And Again The Rain Knocks In The Window
THE TRUTH ABOUT GROWING A YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Duration: 9:42.-------------------------------------------
GG LIVE | Prey (PC) #1 - Duration: 8:09:50.-------------------------------------------
Paw Patrol Mission Paw ¦ Food Truck. NickJr Kids Games Video. Part 3 - Duration: 14:29.-------------------------------------------
How America Could End Up In An Unexpected War With China - politics - Duration: 9:57.How America Could End Up In An Unexpected War With China
Three decades ago the People�s Republic of China was an economic backwater.
Today the PRC sports the world�s second-largest economy.
Shanghai most dramatically illustrates the country�s transformation.
The city is filled with stylish office buildings, five-star hotels, luxury stores and foreign
Reflecting their success, the Chinese are increasingly confident as well.
If not yet a great power, the PRC seems destined to eventually share global leadership with
the United States.
And its people know that.
Which means future U.S.-China relations could be rocky.
Ties turned confrontational under the Obama administration, which announced a �pivot�
or �rebalance� to Asia.
Washington officials unconvincingly claimed that the policy was not directed against Beijing.
The Chinese may be many things, but they are not stupid.
Candidate Donald Trump sounded like he intended to pursue an even more truculent course, upgrading
relations with Taiwan, launching a trade war, blockading Chinese possessions in the South
China Sea and pressuring the PRC to �solve� the North Korea problem.
But then came the bilateral summit and the president�s one-way love-fest with Chinese
president Xi Jinping.
All suddenly became sweet and light in Trumpland.
However, in the long-term the president�s pleasant words backed by an offer of unspecified
trade concessions won�t go far in buffering relations between a unipower determined to
preserve its dominance and a rising power equally determined to assert itself.
First, the Trump administration yielded Pacific economic leadership to the PRC.
Beijing is likely to find new commercial opportunities, limiting Washington�s ability to do trade
Second, nationalist passions are not easily cooled.
The issue is not just a few obstreperous officials who don�t know their country�s proper
The real challenge is posed by a population that believes in a much greater China.
So far North Korea has dominated discussions between the two governments.
Even if cooperative efforts fail, any damage to the bilateral relationship likely will
be contained.
At most, application of secondary sanctions against Chinese financial institutions would
lead to economic turbulence, not military confrontation.
Territorial disputes throughout the Asian-Pacific region pose a far tougher test.
The Philippines� unpredictable Rodrigo Duterte has been sparring with Beijing over Scarborough
Tokyo has refused to even acknowledge a dispute over the status of the Senkaku Islands.
But that has not prevented China from using air and naval patrols to challenge Japan�s
America�s primary interest is navigational freedom, which so far the PRC has not attempted
to impede.
Washington has no territorial claims in the region.
But both Manilla and Tokyo are treaty allies, their security guaranteed by America, which
means any confrontation between them and China could draw in the United States.
At his confirmation hearing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggested an even more active
American role, barring PRC access to its claimed possessions.
That would set up a clash at sea, guaranteeing a naval arms race and creating a trigger for
As pleasant memories from the Mar-a-Lago summit fade, deep disagreements likely will reappear.
And the Chinese aren�t likely to back down.
For the United States, dominance of a region so far from home is a convenience, an added
benefit to America�s almost absolute security in its own hemisphere.
For the PRC, preventing Washington�s encroachments along its border is a �core� interest,
similar to what Americans have essentially claimed for their entire hemisphere for two
Last weekend I attended a conference on maritime issues in Shanghai.
Participants were largely academic and policy, not political.
However, the Chinese interlocutors were in no mood to compromise.
They defended their government�s claims, advocated active measures to assert them,
and disdained criticism of Chinese aggressiveness.
No one wanted war, but none of them recommended that their nation back down if Washington
chose confrontation.
Indeed, the participants well demonstrated the disparity of interest and intensity which
disadvantages America.
No one doubts that the U.S. possesses the stronger military.
