And Again The Rain Knocks In The Window
How to add beads to a crochet shawl - crochet quick tip - Duration: in this video I'm showing you one way you can add beads to your
project. I'm using acrylic beads for this
one - I'm going to add these beads to the
edging of a lace shawl project that I'm
making ....and you're also go to need a small
crochet hook that will fit through the
hole of your beads.... this one is a zero
point six millimeter crochet hook.... and
then you'll need your regular regular
crochet hook that you're using for the
project. And the reason why I'm using
this method for this project is that I'm
using this type of cotton/acrylic yarn
that has not been spun, but consists of
four threads just lying besides each other
so if I were to just take my beads and
slide them all on the string of yarn at
once ...the yarn would Pucker and the beads
will get caught so first you'll just
start by using your regular hook to
work up the stitch pattern that you're
making and I'm just going to work until
the middle of this next motive
so I'm going to chain five stitches here
and I'm going to pull up this loop and
I'm going to remove this working hook
and then I'm going to take my smaller
hook and I'm going to take one of these
beads and then I'll place the yarn on
the hook like this and pull down the
yarn to create a tension.... then I'll
use my right thumb to slide the bead
over the yarn ...down to the end of the
loop like this, and take your working
hook and pull down tight and now chain 1
to secure the bead ...and now you have
placed your bead and you can just
continue on with your pattern.... like so
so as you can see, you can place your
feet in the middle of a chain row that's
what you want.... it will look like this.... thanks
for watching if you like this video
please hit the like and subscribe button
for more videos
in the future :-)
THE TRUTH ABOUT GROWING A YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Duration: 9:42.-------------------------------------------
PROMO 51 RU MSX Barcelona (No oficial) - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
WE MET ONE OF OUR SUBSCRIBERS! - Duration: 7:24.We're late
I feel bad
Really late!
No, both our faults
*mouths* I don't know about that
both of us
In relationships you
share the blame
Hey guys
Sign Duo here
and we're about to meet one of our subscribers for the first time
She's from Dubai
We're kind of running late so we don't want to keep her any longer
We're gonna go in
E: She's pretty good. I like her
E: I need to watch what you suggests
E: What's it called?
Melika: KKandbabyJ
Hey we're.. met our subscriber!
Hi. My name is Melika
We are at coffee shop
Wanted to meet up and
talk and let her practice her sign language
We just finished meeting up with one our subscribers
now we're at raising canes
to get something to eat because
we both didn't eat breakfast today and
we're both kind of hangry
hangry right now
especially him
E: Where you going?
E:What? What's wrong with that one?
Always this one
E: okay, I thought we could enter over there too
E: wow, this line is so long
So packed in here
Lunch time?
Like around 2. Lunch time
It's packed!
Raising canes
Sorry it's so loud in here
Raising canes always has
has like a special place in our hearts for us
because after work we'd always come here
because this was the only place that was open
and we'd come eat after work together
like when Ryan would get off really late
and I would stay a little bit for him
then we'd go to raising canes together
and it was fun
so good with their unsweetened tea
and the fried chicken sandwiches
no, I said that I try to not eat a lot but
I can't help myself because it's so good
they have their own sauce that tastes like
tastes delicious and good
I don't know. I think I'm just hangry.
that's why I'm so excited about food
that's true
E: You look so good babe
Thank you
E: That shirt looks so nice on you
thank you
Kind of a little bit big though
little big
E: Because your eyes
your shirt makes your eyes look
really green
oh thank you
E: yeah
E: beautiful. handsome
E: *laughing*
they're green
Intercom: Ellen
E: ooo!
E: ah!
E: oh! that looks so unhealthy
Ready to eat
This is the best sauce ever
If you come here. Get that
We're okay on time. okay
so we met one girl
from instagram
she contacted us a few weeks ago
she said, "I live in Dubai, but I want to meet you guys"
so I was like, how do we meet her if she
lives in Dubai...?
but she said, "ohhh"
she said she's a flight attendant and
and she'll be here in OC
on this day and time
so I thought why not meet her
she watches all our videos, right? Most of them
so I thought why not meet her
so we met with her at a coffee shop
and she was a really nice person
E: so sweet
sweet. yeah
and you were worried!
