Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about bicycle lanes

and turning right for the purposes of a road test. Now just before we get started

here be sure to hit that subscribe button... right about there. That way you'll

get access to all of the great information as I get it available for

you for you to be successful in passing a road test or starting your career as a

truck or bus driver. Now as you can see the bicycle lane behind me, these are

beginning to make inroads into the driving landscape and are something that

you have to deal with for the purposes of a road test. and I had a comment from

Jessica pang and Nani Hallam both of those smart drivers wanted to more

information about making right-hand turns when they encounter bicycle lanes

as the one behind me here now one of the things that I'll start with is in North

America not in other countries I know for in Australia for example lanes of

traffic are divided by white lines and yellow lines and yellow lines designated

traffic going in opposite directions white lines designate traffic going in

the same direction so the bicycles are going in the same direction is traffic

although here in British Columbia there seems to be some odd seeing of cyclists

riding against traffic which really kind of weirds me out when I'm driving my car

but it's part of the driving landscape here so know that solid white lines you

can't cross over those for the purposes of a road test and most of the time the

solid white lines are found near intersections or crosswalks so keep an

eye out for those at those locations while you're on your road test and you

cannot deviate into the bicycle lane for the purposes of a road test so know that

as well and so what we're going to do today is we're going to hook up the

cameras are going to go for a drive and give you some more information about

bicycle lanes and how to deal with bicycle lanes for the purposes of making

a right-hand turn on a road test so stick around we'll be right back with

that information

my driver's welcome back Rick with smart drive test talking to you today about

bicycle lanes as you can see the bicycle lane along the right hand side of the

road here the solid white line which means you can't cross over if you can't

drive in it now here's the roundabout the vehicle and stop you can see that

the bicycle lane terminates and the kerb goes in therefore if you do encounter a

bicycle coming up to the roundabout you need to let the bicycle go first and

then proceed in kind the bicycle got a piston here crosswalk and you can see

the bicycle lane here on the right and we're going to make right-hand turn down

here at the intersection at the traffic light now do not crop into the bicycle

lane at all do not deviate into it actually there was a little bit away

from it especially in the summertime now you can see that there's dotted lines

down here and that's where you want to cross the bicycle lane at those dotted

lines because that's the place that they watch it across and

before you cross over on the bicycle lane be sure that you shoulder check and

ensure that there aren't any bicycles that are going to proceed straight

through the intersection when you're moving in position your vehicle to turn

right in the right-hand turning lane and that's how you do it at most of the

intersections now we're going to do another chunk of road here and I'm going

to show you something else that they've done on new road what we do is they fix

the road and they put in a new bicycle lane on the new section of road and the

road continues down and then the bicycle lane terminates because there isn't a

bicycle lane on the old section of road and that's what they've done over here

on this piece of road and that's the other thing when you're driving in urban

areas you're going to have to watch out for is the disappearance and

reappearance of the bicycle lanes because that's one of the things that

you're going to have to watch for in urban areas is the disappearance and

reappearance of bicycle lanes because on new sections of roads that they've

repaired they put the bicycle lane in and then on the old section of road it

doesn't appear now we see that there's a bicycle lane here in front of us and the

line doesn't go across the intersection but I can see it over there on the right

stop at the correct stopping position then I creep forward moving my vehicle

to the right the way is clear and the bicycle lane is there I don't want to

deviate into the bicycle lane I want drive out far enough that I can get into

my lane without getting into the bicycle lane now we go over the railway crossing