Nor is there any question that Washington would use its superior power if necessary
to defend important interests closer to home.
But it would be far harder for America to use force to ensure its control of the waters
along China�s borders and oversight of territorial disputes in which America has no serious stake�who
gets to raise their flag over one or another set of barren rocks.
And the price of doing so will only rise.
It costs the PRC far less to threaten a U.S. carrier than it costs America to protect one.
Just how much are Americans prepared to spend to assert what amounts to the convenience
of empire rather than essentials of security?
Moreover, at a time when North Korea tops Washington�s Asian agenda, how much is the
Trump administration willing to pay for Beijing�s assistance?
According to President Trump, President Xi already has emphasized the limitations of
China�s control.
The PRC can hardly be expected to dismantle its one military ally if the United States
is actively pushing military containment elsewhere in the region.
Indeed, while Americans tend to view themselves as being Vestal Virgins, attempting to do
good in an evil world, citizens of other nations typically take a more cynical view.
In Shanghai, as elsewhere, they see Washington speaking of principle while promoting interest,
and refusing to apply to itself norms it seeks to impose on others.
The Chinese are prepared to yield before superior force, but are not prepared to concede that
America always will possess that edge.
Washington officials should reconsider their approach to China.
Military confrontation would be a losing game.
No victory would be permanent.
An American success would be an invitation for the PRC to rebuild and expand its armed
forces for a rematch.
And conflict would aid the authoritarian regime in maintaining and expanding its control.
A liberal, democratic China would be unlikely to emerge from any war.
The U.S. needs to prioritize its objectives vis-�-vis China.
Washington wants Beijing to democratize, respect human rights, reduce trade and investment
barriers, forswear cyberattacks, pressure North Korea, sanction other pariah regimes,
abandon territorial claims, and accept permanent U.S. hegemony.
No serious state, let alone a nationalistic rising power, could concede such a laundry
American officials should decide what they most want and how much they are willing to
Washington also should recalculate what is worth defending.
For instance, there is a difference between preserving Tokyo�s and Manila�s control
over territories contested by China and the two nations� independence, which Beijing
does not threaten.
Indeed, while resolute backing of the former might deter China from acting, it also would
ensure Washington�s involvement should an errant sea captain on one side or the other
start shooting.
Moreover, issuing blank defense checks would encourage friends to be more intransigent
and prepare less for trouble.
Most important, American officials need to separate the objectives of defending America
and containing China.
The former is relatively easy and inexpensive.
It is likely to be long into the future before the PRC is capable of projecting power against
America�s Pacific possessions, let alone the homeland.
In contrast, it will grow ever more expensive for the United States to overcome the far
more modest PRC build up necessary to deter outside intervention.
How much are Americans prepared to spend to ensure that Washington can contest Chinese
influence along China�s borders?
The issue is not whether doing so has value.
The issue is whether a highly indebted liberal republic can afford to continue doing so,
especially when that responsibility more appropriately falls on other nations in the region.
Even after the ongoing campaign against Western influence, the PRC remains a far more open
society than in the early days of the Communist revolution.
Hope that political liberalization would follow economic liberalization has been stillborn,
but Xi Jinping�s China remains very different from Mao Zedong�s China.
As such, the PRC might not be an ally, but there is no reason it should be an enemy.
Yet attempting to dominate and contain China risks turning it into an angry and well-armed
Instead, Washington should prepare to share global leadership.
Far better to yield thoughtfully while shaping the future than to be forced to concede even
more under pressure.
Just as Great Britain successfully�if not always happily�accommodated the emerging
United States of America.
The roses have bloomed - Duration: 2:10.
Hi, I'm George, in this video I will show you my blossoming roses
and these are the roses that I got in Italy
And then I also made a special video
A video unboxing, and who did not see, I'll leave the link up in the corner
And are two varieties, white and red
And on this white I will show you pictures, that I did not have time to shoot
But with that red I made a video sequence
And I will show you now
And that's it
I promised to make video when they will flourish and look
Let's look at the flowers now
So, look at flowers at the moment, are very nice
with a very strong smell fragrant
And I'm glad, look very very nice, great not?
