Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 1 2018

dieting and exercise go hand-in-hand if you thought that only dieting will burn

your belly fat you are wrong if you really want to lose weight you need to

include an hour of exercise in your daily routine for targeting and reducing

belly fat today's video will discuss how to burn belly fat fast for teenagers

before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube

channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be

the first to know when we post new videos daily one lunge twist this is a

workout for beginners who want to reduce belly fat quickly how to do one stand

with your legs hip width apart keep your knees slightly bent to lift both your

hands in front of you aligning them with your shoulders and keeping them parallel

to the ground 3 lunge forward as shown in the picture take a big step forward

with your right leg and sit down as if on a chair so that your knees make a 90

degree angle with the floor the left leg should be positioned backwards supported

by the toes for the spine should be kept straight don't bend your spine forward 5

twist your torso just the torso and not the legs to the right and then to the

left 6 repeat 15 times 2 rolling plank exercise the rolling plank trains the

muscles around your abdomen hip and lower back how to do one position

yourself on the floor with your knees and elbows resting on the ground to keep

your neck lined with your spine look forward 3 lift the knees up and support

your legs on the toes 4 contract your knees and keep breathing normally 5 this

is the plank pose stay in this posture for 30 seconds now starts moving to and

fro for the next 30 seconds this is the rolling plank exercise 1 lie down on the

floor sideways to support yourself on your right elbow

and right leg your elbow should be perpendicular to the shoulder and the

left leg should be above the right leg keeping them together three keep your

knees straight your hips should not be touching the ground four hold this

position for 30 seconds once you get comfortable you may hold this for one to

two minutes five repeat on the other side two while you are in this position

you may also lift the leg on the top and bring it down again this makes the

exercise more effective it works not only your apps but also your thighs and

hips variations knee plank rocking plank reverse plank precautions plank is a

strenuous exercise and you might feel like holding your breath while

performing it but don't do that as you might suffer from nausea or dizziness

which is the best method do you like to burn belly fat fast let me know in our

comment section below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share with

your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> Try These Exercise To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Teenagers | Fast Weight Loss - Remedies One - Duration: 3:25.


Acrylvitrinen nach Maß von Produktvorstellung / product review (English subtitles) - Duration: 16:41.

Hello and welcome to my channel

I've always been asked by people how I protect my dioramas and model.

That's why I want to show you today which showcases I use and which company they are.

First I would like to thank the company,

That they put this showcase at my disposal.

I have been a customer of the company since 2014 and have already ordered several showcases there.

I am very satisfied with the product, so I just want to introduce it to you.

These are special showcases made of acrylic glass.

These are made especially for you, to the desired size.

You can protect all sorts of things from dust and damage in this showcase.

I'll show you the website of the company

Also the configurator and what you can choose anything there.

Then I'll show you how to assemble this showcase.

This is now the website of the company

Here you can see at a glance what is offered.

There are the custom-made acrylic showcases that particularly interest me

Here we have a staircase and even several showcases in one.

Here is a photo gallery of the customers. We can look in there together.

There you can see for what the customers use the showcases

It's really amazing what you can order for showcases.

Here you can see the model of a big sailing ship

Or a submarine.

The showcases are made in every size for you.

That's why we go here again on HOME

Now I click the button, individual showcases

Click here for the products

That's the configurator now.

First, you must now know how big your showcase should be.

Then you have all the options to configure your showcase.

First, you can choose if you need a floor for the showcase.

Yes or No, or should the floor be flush with the showcase.

The showcase I showed you has a flush floor.

I have clicked flush, for my showcase.

Now you can choose different back walls.

Should the rear wall be transparent?

Or should she be mirrored or black?

I would like to visit the showcases at some point, a model exhibition. That's why I opted for transparent back walls

Here at the top, at the photo of the motorcycle you see, for example, a mirrored back wall.

Here, the width is now entered in centimeters.

Now enter the width in centimeters, as well as the height and depth of the showcase.

I needed an interior width of 40 cm for my current diorama.

Here I enter now 40cm

A width of 27 cm

And a height of 23 cm.

Now that you have selected and entered everything. Just click on calculate.

Then the company SORA calls you the price for your individual showcase. Just right for your project.

Then everything comes into the cart and you can order.

The company Sora is very fast when producing and shipping the goods.

Here now a delivery time of 5 days is calculated.

I placed my order bevor a weekend.

I would guess the delivery would otherwise only last 3 business days.

But the delivery time is always different. It always depends on how much orders the company currently has.

As I said, There you can take a look at what the company has to offer.

The assortment of different showcases is really big.

I would say that we are now assembling the showcase.

This is what the display case looks like when you take it out of the box.

All acrylic sheets are stacked and secured with adhesive tape

First, we have a small screwdriver here.

This Phillips screwdriver is included.

This is the assembly instructions, with an overview of all parts and the size of the plates.

Here is your name. I have blurred my own.

Here are the matching screws

These are in two small different bags.

One bag is resealable, the other one has to be torn open.

If we turn now, we have here a page with the construction manual in English.

You can pause the video now, if you speak English and want to read the instructions.

It's an overview of all parts

And on the back is the whole again in German.

These are all components now

Each acrylic plate is protected with foils on the top and bottom

Thus, the component can not be scratched.

Before assembling, we have to remove all protective films. But you'll see that soon.

Now I remove all the tape and then I show you all the parts.

The parts are all very well protected. So you do not have to worry about something damaged or loose.

These are now the two sides of the showcase, right and left.

This is now the front or back wall, depending on where it is installed.

The side without holes, always points down to the ground.

Here again the same part, either for front or back.

This is now the lid of the showcase, this is easy to recognize by the whole recesses.

Here are the two bottom plates, each with two holes.

This plate is at the same time the inside size of the showcase and on it is the dioram.

On the slightly larger other plate, then sits the showcase. And results in a flush floor.

