hey welcome back and in today's video you guys asked me if we could look into
Bobby burns and just what really happens so I started watching a couple videos
Bobby burns and trying to figure out what really happened and if you're new
here I like to take a look at youtubers breakdown the scenarios the
controversial topics that led them into the specific situations that they've
landed themselves in and look at it from a bridge of compassion so if you don't
know who Bobby burns is he is a YouTube star well known for his film reviews on
his self-titled YouTube channel he achieved further success by creating
genre matching trailers to give beloved movies a different feel his most popular
of those became frozen was a horror if frozen was a horror film and then he
made this video we was talking about Shane Dawson I have a problem with
people manipulating people and not being honest and making terrible terrible
terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible content hey you guys it was a
Shane Dawson hate video where he talked about the things that he did not like
about Shane Dawson and this prompted Shane Dawson to reach out and confront
his hater so to speak on a plane with Jordan and Nathan and we flew out to LA
or we met up with Shane and we shot the collab at his house okay how we doing
we're here and I'm about to go down and meet Shane awesome alright let's go do
it so he's obviously nervous and I don't
think there's anything wrong in collaborations among youtubers but there
is a certain level I think that we all operate on and this is this might be
idealistic but what I mean is I've thought this for a while that no matter
what we do the amount of content and production and effort that we put out
into the universe is directly reflective to the amount of income that we produce
the the amount of traffic that we produce and the amount of followers that
we have what I mean by that is I think in my mindset that money is a
how much value that you give to the world and I think that at the current
level that I'm at and growth rate that I'm at and the more I learned the more I
become and the more I grow because there are steps to everything the bigger that
I'm going to get I personally am pretty excited about the
growth rate that I've had but I feel like a huge collaboration on this
caliber would be too much and too big of a step and too much growth I think I
would have taken the collaboration but I would have not went so far with what he
did and went on Shane Dawson's channel and been so overwhelmed like he did what
I'm trying to say is that I think it's really important that we understand the
steps that are involved here and the steps in the progress do vary from
person to person and it seemed like he was already nervous and he looked like
he was a little bit obsessed with the numbers twenty thousand subs right now
this video right there gobby channel because he's cool and I like him so it's
165 thousand views 4,800 comments so far 22 thousand likes 280 10,000 followers
and on Twitter we have fifty two thousand six hundred followers I
understand that being a youtuber you do want to watch your analytics and you do
want to keep up with your numbers and everything like that but I think that
there's a healthy amount that you want to pay attention to this and I myself
have been caught up in it like when I did a piece for CBS Inside Edition this
year I've learned that there are specific things that happen throughout
your career that are going to give you a boost and subscribers and it's it's kind
of like what they talk about in YouTube as relevancy trying to stay relevant in
chasing the analytics it can be really exhausting
but if you already if you keep in mind the mindset that this is going to give
me a bouncing subs and then it's going to go back to a casual number the key is
I feel to be successful is to work at your pace not compare yourself to others
and understand that everybody has a different
way they go about things and do your own thing but this leads me into Bobby burns
taking a job offer I guess a dream job offer from Shane Dawson all the shit
that I've always hoped what happened to me like YouTube wise is starting to
happen and it's the strangest feeling ever and I don't really know what to do
with it it's so unbelievably exciting and so
unbelievably exciting and I have so many ideas and so many things I want to do so
many places to go so I'm not like stuck it's just crazy
it seems like he just wasn't ready for this and he seems completely overwhelmed
I think this is because he never learned how to maintain his channel that's
really important I see it a lot as you can see there are certain YouTube
youtubers that are like nice fish but specifically niche communities they'll
they'll do like you can see in clash royale the video game but these
youtubers will continue to do clash for videos when it's it's it's kind of dying
down it's not when we're working for them anymore but they'll consistently do
it there are youtubers that are over 2 million subscribers that are on their
uploads only getting a thousand views and I think this is because they've not
learned to maintain it was the niche community that got them some capital
games some quick cash and they never evolved from it and the I think two
specific things you need to be a successful youtuber is obviously really
good personality and the ability to evolve and never stay the same I think
because Bobby never learned how to maintain at any certain level with his
content he when he was confronted with this huge rise in popularity he couldn't
produce the content because he never was on those levels and it caused him to act
out a little bit adversely a little bit different and it kind of went against
the values that he built his channel on from the start and it can be seen a lot
currently and almost impossible to process so yeah I guess I just wanted to
turn this on to capture how right now maybe I'll cut this into a
video update for the channel and I'll probably believe it after a little bit
this is pre la and he's just really nice and just really hot coming across as
genuine and fast-forward to his current stuff just don't focus on suited to the
scope and the gap I think this could be Shane Dawson and if he was smoking
marijuana and just throwing parties and just obscene things like living this
type of lifestyle I don't think it would go well over on even Shane Dawson's
Channel and it just seems like he's not himself and he's going against his core
values and I think that's a lot of his audience is saying and that's why let's
check a look at his channel and see how it's doing today it's in the Ray at all
across the boards and that's really sad like he's last 30 days he's lost over
5000 subscribers and it's just something I hate to see he's not doing good on
estimated earnings only about 20 bucks a day he is literally only making 686
dollars a month at the very most reaching your goals at a really young
age can do something really intense to you tube is such a weird place right now
when you get so into it and you're living it every day and you're making
the content it becomes a different kind of life just in your house you get your
work everything I make I can just do here if I don't force myself to go do
