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How To Make Short Film - কিভাবে প্রফেশনালি শর্ট ফিল্ম বানাবেন - Make Vlog, Song, Drama (Like Pro) - Duration: 16:14.
How To Make Short Film
Film - কিভাবে প্রফেশনালি শর্ট ফিল্ম বানাবেন
Make Vlog, Song, Story, Drama (Like Pro).
In This Video I am going to show you how to make professional looking short film, drama,
Vlog, Song, Story etc look like professional or film industry.
This video actullay I sharing some strategy for making more powerful look like boss film.
Bangla film making Tutorial। how to short size for film making। types of camera shots.
Double Bottom Stock Chart Pattern Explained - Duration: 6:59.Double Bottom Stock Chart Pattern Explained by David Moadel
welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell double bottom pattern this
is one of my favorite stock chart patterns it's not just for stocks it's
also for commodities Forex crypto currencies whatever it is that you're
trading it's powerful it really is and what it is is when you have a stock or
ETF or whatever it goes down to a certain level bounces right off of it
and then retests that level and you can call this a support level if you want to
okay it's a support level meaning that the market is demonstrating not just
once but twice that it doesn't want to bring the price below that level the
more times it bounces off of a certain level the stronger that support level is
and so when it bounces right off of it once and then bounces right off of it
again that's even stronger for the support level all right and a triple
bottom that could be even more powerful but we're just gonna stick to double
bottoms in this video and this is from s py also known as the spiders okay and
that is an ETF by State Street that tracks the S&P 500 and so this is a
pretty good proxy for the S&P 500 and we're in the middle of a double bottom
pattern as I'm making this video all right we're right in the middle of a
double bottom pattern here we are there's spy spwhy bounce right off of
this 260 let's say 264 level okay went down to around 264 bounced right
off of it so you can call that a support level but if you're not sure whether
it's a strong support level yet guess what it retested it went back down to
around the 264 level and then bounced right off of it again today balanced
right off of it I mean this is about as textbook as it gets
bounced almost exactly to the tick off of that same level all right and this
isn't the first time did it back here went down to let's call this the 257
level let's say bounced off of it and then came right back down to it almost
exactly the same level around around that same number round 257 or so and
then it was like a springboard for the next few months just up and up and up
that's powerful that's the market showing not once but twice that it
doesn't want to bring it below that level so these are two textbook examples
from the most popular ETF in the world SBY the spiders so we're in it right now
and that's why I'm bullish on this right now
not necessarily could it go down again it could it could form a triple bottom
or it could just go straight down there's no guarantee none of these work
a hundred percent of the time but it's a pattern that I've found to be pretty
powerful oftentimes let's take another look because those aren't the only two
times that s py or the S&P 500 ETF have formed double bottoms here's 2015 late
2015 bouncing twice off of approximately the
same level it's not an exact science okay you can't expect it to be
mathematically down to the penny or down to the tick to be exactly the same level
came right off of it went down again another double bottom here you could
even consider this whole thing a double bottom although it's not exact it's kind
of slanted all right but as we can see there's been a history of double bottom
patterns what's going on there that's the market going down shaking out all
the beginners okay because people who are beginners in the stock market when
they buy they usually buy high and then it goes down they sell low and they lose
the market will do that it will shake you out and it'll frustrate you if
you're a beginner because it'll go down and then head fake up and then go
down again and a lot of beginners will just give up
here they'll say you know what this whole stock trading thing is not for me
and they sell here when all they had to do was recognize the pattern and say oh
that's a double bottom right there good chance it's gonna come back up and if
you held on you would have gotten your money back
even if you bought at a high price you would have gotten your money back just
fine okay let's get another example this is e W Z the iShares Brazil ETF okay
textbook double bottom pattern came down to the same level around 31 and you can
see this is a long-term double bottom pattern alright yes I've seen them in
day trading that's fine they can work there as well I've seen them in swing
trading and I've seen them in long-term position trading this is a longer-term
one it took a took a long time to form this double bottom pattern this is for
patient long-term investors but it worked great textbook right here in the
Brazil ETF here during the summer and fall of 2018 I hope you're better able
to recognize the double bottom pattern perhaps I'll make a video on triple
bottom patterns maybe I'll do that I don't know let me know in the comments
what do you want to see is this helpful to you have you used this pattern on
your own with success tell me all about it give this video a thumbs up if you
liked it and subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't done that already
that way you can receive the latest updates on my financial educational
videos and I do coach people in trading and investing chart patterns things like
that so you can email me anytime my name is David Modell my email address is
David Modell at thank you so much for watching and listening I'll
talk to you again soon
【フォートナイト/PC】VANCスクワッド。スポンサー募集開始【VANC】 - Duration: 40:13.-------------------------------------------
Car Driving in Highway Road | গাড়ি ড্রাইভ ভিডিও | SET HD Video Free Footage | Night Video | Official - Duration: 2:15.SETHDVideoFreeFootage
Trang chủ AFF Cup nhận định tương quan trận VN-Philippines, bất ngờ cảnh báo Philippines sẽ ôm hận! - Duration: 23:09.-------------------------------------------
EN EFSANE YOUTUBE KANALLARI !! (KANALLARINIZI İNCELİYORUM) - Duration: 7:29.-------------------------------------------
When Should You Address Standing Water? | Controlling Crawl Space Humidity - Duration: 2:36.Hey there Michael Church from Crawl Space Ninja.
