Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

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For more infomation >> Home Remedies Of Kidney pain And Stone | How To Treatment Of Kidney Stone | Kidney Stone Treatment - Duration: 2:38.


Home Remedy Of Long Strong And Thick Hair | How To Grow Long & Thicken Hair Naturally - Duration: 2:55.

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For more infomation >> Home Remedy Of Long Strong And Thick Hair | How To Grow Long & Thicken Hair Naturally - Duration: 2:55.


Ritals - S02 - Ep.09 - Le origini [sub FRA] - Duration: 25:23.

For more infomation >> Ritals - S02 - Ep.09 - Le origini [sub FRA] - Duration: 25:23.


Weitere Enthüllung über Patagonia-Wollproduzenten: so leiden Schafe bei der Schur! / PETA - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Weitere Enthüllung über Patagonia-Wollproduzenten: so leiden Schafe bei der Schur! / PETA - Duration: 3:03.


POOR DOG | Unlock The Door Joseph - Duration: 1:59.

Unlock the door, Joseph.


You locking doors, Joseph?

YOu loCkiNg DOoRS, joSepH?

For more infomation >> POOR DOG | Unlock The Door Joseph - Duration: 1:59.


Relex Smile лазерная коррекция БЛИЗОРУКОСТИ и АСТИГМАТИЗМА. Коррекция зрения СМАЙЛ - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Relex Smile лазерная коррекция БЛИЗОРУКОСТИ и АСТИГМАТИЗМА. Коррекция зрения СМАЙЛ - Duration: 1:36.



For more infomation >> [LUKEORANGKOREA] : PERGI BERAYA! - Duration: 21:19.


The Old Ways are the Best Ways - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 2:44.

God, I haven't seen you in ages!

Yeah it's been a while hasn't it?

Will I put some music on?

Do, yeah

You haven't turned into one of these people

that thinks vinyl sounds better have you?

It's a much richer, fuller tone Karl

MP3's really killed the music industry

Right whatever, where's Peter?

Hey! How are ya? got blood everywhere man

Well, you can't beat the old straight razor

for the closeness of the shave

They just don't make things

like they used to, do they?

No. I've got that book you were looking for

Ahh great!

Here ya go

They're scrolls?

Yeah, hand written

I really think that the printing press

brought a lot of undesirables

into the literary world

Oh, you take milk with your tea don't you?

Sorry here we go yep?

It's unpasteurized, but it's

so much healthier for you

Is Frank still coming over?

I'll send him a message

*Sound of a Pigeon*

*Sound of a bird flying away*

Right so, Labyrinth or Cinema Paradiso?

What do we want to watch?

Anything else?

No, I checked teletext there's nothing on

Ah damn, the last people forgot to

rewind this one

Ahh it'll take ages

Are you feeling a little cold?

I'm a bit cold yeah

Oh that's the single glazing yeah

I really think with double glazing

you just don't get the same

clarity of vision.

No. I'll start a fire yeah?

No need to go to any trouble

It's no trouble at all

Did you get that holiday sorted you were talking about?

Yeah, we're off to Byzantium


oh you probably know for its original name



Oh, that just doesn't sound right to me

How are you going to get there?

Steam ship?

Haha! No we're gonna fly

Yeah come on, we've got the

Zeppelin booked for Thursday

That's if Dennis gets better by then

Are you sick?

Well just a little bit

but I got something for it this morning

that hopefully will help out

Oh Jesus! They're leeches!

Oh, yes, I swear by them. Modern medicine

God it's nonsense. Isn't it?

Oh God is that the time?

I should probably take these off shouldn't I?

Hang on, that clock is broken

Oh you're right

I forgot to wind it on this morning

The sooner we get that sun-dial fixed the better

*Telegraph machine*

Oh that must be Frank

Hold on let's have a quick look

Sorry. Stop

Can't come. Stop.

Model T broke down on M50. Stop.

That's the way with 200 year old cars, isn't it?

Why doesn't he just use a barge

like everyone else!

We don't have anything in common any more

do we?


You're our oldest friend!

So old!

Wait a minute

Do you mean old as in vintage old?