E: Well I never met any... I'm not
She was nervous about meeting a stranger, but it's fine
at a coffee shop
nothing can happen at a coffee shop
E: I'm glad! because she was really really really sweet
Thanks for meeting up with us if you're watching
E: yeah. thank you
Thanks for reaching out to us
If other people are in Orange County then
you can always feel free to message us
and we can talk and mayb meet up
I'm full!
I'm proud though
because I felt full and I stopped eating
and boxed it up to eat later
I didn't over eat
because sometimes when I over eat I feel
I feel good right now
How about you?
He says he feels perfect
we vlog a lot and
if you want to support us
feel free to help support us on patreon
link down bellow
It would help us. Would help our vlogging become better
Babe, do you want more tea?
more ice!
more ice too!
Don't get them mixed up
yeah, this is yours. this is mine
we're going home now
Sign Duo
GG LIVE | Prey (PC) #1 - Duration: 8:09:50.-------------------------------------------
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Clip | T-Rex Final Roar-Ending Scene | Blu-ray HD 4K - Duration: 5:09.Oh, my God, it's your parents. It's your parents.
Come on, come on.
Are you okay? Oh, baby.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
Come here.
So, what do we do now?
Probably stick together.
For survival.(CoolestClips4K)
Dealing with Rejection - How to Deal with Being Rejected - (Relationships Self-Help) - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Paw Patrol Mission Paw ¦ Food Truck. NickJr Kids Games Video. Part 3 - Duration: 14:29.-------------------------------------------
How America Could End Up In An Unexpected War With China - politics - Duration: 9:57.How America Could End Up In An Unexpected War With China
Three decades ago the People�s Republic of China was an economic backwater.
Today the PRC sports the world�s second-largest economy.
Shanghai most dramatically illustrates the country�s transformation.
The city is filled with stylish office buildings, five-star hotels, luxury stores and foreign
Reflecting their success, the Chinese are increasingly confident as well.
If not yet a great power, the PRC seems destined to eventually share global leadership with
the United States.
And its people know that.
Which means future U.S.-China relations could be rocky.
Ties turned confrontational under the Obama administration, which announced a �pivot�
or �rebalance� to Asia.
Washington officials unconvincingly claimed that the policy was not directed against Beijing.
The Chinese may be many things, but they are not stupid.
Candidate Donald Trump sounded like he intended to pursue an even more truculent course, upgrading
relations with Taiwan, launching a trade war, blockading Chinese possessions in the South
China Sea and pressuring the PRC to �solve� the North Korea problem.
But then came the bilateral summit and the president�s one-way love-fest with Chinese
president Xi Jinping.
All suddenly became sweet and light in Trumpland.
However, in the long-term the president�s pleasant words backed by an offer of unspecified
trade concessions won�t go far in buffering relations between a unipower determined to
preserve its dominance and a rising power equally determined to assert itself.
First, the Trump administration yielded Pacific economic leadership to the PRC.
Beijing is likely to find new commercial opportunities, limiting Washington�s ability to do trade
Second, nationalist passions are not easily cooled.
The issue is not just a few obstreperous officials who don�t know their country�s proper
The real challenge is posed by a population that believes in a much greater China.
So far North Korea has dominated discussions between the two governments.
Even if cooperative efforts fail, any damage to the bilateral relationship likely will
be contained.
At most, application of secondary sanctions against Chinese financial institutions would
lead to economic turbulence, not military confrontation.
Territorial disputes throughout the Asian-Pacific region pose a far tougher test.
The Philippines� unpredictable Rodrigo Duterte has been sparring with Beijing over Scarborough
Tokyo has refused to even acknowledge a dispute over the status of the Senkaku Islands.
But that has not prevented China from using air and naval patrols to challenge Japan�s
America�s primary interest is navigational freedom, which so far the PRC has not attempted
to impede.
Washington has no territorial claims in the region.
But both Manilla and Tokyo are treaty allies, their security guaranteed by America, which
means any confrontation between them and China could draw in the United States.
At his confirmation hearing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggested an even more active
American role, barring PRC access to its claimed possessions.