But you will see that as well during assembly.

I always start by assembling the floor. All you need is these two parts.

At the bottom plate it is important.

These two holes are conical.

The larger opening of the borehole comes down.

And this part is simply screwed on.

I'll remove the protective film now, then you can see how clear the plates are.

To assemble the floor we need this bag, with the two screws.

The screw consists of two parts, one for top and one for bottom.

Now you can see if both slides are removed, how nice and clear the plate is.

There is a green and a clear foil

Here I also remove the slides and then we build the floor together.

That's the bigger of the two plates now.

Here are the screws with the flat head and the Phillips

You may still have a regular flat-head screwdriver on it.

The screws come in here.

These are the counterpart to the other screws that come from above.

So the screw is tight.

Above are the slotted screws

And below are the Phillips screws

Thus, both plates are connected together.

Of course, I still remove all my fingerprints with a microfiber cloth.

Now we come to the second phase of construction.

This one is a bit more complex and looks complicated than it really is.

But I have some practice in it because I have already built several showcases.

First, the front panel is placed on a flat surface.

I put the two side parts away first.

The lid aside for now.

And here is the front panel.

First all foils are removed, then you lay down the plate and start building.

I now put all the pieces together to show you.

As a next step, the side panels are inserted.

You always have to make sure that the smooth side shows no holes down.

The side panels are simply put in here.

The other side too

These were both sides and at the end comes the cover plate.

This is the plate with all the cutouts

This is pushed in here.

This almost gives you a closed box. I zoom a litle bit out.

As I said that is the lid and is attached here.

Finally, the last side part comes on top.

Then it looks almost like an aquarium, where one side is open.

I'm going to put it all together and screw it up.

If you put these four plates together, the screwing starts.

For this we always need a screw and a matching screw nut.

For screwing the small Phillips screwdriver supplied by Sora is enough.

I now insert the back wall, please always pay attention. The smooth side always points down.

All parts would now fit nicely together.

When all parts are well aligned, the back panel almost automatically falls into place.

Now I start screwing every single hole, that's 7 pieces on this side.

With seven screws and seven nuts bolts, I will now fasten this part.

A little tip, I hope you can see it well.

Each acrylic plate has always wells at the holes, on one side.

So that the screw head is really already deepened.

You have to pay attention to this, before you put all the pieces together.

The side of the showcase is now completely screwed.

Sora now recommends pulling the display case over the edge of the table.

And to attach the other screws from below.

But I just turn the whole showcase around, it's easier for me.

I tip the entire display case aside, hold everything tight and turn it over.

And now fix all seven screws here on the side.

This is now the completely screwed showcase, it is also pretty stable.

There are even four nuts and two screws left.

So if the carpet monster eats one, it's not so bad.

Now we take the floor.

Now, the showcase must fit great.

It slides almost alone in position and gives below the flush floor.

I will now remove all the fingerprints from the showcase and then the diorama will come in.

I recommend you to wear gloves when cleaning, so you do not make new fingerprints.

I take my microfiber cloth again and clean everything.

From inside and outside.

The showcase should shine so beautiful

It's a glossy surface, you can always see some fingerprints on it.

That's why I use the gloves and this cloth.

Now, so to speak, is the wedding.

Here is my "Welcome to France" diorama, which I would like to protect.

This is now in the middle of the base plate.

And if I have not measured myself, now the showcase would have to fit nicely over it.

Align the lid correctly so that the display case closes nicely.

And then the diorama is protected.

So now you can put the model or diorama anywhere without having to put it in a cupboard.

Now I can go with it to an exhibition without anyone touching the diorama.

The most important thing is, the model is protected from dust and remains in top condition.

You have to be sure of the inside dimensions, that everything fits in well.

That's it for today.

Thanks again to the company Sora, for this showcase.

See you again at the next video

See you soon Ben

For more infomation >> Acrylvitrinen nach Maß von Produktvorstellung / product review (English subtitles) - Duration: 16:41.


Bỏ Qua Hải Bùi / Nhà May Hà Anh Mời Nghệ Sĩ Chiến Thắng Tới Tri Ân Khách Hàng Tại TP Lạng Sơn - Duration: 20:07.

For more infomation >> Bỏ Qua Hải Bùi / Nhà May Hà Anh Mời Nghệ Sĩ Chiến Thắng Tới Tri Ân Khách Hàng Tại TP Lạng Sơn - Duration: 20:07.


Tesla Autopilot in Fog AP1 Firmware 7 - Duration: 4:54.

testing autopilot in the fog for the first time in fact it actually looks

surprisingly clearer on camera than it doesn't roll by the naked eye you'll be

able to tell as we pass these cars and in fact I just drove down this road

before the fog rolled in in the dark and auto pilot actually had some problems

and had a lot of disappearing lane lane markers however with in the fog for some

reason it seems to be doing a better job in fact i have not had to steer or touch

the steering wheel at all in about i'd say 15 minutes and you can see how foggy

it is just by seeing the other cars headlights i mean it's it's pretty foggy

now and looks like I finally have to take over there is a roundabout and

while I did train the car to do roundabouts at low speeds extremely low

speeds I'm talking about the minimum of 18 it's not reliable I'm not going to

risk it

take over once again bring her back up to 55

and it's scanning for lines it's having trouble requiring the lines

is it a little more faded over here there we go autopilot engaged

I got one hand with the wheel just to be on the safe side but

fog is clearing up a bit those rather impressive how the autopilot handled the

fog situation better my ideal or reasoning might there is potentially

that since the fog is kind of drowning out all surrounding objects pretty much

kind of like think of it like masking other object object surround now since

it's a road paint is stands out considerably more i'm estimating that

it's able to differentiate between the other objects then and the lines better

because of that and the card is deciding to follow the right lane which is

actually a turning lane let's see if it home and what you know it moves right

back over not bad not bad at all 35 mile an hour

speed little slow down again

in fact the car is actually picking up the speed limit signs before I even see

him now and look what the paint on those speed limit signs is very reflective and

