Merry Christmas&Happy New Year!
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DỰNG PHIM ĐĂNG LÊN YOUTUBE thật dễ dàng | với công cụ Premiere Pro - Duration: 26:45.-------------------------------------------
Rezept: Schweizer Meringue Buttercreme - die beste Buttercreme überhaupt - Duration: 17:08.-------------------------------------------
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Recipe: Swiss Meringue Buttercream - best buttercream ever! - Duration: 18:01.Hello.
Welcome to American Baker in Germany.
I'm Michelle and today we are making one of my recipes.
This is my recipe for Swiss meringue buttercream.
I can't even tell you how much I love this recipe.
I got the recipe and the instructions from a blog called Natasha's Kitchen.
Natasha's Kitchen is amazing.
Go ahead and check it out.
It has so many amazing recipes and suggestions and also in this recipe there's a lot of
If you are having trouble, check out the blog and she will walk you through some of the
problems and how to resolve them.
Super smooth.
Creamy is like the word that I can think of to describe it.
It's amazing.
It's basically the consistency of whipped cream only more stable.
Because whipped cream is super soft and drips everywhere.
This doesn't drip everywhere.
It just holds its shape, but it has that super smooth and creamy texture.
I love this buttercream.
I'm super excited to show this to you today, so let's get started!
All right.
Let's start out with our ingredients.
Buttercream doesn't have tons of ingredients, so that's the good news.
So, we have butter, shockingly enough.
This calls for one and a half cups of butter.
These packages of butter are about—250g are about a cup each.
So I need one and a half of those cut into about one tablespoon chunks.
And I will show you that later, but I won't need it at the beginning.
Because for the first stages, I will need seven egg whites.
That's what that is.
So, I've already separated my eggs.
And two cups of sugar.
That's about 400g, give or take.
I need a little bit of salt.
And you have two alternative ways I'm going to show you today.
Either you can put in about two teaspoons of vanilla extract or you can use two packages
of vanilla sugar.
If you choose to use the vanilla extract, you put it in at the end with the salt.
If you choose to use the vanilla sugar, put it in with the sugar at the beginning.
So, I'm going to show you how I put that together.
Other things we're going to need: either a glass or a metal bowl.
I'm using glass today so you can see what I'm doing inside.
And you need a pot.
You can use any pot as long as it's around the same size as your bowl.
Because then it will allow it to get the most contact with the water.
What we're going to do is make a double boiler system, so that it doesn't cook the
eggs, but it does heat them.
And you definitely need a whisk, to whisk everything together.
And, you need a spatula.
Here's my spatula.
Mit Liebe gebacken.
Baked with love.
And you need a mixer.
Now, I do have a stand mixer, actually, but it has a couple of special things that you
have to make sure to follow when you're making Swiss meringue buttercream.
So I have chosen today to show you how to make it with a hand mixer.
Also I feel like most people have a hand mixer and not everyone has a stand mixer, so I felt
like that would be more universal.
So, let's put it all together.
All right.
The first thing I'm going to do is put my egg whites, all 7 of them, it does take a
lot of eggs, all of my sugar, and my vanilla sugar.
I'm going to use vanilla sugar because it's significantly cheaper than vanilla extract.
But if you do choose to use it, you put it in with your sugar so that it dissolves properly.
And I mix it up.
Mix it up with a whisk.
Now, after I'm finished mixing this together, I will show you the consistency.
Then I'm going to heat it up in a double boiler system over the stove on the pot.
Now, I could show you that part, but first of all, it's boring.
Second of all, you have to look at my kitchen.
And we don't want either one of that.
And it doesn't really show you anything I couldn't show you afterwards.
So, I'm going to show you the consistency of what it looks like when the eggs are cold,
and then, once I've heated it up to the right temperature, then I will show you what
that looks like.
So, this is normal eggs and sugar—egg whites and sugar—mixed together and what it looks
You can see it's very, very thick.
See how thick that is?
And you can practically see the grains sticking to the sides of the bowl.
I hope that shows up on camera, but you can solidly see grains.
And this is extremely thick.
You can see it just sticking to that whisk.
So, I'm going to heat this up over a double boiler and show you what it looks like when
I'm done.
All right.
So, this is what it looks like after it's been heated.
There you go.
Notice, first of all, the consistency.
It's really, really runny.
It just falls right off the spatula or scraper.
And look at the edge of the bowl.
You don't see any more grains.
