Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

[Voice Over] It's just Baltimore baby!


You letting them niggas use you. [Silver] You don't know nothing about me. [Charlie] And I'm not interested!

Which is why I want you and them niggas gone! You probably look at me and my

friends and make all kinds of assumptions. In the back of your mind, I'm

probably some sad ass female who lets nigga's bust off whenever they get ready.

I don't know what you and them clown ass nigga in to! I'm here because money, real

money gets me wet. And I'm here because can't nobody handle a weapon like me, not

even them. And I'm here because even if I gotta do time, I still don't mind rocking a

set of handcuffs like a Tiffany's bracelet.

In ten years, when your titties sag, your ass droops...and them niggas is dead and gone...

I want you to tell me if you still feel the same way then.

But in the meantime you need to know, I'm not letting nobody come between me

and this job! Let your homies know. You need to be careful. [Silver] Be extremely,

extremely careful.


[Mia] So you gonna come in with us on this or nah?

[Tricey] You talking about the parties already? [Mia] Yeah!

[Tricey] I don't know I've been thinking about Charlie and the other

day I think it'll be wrong to do any illegal shit on her watch. [Asia] Look we just won't

use her floors and we'll go off her shift so that way she can't be involved. [Mia] And as

far as her being mad, we'll think of some way to make it up to her. So look, you gonna

come in with us or nah?

[Flashback - Alfie] Bitch don't tell me what was it in that

bag. I had work it and since you threw it away

you owe me. Which means you got to work it off!

[Tricey] Fuck it! Let's get this money.

[Mia & Asia] Yessss!!!


[Charlie] Hold up...Hold Up! I thought I told you to stay off the property! [Alfie] We were just visiting- [Charlie] Ain't nobody

playing wit' you nigga! [Alfie] My bad Charlie.

We were just leaving.

[Alfie] You don't tell me what to do! Or where to go! And now you

know better!

[Charlie] You gonna wish you never put your fucking hands on me! [Alfie] Maybe, but probably not!


[Voice Over] Get your baby girl! [Baby Crying] [Voice Over] I did not sign up for this shit today! You know my man is

coming over here what are you doing? Come get this whining ass kid! I ain't got time for this... Oh My God! Ughhhhh!

[Voice Over] Come get this damn baby!

[Tricey] What you doing in here? You gotta leave!

[Alfie] Hold up. I just wanna talk to you for minute. See how you feeling.

Look, if Charlie catches you in here again she's gonna flip. [Alfie] I'm not worried

about Charlie. I'm worried about you.[Tricey] You do know I'm married right? Am I supposed

to care? Look you gotta go. [Alfie] I'ma use the bathroom and when I come out we gonna

talk about this.

[Tricey] What, what you doing in here? [Ethan] How you sound? I'm

coming to see my wife since I can't get you on the phone. [Tricey] Ethan can we please

talk about this at home? [Tricey] Ethan! Please go home! Please...No, Ethan, I want you

out now! [Ethan] Man what's up with you? I'm not feeling how you acting! [Tricey] Look, I'm sorry it's just that

Precious and Charlie going after this new GM position and it's been crazy

'round here. [Ethan] You know what, I'ma go to the bathroom and

then I'll bounce. [Tricey] No! Ethan I want you out now! [Ethan] Okay. If our marriage don't work, remember this day.

[Alfie] That dude way too intense. Oh and uh I'll be back with that pack.

[Asia] Ethan! Can I talk to you for a sec? [Ethan] For what? [Asia] Please?

[Ethan] What? [Asia] What's going on with you and my girl? [Ethan] You mean what's going on with me and my wife?

[Asia] You know what I me- [Ethan] I'm so sick of bitches getting in the nigga business, thinking you know

the whole story just cuz you got her half! [Asia] First of all, I ain't call you out your

name. I was just- [Ethan] In your eyes I'm probably some bum ass nigga, but you don't hear 'bout the times I

rub her feet when they robbing after hours in this piss hole. [Asia] Or how you send

her mama flowers on Valentine's Day cuz she alone and how you cook dinner on

Mondays because the rooms be so nasty on the weekends, she can hardly stand up from

working so hard. [Ethan] What the fuck is this about Asia? [Asia] Look what you need to understand is

real friends like the kind your wife has will always root for y'all being

together. We want her to win and that means we want you to win too. [Ethan] The problem is

I didn't say I do to three women. I made my vow to one. Worry about your own business

before you try to creep into mine!

[Mia] New locks on our doors Ricardo really? Where I'm gonna go now? [Ricardo] My man got released

the other day. Told me he saw you with your girls and you were looking good too. Made me proud.

Ricardo, where am I gonna stay? [Ricardo] I told you what was at stake. [Mia] But you locked me out..Of our own house!

[Ricardo] If you think for one moment I won't reach across this table and snatch out your chest plate

just cuz I'm a chains.Then you don't know the nigga you married. [Mia] I, I'm sorry. You always been sorry. That's

why I come down on you the way I do. I want you to toughen up, so the street trash won't get

you. But your heart beat slow like you dead. [Mia] Please don't take your hands off my life, Ricardo I

ain't got nothing but you and my friends. [Ricardo] You don't even have them! All you got is me. You think

they won't betray you if given a chance? All you gotta do is put a little

money in the mix. It turns niggas against they own mamas. I seen it.

Do you even love me? Baby girl, that is the only reason you still alive.

Do you know what I do to niggas that don't do what I tell 'em?

I'm ready Ricardo. I'm ready to do whatever you need.


