Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

Quietly hand me over your purse... or else

Who are you?

Help me! Help me!

Nobody is going to save you here!

Leave me!

Don't move!

Somebody help me!

What? Who are you?

A silent guardian... A watchful protector.

Fidget Spinner Baba!!!

Ha! I don't fear any 'baba'.

For more infomation >> FIDGET SPINNER BABA - Duration: 2:49.


incoming transmission - Duration: 0:14.

[incoming transmission]

ya isis niggas

FUCK ya isis niggas

we from New York

FUCK isis


and you tryna blow anything up

Barrack Obama is coming for you

For more infomation >> incoming transmission - Duration: 0:14.


[ENG] LuHan - KFC Summer Theater "Eating the Fried chicken" (Final Episode) - Duration: 2:42.

KFC Summer Theater "Eat up the Fried Chicken" (Final Episode)

This episode is made by always-be-with-you Lu, presented by peppery hot fried chicken brand KFC

and starred by super handsome KFC endorser LuHan

Previous plot of KFC Summer Theater "Eat up the Fried chicken" (Part 2)

Brother Lu, it's time for shooting.


No one can eat my fried chicken, okay?


Who is it?

Who stole my fried chicken?

Editor: have you guessed who ate the fried chicken?

Editor: I guess you must think like this.

Editor: It's mine. All fried chickens are mine

Suspector: Editor

Editor: or maybe like this…

Lao Gao: No more talking, 5 pieces fried chicken first.

Suspector: Lao Gao

Editor: I can tell you, it's really not us.

Don't you feel hurt in your heart ?

So…. What the hell happened in the lounge after Brother Lu left?

Editor: Hey hey, really want to eat one …

Lao Gao: …

Staff: Come out, start shooting.

Editor: Coming

Lao Gao: Coming

So the truth is ...

The venues for shooting the hot Colonel

Editor: Brother Lu, you did purpose for NG

After NG 777 times

Director: One more bucket of fried chicken

Staff: Fried chicken all eaten by Brother Lu.

scare to death for being quiet suddenly.

Editor: I know where they have the fried chicken

At this moment….LuHan's lounge

Editor: Got it all. Let's go

Back to the shooting venues.

Continue the shooting

Director: Good, over

Actually, it's me to eat the fried chickens.

Editor: Brother Lu, do you have a fun to be a scenario?

Editor: Looks like you have a lot fun.


Behind the Scene

The fried chicken that people can't stop eating is in KFC, of course.


You think its over?

No!too naive.

Time for advertising Lu again

Hello, everyone. I am your Manager Lu

The delicious fried chicken makes people addictive,

Of course it's in KFC

This summer vocation,bring your buddies to KFC

Enjoy eating with Lu.

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan - KFC Summer Theater "Eating the Fried chicken" (Final Episode) - Duration: 2:42.


Falcon vs Quinjet | Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:27.

Falcon, status?


All right, Cap. I'm in.

Oh, shit.

Eight minutes, Cap.

Working on it.

Alpha lock.

Falcon, where are you now?

I had to take a detour.

Oh, yeah!

I'm in.

Bravo lock.

For more infomation >> Falcon vs Quinjet | Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:27.


Martin Basile - GIORGIO CAPRONI Freestyle - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Martin Basile - GIORGIO CAPRONI Freestyle - Duration: 1:41.


The Best Views In Edinburgh?! Going Up Calton Hill || KA5THLEEN - Duration: 7:48.

Hey Guys!

so I dont....

so today is Saturday the 8th and i am going, i've decided to go up and take Lottie

up to Calton Hill for a wee walk today because it's quite a nice day actually. And Calton Hill is

actually one of my favourite places in Edinburgh because of the views like I

just... I love it up there and so does Lottie cause she gets to see other dogs

and just run around...well run around, I say run around really

she rolls around in the grass constantly, that's all she does. She's not right but yeah, I'm going to take

a bus uptown, go up Calton Hill, and take you along with me.

Hey, so I've just reached Calton Hill. And yeah, Lottie... is somewhere

here, can you see her? Yep, anyways it is a really nice day so I'm hoping to get some good footage

some good photographs, yeah it's really sunny and a nice day. Hope it stays that way.