And the top, also, will sometimes get a little bit frothy.
That's why this white is there.
Now, I'm not panicking about doing the next step immediately.
It's okay to let it cool down a little bit before you do.
So, let me tell you a little bit about Swiss meringue buttercream that will probably be
The number one question that people have is: is it safe to eat because it contains raw
First of all, look at this.
These eggs are not raw anymore.
So, even though they are not cooked, you do not want to cook your eggs, you should not
have chunks in them anywhere.
If you do, you've definitely heated it too hot.
Second of all, is at this point, even though it is not cooked all the way through, thank
goodness, it is heated up to a point where it kills all of the bacteria.
It is perfectly safe to eat, even for pregnant women, who are not allowed to eat raw eggs.
So, feel free to go ahead and serve this even for a baby shower or something like that.
I have before.
And, another thing about it is that temperature is very, very important in Swiss meringue
So, this mixture right here is very hot to the touch.
When it's over the double boiler, even if you can't see any grains and the consistency
looks pretty good, if you touch it and it still feels like body temperature, then it's
too cool.
It should feel hot to the touch.
You should touch it and say, "Oh, that's getting really pretty hot."
So, if that's not the case, then it needs to keep heating.
I hope that helps a little bit.
So, what we're going to do is we're going to whip it.
We're going to whip it to within an inch of its life, basically.
And at that point, we're going to whip it until it comes—it completely whips up into
a meringue, that's called Swiss meringue.
And once the bowl is completely cool to the touch—it should be no warmer than room temperature.
Okay, room temperature is what we're going for.
Right now it's really quite hot to the touch.
I can touch it, but just for a short time.
And then, once it's completely cool, we're going to add our butter one tablespoon at
a time.
Now, this takes forever.
A lot of other buttercreams go significantly faster.
This is probably the number one reason why people don't always make Swiss meringue
And I am guilty of this as well.
If I don't have the time, then I'm not going to make it.
Swiss meringue buttercream, you can just count on it, takes at least half an hour.
It can even take longer.
So, I'm going to cut up my butter into chunks and get it ready and then I'm going to whip
up my egg whites into meringue.
Isn't that beautiful?
I love this so much.
This is Swiss meringue.
Welcome to the world of Swiss meringue.
My Swiss meringue is now cool.
I'm touching it on the side of the bowl and it's pretty cool.
It feels room temperature to me.
What is important is to really wait until it gets down to room temperature.
If you put your butter in too early, you will end up with soup.
And nobody wants a frosting soup.
So, you have to absolutely wait until it's cool and is no longer giving off heat.
Otherwise it will melt your butter.
Here's my butter.
Now, Swiss meringue by itself is really delicious.
But, make it into buttercream, and it holds its form as well.
You can see that it kind of drips down right here.
It's fairly similar to seven minute frosting.
So, that's what that looks like, but it's kind of like marshmallow fluff almost.
See that?
It does not hold its form yet.
The butter will give it a little more stability.
That's kind of the point.
So, I'm going to add it one tablespoon at a time.
All right.
I'm making a huge mess.
But, I've now put in all of my butter, and it looks like this.
Don't freak out if that happens to you.
It happens fairly common.
It's a really, really common thing to happen.
Another thing that can happen is it might look like your eggs and your butter are separating.
It can have kind of a chunky look.
If that happens—either of those things—you basically keep beating.
Now, another thing about this is there is a lot of beating involved.
Which can be hard on your hand, your arm, your shoulder, if you have problems with those
parts of your body, or if you just straight up need a break.
Go ahead and take a break.
This is not something you absolutely have to do in one go.
So, if you need a break, you take it.
Especially if you're using a hand mixer like I am today.
That's why most people prefer stand mixers for this particular activity.
I'm going to keep beating it, and it will eventually come together and I'm going to
show you what that looks like.
But at some point, it's going to look kind of like soup.
So, don't freak out.
It will come together at some point.
This has not yet come together, as you can see.
So now it's time for a little troubleshooting.
I have been beating it a long time.
So, if—this is not soupy.
I'm not concerned with having put the butter in too early.
What I'm thinking is, I may need a little bit extra butter today.
That sometimes happens if you have a little bit larger eggs than usual.
Something like that.
The amount of butter you need needs to go up just a little bit.
I'm going to cut a few more tablespoons of butter, and I'm going to put in another
quarter cup.