here or the railroad crossing as it's called in North America and the bicycle

lane terminate so they're going to come out around the cars here so we're going

to go back around and do another turn out of bicycle lane

and you saw there that the light went yellow as I came up to the intersection

I'm past the stop line however you not back up simply stop that's okay for the

purposes of a road test because you had to stop for the yellow light it kind of

caught you there so that's perfectly acceptable you came

to a stop do not back up there's a little bit of

room to back up if a truck or something came around here then you would have to

back up for the vehicle the bigger vehicle to get around but for the most

part you're going to be all right sitting there the other dog is lying in

the center of the road which means we can cross over and you see the dotted

lines the bicycle line goes solid the dotted and dotted is where you want to

change lanes to move to the right-hand turning lane and the light has gone Reds

we stopped behind the stop line

and it looks like the way is clear so we're going to move forward so we can

see the intersection

and we got vehicles coming that vehicle is turning all the other vehicles are in

the other lanes so we're going to move into the inside lane and we have to

merge across here

you can see the cautionary sign that there's an early nin and so I had my

signal on there for a good length of time cross over the dotted line and the

vehicle behind me when I had my signal on let off the throttle and I simply

accelerated and I was able to between the two of us we work together and

created a spot that I was able to merge into when my lane and you can see here

on the right again it's not really a bicycle lane per se on the right but

bicycles could ride in there on that solid line and that's all the line means

if you don't cross over and again we're going to take a right-hand turn down

here across that solid line the these is the solid line terminates at the slip

plane which makes it okay but you still on a shoulder check and make sure there

aren't any bicycles nobody in the pedestrian crosswalk the traffic is not

coming and we are clear to go

we're coming around the corner here and we're going to do the right-hand turn

we've got the advanced turning in some left-hand lane and moving over to the

right-hand lane and usually around the corner and shoulder checking and you can

see the bicycle lane on the right here and here it's got green patches it's

solid and then it goes to green and where it goes to green is where you want

to make the right-hand turn so we don't deviate into the bicycle lane to get up

there we stay in our lane with our right signal on and at that green section on

the roadway that's where we move across the bicycle lane so the traffic's moving

off we stay in our lane we shoulder check check the mirror shoulder check

again nobody in the pedestrian crosswalk traffic is clear and we proceed and

that's how you do it at those places preparation for making the right we move

the vehicle to the right side of the lane you can see there's a you might be

able to see in the cat dashcam there's a there's a bicycle lane over there and

again we don't want to turn into the bicycle lane you want to turn into your

lane excuse me so you have to move out far enough get into your own lane and

I've had to move out here so that I can see the traffic and I can see that once

this pickup truck goes by we're good to go and we move forward and right out

into our lane we don't deviate into the bicycle lane at all and now we're going

to turn right at the next intersection here you can see the solid line now you

cannot cross into the bicycle lane so you've got to go right up to the corner

and of course this guy's pulling up onto the sidewalk here

and I just waved that guy on because he was started sitting in the intersection

the light was going yellow to red and I've got a pedestrian here and I don't

know whether the pedestrians going or not

no okay and that's what you do if you're not sure and as you saw weighted

rightfully got to the intersection you almost have to do a 90-degree turn there

to not deviate into the bicycle lane because of that solid white line you

cannot deviate into that bicycle lane and as soon as I saw there I wasn't sure

what other people were doing so you saw that I just stopped and I waited and

that's what you have to do for the purposes of a road test if you're the

least bit unsure what other road users is doing just stop and wait for them to

clear or for them to get eye contact with you to ensure that you're going to

be safe that you're not going to go around there and that pedestrians going

to step out and she got eye contact with me and sort of nodded that I could go

then I proceeded around the intersection as well the other guy that was turning

he was already sort of committed his vehicle was turned slightly so I didn't

turn in front of him because it's a defensive move on my part that I was

waiting to see what that driver was going to do and that's what happened and

you can see once you get down into the downtown areas there aren't many bicycle

lanes I mean your city may be different where you're taking your road test but

for the most part this Vernon is an older city did grow up to the motorcar

but downtown we don't have bicycle lanes and most of the corners are squared off

they're not big nice played corners for that accommodate larger vehicle get

larger highways and those types of things you're going to notice that the

corners are more rounded and played off to accommodate larger turning vehicles

so we're looking no pedestrians we got one vehicle that's traveling quite

slowly and we can procede and we turn into the

inside lane and converge over to the right as we go around the corner merge

to the right it's a dash line so we can cross it

and again we're shoulder checking and make sure that there aren't any vehicles

behind us nobody in the crosswalk left history and we can see here that the

bicycle lane starts immediately so we do not deviate into the bicycle lane when

we're turning the bicycle lane is on the right and again we're going to turn

right at the next intersection solid white line do not cross over that

there's a bicycle behind us which is good the bicycle actually is quite a

distance back see there's no dotted lines here so we want to come up as far

as possible and then try and get into your own lane trying encroach on the

bicycle lane as little as possible that's actually a really good

intersection we'll go around and do that one more time here signal shoulder check

bicycling on the island there Steve there's no pedestrian nobody coming no

cyclists and again we're going to do this right hand corner here with the

bicycle lane and as I said it's not impossible to do this turn without

encroaching on the bicycle lane but try to encroach on the bicycle lane as

little as possible so before you start to turn get it close to the corner as

you can and then go around the corner and aim to get in your lane without

deviating too much into the bicycle lane so sometimes that will happen with

bicycle lane that you're going to have to encroach a little bit just because of

the way they painted the line there just isn't anything you can do about that so

if you're making right-hand turns on this bicycle lane solid white lines get

up to where the two roads meet before you start making your terms and here you

see the cyclist in the bicycle lane they're good and clear you do not need

to move out of your lane to pass that cyclist to sustain your laying hold your

course and carry on and just keep an eye on the measure moving up

and you're going to move over to the right here behind the intersection and

this actually kind of worked out for me if there was another vehicle in this

cube back there you would have waited on the other side of the intersection

because you can't block the intersection and I'll put a card up in the corner for

you on blocking intersections for the purpose of the road test if the light is

red and the traffic is backed up to the intersection you don't have enough space

on the other side of the intersection to clear the intersection for the purposes

of a road test don't do that because in some jurisdictions doesn't automatic

fail or major demerits for the purposes of your test so make sure that you can

clear the intersection because it is another bicycle lane here we're going to

make a right up here and it's Midway sort of not really a block and kind of

Midway so your signal just past that intersection and then your signal

shoulder check and make sure there are any bicycles and again and croch on the

intersection as much apart as little as possible when you're making the turn

across the bicycle lane but it is imperative that your shoulder check and

check the bicycle lane to make sure there aren't any deep any bicycles in

that lane as you're coming up and it's imperative that your shoulder check

before crossing over the bicycle lane and again I'll put a card up in the

corner here for you on shoulder checking and how you shoulder check for the

purposes of a road test quick review of bicycle lanes for the purposes of

passing a road test bicycle lanes are designated from the main lanes of

traffic by a solid white line this only applies in north america solid white

lines means that you can't cross over them you can't drive in the bicycle lane

and as you saw in the footage there in the main body of the video some of the

bicycle lanes is the ones behind me here it can be a little bit faded we're well

into the summer and they haven't repainted these yet so know that they're

going to be faded in some parts and you're really going to have to look for

those on your road test and this is the reason that you want to practice in and

around the licensing center where you're going to take your license so you know

that the bicycle lanes are in fact there as well as they fix the roads and

improve the roads they're going to put bicycle lanes in so as you're traveling

along a stretch of road it's not unusual to go along and have a bicycle lane and

then all of a sudden the bike Lane disappears and then a few blocks

down the road it'll reappear again so keep that in mind as well on your road

test and again I come back to practicing in and around the licensing Center where

you're going to be taking your test so you know that about the bicycle lanes so

when you come up to make prepare for your right-hand turn look at the bicycle

lane markings and see where they're dotted where they go from solid to

dashed and that's where you're going to cross over into the turning lane if in

fact there is a right-hand turning lane and as well in the body of the video

there you saw that one where we couldn't help but actually deviate into the

bicycle lane because it was so far out into the intersection that when we made

the right-hand turn we actually had to go in but you want to try and minimize

the amount of how much you encroach into the bicycle lane when you're making a

right-hand turn try and box your turn more so that you don't encroach into the

bicycle lane and as well you saw that when we come out from the cross streets

as well that we had to box the turn so we went right out into our lane and not

encroaching on the bicycle lane you want to minimize that as much as possible for

the purposes of your road test if you can do that you're going to be

successful on your road test so just box the turn so go farther into the

intersection before you turn that way you're not going to cross over into the

bicycle lane and that's how you do that to the purposes of a road test question

from my smart drivers do you have bicycle lanes in the city that you are

taking your road test and are they solid white lines or they something different

I know for a fact in Holland some often times they're part of the sidewalk and

they're designate and they're demarcate from the sidewalk with raised cement

concrete's it's great pedaling in Holland for sure leave a comment down in

the comment section there all that helps does the new drivers going for their

road test if you like what you see here share subscribe leave a comment down in

the comment section as well if that thumbs up button check out all the

videos here on the channel if you're working towards a license or starting a

career is a truck or bus driver lots of tremendous information here as

well awesome online courses over the smart drive test website head over there

check out the courses all the courses are guaranteed pass your road test first

time or 30-day money-back guarantee later this summer we're bringing out air

brakes explain simply it's a manual that updates the 40-year old

CDL air brake man is currently in circulation as well

there's 100 multiple-choice questions that will help you to pass and make sure

that you do in fact pass first time your theory or practical CDL air brake exam

I'm Rick with smart drive test thanks very much for watching good luck in your

road test and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer

have a great day bye now and I'm meeting the that's what happens at play and

practice for your road test we're sitting at the intersection other people

are wondering what I'm doing talking to my camera yeah so that will make a good

proof for the end of the video anyway you

For more infomation >> How to Turn Right With Bicycle Lanes and Pass Your Road Test | Pass a Road Test Smart - Duration: 17:39.