we had some wandering there so I took over this kind of weather is and that's

something that you mess around in 25 mile an hour speed limit and there is an

officer up ahead so okay see if we can lock onto the car in front of us a car

sees it auto pilot sees the vehicle in front of us it's not giving me the

option to lock on and it knows there's lines there but it's having trouble now

locking onto those off the brake manually no because there's a stoplight

net cars turning either way very impressive with the the fog how it

managed to take over and maintain those lines actually extremely impressive

and it was pretty thick fog and surprisingly also my camera was able to

cut through the fog better than then I could see with the naked eye well I have

glasses on but better than I could see with my regular eyes okay that squad

cars really reflecting cars have a little trouble now and that's it i'm

going to put the phone down no smile cheese

For more infomation >> Tesla Autopilot in Fog AP1 Firmware 7 - Duration: 4:54.


Romeo, Romeo! Juliets Balcony & Clock Tower | Lake Garda Trip #3 - Duration: 2:49.

so now we walking on to the clock tower

and you can go in there we're going to pay to go in

and it's market day in today come and get your bag seems to be a lot of

composing notes and Rory's on

left there Marconi

it's the famous

rather be

so I hope you enjoyed Juliet's balcony and the clock tower that particular day

was really busy with everybody trying to visit Juliet's balcony as you could see

there in the walkway there's loads and notes leaving all different notes from

various places around the world leaving notes about Romeo and Juliet and what

and I'm saying they enjoyed seeing the balcony you

could go on the tour in there but it was quite pricey and as you could see in the

video it was very tight for space so it did manage to get a click of the balcony

and managed to get to Juliet's we had a picture I hope you enjoyed it that

particular episode if you did leave us a thumbs up and as always don't forget to

consider subscribing for more travel videos by pressing the button below so

for now Mitch I care the beauty travel app signing out keep exploring bye for


For more infomation >> Romeo, Romeo! Juliets Balcony & Clock Tower | Lake Garda Trip #3 - Duration: 2:49.



For more infomation >> PAROLES DE GILETS JAUNES EN HAUTE-NORMANDIE - Duration: 7:22.


My Dreads...It's Time...😢| Life update - Duration: 7:13.

hello y'all a new generation in the world is hard to be generous pretty far

from innocent in time aside but now I find it when we get into the video let

me tell you guys about wig me down now Neji is paying me like two million

dollars to put this in my video so um I want you guys to please check her out

like all you all you sisters and tell her hash see sisters that fam you all

you females I watched my video check out wig me down yo

Neji she's good at what she does she does like closers and frontals with

constructions last restoration or whatever that is you know you females no

but check her out dude maybe dropping some pictures of a work in the video or

right on the screen right now this is our email that's our Instagram and that

is her number do but I had to hit her up for all your own female hair type thing

neat hear that thing yeah I really just wanted to start a video off by saying

this is one of the most beautiful days that God is created I'm telling you

feels great it looks great everything is great about today right now what's up

with you guys now I'm sorry yeah I just can't get over how good the day looks

doing like true I stopped doing the Thanksgiving Day vlog type stuff because

I got like the sense you guys was really messing with it you know I'm saying

because the first video the first video it did straight you got a hundred and a

hundred views and like amount of time I thought it would take like a date you

know that's that's why I expect now now that I got like 2,000 subscribers

oh thank you for that guy subscribers but now that I got 2,000 like I I I

expect at least a hundred views in a day you know I'm saying you would think out

a 2,000 people if you actually click the notification bill you you would see my

video bubble you know but sometimes YouTube is funky like that because some

people were saying they didn't get my notification a naughty guy laughs just

let me know if you're not getting my notifications do I make a lot of

community posts as well so like if you go to my community tab or if you like

look on your regular fee you'll see some of my posts that I make I post all the

time not all the time but I'm gonna start posting all the time it let you

guys know in the video drop some videos about to drop or how it's gonna drop

just such a sort like that you know my dregs

I've had my dress for three years now dude three years on December 31st it

will be three years and I'm just just tired of it now like I'm tired of having

the same style tired of doing the same thing every morning I'm just tired of it

like I wanted my dress to get this long and now today this long is like now what

do you know and now I'm at the point where I'm ready for something new

ready for something I've never had before and the thing that I've never had

is waves do like never like I've never even seen the top of my head in life

years but like years I'm kind of afraid to cut my hair so I think my head's

gonna be British but it's okay though because at the end of the day I'm still

that nigga you know I think I'm gonna go ahead and cut chopping mall crow my mom

and my aunt they've been wanting me to cut my hair it's gonna be a little

Christmas present for us I'm gonna record a reaction to that on their 25th

or whenever I get home you know you gotta record me in the barber shop kind

of gear you know going to please just kind of

record the whole I'm kind of ready for ways bro I think I'm ready for waves

like I'm ready to be walking around different colored arrays and all saying

hair brushes you know I'm gonna have a do rad for every fit of the week they

get every fit every day every fit every dating I'm gonna have a different do-rag

my boy you best believe on be the best dress waiver out there my name the best

headdress waiver out there my god cuz I already be dressing like that you know I

just throw some stuff together and there's I'm lookin straight you know

that's the big thing I've talked to you guys about the second big thing I told

you guys about is like what's going on with college right now you guys know

it's almost the end of the semester we got like two weeks left it's exam week

you know and I better be fool like eighty four seven you know the library

is full full like it was so foolish to the point where nigga pulled the fire

alarm other night that was on my snapchat so go ahead me on my step

deceased like that you know hopefully some professors that I have they will

not give us an exam they give us like overall type group assignment project

type thing you know that the good professors do that the professors that

you need to cherish will do that for you the mean horrible hateful I want you

kids to fail type professors you know to do a 50 to 80 question exam you know I'm