But, if you did put your butter in too early and it's super soupy at this point, then
I would put it in the refrigerator.
Go ahead and cool it for at least half hour, 45 minutes, and then try and beat it up again.
If that doesn't work, you can cool it up to overnight.
And it should eventually set up.
It is possible to salvage it even if you did accidentally put your butter in too early.
Here it comes.
There we go!
Look at that!
It's beautiful!
That's exactly the consistency you need.
And now, I'm going to add a dash of salt.
Just a little bit.
Make sure you don't add too much salt at this point.
You don't want to mess it up.
A little bit goes a long way.
And there you go.
Swiss meringue buttercream.
It is amazing.
And I hope you enjoyed the tutorial today and I'll see you again next time.
And let me just vent a little bit my frosting woes.
So, the first time I made a cake and frosted it, I made American buttercream.
American buttercream, if you don't know, is based in butter—or shortening, or a combination
of the two—and then you add a whole lot of powdered sugar and you thin it down with
milk or something similar.
I made it the first time, and I followed the recipe very strictly, and I was really disappointed.
I didn't like the taste at all.
I frosted the cake with it thinking that it might taste better on the cake, and then I
had a piece and I said, "I don't even want this cake.
I don't want to keep it."
I gave it to a friend of mine.
A couple of friends of mine, actually, it was kind of a big cake.
I just said, "You know what, I have this cake and I don't want it.
So, if you would like it, please, take as much as you want."
And the two girls took a whole bunch.
They took a whole bunch home.
And the two girls told me, "That was amazing!
That was the best I've ever had!"
So, let me reassure you, those of you who use American buttercream, probably 90% of
people like it.
I don't care for it.
And I'm in the minority 10%, I am aware.
And I thought to myself, "Maybe I just don't like buttercream at all."
And then I saw a YouTube video, and she mentioned that she doesn't like American buttercream,
I thought to myself, "Really?!
Somebody else who agrees with me!
That's amazing!"
So, I listened to what she had to say, and she said that she loves Italian meringue buttercream.
"I have to try this," I thought to myself.
And I came this close to trying and then I chickened out at the last minute, and I'll
tell you why.
You need two things that I did not have at the time.
You need a candy thermometer, which I still don't have, and you need a stand mixer,
which in between—I've since gotten one, but I still haven't quite got the guts up
to try it because I still don't have a candy thermometer.
So, at some point I will make Italian meringue buttercream, but I discovered that you don't
need either of those things to make Swiss meringue buttercream, which is supposed to
taste very, very similar.
So, I thought to myself, "Okay.
I will try the Swiss meringue buttercream and see if I can do it."
And I made it.
The first time, I used a different recipe, and I did like it much better than American
buttercream, but it tasted very strongly of butter.
So, I searched for another recipe and I found this one.
So, in case you're wondering what I did with all of the egg yolks, I was hungry.
I made myself some scrambled eggs.
OSMAN EMİR KOÇ UFAKLIK VİDEOLARIM - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Румелийская сосна I Pinus peuce - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
MARVEL VS CAPCOM INFINITE STORY MODE Episode#3|New Game HD - Duration: 32:50.The soul stone lies in another realm by far the furthest from your reach
Tell me Ryder is it business that brings you here Oh pleasure
Vengeance a
Bit of both a
Million innocent souls have been stolen from the earth. I seek vengeance against the one responsible
Then look into my eyes, what do you see
You are guilty of many things succubus, but not of this
I sense such desire in you a fire
for justice for retribution
Not for me
Or from me
He has so much in common
our passion great bone structure
But if you will not give me what I need. I have no wish to destroy your succubus
Dance with me right in flame and then fire
Fight funny plays lights again
Yes Spence do
You dare me help
It's true
Be perfectly me
You must be funded
My work power do you dare command me mortal I
need only
reason and
Feeling that Eponine I ever hear can be very persuasive
Who are Dante we were only played oh, I've seen how your playtime ends Morgan
How's it going Ghost Rider haven't seen you since the convergence I
Sensed a great evil leaving unseen through the mortal realm that day
preying on the souls of the innocent and the Forgotten the
Echoes of that pain have led me here
Houki it is more serious than you know, all life stands upon the edge of extinction
We have come in search of a stone of great power
Ah, you speak of the stone of souls
I've seen it in Lourdes Jettas possession the Dark Messiah has the soul stone
That is a dangerous combination indeed. I
Can help you find him. He and I are close
Oh, don't be jealous we would be most
Where is Sir Arthur here?