They just don't make friends like they used to

Come on!


thank you very much for watching We are foil arms and hog

got a video every Thursday

Please subcribe to the YouTube Channel

Want to see us

Live we are playing the Edinburgh Fringe festival

in August with our new show Oink

then where we taking it in September?

We bringing it to the Dublin fringe


But not Youghal in Ireland y'all as in everyone

That's disgusting

For more infomation >> The Old Ways are the Best Ways - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 2:44.


TOP 10 главных правил Гвинта - Duration: 8:54.

Gvint card game that came from the third Witcher, and

transformed into a more a very special,

amazing, and unlike anything else, constantly

modified. Developers with an enviable constancy,

release patches, strongly change the rules, adding

values ​​previously unnoticed cards, and completely stripped down

Gold and silver, destroying powerful combination. But despite

the presence of these same changes, It has in certain Gvinte

a set of rules which are not change, and continue to

to be relevant, passing through times

and updates. Here are some of them Today we'll talk.

Rule №1. fight for Card advantage.

The properties and the strength of cards varies, but usually save the card

excellence remains eternal. it is

as follows: if at the end final round, whether

he second or even a third, you have on one card

greater your chances of winning, grow significantly.

How this benefits to achieve? First, place

in Cards spyware enhancing opponent, but, as it were, giving

the right to skip the course, with retention of the number

cards in hand. It is very important. However, refrain from

In order to enhance the opponent 10-12 in the final of the third force

round, especially when You know that nothing of value

take not work. Secondly, If the game starts with

your turn, try continuously retain

an advantage in glasses. Otherwise, the opponent will pass

you 1 point and saved, leaving you a choice of a shame

lose 1 point, or spend another card, and exit

for the next round, a little what with luggage in -2 cards

(First and last moves were your own), but also, on the right

winner, again acting first. So sometimes,

unless your deck not a bust, it is better to

fold, to lose, but gain an advantage

on the cards.

Rule №2. Keep Finisher card.

Your deck should be Card finisher. It may

be one of the silver wizards, one of the witches,

Hjalmar, the Guardians of the Queen, Shani, or anything else,

having sufficient strength, to make a turnaround. Map Finisher

often requires pumping throughout the game, but

beware of excessive efforts in this regard,

because it often happens that pumping process will

bother you the whole game, but in the finals, due to inefficient

previously spent rounds Finisher does not work well,

as it could. In general, you must be card-finisher

you must keep the entire game before the finals to

then, so to speak, to go with trumps. Perhaps it

You can apply twice taking advantage of the Renaissance,

or even three, if you Ivasik have, for example, but

have a deck, which no pronounced Finisher

- it is impossible.

Rule №3. Replace deck. The mechanics of the opponent's choice

in Gvinte - a mystery covered darkness. You can row 7 times

give rivals Monsters on devouring, and then another,

3 times to give Skoyataeley dwarves, and the next

day you will play against one of the North, and Monsters,

how the wind will blow. And good, If you provided

rivals archetype convenient for you, because it is often

in another way: you lose and lose, and it is unclear,

what to do. that change the course of the game, you need to

get out of it. But there is much more effective way

- change the deck. that confusing system, Piha

you the same type of rivals, take another deck

and see how things change. In Gvinte for each of your

the deck has a separate story with some nuances,

so tasuyte deck confuse history, and your

opponents will please you variety.

Rule №4. 3 losses - back to normal.

It usually goes smoothly from the previous rules,

especially if you do not performing. If you lose

3 times the rating mode, return to normal

and check. It is not excluded, today you anything

it does not shine. then comes by virtue of a rule of the pendulum,

which is well aware professional gambler

and card cheats: if yesterday you won, the pendulum

will swing the other way, and you start to lose,

and well, if this is the black strip will be held,

while you play normally does not affect

Rated. If after leaving go to a regular win,

therefore, it is a signal to return in the rating. The fact that the game is ill-disposed

you can understand more on such a simple marker,

how nezahod. For example, if you are at the start of the game change

a third card in the hand of time after time comes, something

the same thing, which go desirable, therefore,

it is necessary to leave a rating.

Rule №5. Do not spray cards in vain.