That would set up a clash at sea, guaranteeing a naval arms race and creating a trigger for
As pleasant memories from the Mar-a-Lago summit fade, deep disagreements likely will reappear.
And the Chinese aren�t likely to back down.
For the United States, dominance of a region so far from home is a convenience, an added
benefit to America�s almost absolute security in its own hemisphere.
For the PRC, preventing Washington�s encroachments along its border is a �core� interest,
similar to what Americans have essentially claimed for their entire hemisphere for two
Last weekend I attended a conference on maritime issues in Shanghai.
Participants were largely academic and policy, not political.
However, the Chinese interlocutors were in no mood to compromise.
They defended their government�s claims, advocated active measures to assert them,
and disdained criticism of Chinese aggressiveness.
No one wanted war, but none of them recommended that their nation back down if Washington
chose confrontation.
Indeed, the participants well demonstrated the disparity of interest and intensity which
disadvantages America.
No one doubts that the U.S. possesses the stronger military.
Nor is there any question that Washington would use its superior power if necessary
to defend important interests closer to home.
But it would be far harder for America to use force to ensure its control of the waters
along China�s borders and oversight of territorial disputes in which America has no serious stake�who
gets to raise their flag over one or another set of barren rocks.
And the price of doing so will only rise.
It costs the PRC far less to threaten a U.S. carrier than it costs America to protect one.
Just how much are Americans prepared to spend to assert what amounts to the convenience
of empire rather than essentials of security?
Moreover, at a time when North Korea tops Washington�s Asian agenda, how much is the
Trump administration willing to pay for Beijing�s assistance?
According to President Trump, President Xi already has emphasized the limitations of
China�s control.
The PRC can hardly be expected to dismantle its one military ally if the United States
is actively pushing military containment elsewhere in the region.
Indeed, while Americans tend to view themselves as being Vestal Virgins, attempting to do
good in an evil world, citizens of other nations typically take a more cynical view.
In Shanghai, as elsewhere, they see Washington speaking of principle while promoting interest,
and refusing to apply to itself norms it seeks to impose on others.
The Chinese are prepared to yield before superior force, but are not prepared to concede that
America always will possess that edge.
Washington officials should reconsider their approach to China.
Military confrontation would be a losing game.
No victory would be permanent.
An American success would be an invitation for the PRC to rebuild and expand its armed
forces for a rematch.
And conflict would aid the authoritarian regime in maintaining and expanding its control.
A liberal, democratic China would be unlikely to emerge from any war.
The U.S. needs to prioritize its objectives vis-�-vis China.
Washington wants Beijing to democratize, respect human rights, reduce trade and investment
barriers, forswear cyberattacks, pressure North Korea, sanction other pariah regimes,
abandon territorial claims, and accept permanent U.S. hegemony.
No serious state, let alone a nationalistic rising power, could concede such a laundry
American officials should decide what they most want and how much they are willing to
Washington also should recalculate what is worth defending.
For instance, there is a difference between preserving Tokyo�s and Manila�s control
over territories contested by China and the two nations� independence, which Beijing
does not threaten.
Indeed, while resolute backing of the former might deter China from acting, it also would
ensure Washington�s involvement should an errant sea captain on one side or the other
start shooting.
Moreover, issuing blank defense checks would encourage friends to be more intransigent
and prepare less for trouble.
Most important, American officials need to separate the objectives of defending America
and containing China.
The former is relatively easy and inexpensive.
It is likely to be long into the future before the PRC is capable of projecting power against
America�s Pacific possessions, let alone the homeland.
In contrast, it will grow ever more expensive for the United States to overcome the far
more modest PRC build up necessary to deter outside intervention.
How much are Americans prepared to spend to ensure that Washington can contest Chinese
influence along China�s borders?
The issue is not whether doing so has value.
The issue is whether a highly indebted liberal republic can afford to continue doing so,
especially when that responsibility more appropriately falls on other nations in the region.
Even after the ongoing campaign against Western influence, the PRC remains a far more open
society than in the early days of the Communist revolution.