Little Big Shots: Forever Young - Living in the Shadows (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Little Big Shots: Forever Young - Living in the Shadows (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:34.


Little Big Shots: Forever Young - Blues Guitar Granny (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Little Big Shots: Forever Young - Blues Guitar Granny (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:44.


Learn about my arm! Stump Chats 1 // with Molly - Duration: 2:06.

[Alexis] A new segment on Stump Kitchen that I just thought of just this second - Stump


[Molly] Stump Chats! [jazzy music plays]

It's time for Stump Chats!

[Alexis] So Molly, have you ever wished that you had two hands?

[Molly] When I was younger, but not for a long time.

I think I wished for the respect - it's not respect, but the same kind of consideration,

assumed consideration that able-bodied people get versus those who are maybe not.

But in terms of like actually do I want a second hand?

I think at this point in my life, like, it would just be very alien to me.

[Alexis] Could you imagine if just like all of a sudden we had like ten fingers?

Like what would you do with it?

[Molly] I don't know!

I guess like - mostly I'd probably just scream for awhile.

[Alexis] You would scream?

[Molly] Yeah cause if I like woke up with two hands I don't know what I would think!

[Alexis] Yeah!

I would just be like "what the f-"?

People ask me a lot like you know, do you wish you had two hands?

I'm like "no!" because if I had an extra - like that would be like a foot of extra body!

[Molly] Yeah!

[Alexis] And I feel like I would just be like fumbling around breaking s@#t!

[Molly] You'd be like dragging it behind you!

[Alexis] It would be so heavy! [both laugh]

[Alexis] I wouldn't know how to do my hair!

[Molly] I mean like, the shapes of my arms are very different!

[Alexis] Different!

It would just be confusing!

I wouldn't know how to carry things cause I'm so used to carrying things next to my

body and away from my body like this.

[Molly] Right but I'd have less stained shirts at like this level.

[Alexis] That's- that's true!

Our laundry costs would go down.

[Molly] Or when you have introduce yourself to somebody but you're holding a drink.

[Alexis singing] Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

[Molly] Oh hey!

[Alexis] Oh hey nice to meet you!

[Molly] Hi I'm Molly!

[Alexis] Yeah Alexis, hey!

Every time! bah bah nah ma na!

And there's just like wine all over you.

Oh just the best.

And sometimes you freak people out they're just like --!!

[jazzy music continues]

For more infomation >> Learn about my arm! Stump Chats 1 // with Molly - Duration: 2:06.


Revolutionary Quantum Theory The Future could be affecting the Past - Duration: 5:53.

Revolutionary Quantum Theory The Future could be affecting the Past

Scientists may just have discovered one of the MISSING pieces of Quantum theory, and

it�s very important and unorthodox according to some. After all, you don�t hear every

day that the future could affect the past, right?

According to a new, revolutionary theory, the future can affect the past, adding, even

more mystery to the already enigmatic world of quantum mechanics.

It seems that the more we dig, the stranger it gets. As if it wasn�t already complicated


Scientists still can�t figure it all out and are battling with the quantum world on

a theoretical level. In the mysterious world of the quantum theory is one called quantum


Einstein spoke about it, we still try to understand it.

According to many scientists, there are a couple of ways for us to demonstrate what

Einstein referred to as �spooky action at a distance� and two physicists have proposed

a new view that may help unravel the mysteries behind this quantum effect.

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles

are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot

be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a

large distance�instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole.

Umm� here�s a video in case you didn�t quite get what we�re trying to say:

However, there isn�t really a mechanism that could explain that kind of influence

which is why physicists Matthew S. Leifer at Chapman University and Matthew F. Pusey

at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics have offered an alternative which

they dubbed �retrocausality�.

Ok so let�s bring this down a notch and make it easier to understand. Basically, these

two researchers took a closer look at some of the many assumptions in quantum theory

and said that unless we found that TIME necessarily ran ONE way, any measurements made to a certain

particle could echo back in time as well as forward. Complicated huh?

Basically �retrocausality� indicates that a given particle can move backward through

time to the point where it is entangled and affects its partner along the way.

Dr. Leifer and Dr. Pusey basically worked on Bell�s theorem and swapped space for

time saying that unless anyone can prove that time should definitely go forwards then retrocausality

is a possibility, meaning that quantum particle could travel back in time affecting their


�The reason I think that retrocausality is worth investigating is that we now have

a slew of no-go results about realist interpretations of quantum theory, including Bell�s theorem.These

say that any interpretation that fits into the standard framework for realist interpretations

must have features that I would regard as undesirable. Therefore, the only options seem

to be to abandon realism or to break out of the standard realist framework,� said Dr.


This means that when a researcher decides he wants to measure a given particle, that

choice can influence the properties of the particle itself�or even an entangled particle

in the past., making the �action at a distance� part of Einstein�s definition unnecessary.

In other words, the entanglement effect becomes retrocausal influence as Futurism explains


Speaking to Dr. Leifer said: �There is a small group of physicists and philosophers

that think this idea is worth pursuing, including Huw Price and Ken Wharton [a physics professor

at San Jos� State University],�

Retrocausality may even offer a better quantum theory but like many other theories, this

too includes a number of assumptions, though it is noteworthy to mention that it includes

one which drastically reformulates the idea of time symmetry.

The only options seem to be to abandon realism or to break out of the standard realist framework,�

Leifer explained. �Abandoning realism is quite popular, but I think that this robs

science of much of its explanatory power and so it is better to find realist accounts where


�There is not, to my knowledge, a generally agreed upon interpretation of quantum theory

that recovers the whole theory and exploits this idea. It is more of an idea for an interpretation

at the moment, so I think that other physicists are rightly skeptical, and the onus is on

us to flesh


the idea.�

For more infomation >> Revolutionary Quantum Theory The Future could be affecting the Past - Duration: 5:53.



For more infomation >> ORIENTE PETROLERO 2 - 3 ATLETICO TUCUMAN EN VIVO - Duration: 2:26.


