Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

The $0 KN44 starter assault rifle in Black Ops 3. Verses the brand new Black Ops 2 throwback assault rifle, the kvk 99m... you probably know it as the AN94. Two assault rifles at two drastically different prices to find out which one is better, and if the new black ops 3 dlc weapon, the AN944, is worth it!

For more infomation >> $0 GUN Vs $100 KVK 99M - IS THE NEW BLACK OPS 3 DLC WEAPON WORTH IT!? (NEW BLACK OPS 3 DLC WEAPONS) - Duration: 11:19.


This Number One Killer Of Women Is In Part A Form Of Spirit Sickness - Duration: 6:15.

This Number One Killer Of Women Is In Part A Form Of Spirit Sickness

By consciousreminder

Christina Sarich, Waking Times

With all the Susan G. Komen �runs for the cure� and incessant talk of pink ribbons,

you�d think women were dropping like flies from breast cancer, but this isn�t the number

one killer of women in modern society.

The most common killer of women is also one of the most preventable diseases.

According to research from Harvard, coronary heart disease, and the stress which is behind

it, is the leading cause of death among the female gender, but why?

As per the study, women are six times more likely to worry about getting breast cancer,

but heart-disease is a much more real and present danger.

Part of the problem is that breast cancer usually hits a woman in her 50s, while the

first heart attack happens to women when they are much older, so it is easier to discount

heart disease, and the underlying factors which contribute to it.

Another possible reason women worry about breast cancer more than the health of their

hearts, is two-fold: we are naturally outwardly focused as nurturers, and Big Pharma has a

racket going with breast cancer, so we�re primed to think of this disease first.

$9,850 dollar breast cancer drug anyone?

Heart disease is also sneaky.

It doesn�t always start with a serious stroke or heart attack.

The physical symptoms can include fatigue, shortness of breath, mid-chest pressure (not

pain), nausea, and radiating pain from the jaw or the left shoulder.

Non-physical symptoms of an ailing heart can include:

�An inability to express openly, the suffering and pain we�ve endured emotionally.

(Even the Harvard study says that a woman�s stress is often discounted and her symptoms

chalked up as hypochondria, so women are taught to �suck it up.�)

� An inability to forgive and express compassion.

� Leading with our heads instead of our hearts.

� Co-dependent tendencies or a lack of expressing our full power.

� Lack of acceptance.

In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called Anahata, which means unstruck note, or unwounded love.

A woman is born with an innate ability to love unconditionally, but through cultural

and familial pressure we�ve been taught, just like men, to stuff it down, and cut ourselves

off from the emotions that can with a broken heart or a heart that needs to express forgiveness

for pain caused by others.

When the heart chakra is balanced, it radiates serenity balance, and calm.

It easily gives and receives love.

It doesn�t ruminate on past hurts because they�ve been expressed in a healthy way.

Why are so many women dying of a heart attacks and strokes associated with heart disease?

Our hearts must return to the �unhurt� or �unstruck, unbeaten� state, the �unmade

sound� which is infinitely, AUM.

(Or, really the fourth sound following A-U-M, which is silence).

When the Zen koan asks, �What is the sound of one hand clapping/� It refers to this

�unstruck note.� It is referring to the primal energy of sound itself, the sound of

creation, of love in its creative force.

We must trust the intelligence of the heart to be our inner compass again.

As we nurture others, we must also nurture ourselves.

If we feel as if we don�t belong or fit in, it�s time to reach out and connect with

others who can accept us as we are.

It is also interesting to note, that women don�t respond to traditional medicine the

way that men have.

As the Harvard study details,

�Most of our ideas about heart disease in women used to come from studying it in men.

But there are many reasons to think that it�s different in women.

A woman�s symptoms are often different from a man�s, and she�s much more likely than

a man to die within a year of having a heart attack.

Women also don�t seem to fare as well as men do after taking clot-busting drugs or

undergoing certain heart-related medical procedures.

