Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

yeah under my enjoy something you're not done ten seconds we're trying to kill

five seconds ago hey you guys like maybe your five kills

through that wouldn't do a thing you get a tease I don't know you get a daze

no I'm bored alright I'm going to try and cheer for where downstairs or what

nicely done holy shit Barker leave me alone all right

no no so person and you run key there we go show them to the vents so to the back

hello by the way

call OB whoa number is on the right so that you - probably just RHS oh you got

a nice new job I'm difficult left our tree is like right by the huggers there

we go again hey let me do that okay boy high down right next to the hostage to

do it making you should understand run paladin go oh I can't you don't shoot me

you can't hit me because of my shield I go on video usually I'm not gonna get

days I guess yes get good we're all wait for you got the eggs first okay hold on

buddy I'm just checking with my body okay actually believe this be removed

for me I would say that I talked to Coach I've gone through many steps in

the game wait am I going to get they know they're employed

say no in fact I am more than fine I'm double gorilla for your to myself Oh

Janice Christ are sitting to my left and front of me into hauling sir might I not

sleep locked office we are nice and containing you went into the kitchen yes

I'm bad oh that's so nice five seconds we've got the hostage oh good that's

nothing tough Hey coming home left to pivot left yep free

get your boys are you down to the beautiful ma'am

the chief going back over actually she's coming

give to me before I go there is something very important I must tell you

here at the I and I have a man called Michael Bay of approaches do not listen

to her these are all very good advice other splinters but alas my advice is

English yes do nice oh great okay artists pumping my name is

Nick Crum you have insight now damn good company

window north okay time to shine

where did they kill you from Marshall window you're right in that corner on

that window I've brought the jacket our face in it

so something oddly satisfying about that

now just every time they come to our window they just get dominated dominated

all right just keep it coming well on the way to the a good chunk a

noise coming down sitting in the ones foot ah come around behind but we'll

show you girl with them as well behind gee self-powered

I'll shit yourself from the window that

stay low to that

he got me what he's like a one tab hey bishop so just rub yeah but you have

ones and now so I'm clear times you have secured what's your - mmm delicious

I'm going to the door okay that's right corner I'll try push them

into the room if you can everyone's time back to that all right here we go

Oh got me instead no no but you got em you got a castle it

sucks a dick you know cheese on the ACE I'm not knocking on the lace I'm not

getting in the way I'm letting you be with a man it's your ace that's before

year for now oh come on tomorrow baby with that ace

show me daddy this is the last boy oh yes you seen

this right so first kids give the earth oh she's on the age now there's no one

else in the room

but nice one friendly operator remain you're right it's both it's my right

yeah like in the hole in the wall I know my god what the hell I see him too much

money how all the money blocks my vision did I came to see me I look like an

idiot the right way it looks like let me show it off all the money look oh the

luck keep on us where is that from yes statistic begins of the next node in

roof really I mean there was someone in there plots

absolutely right I tell them the bathroom


Google America probably no one looks like in the first chances we can't fall

I'll take it

no one may enjoy all that moisturizer every day

what what no what no what else what else what else what tell me what what else

what else what

For more infomation >> England is my city. - Duration: 10:22.


Natural Treatment Of Paralyses | Home Remedies Of Paralyses | How To Treatment Of Paralyses - Duration: 3:12.

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For more infomation >> Natural Treatment Of Paralyses | Home Remedies Of Paralyses | How To Treatment Of Paralyses - Duration: 3:12.




Brushing your teeth for minutes at a time could be a thing of the past thanks to the

Amabrush, the world's first automatic toothbrush.

You'd be forgiven for thinking it was a mouth guard when you first set eyes on it.

However this "mouth guard" has soft silicone bristles in it and is magnetically attached

to a round handle.


No need to worry about that, just put the mouthpiece in, and it will do everything for

you, toothpaste and all.