Cuz I got somebody that needs some product. And I can't trust nobody out here...Indictments falling on niggas like

raindrops. So you gonna have to get our money. You do that...And I'll allow you back into my good graces.

[Troy] Hey uhh...What you saw the other day, it's not what you think it was. [Vamp] Then what the fuck was it then

nigga? [Troy] I'm writing a book. [Vamp] I don't believe that shit.

Fuck you ain't say something about

this shit before? [Troy] Cuz Alfie don't want me writing about the shit I see- [Vamp] Then don't. [Troy] Why not?

That's my life too and I want more! [Vamp] You don't get more. You get to get money and

sell dope! And that's it! Get the fuck off me yo!

[Silver] What's going on? [Troy] I need some air.

[Silver] Hey, be careful

out there. I think Charlie hired some more off duty cops. They all over this motel

like bed bugs. So...I was thinking maybe we could go to the movie or something

[Vamp] Man I got something to do. [Silver] Like who? That bitch? [Vamp] You want me to smack the shit out you or nah?

I want you to look at me I want you to stop fucking some basic bitch who cleans

rooms just because Alfie says so. What the fuck are you talking 'bout?

I know Alfie wants you fucking these housekeepers just to keep the product

circulating. [Vamp] Look, Alfie my man but he don't control my dick. [Silver] So

you disrespecting me on purpose? [Vamp] I'm tired of telling you the same shit over and over.

You're not my girl! Step off.

[Troy] You going 'bout things the wrong way with Vamp. [Silver] What you mean? [Troy] Stop running after him!

Getting his food, cleaning his clothes. Shit like that.

Fall back...All the way back. Let him come to you.

It'll work. Trust me.


For more infomation >> T. Styles Presents: Bmore Chicks - E4 (New Black Web Series) - Duration: 17:55.


Gayme of Thrones - Duration: 2:13.

(phone ringing)

(soft piano music)

- [Grandma] Hello?

- [Zach] Oh, yeah , uh Grandma.

- [Grandma] Zachary!

It's so good to hear you voice.

Let me get your grandpa on the phone.

- Yeah, you know what, uh, no don't.

I, uh,

I have something to tell you and

I just not really sure how he's gonna take it.

- [Grandma] Oh.

- Pretty much everybody important

in my life knows by now.

Oh, god, this is so hard to say but

I'm just gonna come out and say it.

Grandma, I

hate Game of Thrones.

- [Grandma] But you were supposed to come to our

season premiere party.

- No, I know but I'm not gonna do that.

I've gone every year and I've just

always felt like an outsider and now I know why.

I hate Game of Thrones.

- [Grandma] We know, Zachary.

- You what?

- [Grandma] We've known for a while.

We didn't want it to be true but

there were signs on the Facebook.

It just, it hurts Zachary.

It hurts so much when we found out that

you don't watch Game of Thrones!

- I've tried.

I have tried so hard.

I just I can't.

I'm not wired that way.

- [Grandma] We pray every night for you

that you'll find a way back to Game of Thrones and be happy.

- I am happy.

I am happier than I have ever been.

- [Grandma] This is such a hard life style,

that you've chosen.

- You think I 'd choose this?

You think I would choose to not like Game of Thrones?

You think I'd choose people yelling at me, shame!

Shame, shame!

Grandma let me ask you something.

Do you think God would make a mistake?

Accidentally make somebody who didn't like Game of Thrones?

- [Grandma] No.

- No, he wouldn't.

Grandma I love you but you have got to love me.

All of me and that includes the part of me

that just doesn't care that Jon Snow is back from the dead.


- [Grandma] Okay, well it's just a lot to take in.

We'll just go ahead and cancel your HBO Go account then.

- Oh, you know what, no, I'm watching Insecure.

(monkey laughing)

For more infomation >> Gayme of Thrones - Duration: 2:13.


Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! Review - Duration: 2:40.

Hello and welcome to my Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! Review.

Ani ni Tsukeru is an anime about a brother and sister that don't want to

fuck each other.


That's impossible, it can't be!




But no, it be, and I too was as shocked as you are when I heard about this anime.

I was reading the description and thinking hahaha yeah right I give it three episodes

tops until the little sister starts tsundere'ing her way into her brother's pants.

But I was wrong.

Ani ni Tsukeru is the first anime I've seen that portrays a normal sibling relationship,

and that's what I've always wanted.

It's a comedy anime with each episode being about 3 minutes long, so there's not much

plot although there is a certain plot-point that gets used throughout the anime involving

the little sister's crush, and no, before you can even ask, it's not her brother and

thank god for that.

The comedy is pretty on point and touches on things anyone can relate to, like sharing

food with your family and how that never goes right.

As for the characters, the older brother is a weakling and a wimp but he really cares

for his sister.

Often his caring leads to him getting beat up but that's the price you gotta pay as

a doting big brother, I relate 100%.

The little sister is the tomboy type with some scary power but also has a cute, girly


Then there're the side characters that pop up here and there and they're all quite


Next up, the animations.

It's a short gag anime so you can't expect amazing visuals but I think they did a good

job here.

The art looks clean and the characters are very…expressive at times.

The music isn't memorable but the opening song is quite nice.

The voice acting though is top notch, every character matches their voice and I find them

strangely pleasant to listen to.

So overall, Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai is a decent comedy anime that fills a niche I've

desperately wanted for a long time.

To be honest, I made this video to try and spread the word that such an anime even exists,

and hopefully this'll get a few more people into this show.

And as for the score, I give it a very solid


For more infomation >> Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! Review - Duration: 2:40.