In Gvinte there are 4 types of currency: real money, meteorite

dust, scraps and ores. Us interested scraps on

which can be purchased real cards. Now,

many make one and the same mistake: after recoup

and the opening of several days drums, they go to the Collection

and spray the unwanted copies. This should not be done. Developers

introduced the practice of return cards, whose power has been weakened.

After the next update Cards can be of some

tens, and you will be able to sell their nominal value,

rather than one-tenth, how could sell before.

So keep extra cards - they have not drawn the pocket,

as well as earned snatches them, just

will not bring dramatic enrichment on which it is hoped

if you sell them, so to speak, of shares.

Rule №6. 25 card. Time goes by, the rules change,

some enthusiasts continue to go

fight with a pack of 30-40 kart. This is silly. Of course I have,

quantitative deck whose owners proudly call

of the Swarm, the Zerg-rush, but none of these decks are not

It stored in the upper rows ranking, and play them only

for fun and surprise opponent. Deck, calculated

the result shall be exactly 25 cards in their composition,

that is, the minimum permissible quantity. Put them

special cards, not put - your business, but more than 25

cards in the deck to keep not We need, of course, if you

You want to win as much as possible more often. Even if you are in the stocks

not climbed, whatever you want, and you add two more,

do not expect that these the best two added,

and very necessary cards, will be come into your hand then,

when you need to. Usually, will be the opposite: the more

cards in the deck, the less chance that will go into his hand

exactly what you need.

Rule №7. It is better to destroy, than to create.

Months go by, the patches come new maps are added,

and this rule remains unchanged. be the destroyer

much more profitable than to be creator. It's simple:

build more complex than destroy. For example, to pump,

some dwarves up to 20 power, you will need

2, 3 and 4 and the card. you spend them, and are satisfied, and

rival at the time, in passing, spends only around one and all

your improvements are destroyed. But here, you need to understand,

that we need a balance: you can not overdo. If

do too the improving deck, or deck, oriented

on the total destruction (So-called deck

control), nothing good not work: you or mislead,

what some mushroom or Dvimeritkoy or corny

hurl meat that you can not knock down. therefore

the measure is necessary in all endeavors.

Rule №8. Bust - not panacea.

Many people who have the end of the game remains 3, 5, 8 cards decide

that the main thing in this life - sorting deck. From this

and they begin to dance, creating the most exhaustive search

a deck with a self-extracting cards. But as the

practice, this is not panacea, and often a deck,

having a remainder of 6-8 cards It proves to be more efficient,

than the one that moves to zero. Firstly, search

to zero in the second round can play with you a malicious

joke, when in the round №3 the opponent will take the card,

and you will not take, thereby making a great opponent

gift. Second, the bust, usually performed

not the most effective cards. The deck is where

stronger, but not sort out Cards than those sorted out,

but the big points advantage due to them will not receive.

Therefore, too much - this very good, but put

it in the forefront - not necessary.

Rule №9. use Trackers.

We have our own Gvinta fashion. This is not a cheat, as usual

statistics applets, allowing a little more efficient

to his game. called these modifications - trackers.

Their use, in any the case at the moment,

It is not prohibited by the developers, but not encouraged. Standard

Tracker shows how Generally, a rating and your opponent,

records used opponent cards, as well as

shows for your cards - what to pack, what

on the field, and what is played. Trackers will not show you

the order in which cards lie, and do not show you the card contender,

but still they are extremely useful,

at least because of the information of the original strength of the weakened

or enhanced maps, as well as the difference in points on the field.

Their only drawback - the creation of interference on the game

field, but if the windows trackers reduce and make semi-transparent,

you will quickly get used to it.

Rule №10. Read the forums. Well, the last - the banal.

Read forum, see Stream and letsplei themselves

players with the top-rated, as well as the service visit

Deckbuilder, where thousands of stores relevant and not very decks.

Often it may be, your, what do you think,

strong deck that can be improved quite unexpected

and ingenious method of which you would hardly have guessed.

Therefore, share experiences themselves, and ask for advice,

For one head - well, two - better and tens of thousands

heads - this is superompyuter, which will help you in your

card anguish that especially aggravated after

the next update, which puts everything on its head.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 главных правил Гвинта - Duration: 8:54.


Stress management during and after football career - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Stress management during and after football career - Duration: 6:54.