Oh my gosh. Okay. It's so warm today

and Lottie is roasting. We're just getting some photo's of her, with this lovely view at

the back. It's such a lovely, clear day today. And I'm pretty

I just looked at the view finder for like ten minutes there

hey guys, so we've kind of reached the top where you get like the best views. Not like the top

top. That's like the top. It's nothing like Arthurs Seat but it's a lot for Lottie.

And we just kind of... decided to sit down. Lottie is gonna have a wee drink.

Don't know if you can see her at all

So you can probably hear me quite well as well actually. That's another thing, I don't have an external mic yet for this camera

Because I bought it for photography. So it gets... the wind kind of gets quite caught up in it

like you heard in my last vlog. But hey. It's so quite and peaceful.

Just take a look at this

So like I said earlier, Calton Hill is one of my favourite places in Edinburgh purely for the view

as you can probably tell and if you are a Edinburgh.... if you live in Edinburgh

you probably know as well that actually it's really amazing. Lottie loves it

Lottie loves getting out here and it is a lot of walking for her cause she's a small dog so she does get carried a wee bit

but yeah, it's not even that windy actually today. I thought it would be windy up here so I brought my

snapback, but it's not. And I totally don't need to be wearing this jumper 'cause it's so warm.

yep of course


Honestly, this is the best place to vlog if you are a newbie like me and you are really self conscious because everyone is taking selfies around here so it looks like you are taking one too. Look.

So you kind of fit in if you vlog here.

okay so that does sum up this video. If you like it, give it a thumbs up

and subscribe if you yet to do so and hopefully I will see you next week with a new video

bye for now!

For more infomation >> The Best Views In Edinburgh?! Going Up Calton Hill || KA5THLEEN - Duration: 7:48.


RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP | Lacrim - Oh bah oui ft. Booba | REACTION TO FRENCH TRAP - Duration: 6:49.

Soon you will be speaking French with the viewers

You're gonna be translating everything soon

Not so soon

Try your best bro!

Hit the "Like" button if you want Misha to learn French as soon as possible

I know Booba, but Lacrim I am not sure

We have reacted to Lacrim before

This intro is good

Spooky intro

Like in movies

Oh damn!

Got damn!

Spooky music

Looks like a movie

I start to hear the beat now

Nice, nice!

Money, money

Damn, bro, I am scared!

It's the best intro I've ever seen

Let's go, let's go!

I thought the beat would be harder

Hold on, maybe it is hard

Oh my god!

Let's see

Damn, Kalash

I like when the beat stops

Booba is standing right there

Different phones are lying on the table

Whoa, guys are going to do something

Something is about to happen


Interlude again

They want to rob someone

He could run them over and just keep going

True, why did he stop the truck?

Yeah, he could just lay down and keep going

He always wears his hat like this

Damn, so many people again

I like it when there are many people

It makes videos better actually

He broke his phone

Some altercations with police

That dude in mask looks scary

He is so scary

They delivered the stuff

What's up brother!


They should have shown at the end... like in movies

That those who sell drugs go to jail or get killed

Like they should have shown people the consequences

But here it's more like a propaganda

No, they won't show it

Well, the video and the music are amazing. I can't give it less than a 15/10

Dudes made a great job

It's one of the best videos I've ever seen

The music at the beginning, the intro were on the top level

Good job. I love France for making things right

If everybody in the world knew French language

French rap would be bigger than American rap

I don't like that the whole world is trying to look up to America

I don't understand why. People don't look at Europe and other countries

We discovered European music for ourselves, and it's dope

Don't just look up to America. Europe has so many awesome things to offer

Very good people too

And they even live close to Russia

But hey, the video was amazing

Yeah, and the song was so aggressive

And the video was like a movie

And the intro was so spooky

Yeah, it was spooky, and they invested money in that video

Yo salute France!

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP | Lacrim - Oh bah oui ft. Booba | REACTION TO FRENCH TRAP - Duration: 6:49.


Как перестать думать и бояться и начать действовать – Как развить решительность и быстро успокоиться - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Как перестать думать и бояться и начать действовать – Как развить решительность и быстро успокоиться - Duration: 3:36.


Best Replays of the Week International #65 - Duration: 12:13.

Hello, I'm Luke Kneller and welcome to Best Replays of the Week.

In this episode we have:

a cunning Defender,

a Spähpanzer on a rampage,

and spectacular display from a T49.