When the Amabrush gets to work it brushes in every location in your mouth at the same

time, just the way your dentist would want, there's no place that is missed.

With this device, a perfect brush only takes 10 seconds from start to finish so it's no

surprise that the Kickstarter campaign is looking particularly healthy.

It's already at well over $1 million when they initially asked for just over $50 thousand.

The Amabrush is another example of automation doing its job well, getting the mundane daily

tasks done efficiently and hence freeing up time for humans to think and do more interesting

and creative things.

Whether it be a large leap in automation or just a small piece of the puzzle, it's still

progress in the right direction.

How we do many daily tasks has changed a lot in recent times but brushing your teeth has

remained pretty much the same for the past few decades.

This really is the kind of thing we would have in our science fiction films which are

set in the future, but now it's a reality.

If we are willing and ready, automation has the potential to free us up from far duller

repetitive jobs so we might have more time to pursue our passions, hobbies, and careers.

How soon will these things happen?

It's hard to say, but I do hope they get a move on inventing the three sea shells from

demolition man!



Дао наука для любого человека. - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Дао наука для любого человека. - Duration: 2:38.


10 Things You Didn't Know About Markarth - Duration: 12:58.

Skyrim is a living thriving world, full of secrets and backstories that might be easily

missed on your first, second, or even third playthrough of the game.

The main quests take you on incredible journeys of discovery and war, but there's so much

detail in this game that I will take just a few moments of your time to detail a few

found in the very city where the whole conflict in skyrim, first took hold.

The great fortress city, of Markarth.

Number 1

Hogni Red-Arm, the innocuous meat vendor at the very entrance of the city.

By just hanging out close to his shop, you'll notice a very strange behavior from this man;

a strange fascination with meat.

Many commoners from the city will claim him bizarre, nasty, and gross...especially the

way he talks about his cuts.

When some of the girls of the city approach, he seems to want to make it as gross to them

as possible; showing them the blood of his venison and making them look.

He chops his cuts in clear visual of the marketplace, filling the whole table and his clothes red

with blood.

So much so in fact, that he was named Red-Arm for the fact that he never cleans his own

hands of gore and crimson blood.

There's a dark secret to him, one that might had been easily missed by most players; he

was in fact one of the many cannibals found in Namira's daedric quest.

Part of venerating namira however, is not just about eating human meat; its about the

disgust that is brought upon by eating human meat.

Is the taboo of the act that Namira revels in.

And this, is exactly what you see Hogni Red-Arm do.

He is bringing disgust upon people, making them look as he chops flesh, keeping the blood

of his kills in his clothes for all to see; and revel in the acceptance that they all

give him in his craft.

Of course, his greatest secret goes a little bit deeper than this; for Hogni Red-Arm actually

sells human meat disguised as traditional cuts.

Forcing people to eat humans without them knowing, is truly the greatest taboo a butcher

can muster.

Number 2

There's nothing particularly interesting about Endon, the silver smith.

He runs a very nice shop with the help of his daughter, and his wife runs a jewelry

store in the city.

There's an interesting small detail very easily missed about the unseen son of Endon

though; that apparently he took off to join the stormcloaks and fight the empire.

But that's not why we are here, the reason i am bringing him up, is because his house

has one of the most interesting and well known easter eggs in the whole game.


In the bottom shelf of his bedroom, you'll notice a cheese wheel beside a group of garlics

and a bowl of glow dust.

This amalgamation of items is supposed to look like Pacman, eating pellets on its way

to a ghost.

Number 3

There are way too many quests in this game to really keep track of everything, especially

when most of the miscellaneous ones are simple delivery missions.

However, there's a really funny one that can easily be missed if you are not paying

close attention.

You see the hags cure is a store in markarth that sells all kinds of potions, curing things

from typical ailments, to rashes, to even claiming the ability of healing love sickness;

essentially curing being depressed at being dumped.