And beside this is white, but the flowers have passed
But the pictures remained
And looked like that, then it grew like that
Very beautiful with this yellow, and still had perfume
I also have here roses planted directly in the ground
Another color, another variety
And look how I look at the moment, really cool
And here still a flower
There are also flower buds as we see
And here too and are still flowers
And it's really cool
I also have flower buds of white roses
Here we see two flower buds, and that's great
And for today, thank you for watching
and I wish you all the best
Bye :)
Muffinmann | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Reime Für Babies | Wiegenlied - Duration: 1:04:58.Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Oh, yes, we've seen the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes, we've seen the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Should You Set YouTube Subscriber Goals? - Duration: 4:08.Should you set YouTube subscriber goals?
My short answer is no.
My longer answer is coming up in just a second.
Hello and welcome back to CapOhTV, the channel where we know school is a joke and you don't
want to be the punchline, so you might as well learn something useful.
If this is your first time here and you also think school is a joke, then hit that subscribe
button now.
When I first started making videos on YouTube about a year and a half ago, people would
always ask me: "So when do you think you'll get to 100
"So when are you going to get to 500?"
"So when are you going to hit 1,000?"
My answer to them was always, "I don't know, but I think I need to get better at making
these videos first."
Which brings us to the title of this video: I think YouTube subscriber goals are irrelevant.
Let's try this on for size.
I'm going to tell you right now my subscriber goal is to hit 1 million subscribers by next
You'll probably say, "Come on, Cap.
You gotta be realistic.
Don't be silly.
You can't hit a million subscribers next week."
See what I'm talking about?
You immediately made my goal irrelevant by telling me to be realistic and then to not
be silly.
There are three big reasons why I think that.
The first is that you can't control who likes and dislikes your content.
And I don't mean like like the like button and dislike like the dislike button.
I mean like like do they enjoy your content.
You can have a target audience but you don't really know exactly which person is going
to like the stuff that you're doing, especially when you're first starting out and trying
to figure out what even it is that you're supposed to be doing.
Second one, you can't control YouTube's algorithms.
There are too many people that get stuck whenever there's a change in the algorithm.
They start saying things like: "Oh, it's impossible now.
The algorithm is different.
All of my videos are tanking.
My channel is going to get destroyed."
You don't control what Google and YouTube are going to do with the search algorithms,
with the suggested and recommended algorithms, and whatever other crazy mathematics are going
on behind the scenes.
You can't control that!
Number three!
Ultimately, you can't control who clicks the subscribe button.
Let me take that back.
You can control who clicks subscribe if you're willing to go and break all kinds of rules
and buy subscribers, then you can go tell the people in the Chinese subscription farm
to click the buttons for you.
Other than that, you can't control who clicks subscribe.
You can only make good stuff and hope that people like it as much as you do.
So with all that said, you've got to accept that a subscriber goal of, say, a thousand
subscribers by the end of this month, it's not something you can control.
It's not something that you should spend your time and energy stressing about.
What you could do is focus on the things you can control, especially if your channel is
brand spanking new.
If you have no idea what you're doing in front of a camera, you should probably start there.
If you have no idea how to edit a video, you should start there.
If you have no idea how to get quality audio, you should start there.
But you shouldn't get too worried about getting everything perfectly right in the beginning.
It's not going to be right unless you already have a background in film and audio production.
It's going to be pretty.
You can't control subscriber numbers.
You can control how much and how quickly you learn how to make videos that people will
enjoy so much that they might click the subscribe button.
Focus on that and don't worry about hitting a subscriber goal within a certain time frame.
Because, trust me, if you don't hit that goal, you're going to start feeling like crap and
you're going to probably give up before you even really get started.
What do you think about subscriber goals?
Are they good, are they bad, indifferent, you don't really care, you don't even have
a channel?
I don't know.
Leave a comment down below, let's talk about that.