It has long been suspected that there are certain individuals and families in the world

who exert an incredibly disproportionate influence over the affairs of humanity when it comes

to business, economic and even the nuts and bolt of political policy.

These families, who are all based in the banking industry, have been at the centre of a major

storm in the past decade owing to their organisation�s role in the global financial crisis of 2008,

and yet they have somehow managed to come out of the crisis not only richer than ever

before but also relatively anonymous and able to avoid blame for their actions.



Many people over the years have attempted to pick apart the inner workings of highly

influential semi-secret organizations such as the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, and

the Trilateral Commission.

The inner workings of these networking organizations are notoriously oblique to outsiders, and

the names of the influential and powerful members are largely still a mystery.

Perhaps there is an easier way to discover who are truly the most powerful individuals

in the world and that is to examine the largest and most influential banks in the world and

those people who control them.

Examination of the eight largest financial corporations in the United States (JP Morgan,

Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon

and Morgan Stanley) has revealed that these institutions are controlled entirely by a

mere ten shareholders.

Furthermore, there are four companies who are represented in making any financial decisions

concerning these enormous financial giants � BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, and


In addition to this, the Federal Reserve which exerts a huge amount of influence over the

financial and economic affairs of the US government is largely in the thrall of these organizations

including the Big Four.

This means that the shareholders of these financial institutions effectively control

all economic decisions made by the United States government despite the fact that they

are not democratically accountable to the American people.

It is also known that the individuals and families who control the Big Four in the United

States also have an incredibly long reach across the world.

All of the most influential figures in institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the

European Central Bank, the World Bank and, to a lesser extent, all of the European stock

exchanges are directly connected to one of the Big Four financial institutions in the

United States.

These companies now exert such an extraordinary amount of power over the world that they were

able to bring the world�s financial markets to their knees in 2008 owing to the poor decisions

made by institutions such as Goldman Sachs which precipitated the global financial crisis.

Almost a decade after the financial meltdown, none of the guilty companies have been disbanded

and, in fact, the individuals behind them are now even richer than they were before

the credit crunch.

Intriguingly, the families who are the beneficiaries and shareholders of the Big Four financial

institutions in the United States who exert such a profound influence over the economic

affairs of the entire planet are largely hidden in the public domain.

However, it is believed that the families behind these organizations include Goldman

Sachs, the Rockefellers, the Loebs Kuh, the Lehmans, the Rothchilds, and the Warburgs.



JLo's Ex Marc Anthony Makes Appearance In Her Latest Music Video | Access Hollywood - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> JLo's Ex Marc Anthony Makes Appearance In Her Latest Music Video | Access Hollywood - Duration: 1:08.


NEW 1.24 COD BO3 NEW WEAPONS!!! - Duration: 2:52.

yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today the an-94 from black

ops 2 and the thumper from black ops 1 return to black ops 3 if you guys want

more information to stay tuned in the video because that is what I'm going to

be talking about today but you all know before we roll the intro machetes like

if T dividuals ever machetes leave a like if you think that each weapons are

cool and you like them being put in the game a comment down below how you feel

about them if you don't like them tell me why you don't tell me tell me how you

think about the game is playing because the more subject as the light years the

game gets something what you guys think about that in the comments anyways let's

roll this intro alright guys so basically the days of summer the event

has a ride for covery black ops 2 I don't know why it has come in so late

but it's in the game now and obviously the days of summer included the new a

and 94 weapon in black ops 3 and the China Lake also there is a new limited

you know Edition pack a punch camo cherry fizz I'll show you guys how it

looked it looks really really close basically like a soda and your gun is

you can see the fizz and all that it looks really really nice so those are

basically all the new things and the supply drops but you guys also can play

for free maps so today we have Tommy my friends that we played up I think we put

it on the map rice that's from the first DLC map pack and it said somebody didn't

have this map pack and both of my friends that I have it but we still were

able to plan it that is because for maps or for free for everybody and this event

ends on August 1st so these formats won't be free forever they will end on

August 1st there all right Maps its splash that's free you have you have sky

jack that's free you have gauntlet and rise so they're all right map something

splash it was it was too hyped up it's not that fun sky Jack that's pretty fun

gauntlet I really don't like it that much and rice is alright so yeah that is

basically all the new things you know I thought that update 1.24 would just be

about zombies but it's also about multiplayer food it's out update 1.2 4

would add in the an-94 the a 94 you guys remember how strong that gun was in

black ops 2 there if you guys also have it tell me what you guys think about in

the comment down below is the a night for really

that good or not I'll have gameplay with that obviously so well yeah I apologize

for that but it's in the game but the thing that

I don't understand is why they would put the China like in here well I really

don't understand why why they would put something like that in here I don't know

but if you guys did get something new or even the camo tell me in the comments

down below I'm gonna try to be getting the camo if I can get it because that's

what I feel like I can get but also if I can get the an-94 I'll be heights for

that anyways guys I guess I'll be for the video if you guys enjoy my show

people like if these videos I've made SLT you know yeah I'll see you guys at

the next one

For more infomation >> NEW 1.24 COD BO3 NEW WEAPONS!!! - Duration: 2:52.


ALEX JONES SHOW (7/11/17 Tues) INFOWARS, BREAKING NEWS! - Duration: 2:54:10.

For more infomation >> ALEX JONES SHOW (7/11/17 Tues) INFOWARS, BREAKING NEWS! - Duration: 2:54:10.



For more infomation >> HURACAN VS LIBERTAD EN VIVO COPA SUDAMERICANA - Duration: 34:16.