We got a great question from Jim down in Harriman, Tennessee and he wants to know, should I address
standing water coming in my crawl space if it's not really effecting my humidity?
Stay tuned.
So just to be clear, the standing the water it seems like was affecting his humidity,
but then he installed a dehumidifier, right?
So that's how you control humidity Jim, good job, is by putting in a dehumidifier.
The only problem is during a heavy rain it sounds like he's still getting standing water
coming through the foundation and coming around the edge.
Dries up in about a day or so, but still pretty muddy for a few days.
One thing that everybody will tell you to do Jim, is to make sure your downspouts are
going far, far away from the foundation to ensure that you're not getting all that roof
water sitting around the foundation.
But you know what, you're still getting rain around the foundation, so that could also
be effecting the crawl space.
Here's my recommendation, if you are okay with a little bit of mud and standing water,
and the humidity is being controlled, the wood is dry and all that, that's great.
The only problem is when or if you go to sell your home, it will probably be a red flag
on the home inspection, if the home inspector even gets in the crawl space, so just keep that
in mind.
If you want to enjoy a crawl space that the standing water's addressed, and you have low
humidity the whole time you're living there, than I suggest you go ahead and take care
of it.
If you're going to live there forever and it's not a bother to you, than it's your choice
whether you want to address that now or not.
But it sounds like if the dehumidifier does for some reason flake out on you and stop
running, that standing water is going to add a lot of humidity to your crawl space.
So make sure you got a way to check that humidity on a regular basis.
You can get one of those Acurite Humidity Readers with the remote, so you put the little
sensor down in the crawl space and it will shoot the humidity up to the living space.
You can get those on Amazon for 30 bucks or so.
So anyway, great question, I hope you make it a happy and blessed day and we'll see you later.
What Moves Us - Open Marketplace | Uber - Duration: 4:16.(music)
- Jonathan thank you so much for taking the time
to sit down with me today.
I want to start with the fundamentals.
Uber operates an open marketplace.
Can you walk me through that?
- Absolutely.
An open marketplace means just that:
It's open to everybody who wants to make a living.
You can drive whenever you want, wherever you want,
and however you want.
We offer broad access to work and we expand access
to mobility for riders.
The freedom and flexibility that this affords
is hard to understand, until you actually try it.
In a typical 9 to 5 job you can't just come
and go as you please.
- All of that flexibility sounds really great.
But I think lot of people are worried about
having too many drivers and that meaning low wages.
- Uber wants every driver to earn as much as they can.
But earnings are also tied to the marketplace.
It's not as simple as raising rates.
- Why isn't it just as simple as raising rates?
- We've raised rates in the past.
And we've seen two things happen.
The first effect is on the rider side.
Higher rates means fewer people request rides.
That's not good for drivers.
Secondly anybody who has a license
and passes a background screening can be a driver.
So as soon as we raised rates, more drivers
joined the network.
- So even more drivers join the network,
what does that mean?
- More drivers results in fewer riders per driver,
and that negatively affects earnings.
- Why not just limit the number of drivers?
- Well if we were to restrict access to drivers,
we would not have an open marketplace anymore.
It would violate the principle of Expanding Access.
The other thing that it would do is that
because there would be fewer drivers for any
number of riders, it would increase the amount
of surge pricing.
Ultimately it would make Uber more expensive
for its riders.
- Won't you have times anyway when the number of drivers
is higher compared to the number of riders?
- We are in an open marketplace.
So earnings are always gonna be function of market demand.
If you drive on a Friday night, for example,
there will be lots of demand and lots of earnings potential.
But if you drive in a comparatively slower time
like the middle of a weekday, for example,
your earnings potential is going to be lower.
- I understand, but it just sounds like Uber is saying
to drivers, sorry you're at the mercy of the marketplace.