Hope that political liberalization would follow economic liberalization has been stillborn,
but Xi Jinping�s China remains very different from Mao Zedong�s China.
As such, the PRC might not be an ally, but there is no reason it should be an enemy.
Yet attempting to dominate and contain China risks turning it into an angry and well-armed
Instead, Washington should prepare to share global leadership.
Far better to yield thoughtfully while shaping the future than to be forced to concede even
more under pressure.
Just as Great Britain successfully�if not always happily�accommodated the emerging
United States of America.
What We (Don't) Know About Dark Matter - Duration: 6:00.The phrase "dark matter" used to just be a catch-all term for anything astronomers
couldn't see, but they knew had to be there, like a nebula that didn't emit light.
But these days, it's something more specific: it's the 84% of matter in the universe
that we don't understand.
And all our best ideas to explain it have run straight into walls.
Astronomers discovered dark matter back in the 1970s,
based on the way galaxies moved and rotated.
They went way too fast for the gravity from the stars and gas astronomers saw to be the
only thing keeping those galaxies from flying apart.
It seemed like there must be extra, invisible matter that we can't see or detect directly
because it didn't produce or absorb or reflect light.
All we see is its gravitational pull.
For a while, some people doubted the observations,
and others started thinking maybe we were wrong about how gravity works.
But at this point, most cosmologists agree that we just have to accept that there's
invisible matter out there making up the majority of the universe.
Because the evidence keeps piling up.
Everything, from the evolution of the entire universe to the leftover signals from the
Big Bang, seems to scream, "DARK MATTER."
But despite all the evidence that exists,
we still don't know what dark matter is made of.
There are some scientists still trying to subtly tweak the math we use
to describe gravity so it fits all these observations,
without assuming that there's a bunch of invisible matter out there.
They work on what's called MOND: MOdified Newtonian Dynamics.
They've been able to use their reworked laws of physics to explain
some of the things that seem like evidence for dark matter.
But objects like the Bullet Cluster, a pair of colliding clusters of galaxies where there
seems to be dark matter completely separated from regular matter,
really took the wind out of MOND's sails, at least for now.
Most cosmologists accept that dark matter is out there,
and they want to figure out what it is.
By looking at different models for how the universe developed after the Big Bang, they've
found lots of different kinds of objects that could be plentiful and dark enough
to account for the observations.
There are two main lines of thought on this,
which we'll just call "old physics" and "new physics".
The "old physics" crew wants to explain dark matter with stuff we already know exists.
Some of them think that dark matter is literally that: Regular matter that's dark, like black
holes or neutron stars or failed stars known as brown dwarfs.
All of these are called MACHOs, with an M. Not the delicious snack.
It stands for MAssive Compact Halo Objects.
MACHOs produce little, if any, light of their own,
so it would make sense if all we could see was their gravity.
Thing is, when researchers have looked more carefully with sensitive telescopes, they
haven't seen anywhere near enough MACHOs to explain all of the dark matter out there.
Other people in the "old physics" camp used to think dark matter was made of neutrinos:
ghostly subatomic particles that come out of processes
like the nuclear reactions that happen in stars.
Neutrinos don't produce light, and they barely interact with other matter at all,
which made them a great candidate for dark matter.
They also have almost no mass, but even though each individual neutrino is incredibly light,
the mass would add up, as there are a lot of them.
If there are enough neutrinos out there, they could explain all that extra gravity.
But there's a problem: the neutrinos we know about move way too fast to clump together
the way we've seen dark matter clumped together in huge structures like galaxies.
Which brings us to the "new physics" camp: scientists who are looking for
new kinds of particles that predict what we see.
A lot of them are looking for WIMPs, or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, so named because
they only interact very weakly with normal matter.
Which would explain why it is so hard for us to detect them.
There are lots of types of WIMPs that researchers think could be dark matter,
and they keep doing experiments to look for them.
But they've never found any, and with every experiment,
they keep ruling out more and more types of WIMPs.
Another possibility is that we're missing something about neutrinos.
Some scientists think there might be a new kind of super-heavy neutrino that we just
haven't detected yet, because you wouldn't need as many heavy neutrinos
to account for dark matter as you would light neutrinos.
