Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 1 2018


How are you?

Welcome to my first video in spanish,

that a lot of you requested so, here you have

and you have also requested

a "50 things about me" video

so I'm going to kill two birds with one stone.

I wrote a list that I have over there

so let's start.

My nickname is "Marti" due to

a professor I had in fifth grade

who started using it and it stayed since then.

I'm 18. I was born on August 30, 2000.

I'm 175cm (5'74'')

I'm neither too tall nor too short.

I'm from Valencia (Spain)

even though I'm currently living in Barcelona.

I'm studying filmmaking for being a screenwriter

though I'd also like to be a director.

I love computer science,

I'm so good at it and I find so easy

and there was a time I wanted to study computer science.

There was also a time I wanted to be a physicist

but I ended up by discarding it.

I'd love to know how to draw,

it's one of my "biggest" dreams

but I think I'll never get it because

I don't even know how to draw a straight line with a ruler.

Tattoos have always given me some respect

so they hurt and that stuff

but last year I got this one

which is the logo of Red Hot Chili Peppers.

But my favourite band is Pink Floyd.

And my favourite song is Starman by David Bowie.

My favourite album is "Atletes, baixin de l'escenari",

that in English means "Athletes, get off the stage"

by a catalan group called Manel.

My favourite movie is Interstellar.

I don't know how many times I've seen that movie

but it keeps blowing my mind every time I watch it.

My favourite movie saga is Star Wars,

especially for the sentimental value it has

because my dad showed me the movies and

and we used to watch all the movies together since I'm a child.

We've also seen the last ones together and

and for the next ones we'll do the same.

So, I love Star Wars.

My favourite TV show is The Office (US)

I'm quite fond for that show

Everyone who has seen it knows about what I'm talking about,

and I'd lie if I say that I didn't

cry during all the Finale since the first minute.

I love eating.

I love it. I could be eating all day.

But, I have such an "exquisite" taste

and there are a lot of things I don't like but

what I like I could eat it all day.

I don't get fat.

which is pretty good with the last one.

I don't know why but there's no way I get fat.

Last time I weighed myself I lost weight.

I'm straight.

And now I'm dating Candy

Some of you know about her.

I hate, hate, hate sport.

All of them.

All of them.

I don't like any of them.

I don't excercise, I don't like it.

Since I'm a child I used to bite my nails

and when I stopped I started biting the skin on my fingers.

Yeah, disgusting.

But I stopped a couple months ago

and I'm very proud of it.

If there's one thing I hate from people

is the unpunctuality

I don't get it,

I don't understand it.

I understand that you can be late once or twice, things happen

but when you're late every single time

and also you don't care about it...

I can't stand.

Please, don't make plans with me if you know you're going to be late.

My favourite videogame is Portal 2.

My favourite ASMRtists are

Ephemeral Rift, SleepyTinglesASMR

DarlingASMR and GibiASMR

and obviously anoASMR

My favourite food is my mother's spaghetti carbonara

or anything cooked by my mom.

My favourite color is black.

I wear black a lot.

I have a sister 3 year smaller than me

I don't have pets but I used to have a turtle

called Tula.

We had to donate it because she was this big.

When I was younger I wanted to learn how to play de piano

But I stopped.

I played for two weeks.

Mi biggest fear is the ocean.

I panic.

I've had nightmares seeing myself swimming in the ocean

with shadows of sharks and whales below me

and I woke up sweating.

I like going to the beach and swimming

but not the open ocean.

It scares me.

I used braces for 4 years, from 10 to 14.

I speak 4 languages:

spanish, catalan, english and a little bit of french.

I hate clubs.

I don't like to see so many people piled up

It overwhelmes me.

I've never gone to a club.

Well, I went to one once. And I stayed five minutes then I left.

Mi favourite social network is Twitter,

though is the only one I really use, and every time less.

You can follow me on Twitter. It's in the description.

The 90% of my friends I met them on Twitter.

Since 2015 until now I met all most of them on Twitter.

I have hyperhidrosis,

that causes excessive sweating

in my case on the hands.

They sweat all the time.

I'm so perfectionist.

I pay attention to every single detail on every thing I do,

even if it's not noticeable,

or something that doesn't need attention

it has to be perfect for me.

I'm a very organized person

I like to have things clear, to know what I'm going to do

in every moment.

Nevertheless, I also know how to improvise quite good.

I just creaked my hand.

I love to debate

as long as I like the topic

and is the other one is mature with his arguments

I'm lucky to say I have traveled a lot.

Here in Spain I've almost gone everywhere

and I've also gone to London.

Cork, Dublin...


some other cities in France I don't remember the name.

I've gone to Italy, to Rome and Florence...

Also to the United States, to New York

and I think my next trip is going to be Amsterdam, maybe?

I don't know.

Although, if there's a place I want to go in the future is Japan,

I'll try to go when I have money, basically.

Some time ago I was against buying Apple prodcuts

I didn't like them

and, well, today I have from the Mac

to the iPhone.

I also have here the earphones,

the watch...

I've everything.

I've never been into a fight with anyone.

I've never liked to use the violence and

also, I've never had the opportunity to fight anyone.

I've been watching ASMR since 2016

or maybe at the end of 2015

but I never thought about creating a channel

Is true that since then I used to do tapping on things... etc

but I never thought aboung opening a channel since now.

I prefer to listen than to talk

I've never seen myself as a ver "interesting" person

with a lot of things to tell

and I've always prefered to listen.

Well so, this is all for this video.

I don't know how long it will be.

For now I've been recording for 27 minutes

so I don't know.

Obviously I'm going to cut and edit some parts...

I hope you liked my first video in spanish

I'll do more, for sure, but for now

I'm going to keep going with the English videos

and maybe next week you have a collaboration

with Isma and Laura (IsmauraASMR)

but I'm not promising anything

So, as I said, I hope you liked the video

and if you want any trigger or any kind of video feel free to leave a comment.

See you in the next one!

For more infomation >> 50 THINGS ABOUT ME IN ASMR (SPANISH) - Duration: 8:46.


Top 5 Scary Lost Tapes That Will Keep You Up At Night - Duration: 11:53.


the era of YouTube it's not hard to stumble across some frightening videos while your

deep down a late night YouTube rabbit hole.

And oftentimes some of those creepy vids are uploaded by folks that happen to stumble across

a camera, a tape, or even a nanny cam that was abandoned or disposed of.

So today we've compiled a list of some of the scariest.

Hey guys welcome back to Top 5 Scary Videos, I'm your host Lucy McPhee, and today we're

once again joined by the lovely Kelly Paoli.

Say hi Kelly.