Whether there is any truth to this merit, is not really the point; the interesting bit

comes from the quest the owner, Bothela, gives you.

She claims that the jarl's steward, has a small problem; a problem that should be

solved with a potion.

You are suppposed to as part of the quest, deliver the potion to him.

When you do however, the steward seems extremely shy; claiming he wants to give you money for

your troubles….and for your discretion.

Very curious, looking at the item in your inventory before you deliver him the potion;

reveals that it is, in fact, a stallion's potion.

Alluding to the fact, that you have essentially given him a cure for erectile disfunction.

Number 4

Calcelmo and Aicantar, are extremely intelligent researchers...currently working on unearthing

as many dwemer secrets as possible.

In fact, Calcelmo himself, asserts that he is in fact the leader as far as knowledge

of the dwemer goes.

The amount of freedom that they are given for this job however, is actually quite surprising.

The dwemer museum, is protected by heavy guard; and the study room for calcelmo inside of

the keep, has more defenses than the actual city itself.

But the jarl doesn't really meddle in calcelmo's affairs, he gives him all the guards and defenses

that he needs, but he doesn't ask questions.

A fact that calcelmo really appreciates, claiming that this allows him to work unhindered.

But what does that actually mean?

And what kind of work is he really after.

When you sneak inside of his enormous studio, you'll find that his nephew...aicantar;

is actually secretly telling the guards to kill any witness to this work.

As if whatever it is that they are doing is either immoral, or completely secret.

Maybe even to the jarl himself.

Not even wanting to risk incarceration, but going straight into murdering any witnesses.

After studying a few notes written by Aicantar; you discover that he seemed to have managed

to actually control the automatons inside of the facility.

Claiming that by holding a very special rod, he could manipulate the robots into attacking

whoever he wanted.

And the very last thing you discover, is that currently before dying, Aicantar was in the

process of figuring out the possibility of being able to control these robots outside

of the facility.

Possibly alluding to the fact that, having a small army of dwemer wasn't out of the

question for this small duo of evil.

Number 5

Hroki is the daughter of the owners of the silver-blood inn, which means, she is actually

quite wealthy.

In fact she is one of the many targets that you can get for the thieves guild stealing

quests, where as you are supposed to steal her flawless ruby.

What's interesting about her, is that she is the only adult in the game that is actually

considered a child within the game's code; which alludes to the fact, that she might

be a teenager.

Makes sense when you actually notice that all she does all day long, is complain to

her parents and other people; and buy jewelry at the jewelry store.

Her clothes however, are extremely rare; in fact, there are only a literal handful of

them in the whole game.

They are called, Tavern clothes.

These have become sort of a collectors item within the game, since only a few characters

have them; and does that do, typically do not respawn when killed.

They even make an appearance in the concept art for the game skyrim... clearly being one

of the most revealing clothes in the game.

Number 6

Ondolemar, is the leader of the thalmor justiciars in the whole of skyrim.

They are essentially in this country to make sure that the white-gold concordat is upheld;

which means, they must rout out all talos worship in the area.

Because of this...Ondolemar is not the kindest elf in the city, since his job, is literally

to make people relinquish their god.

What's interesting about him though, is what when push comes to shove...he leaves.

If the city of markarth gets taken..he's never actually there to defend the interest

of the thalmor.

However if the stormcloaks win during war, you can actually find his corpse in the hall

of the dead inside of the understone keep.

Suggesting he was found and executed for his role in the war.

Number 7

Dogs don't tend to make great companions in Skyrim, they always run into the enemy

lines when you don't need them to, they have very low hp and literally no armor, and

you can't really ask them to do things like a normal companion would.

However you have the possibility of obtaining a slighly stronger version from Bannin, the

wardog trainer in markarth.

He will sell you a dog named vigilance who has twice as much hp as a normal dog, its

a lot better at stealth than other typical dogs, and is such a good boy.

Problem is, banning has a little bit of a secret.