Little Big Shots: Forever Young - A Couple of Feisty Grandmas (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Little Big Shots: Forever Young - A Couple of Feisty Grandmas (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 4:12.


Little Big Shots: Forever Young - 61-Year-Old Iron Jaw (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Little Big Shots: Forever Young - 61-Year-Old Iron Jaw (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 0:40.



For more infomation >> INDEPENDIENTE VS DEPORTES IQUIQUE EN VIVO - Duration: 36:15.


10 Surprising Personality Traits of Highly Intelligent People - Duration: 9:16.

10 surprising personality traits of highly intelligent people

You stay up late, worry about the future and never seem to be organised.

While these might not seem like the most positive traits, research has shown each of them is

linked to a higher intelligence.

In this video, I'm going to show you 10 surprising personality traits of highly intelligent people.

But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't

miss any interesting updates in the future guys!

Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might

be useful for you.

From swearing to staying up late, Here are the 10 surprising personality traits of highly

intelligent people.



If you are left-handed you might need different scissors and struggle with the position of

the mouse on most computers.

But, on the other hand, you might also be better at maths.

A study earlier this year found a significant link between people's handedness and their

ability to perform arithmetic tasks, but the correlation changes depending on age and gender.

Psychologists from the University of Liverpool and the University of Milan conducted a study

involving 2,300 students in Italy aged between six and 17 years.

They asked them to complete a number of mathematical tasks, including simple arithmetic and problem-solving.

'This study found there is a moderate, yet significant, correlation between handedness

and mathematical skill,' said Giovanni Sala, who conducted the study.

But the relationship is complicated.

'They found that the degree of handedness predicted mathematical performance in different

ways, according to age, type of task, and gender.



Managers and office busybodies might be keen on a clean desk - but it seems in terms of

productivity, they could have it all wrong.

A messy desk can actually lead people towards clearer thinking, researchers from the University

of Groningen said in a 2012 study.

The researchers found in a series of linked studies - using a messy desk and a messy shop

front - that people actually thought more clearly when all around was chaos, as they

sought to simplify the tasks at hand.

Visual and mental clutter forces human beings to focus and think more clearly.

Famous thinkers and writers such as Albert Einstein and Roald Dahl were notorious for

their untidy desks.

'Messy desks may not be as detrimental as they appear to be, as the problem-solving

approaches they seem to cause can boost work efficiency or enhance employees' creativity

in problem solving.'



Research in 2014 revealed people who frequently swear are more likely to have a bigger vocabulary

than their clean-tongued peers.

A colourful tongue does not mean the talker is lazy or uneducated, the study published

in the Language Sciences journal found.

Instead, those who are more confident using taboo words are more articulate in other areas.

Kristin and Timothy Jay, the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts psychologists who

co-wrote the study, said it proved swearing was positively correlated with verbal fluency.

They cannot help but judge others on the basis of their speech.

'Unfortunately, when it comes to taboo language, it is a common assumption that people who

swear frequently are lazy, do not have an adequate vocabulary, lack education, or simply

cannot control themselves.'

In conclusion, 'The overall finding of this set of studies, that taboo fluency is positively

correlated with other measures of verbal fluency, undermines the normal view of swearing.'



There is a strong correlation between humour and general intelligence,' Dr Gil Greengross,

Said a psychologist at the University of Aberystwyth.

Dr Greengross focuses on humour and what makes people laugh.

In a study published in 2010, Dr Greengross and a colleague from the University of Mexico

found a good sense of humour is sexually attractive because it reveals intelligence, creativity

and other 'good genes'.

Dr Greengross said that 'The strongest correlation is with verbal intelligence as you might expect,

as humour is mostly verbal.'

'Humour signals intelligence because knowing to say the funny thing in the right time,

and deliver it correctly requires skill.'



Night owls are more intelligent than people who get an early night, according to a study

published in 2009.

It found that late risers tire less quickly than those who make a point of getting up

at the crack of dawn.

The study is likely to be embraced by anyone tired of being branded lazy for their love

of a lie-in.

And it added to growing evidence that it is night owls that rule the roost - previous

studies had also found that those who rise later tend to be both cleverer and richer

than early birds.



In research in 2000, Dr Carolyn Tucker Halpern from the University of North Carolina at Chapel

Hill, found teens who engaged in sexual activities were less intelligent than their peers.

Dr Halpern that 'Teens with higher scores on the vocabulary test were significantly

less likely to have had sexual intercourse.'

The researchers tested teenagers' intelligence using a vocabulary test called the Peabody

Picture Vocabulary Test, and their results were surprising.

Dr Halpern said that 'Even very "early" behaviours, such as holding hands and kissing,

are inversely related to PPVT scores, suggesting that higher intelligence is associated with

a generalized delay in the onset of all partnered sexual activities.'

'We were not surprised by the relationship with coitus, however, we were surprised by

the correlations with non-coital behaviors like holding hands.'



People who worry a lot tend to be more verbally intelligent, according to a study published

last year.

'The study found that individuals who worried frequently, by thinking about potential future

negative events, or who ruminated frequently, by revisiting negative past events over and

over again, scored higher on verbal intelligence,' said Dr Alex Penney, from Lakehead University

in Ontario, and lead author of the study.

'Meanwhile individuals who worried more often about recent social situations, thinking

about being awkward or looking dumb in social situations, scored lower on non-verbal intelligence.'

'We believe that individuals who are more verbally intelligent are able to consider

past and future events in greater detail, leading to more intense rumination and worry.

'That is, being higher in verbal intelligences makes you more likely to worry and ruminate.'



This is called the Dunning-Kruger effect.

It describes how less competent people often rate their intelligence higher than it actually

is, while more competent people rate theirs lower.

That's why the ignorant people are often over confident.



Pet owners have long fought like cats and dogs about whether felines or canines make

the best furry companions.

But a study in 2014 claimed cat owners are smarter than dog owners – regardless of

their pet's intelligence.

The research revealed that the owners of the two animals tend to have different personalities

- with cat lovers being more sensitive and open-minded than dog lovers who are largely


The study by Carroll University, Wisconsin found that cat owners scored more highly on

an intelligence test than dog owners.



Research in 2007 showed older siblings generally have higher IQ scores than their younger brothers

and sisters.

Professor Petter Kristensen, from the National Institute of Occupational Health in Oslo,

Norway, led the study.

Professor Kristensen said they found that second born sons who grew up as eldest (because

of death of elder sibling) scored on average similar to biologic first-born.