If you haven't already be sure to subscribe, and leave us a comment down below telling

us what the scariest video is that you have ever seen, and make sure to stick around until

the end of the video when I'll be reading out some of your comments.

So without further adieu, let's jump into our list of the Top 5 Scary Lost Tapes That

Will Keep You Up At Night.

5 Creepy Camcorder This lost tape was uploaded to YouTube by

Joaquin Baldwin in April of 2016, it documents his 1994 trip to Paraguay with his family,

but the tape contained something a little more frightening.

Years later Joaquin converted the VHS tape to digital to finally view the footage that

he hadn't seen in years, however, he discovered that his cousins had recorded over parts of

the tape, and it got real weird real fast.

Take a look Yup, that's horrifying.


incessant dog barking, the weird children, the man sleeping, it's ALL bizarre, and

honestly what I really want to know is which is the original footage and which is the footage

that the cousins captured.

Either way, it's all pretty fucked up.

I think somehow the tape was damaged or the digital copy was corrupted because the audio

and video are blended together creating some warped, transdimensional shit.

If you haven't watched the full thing, and want to be creeped out, I suggest you go watch

it now.

4 Log Cabin Now this 1988 VHS footage was discovered in

an isolated, abandoned log cabin, deep in the Polish forest.

Though the tape was badly damaged, some footage was salvaged, and this is what remained.

Only 24 seconds in and this video is legitimately horrifying.


Because that mans is chewing like he was raised in a barn.

Honestly, there's nothing I hate more than an aggressive chewer.

Pipe down.


The video goes on to show the man filming the door to a cabin, before panning the camera

around the room, while of course continuing to breathe like he just ran a marathon and

chew like he's never eaten in his life.

Now, I will see, the anticipation is what makes the footage truly terrifying.

The noises, the slow pans, the darkness, and of course, the cabin door.

It's all eerie, and clearly, well, hopefully, leading up to a big reveal.

it's hard to tell exactly what's going on here because it's so dark, but it looks as

though the man pans over to a window, before the audio begins to get severely distorted.

Then at around the 1 minute mark things finally take off.

Cries of a child can be heard, and the audio begins to glitch even more.

The man becomes more and more distressed, moving the camera quickly around the room.

And that's where it ends, there's no final jump scare, we're just left with the cries

of an unknown child, and the panicked man looking to escape.

How legitimate do you guys think this is?

I'm calling iMovie maker, but that's just me.

3 Satan's Bridge To begin, this video is titled, Satan's

Bridge footage 1999-2000, and the uploader writes, I quote, "Video documentation from

the year 2000 of large amounts of dead animals placed in a ditch near Stateline Bridge, aka,

Satan's Bridge, in Cascade Virginia."

Spooky stuff.

So the video shows pretty much exactly that, a guy called Chris begins filming a bunch

of carcasses amongst a pile of litter.

He explains that he watched the bridge for several nights but never saw anyone disposing

of any carcasses.

He theorized that it could be someone disposing of roadkill, but could also be the remains

of animals used in a ritualistic ceremony, considering the condition of the carcasses

as well as where the remains were dumped...y'know...under Satan's Bridge.

Perhaps it's even students from the local high school experimenting with Satanic practice,

either way the footage is creepy and quite disturbing.

Take a look.

2 Abandoned Building Now, I have no idea where or when this footage

was discovered, but the beginning up the video simply says "found on a VHS tape with "1999"

scrawled on it in pen".


I'm already creeped out.

The video begins with a beautiful scenic shot of some trees, the person filming is clearly

inept with a camera so it gives you some serious vertigo.

They wander around for a little while, filming a creepy looking building before heading towards

an even creepier wooden shack.

That's when things begin to get intense

The sound becomes loud and muffled, almost like you're entering the gates of hell,

or moments away from being possessed by a demon.

The footage then cuts back to the first building we saw, before we quickly zooming in on a

blacked-out window, and of course, cue the gates of hell audio once again.

They then head towards the doors of one of the abandoned buildings before the screen

begins to violently glitch out, revealing a figure in the distance.

It gets closer.

The person filming starts running heading up the stairs and into one of the buildings,

a few more glitches and intense audio cues later, and the guy seemingly escapes.

But, I want to take you back to the shot of the shadowy it just me...or is

that Slender Man?

1 Arson In Redwood City, California, in 1987, the

town was plagued by a series of brutal arson fires.

The police had no leads, no motive, and to top it off, there was never any evidence left

behind by the culprit.

So, the police closed the case.

However, 2 years later a local farmer discovered a creepy video tape containing footage of

a few of the arson fires, and the creepy voice of a man revelling in what he had done.

The voice is quiet and often times nonsensical, but it's clear in his voice that he is overjoyed

at the chaos he has caused.

He watches each house, burning until they are complete nothingness.

The police ended up releasing the tape to television in hopes of garnering some leads,

or persons of interest.

One person even going on to describe that the flames and the carnage are the equivalent

of a sexual turn on for the arsonist.

After releasing the footage, the police managed to track down a group of teenagers responsible

for the heinous crimes, and creepier still, the discovered more tapes.

It showed the teenagers had filmed newspaper headlines of every crime they commited, which

added up to over 60 other arsons.

They also recorded themselves dressed up as Werewolves and Vampires in a very frightening

clip, One detective goes on to explain how the primary

arsonist, upon his arrest, was very quiet and withdrawn, eventually breaking down completely.

Showing that he was just in fact a troubled teen in need of psychological help.

Well, there we have it!

What did you guys think?

How many spooked you, and were there any that you're calling fake on?

Leave us all of your thoughts and feelings in the comments down below, but before we

go we just want to read out a few comments from one of our last videos Top 5 Teenagers

Who Turned Themselves Into Plastic - Part 2.

Into the mid of Jaxs 1975 had a really fantastic comment, they said "As a parent of teens

and a person living with a terminal illness I understand the why, but as a society we

are not treating the issues and plastic surgery is not the answer for anyone.

Only in cases of trauma like accidents or because of tumors or diseases plastic surgery

should be considered.

The fake unrealistic and materialistic goals of some celebrities of all genres and media

as well as genetics, the media itself and unrealistic realities of what real life really

is are some issues that are systematic around the world.

I lost my friend to suicide 28 years ago and now my daughter suffers from depression body

image disorder and comes from a loving home but a world which is judgmental.

Thanks for doing this video Lucy.

Even if it's meant as entertainment it's a great eye opener that this is very real and

very sad.