New 'Stranger Things' Teaser; Abby Lee Miller Preps For Prison | Access Hollywood - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> New 'Stranger Things' Teaser; Abby Lee Miller Preps For Prison | Access Hollywood - Duration: 2:00.


Amazon's Prime Day becomes Black Friday in July - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Amazon's Prime Day becomes Black Friday in July - Duration: 1:25.


Farming Simulator 17 Valtra T FL And Väderstad Carrier 820 - Duration: 10:15.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a New Amazing Tractor and a Cultivator.

Valtra T FL Front Loader 6 Engine Setup 10 Wheel Setup ( HAVE FRONT AND REAR TRACK) 10 Design Setup Colorable Body And rims

IC CONTROL SPACE Illuminated Dash Change Driving Direction LEFT CTRL + B KEY

Really Nice Tractor

Väderstad Carrier 820 8m Working Width 19Km/h Working Speed

One minute to do one task

So niceee!!!

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Valtra T FL And Väderstad Carrier 820 - Duration: 10:15.


core- Los multidisciplinarios por noStar -hard #M-12 (Mayores de 12) - Duration: 26:03.

Multidisciplinarios of not star


Two geniuses meet at a seminary in the Guianas. Science, health and sex, power and money, technology and love; In the limits of the mind, and of the ordinary.

Critique of existentialism, of man, of woman, culture, humanity, and its conception of the universe, sin,

and the couple. A story of the congeniality and affability between two loves, and his project of worldview selfish but neutral on the rest of his peers.

Javier_ Telle était la conclusion. Et seulement ajouter combien il est important et de renoncer à former sur la mort, mais que le nouveau avoir la vie intégrée ensemble idéal, sans plus de compartiments, dépassant multidisciplinas et spécialités. Merci!

(That was the conclusion, and just add the important thing is to give up on training on death, but that the new have the ideal of life integrated to everything, without more compartments,

transcending the multidisciplines and specialties. He finished in an understandable French,... in an international seminar.)

He was thought to take his first communion with the Goddess Venus. _ You do not know me! But I believe that what I know about you can do everything to me. He agreed to her by tying him up in a charming, stifling sexual fellowship.

_ You do not know me! But I believe that what I know about you can do everything to me. He agreed to her by tying him up in a charming, stifling sexual fellowship.

"You're coming home so you can see my project," she told him. He did not understand, so he urged step by step, and I took him to have a coffee, because he did not drink, but he sang it with something sweet,

a brandy, his weakness, and she, as perfectly wise, she coquettish, and powerful.

He planned it all the time. Already the moment in door arrived as it arrives all that feels that the fortune does not abandon it..

In a pleasant bar they were soon resolved to be together as they met beyond the colloquial

_No stand, do not be silly, stop talking about quantum physics_ He chastised him, left a good tip and took him by the hand as a child danced a few moments but no more than as a prelude to the dance of the sexes.

"You're a sweet honey," Susana told him. And Javier continued to...

He knew that the effort to maintain that laziness in copulation retained the best of joys, he felt his vagina yearning for him, preparing himself for him, shuddering at his firmness,

contracting his muscular walls to lodge and unload all the power of his femininity.

_ What a delight my very male! _ Yes my black!

He tried, but he couched deeply, but in order not to ejaculate, he repeated the strategy, and all that he could do with honors at such a lesson in sexual physiology.

She understood the game, which she felt very flooded like the best of a man's sloths, indulging in libidinousness.

_ Few activities are as personal and private as dreaming, so you are privileged because I invite you to my dream machine.

_ Come on Javito, Javi, Javiercito! How did your mommy tell you? _Mi cute mommy are you, you can tell me with that mouth as you want to tell me, Su. I love that name, and its carrier.

_ Look how rich this! _

. She reached for a fountain with breakfast. I took some breads and served them with juice from the salad, some slices of tomato and

some leaves from the plate of the leftover dinner and I asked for a normal breakfast, and I finished decorating for you, I already bit something and you eat that I will reach the University for the class.

_ Coffee with milk and bread dipped in tomato juice? And what else does he have?

_ Proof!

I did not finish breakfast, as I was to pass a hundred multiple-choice results to the computer.

They lived a honeymoon of academy and exchange of pleasure. She possessed properties inherited from her uncle, a lawyer, a daughter of well-to-do professionals.

She had also inherited a clever and high intellect who finally wanted to share with one, the graceful Javier, and desired not only her body but also her mind, Who was his companion in his peaceful scientific paradise and at the height of his projections.

Not only did he walk him in different cars to wherever they went, he knew that Susana besides an academic was a well-to-do not only in the house of high studies but also in the world of the business of his family.

He thought that maybe it would be a fever, but what the hell, whatever, it will use me a little the same I can get a little experience with a goddess, which was very desirable.

I thought that at first. But in short, he saw her fraternity towards him in gestures that made it easier to be his favorite. Preferred, he believed, but he saw that she was only going through with him, and he was just living a circumstantial paradise bubble,

or would be a social experiment of the fieldwork of this, he raised the hypotheses quickly.

But neither, she was so sweet, and gave way to his world, even giving credit in his personal account to have solvency in his Postgraduate Science. Which also allowed him to start a business in geonesis.

Plato in The Republic: "that the best cohabit with the best as many times as possible and the worst with the worst to the contrary".

He remembered, and smiled, thinking one of the best with the best. He never imagined mingling with her like that, being on the other side of the heap so, in the natural selection of species.

_ Let me. Let me see you. To touch you again._

and lamented nostalgic he. _ My Argentina! _ Come on! This is our moment. We deserve it. You deserve it._ She is encouraged.