And if this was your first time here to CapOhTV and you also think school is a joke, hit that
subscribe button now.
Thanks for watching, see you later, bye!
7 Almost Free Triathlon Hacks To Get Fast - Duration: 9:02.(downtempo techno music)
- That one's free.
Every single ride.
O-M-G, trainiacs.
If any of you happened to get the license plate
of that truck that I think must have hit me yesterday,
let me know, hit me up in the comments below,
because I feel like shirt
after the marathon swim training yesterday.
I don't ever wanna look at that lane again.
Maybe it was that lane.
I don't know, it was all a blur.
Neck, neck especially,
from breathing I guess 10 zillion times, that hurts.
So many choices.
So, as a result of feeling
like yesterday was my first day of matador school,
today's gonna be a fairly easy, light,
25-minutes-late-to-the-pool kind of swim.
Coincidence that, right as they start doing dive starts,
that that is the exact amount of swimming
that I wanted to do today.
It's not, I just pulled out.
Ah, seeing as how I have a little bit of time on my hands,
I wanna show you a bit of a goggle hack
that you can do for free.
Actually, let's make that the theme of today.
Triathlon hacks that are free or almost free.
Let's see how many I get to.
For triathlon hack number one,
I had to come into a secret bathroom upstairs
so that the guys don't think I'm a weirdo,
because coming into a secret bathroom upstairs
to talk to a camera is totally normal.
If you have foggy goggles,
take a teeny tiny little bit of hand soap, like...
Take that little bit of hand soap, swish it all around...
(water running)
And that is hands down
the best anti-fog goggle coating, covering liquid
that any of us in our swim group have ever tried.
The second hack is that, when you finish the bike,
odds are your feet are probably gonna be really wet.
If it's raining outside, your feet are gonna be wet.
If you're sweating even a little bit,
your feet are gonna be wet.
So, it's gonna be tough to slip your feet into
the shoes.
One thing that you can do,
in both your bike shoes and your running shoes,
take a little bit of baby powder,
and I'm gonna do this right now,
because I love me the smell of baby powder.
And you fill up your shoes with it,
oh, it's just magical,
before the race starts,
so that when you get into transition,
your foot is gonna slide into the shoe really easily
and you're gonna smell delightful,
and it's gonna help prevent things
like blisters and chaffing throughout the race.
The next hack...
You may know from such vlogs as last weekend.
To avoid having a stinky, chlorine-smelling,
wet Speedo hanging off your bag
or shoved in your bag, get yourself
a dive towel chamois,
instead of a big towel stuck in your bag,
which you can then roll up, leave in the container,
leaving enough room for
a teeny tiny banana hammock, which you can then...
Pop in your bag, and nothing's wet.
Not bad, huh?
Not bad.
You wanna know about Speedo care?
You talk to Tarin.
Alright, the next hack has to do
with gear ratios on your bike.
Now, you can be riding the same speed
but with different gear ratios, and what I mean by that
is you can be riding, say, 30 km an hour,
and be mashing, really pushing hard,
or you can be riding 30 km an hour,
and pushing easy, but spinning faster,
and what you wanna do in a triathlon,
specifically to save your legs,
is you wanna be spinning basically as fast as you can
without your bum rocking back and forth
and bouncing on the saddle.
That, if you don't have a cadence meter,
is a good way to get yourself to about 85 to 100 cadence.
That's the amount of times that you do revolutions.
And around that sort of cadence,
you're going to be saving the muscle fibers of your leg
from doing a whole lot of work,
and putting more of the load on your cardiovascular system.
That's what you want in a triathlon,
because you don't wanna have your legs
torn right to shreds by the time you get to the run.
So, think as fast a cadence as you can go
without bouncing on the saddle uncontrollably.
That ones free.
Those are my old investment adviser button up shirts
that don't ever get worn.
Sticking with the bike hacks,
a good way to carry your nutrition
without actually having to put it in your pocket
during the swim,
or having to stuff it in your pocket
during transition one,
is that you can mount, with a little bit of electrical tape,
all of your gels to the top tube.