Let's get started!

Let's begin by listening to the familiar sound of high speed projectiles,

striking thick steel plates.

Heading into a firestorm at Live Oaks is a Type 4 Heavy,

commanded by betabug from the EU region.

The Heavy rolls into town,

announcing its arrival with a blast from the boom tube.

Early on, the match is more about punishing the opposition,

than tanking their shots.

The Reds do try their best,

but fighting this Japanese monster has to be demoralizing.

It seems to shrug off any hits, and the return fire is truly devastating.

The Mäuschen, at least, should provide a challenge.

Sparks fly off the armor in the clash of titans,

but for the longest time, that is all that happens.

Betabug's teammates tip the scales,

as the German gunner finds a chink in the armor.

This inspires the gunner to pay it back in kind.

Farewell, oh worthy foe.

The endgame starts four against four,

but the squishy teammates aren't long for this world.

The open ground here seems a little too dangerous, even for a Wall of Steel.

The other side of the hill has healthier climate.

The tier 9 Leopard attacks with courage,

causing severe damage.

The IS falls back to firing HE rounds.

It's mostly just annoying, but the damage is mounting up.

Ouch, this is actually starting to get serious.

The Type 4 is a mighty beast, but even dragons can be slain.

Reload seems glacially slow, but the payoff is worth the wait.

Boom! Just one more to go.

Make no mistake. The IS could totally win this.

But it's not going to.

A single mistake is all it takes, and the Steel Wall remains unbroken.

Eight thousand damage, nearly nine thousand blocked,

and an impressive number of kills.

The HE shells did a surprising amount of damage,

but the Steel Wall stood firm.

Great job, betabug!


The Sniper of the Week is Altansar, who plays in the American region.

Their weapon of choice is a UDES 03,

which gets to see some action at Erlenberg.

Finding a good firing position is a bit of a challenge,

but Altansar does find it eventually.

The location brings in a couple of kills,

as well as a respectable amount of damage.

A fast reverse gear comes in handy when the targets run out.

Nice shot, but you probably shouldn't stay out in the open.

Reds attempt a rather cheeky capture.

The tall grass gives just enough cover, for taking them apart in relative safety.

The survivors try to run, but it's much too late for that.

The slaughter is complete.

The foes have been reduced to a few stragglers, such as the Easy Eight here.

Let's put it out of its misery as well.

A Tiger P is a sturdier target,

but that just means firing a few additional shots.

The end result is the same.

Impressive accuracy, with even more impressive damage numbers.

Add in nine kills, and a chest full of medals for Altansar.

What's not to like.

Top Gun

Let's follow that with a Top Gun game.

The player is EPlay, in command of a Spähpanzer SP I C.

The location is Karelia, on an EU server, with our champion

on the defending side of an Assault match.

The Spähpanzer dashes across the swampy terrain,

scoring the first kill just forty seconds into the match.

The remaining shells find a new home in the soft body of a Borsig.

This is dangerous ground, but EPlay isn't going anywhere.

The next trio of shells deals punishing damage to a Löwe,

which doesn't stick around to be finished off.

The FCM, likewise, draws back when engaged.

A critically damaged Škoda T 50 dies on the second attempt,

which leaves an extra round for securing an un-eyed kill.

This has been a rather nice start.

Let's finish off that Löwe while we're at it.

Maybe with a second un-eyed kill, just for style.

A third attempt at the trick fails,

as does the attempt on a rival Spähpanzer.

Oh well, as long as it's dead.

The FCM is still there, and it's in trouble.

Let's give it the help it needs.

Is there anybody up here?

Oh boy, yes there are.

Tag, you're it.

The plateau is a little too hot,

so EPlay offloads the next magazine into an E 75…

which turns out to be difficult to damage.

Would a Caernarvon be squishier?

Apparently so.

Now the E 75 is showing its butt. That's just rude!

Taking out the Skorpion G would be great,

but a single magazine doesn't quite do the trick.

After a reload the TD has vanished.

Not to worry though, here's another one of the same make.

And the Borsig from before, as a bonus.

Once again, the wounded Skorpion manages to get away.

Slippery creatures...

It decides to stop running and fight back, which is probably a mistake.

A hunter's instinct suggests that the first one is somewhere close.

Maybe just around the corner.