Sort of like how it only takes just a few large chips with lots of toppings to fill
you up instead of just a bunch of little tiny chips.
I don't know how we got back to nachos.
I'm hungry?
Anyway, if there aren't as many heavy neutrinos out there to begin with,
then it would make sense that we haven't spotted any yet.
There are also "new physics" people who think axions might be the key.
Axions are particles that were predicted back in the 1970s
to solve a completely unrelated problem in physics.
But like neutrinos, they'd also be almost weightless and hard to detect, and some models
suggest that some or even all dark matter could be made of axions.
Then there are the really creative physicists who are working on an idea called supersymmetry,
where every particle in the universe has a kind of heavy twin,
and one of those twins would be dark matter.
There are even some researchers who think
we're seeing the effects of parallel universes messing with ours.
But, again, there is no direct evidence for any of these new ideas.
No one has seen a super-heavy neutrino, no one has seen an axion,
no one's seen a supersymmetric twin, and no one has seen a parallel universe.
Experiments have ruled out the simplest models of heavy neutrinos and supersymmetry,
and they've ruled out axions as an explanation
for at least the majority of dark matter out there.
So for now, we're stuck.
Scientists around the world are working as hard as they can
to understand dark matter better, from the ones staying up all night at the telescope
to the ones staying up all night at the blackboard.
But as it stands right now, the vast majority of the matter in the universe
remains a complete mystery.
This episode was inspired by and brought to you by We Have No Idea,
a new book by Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson.
Mixing cartoons and humor with serious science, We Have No Idea explores the mysteries of
dark matter and lots of other open questions about the universe.
Like "How many dimensions are there?" or "Why aren't we made of anti-matter?"
The book is available now, and you can get your copy at
10 SMALLEST COUNTRIES on Earth! - Duration: 12:42.-------------------------------------------
Alien Egg To Hide Your Stuff! -- Game LÜT - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
The roses have bloomed - Duration: 2:10.
Hi, I'm George, in this video I will show you my blossoming roses
and these are the roses that I got in Italy
And then I also made a special video
A video unboxing, and who did not see, I'll leave the link up in the corner
And are two varieties, white and red
And on this white I will show you pictures, that I did not have time to shoot
But with that red I made a video sequence
And I will show you now
And that's it
I promised to make video when they will flourish and look
Let's look at the flowers now
So, look at flowers at the moment, are very nice
with a very strong smell fragrant
And I'm glad, look very very nice, great not?
And beside this is white, but the flowers have passed
But the pictures remained
And looked like that, then it grew like that
Very beautiful with this yellow, and still had perfume
I also have here roses planted directly in the ground
Another color, another variety
And look how I look at the moment, really cool
And here still a flower
There are also flower buds as we see
And here too and are still flowers
And it's really cool
I also have flower buds of white roses
Here we see two flower buds, and that's great
And for today, thank you for watching
and I wish you all the best
Bye :)
Make A Bootable USB From ISO - How To Make/Create Bootable USB Disk From ISO or Windows Files - Duration: 3:14.Make A Bootable USB From ISO Must Check Description
Keema Matar { Goat Mince and Green peas stir fried } - Duration: 4:39.Today we are going to make keema matar (Minced Lamb & Green Peas)
Wait for Melting
Add cumin seeds
Once you hear crackling noise
Add roughly chopped onions
and then fry them until golden brown
then add tomatoes I am using can tomatoes as usual you can you fresh also
then add turmaric, red chilli, mix spicy( kitchin king )
dried fenugreek leaves
Mix it well
cook for 10 mins or until it's separated from oil
As you see now oil is separated from masala
then add garam masala
Mix it well
Add keema (Minced Lamb)
You can also use chicken if you want
Small tips wash the Minced before you add its help s for not get lumps in it
Mix it well
Cook for 10 mins
Don't dry out completely leave some moisture in it
Once you think its almost done
Add green peas
if you dont like it dont add but if you add then you will get good flavors of peas
Once you think is done serve with whatever you like especially with naan indian bread
share your cooking experience with me