And this is assuming, obviously,
that you're using gels for your nutrition.
So, how you do it
is you take a little bit of electrical tape,
and if you wanna be super advanced,
you color-coordinate it with your bike.
And you see how there's the little indent
right there on the tab?
Take the electrical tape
and put it over the top of that indent.
You see it, you see it, you see it?
There you go, a little bit of a tear there.
That's where the top of the tab from the gel
is gonna rip off, and you tape the top tab that rips off...
And you can do the same thing with a few gels,
stacking them one on top of another, like so,
and then when you wanna actually
just get access to the gel,
you grab the bottom, and you just rip.
I'm not gonna do it right now
because I really like these gels
and I don't wanna rip one right now.
So, when you rip it across, the top will come off,
opening up the gel, it'll stay there,
so you don't have to worry about littering,
and boom, you've got yourself an open gel.
Bam, hacked.
The next, and probably the most easy way to pick up time
in the second transition,
is to get yourself some elastic laces
to throw on your running shoes.
Spending time tying running shoes
or fumbling to, like, get a pair of pre-tied running shoes
onto your feet while you're wet, and you're sweaty,
and you've squirted Gatorade all over yourself,
that is one of the easiest ways to lose time in transition.
So, like I mentioned before,
go with the baby powder in the shoes
to keep them nice and dry,
and then get yourself a pair of really cheap
elastic laces that have the little, what's it called?
I have no idea what this is called.
Little springer thinger on the end,
and then when you get into transition two,
you just open it up really wide,
and you go wop, put a little bit of muscle into it.
Bam, your shoes are on.
And for the last couple of hacks,
we'll use my trusty commuter to demonstrate.
Basically, every time you go on a ride,
doesn't matter if it's a commuter bike, tri bike,
a road bike, you wanna make sure
that it's running as smooth as possible.
So number one, pump up your tires every single ride.
Last thing, every week, couple of weeks,
or after a rain storm, lube, baby.
Now, I just lubed the chain,
so you can see that it is gonna be fairly smooth,
but if you don't wanna give yourself a full cleaning,
you can just give it just a few drops, and...
She runs nice.
Bam, hacked.
And there you go.
There are...
Goggles, baby powder, gear ratio, electrical tape,
pump up your tires, elastic laces, lube.
Eight cheap or damn near free ways
that you can probably gain yourself,
over the course of a triathlon,
like, in a sprint, we're talking a few minutes,
over an Olympic, I would say five to 10.
Yeah, a lot of those things make a huge difference.
Specifically speaking from experience,
I once took a bike into a bike shop saying,
why is it running so slow?
It's hard to push the gears.
And the woman that was looking at the bike said,
have you ever put lube on your chain?
I had to say that in two years of owning that bike,
the answer is no.
Learn from my mistakes, trainiacs,
learn from my mistakes.
Alright, that's it for the day.
I'm gonna go lie on the couch,
and enjoy my sweet-smelling feet.
Geoengineering The US History and Cover Up of Stratospheric - Duration: 3:40.Geoengineering: The US History and Cover Up of Stratospheric Experimentation
As this country inches farther away from the democracy it once pretended to be, the level
of propaganda and indoctrination that the average American must wade through in order
to get the smallest amount of Truth is staggering.
We have reached a point in which Americans are so overwhelmed with the current battle
taking place between the alternative news community and mainstream media, and its barrage
of contradicting �facts,� that most have simply chosen to completely remove themselves
from any critical thinking.
Even when the government itself reveals an age-old lie to be true, most are so indoctrinated
with the idea of the �conspiracy� that they convince themselves that the revelation
is just another trick of those deceptive �conspiracy theorists.�
This has been seen many times in recent years.
Below is an interview with Princess Basmah Bint Saud about geoengineering and its weaponized
use, conducted in 2015 by today�s guest Patrick Roddie:
A perfect example of this is geoengineering.