That's ten kills.

Better do a reload before going after the remaining heavy.

One… Two… Three.

Nice damage, but the foe is still standing.

Is there enough time for a reload?

Teammates take the heavy down to a sliver of health,

but it's EPlay's final HEAT shell which hammers in the last nail.

That was just about perfect.

I'm not sure we've seen a light tank dominate the opposition

quite so hard before now. Amazing work, EPlay!


Staying on the EU servers, we'll go from Top Gun to Defender.

rolinagy98 brings an AMX CDC to El Halluf,

showing us how these things are done.

The battle is an Encounter,

giving a lot more time when it comes to defense.

The first customer is an Ru 251, loitering on the edge of the circle.

Rolinagy has a pair of HE shells for soft skinned targets like this one.

The first round works like a charm,

but the second one is a bit disappointing.

As a consequence, a rival CDC gets in a shot, before the kill is secure.

This is a dangerously open spot for the Defender's unarmored machine.

Survival will depend on gun depression and mobility.

A hit from the E 75 could ruin the whole day.

It needs to die before the gun goes off.

The next shell very nearly hits a teammate…

Luckily, "almost" doesn't count.

Rolinagy is on a roll,

putting on a display worthy of a Confederate award on its own.

The rival CDC does some damage,

but it doesn't live long enough to boast about it.

The battle seems to be going quite well for the Greens,

until the team suddenly collapses.

Another one bites the dust, but there's still four to go.

I wonder if this Jagdtiger is going to do anything useful.

The big TD does manage a kill before getting owned.

That leaves three to deal with.

And here we go.

It's about time this turned into an actual Defender game.

Since there's just one capper in the circle,

our Defender has plenty of time to play this smart and sneaky.

Since the capper can't be seen from here, let's take care of the others first.

And speak of the devil, there's the SPG.

It's likely the tank, rather than the TD, in the circle.

Yup, there it is.

There's no shot to be had from here, and the Reds will be waiting.

Better head back the other way.

Detection happens suddenly,

and the quick-draw contest isn't a great success on either side.

The Waffenträger pulls back for a moment, before resuming its watch.

Peeking out where it expects would be suicide.

Here, on the other hand… Au revoir, mon ami.

Nicely done, but now the capture is getting uncomfortably close.

I guess we'll see if the mobility of the CDC lives up to the hype.

99… 100… and reset!

The T34 is too strong to fight in the circle.

Rolinagy puts in another shell, before sprinting away.

Time is not really an issue, so the shots can be carefully set up.

When sixth sense goes off, it's time to back off.

In theory, the match timer could become an issue,

but our Defender wraps up the game, with almost a minute to spare.

Not the most dynamic Defense fight,

but the opponents were completely outplayed.

The early game was worthy of a Confederate award in itself,

which is quite a trick combined with a 7 kill Top Gun.

But with a hundred percent reset that makes it a defender in my eyes, Rolinagy.

You know what the name is.

Crucial Contribution

And now, let's wrap up the episode

with a piping hot Crucial Contribution from the American servers,

courtesy of WK_Franz.

The game is a tier 9 Encounter at Redshire,

with a T49 as the machine of the hour.

And as you can see, Franz has brought along a friend.

The action starts on the fly, without slowing down to aim.

After circling around the hill, the next target is a rival T49.

The capture circle and its surroundings are a hot combat zone.

Franz stays on the move, dealing damage as the opportunities arise.

This Panther is so focused it's almost a shame to break its concentration.


With a three machine capture on the way, Franz is free to go hunting.

Where do you think you're going?

Some enemy hero seems to be sabotaging the capture,

while our own champion is busy shutting down the artillery support.

As the cappers deal with the problem,

Franz arrives to guard them from further interference.

The O-Ho gets a pounding,

and the S-tank finds out it's not quite as sneaky as it thought.

Can the capture be saved?

Not with such hasty shots, it can't.

The O-Ho blows up on the next attempt, but an E 75 has broken through.

There's a fox among the chickens.

A slow, heavily armored fox, but a fox, nonetheless.

This game isn't going to be decided with a capture.

It's time to just kill everyone.

Another one goes down, as the teammate pulls out all the stops.

The last one is a French autoloader, which proves to be surprisingly sturdy.

The SU charges in, bravely but foolishly.

