Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

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For more infomation >> zaboor 121 | akhiyan chukna mein waal paharan - Duration: 4:28.


自已用8种豆做豆沙冰棒和八宝糖水(一式二味)(有字幕) - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> 自已用8种豆做豆沙冰棒和八宝糖水(一式二味)(有字幕) - Duration: 8:12.





A recently declassified report from the CIA had described the terrifying episode when

a military unit in Siberia came under a vicious and deadly attack from unknown beings who

are presumed to be extra-terrestrials.

According to the new report, which is available to view in full on the CIA�s public website,

the soldiers working in the military unit in Siberia were aware of a bizarre flying

saucer-shaped vehicle coming into close proximity of their position.


opened fire on the craft with a surface to air missile which brought the flying saucer

down to Earth.

The report claims that after the flying saucer was brought crashing down, things got even

more terrifying and strange.

The CIA notes say that five humanoid beings with large heads and large black eyes exited

the craft after it was brought down.

Following that, the five beings then appeared to merge together into a white ball of light

which began to buzz and hiss at the soldiers.

After a period of seconds, the ball of light then exploded.

Twenty-three soldiers who were in the immediate proximity of the blast were killed and, bizarrely,

according to the report thy were �turned into stone�.

There were only two survivors of the devastating attack who were both in a shaded area at the

time of the lethal explosion.

According to a Ukrainian newspaper which has covered the terrifying episode, the initial

report on the incident was investigated in depth by agents from the Soviet intelligence

agency, the KGB.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the intelligence

agency in the wake of the end of the Cold War and the reconstruction of Russia, many

of the formerly secret files held by the KGB somehow found their way into the hands of

the Americans, including this fascinating 250 page dossier on

the UFO attack in Siberia.



模様編みA-9:松編み模様【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Shell Stitch / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> 模様編みA-9:松編み模様【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Shell Stitch / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 11:11.


Mayweather vs McGregor: Toronto Press Conference - Duration: 2:28:52.

For more infomation >> Mayweather vs McGregor: Toronto Press Conference - Duration: 2:28:52.


Sheer Dumb Luck - Duration: 0:47.

There's only two of the bastards

hel..Helicopter incoming

Oh yeah?

If they don't see us then...

Well they saw me first

Thats why



What the fuck Happened?

I shot the pilot out

*laughing* Nice

Ah You died

Indistinct mix of dialogue and giggles

You shot the pilot as I was distracting him

For more infomation >> Sheer Dumb Luck - Duration: 0:47.


Minecraft Hide and Seek w/ Kitty6606 - Duration: 29:20.


Welcome back to my channel!

Sorry for not uploading often...


I'm here with my great friend Kitty6606!

We climbed all the way up here to get a good view

Took a while and a lot of parkour

It was worth it though, it's beautiful

Once kitty is done with her intro we're going to jump down!

There won't be many captions when kitty is talking

I'm jumping down. Yes, I'm ready

Woooo! I love that water sound!

anyone wants to get up there or all you have to do is find a waterfall and then

Just kind of go up next not that one. It's in the middle of the ocean



And all we need to do is find your way back to wherever the little

area is

You think it's over here, okay?

(I will be talking in the party chat so look at the game chat)

And be too far away

Here it is

so today we are going to be playing Hide and Seek on The Hive!

it is

The people who made this area are

Brilliant at building. they have to because this is usually

lobbies great Mm-Hmm, okay

seems Like Whenever I

Join a game or I'm with another person, and we're joining a game

That's like

ten people left until the

lobbyists fool

You always have to get kicked out. It's great and

It's pretty self-explanatory


Have to do really hide

I've played this a little a ton actually but I'm sure you'll be pretty good at this game

Block Selector, I don't I still oh, okay?

Storm is brewing. I don't know what any of that is okay? It's this map. I don't remember this map

science shows an ice with icing a messing that exciting so far you a

seeker or a hider


Found a nice little pocket here

okay, just

Going to hide here. This is a pretty good area

I can't find a good place!

love spread the love

And I am a hider too- I found a little

Potion I found a little pocket in the middle of wherever

I'm sure you'll survive until at least um

At four minutes, but you might survive even longer depends where you're hiding and if you have a good hiding place

Found a nice spot

Mmm. There are a lot of good little spots in this map, but I've never seen this map

So this is all new I think this might be a new map, but I'm not sure


Yeah I like little spaces they make me feel cozy and safe

Yeah, make you feel really cozy and nice

It's not very often you see someone

Yes, can't really kill, you can just kinda like

Left click whilst held, yes


Hopper, okay, I please please seeker don't


Seeker, thank you

Singing the same song over and over again. (I can't understand the rest sorry)


Yeah, there are a lot of people

There are a lot of people in this

server that don't speak English

Do not die, please wolf!