saying no study guide type stuff you know say like hate it I hate it I hate

it I hate it when a teacher doesn't give us nothing to say today just be like

read chapter eighteen or twenty thousand and then we're gonna have a test on that

you know that's what the Sam's gonna be on you know just read those chapters

that you should be straight like nigga like what part of the chapters like

which section of the chapters you you just saying read the whole you know how

long he's gonna take the read page eighteen to twenty million come on bro

like my grades are straight they're good enough like you gotta worry about me you

know Sam but it's just worry about me you know I own passing I'm passing

I think I'm passing yeah you know a thing we don't get our grades there fam

you into like the actual last day of the freaking class which is horrible and I

don't understand it hopefully I see some of you guys out

there you'll see me because when you guys see me you don't even come on to me

bro like be real with yourself I want you guys to actually come up to me if

you see me bro like if you watched my videos and you see me walking around

campus one day or something I don't care who I'm wit bro just come up to me come

up to me say what's up do something you just look at me and be like oh be like

hey bro I watch your videos man yeah bro I'm not a mean guy I'm definitely not a

mean guy anybody says I'm a mean guy they're liar you know camera well yeah

but there's ready for new chains bro I'm ready for something different

hope hoping that my head is not freaking alien size bro like I'm telling y'all

I've never seen my hair before I'm glad y'all been rockin with me for this long

bro thank you for the 2000 subscribers by the way it means a lot

now only if you guys can actually watch my videos you know it was it would help

out to like don't just watch that way video watch my other videos to like come

on but yeah thank you guys man it's just a little life update you know a little

what's going on with me since I haven't tried to video on like a week or two

that being said I will get you guys later

For more infomation >> My Dreads...It's Time...😢| Life update - Duration: 7:13.


Head in the Sand and the Breakfast Bar - Duration: 8:39.

(upbeat music)

Malweni Aba.

Good morning, your honor.

Your cars been towed?

Yes, by that one night,

back in December I took my daughter to,

I took my daughter to an appointment

and they had like an emergency,

like a meeting.

And I paid for the meter

for like an hour and a half I think

and I literally was there for like four hours.

Anything else you want to tell me?

I'm not working right now

and I'm going to start working in June

and I haven't been able to pay the tickets.

Alright, just let me say this to you, okay?

You explained one parking ticket,

and I know that you had put money in the meter,

and you had enough money in the meter

to park until 9:37 in the morning on December 18th.

They issued you a ticket at 10 o'clock, at 10:07,

so you were there a half hour after that.

That's one ticket, and I understand that.

If that was the only ticket that you have,

I understand that.

But, what you didn't tell me

was that you had 11 other tickets.

So I'm sympathetic to the fact

that maybe you don't have any money.

But you didn't even make an attempt,

you didn't pay one of these ticket, not one.

I didn't, I thought that maybe they weren't,

like so far,

by the months it goes up.

I just wasn't aware that I had all them tickets.

You got the tickets, you didn't pay them.

You said forget it, you know.

Nothin's gonna happen.

Next thing you know your car got towed.

When did the car get towed?

December, I'm not sure.

Last December? Yes.

And the car is still in the tow company?

I believe so, yeah.

Do you know the expenses that you are incurring?


Why did it take you so long to come here today?

Because I want to buy a new car,

so I went to the DMV

and they told me that I owe a lot of money.

Nothing that you're telling me that makes sense.


Alright I'm upset,

not at you,

but for you.

Because I'm not sure you realize

the predicament that you put yourself in.

Your car got towed,

this is now May.

Your car was towed in December.






Five months.

Approximately 150 days.

The tow companies usually charge $30 a day for storage.

You probably owe $4,500 for storage to the tow company.

Did you know that?

No, I didn't.

You came in here today, with all of these tickets.

You give me one explanation,

I put money in the meter for one ticket.

Forget the red or whites,

forget all the other tickets,

forget the fact that the car's been towed,

forget the fact that you paid $30 a day storage.

You don't address any of those things.

You get a narrow perspective about this big.

Did you think,

"Oh I'm going to tell the judge about this one ticket

"and he's going to feel so sorry for me

"he's going to dismiss everything." D

Doesn't make any sense.

I didn't think it was gonna be like that.

I just want to know like what I can do.

No you can't register a car now,

that's why you came in right?

Well, I want to settle this situation

so that it won't happen again.

So that you can register a car?


What can you afford?

I want to see if I can at least do like half of it,

I don't have any money right now.

But I'm willing to go on a payment plan,

and hopefully pay it

when I start workin' in June.

I already have a job I just,

the training doesn't start until June so.

Do you have any children?

Yes. How many?

Just one. How old?

She's one year and six months.

What's her name? Mia.

I'm going to help you get a new start.

But promise yourself, don't promise me.

Promise yourself

you're going to be more responsible in the future.

I will.

Particularly when it comes to this,

I mean these are not crimes of moral turpitude.

This is just,

pure negligence.

Makes absolutely no sense what you did.

Just abandoning the car,

so I can't let you go scot free.

But it's not going to serve any useful purpose

for me to fine you something that you can't pay,

because you're not going to do it.

Cause whatever I say to you today

you say, "Okay I'll try,"

and you're not going to be able to do it.

So I'm going to do what I think makes sense, okay?

I'm going to fine you $100.


How much time do you need to pay it?

At least two weeks.

Alright, I'm going to give you a month.

Okay, thank you.

And if you can't pay it,

we're not changing our phone number,

be sure to call.


I understand that maybe

you won't be able to do that in a month,

you hear?

So if you can't,

call up and say I need more time.

Okay. You promise to do that?


You gonna to keep this promise?


I am.

Alright, think of your little daughter, okay?


good work.

Alright, thank you sir.

We've all heard the expression

don't bury your head in the sand.