He will give you a quest to deliver a spiced beef over to the understone keep, so that

they can feed their dogs with it.

This is a unique item, and it is also a very special collectors object; since you can actually

pickpocket it from Voada after you deliver it.

After doing Namiras quest, you actually get to find Banning in the table as part of the

cannibals and if you speak to him there; he will say ""Ah yes.

The courier.

I guess you know my secret ingredient for that spiced beef, now."

Banning...has been feeding human meat to all the dogs in markarth, probably even doing

so in some regard to the horses in the stables as well; since as far as namira is concerned,

spreading foul behavior is what her subjects should be all about.

Makes sense when you think about it too, people in markarth always wondering how Banning had

the ability to teach dogs to be so ferocious against bandits and forsworn, when in reality;

it was because his dogs had been grown to enjoy the taste...of human flesh.

Number 8

There are those of us who really go in depth with the story of Skyrim, read it and consume


But then there are those of us who mostly just played the games without worrying too

much about figuring all the details out, and for those in the might have missed

what was essentially the beginning of everything that turned skyrim into what it is today.

The very start of the war.

You see the Imperials and the Stormcloaks are in battle, the imperials side with the

thalmor to maintain peace while the stormcloaks are trying to take their country back from

the empire and become independent.

This actually started in Markarth.

25 years ago, the forsworn had invaded and conquered markarth, and so the jarl, looked

for Ulfric stormcloak and his militia to help in driving them back.

Promising the people, and ulfric, free reign in worshipping talos if they succeeded; and

he did succeed.

However pressure from the empire and the thalmor, made the jarl rescind the offer; not only

that, but the empire was forced to imprison ulfric stormcloak for his talos belief.

This build an anger inside of Ulfric for the empire deep within his gut, exacerbated by

the fact that Ulfric's father actually died while ulfric was still in prison.

Forcing him to do his eulogy, through a letter that he managed to smuggle out.

It is believed, that this was the real catalyst into what essentially became, the Skyrim civil


And it all started, right here in markarth.

Number 9

The city of markarth actually lies on what is essentially an abandoned Dwemer stronghold,

a stronghold called Nchuand-Zel.

The underkeep where the jarl is seating, is the upper side of this enormous complex.

What's interesting about this whole thing, is that typically dwemer cities are underground

but this one is a little bit different.

This very awesome concept art of markarth, shows you how it is supposed to look like

outside of the game engine; so as you can see, clearly the dwemer were particularly

adept at building even outside of cavernous entrances.

The people that now live in this place, simply took over the remaining buildings without

doing much changes.

You can tell when you actually start visiting some of these houses, that even the actual

beds are made out of stone.

In fact, most of everything is.

This is why, markarth is considered the strongest city in skyrim; especially when dealing with

dragons, since literally nothing here can be burned to the ground.

Number 10

The Dwemer museum in markarth is legendary within the game, housing all manner of contraptions

and widgets form the long lost civilization.

What's interesting to us however, is something that is innocuous to the characters.

The Dwarven Sphere centurion arrow.

This arrow is special, in that it is actually unobtainable within the game; which makes

the one you can actually see in the museum, very much unique.

The game will show you that it is indeed possible to steal it from the glass panel, however

clicking the button won't actually trigger you taking the arrow.

This is because the arrow is meant to be ornamental and aesthetical in the game.

It was never actually intended for the player character to use it.

You can however bypass part of this, by asking your companion to pick it up in your behalf.

This will cause him or her to steal the item for you, however it will still not show in

their inventory.

This is merely a visual bug however, because they actually do have the arrow in their inventory

and equipped.

This will only work though, if you removed every other arrow from their inventory in

the first place.

After doing this, you will notice that your companion upon shooting her bow and arrow

will start to actually use this unique ornamental object as ammunition.

You still won't be able to it up even after the fact however…. the arrow completely

transforming into a normal dwarven arrow upon pick up.