_ It was. The only thing that matters is you. US. _ If we.

_ Sweet you are! For being only mine. At this moment. By understanding what I think. For not caring more than ours. Time passes again in that fraternal communion between man and woman. Male and female. Between male and female. In the yacuzzi. Embraced by the water and its whirlpool. Stimulated.

_ What a relaxing bath! Wow! Do I soothe you? _ Help me!

_ Sedentary ? She asks (position).   _ While I fight you all! - beginning with a happy task.

_ It's nothing without the mermaid I'm enjoying in! _ We let's agree that more can be done than in a tub. Hahaha! _ She laughs _ Bathing_ adds_. And relax. Yes there is! Oh, mmh.

_ My baby! You're so beautiful! My sweet baby!

_ He says very satisfied, and with the friend toned and still happy to continue sinking again in that pubic paradise to the depth of its opposite convex. And they receptive, both of that and the other, he adds: You know that I can give you until death ... "She laughs and interrupts proudly but respectfully of what is also her sexual god." Ha ha-ha. But I also give you wheat until the sun is gone.

(My love, I would eat your pussy again, but we will not leave the tub anymore, I will be hospitalized before I turn thirty ...) Think. And ends verbally: _ I would like to go on a ship.

(He feels the anticipated pleasure of knowing himself rich) _ It is good my baby. But you drive. You look sexy, because if I get confused with curves, we'll kill ourselves. _ Naughty! Good. Can I borrow your Porsche?

_ There is Xavier! Already let me dress that it is making the night again.

_And good. _ Leans and fela.

The practice allows you to sustain numerous penetrations saving sperm. Penetration is always sought, do not ignore or save positions.

Even when the lovers stop, they live excited and excited, without stopping or when they stop to rest of that or for something else, they only look for amatory copulatory variants and motivating scenes.

They live far from civilization, from the mundane noise and their troublesome annoyances. Looking for the best for them and staying at bay from the outside. But controlling everything well so as not to be caught up in it.

_ I made iced tea! _ Only that!

_Do not. I already drank a smoothie of pineapple and fruit. _ Good! I wear something and we go out! _I was in the kitchen;

There was no disorder, or what it was, it was a controlled disorder. I was still in balls.

He ran off and squeezed her buttocks. As an attention I had of constant with this satisfier between his legs, only God for them.

She coquettish, does not stop enjoying being a sexual object, for it dresses and lives. She took something from Long drink, nothing of alcohol.

They are careful. They are going to drive.

He was ready in ten minutes, took a pair of jeans, a shirt, pair of socks and shoes. He was not wearing a slip. Faster and happier than a franc marine. She also used it, and that kept them awake sexually, among other things, the economic did not present any conflict. Not their selfishness, they were selfish with the world, but with them they gave themselves as if there were no tomorrow, and as if they were gods before their own eyes. Although they knew God very well, politics, and science. Which had given them sexual power out of the ordinary.

And not only in themselves,

but also a strategic position to move away safely from foreign control, in a private political state separated from interference and infiltration. And from the assaults of piracy, for this they had evolved their companies in a paradisiacal island and technological with the resources to evolve their techniques of healthy life and physical and sexual activity. They lived in a safe state, and profit without anxiety was a further regimen of such a magnificent circumstance of their intellects awakened by the secrets of their sciences.

Already in the hangar of ships, toys collected from the expanse of his well pass unconcerned.

_Yes that you got sexy! _ I'm sexy!

"We both know that. And how hot the sports with sexy girls. _ So you get hot others? _She amused. _ My life! You are not jealous. Sincere. _ But you do, a little. _She amused.

_You know that children are a little possessive. But, you know._ Seeking approval for the rebuke.

_ And the Testarrosa? _ It suggested funny to see how she chose so lovingly that car dominate. She denied it. _ The F-50 or the Ford Mustang?

_ What color is your coles ?! _ Asked boldly and set sail as usual.

_ You left the Volvo door open._ Trying to start the vehicle, she. _ It leaves everything open! _ As he cleverly opened it, he separated her from so many joints, underneath and stealthily manipulated her, already content and playing without fatigue.

Like an appetizer, an appetizer full of Eros!

The magic of your eyes when you cross like the rainbow after leaving like a dolphin of the pool, as you shake your hair and make an instant becomes grandiose and a spectacle that does not end until you leave full body revealing your magnificent dignified curves Of any swimming athlete.

They were in New York one day, and the other in the field of the Pampa.

_ What I say to the most beautiful among the beautiful! _ He devotes some poetic prose. Does the nightingale know how to sing to his beloved in the spring? Of the nymphs that did not shelter my bird, I only love, take and steal the best nectar from the hanging gardens of the king of Babylon.

The most beautiful girl has become the sweetest nectar she has ever tried or wants to try and to prove her usefulness in the tired work of the amatory art of the gods

. And the apple of your eyes have been dilated gratifying with my heart in flight between the

feminine silkiness of your belly to know so my own, so possessed. So deeply desecrated and

sanctified by the capricious games, of the joyful gods of fraternal union, of the spring pairing between crowns-corollas,

limbs-stamens. With its pink petals, vaginal and bubbling peaks of testosteril cream of our desire.

Confusing and differentiating androgynous. If when your legs go, ajajá !, difficult not to see,

profane desire that is sanctified, robbery among thieves, you have, I have, I have you and

you have me, you give me and I give you, to the compass of them everything revolves, and in that Traffic does not stop the world, nor the kingdom of the gods of the art of love.

_ There is already good! Xavier. What will my most fervent friends say? _With her adoring pairs of breasts and nipples, prawns, legs and ankles, and feet.