He said the link was probably not biological, but 'rather due to social factors in the

family environment.

'This interpretation is in agreement with other studies, but we are cautious because

we did not have data on the social and psychological climate in the family.

Well, that's the 10 surprising personality traits of highly intelligent people.

Really cool information isn't it?

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel, thanks

for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Surprising Personality Traits of Highly Intelligent People - Duration: 9:16.


The NerdCon: Nerdfighteria Nerdfighter Secret Project Thank You Video - Duration: 11:28.

I know something John and Hank don't know. *audience laughter*

They think they're done. But I'm gonna have to ask them to come back out if that's okay.

John: You did mention that.

Maureen: I kind of hinted at it.

I was asked to bring you guys back out.

So you ready? Are you nervous?

Hank: Wait? Is something going to happen?

John: What's that British word?

Hank: I have to pee really bad? John: Scared as a rabbit? Sha-boop?

Hank: Was it British?

Hank: Shell....shellhouse or something.

*audience yells right answer*

Hank: Are you scared as a rabbit, John? John: No one knows how to pronounce it for sure, guys.

Maureen: What word are you looking for? John: Let's move on. Hank: Don't worry about that.

Maureen: So, word went out to Nerdfighters sometime ago.

Nerdfighters were asked to contribute to a little tribute.

Hank: You're gonna make me cry. *audience laughter*

Maureen: That's why they gave me this job. *audience laughter*

Maureen: And right now we are going to see a video that is compilation of several Nerdfighters that have sent in their work to kinda to say to John and Hank what all of this has meant to them.

And they're gonna cry. And that's mostly what we're gonna be watching. *audience applause and laughter*

Good morning Hank and John, it's Saturday.

To me, Nerdfighteria is the crusade against pennies, nickels, and all low denominational coins that make no economic sense.

Nerdfighteria is a community of compassionate people who live life to the full.

They unashamedly enjoy things together. They veraciously learn everything they can about everything.

They think deeply about things that matter and they love fiercely.

Nerdfighteria consists of people who are not only willing to show their inner nerdiness but embrace it and get cheese doodle guy excited about stuff.

Nerdfighteria is a community of very different people who all come together to celebrate what makes us excited.

Nerdfighteria is a pick-me-up when I am sick.

Nerdfighteria is getting to read books when exclaiming french the llama.

Nerdfighteria is the thing with feathers!

*audience laughter*

From the grey-speckled walls of Newark Liberty International Airport, I am glad to say that Nerdfighteria taught me during my formative years

to be a more kind and thoughtful and caring person.

Such a supportive library of people and wondrous and complex understanding of what it means to be human.

Magical little pocket of the world where anyone and everyone can say stuff and make stuff and buy stuff that just shows how much they love stuff!

Nerdfighteria is a community of people who are as passionate about the things that I love as I am and want to use that passion to make the world suck a little less.

Nerdfighteria is a community of people who aren't afraid to call themselves nerds and also work together to decrease world suck.

I've been a nerdfighter since 2007 when I was 15. I'm now 24, so Nerdfighteria has literally shaped my life. It's made me who I am today and I'm so grateful for the people that I've met and this incredible community.

It's a whole group of nerds just collaborating.

Nerdfighteria is the single greatest community on the internet; bringing together millions of people who just want to improve the world by being awesome.

An international council of smart, conscientious people coming together to make each other happy.

Nerdfighteria is a community of love and acceptance.

A bottomless pit of support from some of the most amazing people I have ever met.

This happy place that I can go and whether online or in real life, I can just have fun and be dorky. And when we band together, we can make the world more awesome.

Nerdfighteria is where I met some of my favorite people. They inspire me to be a better person every day.

It's where I've met some of the most awesome people ever.

Nerdfighteria is an awesome energy!

Friendship and collaboration. Acceptance.

Community. Joy in nerdiness.

Funny, clever, passionate, charming. And also peanut butter.

To me, Nerdfighteria is a community of people who challenge their own biases and are never quite willing to accept anything they hear as the right answer or as the final answer.

To me, Nerdfighteria is a community where we can all come together, learn to imagine other people complexly, learn about the world, always stay curious

Nerdfighteria is a community in which I can always find a positive environment and meaningful conversation.

It's taught me that the truth resists simplicity and I should always imagine other complexly.

It's a place where I can go to remind myself that fear does not rule my life and that empathy is one of the best skills that I can learn to use every single day.

Nerdfighteria is imagining others complexly.

Nerdfighteria is probably one of the most amazing communities I've ever been in and ever seen because it's very inclusive and fun.

Nerdfighteria is a place where I am always welcome.

Nerdfighteria is a place where I can express myself freely without any judgment.

Nerdfighteria means being the most fun, creative, weird, geeky self and being incredibly proud of it.

It let me imagine myself and the world in a way that I never thought I could have.

Nerdfighteria means being accepted no matter what race, gender, fandoms you're in, or how queer you are.

Nerdfighteria is the first place I came out as trans and bi. A place where I could be myself.

It's a place to unapologetically be whoever you are.

It has given me more confidence and has encouraged me to become more involved in social activism and has made me even more proud to be a nerd.

A big community where everyone is weird. It's okay because we're all weird and we are friends.

It means that it's okay for me to like different things. Unconventional things and still feel accepted. Still feel part of a pack.

Nerdfighteria has helped me embrace my nerdiness and taught me how to be passionate about what I love.

To me, Nerdfighteria is inspiration and it has been truly integral in learning to accept myself as I am and to love myself for it.

It's a community built on ideas, bridges built on compassion, connections that are

built on the idea that while we are all stuck here in this thing called life, we'd better make it pretty awesome.

Nerdfighteria, much like Hogwarts, is always there to welcome me home.

Nerdfighteria means family.

When John and Hank first started Brotherhood 2.0, it was communication between brothers.

And the first people who began interacting with them were considered secret brothers and sisters.

And I feel like that's been the basic tent of the community ever since. We're there for each other. Like family.

Nerdfighteria is home when I need it and hope when I need it.

Nerdfighteria is my home.

Home and family that will always accept me as long as I do the same for them.

Nerdfighteria is a community where anyone can share what they think, what they love, how they feel in an area of total and complete acceptance.

It redefined what I knew about friendship and community and home.

To me, Nerdfighteria means home.

Nerdfighteria was the first place I fit in. The first community that I really belonged to.

To me, Nerdfighteria is all about the people. It's about making the world a better place. It's about doing silly projects together. It's about making friends and I've made so many here.