Come with me
Stay behind us my lady Morgan
No, don't worry about me Arthur I can take care of myself
Not all women are princesses in need of rescuing
Tell that to the princess
The dark entity
And the stone of souls Jeddah
Morrigan look on and marvel at my creation
It is an abomination
You know, it is a weapon a symbiote fed upon a million human souls
so many innocents
Sacrificed and still not yet enough to defeat Ultron Sigma that will take a million
You are not just safe the soul stone has corrupted you no Morgan it is let me see the truth
what matter a million human souls a billion with all souls face extinction I
Should restore balance between life and death
It is time for the Dark Kingdom to rise
Crazy son of a--
Alright, let me put this a different way
Take Jenna I will deal with the symbiote
First sorcerer
You all must deal with me
You are a fool to come here strange this place shall be your grave
Have you surrendered the doctor mentioned to Jeddah so easily
The convergence has left you weakens Dormammu. Yes still
We shall see we meet again firebrand this time my Homer will not fall apart so we
Like vanquish my enemy
Like wish my enemy
Yeah, like they wish my enemy
My enemy
Like my enemy
Like they push my enemy
Likely vanquish my enemy
The power of creation, let me vanquish my enemy
I only speak romantic too late for regrets
Impact a strange noise for a supreme
Like leg leg push my enemy
Like they thanked wish my enemy
My enemy
I unleash the secret magic
Trust the food
It's beautiful this evil must be contained
By the crimson bands of cyttorak
Too late, but the stone
Is lost I
Think it's time to get out of here. I quite agree
The house is trapped the tower unguarded it's time that we finish him
Remind me again why we're doing this the Infinity stones are too powerful for mortals to wield a
Device must be constructed to harness them
Rhetorical question doc but Thank You Spencer. Can you pass me that coupling there? Sure
You know I could whip you up a replacement
Something a little more sporty a little less last place in the high-school science. Yeah, I'm good. Thanks
Kind of attached to it, huh? Hawkeye to Stark
We've got movement seven klicks out
Multiple targets closing fast
It's Ultron Sigma charging shield sixty Seconds to full power
Got a couple headed your way
Stark is gone unwanted company ready
Target acquired is the big one
Get over here
Part of one big one
Target of one with the big one
Good job Barton take break
shields holding at 80%
At this rate it will be breached within minutes great observation doc
Does anyone have something useful to share shield? That's 60%
We're on our own here
We need Thanos
We gotta let them free. What's that word? I'm searching for no shield at 40%
Something funny grimace
Tony star and dr. Light
To warm up fighting for peace yet responsible for so much more
Are your hands any cleaner than mine?
Your shield would not save you
Release me danger shield at 20
Guys pizza's here
Fastest way see you traded one prison for another
When you not bow before your God
You are no job
You are a fool. You will the greatest power in all creation
Yet you wear them like treatments and use them like a child
The remaining four Infinity stones will soon be ours, how does it feel to know such a power
Dr. Light
You forget touching reality in space our hours to command the stones will not save you this time
You heard me here you heard us
That's earth. We must retreat and repair
In time you will all come to us
The stone of power lies at the heart of the space station no
We've been able to identify its precise location
Here within the station's Gravitron core
No moons defenses won't be easily breached. We'll need a diversion. So
Do you take like regular batteries and what of grandmaster mail?
Engage him only as a last resort our priority. Is that stone understood? Yeah
Looks like it could really do some damage
What's the biggest thing you ever killed of that bad boy? Yeah
Rocket, are you listening?
Crash no moon find the core nab the Power Stone boom home in time for cocktails
That's actually pretty good
Going somewhere I'm going after the Grandmaster
Then I'm coming with you
Major Denver's. Mm-hmm. You'll have your diversion make it count. No wait
Combined it
This man Grandmaster male
Who is he to you?
He is no man
He is the Lord of Darkness
capable of corrupting life itself
Reshaping it to his own twisted desire
And it seems you know him. Well I
Have fought the Grandmaster for a thousand years
dying a thousand deaths as if my fate is forever bound to his but this time
You will not face him alone
Strider he's a man of his word
Hey who's the action figure
Zero no, I
Am oblivion his core routines have been rewritten by the Grandmaster
Nova major get to the core we got this go. Be careful
What should we do? It's like Einstein said if something's broke hit it till it works ready
You're already Oh
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