QUIT CLOWNIN' AROUND! | Ben and Ed Pt.2 - Duration: 15:34.hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome
back to almost called a run dead but it
has been an end which is the game shows
called run dead so stupid backstage
oh okay stage for stupid backstage again
we uh we finished some pretty rainy
levels and I guess it's good like
escalate and difficult difficulty etc
and oh that's that's a dead end
oh that's the entrance does says
entrance right here dodge left click
while running okay safety first safety
first I'm a zombie dude who betrays his
best friend for mediocre price the new
show by mastermind hands show Master
Hung Han Han not hand eat or lose how
far would you go the new format fight oh
she's okay so this guy's crazy excited
to run and okay so you could like bash
these things open poink poink so in the
backstage there's like cut off legs
crawl to go through the oh and you can
crawl to go through tight spaces that's
cool lose it
yay can I like the cams wink
well this is some interesting backstage
right here learning new tricks new
tricks for knees yay so where where is I
supposed to throw my head again respawn
for the very beginning okay whatever I
guess I can use this chance to like find
oh whatever okay run right into it oh
that run button so what this what did I
die in back state oh geez this is
starting off really bad I'm dying in
backstage because I'm so good at this
game i'm so stupid good it's a stupid
game it's not stupid though it's pretty
fun it's actually it really is so like
on the real it's not too bad I'm
enjoying it
how about you are you enjoying the fun
the happy funtime game savviest game in
the world besides guts and glory it
Rhines me a lot of guts and glory like i
know its aim for yeah I knew that
so I like a giant Chris oh I see look
yeah we did it
good thing too now it looks like I got
ahead of the game oh man I'm so good at
telling jokes bling hey it's a guy hey
oh look I fell I made it five out of
seven it's cool no fine level complete
level five see ah the clown everybody
loves clowns yeah that's that's
everybody's favorite horror thingy
it's clowns everybody loves clowns looks
like I'm just ahead I got to get this
checkpoint you actually can't just lie
creeping up can't restart yet got to get
checkpoint first
all right Oh
buzzsaw clown with smashing hands oh no
oh no I want to play the smashing hands
Oh Rome John why'd you jump so guess who
died already so let me look at this
place oh geez okay okay okay okay okay
time to go up
okay so we're fine we're fine we're fine
oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold up hold
up hold up
why are you doing that no dude oh dude
Doubront Roy no Roy no I got to get past
this clown Oh No okay we're fine
we're fine we're fine we're gonna be
fine oh Jesus shit I should I go for it
I'm gonna go for it oh good call good
call because I want to totally lost that
it hey oh my god dude I fell I fell all
the way down man it's not good no clap
god dude
you don't wanna know this clap - keep
running don't stop running
who knew I'd be the protagonist being a
zombie and the antagonist being the
clown good good good uh-huh okay we're
good for fine I'm fine we're totally
fine to defang to the fan calf
okay so whoa whoa okay it's good oh oh
okay then I guess I'm going back now he
really wants me so so what do I do is I
have to make it chips of like the very
very top tip top of the chest this way
that's good this way hey I'm probably
not gonna get all the cans probably not
I get the kids it's like a big game kit
can you know play kick-the-can all I can
get in get in dude get in get in get in
just kid get in get in get in get in get
in get in
get to get into things oh so do I go in
his mouth
where do I go
no not his mouth there's no one shooting
to his gears I do shoot to his gears
well okay
oh well he's mad now
he made nine Oh
okay yeah
well what the f after hurry I must hurry
now material get to the cannon again run
run run as fast you can
can't catch me I'm Bobby land man where
did even whoa what is this place
that's just behind the checkpoint is
what it was okay I see you just freakin
flung me dude I went flying oh oh I'm
dead oh whoa get up get up get up get up
oh come on stupid clown I don't like
this guy
I don't like this guy one bit
how am I supposed to oh no I can't do it
it's just a head
there's no way I have to go around just
go just go just go just go just run hook
okay we're good we made it we made it
and they were good save all because oh
why does he can't even see it coming
like you seriously seriously I don't
what what even do with the clown oh yes
okay can I cannot get in this one no
I'll have to get in that one now or that
one has to do three times okay that's
okay that's okay
huh cool
one more probably yeah
oh you just going nuts now oh yes Melda