Let's try another HEAT round.

Now that's more like it.

One more hit should do it,

but there's no need to risk facing that autoloading cannon.

Franz sneaks in close, charging when Sixth Sense lights up.

Boom! And that is all she wrote.

What an excellent game.

An eight kill Top Gun is pretty sweet on its own,

but as that base experience shows, this one was something special.

Well done, WK_Franz!

That's all for this episode.

Nice, aggressive games, with plenty of skill.

We look forward to seeing more of those from you guys.

I'm Luke Kneller.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.

Boom! That's 11 kills!..

It says ten, I don't know why I said eleven.

I don't know how that comes out sometimes.

Apparently, I can't read English.

Nice damage, but the foe stays...

The FCM, likewise, draws back when engaged.

♫I'm still standing, yeah yeah yeah...♫

Au revoir, mon ami.

Where's my coffee?

O-Ho, get to pounding!

Bada boom, bada bing.

For more infomation >> Best Replays of the Week International #65 - Duration: 12:13.


[CC] Faker is the Syndra himself! This is how you use W~ the bm is still in it as well[ Full Game ] - Duration: 29:15.

For more infomation >> [CC] Faker is the Syndra himself! This is how you use W~ the bm is still in it as well[ Full Game ] - Duration: 29:15.


melt × KAWAII PATEEN with Lulu Hashimoto【with English Sub】|melt × KAWAII-PATEEN!橋本ルルインタビュー! - Duration: 7:32.

Here is Hashimoto Lulu!

Like you are daydreaming.

Wow you are faster texting than I am.

I am sure that would suit you!

Hello everyone, this is Reporter Cathy Cat.

Today you might be able to tell already from watching this video.

We are not at any place, we are right now behind the scenes

at a brand new Japanese fashion magazine called "melt".

Right now backstage at "melt".

I have the pleasure to present you a special interview.

Guest today is Hashimoto Lulu

Wow isn't she cute and unique?

When I saw her in real life for the first time I was so surprised.

You perform as doll model. What percentage doll and human are you?

Half human half doll?

I see.

What is your modelling concept?

Melancholy and sleepy. I can see that.

Half asleep, seeing some wonderful dreams, like a real daydreamer.

Let's start with your fashion check.


Where are the clothes you are wearing from?

She said it's from the brand Victorian Maiden.

It looks wonderful. What's today's fashion point?

Oh thats what you mean!

Her socks have a shirt collar to them!

They match the triangle collar on her dress too.

And I can see a rocking horse there. Could you lift it up so we can see it?

It looks super charming.

Look like it just escaped from a merry go round.

What type of headdress is that?

She sewed it herself? Wow you have serious skill.

Truth is, the dress I am wearing right now, I got from Lulu!

Could you tell us more about the concept behind the brand?

The person who created Lulu, also created that brand.

What brand image does the collection have?

You mean the space between escaping from reality and reality?

Summarizing it, its a daydream theme?

The designer mentioned that to her before.


You physically really look like a doll.

But you said you are half doll half human,

so do you have a special diet or so?

She naturally doesn't gain weight easily. Gosh I am jealous now...

Do you give yourself face massages before bed or such?

Or do you have any face products you use?

She said she takes some time to have a relaxed cup of tea. Nice one, I agree with that.

Do you have any other beauty tips or such?

She loves changing her hair colors.

She changes her hair color quite frequently.

What other hair colors have you tried before?

Silver, pink and the universe?

That sounds like quite a lot.

The flashy hair colors must suit you a lot. Please show me pictures.


Can you do any sports?

You like dancing and are practicing?

What type of dance?

Not the old school para para dance right?

Classical ballet? Wow that's a surprise.

But thinking about it again, it suits your dress right now too.

I've been wondering, when were you actually "made"?

On the first of January.

So that's kind of your birthday?

It hasn't been a year yet since you were made!

Oh wow girl you are still very young!

I am wearing Hakuchum Tokyo right now, do you have a favorite brand?

Oh you got the phone out. We should have thought of that before.

Wow you are faster texting than I am.

Ok here we have...

Innocent World, Emily Temple, RoseMary Seoir

oh and Victorian Maiden, which is what you are wearing right now.

What do you do in your daily life?

Reading books! I love that too. And she likes music too.

What type of music do you like?