Nerdfighteria has really brought us together as siblings and we are really glad that we found it.

Nerdfighteria has kept us connected.

And helped us through this phase....

*classic escalating scare noise*

Hank and John show us that it's (simultaneously spoke)--- possible to keep your awesomeness as you get older!

Without Nerdfighteria, I would not have been able to move to London for a semester and immediately have a friend group.

Nerdfighteria has meant a lot to us as a couple,

So when I proposed, I popped the question in a vlogbrothers style video which also featured out cats.

I said yes! We've been married for almost two years now and we still look forward to our Saturday morning breakfast with John and Hank.

To me, Nerdfighteria is a community where I first met my husband. It's been almost six years and we are at the first NerdCon: Nerdfighteria together.

You gave me a home. Gave me friends that I love working with and supporting.

Nerdfighteria means to us bringing together awesome people from all over the world like

Munich, Germany. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Jersey City,

New Jersey. Astoria, Oregon. Hanford, California. Grand Forks,

North Dakota. Manchester, England. and New York City.

We are so grateful that Esther introduced us to the world of Nerdfighteria. We feel as often that it is an amazing family. John and Hank, we love you!

and since then, I don't think I've gotten through a day without paraphrasing or quoting one of your videos.

They have changed my life so much and I honestly think they have made me who I am today.

So,thank you so much and DFTBA!

Nerdfighteria: a short poem. Not entirely realistic depiction, fighters innately gather halibut then enter rivers imagining art.

Thank you for creating such an amazing community for nerdfighters and all their halibuts!

Thanks, John and Hank for all your advice and just giving me the confidence to be who I am

Thanks for decreasing the suck in my world and everyone elses.

Thank you, John and Hank, and happy ten years!

Thank you, Hank and John!

Thank you, John and Hank Green.

Thank you, Hank and John.

Thank you, Hank and John, for the laughs and memories.

This fun, loving community brought us together as friends and we are so happy to be a part of it.

Don't forget to be awesome.








Don't forget to be awesome.

I love you awesome nerds! DFTBA!


So, as they say in my hometown...


*click click zooommm*

*tremendous applause*

John: Thank you so much.

*audience cheering increases steadily*

John: Thank you.

Hank: So uh....

*standing ovation audience cheering continues*

Hank: I mean, I know you're all looking at us. Like it's about us, but it's all about you. You should face each other, you should talk to each other

because in a world where it can be really hard to find acceptance like, why, how, is that the case?

To find people who will accept you for who you are because you were made that way. Because you like being that way.

We're not accepting you. You are finding that in each other. And I am honored and touched that you are here.

That you came out and also that the vast majority of people who couldn't be here, of course, are part of this together. And I am...yeah...

I feel lucky every friggin second. And that's really because of you. John: Yeah, thank you so much.

And also, Nicole, who edited that video because she doesn't have stuff to do. Gees, Nicole.

John: Thanks, Nicole.

John: Thank you all so much and I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Hank and I both feel like we benefit so much in ways y'all don't even see from this community.

It lifts us up in our personal lives and in our family lives. It's such a gift to us. And sometimes we feel

like we benefit from it so much. We just hope that you also benefit from it as much as we do.

And I hope that this weekend has been as fun and meaningful for you as it has been for us.

It's really refocused us, oriented us again toward the work that we love and the community we love.

And here's to ten more years of that. I hope you had an awesome weekend and DFTBA!

*audience cheering as loud as possible*

John: Thanks again!

For more infomation >> The NerdCon: Nerdfighteria Nerdfighter Secret Project Thank You Video - Duration: 11:28.


We Are Forced To Strike Back Russia Set To Expel 30 US Diplomats, Seize US Assets - Duration: 3:14.

We Are Forced To Strike Back Russia Set To Expel 30 US Diplomats, Seize US Assets

by Tyler Durden

When Obama announced the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and the seizure of Russian diplomatic

compounds in Maryland last December, in response to alleged Russian interference in the election,

Putin just smiled and said Russia would not retaliate, expecting that relations between

Russia and the US would normalize under president Trump.

Six months later, relations have not only not normalized but have deteriorated further

following the latest round of sanctions against Russia despite daily allegations that Trump

colluded with the Kremlin to convince several million Americans to vote against Hillary.

And, as a result, Putin's patience appears to have run out, and according to Russian

newspaper Izvestiya, the Kremlin is set to expel around 30 US diplomats and freeze some

US assets in a retaliatory move against Washington.

Quoting a Foreign Ministry source, the Izvestiya newspaper says the move is due to the failure

to reach an agreement on two Russian diplomatic compounds in the US seized by the outgoing

Obama administration in December last year.

�There is a preliminary agreement on holding a meeting between Russian Deputy Prime Minister

Sergey Ryabkov and US Under Secretary of State Thomas Shannon in St. Petersburg.

If the compromise is not found there, we will have to take such measures,� a source in

the Russian Foreign Ministry told the Izvestiya newspaper.

Izvestiya also cited Andrey Klimov, a senator in the upper house of Russia's parliament,

who said that "Russia had already waited more than six months for the Trump administration

to improve the relationship between the two countries" and was now forced to strike back.

"We are forced to draw a line and answer in a similar way," Klimov told Izvestiya.

"These moves are not meant as our attempts to show our negative attitudes toward the

Trump administration but rather as evidence of the fact that Russia is a strong nation

that deserves respectable treatment."

The Russian newspaper adds that the decision came after Trump and Putin's first meeting

at the G20 Summit in Germany failed to produce an agreement on the lightening of US sanctions

against Russia.

The issue of the Russian diplomatic compounds was also raised at the Putin-Trump meeting

in Hamburg, according to the Russian press reports.

And, as Trump and his family face fresh claims of collusion with the Kremlin, Putin�s patience

over the non-return of the Russian compounds has run out.

According to the newspaper, while the administration plans to seize the American summer house in

a forest region outside of Moscow and a warehouse in the center of the city, it will not touch

the residence of the American ambassador and the American international school in St. Petersburg.

For more infomation >> We Are Forced To Strike Back Russia Set To Expel 30 US Diplomats, Seize US Assets - Duration: 3:14.


6 Early Warning Signs of Vision Loss - Duration: 6:57.

6 Early Warning Signs of Vision Loss

Eyesight tends to disappear more gradually than suddenly.

In fact, the warning signs of vision loss in adults can be so subtle that you don't

even notice them until a "nuisance" complaint, like trouble focusing or irritation, sends

you for an overdue eye exam.

That's when an unrelated but more serious vision robber, like glaucoma, may be discovered.