happy clam good we were fine we're fine
we're fine we're fine
oh he's going fast huh great oh oh boy
oh oh geez how am I gonna do this okay
so the last one is this way jump
okay so just go there so I need to get
where do I need to go where is the last
one so I whatever that one it was sound
okay so that's got to be right there
we're fine we can do this
shut her out and jump and go and click
we're fine
good jump little lot of good of a video
game physics like this
I'm so glad and now he's coming towards
me that's good oh oh it's a lot better
I mean scary but it's a lot easier to
handle than what it was and jump me no
oh come on uh no why did you jump but
why did you jump come on don't don't
don't don't don't don't do that to just
run just run just run just right oh boy
oh boy oh boy oh boy
ha ha ha ha come on
is so stupid is the dumbest do it
the dumbest okay so I need to go up yes
all the way up Halloween Halloween so
close last time dude dudes and dudette
no oh my god this is all she's oh no I
was - I was right there oh my god I even
like rode his hand to where I needed to
go jump good we're good and jump mmm
we're good we're good
again is so hard it's so oh okay
and jump whoa whoa
and jump no ha ha ha we're fine we're
fine we're fine we're fine we're fine
oh yes oh yes you get it get him all
don't miss all for the love of God don't
miss guess what I did
I can't wait for this to be over
yay Oh nonononono this is the time that
we get it this is where we get it right
right in there we're going to get it
we're going to get it this time you're
going to get it we're gonna get it this
time we get to get it we're going to get
get it get it this time
it we're fine we're fine
Oh jumped a little early but that's okay
hit okay stupid clown and do it I hate
clowns so much and I hate am more now I
don't know I don't even think that's
scary that's that's not the thing I
don't think they're scary they're
annoying they're very annoying and now
yeah oh my god
oh dude is it over is it over can I go
now can I am I done to a client what do
I do
so my client yes the end it's the end oh
I made it well I was right when I said
it was just gonna get worse from here so
I'm gonna go ahead and go that looks
great that looks great what's that one
even called twisted show right okay
anyway I'm gonna go ahead and finish the
episode off here I hope you guys enjoyed
watching me lose my mind over a clown if
you guys did enjoy make sure you select
that like button underneath the video
until next time I'll see you guys later
#HenrysSpotlight: Dale Tidy – Shooting in Natural Light with the Nikon D750 - Duration: 2:20.My name is Dale Tidy.
I come from the "land down under", as they say.
I'm from Australia.
I moved to Canada back in April 2010.
My journey with photography and travel began at the exact same time.
I just fell in love with the country a year before traveling across Canada from Vancouver to Halifax.
Vancouver kind of stole my heart too.
That's where my Canadian journey began.
I think the one thing that's unique to the way that I take photographs
no matter what genre it is, is, I use only natural light for the majority of my work.
I walk down the street and when I see good light,
I'm intrigued by it. I want to know more.
I want to see what I can do with that light and how I can show beauty to the world
that, you know, otherwise people might miss.
For me, the camera that I have with me, like, all the time is
my Nikon d750 and my 50mm.
My 50mm for me, is like the key.
It lives on my camera, like, ninety percent of the time.
It gives me the ability to get close in on portraits without too much distortion.
Every shoot has its own kind of little ingredients that need to be catered to and
so when I'm packing my bag for the day I'll visualize the entire shoot in my head.
I'll have to be prepared because on a shoot anything can get thrown at you,
and you've got to be ready.
The thing that I want to learn, you know, as a creative person,
is, I believe it's how to take my work, my knowledge,
everything that I've spent years and years learning,
and start giving it back.
Life's full of deviations and I'm not getting there in a straight line.
But I always feel like I'm progressively getting closer and closer to my goals.
And in the meantime, it's just been a hell of a lot of fun.
Muffinmann | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Reime Für Babies | Wiegenlied - Duration: 1:04:58.Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Oh, yes, we've seen the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes, we've seen the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Sett Pe Kaa Cho !!! Episode 1 - Duration: 0:49.hello welcome back to
SettMetabolik369 !!!
Oh ! look is Pikachu !!!
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