She likes the musicians Spank Happy.

Do you have a dream?

She would like to walk down the catwalk.

Oh you are already getting hyped up for it.

You are already practicing the poses.

I am imagine you would look so good!

If you live a live as doll, what do you have to be careful about?

She is very careful about not scaring any kids,

so she waves at them and such.

To assure them that she is not scary.

Aww that's cute.

Do you like kids?

Ok good.

I often get asked to have my picture taken in Harajuku.

Is it ok if people wanna take pictures with you?

You look happy about that.

Is there a county you would like to visit?

Italy.... no wait GERMANY!!!

Germany, my home country is a super nice place, we got great sausages,

well and the beer is great for those who can have it,

I can recommend you so many places!

We have castles too...

That's what you meant right? Well and also Italy.

Are dolls allowed to fall in love? Can you fall in love?

Oh you can't!

But you said you like to see other humans' happy faces.

Very kind.

Today's secret!

Lulu please share a secret with everyone.

I see it!

You can't see it unless you stand very close.

If you look really closely at her eyes...

You can see some stars in her eyes.

If you have the pleasure to meet Lulu be sure to check it out.

Since you mentioned going down the catwalk

can you show me modeling poses?I will try and copy it.

This was the special shoot for the new Japanese fashion magazine "melt".

If you happen to meet her in town, be sure to ask her for pictures.

Thank you for watching. Bye!

See you again!

For more infomation >> melt × KAWAII PATEEN with Lulu Hashimoto【with English Sub】|melt × KAWAII-PATEEN!橋本ルルインタビュー! - Duration: 7:32.


MapleStory Override/Beyond: ELUNA Event Trailer (English Subtitles) - Duration: 0:43.

Eluna, a new planet discovered in Grandis.

Maplers! Explore the unknown - Eluna!

First, you have to get stronger.

Get on the Eluna Express, experience high-speed growth tailored just for you.

Lend the powers of the minerals of Eluna and go beyond your limits.

Then, convert those powers you gathered into an accessory which belongs to you forever!

Everything that you're looking for is here, in Eluna!

For more infomation >> MapleStory Override/Beyond: ELUNA Event Trailer (English Subtitles) - Duration: 0:43.


СТРАЙКБОЛЬНАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ. Сталкерстрайк или страйкбольный Сталкер // Airsoft Stalker - Duration: 9:40.

Sponsored by Wartech

Last year I issued gameplay video about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. airsoft game and I still receive a lot of questions about it.

Since I'm not a pro here, related expert will help me.

Hello Everyone, I'm Andrey the Poet. My greetings to Marty's watchers!

"Stalker Strike" is the name of airsoft thematic game based on famous S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game.

The game is an open world with its own economy, factions, outposts, anomalies, mutants etc.

The game is usually 24h long, but 2 or 3 day long games also happen.

Every player has it's role and must communicate with others without out-of-character phrases. Basically its a role playing game inside the Zone.

Stalker strike games usually have no linear plot or scenario.

Players are submerged into the game world where they complete quests, earn reputation and in-game currency to spend on food, ammo, information etc.

It's up for players to cheat or betray other players and factions, or maybe help someone.

The possibilities for adventure are endless, this world awaits.

- One wrong move, and I shoot. - Got it.

For example, during my last game I purchased the info about Freedom base location.

They supposedly had some quest for a lone Stalker to take, but apparently my informant had some foul play going on.

When I arrived, the location was really far from real Freedom base...

- Are you alone? - Yes, I am.

- Stay where you are!

- Shit, looks like I'm fucked...

- Hands up.

- Look at this catch!

- Hands up so I can see them!

Next time they caught me I was forced knife-fight another Stalker.

But I managed to steal my confiscated gun and shoot my opponent. Bandits were amused.

This game is full of such moments. It all depends on luck and your wits.

- Let's play a game, Stalker.

- Okay.

- You like gambling?

Stalker strike includes all major factions from video game and also factions based on non-game lore and fan fiction.

Each faction has it's own distinguishable uniform so you always know the role of the player you see in front of you.

Few words about factions, their appearance and goals.

- Fedor, get him to Station 1 and search him. And quick before he succumbs to radiation.

Monolith. Fanatics that worship the so-called Stone, which supposedly can make your wish come true.