It refers to the common, but mistaken belief

that ostriches bury their heads in the sand when frightened

to avoid being seen.

Avoiding a problem hoping that it will

eventually go away on it's own

only prolongs the inevitable.

I promised this young lady

that I would help her get a new start.

I hope she uses this opportunity

to lift her head out of the sand

and learn how to deal with small issues

before they become big problems.

Brandon Kelly.

Good morning your honor. Good morning.

Attorney Val Saltmen for the defendant.

Okay, we have the cities public defender here today,

so everybody got to be on your best behavior.

This is

complaint number



Charges Mr. Kelly with public drinking.

Counsel do you want to be heard on this?

Your Honor, I think the facts speak for themselves.

He was drinking with friends.

The facts speak for themselves?

If the facts speak for themselves he's guilty.

But you see, but Your Honor,

in this situation--

You just said he was drinking.

I know, but as I've often said,

that the response to an open container ordnance

should not be arrest, hand cuffing,

and taking to central station

where he's been since 2:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon.

Counsel. Yes?

Did your client spend the night in jail?

He did.

Did you get room service during the night?

I mean, obviously there's no room service.

No room service?

Your honor, I disagree, they get cereal bars.

I did not get a cereal bar actually,

I did not get a cereal bar.

You didn't get a cereal bar?

I did not. You did not?

No, I did not get a cereal bar.

One of the police officers

must have probably confiscated that.

(Defendant laughing)

One of the cell officers ate his cereal bar.

Yeah man, they did.

Alright, so you were drinking from a,

lets see what he was drinking.

What were you drinking,

what were you drinking?

Natural Ice.

Natural Ice. Yeah.

I don't know,

he's drinking from an open container,

not a closed container of Natural Ice, right?

He's arrested, put handcuffs on you?


Put you in the station wagon?

In the police vehicle? Yeah, yup.

Brought you down to the station?


Put you in the cell? Yeah.

They didn't slap you around a little bit, did they?


No see, Providence police they don't do that.

That's right

I'm just checking them, okay?

Mr. Kelly, your counsel made an

impassioned plea on your behalf.

And I'm going to accept her plea.

She feels that you were punished enough

by spending a night in jail.

So based on the recommendation of your counsel,

the matter is going to be dismissed.

Thank you, thank you Your Honor.

Good luck to you.

For the record,

I have launched a full scale investigation

into the inmates missing breakfast bar.

It's bad enough that he had to spend the night in jail.

But then to be denied a nutritious breakfast snack?

That's Geneva Convention violation stuff right there.

And also for the record,

despite the vicious allegations,

it wasn't me who took it.

I had my usual pretzel roll

breakfast sandwich this morning

and I have a receipt to prove it.

So there,

now back off!

For more infomation >> Head in the Sand and the Breakfast Bar - Duration: 8:39.


10 Must-Eats in BANGKOK's CHINA TOWN, Thailand - Duration: 21:57.

Hello, everyone!

Where are we now?

Man Gu Thoa Reun Jia!

Man Gu Thoa Reun Jia ..which means...

Yoawarat (China Town)

First of all, let's greet the audience. My name is ART.

I brought my friends here today.

You both live in Bangkok, right? But, where are you originally from?

Guang Tong, Zhuhai.

From Zhuhai in Guang Tong region.

See, I understand Chinese! (laugh).

How about you, Joe?

I'm from Guangzhou, China.

You haven't introduced your name yet.

I am BOBO.

I am JOE.

What are we doing here today at Yaowarat (China Town)?


How about eat in 10 local shops?

OK. Should be alright for us.

Too many?

I think it's OK. Let's start!

Come on!

This one. Thai people call it 'Keow Tiew Lhod'

In Chinese, we call it 'Chao Fern'.

What does it mean?

Oh yes, it means 'Keow Tiew Lhod'(laugh).

What is this? Squid?

It is Frozen squid.

How to call it in Chinese?

Yen Yow Yu.


We've never tried this kind of dish before.

Don't you normally have 'Keow Tiew Lhod' in China?

Normally, the noodle shape will look like straw. But in Thailand, it's not.

'Chao Fun' (talk to passers by).

'Keow Tiew Lhod'

It's Thai food.

Oh, I see.

Yeah. This shop.

This dish can be found everywhere, but here in Yaowarat, it is famous.

10 food shops will be easy for us. Just eat and chill out!

Does it taste good (Joe to Bobo)?

(Joe to Art) It's really good!

'Hao Chi' (Delicious). Do I pronounce it correctly?

Let's give score to each shop in Chinese.

I will count 1-2-3. Then, each of us will give our score.

Yi...Er...San...Si...Wu (one...two...three...four...five)

Yi (One) means 'Not Good At All''. Wu (Five) means 'Very Good'

Let's shout out our score at the same time.


Score : 4 - 5 - 4

Total Score is 4.33

Man-gua No Mi (Chinese Spelling)

I know the meaning of these words!!

Man-gua means what?

Mango and Sticky Rice! (laugh)

How about 'Man-gua' alone?


It's written here.

How about 'No Mi'?

Sticky Rice.

Very smart!

This is our second shop.

Mango and Sticky Rice at Yaowarat.

Have you tried this dish before?

Yes, but not at Yaowarat.

Do you like it?

Yes, very much.

Mango and Sticky Rice. A small portion for us.


Very small plate.

No worries. We're gonna eat more in many shops.


Let's start!

Put sticky rice in your mouth first, followed by mango.

They blend together in your mouth.

How was it?


It's always good with coconut milk on top.

Yes, so good.


Can you find this in China?

Yes, but very expensive and not this good.

Here, it is very good.

Think what will you rate for this dish.

We're finishing it.

You won't get fat eating this.


Because we eat only a small portion! (laugh)

Let's give our score.

one, two, three.

Score : 5 - 4 - 4 (laugh).