We could hide together there are like no seekers where I am right now


I do see the death message. Yeah, I am I

Do see the death message of you you then I am not

I'm not going to be where I am anymore even though. This is a really good spot. I'll give the cord

Might be hard to come. Oh, that's us, okay

1 just ran past me

Okay, I'm moving

yeah, I saw and

No, I don't like giving cords to someone who

Okay, I'm gonna have to kill the seeker think I might die. I died, okay. Yep, okay?

I know flowerpots three jack-o'-lanterns and four hoppers

I'm Gonna start looking for the



Seeker friend, why did you have to get killed by that hopper? Like seriously?

It's not hard to kill

I'm dead, rest in pieces

Swear if I see that spider again, I'm going to go insane

Been seeing a spider in my little desk area lately and I am on fire. Where are you wolf?

Hmm arachnophobia is not going to help that I'm gonna die. I am seriously going to Die. Okay? I?

Oh no!

There is like four

Seven Hiders left and that's we're not going to be able to do this unless everyone like groups two percent or something

And we are not going to win this

Shouldn't have moved. I might as well. Just look for hiding places well again

might be able to get up on that Tree I

I did Die Sadly I did not live I?

Can't get up on this tree. I think the mic she's probably died to say yelled, but

Okay, I found a really opie hiding spot for that map. I think I think maybe I don't know

in the map

I'm gonna, say hello in chat

I know a few of them, but not a lot of them

I'm gonna be a little flower pot

They are, but so are flowers

Oh I'm a seeker!

What are the chances one in 24 whatever chances

Don't want to be a seeker

Okay, though I'm ready to kill everyone and everything

For seeker: You will be released in a few seconds

(idk what she is saying I'm sorry)

oh hello crafting

Table, I know you're just going to keep running from me. So I know you are a

bookshelf though

So that's good

a bookstore

You see me right now

finding some really op spots in this area

Haven't found a single person. This is bad. I'm going to turn down my Sound


In a closet, I don't know where

You're gonna become another's seeker my crafting table friend

Haha an in the closet joke

very...original....and depressing

What okay?

This is the Map Town square right I?

Think I remember the original map, and I know it was not like this

Haven't even seen a seeker

Okay, well there's only three seekers, but I'm sure it will spread like a plague

Wow, okay next time

I'm looking for some very good spots, and I am finding some very good spots

There are leaves and flower pots and mills

Your the only bookshelf

There is one jukebox

That was a that was a hider you're dead

Now whenever you level up you like yeah, are you proud oh? Oh I saw your time

I saw your time you were in a corner, and you can't run


Actually doing decent. I have no idea where you are

All right, so you saw a nametag?

Where could you possibly be

Wherever you're hidden. You are hidden really well

and okay

Flower pot on the run flower pot on the run!. I'll kill you

You can't run from me

I see really what a lot of people do

This flower plot is really getting on my nerves

Why is no one going after the flowerpot? That's running?

Hey, you got this in the bag will you?

You so one I?

Don't even know or you could possibly be

Well Gg you are

You what I like where?

dang it aah

I was like she's going to be one of these houses, and I'm gonna be like no

Villa, oh great the Luck come on seriously I

Hopefully I'll do just as good this round!

Don't know much about this map

I'll be a flowerpot too. I like being a flower pot

Dang it! This is one of the places where you could be a bookshelf, or oak wood plank

And there's a hole in the floor I made an entire video about this


Why someone else knows that place staying in ah?

Well, this is way, too

You need to be some ninja for this. Ninja time!

Okay, hello, Flowerpot

You're a hider, right?


I'm gonna hi here

I'm a level seven flowerpot, okay, cool

Most people I think would check the...wolf are you okay?


You're being chased right now

But I'm...could you give me your cords if you want to?

Okay, okay, okay?

I feel like I'm cheating being here..