#youmatterjustthewayyouare Thanks on behalf of us who deal with this as patients caregivers


I honestly couldn't agree more, in the ear of social media the celebrity culture puts

unnecessary pressure on teens to look a certain way, given teens severe issues like body dysmorphia

and even depression, leading in some cases to suicide.

It's tragic.

As a mother of teens we really appreciate your comment and your outlook on this negative


So thank you.

Marcus said "A persons thoughts and actions are everything and how they look is not really


Sadly, society emphasizes the physical image.

Teens who want plastic surgery should get therapy first.?"

I agree and disagree.

I do believe that teens who are suffering from body issues should seek psychological

help first, but I also believe that it's important to love yourself, and looks for

some weigh into that confidence and self esteem.

I'm not saying looks are everything, or are in any way the

thing that makes a person truly beautiful, but for some, learning to love the way they

look on the outside is sometimes what it takes for them to truly love themselves.

Well, thank you once again to Kelly for joining us today on Top 5, we know you guys love our

collabs just as much as we do.

If you haven't already be sure to give this video a thumbs up, subscribe, and turn on

notifications so you never miss another scary vid.

And until next time, see ya later.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scary Lost Tapes That Will Keep You Up At Night - Duration: 11:53.


Jet Li Vs Bruce Lee Transformation || Who is better? - Duration: 20:04.

Jet Li Vs Bruce Lee Transformation || Who is better?

For more infomation >> Jet Li Vs Bruce Lee Transformation || Who is better? - Duration: 20:04.


Save Your Children, Save Your Future - Ultra HD | Mini Documentary by Uzair Sipra - Duration: 4:36.

The question is how the screen time of

Tablets and smartphone is affecting your children and families

The question is, is this really harming young brains?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes

Experts are saying that allowing kids staying close

and staring screens all the day is not healthy

The new research reveals

That nowadays very young children are spending more time watching screens

like smartphones and tablets and other devices

You give a swipe phone to a child and then after some time

You give a magazine

You can really see the difference

How fast and actively the child would start using the phone

But will show less or absolutely no reaction

Towards the magazine

Obviously, we all know that

smartphones are very attractive for everyone, but we have to

note this point

There are solid evidence that toddlers and infants

learn fast through face-to-face


Instead of screen representations

So those parents,

Who think that maybe these

Smartphones and tablets can be more helpful

Rather than face-to-face

Interactions, they they need to rethink

This is our advice that parents should

minimize their own screen times when children are present and

particularly on the dining table Meal Time and

Other prime opportunities social gathering wherever they are mingled together whether they are on one table

Screen time for kids is younger than two year should not be allowed

Similarly screen time for the

kids over two year

Like until I think under five year of age. You can minimize the time

Like one hour a day

Put your phone on airplane mode

When if you think is necessary to give a smartphone to your child

This is very important. We all know that radiations from antenna to antenna or from

Home Wi-Fi and there are other places from where the radiations are coming on, the phone should be stopped


You should do that. Put your phone on airplane mode

last but not least

Avoid screen for at least one hour before bedtime

this is very important and

I think that this happening with every child that

Parents are giving tablet or smartphone to their child before bedtime. Ok, watch something

And after that immediately the child go to the bed for sleeping. That's very harmful. So, please stop it and

one hour before bed just take the phone

And have some face-to-face interaction

Saving your own Children is like Saving your own Future

For more infomation >> Save Your Children, Save Your Future - Ultra HD | Mini Documentary by Uzair Sipra - Duration: 4:36.


Human Sacrifice Scene | King Kong (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:44.


Spread out! Find her!

Miss Darrow!

Check up there, Jimmy! Everybody stay together!


She's here somewhere!

What in God's name was that?

Behind the wall!

Behind the wall!

For more infomation >> Human Sacrifice Scene | King Kong (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:44.


Tony Stark, Capitán América, T'Challa Vs Soldado del Invierno - Capitán América Civil War (2016) - Duration: 4:32.


Evac all civilians.

Get me a perimeter around the building, and gunships in the air.

Please tell me you brought a suit.

Sure did. It's a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button.

I'm an active-duty non-combatant.

Follow me.

We're in position.

You could at least recognise me.

Damn it.

For more infomation >> Tony Stark, Capitán América, T'Challa Vs Soldado del Invierno - Capitán América Civil War (2016) - Duration: 4:32.


হৃদয় দিলাম শুটিং | Hridoy Dilam Shooting | Photo Video | Photograph | Music Video | Official - Duration: 7:11.


For more infomation >> হৃদয় দিলাম শুটিং | Hridoy Dilam Shooting | Photo Video | Photograph | Music Video | Official - Duration: 7:11.


Svampragu med pulled BBQ - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Svampragu med pulled BBQ - Duration: 4:56.


Руны дня прогноз на сегодня 2 декабря / Наталия Рунная #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Руны дня прогноз на сегодня 2 декабря / Наталия Рунная #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:21.


Zoo animals HATE Youtubers :( (San Diego Zoo Safari Park) - Duration: 6:57.

san diego zoo safari park

san diego zoo

san diego zoo vs safari park

zoo vlog

road trip vlog

road trip

visiting san diego zoo

san diego zoo visit

it's like a mousse and at the same time

don't forget the white bondable is that why me what is that so many

but we're in the jungle where there are no rules in the jungle so this point of

the video which one was your favorite animal you saw how long down below this

video is gonna be six a Wilder it's a Wilder so white

I'm starstruck bro bro I'm your biggest fan looks so strong girl I know you're

hungry right so I forgot to turn on the mic here so here's a little voiceover

the lady says that she does on 0-60 miles per hour in 3.4 seconds then


when you leave the family event to being the second most dangerous animal in the

world human will show you

18 feet of mines the same use as a food source so they're having a wedding

reception in the tiger shell this is gonna be interesting

the Tigers at wow what a lovely day okay you always have to pay respect your king

lion good job good job keep it up keep up the


yeah is that a long day poor guy I think he

has homework to doing just procrastinating it's after hours if you

enjoyed coming along with us to our safari trip leave a like so we know you

liked it until next time

For more infomation >> Zoo animals HATE Youtubers :( (San Diego Zoo Safari Park) - Duration: 6:57.


La settimana M5S al Senato - Cinzia Leone 30/11/2018 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> La settimana M5S al Senato - Cinzia Leone 30/11/2018 - Duration: 1:27.


GET TO KNOW ME TAG | Adam Do - Duration: 8:24.