And that's it guys!

Make sure to leave me a like if you actually did like the video, and of course a comment

on what you want to next!

Also support me on patreon if you like this sort of content, I will be keeping you guys

updated on what's going on with the channel over there and on twitter.

Follow me @MrRhexx

Have a good day guys!

For more infomation >> 10 Things You Didn't Know About Markarth - Duration: 12:58.


Facts You May Not Know About Michelle Phan - Duration: 6:33.

With over eight million subscribers, more than a billion views, a company valued at

$500 million, and a net worth of $50 mil, Michelle Phan is — hands down — a makeup


As she tells her viewers, quote, "I live, I love, I teach, but most importantly I learn."

Turns out there's a whole lot to learn about this media megastar, too!

Phan girl

A child of Vietnamese immigrants, Phan's early life was anything but easy.

In a 2016 interview with Mashable, Phan revealed that her father gambled away most of the family's

money, leaving for good when she was just six years old.

She remembered,

"One day, you have a father who's always around.

And then the next day, he's gone.

I was too young to comprehend that.

I actually thought he was going to come back."

While Phan originally planned to follow her parents' dreams for her, to study medicine,

she revealed that as a child she wanted to work in a nail salon, just like her mom:

"I wanted to be like my mother.

She didn't wear a cape.

Or shoot lasers out of her eyes.

She was someone who wore a smile and made people more beautiful."

Accordi ng to Phan, her mother was "heartbroken and scared" when Phan decided to attend Ringling

College of Art and Design, instead of med school.

She would be forced to drop out after one semester because of lack of tuition money,

and would later receive an honorary doctorate from the school in 2014.

But it was during that one semester when she would film her very first video.

Reframing rejection

When Phan applied for a job at a department store Lancôme counter, she told ABC News:

"I didn't get the job because I didn't have any sales experience and so instead of just

shutting that door I decided to open up my own laptop and film my own makeup tutorials."

That rejection led her to become a YouTube sensation.

She said:

"I always tell my followers, you know that if something doesn't happen in life the way

you plan it, sometimes it's the universe telling you to go in a different direction.

And that led me to YouTube."

She posted her first video on her Xanga blog in 2006, when she was studying at Ringling

college, earning 40,000 views in just one week.

Phan told Cosmopolitan that's when she realized she may have a hit on her hands.


Phan's not just into beauty.

She shared with the Wall Street Journal that she plays the piano and trumpet, among other


She also has a passion for art, telling Nylon, "I could go into my happy place in my head

and occupy my thoughts with my passions, like drawing and creating."

And how else does Phan de-stress?

By meditating in a copper pyramid, in her Los Angeles apartment.

She described its purpose, saying, "Scientists in Russia discovered that whenever they put

medicine inside of any pyramidal structure, it restructures the molecule's chemicals and

increases the potency by 30 percent."

Michelle's pyramid is certainly working, but maybe don't try that pyramid thing at home.

Fresh face

The makeup guru admitted she typically goes light on makeup, telling Racked LA, "Most

days, I just wear a little concealer and that's it.

I have nothing to hide.

My viewers have seen me without makeup, so it's all good."


Just get a load of her top beauty tips!

According to Phan, the most important beauty product is water.

She told the Wall Street Journal:

"The number one is to drink water.

Drinking water can flush out all of your toxins, it can rehydrate your body, taking water is

really good for you."

She also recommends sunscreen — not just for wrinkles and brown spots, but health as


And last but not least?

"Honestly just smile.

Because if all else fails, when you smile, that's happiness is beauty."

Express yourself

Phan doesn't view makeup as a way to cover-up, but as a way to bring out your inner beauty.

She described the ritual of applying makeup to The Huffington Post, saying, "You get to

have that moment in front the mirror every morning and give yourself self-love.

You're making yourself beautiful."

She says makeup isn't a mask but, rather, "A weapon that helps you express who you are

from the inside."

