Vietnam is in possession of a kind of antiaging medicines that also need to be ready
Chinese Pumpkin Pancake (南瓜饼) - Duration: 2:13.Turn on subtitles for instruction
steam the pumpkin until soft (about 25 mins)
mashed it
set it aside to cool down
2 tbsp sugar
100g glutinous rice flour
knead until dough not sticky
rolll into ball shape
flatten it
pan-fry until golden brown
Thanks for watching!
機關-陷阱trap #1 門的陰謀?! 活塞與紅石火把的熄滅 - Duration: 14:43.-------------------------------------------
GOODBYE USA!! Our LAST DAY at Anime Matsuri 2017 - Duration: 9:30.Anime Matsuri, day 3!!!
Let's do this!
Anime Matsuri, day 3!!!
We're going to go today, to the Grand Tea Party.
It's called A Fashionable World.
And it's inside the Marriott hotel.
I'm so excited!
Everyone is going to dress their absolute best.
We're going to have all the models will be there.
It's going to be a great finale for all the fashion lovers.
So! Let's do this!
It's like magic doors here and everything.
Oh! This looks like a Harry Potter theme.
We also took loads of interviews and got
in touch with the local community there as well.
There were so many things happening at the same time during that convention.
I mean, like I said in the first video
we met The Anime Man.
He was doing stuff. Ladybeard was doing stuff.
The Sailor Moon Musical was there...
There were so many things happening!
And I was so happy in seeing how friendly
everyone from Houston is and how they value hospitality.
And another thing that I find really good is that everyone
seemed to have a good time and tolerate
each other regardless of how they looked
how old someone was or where they were
from or what race they were.
And it was really nice to see that community and
that well, everyone's so open and friendly!
I wish I could see more of that actually happening in Japan.
And by the way, the cosplayers were so cool!
So that was the third and final day of Anime Matsuri.
And it was a grand finale!
We had the A Fashionable World Tea Party and as
you've seen it's been fantastic!
There's been so much love and care that went
into preparing this, you could see with every table.
Every table had different like, decorations on it
every table was themed after a different City.
There were so many little ideas they put
into it, so much love and care you can see
from the organizer that were there.
And then the great fashion show
which I was allowed to host with all the models
and designers or representatives of the brands.
And then there was a raffle
there was like a jan-ken like a rock, scissors, paper game
There was a picture time so
you had really the chance to
get close up and talk with the model, spend time with the models.
Loads of people took pictures with me as well, thank you very much for that!
It was really good!
And the food was awesome as well!
I wish I could still eat that cheesecake
that cheesecake was so good!
And afterwards we had a little bit of time
for special shopping at Shop In Wonderland
Because they did a special sale and the items were flying off the rack like that!
It was so cheap!
And I've seen that one dress at the Fashion Show
one of the other girls was modeling it
when I was in the Metamorphose Fashion Show.
And I looked at that dress and is like beautiful
like circus Lolita almost a
little bit military a little bit circus.
And I looked at that dress and I wanted it.
And it was still here when it came back!
So I got changed into, it I loved it, and I bought it!
So yeah, I'm going to take that one back
back to return now with me.
But afterwards the designers said again
Yeah, that was a good choice
and it's actually cheaper here at Anime Matsuri
right now than it would have been if I
just bought it in store in Japan.
So that was a great choice.
Seriously, I had such a good time I can't believe this is already the final day.
I'm probably going to cry when I will be leaving...
Probably going to cry when I'll be leaving...
Probably going to cry when I will be leaving...
It's an experience that I'll probably never ever forget.
I hope I can come back next year and just make it even more awesome.
I had so much fun! So...
I hope you enjoyed the video's
watching what was going on
gave you loads of information how this
is actually happening how this year 2017
Anime Matsuri will be and hopefully
I'll see you for more fun like this in 2018.
Thank you very much for watching and I catch you soon!
Okay, it's after the convention now.
Girls, say hi!
You've already taken our make-up off and started relaxing.
I feel a little bit overdressed now.