other stuff YouTube kind of becomes your whole existence i resonate with what he
said a lot when I first started making videos it was like February 26th of last
year and it was right out of the hospital I was in a horrific accident
was really bad and I couldn't walk and literally was at a point in depression
where I couldn't got no worse and I decided I was gonna make videos so I
started my videos made everything better and it was easy then and you think well
I'll just do daily videos and I made daily videos every single day the ground
was real and I just kind of always kept it up and it's easy to do it for a month
it's easy to do two months and then you get in a year and then you're like wow
this is this is a grind and then going on two years now the ground was so much
like you get so caught up where YouTube becomes literally everything you have to
make yourself get out of the house or you'll go insane and I was I was
hospitalized like three times in the past year and a half for exhaustion and
you know you might think how in the heck cuz he's just sitting here and he's
editing there's a lot that goes into these videos guys like I have no help on
these things these videos my videos are out of high production I'm the only one
that edits these videos I do the research research can take anywhere it's
from days to a few hours editing the videos it takes anywhere from four to
twelve hours and if you're doing all this by yourself every single day in the
past year and a half or so that I've been doing this I might have missed
maybe fifteen days of content and those times that I did miss content
I was probably hospitalized for exhaustion and when I do go to the
hospital it's like my mental health has is was eroding as a way it's such a
horrible pace and it's it's getting better now because I am the type of
person where if there's a problem I fix it because I'm one of those positive law
of attraction top people where you you use the power of positive thinking and
then you've learned to overcome and I've figured out a really nice schedule and I
am writing a book currently that's gonna be out sometime next year that it's
gonna be talking about powering through your depressions and anxieties to meet
your goals and stuff when you're working jobs that pretty much you'd have to
consume you and Merce yourself ins a better word to look forward to that but
I did resonate on this whole conversation where if you are doing this
type of work a day in and day out and even though you're so passionate about
it because a lot of people will say what
this girl's about to say if I hadn't done YouTube I don't think I would have
a lot of these mental health problems I really truly believe that and it's it's
sad a lot of people who are outside what like washing in would be like then stop
it it's ruining your mental health it's my passionate I I know nothing else
I would not want anything else is all I worked for them thing that makes me the
most happy is also making the most unhappy and that is that is the case on
YouTube and any job that put has demands this sort of level of output and you
have to be really strong-willed and you have to have a real passion for I think
there's were a lot of people that begin and quit they never had the passion for
and I would tell anybody that's watching this video right now that if you want to
be successful in something you better make good daggum well sure that you love
doing it because if you love doing it you have to set an alarm clock the
passion wakes you up if you get a shout out from a bigger youtuber and you just
get like 30 40 50 thousand subscribers you might be able to maintain that but
if you end up getting three four hundred thousand six hundred thousand
subscribers seven hundred thousand subscribers you can't just let's say
you've never made a video in your life and you wanted you decided to be a
youtuber and all sudden you woke up in Shane Dawson's body at 19 over 19
million subscribers you don't know how to do anything so your experience the
level that you're at could not keep up with the level and experience that Shane
Dawson's at he knows how to do the editing how to produce the content how
YouTube works the politics of it and you do not you are at the level that you are
at because it is what you know if you want to be at a higher level then you
grind and you put forth the effort to acquire that higher level and in
Bobby's Byrnes case that's I think that's one of the major contributing
factors of the decline of this channel I don't think that he's losing subscribers
because he sucks I really legitimately think that he's losing subscribers that
he cannot contain at the rate of effort that he is putting out and I think
eventually he'll get back down and around to a level of subscriber count'
that is something that he can tolerate something that he can maintain I don't
think he needs to keep pushing himself and doing these crazy things and he
needs to korabik to himself but I think another contributing factor is the fact
that he is betraying his core values and what I mean by that is let's just take a
look at the video that started it all I have a problem with people manipulating
people and not being honest and making terrible terrible terrible terrible
terrible terrible terrible content at this point in his career he was very
genuine very honest and his audience could feel this and he was resonating
and connecting with them on that specific level his channel was growing
and it was doing great the second Shane Dawson offers him this
this deal it's almost like he's sold he sold out and changed everything that he
was doing in his content and going against his court what his heart wanted
and the second you do that it's it's not gonna work for you you cannot succeed by
trying to be what everybody else is trying to be you gotta be who you are
everybody asks me what can i what can I offer some people that no one else can
offer people and give them a reason to watch well you because no one else can
be you and no one else can offer you so you are always already the content that
you're looking for so I hope I was able to offer you something
a little bit different than most other people when they covered this topic but
as interesting as the sisters always suck this more interesting to me that's
right you guessed I wonder gee thanks so much good leave
your creative induration responses comment boxes always brothers and
sisters I will see you in the next video I don't think it's over for the I don't
think it's over for the kid I think that he has room and opportunity to grow just
like everyone else I think that his subscriber count will level out and
it'll get to the point of which he can maintain at his pace as long as he stops
comparing himself to every other person and if he keeps on doing that it'll keep
declining but I know that your EpiPen trippin dragon how do you become a
member the reps called all you can do subscribe for notifications turned on be
in the comments centre to every single video because I'm gonna be there Greg
the cat's gonna be that in the best of the red small community as well and I
expect to see that too because this channel loves you
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