Every time I'm inside the distributed

Oh, oh no. Oh no. Oh, no. I'm so dead, I'm so dead

Heck! How did that person not see me?!

Oh my gosh!

A cheating spot? Did you parkour to it?

You think that like okay? We're hiding with each other we are our best friends

we ARE best friends okay

Mmm. Oh oh

me and my flowerpot buddy

Now this person's coming back leave me alone

So much waiting haha

That killed a bookshelf not me

Um are you a seeker?


Okay, okay, um I'm outside by a tree in a tiny little hole

Oh, I know where you are. I know exactly where you are

the Forward Beacons right I

Am not a seeker. I would be going to you right now. Oh

Don't die don't die please don't

Don't die, please don't die a lot of people know where that spot is. That's why I didn't hide. I'm


I'm just hoping that we both survive this because

That's something like we have time

aww she worries about me :3

Pages walked in then hit a few things and then left

20s at 15 seconds no at 20 seconds left. I'm going to try to go to you

Depending on how many seekers there are, other seeker

Oh no oh no!

and I'm......dead!

Can you see that to why? I didn't hide there, okay? You had 45 seconds left

I was so closeee!

Got your hopes up and then you died um so

that's uh


Flag that's wide and I'd errors like I'll jump in because I knew that a lot of people actually

A lot of people know where their spot is I'm not going to survive for even 10 seconds

I'm outside by a tree


Glad we could think about this

Gg. Yeah


Okay, oh, or should we do one more or now?

Okay, think this might be the last one because my recording is that

21 minutes, and yeah, okay

Why did we go on for so long haha. I like making these videos but actually uploading them and stuff takes a while haha


Random app I don't care which map we do

Long as it's not the one led

but okay

This was what five not five?

Five. I hope I get hider because I've already been I

Don't know this stuff. I've already been

Speaker I have a one and twenty four chance a job. I'm going to be a flowerpot

I'm realizing right now that I've only been a flower pots entire from

This is a new map. I think

got seeker!

stressful job

You are the seeker

I used y'all on a die. Oh

Well you've accidentally found the spot, and it's actually pretty good. I like this spot. This is nothing spot. I want this spot

they will all die

I'm hiding here

So you are a seeker. Yes, you are

Snap gerlichs was killed by Wolf Loan to my face hero

the way these are auto generated kills me

I'm keeping the funnier ones in this video

That would mean that you would be this seeker

Melons are always trouble

So um wolf you just ran right past me

Like 20 seconds ago, you're chasing a beacon

watch I'm gonna get them both

And I'm shaking you think that this spot isn't too good because I can't get up and run


18 Hires 3 Seekers some more secrets

Someone must know if the spa, and that is what scares me because I don't know how new this map is

Either could be extremely new or just be like

month old

Please no, please no have Mercy have Mercy

Thank you. Well. I mean yes for you

The flowerspots are the best though

You're killing a lot of people I

Guarantee that this hiding spot will not last for very long

it won't

I'm just hoping the other seekers. I'm like talking jude that I

Know you're a seeker. Why would I tell you that?

Cause I'm your friend

watch this

No, no, no no no no no no no no no

No, don't you did




Good job wolf good job

my work here is done

Yeah, I'm not oh

my gosh, I wouldn't have been in such a good spot and

J is

that one person with a a

And I know what diet right? I'm jqh out of that because that's like old screech I

I'm legit just going to leave the auto generated ones

these are funny

There is a conference there in the cauldron guys during the conference okay? Oh

I'm finding some good places to hide I just found a really good place to hide


Around I'm in it place. I'm trying to find these places to hide and I just found one

I'm not even looking because I know we're going to lose this anyway

We have when yes sir and imperson we have wind we have wind

My mic is probably dead by now. I don't care

I'm actually been in a few games or a secret did win was not many

Usually hiders win because that's sometimes they do you think yeah?

JJ. That was a a smile is funny

I'm proud


Where are you? Oh, I was the last game


I love these

Dude it pretty good, too. I did horrible no

kit kat you did amazing sweetie

I'm just yeah balls meow

Los Angeles

WHY was enderwoofs corrected to los angeles


So I am going to end my video here


Thank you all so much for watching I

Will see you all later. I hope you all have a wonderful

Bye everyone!

and/or amazing day

Now see you later


Thanks for watching!

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