They can catch other players and turn into their faith to keep on as Monolith Adepts.

Adepts can work undercover and even kill their squad mates in case they start fight with Monolith personnel.

Monolith fighters usually wear urban camo and equipment in olive tint.

Monolith do not forge alliances, hostile to anyone and kill anyone. Prisoners are usually turned into Adepts.

- I have a business here.

- Came here on purpose.

Duty (rus. "Dolg"). "We will protect the world from the plague The Zone is" and stuff. Based on the lore their duty is to isolate the spread of The Zone. Hence the faction name.

According to fanfics Duty members hunt mutants, collect artifacts for scientists to help isolate the spread of The Zone.

Duty is actively hostile to Freedom as Freedom live in harmony with the Zone.

In Stalker Strike they usually oppress free stalkers because they take artifacts outta The Zone helping its spread.

- Why are you bringing this contagion out?!

- They will kill me otherwise..

- They will kill you... Do you think we would spare you?!

- Do you think we would?!

Duty members wear black uniform with red inserts like in original video game. Sometimes pure black.

Freedom (rus. "Svoboda") is basically neutral faction and almost anyone can safely have business with them if they do not confront Freedom directly.

- We offer a lot of foreign and Russian firearms.

- I have just 5 rounds in my magazine, so ammo would be nice.

- We also have various information, papers, files.

- I actually have some info on your enemies.

Freedom players wear flecktarn camo and are hostile to Duty and Monolith only.

Mercenaries. Simply work for those who pays more. Wear blue jumpsuits and black equipment.

Bandits faction players usually confront free stalkers by ambushing places with good loot.

They are also loan sharks, burglars, robbers. You name it. They sometimes organize arena fighting between prisoners just for fun.

They act and talk accordingly. Wear leather stuff, sport trunks, sneakers, caps. Some of them might looks like Private Military Company operators.

- Don't fucking interrupt me!

Free Stalkers. Loners. Neutrals and so on.

Free Stalkers is not a faction but lone survivors, sometimes forming small groups.

They have their own personal goals. My character, for instance, longs for money sometimes working for few factions at once.

Free Stalkers usually wear gorka camo with blue jeans or gorka pants.

Some might wear Sunrise-1 suits (rus. "Zarya-odin") like the one I have.

There are other factions not covered by this video.

Another feature of Stalker Strike is electronics.

The system of radio transmitters "Beam" (rus. "Lutch") designed by Igor, good friend of mine. They are used by most game organizers.

- This is our electronics guru Igor. Thanks to him we have anomalies, controllers and other cool features played via our PDA's.

The Beam is a system of radio transmitters and receivers that can read different effects like anomalies, radiation zones.

Transmitters are placed by organizers throughout the facility. Sometimes around hundred of them.

- There was a lot of anomalies this time, short distance, like 2 m radius so you had to watch your step.

- 105? A hundred and five anomalies!

Each player has receiver that gets the signal from nearby transmitters.

Here is the receiver. Whenever it's in the are of transmitter, the effect takes place. *Reads: Health 100%, Radiation 0.

*Reads: Rusty Hairs. Thermo 93% and decreasing

Right now this is Rusty Hairs anomaly.

If the player is out of anomaly zone he can use the first aid pack chip to heal himself.

It's 100% now.

This one transmits radiation zone.

Radiation starts to accumulate accordingly.

It's more than 10k now. 1M rads and your character dies.

There's a lot of radiation zones in the game and you have to pass them really quickly.

And that is just the tip of an iceberg. Electronics brings tons of different effects and makes the game unique every time.

There are also artifacts and containers for their transportation.

Artifacts usually create anomalies in their active radius and you can hand them over to scientists to earn different PDA updates.

If you're interested, check the link to my channel below (*The channel is in Russian).

There is Season 13 of Stalker Strike right now with a first person action.

There is also Stalker Strike for Dummies on my channel, describing places where you can play yourself and find out what is needed for that.

Okay, I'm done. Marty?

Thanks Andrey for helping me make this video. Please support us with your thumbs up and subscribe to our channels.

All the links are in the description below. Role-play proper Stalkers!

For more infomation >> СТРАЙКБОЛЬНАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ. Сталкерстрайк или страйкбольный Сталкер // Airsoft Stalker - Duration: 9:40.