That he sees.

_ Hermaphrodite corporeal act, copulation and exhilarating scrub of the most hedonic gifts of the earthly Eden!

I want to sing my vaginal glory to the center, to the ends of his beloved knuckles in the phalanges of his little toes!

_ Appreciating it all_.

Where the flying nightingale drinks, baby of breast, happy bird, pigeon and pichona nest like a matrushkas. _ You have the wet pigeon!

_Mmh! I think it's time to fly! Are you done? "He smelled her. _Café, girl. Bingo, I came to paradise with me. _ He said as he delighted in the perfume emanating from her, the coffee cup and the surrounding medium of orchid flowers, and he took it by the wrists of his hands, while they were very close to the car, out of the area commercial. Full of tidiness and carefree demonstrations of affection.

I swear again love, I want to lie with you among the stars and choose the most beautiful. And if time comes, break with them to infinity of galaxies with the stars that steal your dreams when you feel so loved by my hands that embrace you, they burn you and you ejaculate celestial nymph with moonlight between the spaces of eternity .

The sun is charging the batteries. They spend their lives and caresses, cuddles, demonstrations of all kinds and in every space, corner or corner of place and its places the thousand and one of the amusement park of an eternal honeymoon.

_Lower me that I do not want you to spend gunpowder on Chimangos!

_That means that you are my chimanga. _ Well, so easy I did not go, now you enjoy your Chimanga

_Mi conquest. And he kissed her in the Eskimo, on her nose while he let her stand, but she did not remove the key from behind his neck and forced him to pass a Frenchman.

_ When I make you mine! When in dreams

- I dream that I go to the center of the Universe. To the core of the origin of all things._ Xavier said in an approach to the musical biorhythm of tango.

_And I, _ took new breath while finishing one more more_ when I dream. It is as if I possessed everything. _ Yes! _ Pleased.

Susana just nods smiling and complete: _ I feel Powerful and in harmony with the whole Universe.

Receives it in another cycle of dancing and ecstasy, she adds: _ A goddess!

_ His, maybe. Could we have more altruistic dreams? _ When we shine together! When we shine together! Xavier. _ The dance expedites my projections!

_ Feel the beat of two by four! _ One more turn! And!

_ And! _ She says, he takes it on this turn to the sound of the rhythm of the Comparsita._ In! "I'm yours again!" Already abandoning herself in his arms. _ We are one. So tanaraara ra ra, rán rán ...

They are at the top of their lives, she's thirty-three and he's thirty-five. What an unjust world! So much for a few! And so little to conform to the common mortal!

_ Did you study alumna? _ Do not!

_ All right! How do we solve this problem? _ Ahm! Ohm._Gime simulating the character of a college bebota._ I think if I do not support teacher!

_ I think if I do not support you! _ Give him daddy come here!

_ Schoolgirls on the stairs are a danger, I'll

What a take off! Holala The wonderful whitish yellow of the ferry fire, contrasted in the blue of the sky. Reaching the orbit where weightlessness will make our souls one. Calm down! Blasphemous and proud, for a material goal, to feed the spirit of our petty, passionate, hedonic, and desperate world.

Like the very heart of woman and man. Hey? Being one. With the machine, the nexus of the science of love, powerful to move, as you and I move it. Hehe! My love! _Beautiful beautiful!

_ Excellent! It's been six months of being frozen. _ Very good! I have scheduled the six months and is beginning the takeoff towards the belt of asteroids.

_ The moon is mine! Do not? _Yes. _ And I'm yours! _ And yours!

I need you! To you. To you. To you. Body and soul present. To you. To you. My love to you. To you. Here, to you. Just you.

Of body and soul. Just you. I need you, my love. Your. Your love without your body not vast. Love love love your body

I need you! To you. To you. To you. Body and soul present. To you. To you. My love to you. To you. Here, to you. Only to you of body and soul.

Let us hear it with a grateful voice. Let's enjoy and renew. Let us renew all love.

Feeling. Caressing. Loving each other. Let's hear it. Let us hear it to love. Let's hear it love!

Voice control of the computer on board: the first harvest of the group of meteorites winonaites two points

dash iron and nickel 23 million tons guide tungsten 100 tons script gold 120 tons dash oxide thallium 41 tons dash copper 22 tons

dash cobalt 18 tons dash chromite 5 point 9 tons dash group meteorites Group IIC script iron 2 million tons

script taenite 1 point 73 tons dash duneite 11 point 083 tons dashboard 1 point zero 45 tons

The spacecraft's autonomous brain was following the schedule to launch the mineral harvest into the lunar orbit for later harvest at the Earth's shipping processing plant.

For more infomation >> core- Los multidisciplinarios por noStar -hard #M-12 (Mayores de 12) - Duration: 26:03.



For more infomation >> HILL CLIMB RACING AVENTURAS: AMBULÂNCIA (PARTE 2) - Duration: 46:18.


Energy Update – Resurrection To Breakthrough To Peaceful - Duration: 7:15.

Energy Update � Resurrection To Breakthrough To Peaceful

by Anastacia,

Resurrection to Breakthrough to Peaceful and More for those who want to go �Deeper�

The recent Resurrection and then the Full Moon Lions gate energies have been very interesting.

They are bringing up and out a new empowerment energy within ones soul�yet in doing so,

this has also brought up with it, parts of the old as well.

Individually this is different for each person.

Where a person may not even realize, as it can be very subtle, the energy of the old

that is arising.

There was an intense build up and like a tipping over the edge, a dark night of the soul if

you will that was experienced with this.