But we went to a burger, THE Burger Joint
not A burger joint, THE Burger Joint.
It doesn't get any more American than that this, this is so exciting!
We're having super special it's like bacon
bacon fries, apparently the best fries they have in this place.
So the director of Ask Japanese has like the...
proper Mexican burger, a smoked one.
And I got... What is it even...
I've got a mix of Mexican and American and it looks so good.
Check out all the cheese.
Oh man! That's so tasty already!
I can't wait for this. I actually going to try the fries right away
because they are apparently very good.
The burger! Have you seen the burger?
What is that burger called??
- Pork. It's the same! - It's the same? Alright.
So much meat in there.
Look at all the meat.
There's so much meat!
This is nothing compared to Japan.
Like, in Japan there's just a little bit of meat.
That much meat!
Oh wow!
It's so juicy as well.
This is good!
I'm glad we came here.
I'm so glad we came here. This is so good!
Hey guys! It's now the final day.
We are flying back to Japan.
So I'm not wearing any make-up and my skin
is all like ugh, and I didn't get any sleep.
So as you can see, I'm super sleepy.
So I'm hiding this a little bit.
But yeah.
It's the final day. We're going back now, to Japan.
It's been an adventure these five days.
In Japan...
My very first five days, if... .. .
(Director) But we live in Japan.
It has been an adventure, these five days in the USA.
It was my very first time in the USA.
I have to say, I had a very good time
but I'm very sleepy now.
Which means that I had a very good time
cause I did loads of things.
So I'll get sleepy.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ...
Behind us is the George R. Brown convention center
which obviously now be very different now all the cosplayers have left.
But it definitely was a great experience
and I hope we'll be back again next year.
So let's go back to Japan!
... Probably going to cry when I'll be leaving
Probably going to cry when I'll be leaving
Probably going to cry when I'll be leaving...
Exotic Adult Super Store, did you just read that?!
Anime Matsuri!! GO!!
Day 2!!
Oh! Now we're both crying!
Anime Matsuri, day 3!!!
Seneste nyt:仲夏季伊始: 这两周内,每个活动都能满足你来洛杉矶的理由! - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
The Evil Bell - Youtube - Duration: 3:18.Before we start this video!
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Don't forget to comment, every interaction helps!
Thanks for watching le Sparkman channel!
Okay, now that we are passed that, we can get one with the video!
and no. this video is not about dreams about flying.
Mike looks funny falling from the sky.
I bet that's going to hurt when he lands.
So yes, this video is about a bell.
A bell you said?
Yes, it's a bell.
Not Isabelle, A bell, like the bells you can ring.
I don't bells ring.
Phones ring.
Bells just go: Ding dong.
Ding dong.
Anyways if you are subscribed to the sparkman channel, thank you!
I see people still from when the channel only had 1000 subscribers.
You guys are true warriors, If I was a fan, I would have unsubscribed a long time ago,
I make terrible content.
If you guys have your own channels, you probably have noticed a sharp decline on views and
subscriber count and most important of all, I'm going to sound greedy, but yes, revenue.
The money okay.
The frigging money.
ha ha ha.
Wow what a fake laugh.
No seriously, after youtube changed to their new algorithm, a lot of small youtubers like
myself have experienced a slow down.
I think they meant to slow down big channels like piediepie, marki-plyer and other big
One new change that affects small channels like: the Sparkman channel, is the fact that
now, you have to sign up for notifications after you have subscribed to a channel
in order to see the videos in your front page.
Yes, it's kind of weird, if you are subscribed, you don't get notified about new videos,
unless the subscriber clicks on the channel, you don't find out about new videos.
yes, there is the small number that shows on the name of the channel, on your left,
but if you are like me, I'm subscribed to so many channels, I don't have time to be
clicking the ones with numbers.
This new changes are so crazy, that Youtubers like Mr. Dan Insane, have literally created
new channels to start over, because if subscribers don't click on that bell after subscribing,
the chances of them coming back to the channel to check for new videos are very slim.