- You should really talk to Jenna
who is working on a lot of our efforts to help
build the technology to better balance our marketplace.
- Hey Jenna.
- Hey Katherine.
- Hey good to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- So I was just talking to Jonathan and he was saying that
driver earnings are a function of demand.
Can you tell me more about that?
- Jonathan's right.
The more rider demand, the more earnings opportunities
for drivers, but that's where Uber can help.
Looks like our ride's here.
- Hi, Jenna?
- Hey, Christopher?
- Yes, come on in.
How are you today?
- [Jenna] Good how are you?
- [Christopher] Good.
- So Christopher, Jenna here works for Uber,
and we were just chatting about how Uber can increase
demand, so that drivers can earn more.
- That sounds good to me.
- So we're always trying to increase earnings opportunities
for drivers by increasing rider demand.
We do this through things like rider discounts
or products like Uber Pool that attract more riders
based on its affordability.
More riders means more opportunities to earn for drivers.
- So Christopher, Uber is an open marketplace.
How did you get stuck driving on Saturday?
- I didn't get stuck.
I'm going back to school, and so during the week,
I'm busy with school work.
So I can open an Uber app wherever I am
and drive around the city. Plus on Saturdays,
you can make more money.
- We want drivers like Christopher to be able to
plan ahead of time.
So we give them information in the app
that helps them decide when and where to drive
based on past trends.
It'll usually be times like commute hours or around events.
We can't actually control earnings,
but we can help drivers understand when and where to drive
to make the most of their time on the road.
- And when drivers are earning on the platform,
more drivers will want to drive.
That's how an open marketplace works best.
- Supporting an open marketplace
for riders and drivers, that what moves us.
Retired cat now lives a quiet life - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
What about vogue dance?
Are you old enough for it?
Parmish Verma | #Sab Fade #Jange | Teaser | - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Chalo Andorra 2018 - Duration: 3:28.Subscribe Now
Car Driving in Highway Road | গাড়ি ড্রাইভ ভিডিও | SET HD Video Free Footage | Day Video | Official - Duration: 1:13.SETHDVideoFreeFootage
What Being Bullied Actually Does To You - Duration: 4:22.HEY THERE!
Welcome to Life Noggin!
Oh it's an apple tree?
Huh Well ya learn something new every day!
Triangle Bob and I have a complicated relationship.
You see, back then, he used to bully me.
But lately, I've been the one kind of making fun of him.
I think it's about time we break that cycle.
What do you say, Triangle Bob, are you ready to hash things out?
Oh, right, you can't talk.
Animator, can you help me out here?
did you have to electrocute me first?
I can talk!?
I can finally talk!
Skeleton Banjo!
I wanna say so many things!
Okay okay okay!
Let's stick to bullying for now.
You can rant to me later!
Bullying is defined by the American Psychological Association as "a form of aggressive behavior
in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort."
I think it's safe to say we're both guilty of this.
I know I am.
In the United States, about 20 percent of children between the ages of 12 and 18 reported
being bullied at school in 2015,, while 16 percent reported being bullied online.
Bullying can take many forms.
It can be done verbally through insults, taunts or threats; socially by affecting their relationships
or reputation through rumors or public embarrassment; physically through actions hurting the target
or their possessions; or electronically through texts, emails and social media.,,
Cyberbullying comes with unique challenges., Because the internet is open 24/7, attacks
can come at any time of day.
And things posted online – such as pictures, hurtful words, or false profiles – are mostly
permanent, public and can affect college admissions or employment.
People who bully usually hold more power than their target through their strength, status,
or intelligence.,,, They are typically categorized as either well connected to their peers and
are concerned with maintaining their social status, or isolated from their peers with
low self-esteem.
Triangle Bob, which one were you?
I guess I was kind of a mix of both.
I had a lot of friends, but was always afraid that people wouldn't like some part of me,
and, well, my home life wasn't so great, which is pretty common among kids who bully.
They often experience neglect or are themselves being bullied by parents or siblings.
Due to feeling shame from their own experiences, they might develop defense mechanisms like
Targets of bullying often do worse in school and are more likely to skip or drop out.
They are also more likely to experience depression or anxiety, develop behavior problems, and
even begin bullying others.
Which is I guess what happened to me.
I started making fun of you to make myself feel better about getting bullied and, wow,
uh, I'm sorry dude.
I'm sorry too.
I'm also sorry I ate all your pizza bagels.
Wait what?
You what?
Hold on!
Luckily, psychologists have been developing bullying prevention programs that focus on
improving school and home environments, which have reduced reports of bullying by as much
as 50 percent.