Total Score is 4.33

Our third shop.

We're gonna have 'Fish Maw Soup'.

Do you have this in China?


How do you call it?

Hua Jaw.

Same as here?


But, the way we cook in China is a little different.

So, let's try it here. Have a seat.

Boiling hot! Thai people always say this when it is very hot.

Let's share. Do Chinese people eat it this hot?

Yes, we do.

Here, they serve it with vegetables - coriander, spring onions, and....


Which means?

Bean sprouts.

Isn't it gold needle mushroom?

Of course not!

Hua Jaw.

At Yaowarat, they sell a lot of Fish Maw Soup.

Chinese people make soup from Fish Maw.

Cook for 3-4 hours.

Yes. In Guang Tong region.

It is very good for your health?

You're look better. Your skin will look brighter.


Only 40 Thai Baht per bowl for this delicious Fish Maw Soup.

Was it good?

Very good and very hot!

We usually put this in - Sour Black Vinegar.

In Chinese, it's Shu.


Nice crab meat.


Chinese people love this.

This dish is really good. Highly recommended.

Crab meat...We say 'Shia Rou'.

Score : 5 - 4 -4

The score is the same for all dishes!

Total score is 4.33

In Chinese....4.3333333333

OK. Really good. Let's move on.

Our fourth shop!

How much is this Som Cheng juice?

40 Baht.

What do you wanna drink? They have pomegranate juice and som cheng juice.

We want Som Cheng Juice (made from a kind of orange).

(Laugh). We all want Som Cheng.

You know what. You can hardly find this anywhere else, but you can find it here in Yaowarat.

Let's taste.

This juice stall is in front of HOTEL ROYAL BANGKOK.

Sweet....Very sweet.

I think it's sweet, but not much.

I think very sweet.

I think not that sweet.

Maybe Bobo is very sour! (Thai slang meaning very stylish).

Score : 4 - 4 - 4

Consensus. Total score is 4.

OK. Do you want Chicken Rice?


Our fifth shop.

We need one dish of rice with boiled chicken mixed with fried chicken. Thank you.

This dish is very popular in Thailand.

I want you to try both boiled chicken and friend chicken.

Thai people eat them with different source.

For boiled chicken, the sauce is made from garlic, chilli, and sometimes lime..and soya sauce.

Sauce recipe will be different from place to place.

For Chicken Rice in Thailand, the sauce is the key!

Ho-Sek (Cantonese meaning 'Delicious'.)

What is 'Delicious' in Lao?

Sab Lai.

What in Khmer?


In Thai?


In Chinese?

Hao Chi.

Alright. Let's give, two, three.

Score : 5 -4 - 4

Total is 4.33

I found it! Mr. Tall's Curry.

Thai people know this shop as Curry Rice by Mr. Tall (Nai Yong).

I always drop by this shop every time I came to Yaowarat.

At the beginning, it was on the opposite side. Now, they have many stalls by the same owner.

They have curry with beef, pork, chicken, and fish balls.

We've just had chicken rice. So, let's have fish balls then.

This is real street food!

I'm really full today.

I know what this is called in Chinese.

Say it!

Kun-Chiang! (laugh)

What do you call it?


See. I'm almost right.


I'm never disappointed.

Rice and curry are very well blended.

We forgot to tell the audience that this is our sixth shop.

Let's give our score.

Are you ready? one, two, three.

Score : 4 - 4 - 3

Total score is 3.67

This zebra cross is an MV location for Triumph Kingdom (Thai Girl Duo).

Do you know this music group?

No, I don't.

Let's search for their MV to watch.

What does it mean?

An Old Temple of Guan-U (Chinese God).

Guan -U.

Nai Lek! This is a must-visit shop.

My friends from Singapore, Hong Kong, China, I always brought them here.

The name of this famous shop is 'Guay Jub Lai Lek (Auan)'.

Some people call it just 'Lai Auan' (Mr. Fat).

Crispy Pork Belly.

Pig's tongue.

Guay Jub is a popular dish for Bangkokians.

Some people eat it almost every day, mostly in the morning.

Apart from Yaowarat, you can find Guay Jub in many places in Bangkok.

Let's eat!

After our first spoon, it will go mushy. (laugh).

I'm Chinese.

I'm Thai (laugh).

(Joe to Art) She has travelled alone for 7-8 days already.

Now, our energy has dropped as we're getting full.

This is our seventh shop.

Ready? We have to rate this Guay Jub Lai Auan (Lek).

Oh No! Nai Lek (Auan).

one, two, three.

Score : 4 -4 - 4

Total Score is 4

I have to say the smell of Thai peoper is really good.

Very strong, I think.

Adding some spiciness to the dish.

This shop is not in our plan. We are passing by and we think we cannot miss this.

Steamed Prawns with Grass Noodles.

In Chinese...

Fern Zhe Zha Pao.

Fern Zhe is Grass Noodle. Zha is Prawn.

They're cooking it fresh for us.

Not already cooked plate. They just cook now for us.

In Chinese, we call it 'Ru Wei'.

Meaning getting the sauce into the meat.

Here it comes! Wow! Ooh!!

We all have smelled it.

This is our eighth shop.

We are very full, so we cannot sit for long.

We might fall asleep! (laugh).

So, we need to continue eating.

Let's share.

The special thing is they cooked it fresh for us.


Go first!

Was it good?

Of course (laugh).

Very delicious.

So delicious.

I wanna recommend this. Very good value for money. Just 100 Baht.

So, don't miss this dish.

Full now?

'Full' in 'Chinese'?

Pao Leu.

Let's rate. As fair as Bao Zheng (Chinese figure in the history known for his honesty and uprightness).

OK. one, two, three.

Score : 4 -3 - 4

Total Score is 3.67

I feel Bobo is full.

Are you very full now, Bobo?

Because, this dish is actually very good!

So full.