Hey guys, welcome to my youtube channel, so this is my first video, so I'm sorry if it's cringe me

It's just like try and get you guys to know me and you know

You learn of the deal. So I'm sorry if it's like boring or anything. But anyway, enjoy

Thank you

Hey guys, welcome to my youtube channel. So today I'm just doing a get to know me tag, because you know

It is my first video

So it gets a little tease of who I am and what I do and all that, you know, you know the deal

Ok, let's get started

Ok, so if you see me looking down

It's just because I got these questions on my phone so so I can just answer it. Yeah, you know

Ok, so first question, what is my name? So my name is Adam doe my new name is

We not so basically we live in the Me's name

it's about qi i'll put whatever and then knock is my

Official middle name and enjoy it as my family. Um second question

What is my favorite color? So my favorite color is actually i'm like Navy or grey

Because like and then it's just simple and I just look good in it

Alright maybe shirt grey, you know

There, you know

first best friend so my best friend

Enrique yeah, we're gonna pretty much family friends. It's were born

Basically, he's bass. He's only one young enemy. So he like teaches me like

You can say like the roots

And shit in a lot. Yeah, it's Enrique. How told my I am around

11770 like sin miedo it how many countries have a visit since I'm now 18

I've been very privileged with traveling around the world everywhere coming from like Asia Europe America

you know, I haven't been to like Africa or some cities like

like Barcelona like yeah, I haven't been to like maybe Spain Africa and maybe like

to buy and all that so I've been very privileged with where

I've gone

Travelling are you at university? I am at currently an University with my first. Yeah, I currently study

IT but I want to move into engineering eyeteeth because I feel like I'm I I feel like I'd have a like a

That's way like my focus will come like ins like engineering like software engineering like, you know

Like favorite subject and more subject in high school

My favorite owner has got to be probably odd and in my were so much for English

So I was like if the chip is like our teacher ah Xiu

So you're like it Americana in a hamper like if she was watching oh my shoes so she was so good

I I went to go visit her a couple months or a month ago or so, and she I she saw amazing

Oh, she's like she's legit my second mom

She's not aged

And in English, oh my god

I just like hated English like all this Shakespeare or like the to like the

The plays that we had to reenact and know like description

she was just it was like why do we need to know that like

I understand that like we're trying to make us learn how to like

read and like obviously new biggest words and

Fix our mistakes, but like why do we need to know it Shakespeare playing shit they all right understand?

Favorite drink. I love to drink water

my favorite animal probably a dog because my girlfriend has an

Ingratiating to my head that she wants a dog

Some tea or coffee what I really drink coffee or tea

I'd rather have tea is tea is like it's like calming and like you drink it and it's just like that

It's just like very calm me and like you can drink a cold and help and we just bought the white play or play

So in high school, I played a football

Soccer and I really play sport now, but I'm really into watching basketball like like we're driving it like said karna

She's like, I'm the ultimate band where I get to like like when something happens

I'm like, I'm like, they're like to get that to me in my back


My favorite book to be honest, I only agreed I went through high school without reading like a full book

Like I kind of really like the main bit of emotion. You sucked my ex-partner it's and and

Bring the backup book. That was like

Like the tips and tricks of trying to get free English and just past what are you afraid of you choose?

Well, I currently like my favorite youtubers, probably or Posada

He's fucking finally he's at you sure this is I think

Fine. He like reacted like sports like he reacts like a football

You know whatsoever except basketball and all that like mostly possible Bullock. Fuck. He's so funny like he's so relatable

Favorite movies already have a favorite movie. Well, the

The most recent movie I've watched was probably um Bohemian Rhapsody

Which is really good like my girlfriend like forced me to watch that shit when she watched it. She liked

So she didn't really it she liked my queen

But she didn't really like like like clean

Legit every every after wishing that she was like every single interviewed by every act on it

What happened to like wasn't Freddie Mercury. Are you single or take home?

Obviously taken so obviously talked about my girlfriend during the start of this video

Yes, so I'm we've been paying for maybe two two years and a little bit now. Um, so do I have any slipping?

So I have three other siblings I've got

One by two older ones and then one younger one. So the older one is a real estate agent things like 25ish

And then I have another older one who is just finished uni, and is looking for a job

And then another one who is in grade 10 currently and that's it how many girlfriends I've only really had one

My favorite memory is a charter

so me and Enrique my best friend I mentioned before so basically in a school hall is all we would do is

Play video game or sprite so lucky. I didn't have one as parents. I like nagged me

It's like oh, yeah the course I either paint like just do something. Let's do some cooking

Like does she like oh my god. We usually get pie be like someone fucking we play

Mario Party or mark I've ruined friendships. I swear I


Again, like we had one of these things that like on the Dia's off before we could have like like 300 games in one thing

It was definitely we're gonna be enough

But like I was so good like we had so many cares for like it was like 10 bucks for like 300 guys

Do you know any languages and how well so basically my family has been math

And I'm obviously we live in Australia now so I know English pretty well and I

Understand Vietnamese, but I can't like speak

It's like when my mom and dad will like speak Vietnamese to me, like usually when they're angry. I understand it very well

It's just I can't like speak. I don't know

I just don't like I've never learned how to talk with enemies and I tried and like it doesn't really work for me

It's like yeah

favorite TV show is what I really watch TV, but my girlfriend forces me to watch friends Oh

Friends, I'm moving from amused which which I really find that bad

Like it's just like it's funny and it's like a this is like yeah, my friends is pretty good

Okay, guys, that's it for the video. So thank you for watching is my first youtube video?

so I hope please don't ask cringe as boring as

Something but I'll try and upload maybe once or twice a week. We'll see. We'll see how I'm

Consistent I'll go down. Yeah. So anyway, um, thank you guys for watching. Um,

cheese, click the like button subscribe and

I'll see you guys next time. Thank you


For more infomation >> GET TO KNOW ME TAG | Adam Do - Duration: 8:24.


4 SINAIS de que você já conheceu alguém em vida passada - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 4 SINAIS de que você já conheceu alguém em vida passada - Duration: 2:23.


3 Keys to a Horrifying Horror Game Soundtrack - Duration: 6:54.

After 5 minutes of complete silence, you acquire an infrascope in a morgue and shortly after,

hear one of those mutated large grey bodies hit the floor.

You hear the creepiest abnormal breathing sounds and one of those large dead bodies

appear at the doorway, trapping you in the small room with the thing.

This is the music that plays when this happens.

Now replace that soundtrack with this *play some silly soundtrack*.

Not as effective is it?


My name is Matt and welcome to another episode of Creating a Great Horror Game.

Now that I've made it clear how essential good music is in horror games, in this episode

I will cover on how to make a horror game soundtrack that can play with our heads and

make us look behind our shoulders every few moments.

