our community on Patreon for making this show possible.
We have a whole team working to bring you amazing facts and answer fascinating questions
every day of the week, and we wouldn't be able to do any of this without your support.
And if you're not yet a patron and interested becoming one, just check out
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[ ♪OUTRO ]
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