Resilient Cities | Exploring Future City Growth & Urban Landscapes | Ep#1 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Resilient Cities | Exploring Future City Growth & Urban Landscapes | Ep#1 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:21.


Resilient Cities | Flooding: Exploring Early Warning Systems | Ep#2 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Resilient Cities | Flooding: Exploring Early Warning Systems | Ep#2 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:25.


THE SOLITUDE OF PRIME NUMBERS - Book Review [SUB ITA] - Duration: 6:31.

Hi guys it's Debbie! Today you might not recognise my usual setting because I'm

actually in my little book corner, because today I would like to speak about a

novel which is "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" written by Paolo Giordano.

Today you'll see it with its original title which is "La Solitudine dei Numeri

Primi" because Paolo Giordano is actually an Italian writer and I read this book in

Italian. But because its success was so huge in 2008 when it was published, it is

now available in over 30 different languages. So as I was saying "The Solitude

of Prime Numbers" was published in 2008 and it achieved immediate success

because of the style in which it is written and because of the deep and

touching themes it covers. But all this attention it drew also generated some

criticism by who argued it was only a sad, one-time read and demonised it as

more of a hipster pick. And although I agree this book is not the most positive

and bright (but for well-founded reasons) I still find it has a meaningful

plot and also it is absolutely wonderfully written. "The Solitude of

Prime Numbers" follows the life of Mattia Balossino and Alice Della

Rocca, from their childhood right until their adult years. Both Mattia and

Alice went through traumatic experiences during their child years,

events which scarred them both physically and mentally for the rest of their life.

Growing up these deep scars manifest themselves even more strongly and

although they were a source for an exceptional strength in certain

situations, they were also reason for severe bullying. So when the two characters

eventually meet, they immediately feel a connection, they find something

which sets them apart from their peers. Their relationship is very unique

and although it is never put into a specific box, we know and feel it moves

way beyond love. Alice and Mattia have nobody in their life except for the

ghosts of their past and even friends and relatives feel the

weight of caring for them. The characters' story is so long-lasting it

starts in the 80s and moves right until the 2000s. So it starts at school where

Alice and Mattia suffer from all the normal issues a kid of their age would

go through, but also because of their features which set them apart from the

rest of their class. Alice's issues are somewhat more obvious because they

involve her physical appearance, whereas Mattia's distress is buried

deep into his mind, making it hard for everybody around him to reach out and

help him. In any case for both characters the troubles they experience have

effects both on their body and mind. So in the final third of the book we

discover whether Mattia and Alice's scars have healed or if they still torment

their minds. The title "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" actually refers to the

frequent maths references which occur throughout the whole plot. As a

matter of fact Mattia's clever mind leads him to studying math and in

particular he analyses the concept of prime numbers. Now prime numbers are

all those numbers which can only be divided by themselves or by one. So for

example 7, 5, 11, 13...19. And in particular he studies the rare twin

prime numbers, which basically are prime numbers which are only set apart by one

other number. So for example 11 and 13 or 17 and 19. The more you go on counting

the more further away they're set and the harder it is to find these twin

prime numbers. So the metaphor would be that both Mattia and Alice

are twin prime numbers, rare and unique in their kind, lost in a mass of common

numbers, destined to be alone. But if they are willing to search hard enough

they can find their twin counterpart... but still it will always be set apart by

just one number, it will be just beyond arm's reach. So the feature that allows

us to distinguish this novel from many others is the profound analysis

dedicated to every character. Both Mattia and Alice are very secretive and elusive

characters but page after page we get to know them better than their

relatives or closest friends. And this deepness is not just a priority reserved

to the main characters. As a matter of fact because of the influence both

characters have on everybody surrounding them, we have a profound analysis of all

the other characters. The main themes which are covered in this novel are guilt,

solitude, disability, individuality and how to preserve

individuality in a bullying and demanding society, self-injury, love,

friendship, family, the weight of the past, mistakes, being pressured into doing

certain things or pursuing certain careers. Now an important thing I would

like to speak about is that I included love in this novel's main topics and

the book is based mostly on a relationship. But I would not call

this a romance. Reading the book we discover that the characters' relationship is portrayed in

a manner which is realistic but also very uncommon in literature. The plot

doesn't focus on romance as we would expected to be, but it rather tends to

underline the invisible force, the subtle aspects that we would often

underestimate in a relationship (of any kind). We would probably find it easier to

read about the greatest love ever, the best romance ever conceived but we

relate more to Alice crying on the floor over her spilled food or Mattia

listening to music with her silently laying on a bed. The beauty of love and

the beauty of life in general can often only be appreciated through realism and

not through constructed dreams. Another important lesson

this novel gives us, is that of learning to accept help when we need it.