I thought I wouldn't do a Top 10 or any list that goes beyond 4 things because I thought

I'd stay true to the Goldilocks rule for this video, as I want to be just in-depth

enough to get the advice across but just short and concise enough for this to be easy to


And knowing how short an average Youtube viewer's attention span is, I think 3 is the sweet


So here are the 3 Keys to a Horrifying Horror Game Soundtrack.

Key #1: Resemblance Though there are exceptions, making sure the

soundtrack of your person, place or thing resembles that thing is crucial in keeping

the feeling you're going for, and allowing your world to stay believable.

If your soundtrack is playing high pitch sound effects only, to a monster that makes the

ground beneath you shake, that is an example of bad pairing with a soundtrack and thing

in horror games.

If you're making or even picking out a free-to-use soundtracks for your horror game, please,

for the love of Valtiel, don't just pick a random soundtrack and slap it to your game

just because you think it's "spooky enough".

Allow me to elaborate.

Say your working on a sci-fi horror game that deals with a setting similar to that of the

Alien movies.

Do you think this music would help enhance the feeling you're going for *play Amnesia


I don't think so.

When you're creating or picking music for your horror game, you must take a moment to

scan through your map and story.

What are the walls made of?

Sheet rock?


If it's metal, (no don't play metal music), but consider adding in metallic echoes, screeching

of steel, or a beat involving the sounds of two plates of iron being clashed together.

If the story involves some creature that breathes heavily, perhaps add in some faint distorted

breathing sounds.

Key #2: Contrast In my "Tips to Creating a Godlike Horror

Game" video, I stated it's important to have contrast between dark levels and peaceful

light levels.

If your game is dark the whole time, it becomes exhaustioning and even dull.

Same with your soundtrack, you need to add in peaceful soundtracks in peaceful levels

and dark ones in dark levels.

Not only this, you need to have contrast in the very music itself.

And I'm not talking about have a peaceful part in a dark soundtrack, definitely not.

I'm simply talking about adding in a large variety of sounds, high pitched, low pitched


Make the soundtrack stereo so for people with surround sound, you can play with their head

by creating sound effects that play all around their head, making the soundtrack extremely

atmospheric and real-sounding.

Just make sure the sounds resemble your environment

Key #3: Distortion Familiarity blended in with non-familiarity

can add a disquieting, supernatural feeling to your music.

The reason I love Myuu's piano music so much is that creepy distorted vibrato he gives

his piano soundtracks.

Distorted instruments, everyday noises and human voices (if done right) can have a paranoia-inducing

effect on one's mental state.

When we humans see or hear something familiar, we can distinguish danger from security so

that we can feel at ease.

When we hear a sound we cannot register as a familiar, safe thing, we become just simply

scared and on edge.


What I prefer is when we hear something both familiar, but also at the same time, unfamiliar,

it confuses our minds and that's what forges that creepy feeling we get.

You know, that feeling you get when you look at an image of an uncanny robot that's built

to look like a human, but you know that something's slightly off.

*scrolls in to the face of a creepy robot*

And you know what, I've decided our next video will be an in-depth thorough look at

the uncanny.

So to catch us when we upload our next video, be sure to subscribe and hit the notify bell


And before I end the video I'd like to raise awareness of something called "Article 13".

I suggest you not click off this video because this Article 13 has a bullet with Youtube's

name written on it.

For any of you living in Europe, if this new Article passes you WILL NO LONGER be able

to watch Frictional Weekly and ALL of your other favorite Youtubers any longer as this

will ban any channels with ANY copyrighted content in them for the EU.

This means about 70% of my audience will no longer get to watch Frictional Weekly or any

other channel that hosts copyrighted content they do not own.

To better understand this matter, I highly suggest you watch Philip DeFranco's and

other content creators videos on this matter and then share those videos as much as you


Now, I'm pretty strict about not doing news-like content on politics or anything controversial

as I want this channel to be all about horror entertainment, but I feel like mentioning

this nightmare of a situation for all of us content creators is very justified, because

if we do not stop this Article from passing, Youtube as we know it, with original content

creators, small and big, will be greatly negatively affected by this, especially the ones who

make a living out of this.

For more infomation >> 3 Keys to a Horrifying Horror Game Soundtrack - Duration: 6:54.


Top 10 Strangest Last Words Ever Spoken - Duration: 8:33.

A while bag, we did a video about famous last words - everyone seems to have a sort of morbid

fascination with the last thing that people choose to say on Earth.

Well, there are plenty of examples out there!

Some of them were clear, some of them were mysterious, some of them were funny, some

of the

Starting off at number 10 we have James D. French[a].

He was an American criminal and the last person to be executed under Oklahomas death penalty.

He was actually in prison for life, but allegedly was too afraid to commit suicide so so murdered

his cellmate hoping to get the death penalty - which he did.

When James French was led strapped in to the electric chair and asked for his last words,

he supposedly asked those around him -Hows this for a headline?

French Fries- …. His name, once again, was James French.

Some find that funny, some find it shocking, some people just don't know what to make of

it - what do you think?

Next up at number 9 we have Oscar Wilde[b].

This Irish poet and playwright was known for his biting wit and conversational skill - he

seemed to have a quote for every occasion and remains one of the most quoted famous

people in history.

It seems only fitting then his last words were some of his most famous.

While lying in bed and dying of cerebral meningitis, Oscar said -My wallpaper and I are fighting

a duel to the death.

One or the other of us has to go-

Next up at number 8 we have Time[c].

I found this one on Reddit.

It came from a Reddit user called Guy With Crazy Ideas who said -Grandma's last words

to the nurse on duty was, "Time is not what you think it is."

She kept repeating it, then died.

They pulled me aside when I arrived and told me how strange and alert her eyes were as

she kept repeating the statement about time.

I still wonder about this to this day.- … thats pretty heavy - what do you think she meant?

Some people feel that when people are close to death they begin to see around the veil

of reality, of the universe as we know it - that they feel more connected to what is

beyond or the lack thereof.

Maybe the Grandma felt something deep about time - time is a strange thing and something

that science still doesnt fully understand.

Moving on to number 7 we have Horses.

This one came from Patlani on Reddit who said -ER physician here, had heard many last words

from patients but the creepiest one has to be of a man who was on his last breaths as

he succumbed to renal failure.

He said, 'I see a bright light…Horses…No eyes…No…NO…NOOO!' as he'd loudly

yell, at this point he was crashing when he suddenly woke up, looked up and with his last

breath he said 'I understand…' and he died.

We know in the medical field that these situations are provoked by a cascade of neurotransmitters

in disarray due to tissue and organ failure but I sometimes have my doubts and perhaps

we are seeing more than we are led to believe.- … thats just one of the strangest things

Ive ever heard, hands down - what were the horses, what did he understand?