Paying it forward

Phan describes her makeup subscription company, Ipsy, as a business designed to "give back

to the community and help them reach success."

She added to that potential by launching Ipsy Open Studios, in Santa Monica — a space

for beauty creators to shoot videos using all of the necessary tools, for free.

She said, "Someone who looks similar to you and likes your specific style wants to learn

from you, not from me or anyone else.

It's about making a connection."

She acknowledged that with the internet, there is "a niche market for everything."

Phan focuses not on competition, but on collaboration, saying,

"It's such an incredible journey, and I want to share this to more people, because if I

can do it, people can do it too and they can probably do it better."

Healing her soul

Once she hit it big on YouTube, Phan became a self-professed workaholic.

"The taste of success was like a drug. And I couldn't get enough.

I figured, the more productive I am, the more successful I'll become"

But her perspective quickly changed.

"I spent my whole life chasing after success, only to find myself running away from the

very thing that mattered: myself."

Then, her makeup collaboration with L'Oreal failed.

She wrote in Teen Vogue,

"When Em Cosmetics flopped, I was trolled so hard online.

I had Reddit forums dedicated to hating on it."

She then began retreating from her public life, writing in the mag, quote "I wanted

to be forgotten, so I began posting less online."

By December 2015, she was gone from YouTube and Instagram completely.

She later reflected on her decision to take a break from social media.

"My intuition told me it was time to leave.

I took refuge in a place where I could find meaningful time to heal, learn, and grow."

And that she did.

Back at it

Phan returned to Instagram in December 2016 with posts for her Em Cosmetics line, which

she'd brought back from the dead, prompting fans to wonder where she'd been all that time.

In an interview with Racked, Phan admitted,

"I'm actually happy Em didn't do well, because I'm happy that I own it.

It is my makeup brand, it's not L'Oreal's makeup brand.

It's not for me; it's for my viewers who have been there since the beginning."

The first products for her new line went on sale in April of 2017, so here's hoping for

continued success for Phan.

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Facts You May Not Know About Michelle Phan - Duration: 6:33.


Every Version Of Spider-Man Ranked From Worst To Best - Duration: 8:31.

Spider-Man: Homecoming stars the third live-action Spider-Man since 2002, and that barely even

begins to scratch the surface of how many Spider-Men have appeared onscreen over the


"(speaking Japanese)"

So how do they stack up?

Here's a look at the major versions of Spider-Man from TV and movies—and the actors who played

them—ranked from worst to best.

'70s Live Action Spider-Man

It isn't actor Nicholas Hammond's fault that nobody remembers the short-lived Amazing Spider-Man

TV show from the late 1970s.

He just didn't have much to work with: there were no supervillains, no supporting cast

from the comics except J. Jonah Jameson and a single appearance by Aunt May, and Hammond

never looked, talked, or moved like anything other than a random guy you'd run into at


Spider-Man Unlimited

Spider-Man Unlimited was basically an effort to extend the '90s animated series past its

sell-by date by sending Spider-Man to an alternate Earth.

Voice actor Rino Romano just did his best impression of Christopher Daniel Barnes, who

preceded him in the role.

"Great, if only carting around is my worst nightmare.

It's leaking!"

The costume, derived from the Spider-Man 2099 comics, is memorable, but it probably would

have worked even better if they'd just made a Spider-Man 2099 cartoon.

'60s Animated Spider-Man

Considering Spider-Man had only existed for four years when this show started, relatively

few viewers had a clear idea of just what Spider-Man should be like.

Paul Soles as Spider-Man sounds the way 1960s cartoon viewers expected a superhero to sound—which

means he sounds exactly like Superman.

"I once swore to never turn my back on anyone, and I'm not starting now."

This Spider-Man is best remembered today as the star of many animated GIFs and memes.

And of course for its awesome theme song.

"Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can."