And kids themselves can help by reporting incidences to adults, not reward bullies for
their actions, and make a conscious effort to not bully back.
For cyberbullying, there are apps that make the user reconsider sending an offensive message,
and other apps which let students report bullying anonymously.
Parents can also set boundaries on technology through software and apps that block websites
or even alert them when cyberbullying occurs, and it never hurts to be mindful of the things
you're saying online.
While these methods are promising, they require active participation from everyone, to kids
and adults, but if we all play our roles, maybe one day bullying will become a thing
of the past.
Oh no.
Triangle Bob.
You okay buddy!!!
You look hurt.
I'm gonna come down and help now.
Gimmie one sec.
We gotta work on the clumsy thing next.
Oh boy.
Here we go!
So do you wanna see me do another episode with Triangle Bob?
What should we talk about next?
Let me know right now in the comment section below.
Curious to know why this bizarre condition makes you look young forever?
Check out this video!
While these children will typically be normal sized at birth, they don't physically age
like their peers.
They may be shorter with a rounder, younger looking face because the growth of their facial
and long bones is delayed.
As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!
Magnum Black Carp F1 series of poles, manufactured by Flagman company - Duration: 2:46.Greetings to all the followers of float fishing
You are on Flagman Shop
and "F-noveties" section
Today we are going to talk about the newcomer of 2018 year
The pole "Magnum Black Carp F1"
Not so long ago, the pole seemed to be some sports equipment
but nowadays it is the most efficient one of various tackles
which gives an opportunity to fish in different conditions
Thanks to its power and stiffness
The pole "Magnum Black" is mainly designed for carp fishing
Moreover, with a proper pole elastic
you can easily fish any of whitefish on commercial fisheries
The main advantage of the pole is catchability in hard-to-reach places
of different weight of the floats (from the smallest to the heaviest one)
At least, we can use the well known flat floats for pole fishing
and exactly on the flows
Let's go over its characteristics:
"Magnum Black Carp F1" is easy in use and its length is nearly 9 m
the weight is 748 g and transport length is 173 cm
It consists of 6 sections
Two top kits are included; one of them can be equipped with a pole cup for baiting
By applying special material of "Flex Wire Carbon technology" the pole has been created
The technology based on applying the reinforcing fibres with thin carbon strips
This technology leads to increase its blank flexural strength
Initially "Magnum Black Carp F1" is designed for pole fishing
It is perfect one for those who makes it first steps in pole fishing
At the same time the pole is easy in use and quite cross functional
So even a child can cope with it
It was "F-novelties" on Flagman Shop
Don't forget to subscribe and click on "Likes"
Save the environment and let the fish go
【フォートナイト/PC】VANCスクワッド。スポンサー募集開始【VANC】 - Duration: 1:46:28.-------------------------------------------
雑談ライブ【No.113】11/29 - Duration: 31:38.-------------------------------------------
Video Review : CIEN LIQUID CONCEALER Perfect Finish [ ENG Sub ] | Liz Matutteame - Duration: 3:56.
Hi all.
Today I want to talk about the Cien's
Perfect Concealer Liquid Concealer,
then the beauty line of the Lidl chain.
Hold on tight, because this checker
was a true revelation.
The package is an 8 ml and costs Euro 1.29.
It is an illuminating liquid corrector,
and if you look at it as it appears both from the texture
and from the sponge applicator,
you notice that it is the perfect copy of the famous
Anti Age of the Maybelline which is very valid
but difficult to find.
First of all, this corrector is very easy to apply,
you press to release a little product and apply it
by blending it with the sponge applicator.
It spreads very easily, has a medium coverage
with a luminous finish, and is stratifiable.
I used it especially during the summer when I wanted
to give light to the face without going to apply
different products.
Excellent also in case of bags and dark circles
not too dark because it has a medium coverage,
if you want you can stratify taking care to fix it
with a powder.
For a couple of corrector passes,
a veil of powder is enough and the product stays
nice all day without moving or finishing in the folds.
A concealer that I really liked a lot and that
I used with the same performing result
as the Anti Age one,
obviously spending a significantly lower amount.
I recommend this checker for those who have
few bags and dark circles or for those
who do not make up a lot but still
want to give light to the eye.
Also great for the summer when
you go to make up less.
A product that I'm sure to find again as soon as I find it
in the shop, because I did not find it last time,
but as soon as I stock the shelves I stock up on it.
Let me know if you have tried this concealer
and how you found yourself.
As always, I hope I have been useful.
If you liked the video, give me a like
and subscribe to the channel to not miss
the next beauty low cost reviews.
I also recommend that you click on the bell
to be notified whenever you publish a new video.
Bye Bye
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