Can you eat more?


OK. What do you wanna eat?

Phad Thai? Dessert?

Better have some dessert.

About shaved ice, steamed buns, and we can buy roasted chestnuts back home.

OK. Let's go!

This is our ninth shop.

The shop name is easy to remember.

'Chinese Dessert'

I will have 'Tao Tung Boay Kia'.

What is it?

(Laugh)... 'Tao Tung Boay Kia'.

It is Taochew Chinese dessert.

Many things put in here.

Lotus seeds. Lotus roots. Gingko.

Lotus Flower.

Lotus Flower? (Laugh)

This tastes like longan juice.

Can you see bird's nest?

In Chinese, we can say this 'Thien Ping' which means 'Dessert'.

Let's rate! One, two, three.

Score : 5 - 3 - 4

Total score is 4

The delicious shop of Yaowarat!

Alright. I've come to our tenth shop.

We have changed our mind from Chestnuts to this shop.

Because we cannot miss this one.

Earlier tonight, the queue was very long. Now, it is shorter.

Yet, we need to fill out of queue ticket.

In Chinese?

Terng Hao.

Do you have a shop in China where we need to get the queue ticket first?

Yes, we have.

Bread is not expensive. 15 or 20 Baht.

They say crispy outside, soft inside.

Write what flavour and how many we want.



One Chocolate. Two Kaya.

Don't forget to put your name too!

No.21. ART!

Here they are! Breads from the shop named 'Very Delicious Bread Shop at Yaowarat'.

And this is our tenth shop.

Joe's is Chocolate.

Bobo's and mine are Kaya.

Let's try together.


Be careful. Hot?

Not much.

Cheers! Our last shop tonight.


Smells so good.

Very good.

Kaya has taste of salted egg.

The bread is not only soft, it's a little crispy too on the outside.

Chocolate one is good too.

Only 20 baht each. Not expensive at all.

Well, we've continued eating until this tenth shop!

The queue is not that long.

We were lucky.

OK. Done for 10 shops.

Are you full?

Very full.

And very delicious at the same time.

One, two, three.

Score : 4 -3 - 4

Total score is 3.67

Now, we're done with 10 recommended shops in Yaowarat.

Actually, there are many more shops around here.

How do you feel now?

Very delicious. Very full. Very happy.

We would like to invite everyone to Yaowarat.

Some of our friends may have known Yaowarat already, but many of us have not been here too.

No matter where you are - Bangkok, from outside Bangkok or from outside Thailand....

You can visit here since evening time. They food shops are open before sunset until after midnight.

Not only good taste, but not expensive too.

A large variety of food.

How much did we spend?

Not much. Hundreds of Baht for each of us.

Now, we would like to say the message in Chinese...

OK. Dui (Yes)!

For today, we would like to say goodbye. Til we meet again wherever (laugh).

So, let's say Good Night in Chinese.

Wan-An! (Good Night).

Xie Xie (Thank you!)

For more infomation >> 10 Must-Eats in BANGKOK's CHINA TOWN, Thailand - Duration: 21:57.


Как сделать красивое превью\\Finder - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Как сделать красивое превью\\Finder - Duration: 2:57.


Come Dimagrire Mangiando Senza Dieta - Duration: 17:47.

For more infomation >> Come Dimagrire Mangiando Senza Dieta - Duration: 17:47.


Real Talk Kenshin Mangaka Drama | Jump Force Discussion - Duration: 7:04.

aye what's up guys it's ya boy enigma here and I think I want to address a

certain situation that's going on in the Twitterverse right now. The whole

Twitter universe is blowing up because of the inclusion of Ruroni Kenshin

characters into jump force now I know this is.. I already know it's petty I feel like

it's petty I'm pretty sure most of you guys on the same side as me feel like is

petty you guys want the exclusion of Kenshin and shishio because of the

mangaka? Okay, I understand how you guys feel about the situation and let me just

catch up.. [for] some of the people.. I had to actually catch up myself because I

the ask people around and thank God that I follow a lot of people who are educated

on the situation about what's going on so we had Kenshin's writer or creator

Nobuhiro sensei, right and he basically had child pornography, he had a whole

collection of child pornography and whatnot and they finally found it and

caught up with him now he's been charged on that and he just had recently had an

arc that started in October but now it's like frozen right now because of these

nah im not going to say allegations because these CHARGES now the only thing that makes it

sick about the whole situation is he admitted that oh yeah I enjoy younger

girls in the elementary in in lower middle school and young high school

girls so yeah it was a little creepy when you when you hear that so I can see

why some people are upset but guys let's not forget this is a 50th anniversary we

have to celebrate JUMP, okay! We are not celebrating him, I'm sorry I know

this is gonna come off like "oh let every rapist or everybody who did something

let's just forget about their stuff in this cherish the legacy" that's not how

I'm taking this at all okay the same thing goes for Shimabukuro..yeah probably

Shimabukuro anyway that's Toriko mangaka now his

situation is a little bit similar um I guess they still have the same sick

background of basically he had a sixteen-year-old girl come to a hotel to

do umm imma say favors and acts I'm not gonna say what it was

do your own reading on it and he got caught eventually, it caught up with him

I loved Toriko I love the manga and I love the anime and for him to be left

out would just be tragic to me and not just for me to play the game I just

think that he is a big part of shounen jump so for instants Kishimoto, if

Kishimoto got caught with his actions would you petition to get Naruto removed you

could and there's no way possible that you in your heart would've been like "you know