"That's why a baseline exam at age 40 is important," says San Francisco ophthalmologist Andrew

Iwach, a spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

"You may not have major symptoms, yet have a major problem."

Certain warning signs of vision loss, however, can be seen right under er, over our noses.

Warning sign: Your vision is clear one minute, fuzzy a few hours later.

Might be: Diabetic retinopathy.

Fluctuating clarity -- sometimes you see fine, sometimes everything's blurry -- may mean

that you have a chronic condition such as uncontrolled type 2 diabetes or uncontrolled

high blood pressure that can damage the fine blood vessels of the retina, causing vision


Watch for: Changes in visual clarity that happen throughout the day.

Some people find it difficult to continue to do close tasks, such as reading or sewing.

Pay attention to whether you have other possible signs of diabetes or high blood pressure.

If you're diagnosed with one of these conditions, take special care to have regular eye exams.

The odds of developing retinal damage increase the longer you have diabetes.

Warning sign: You've had a recent and inexplicable traffic accident.

Might be: Glaucoma.

Admittedly, a million things can cause a fender-bender.

But a loss of peripheral (side-to-side) vision is a key warning sign of glaucoma, a silent

disease in which building pressure on the optic nerve begins to obscure vision because

images can't be fully transmitted to the brain.

Several studies have found that drivers with glaucoma have an increased risk of accidents,

according to a 2011 Review of Ophthalmology report.

A 2008 study paired glaucoma patients with a driving instructor and found they needed

six times as many interventions from the instructor than age-matched control drivers did.

Watch for: Bumping into things or people is another indicator of losing side vision.

Noticing behaviors is useful, Iwach says.

The reason: "People don't usually recognize when they lose side vision because it happens

slowly and the eye is designed so well that it compensates for changes until late in the


Because it's essentially symptomless, most glaucoma is caught during routine exams.

Warning sign: There's a frustrating dark or empty patch at the center of your vision.

Might be: Age-related macular degeneration.

AMD is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people over age 50, according to the

American Optometric Association.

Changes to macula, part of the retina, cause this incurable sight-stealer.

(A less common form, called "wet macular degeneration," can be treated with lasers.)

Watch for: Look at a straight line and it may appear wavy.

Sometimes people with macular degeneration bob their heads a bit as they try to see "around"

the smudgy patch.

People with AMD may have trouble reading street signs, or they may give up reading or other

close work, such as needlework.

There may also be changes to color perception -- everything looks a little washed out.

More early warning signs of vision loss

Warning sign: Your eyelid looks funny.

Might be: Skin cancer.

Not all harbingers of vision loss involve vision.

Changes in the appearance of the eye itself, including the eyelid, can foretell problems.

The thin, delicate tissue of the eyelid is one of the most common sites for basal cell

and squamous cell carcinomas.

While these types of cancer are rarely fatal, they often cause serious damage and blindness,

according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Watch for: Eyelids that look droopy or asymmetrical, a lump or bump, persistent bleeding or irritation

that doesn't go away, or a dark spot on the lid.

"Any change in the appearance of the eye itself warrants getting checked out," ophthalmologist

Andrew Iwach says.

Warning sign: There's a brownish tint to your vision.

Might be: Cataracts.

A clouding of the lens that can affect vision in just one or both eyes, cataracts are so

common that by age 80, more than half of all Americans will either have cataracts or have

had surgery to correct the condition, according to the National Eye Institute.

Watch for: Generally blurred vision, as clumps of protein reduce the sharpness of the image

reaching the retina.

This happens so slowly that people are seldom aware of it in the early stages.

As damage increases with age (usually not until the 60s but sometimes as early as the

40s), the lens takes on a brownish or yellowish tinge rather than being clear.

This can cause vision to be dulled, cloudy, and slightly "dirty."

Color perception can become distorted -- socks that look black to you are actually more vivid

purple ones, for example.

Other symptoms include being irritated by the glare of sun or lights, seeing halos around

lights, and poor night vision.

Warning sign: You see a flurry of "flashes and floaters."

Might be: Impending retinal detachment.

Usually a sudden event, it's considered an emergency requiring immediate care (usually

surgical reattachment).

But many people experience a period of increasing flashes before a retinal tear occurs.

Watch for: A greater-than-usual number of little spots and light bits seeming to float

before your eyes, and with increasing frequency.

Seeing some flashes and floaters is common -- they're images of particles floating in

the vitreous fluid of your eye.

The red flags are increased amount and frequency, as well as an increase in seeing flashes of


"Any difference in what's normal for you merits a call and probably an exam," Iwach says.

"The older we get, the busier we get taking care of our families -- and, unfortunately,

the less likely we are to take care of ourselves."

For more infomation >> 6 Early Warning Signs of Vision Loss - Duration: 6:57.



hey guys welcome to another episode with cook with Nancy if you're new to my

channel or I haven't subscribed already go ahead and hit the subscribe button

right now today we are gonna make strawberry cream cheese pancakes that's

correct if you're a cheesecake lover like me you're gonna love this recipe

let's see how simple and easy ingredients are we need 1 cup of oats

flour quarter cup of whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder salt as needed

baking powder 2 TSP now combine them well together and just set it aside

meanwhile prepare wet ingredients in a large bowl I'm going to add 1 large egg

and just lightly beat the egg 1 cup of full fat milk you can also alternate

with non dairy milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoon honey

make sure your honey is nice and soft it should be running now whisk the mixture

well until the honey and the milk is well combined now go ahead and add the

wet mixture into the dry mixture I'm also going to add 2 tbsp of butter that

is melted now combine them just enough do not over combine them because if you

do so your pancakes are not gonna be lovely it's going to be hard

and it's not fun so once that is done go ahead and set it aside for 10 to 15

minutes for the batter to rest

when you're ready to prepare the pancakes I'm gonna heat the skillet with

little butter and I'm going to add heaping spoon of batter and cook the

pancakes on medium-high heat

once the bubble starts forming you can see the edges are browned you can flip

it over cook for 3 to 4 minutes each side and set it aside and wait to cool

down now continue the same with the rest of the battery that you got now in a

large bowl I am adding 1/2 cup cream cheese 1/2 a cup of heavy whipping cream 2 tbsp sugar

or as needed juice of half lemon whisk them until soft peaks form you can use a

hand blender because it's a small quantity whisk them until soft peaks are

formed and then refrigerate till we prepare the strawberry now I have 1 cup

of strawberry chopped 2 tbsp sugar juice of 1/2 lemon if you

accidentally drop the seeds just remove them like I did just cook them are over

medium-high heat until the strawberries are nice and soft

once it's soft like that once it's a soft like this you can also go ahead and

add in food processor and make it a pure but I like the way this now I'm

going to apply cream cheese on each layer of pancakes generously top up

again apply cream cheese till the end on top part did not want to apply cream

cheese we are going to pour the strawberry syrup that you made this strawberry

cheesecake pancakes are most delicious pancakes I ever had

try this for yourself and if you like this recipe please do leave the comment

below and please do not forget to subscribe to my channel and share and like

I will see you soon in my next video look at that oh my god it looks so

delicious I am going just dig in ok guys see you soon in my next video till then

take care bye



6 Early Warning Signs of Vision Loss - Duration: 7:01.

6 Early Warning Signs of Vision Loss

Eyesight tends to disappear more gradually than suddenly.