Research is only now beginning to uncover the biological, medical, and social bases

of these and other differences.

The hope is that new knowledge will lead to advances in tailoring prevention and treatment

to women.�

The heart is a fascinating muscle, and its energy is used for much more than just pumping

blood through our veins.

According to Rollin McCraty, Director of Research at the Institute of HeartMath, the heart�s

electromagnetic field is about 5000 times stronger than that of the cranial brain, interacting

with and permeating every cell of our bodies.

When we heal the heart�s energy, women will return to their natural state of compassionate,

uncompromising, unconditional lovers.

This is what needs healing.

For more infomation >> This Number One Killer Of Women Is In Part A Form Of Spirit Sickness - Duration: 6:15.


RANDAR - MIX TRACK / راندر - مكس تراك - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> RANDAR - MIX TRACK / راندر - مكس تراك - Duration: 9:13.




A Chinese team has announced that they have successfully created the world�s first satellite-to-ground

quantum network which has proved itself to be capable of recording the longest ever distance

over which quantum entanglement can be measured.

In the 1990s, scientists first came across the mysterious and fascinating concept of

quantum entanglement.

They discovered that if two photons were placed in contact with one another then they would

always remain inextricably linked and mirror one another�s behavior even if they were

separated by vast amounts of difference.

INCREDIBLE BREAKTHROUGH Quantum entanglement is considered to be absolutely essential in

the development of next-generation technologies which will allow for long-distance teleportation


However, work on the fascinating concept has stalled in recent years.

Despite the fact that the two photons should remain linked to one another no matter how

far they are separated in the theoretical sense, this has been very difficult to prove

as the specimen photons are often lost in the atmosphere or within optical fibers when

they have transported away from one another.

According to the Chinese team, previous teleportation experiments have been limited in the past

to a distance of only 100 kilometers.

The Chinese team managed to get around this problem by using a highly sensitive photon

receptor referred to as Micius which has bene placed in orbit.

The photons under examination are placed within a vacuum to ensure that they are not lost

and then monitored using ground stations.

This allowed the team to monitor the photons at a distance of up to 1400km to check whether

entanglement was still occurring.

The team experimented with millions of photons and found clear evidence of entanglement in

911 of the cases.

The success of these initial experiments by the Chinese team has laid the foundations

for further work in this field in the future.

�This work establishes the first ground-to-satellite uplink for faithful and ultra-long-distance

quantum teleportation, an essential step toward the global-scale quantum internet, � wrote

the team in a report.

Before this incredible breakthrough, the Chinese were lagging behind European and American

researchers in the field of quantum entanglement and teleportation.

Now that they have made such an astonishing step forward it is almost certain that western

scientists will be compelled to up their game to match their

Chinese counterparts.



Excavator, Dump trucks, Spiderman Video for children | Trucks for children | Diggers Trucks | PagoTV - Duration: 19:10.

For more infomation >> Excavator, Dump trucks, Spiderman Video for children | Trucks for children | Diggers Trucks | PagoTV - Duration: 19:10.


SINGING LIVE . I'll Never Never Give Up On You . Original Song By Darren Burch - Duration: 4:15.

Live . I'll Never Never Give Up On You . Original Song By Darren Burch

Live . I'll Never Never Give Up On You . Original Song By Darren Burch

For more infomation >> SINGING LIVE . I'll Never Never Give Up On You . Original Song By Darren Burch - Duration: 4:15.


Second Artist's Date: BATH TIME - Duration: 2:06.

[Sci Fi by Ben Sound, a creepy, alien-like, electronic-based song, plays].

[Song developes electronic beats].

[Music continues].

[Music cuts out].

For more infomation >> Second Artist's Date: BATH TIME - Duration: 2:06.


Customs! Episode 1 - Bendy and Sammy in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga! - Duration: 5:59.

Bendy's Attacks: Toy Gun, Bendy Kick Sammy's Attacks: Axe Swing, Ink Magic

Music: Gospel of Dismay By: DAGames

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