1981 Animated Spider-Man

The 1981 Spider-Man animated series wasn't bad by any means.

The animation was solid for the time, and it brought in a lot of Spider-villains from

the comics who'd never gotten TV time before.

The weirdest thing about this show is that it was immediately overshadowed by another

Spider-Man cartoon, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, which premiered the same day.

The two series also used the same character designs, which kind of made this series feel

like a run of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends in which he has no friends and talks a little

funny, thanks to the vocal talents of Ted Schwartz.

"Oh no, I'm gonna miss my lunch date with Betty."

The Electric Company

Spider-Man's first live-action appearance, interestingly enough, was on The Electric

Company, a 1970s educational series that ran on PBS.

This Spider-Man, played by Danny Seagren, didn't talk, but his simple adventures were

the perfect vehicle for teaching kids basic language and math skills.

But the highlight of the show?

The narration, which was provided by a pre-fame Morgan Freeman.

"And he's found it – a rubber glove sandwich."

Spider-Man: The New Animated Series

Two things are distracting about 2003's Spider-Man: The New Animated Series.

The first is the combo 2D and 3D animation.

The second is that every time Spider-Man talks, you can't help but hear Neil Patrick Harris.

"This is so not spandex!"

Not that Harris is a bad choice for Spider-Man, but come on, isn't he more suited for villainy?

Japanese Spider-Man

The 1978 Japanese Spider Man live action TV series has a cult following in the U.S., even

though it's never been officially released there.

In this version, Spider-Man is a motorcycle driver who gets his spider-powers from a super-bracelet

from the planet Spider.

The show's a lot of fun, and the actors do a great job, but it just feels wrong to rank

them any higher when they're not playing the same Spider-Man as everybody else.

"(speaking Japanese)"

2000s Spider-Man Movies

In the early days of 21st-century superhero movies, Tobey Maguire got the job done.

He got in great physical shape for Spider-Man, but he still had the softness to play nerdy

Peter Parker.

"Punch me, I bleed."

While he never quite seemed like a kid in the way an origin-story Spider-Man should,

he was still young enough be believable as a teenager, making him a solid version of

the web-slinger.

Ultimate Spider-Man

Disney's first animated Spider-Man series after it purchased Marvel, some of the production

decisions for Ultimate Spider-Man didn't sit well with longtime fans – especially the

decision to hire Drake Bell of Drake and Josh to voice the title character.

"You don't know how that feels."

"I do, actually.

Someone important was taken from me, too."

But if you look past the bad buzz, Bell is actually a pretty great animated Spider-Man,

and he also comes through in the darker moments that require a more emotional Peter Parker.

Amazing Spider-Man

The biggest problem with Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker is that he was already too old

for the part when he starred in The Amazing Spider-Man.

He never seems like an awkward teen, and yet the rebooted franchise offered another origin

story set in high school.

Still, his slim build looked good in the suit, and his comic timing made him a natural fit

for the rhythms of the character's constant wisecracks.

"Knock it off man!"

"no NO!"

'90s Animated Spider-Man

For a lot of millennials, Christopher Daniel Barnes was the definitive voice of Spider-Man

throughout their childhood.

While this Spider-Man has aged a little awkwardly, it was the first TV version of the character

to really draw on the comics' storylines in a nuanced way, introducing concepts like the

Venom suit, the Secret Wars crossover, and even Daredevil.

This series skipped the origin and began with Peter Parker already in college.

Within that context, Barnes is perfect in the part, balancing the jokes and the emotional

baggage that are both so central to Spider-Man.

"Spider sense - danger!"

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

For those a little older, Dan Gilvezan was the Saturday morning Spider-Man of choice.

He voiced the central hero on Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends from 1981 until 1986.

His Spider-Man had the lightness that earlier versions of the character had been missing,

while still seeming more grounded than the goofier Iceman.

"Oh, no."

"Oh, yes!"