In fact, the warning signs of vision loss in adults can be so subtle that you don't

even notice them until a "nuisance" complaint, like trouble focusing or irritation, sends

you for an overdue eye exam.

That's when an unrelated but more serious vision robber, like glaucoma, may be discovered.

"That's why a baseline exam at age 40 is important," says San Francisco ophthalmologist Andrew

Iwach, a spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

"You may not have major symptoms, yet have a major problem."

Certain warning signs of vision loss, however, can be seen right under er, over our noses.

Warning sign: Your vision is clear one minute, fuzzy a few hours later.

Might be: Diabetic retinopathy.

Fluctuating clarity -- sometimes you see fine, sometimes everything's blurry -- may mean

that you have a chronic condition such as uncontrolled type 2 diabetes or uncontrolled

high blood pressure that can damage the fine blood vessels of the retina, causing vision


Watch for: Changes in visual clarity that happen throughout the day.

Some people find it difficult to continue to do close tasks, such as reading or sewing.

Pay attention to whether you have other possible signs of diabetes or high blood pressure.

If you're diagnosed with one of these conditions, take special care to have regular eye exams.

The odds of developing retinal damage increase the longer you have diabetes.

Warning sign: You've had a recent and inexplicable traffic accident.

Might be: Glaucoma.

Admittedly, a million things can cause a fender-bender.

But a loss of peripheral (side-to-side) vision is a key warning sign of glaucoma, a silent

disease in which building pressure on the optic nerve begins to obscure vision because

images can't be fully transmitted to the brain.

Several studies have found that drivers with glaucoma have an increased risk of accidents,

according to a 2011 Review of Ophthalmology report.

A 2008 study paired glaucoma patients with a driving instructor and found they needed

six times as many interventions from the instructor than age-matched control drivers did.

Watch for: Bumping into things or people is another indicator of losing side vision.

Noticing behaviors is useful, Iwach says.

The reason: "People don't usually recognize when they lose side vision because it happens

slowly and the eye is designed so well that it compensates for changes until late in the


Because it's essentially symptomless, most glaucoma is caught during routine exams.

Warning sign: There's a frustrating dark or empty patch at the center of your vision.

Might be: Age-related macular degeneration.

AMD is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people over age 50, according to the

American Optometric Association.

Changes to macula, part of the retina, cause this incurable sight-stealer.

(A less common form, called "wet macular degeneration," can be treated with lasers.)

Watch for: Look at a straight line and it may appear wavy.

Sometimes people with macular degeneration bob their heads a bit as they try to see "around"

the smudgy patch.

People with AMD may have trouble reading street signs, or they may give up reading or other

close work, such as needlework.

There may also be changes to color perception -- everything looks a little washed out.

More early warning signs of vision loss

Warning sign: Your eyelid looks funny.

Might be: Skin cancer.

Not all harbingers of vision loss involve vision.

Changes in the appearance of the eye itself, including the eyelid, can foretell problems.

The thin, delicate tissue of the eyelid is one of the most common sites for basal cell

and squamous cell carcinomas.

While these types of cancer are rarely fatal, they often cause serious damage and blindness,

according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Watch for: Eyelids that look droopy or asymmetrical, a lump or bump, persistent bleeding or irritation

that doesn't go away, or a dark spot on the lid.

"Any change in the appearance of the eye itself warrants getting checked out," ophthalmologist

Andrew Iwach says.

Warning sign: There's a brownish tint to your vision.

Might be: Cataracts.

A clouding of the lens that can affect vision in just one or both eyes, cataracts are so

common that by age 80, more than half of all Americans will either have cataracts or have

had surgery to correct the condition, according to the National Eye Institute.

Watch for: Generally blurred vision, as clumps of protein reduce the sharpness of the image

reaching the retina.

This happens so slowly that people are seldom aware of it in the early stages.

As damage increases with age (usually not until the 60s but sometimes as early as the

40s), the lens takes on a brownish or yellowish tinge rather than being clear.

This can cause vision to be dulled, cloudy, and slightly "dirty."

Color perception can become distorted -- socks that look black to you are actually more vivid

purple ones, for example.

Other symptoms include being irritated by the glare of sun or lights, seeing halos around

lights, and poor night vision.

Warning sign: You see a flurry of "flashes and floaters."

Might be: Impending retinal detachment.

Usually a sudden event, it's considered an emergency requiring immediate care (usually

surgical reattachment).

But many people experience a period of increasing flashes before a retinal tear occurs.

Watch for: A greater-than-usual number of little spots and light bits seeming to float

before your eyes, and with increasing frequency.

Seeing some flashes and floaters is common -- they're images of particles floating in

the vitreous fluid of your eye.

The red flags are increased amount and frequency, as well as an increase in seeing flashes of


"Any difference in what's normal for you merits a call and probably an exam," Iwach says.

"The older we get, the busier we get taking care of our families -- and, unfortunately,

the less likely we are to take care of ourselves."

For more infomation >> 6 Early Warning Signs of Vision Loss - Duration: 7:01.


Studs playing fruity tunes - Duration: 1:34.

duh duh duh duhhhhh duh duh duhh duuhh bing bing bing bing bing ing duh duh duh bing bing

duh duh bing bing duh

For more infomation >> Studs playing fruity tunes - Duration: 1:34.


Farming Simulator 17 LEMKEN PLOWS - Duration: 10:23.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two new Plows From Lemnken.

LEMKEN Diamant 12 4.5m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 225Hp

LEMKEN Vari Opal (RED EDITION) 3m Working Width 15Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 180Hp

To test those plows I will use Valtra T FL Tractors With Saphir Front Weights

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

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