Why don't we understand, I think we get a lot more questions than answers from this

story …

Coming in at number 6 now we have Joseph Wright[d].

You may not know his name, but youll know his creation.

Joseph right is credited with the editing of the English Dialect Dictionary.

Its often regarded as his life work.

There 28 parts made up of 70,000 entries published over the course of 7 years.

Another notable thing to mention about Joseph Wright is his famous last words, or should

I say word - which was simply -Dictionary-, that was it.

According to reports, the man who contributed to one of the most famous dictionaries, died

after saying its name one last time - sort of strange, but also sort of fitting in a

way …

Moving on to number 5 we have The Tophat[e].

This one came from a Reddit user whos a nurse.

They said -A nice old lady told my nursing assistant she wanted to wear all white.

When asked why, she said 'the man in black is here.'

She looked in the corner of the room.

The NA looked, but there was no one there.

That's when I came into the room.

We asked her to describe what she was seeing and she said 'he's in all black, and he's

got a top hat on.'

Then she whispered, 'and his eyes are red' while her eyes moved across the room to directly

behind the NA, like she was watching him move closer to us.

She died later that night.

But it was unexpected.

That room creeped me out for a long time after that- …. Some people find it easy dismiss

that as just an old or sick person hallucinating - but others who hear that story are shocked

by just how alert the woman seems in the story.

She describes his clothes accurately, she watched his movements, and she knew he had

deep red eyes?

Who was he?

Well Im sure we all have a few guesses …

Next up at number 4 we have Karl Marx[f].

He was a famous German philosopher and political theorist that was the founder of Marxism.

He had been suffering with bronchitis for the last year of his life.

When things got bad, his housekeeper asked if he had any last words.

Marx shouted at her -Go on, get out!

Last words are for fools who havent said enough!- he died shortly after, making his angry quip

about last words - his own last words - somewhat fitting.

Next up at number 3 we have Spaghettios.[g] Thomas J Grasso was executed in 1995 for using

Christmas Tree lights to strangle an 85 year old woman.

His last meal request was for 24 steamed mussels, 24 steamed clams, a burger king double cheeseburger,

6 bbq ribs, 2 strawberry milkshakes, one half of a pumpkin pie with whipped cream, diced

strawberries and a 16 ounce can of SpaghettiOs with meatballs served at room temperature.

Well, it seems he got everything except his SpaghettiOs.

Just before his execution, he was asked for any last words, to which he replied.

-I did not get my SpaghettiOs, I got spaghetti, I want the press to know this- … well they

did, and eventually the world did too …

Moving on to number 2 now we have Eyes[h].

This one comes from a deleted reddit account who simply said -My grandfather on his deathbed

said, they have no eyes, still gives me chills- … that was posted in a threat asking Doctors

and Nurses what the creepiest last words you ever heard from patients was.

That response had lots of people saying it was the creepiest thing in the whole threat.

Who are they?

Is he seeing something?

Or someone?

What did he mean by they have no eyes?

It could be something fairly normal - or it could be something more terrifying than we

can even comprehend - perhaps the scariest part is that we may never know …

And finally at number 1 we have Richard B Mellon[i].

He was an American multi millionaire and president of the Aluminium Company of America.

As a kid, he and his brother Andrew had always played tag.

As they grew up and lived in different places, they continued the game and wanted to see

how long they could make the other person remain -it- for.

This would involve tagging the other brother before jumping on the train or driving off

in the car.

Things went on like this for 7 decades.

When Richard was on his deathbed, he called over his brother and whispered his final words

in his ear, simply saying -Last tag- … his brother Andrew then remained -it- until his

own death 4 years later.

Well, Im glad we ended on that one - its difficult to end a video about last words on something

that takes death seriously but isnt too morbid - and I think an eternal game of tag strikes

that balance quite well.

I hope you enjoyed this video!

We covered a range of emotions with those quotes from happy to sad to creepy - Id love

to know which one had the biggest impact on you!

Thanks for watching as always guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the

next video!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Strangest Last Words Ever Spoken - Duration: 8:33.


What If Baal Was Real? - Duration: 6:34.

Hello Internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions - the place where we conjure up a bizarre world of demonic hellfire and

simulate an end of the world scenario - so you don't have to.

What's going on guys - as per usual, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch

- as we peer into the fiery depths below, make a few pacts with all the right lesser

demons, before we finally get an audience with the big guy's secretary - and stubbornly

ask the question - What If Baal Was Real?

Roll the clip.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist

- or, well, Baal in this case.

In the Semitic languages of the Levant - Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic and many others - the word

Baal was a title - an honorific nominor meaning owner or Lord - and by extension, master or


Baal - as a figure - has seen numerous interpretations throughout the ancient world, often being

misconstrued and borrowed in parts through varying cultures and ancient religions.

But - the version that we're concerned about, is the name uttered throughout the Ars Goetia,

the Lesser Key of Solomon - and many grimoires throughout the ancient and the occult.

Ba'al - the King of Hell.

Well - let's see what he's up to, shall we?

Before we do that though folks - you know the drill by now.

If you're a fan of demonic hordes, lords of hell - or just Life's Biggest Questions

in general - then please, be a dear and hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe

bell so you can stay up to date with our latest and greatest uploads.

If you've got a burning idea for an LBQ based question that you just can't keep

to yourself - let us know in the comment section down below.

On with the show.

Now - we have to preface this question with the acceptance that if Ba'al is real - then

all of the demonic hordes crammed into the Judeo-Christian hell are also real - which

is where things start to get spicy.

So, that's that then - I guess - on my signal unleash hell.



Now as I said previously, Baal has seen many iterations throughout the ancient world - though

his first distinguished guise was as the Akkadian and Sumerian storm and fertility god Hadad,

which also appears in scripture as Ba'al Haddu.

Through hundreds of years of proto-Religious beliefs and various interpretations, Baal's

figure was morphed - cascading him from a revered harvest and fertility god that brought

rain, wind and life - to a being that eventually resided over Lucifer's kingdom of hell.

That's quite the fall from grace, right?

Almost parallels a similar story that we know, eh?

In actual fact, Baal is pretty frail as far as demons go.

In ancient religions of the Levant, he was depicted as a great, horned man - even a bull.

In demonology though, Baal is portrayed as a frail man - often appearing in the forms

of a cat - a toad - or combinations thereof.

According to some texts - he possesses the power to make people wise beyond comprehension

- he speaks hoarsely and slowly - and carries ashes in his pocket - a symbol of his demonic

dominion that he offers freely to those that would follow him.