This cartoon seems pretty silly by today's standards, but this was the first time Spider-Man

really seemed like Spider-Man, and that's worth something.

The Spectacular Spider-Man

Spectacular Spider-Man was basically the perfect Spider-Man cartoon, and one that ended too


It ran for two seasons in 2008 and 2009, and was being considered for a third when Disney

bought Marvel and reacquired the television rights to Spider-Man, leaving this Sony-produced

series unable to continue.

Voice actor Josh Keaton played the youthful Spider-Man with the earnestness of a kid trying

to do his best, and it really worked.

It's just a shame there couldn't be more of it.

"Uh, yoo-hoo!

Excuse me, can I come in this way or do I have to break my own window?"


MCU Spider-Man

As the third live-action Spidey in under a decade, Tom Holland may finally be the perfect


He comes across like a young teenager with a surprising amount of power, and his youthfulness

stands out perfectly in contrast with all the adult heroes running around in the MCU.

"Are you an Avenger?"

"Yeah, basically."

Spider-Man: Homecoming presents him as a nerdy high school student who might be in way over

his head—and that's exactly what Spider-Man should be, especially within the context of

a larger Avengers-centric setting.

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

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MIKA - Hablar de ti ! (Eng sub) - Duration: 3:18.

Una canción de MIKA ! = MIKA's Song !

Hablar de ti = Talk about you

Given to me by someone in a front row

Una adaptación literaria en Español de Don Calvo = A literary adaptation in Spanish of Don Calvo

(Public) - Bravo ! Bravo !

..mierda = Shit..

.. como un estúpido = like a fool

muy difícil = too difficult

..proponérmelo = propose to me (Public) - esto es ! = it's right !

es muy lunga = It's so long..

Mierda ! es muy lungo.. = Shit ! it's too long..

Gracia, Don Calvo ! = Thank you, Don Calvo !

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Hello youtube!!! We are going to be pranking people im here with iDarkDreamz (cool name :3) and he didn't want his SOCIAL MEDIA IN DISCRETION!

Are you guys ready? you sure ? okay fine u asked for it :3!!!

Here i am Breaking the chat as u can see

Emojis On top of emojis

(We can be a family If you want 👨‍👧👨‍👧)

This is where i decided to hack (Spare Rebron hack Link in description) and it was funny

Using My Infinity Jump (might be in description)

i Start to lag from all the Spamming -O-


For more infomation >> EMOJI TROLLING/USING SOME HACKS - Duration: 10:01.


NIOBONEWS - ESPERA 3 DIAS! - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> NIOBONEWS - ESPERA 3 DIAS! - Duration: 4:51.


Barry Manilow Greatest Hits || Best Of Barry Manilow - Duration: 50:08.

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Barry Manilow Greatest Hits || Best Of Barry Manilow - Duration: 50:08.


Stay As Sweet As You Are - Duration: 3:38.

Stay As Sweet As You Are. cover by Rolando

For more infomation >> Stay As Sweet As You Are - Duration: 3:38.


[한글]남자4중창단이택시에서추파를던지다 -청산가리와행복 (Barbershop Quartet Hits On Girl From Taxi-Cyanide&Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> [한글]남자4중창단이택시에서추파를던지다 -청산가리와행복 (Barbershop Quartet Hits On Girl From Taxi-Cyanide&Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 0:49.


MIKA & VINCENT - «FEEL» Robbie Williams (Eng sub) - Duration: 0:59.

I've been a little bit Scared these Week

Because I proposed this kind of Performance : Only You & Piano, everything was so Simple..

You introduced yourself in this way.. ..Sober.. you was so Sober..

I was Afraid that you wouldn't provoke Emotions.. But You did ! ..and you did it in YOUR OWN way.

You said - "Ok, I am Vincent, I want to tell you a Little Story.."

That was Your Challenge.. And you overcame it so well..

- I recognized the Guy that was singing @ Auditions.. - Thank you very much..

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