Often we find ourselves to be in a very dark place, we fail to recognise friendly

faces in a crowd of enemies and we don't often accept help or we don't want to

accept it. The style which Giordano uses in this novel, and which is used in other

works for example "The Human Body" is very descriptive, it is rich in details,

focusing on small things even such as hands or expressions. The dialogues are

simple but still well-developed and never stepping out of the boundaries of

realism. So what I appreciate most of the writer's style is that he is very elegant,

every word is a neat and well-balanced, but the sentences are never bulky or

excessive, making this book unpretentious and very easy to read, without

compromising its grace. I would absolutely recommend reading

"The Solitude of Prime Numbers" and I will leave a link here below to find it on If you have already read this novel, then let me know what you thought

about it with a comment here below. And if you enjoyed this video, remember to

subscribe for many more similar videos. See you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> THE SOLITUDE OF PRIME NUMBERS - Book Review [SUB ITA] - Duration: 6:31.


Mental preparations before the game mentally and physically - Duration: 3:16.

Players all prepared differently, so at that time a first team player would prepare different to say

a reserve team or a youth team player. It depended on how many games you had, it depended on where you

was playing. So it was quite different a lot of time.

For me personally when I was playing in the youth team and when I went to the reserve team, and then when I

moved to Bolton Wanderers FC, and I got into the first team squad and went on to other clubs.

My preparations stayed the same, because you find what works for you.

So physically it was pretty good. You would always be in the best shape you could. You would eat right,

sleep right and train hard. So you knew how to look after your body, because you have done it for so long.

The mental side would possible be the most challenging, because you know sometimes you concern outside

influence, external things that could be bothering you that you could take on to the football field.

Like media or something?

Maybe not so much the media, but personal issues.

So if you got people that are unwell at home and you live away from home.

Definitely! And you got illness in the family, or you got death and then you still got to step out on the football

pitch. It effects you? It does effect you! So it is having the ability to go switch on and switch off.

At that age nobody really teaches you how to have it. So looking back my preparation was

leading up to a game physically great, sleep well, eat well and then I would be just thinking about the game

all the time. So I would be just visualising the pitch, visualising who play against, visualising receiving

the ball. Visualising my passes, visualising tackling. I would think about the game so much.

Just a second. How long did you think about that the visualising?

All the time!

If the game was coming the days building up, and as you got closer to the game the adrenalin and the nerves and

the excitement we started to commit. So you would think about it even more intensely, which helped you get

into that state to really visualise with more depth to the point where you could actually feel the

emotion of scoring or winning a head or winning a tackle.

You could visualise being there. So what would happen is that when you arrive to the ground or wherever you

was playing, when you arrive it felt like you already had been there. So when you turn up I feel comfortable

because I visualised it. I know who I am playing against, I know what position I am in, I know why I do

when this happens. So you have gone through all the circle. It is like the boxer or a fighter.

He knows the opponent and he has visualised the fight already. Muhammad Ali used to say he visualised every

point and every round. So when he is in the ring it is like he has already been there.

That is for me what I used to do actually to visualise the game, visualise my passes, visualise where want to go.

I used to listen to some music. Listen to quite emotional music, especially leading up to the game so a hour

before kick-off

I would have the headphones and listen to my music, thinking about my family, thinking about my loved ones.

Anything I could do to give me the edge and give me that emotions.

For more infomation >> Mental preparations before the game mentally and physically - Duration: 3:16.


Resilient Cities | Earthquakes: Exploring Early Warning Systems | Ep#4 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Resilient Cities | Earthquakes: Exploring Early Warning Systems | Ep#4 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:16.


Posterity | Episode 19 | "Everything is Okay and Gay" - Duration: 4:27.

Uh so Alex is gonna be here soon,

I just, I don't know what to do.