And - well - that's where we get to the real action.

In Christian demonology - Baal is ranked as the first principal king of Hell - and he

who presides over the East.

The East of what, you may ask - well, Hell if I know.

But if we know one thing about demons in modern fiction, they're pretty keen on invading

and maintaining dominion over humanity - though it doesn't ever really factor in what direction

they're coming from.

So that's useful to know, I guess.

In the Lesser Key of Solomon - Baal is a grand Duke of Hell - who affords 66 legions of demons

under his command.

Just as a note - on the Roman military measure of equating one legion to 5000 troops - that's

330 thousand demonic warriors.

I think we're all agreed that's pretty terrifying.

If Baal is real - then he's already got the firing power to back him up.

Compared to the world's largest military - which currently is China with nearly 2.2

million active troops.

Now - 330 thousand might seem like pretty small-fry compared to the pure man-power of

China, but let's compare what 1 demonic warrior would be worth - compared to that

of 1 human soldier.

Without getting bogged down in religious texts, scriptures, and pieces of fiction - demons

are actually pretty well covered when it comes to their relative power level.

For the sake of argument, let's agree that the average demon in Baal's army has enhanced

speed and strength - telekinesis - nigh-immortality and of course, because we can't forget this

one - the power to possess a human soul.

It kind of goes without saying, but the power of taking over your enemies entire body is

pretty overpowered on the battlefield.

I wonder what the Geneva convention would have to say about that.

Ballpark figure - I'd say 1 demonic warrior would be worth 10 human soldiers on average.

That's an army with the effective power of 6.6 million human troops.

Now things are starting to look pretty level pegging when we factor in the state of Baal's

demonic legion - because as we're told time and time again, quality over quantity - right?

But - I'm not entirely sure whether it's entirely as straightforward as we're led

to believe.

You see, if Baal Was Real - his modus operandi wouldn't be to wage an all out war against

humanity just for the sake of it.

No, you see - he's smarter than that.

Because - if we accept the fact that Baal and the demonic legions of hell are real - then

we also have to accept the fact that the Judeo-Christian kingdom of heaven is real, and all the choirs

of angels that come with it.

And that's where things really get interesting - because in all likelihood, Baal wouldn't

be concerned with waging a demonic war against our planet.

Instead, he'd be looking to rear his head skyward.

And if that's the case - then we've got nothing to worry about, really.

Let them scrap it out for as long as it takes - even if it's countless aeons.

You see, Baal has been around for quite some time - Ba'al Haddu, Ba'al Zebub, Ba'al

Hammon, Belus - Belenus.

He's had many names, and he's seen many things - and if he's got a few scores to

settle, then I say it's none of our business.

Was that neutral enough?

Yeah, alright - that'll do.

Unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way to the end.

If you were a fan of this video, or just LBQ in general - hit that thumbs up button, ding

that subscribe bell and show us some love in the comment section down below.

Make sure to tune in tomorrow for your latest questioning spree.

As always, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If Baal Was Real? - Duration: 6:34.


Yet another very powerful trading tactic - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Yet another very powerful trading tactic - Duration: 8:03.


Rebecca - Filme de suspense - Duration: 32:37.

Good Afternoon! Can I help you?

Yes! I came about...

Of course! The newspaper advertisement

You were quick! What is your name?

Have you ever done work like this?

I have done something similar

I will show you the house. This can be your room

But you will spend most of your time with my sister

Its for the best

I know. The house has not been cleaned properly

Since the last staff disappeared

What do you mean? They disappeared?

Exactly. One day they were here and the next they were gone.

They didn't even collect their pay slip

That is very strange

Strange things sometimes happen in this house

That explains the newspaper ad

We need an assistant who is honest and hardworking

Im not scared of work

And I am honest

That is good

I don't know why we keep this piano

I don't want you touching this piano

I don't want anyone touching this piano

I understand

It is better if no one comes in this room. Ever.

I can't stand noise in my house

And it does not help my sisters condition

I don't think it is necessary to show me the rest of the house

What do you mean? Of course it is necessary.

You need to know where each room is.

And the furniture

We keep this house in darkness

The light does not help my sisters condition

Do you understand



Pietra! It is time to wake up

Who are you?

This is Luiza. She will take care of you

Are you a doctor?

No! But I will take care of you.

I will help you

You two should go to the kitchen. Pietra should eat.

I don't like this food

Its different

Its my first day

You tell me what meals you like. And I will make them

You wont leave me?

No! I have only just arrived

You won't disappear like the others.

Of course not

When they disappeared, she changed

She? Who do you mean?

My sister. She is insane

I don't think so

You don't know! She is insane

Thats enough. You have said enough

Luiza, come here. I need to speak to you.

Do you know what this is?


It is the letter I was going to send to the newspaper. About the advertisement


Yes. The advertisement you said you saw in the newspaper

The letter was never sent

Can you explain what you are doing here?

When you opened the door I was going to explain

I was walking and I thought the the house might have work

So you have worked in a house like this before?

You might think this is a little strange but I have worked in this exact house.


But it was long ago.

How convenient. So you know the house?



But Luiza, if your work with us is going to work I don't want you Listening to my sister.

Pietra is sick

She imagines things and makes up stories

It will be better for everyone if you ignore what she says

Yes. I understand

If you want to know the truth,

It really happened

She is insane

Luiza, bring me a coffee and something for my headache

Don't listen to my sister

She is ill

Is everything alright? Pietra why are you crying?

I wasn't crying

I heard you crying

I did not cry

Was it you? What happened?

No, I did not cry either

She was with me all the time and did not cry

Stop joking with me. I know someone was crying

We are not joking with you

I heard someone crying. It must have been either of you

I must have been Rebecca

Rebecca? Who is Rebecca? Stop this nonsense

She was here. A few moments ago. Its the truth.

She just left the room.

Luiza! Luiza! Wake up!

It was Rebecca!

Pietra! Go back to sleep.

Luiza! Look!

Why did you open the curtains?

It was Rebecca!

She's been doing it all night!

She keeps opening the curtains

Please stop this

You are lying

I will tell you sister

I am not lying. It is the truth

Rebecca! Come out from behind the curtains

Pietra! Stop this. I need to sleep

Alright! I will close the curtains

Luiza! Tell Rebecca to stop opening the curtains

Get out of my bed. Both of you

This is our bed

No! That is my bed

Stop doing that voice

It is not me doing that voice

Rebecca! You better stop this. I will tell my sister. She will make you leave

No you won't! I will tell my dad

Pietra! Stop this nonsense. Please

I am not doing anything

Rebecca, touch Luizas cheek, so that she knows you are real

What is going on. Who screamed?