Also with this came a �detaching� as well.

The �breakthrough� was very intense and was to do with family energies of the past.

So we had a 3 days and nights resurrection and then straight into the Full Moon Lions

gate energy, which brought through the �breakthrough� energy.

And then after this comes a *new* Peaceful energy feeling.

This has come through energetically, and each person will feel this according to what they

are needing to experience, all flows and filters through accordingly to ones journey.


During these recent energies, there was a very massive BREAK THROUGH of energies of

the old, that came through for and with Humanity.

Of such an intense build up, of breaking through shadow energy collectively, this was done,

please know this.

This was such a �life-saving� breakthrough.


Many are still adjusting to consciously shifting out of old boxes of energy (BB post July 1).

And it is �different� to just �knowing� to shift and change, this time around with

this, it is a deliberate conscious shift or change to ones mental processing spiritually,

is the best way I can �put it�.

It is not as open or straight forward energetically.

It is us taking a breath and a step back from a situation that is re-occurring CONSCIOUSLY

AND DELIBERATELY to make a change.

As sometimes we can hand over and say �Spirit will show or guide me� yet the old energy

situation is still occurring, it is in those instances I am referring to.

It is something we are needing to �work out� or �work through� and it can be

gradual and take time and needs to be done in (small) steps.

Many are struggling very much at the moment between the �old� and the �new� and

the head/logic and the spiritual within this.

This is a very major transition many are going through!

I feel you, hear you and see you energetically in all you are going through dear souls � on

an energy level.

So much love and compassion to those souls who have reached or are reaching out for guidance

and sharing what they are feeling right now.

These are the flower essences that came at this time to help with the transition we are

currently going through � which one can read and tap this into their crown chakra:

BACH Flower Essence WALNUT is the remedy to help protect us against outside influences

in general, and against the effects of change in particular.

Walnut people are fulfilling their purpose in life but sometimes doubt their path when

they hear the opinions, theories or beliefs of others.

As a remedy against the effects of change, Walnut is useful at all the transition points

in life, from birth to teething to going to school to puberty to marriage to childbearing

to retirement and beyond.

It helps break links with the past so that we can move forward more easily.

For those who have definite ideals and ambitions in life and are fulfilling them, but on rare

occasions are tempted to be led away from their own ideas, aims and work by the enthusiasm,

convictions or strong opinions of others.

The remedy gives constancy and protection from outside influences.

Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABF) :


For the assimilation and integration of new ideas and information, especially where there

is a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of that information.

This Essence should be used when one is unable to solve a problem.

It will activate the Higher Self, where we have the answer to all our problems.

It will ease the burden of problems as it activates the intuitive processes to provide


Negative Condition:

� overwhelm

� unable to resolve problems

� burdened by decision

Positive Outcome:

� improved access to Higher Self for problem solving

� assimilation of new ideas

� calmness

� clarity


For people who have had a difficult time in the past and who are stuck there.

They bring their negative experiences of the past into the present.

Life is seen as being grim and full of struggle.

When they look at life they only see bleakness, hard times and disappointment continuing into

the future.

In the positive mode these people will see the beauty, joy and excitement in the present

and optimistically anticipate the future.

Negative Condition:

� stuck in the past

� expectation of a grim future

� struggle

Positive Outcome:

� optimism

� acceptance of the beauty and joy in the present

� open to a bright future

Please know, this is �so very worth it� as the �breakthroughs/out� of our old

boxes, are very life transforming and in many new ways.

I will share more soon as guided.

As always, I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Resurrection To Breakthrough To Peaceful - Duration: 7:15.


Singulars and Plurals | Filipe Lopes - English to go - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Singulars and Plurals | Filipe Lopes - English to go - Duration: 6:48.


Breaking: Germany Demands Immediate Prosecution of Obama | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:00.

The news lately have been flooded with former president Obama's illegal acts, finally

catching up to him.

As reported, he's been wiretapping President Trump during the presidential elections, as

well as everyone else who he deemed "dangerous."

There is a lot of evidence proving that he actually did all of that.

His back's against the wall.

There are even rumors of a soon-to-be-raised lawsuit against him for everything he's

done in the past 8 years, with a highlight on the surveillance issue.

A new report, suggests that he's got a lot more to worry about, since he's caught up

in not just wiretapping the president.

As reported by WikiLeaks, he even spied on foreign countries, one of them being Germany.

It was leaked that the CIA "used the German facility of Frankfurt as the hacking base,

for their clandestine activities," reports USA Newsflash.

And Germany reacts swiftly, requesting an immediate investigation and prosecution of


"The documents published by Wikileaks reveal that the CIA used Frankfurt as a remote hacking

base for the clandestine activities.

The top secret CIA unit the German city as the main starting point for a number of attacks

all over Europe, China and the Middle East."

As the chief prosecutor of Germany stated, the files released by WikiLeaks "warranted

the investigation."

How sad for Obama.

His legacy, that he so hoped to protect, is long destroyed, and his real problem is just

getting started.

The "do what you want" tactic while in office has served him quite a trouble, and

quite a long list of lawsuits.

There must be someone accountable for all the criminal acts done in the past 8 years.

And we already have a good guess of who that might by.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

For more infomation >> Breaking: Germany Demands Immediate Prosecution of Obama | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:00.


Democratic Fox Point business man enters governor's race - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Democratic Fox Point business man enters governor's race - Duration: 0:37.


How to fix invalid translation data settings for your YouTube download 2017 - Duration: 4:21.