Weather modification, geoengineering, chemtrails; these are all terms that if brought up in
most circles today, would still garner the speaker the tell-tale look that most Truthers
have become all too familiar with.
It is a look that has been ingrained into all who have opted to cast aside their critical
thinking for their comforting daily lie.
There is a herd mentality that has been established, that causes even those on the fence or those
interested in �outside the box� ideas, to fall in line while surrounded by the docile
This is likely why most are completely oblivious to the fact that geoengineering has been openly
admitted, discussed, and verified.
Combining that new found admission, in regards to a decades old practice, with the detrimental
effects that it has caused, as today�s guest recently said at the Portland Chemtrail Summit,
truly, �We are
are war.�
Just Dance 2017 Unlimited - HandClap [Super Collab 20k+ subs. Thank you ♥ ] - Duration: 8:24.Hello everyone on my channel!!
First of all, I want to say sorry for the delayed date of this video. I should upload it 5 days ago
but I had time issues that's why I bring it today!
I received a lot of videos. It was 38 videos for this collab and it made me so happy!
because I wasn't expected that so many people joined to my video :O
And I'm very satisfied with the result. I liked seeing the variety of countries on this video :D!
I also was delayed with this video because in those paper notes you can see how I managed putting the people in my collab video
so they could appear the same amount of times in my video
And I want to say thank you!! because you picked the all the coaches in a very balanced way!
and the editing process and organization of the video were more easy for me :D Thank you to eveyone who joined! ♥
I also watched the entire video from everyone of you and I realized that some of you sent me greetings at the end
that's why I want to send my greetings back and many hugs to xBASTIAX, AnGT, Isaiah and Federicojd ^^!
And other people left me some nice messages :D!
GMHER: Coni, I wanted to congratulate you because you reached the 20k subs.
I love your job, I love the way you are. Don't change and I always carry you in my heart
Awwwww :3 what a cute boy!!!! Thank you so much GMHER! I think his name is Gian, from Mexico!
Many greetings and hugs to Gian and... a lot of Tasty Tacos for you hahaha!!
too many hearts for you!! I melted with your message :D Thank you for being such a nice sub
Another massage from...
José Angel: I don't have words to express how proud I am of you Coni, because we are almost 20k subs!
Wow! What a wonderful number!!
I want to congratulate you because you did all of this alone!...well, also with the support of your friends!
I hope your channel keep growing up!! You are a very nice friend! And keep being that big-hearted girl that we like :D
Awwww :3 You're so cute Jose Angel!!! Thank you so much, you know how important you are for me! :D
You are like my Just Dancer Brother!! :D... but I think you are my cousin now....mmmm.... hahah secret!
Many greetings to Guatemala, Jose Angel!
Another message from...
aaaah!!!! so beautiful!! message in french!! hahah...ok... I didn't understand pretty well but...
He made a heart with his hands, so It's a good message the end he said "je t'adore" and that means "I love you"
So...Thank you so much Ethan from France!! thanks for joining and for being a nice sub! Merci beaucoup ♥
There's one more message, He says that he loves my videos
and he even says that he put the camera with so much adhesive tape on his wall and It left a hole of the size of his fingers haha
Oops!! sorry Juan Pablo!
but thank you so much for joining....and sorry for your wall hahah
And the last message from...
Thiago: Greetings to Coni! this is my video for HandClap super collab...And I hope to appear on it, but if you don't pick me, no problem!
Many greetings back to Thiago!
and he said that he hopes I choose him for my video...and in fact, you appeared!!!
I dont understand why people say "please choose me for the collab"... if you send me your video then you WILL APPEAR AUTOMATICALLY! :D
Thank you, thank you so much to everyone who sent me messages, to everyone who is watching this video right now
Thank you for that 20k+ subs we already reached!!!!
thanks for being here with me! :D I send you too much love!!
and... all the people who participated in this collab and in my previous super collab will be in a special list, maybe for a future giveaway!
ok that's all, byeeeeeee!!
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