Nothing happened. Its ok!

It was Rebecca!

I have told you to stop this nonsense

And you Luiza! Screaming in the middle of the night!

Sorry! It was a bad dream!

Come with me!

You sleep now!

And no more Rebecca!

You are here to help!

You are not going to help my sister by screaming in the night!

Stop causing panic!

Im sorry

Get back to bed

I don't want this to happen again

Good morning Mari. Can I bring you a coffee?

No Luiza! I don't want a coffee.

I want you and my sister to stop running around

I am trying to read and I can't with all this noise

My sister needs rest

But Mari...


What was all that noise?

It must have been Rebecca

No more talk about Rebecca

It's the truth. She just went into the music room

Where are they? Where did they go?

Rebecca went there. The woman went there

The old woman went to the kitchen

What are you saying?

They are everywhere

They say that this is their house

Try to keep calm


There is someone in my house

Someone messing with my mind

Slamming doors and windows

The house is old

The doors make noises

The winds squeal through the windows

It was not just a door

I heard voices

There is someone in the house

Look Mari!

Not now Pietra!

I did a drawing

This is woman, Rebecca and the old lady

What are the numbers?

Its the number of times I have seen them

Luiza, I need you to search the house

Check the rooms, and the corridors

Check the garden, everywhere

I need these people out of my house before nightfall

Look Mari, she scares me

She looks at me and calls me.

Stop this. Stop lying

I am not lying

She asks me questions

What does she ask?

She scares me

I need you to stop this nonsense

I didnt do anything

You keep lying and inventing

I did not lie

I am serious! Enough

I don't want to hear anymore

I should not have shouted at her

You lost your patience. It is understandable

Even so, I feel guilty

She will understand

I hope so. I will check on her

You don't understand

I was in the music room

It was empty

I had closed the piano

When I returned it was open

Maybe you should take you medication

You don't believe

You don't need to say anything

I know what I saw and felt

There was a presence

From another world

Something that does not want to rest

I believe

These things happen

It is strange

Sometimes the world of the living

Can cross with the dead

That is not possible

God would not allow that to happen

The living and dead will only meet at the end of time

It is written in the bible

Sometimes we do not have all the answers

I don't know what to do

I think I know what need to be done


I think I know how to solve this problem

You know?

You know nothing. You only just arrived

You know nothing about me nor my sister

Calm down Mari

It was you in the Music room

You are always creeping around the house

I want you out of my house. Today

But its the middle of the night

I want you out, collect your things and go

Where are you going?

Your sister is making me leave

You cannot leave me

She told me to leave right now

You cannot leave me

She will go insane again

She will hurt me again

She cannot hurt you anymore

She has already done all the things she could do

Go on. Get out of my house

I don't want to see you again

Pietra wants me to stay

What she wants is not important. She is sick

Now go. I will take care of her from now on. Go


I told you to leave

You need to accept who you are

No. You are not welcome here

You can only rest once you accept what you did

Enough. Go away

It would be best for everyone

Go away

Ask Pietra

She will tell you

Ask Pietra

You will know the truth

Only then will you be able to rest

Pietra, do you have anything to tell me?

What Luiza told you is the truth

You hurt me

And then you hurt yourself

You need to accept

Check the news if you want

But you need to accept

And you need to stop lying

You don't need to argue

You should check the news

You will discover the truth

Girl murders sister and commits suicide. Police investigate

It can't be true

I am not dead

Do not fear death

If you do not accept, you will never escape this world

It would be best for everyone

When you accept what you did

And what you really are

For more infomation >> Rebecca - Filme de suspense - Duration: 32:37.


Wedding in Indonesia/インドネシアで結婚式 - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> Wedding in Indonesia/インドネシアで結婚式 - Duration: 10:57.


Thor's Grandfather DELETED SCENES EXPLAINED - Avengers Infinity War SCENE Explained - Duration: 5:36.

destruction ecology as goddess television our noble armies of Asgard

led by my father King war raged to mighty war against these creatures

yesterday coming live on me

as the Nine Worlds converged above him Malekith could at last

unleash the ether

but ask God ripped the weapon from his grasp without it the Dark Elves fell

with the battle all but lost Malekith sacrificed his own people in a

desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's army

Nathan yeah sorry

Malekith was vanquished and the ether was no more also we were led to believe

shall we destroy it if only we could but its power is too great bury it deep

somewhere no one will ever find it

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on Avengers infinity war so

we have some new information that there was Thor's grandfather Bor who we

weren't introduced into the dark world in a flashback scene where King Odin was

telling the story about his grandfather Bor what actually in a deleted scene in

Avengers infinity war so I would mention who has won at my giveaway this week at

the end of the video and if you do want to win this week's competition all you

got to do is enter down below who is your favorite super hero and also

subscribe to the channel to enter to also win an affinity warrior a and

manawa odd Deadpool super duper - so chief among them Thor Odin's son who

must journey across the cosmos in search of a weapon capable of killin mad Titan

Thanos it's a quest which stares him in a direction of Nan LaVere Homer to Peter

Dinklage the dwarf King so he oughta me gets the Stormbreaker

but recently Joe Russo has revealed on the film's commentary the early drafts

of Marvel's epic ship Thor's on a journey to find his dead grandfather Bor

who appeared briefly during the opening moments of the dark world if I get a

copyright claim it will play at the start of this video so apparently they

explored lots of different ideas of where Thor could have gone for the

weapon we had a version of the story at one time where he was going to visit

this sort of ghost of his dead grandfather which was one version we

were going to play out but that didn't happen in the end we didn't end up using

it we were happy with what we said with so it's interesting how they could still

use that possibly in Avengers 4 so it's a very interesting concept that Thor's

grandfather could have actually turned up in Avengers infinity war so guys we

are doing a special giveaway at the end this month for Christmas and also

because we hit 50,000 subscribers so at the moment the giveaway will be for a

Hasbro Infinity Gauntlet at the moment they range from I think about 100 and

pound about 120 dollars the price could change but at the moment it's for that

if you do want to enter that competition you do have to follow me on Twitter

at most you then tweet me I'm entering your special 50k giveaway and in order

to enter that competition you have to tweet me on Twitter and also comment

down below why is there more rules because the prize is worth a lot more so

for this competition we are going through the answer so the winner of the

current blu-ray or DVD is Captain America who posted the end is near on an

Avengers 4 trailer video three days ago I have put in the community tab so

please message me on my business email which is Worcester business at

anyway guys this is short informal video about thoughts grandfather potentially

appear in how he could appeared in Avengers and finish war anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in that next video very

soon catch ya later

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