How to fix invalid translation data settings for your YouTube download 2017

my name is Darren Burch. Sorry about the noise in the background of what the windows open

it's very very very very hot at the moment so what the windows open to let

some fresh air in okay the first thing women we're gonna do is well the first

thing I'm gonna do is introduce myself my name is Darren Burch and if you like

my material please subscribe me and follow me on youtube

alright if you want to see more hit the notification bell there alright so now I

was having problems translating some of my English words into another language

on the settings on YouTube when I was doing the video download alright so we

go into my YouTube settings here and here's a video that I've already got

uploaded alright something interesting about New Zealand and here it's got

translations right so we hit that

alright so I want to translate this English part here hoping here into a

different language alright and but further down you can see all the

different languages I'm gonna choose Turkish because it's by second-highest

alright so what I'm gonna do here I sometimes I do German and Spanish

whatever but at the moment I do Turkish right that's what I do is I come over

here and I select a new language and I choose Turkish there we go

alright the next thing I'm going to do is select this here copy

alright I can't put it in there at the moment because it's not being translated

into a different language so what I do now you go to a different browser and

I'm going to type in English into Turkish here you go there we go and so

what I do now is I'll paste what I just copied

into here and it's translated into there all right so I do now as I copy that go

back to my YouTube settings and I'll paste it into there okay there we go

sometimes it's good to go back and just check to make sure that what you've

written or what they've translated for you is correct what am i doing we do is

hit this little button here and we'll translate this to push back into English

at the moment says something interesting about New Zealand by Darren Burch so we

click over interesting things about New Zealand Darren Burch well that's okay I

can live with that but sometimes it can mean something

different and you can fix it by going back to your original and just change

you some of your texts and toys sounds right cuts good sometimes it can sound

quite odd or have some words it doesn't make sense

all right so we'll go back into here okay that's all I'm gonna do for now so

but if we come down here and hit the Settings this comes up in ballad

translation data right it doesn't matter what you do doesn't work so what do you

do you're going to hear if you don't want to write anything in here let's put

a full-stop it's all you have to do all right yep save settings and it goes away

all right so that's how you fix it I guess if you're gonna translate this put

it on there then could be alright but if you're only going to do that you'll need

to write something in here if you aren't going to write anything in there just

put a full-stop in there right and that's how you get by that's how you

bypass it and please subscribe and thank you very much for watching and I'll

catch you guys later see you

How to fix invalid translation data settings for your YouTube download 2017

For more infomation >> How to fix invalid translation data settings for your YouTube download 2017 - Duration: 4:21.


2Pac ft Eminem Till i die lyrics - Duration: 4:05.

Got some static for some niggas on the other side of town

Let my little cousin K roll, he's a rider now

What they want from us motherfuckin' thug niggas ? Used to love niggas, now I plug niggas, and slug niggas

Am I wrong ? Niggas makin' songs, tryin' to get with us

Must be gone on stress weed, in the West we trust

To the chest I bust, then we ride 'til the sun come

Shinin' back to brighten up the sky ; how many die ?

Heard the Fugees was tryin' to do me

Look, bitch : I'll cut your face, this ain't no motherfuckin' movie

Then, we watch the other two die slow

Castrated entertainin' at my motherfuckin' sideshow

Bam! Set my plan in mo' Time to exterminate my foes ; I can't stand you hoes

Uh, now label this my fuckin' trick shot

My lyrics runnin' all you cowards out of hip-hop When we ride ... (on our enemies)

Why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high ; dear God

Tell me why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high Blessed with a thug's heart

I'm a lit fuse, anything I do, bitch, it's news

Pistol whippin' motherfuckin' bouncer 6'2"

Who needs bullets, soon as I pull it you sweat bullets

An excellent method to get rid of the next bully

It's actually better 'cause instead you murderin'

You can hurt 'em and come back again and kick dirt at 'em

It's like pourin' salt in the wounds, assault and get sued

You can smell the lawsuits soon as I waltz in the room

Don't let me lose you, I'm not tryna confuse you

When I let loose with this Uzi And just shoot through your Isuzu

You get the message ? Am I gettin' through to you ? You know what's comin' ?

You motherfuckers don't even know, do you ?

It's like a fight to the top just to see who'd die for the spot

You put your life in this, nothin' like survivin' a shot

Y'all know what time it is, soon as Pac signs on this dot

Shit, what you know about death threats, 'cause I get a lot

Why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high ; dear God

Tell me why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high Blessed with a thug's heart

Mohamed Nasser Khalef allah

Come take a journey through my mind's eye

You crossed the game, don't explain

Nigga, time to die ; say goodbye

Watch my eyes when I pull the trigger

So right before you die, you bow before a bigger nigga

Now dry your eyes, you was heartless on your hits

Niggas love to scream "Peace" after they start some shit

Pay attention, here's a word to those that robbed me

I murder you, then I run a train on Mobb Deep Don't fuck with me !

Nigga, you're barely livin', don't you got sickle cell ?

See me have a seizure on stage, you ain't feelin' well

Hell, how many niggas wanna be involved ?

See, I was only talkin' to Biggie, but I'll kill all of y'all, then ball

Then tell Da Brat to keep her mouth closed

Fuck around and get tossed up by the fuckin' Outlawz

Before I leave, make sure everybody heard Know I meant every motherfuckin' word When we ride on our enemies

Why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high ; dear God

Tell me why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high Blessed with a thug's heart

Why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high ; dear God

Tell me why I cry, when I be thuggin' 'til I die

Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly

Got me missin' dead homies wishin' phonies would die

Hit the weed and hope it get me high Blessed with a thug's heart

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