what let's give rid of Naruto because this guy's a sick bastard or whatnot and I

don't want his work into the game." Guys we're celebrating the characters yes

we're celebrating the manga artists as well but mostly...honestly 90% of

people can't even name ten manga artists by name so let's just say we're

celebrating the characters 50 years you got to put Kenshin in there you got to

push Shishio that's one of the biggest battles is Shonen Jump history same

thing / Toriko I refuse to him not to be included because it is obviously I mean

let's be real Bandai Namco doesn't care how people feel but having the bad press

followed you know on social media over these characters is not fair. people are

signing petitions to try to cancel shonen jump or weekly shonen jump like

that's never gonna fly anyway but I'm just saying for you to actually had that

gut feeling inside that you wanted to get these these these mangas removed out

of history you just can't do it now I meant to talk REAL with you

real quick cuz I'm not gonna have this video going for too long okay so

obviously y'all see me, I'm black, but I had both my parents in my life

and I was fortunate to have that but let's say people who didnt

right, let's say they have didn't have a father right and think of Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby was like a TV dad that everybody loved look at him now all this

sexual allegations came out and now he's about he's serving time as he should

okay he was found guilty and I love Bill Cosby okay

I do but here's the thing guys I learned how to separate the actor and the actual

character he plays as Dr. Huxtable in The Cosby Show so why can't you separate the

artists from the work it's the same thing before anybody even trying to say

anything is literally the same thing if you like Bill Cosby the character and

the Cosby shows and you love that character you don't have to love Bill

Cosby the person that's all this stuff came out he disgust a lot of people

including myself so yes you can separate the work from the person like the artist

or the actor stop being so uptight guys now if you like this video guys

definitely like, share, and comment I want to know your opinion on the whole situation

not even the Bill Cosby thing let's just scratch that out we're talking

about shounen jump. Do you think..I already know what most of you are gonna say already

you're gonna be like of course we know how to separate the artists from his

artwork but why do you feel that it's such a hard thing for other people to do

or you just think this is the cool thing to do this the bash kenshin or bash

toriko on twitter i wanna know your opinion also guys if you're not subscribed i

don't know what you're doing you should be subscribed to me i know you watch my

videos i'm a little different than everybody else i'm trying to give you

that good content i'm not trying to just drop just random videos all the time but

you know i'm trying to space them out for you guys with some substance and

i'ma definitely have a bit up for you guys tomorrow too but I check you guys

later I just definitely and interact with you guys on Twitter as well if

you're not following me definitely following me alright guys peace

For more infomation >> Real Talk Kenshin Mangaka Drama | Jump Force Discussion - Duration: 7:04.


#019 | Bruno César | Precisamos Mudar - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> #019 | Bruno César | Precisamos Mudar - Duration: 2:49.


Darkseid NEW LOOK REVEALED By Zack Synder! King Shark DELETED Scene In Suicide Squad - Duration: 4:10.

what is good YouTube Warstu here with another video on the Justice League

movie but Walsh dude I just see move you already came out I know but we've got

more details that confirm that dark side was really meant to be an instrumental

part within the DC EU we will never get to see the Snyder cut release the Snyder

cut as much as these diehard fans want to see it yes of course I want to see it

but it's not looking likely but thanks to Zack Snyder on its official verified

vero account we have some more details to go over with the Justice League movie

and also this Suicide Squad movie King shark could have been in it so let's get

into it so his action I have recently revealed an image of Darkseid who is the

greatest villain ever if Darkseid ever had a fight with fan

asked he would absolutely destroy him he's even had the Infinity Gauntlet

before but he didn't use it because it didn't work in his reality so the

caption says Abbott can't be unrung the image itself looks like an ancient Mori

1 point to Darkseid existence and the dark history that surrounds the

character but where is the image actually from so it looks like a shrine

from the Amazonians which recently pictures have shown to

decipher some kind of ancient war following an invasion by Darkseid and

Steppenwolf the picture shows off the unity between the amazonian the

Atlanteans and the tribe of men who came together to fight back from the invasion

although jurian are the kind of joss whedon arrow when he came into the movie

destroyed it with Warren was permission they changed the whole backstory and

made it a fight of Steppenwolf which still makes absolutely no sense

throughout justing movie it unfolds that Diana Princess a ka gal gadot the

actress gives Bruce Wayne who plays Batman who is also Ben Affleck a history

lesson about Stefan Wolfe and the mother boxes what we don't see is a glimpse of

Darkseid but according to the latest image from Snyder the villain may have

just been in the Justice League at a really far-fetched reference but

everyone who follows his channel knows that Darkseid was supposed to be in it

I mean Steppenwolf say ed for dark side we know Darkseid was in it so the image

doesn't really reveal a lot but we do get a

first look at Darkseid I just hope one day that somehow the real concept art

gets leaked for dark so I don't know they never did the CGI but it'd be

really awesome if we get some clarification because Darkseid is the

greatest villain ever just think of dark site as fan ass on steroids so also in

other news it's recently come to my attention that King some King shark

artwork if you don't know the king shark is he's a pretty awesome villain was

supposed to be in the Suicide Squad movie and some deleted scenes have been

revealed but we don't know what they are so we just gotta presume there was some

scenes with him because they wouldn't make concept art for King shark if he

was never to have an integral part that movie but as we know movies get changed

and then and trances what's the oval villain Suicide Squad

movie and though the critics destroyed this movie personally I've gotten blue I

love the Suicide Squad movie it was so much fun and that's one thing that

people don't remember if movies are fun you can kind of scrap away the plot

holes etc so guys let me know would the movie are being much better king shock

did apart appear so I apparently they are working on Suicide Squad -

apparently James Gunn's gonna be directing it you know the whole gardens

a galaxy director got fired for ancient history even I Disney know about that I

don't really know why they're firing even though they know about that because

obviously when you work for a company they vet you massively online that's an

integral part of getting a job now obviously whichever company you apply

for with vet you online regardless to what role you're going for so it will be

interested if king shark does actually appear in a Suicide Squad - that would

be awesome so guys let me know everything that you think about the DC

EU and yes we do have Aquaman coming this month their review for that will be

up very soon once I've seen it anyway guys I'll catch you in that next video

very soon catcher

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