Upsell Yourself! Augmentez vos performances en montant en compétences - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Upsell Yourself! Augmentez vos performances en montant en compétences - Duration: 1:41.


Video: Humid day, downpours on tap - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Video: Humid day, downpours on tap - Duration: 2:54.


Nightcroe - YOUR YEAR - Duration: 2:31.

But the time is never stoppin' Only game to keep one option

Go to school and get a job But it's all comin' all around me

They slavin' for the bills But I knew I wanted more, tell my boys that

we can make it to that hills Livin' real, doin' what I love

Goin' day to day But I know it takes time and patiently waitin'

Sometimes I can't just play Cuz one day you feel so close and next day

you out of sight But I know we gotta hold on tight

Go back and just goin' out every night If I'm lettin' go now I can live alright

Live a normal life Doin' 9 to 5

But I know I'm more then that Our game and skill wasn't ball with that

At the end of the life it's a memory And I wanna know how they'll remember me

And they hate to get for what I am More love to boy for what I'm not right

Changes, but the game never gonna changes They never say it was painless

Ain't no recipe to be famous But I'mma take my time and I know will work

this Step by step comin' out the surface

Yeah I never gonna fallow, yeah I'll make it to the top

And that's for certain

And it won't believe I'm doin' it unless

I got a record, dude And they only think it workin' if the music

gonna pay the bills So how am I tell to my fam that I'mma make

it one day I don't know if it's real

I'm goin' alone and I never gonna stop And I know I'mma get that masterpiece

I got it, never doubt it They gonna found out I'm about it

When I'm gonna come up, they will know my name

All up in the game and they got that aim But it's more than a women, and the chain

and a fame I've been puttin' my life and get worst

Lovin' my story, they don't even love me

They feelin' the flow and they think I'mma hooly,

I tell ' em to stop, a kid on the block, takin' a shot at the game that a beat it

Know when I flow, I'll never be slowin' I'm runin', I'm racin' , I'm already

go And they look me and hold me back

Cuz I've been doin' it better then never And for all of the people that hatin' before

They act like they never had left I've been steppin' all so right now

Can't stand those people cuz they all so crazy

And the lazy so I had to put ' em too my lady

To not tellin' the truth but I'm on my own now

Yeah, I know what's best for me I told my team what's best for me

And ya they get what's best for me I promise

For more infomation >> Nightcroe - YOUR YEAR - Duration: 2:31.


How to delete safari history on iPhone - Duration: 0:49.

Tap on "Settings".

Open "Safari".

Scroll down and you have an option here "Clear history and website data".

Select it and then select "Clear history and data".

Now you have successfully cleared the history of your safari browser in your iPhone or iPad.

For more infomation >> How to delete safari history on iPhone - Duration: 0:49.


Something is burning in ETS 2 - Duration: 1:28.

What is going on there? Is it an fire

Or what is smoking behind that church

Soon we find it out

Something is burning over there

Or it might be Wartburg car?

Oil is burning outside of its engine

What is happening?

Burn-clearing is getting out of hands

I'll drive past it

I will overpass it carefully

Will try to look what is happening when I drive pass it

I can't really tell

It might be that some ones house is burning?

I can't really tell.

For more infomation >> Something is burning in ETS 2 - Duration: 1:28.


Giochi e canzoni TuTiTu in inglese | Orologio - Duration: 13:38.




The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

One o'clock, Two o'clock

Three o'clock, Four o'clock

Five o'clock, Six o'clock

What's the time?

The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

Seven o'clock, Eight o'clock

Nine o'clock, Ten o'clock

Eleven o'clock, Twelve o'clock

What's the time

Mr. Clock?

The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

One o'clock, Two o'clock

Three o'clock, Four o'clock

Five o'clock, Six o'clock

What's the time?

The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

The clock is ticking

Tick Tock

What's the time, Mr. Clock?

Seven o'clock, Eight o'clock

Nine o'clock, Ten o'clock

Eleven o'clock, Twelve o'clock

What's the time

Mr. Clock?

Do you know? Do you know?

Who's hiding inside the toy?

Do you know? Do you know?

Who's hiding inside the toy?






So let's play it again!

Do you know? Do you know?

Who's hiding inside the toy?

Do you know? Do you know?

Who's hiding inside the toy?






We love to play this game!

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