So yes, if you are subscribed to the Sparkman channel,
smack that bell next to the subscribe button!
I mean really hit that bell.
The evil bell.
I think I should make a game about hitting bells.
Bells are evil.
You guys think bells are evil?
I think they are.
I mean, if you hit a bell it will make noise, it's like it fights by annoying you with
that terrible metal sound.
So there is the title for my next game: Sparkman vs the evil bells.
Okay guys, that's it.
You show that bell whose' boss!
See you in the next episode!
bye now.
Những Kiêng Kỵ Mùng 1 Âm Lịch Tránh Gia Đạo Bất Hòa, Tiền Tài Tiêu Tan - Duration: 12:31.-------------------------------------------
Hay ăn quả bơ mà không biết những điều này không khác gì ăn thuốc độc - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
Surah Qiyamah with Urdu Translation, Amazing Recitaion, Qayamat ka din YouTube - Duration: 7:10.Please subscribe for more videos
【DAICHI'S CLASS】#8 挨拶は大切? How important greetings are - Duration: 10:09.People do greetings in America, Germany and Japan as well
All of you live in Japan and would you greet people?
Greetings are something like a job to me...
Oh, what do you mean?
Well... it's hard to explain
Come on! Let's try! You think you can do it?
How about you?
I do greetings to my professors in my school
Like, "Ohayougozaimasu" (Good morning)
Right, right. How about you in your office? Do you feel pressured to greet them?
There isn't a pressure
The best way is to greet people first
You go first yourself
For example, we are in an office. I'm a senior and you are a junior and we see each other in the office
Following a Japanese theory, a junior should greet a senior first. That's a basic rule in our culture
These days, some people don't really care. But some still do
And the people who do care will think; "Why don't you greet me? You're a junior."
I think you can also go first. From a senior to a junior
Ohayo! (Good morning) but there is some pride involved; a senior doesn't want to go first
In my case, I also had some similar experiences in an office
In that environment, people always coming and going
Normally, a new employee should greet first like; "Hi! Nice to meet you!"
That was what I expected but there came nothing. The new employ skipped it.
I was like; "What? Seriously? You don't greet us?"
But I didn't tell him that he should do it! Hmmm, more like, I couldn't say it... "Why didn't you say it?"
If it becomes a normal in that environment, after a month, I probably wouldn't talk to that person. No interest, you know?
That's because you chose to skip to greet me. I wouldn't think I would want to get to know you. That could be happen
Especially elders tend to care about something like that
So if you were in an office, you shouldn't get too close to them too quickly
For example in this class, if I was a new employee
I'd go with; "I'm Okada nice to meet you"
I'd keep continuing for a week and then one of you would start to greet me back
And from there, we would start to have a conversation one by one
It takes a month to slowly getting to know my seniors. That's what I recommend
There are people I don't greet in my office. Because even if I greet them, that person wouldn't say anything back
After a while, I decided to stop doing it to that person anymore. But that's okay, that's fine
But sometimes you have to be careful if there is a person who gets upset without greetings
"Why don't you greet me? Who do you think you are?" Seriously though, this is happening in an office!
"Why don't you greet me?" That person is angry
That person thinks a junior must greet a senior first all the time
What do you think?
I'd greet that person formally at first and then after while, i'd start getting them more friendly
My work place doesn't have many workers so greeting them in a friendly way is okay
I see. What do you think?
Can I ask a question?
Almost no one greets me in my office. You think there is no chance of becoming friends with them?
Easy answer. That's because you don't greet them
Do you? Do you greet them FIRST?
That sounds like you don't, am I right?
Yeah, I don't...
That's why
For example, there is a guy
His name is A
A is in an office and he thinks; "Why would no one greet me?"
He works with 20 other employees, but they don't say hi to him… Others are greeting each other
A didn't know the reason
He works his part properly
The problem is, A didn't say any greetings to the others first
What if A greets B "Ohayo!"
These processes are very important! You shouldn't skip them or you'll fail!
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