Look um, about the project I think that we should just start emailing each other, like everyone else.

Just so we don't have to see each other.

And I uh, I know you were drunk when you sent the message.

I could kind of tell from the amount of typos.

So you probably didn't mean that you actually wanted to meet up today.

and that's fine, so, I might-

No, wait. Alex could you just, let me talk.


I'm sorry that I pushed you away.

But like, to be honest, I...I didn't know how to deal with what I was feeling.

Well, it kind of hurt that you didn't trust me to help you deal with what you were feeling.

I do! I, I do trust you. That's not the problem.

I don't trust me.

I mean, I've never...

I'm bound to mess it up before it even starts.

Well, I already have.

Rae, nobodies perfect.

Not you or me or any relationship.

No matter if it's the first or the hundredth.

Well you seem pretty prefect to me.

I am not perfect.

I am, what? Disorganised, I have no healthy way of dealing with anger.

Really easily distracted and apparently. I'm the worst person to road trip with.

Just ask Zach. He still has a scar behind his ear.

I'm definitely not perfect. I mess up just as much as anyone else does.

Like when?

Well, as cliche as it sounds in retrospect,

you know, I got mixed in with the wrong crowd in school, and I almost didn't make it through.

I, I thought that they were my friends, and I was, you know, sad and lost and angry, whatever

I didn't really care what they were doing. I sort of just followed along blindly.

But I got through and that's because of Zach and Susan.

Whose main method was basically just hitting me alongside the head.

I, I didn't know that.

Yeah, well.

Nobody's perfect.

You don't have to be perfect.

I just, I don't know how.

Well, you know, just don't give up whenever anything doesn't going to plan.

I guess, I'm, I'm used to being alone and fixing things myself.

All you have to do is try, Rae.



I'll promise to try if you promise to forgive me.

Already have.

So I guess me and Alex are like, alright now?

I mean like this whole thing has been so confusing.

Feelings are confusing.

Though, not as confusing as referencing.

Like the different subjects I'm doing use different referencing styles.

Like there's Harvard, APA, MLA, WTF?

And like why are they so pedantic about commas?

Who would have thought-

[doorbell rings]

Be right back.

So like, where the hell were you guys the other night.

And like, this whole week.

I called and messaged a billion times.

We were ummm...

We're on a date.

What? With who? Wait like a double date? Why didn't you guys tell me?

Well, you've been kind of preoccupied.

Yeah, and no, not a double date.

We were on a date together.

As in together together.

Not like with other people, like with each other.

Wait, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

What? Wha- I- How- wHAT?!

For more infomation >> Posterity | Episode 19 | "Everything is Okay and Gay" - Duration: 4:27.


Resilient Cities | Understanding Vulnerabilities & Population Growth | Ep#5 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Resilient Cities | Understanding Vulnerabilities & Population Growth | Ep#5 | AXA Research Fund - Duration: 2:22.


Buehlero - a professional poker streamer | Interview - Duration: 3:08.

Us germans are so focused on the "standard" way of life.

Finish school, go to university, start working and then retirement!

I started studying economics,

but quickly realized that university wasn't for me.

I was tired of people telling me what I had to do

and just to study to pass exams.

I just wanted to do my own thing.

I'm Henri, 20 years old and play professional online poker.

I've been playing poker for quite some time,

mainly with friends and occasonally online.

After university I had a lot of time

and decided to put everything into poker and see where it takes me.

Most people were supportive when I told them about my plans.

I remember being pretty nervous when I told my brother

that I dropped out of university to pursue this career,

since poker is often associated with gamblers loosing their money on slot machines.

However once I explained the strategy behind the game,

I do think that most people understand it.

Usually I'm streaming five days a week for about 8 hours.

After that I have to take care of e-mails,

talking to sponsors, social media, Youtube videos,

all that takes up another 2-3 hours.

Then I study some poker.

My advice for people thinking about doing something similar

is to never underestimate the amount of time you need to invest to become successful.

There are times where you feel terrible,

because nothing is working out.

The most important part about poker is to realize

that you are just not good at the game

and that there's infinite room to improve.

Always keep that in mind,

so you don't get overconfident and start loosing in the biggest tournaments.

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