Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 15 2017

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> The Simpsons Boss Baby Finger Family Song Nursery rhymes | Playdoh - Duration: 0:53.


20 Năm Qua Đi, Đây Sẽ Là Hồi Kết Của Hồng Kông? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 10:57.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

it's been 20 years since the British gave Hong Kong back to China

and everything is awesome.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

20 years ago tomorrow, on July 1st 1997,

the British handed Hong Kong over to China.

1997 was a simpler time,

it was the year we told you what we want, what we really really want.

The year we ran

through platform 9 3/4 for the very first time.

And the year we promised Leo

that our hearts would go on

by watching him die in movie theatres like 14 times.


1997 was 20 years ago?

Shelley, I think I'm glimpsing my own mortality.

Life is short, just an MmmBop and it's gone.

But in China in 1997, the theme was reunification.

Look how happy it made everyone.

At the time, Hong Kong, the pearl of the Orient,

had been under British rule for 156 years.

Their lease for Hong Kong was signed not with the Chinese Communist Party,

but two governments prior

when the Chinese emperor wore golden robes

and the British Queen wore a fancy crown.

Wait she still does.

The reasons why the British had to return Hong Kong to China are so complicated

that they should be a whole other episode.

And let me know in the comments below if you want me to do that episode.

But suffice it to say,

Chinese leaders made it clear,

what we want, what we really really want,

is for Hong Kong to be part of China again.

So starting in the 1980s,

the Chinese Communist Party began negotiating the handover with Great Britain.

They agreed on the principles of one country two systems'

and 50 years no change.

Well yes,Hong Kong would technically become part of China

but would get to keep its basic freedoms rule of law,

capitalist economy,

complete with dangerously unregulated street signs.

And the CCP would definitely, in no way, change Hong Kong

for at least 50 years.

Plus, 2047 was so far away.

I'm sure by then we'll all be living in that moon colony Newt Gingrich keeps talking about.

Anyway at the time of the handover in 1997,

there were some concerns

about what the future of Hong Kong would become

under the Chinese Communist Party's rule.

After all it had been only eight years since Tank Man.

The most predictions for the future of Hong Kong were optimistic.

At the time, The Economist suggested that Hong Kong

"could serve as a laboratory for political change on the mainland."

A former Washington Post correspondent said

Hong Kong will infect China with democracy.

And the New York Times called Hong Kong a Trojan horse

that could destroy those in power

and suggested that perhaps

it is the Chinese Communist Party leaders

who should tremble

about whether their style of life and leadership can long survive

when faced with the shining beacon of Hong Kong's freedoms.


there were also a few negative nellies out there.

Like an article in Fortune magazine

called: "The death of Hong Kong."

It predicted Hong Kong would lose its global standing

that English would lose its place to Mandarin,

that legislators and the chief executive would be selected by the CCP,

and the power struggles in Beijing

would ultimately determine who really rules Hong Kong.

But a lot of Hong Kongers

were also cautiously optimistic.

After all,

most Hong Kongers were ethnically Chinese and, like I said,

the big theme at the time was reunification with the motherland.

So they held a giant ceremony,

did their awkward handover thing

and everyone celebrated together in weird harmony,

including a huge gala

where the biggest Hong Kong stars sang a medley of popular songs,

some of which had their lyrics change to be about Hong Kong reuniting with China.

So how did it all turn out?

Are the seven million residents of Hong Kong better off?

Of course,

the Chinese Communist Party kept all of its promises...

for six years.

And then they try to sneakily implement Article 23,

a draconian anti-subversion law,

under the guise of national security.

It was designed to allow police to burst into people's homes,

search their stuff and arrest them without a warrant

just because they're suspected of subversion of the Chinese Communist Party.

It also criminalized speech that instigate subversion

whatever that means.

Oh, and it made things that were illegal in mainland China

also illegal in Hong Kong.

But, HongKongers discovered what Article 23 was all about.

And some of them marched through the streets in protest.

And by some, I mean half a million people.

The CCP wasn't expecting so many people to oppose Article 23,

which was then withdrawn.

And the CCP was forced to back down

for a while at least.

Until they realized

what HongKongers really need

is more effective brainwashing.

So in 2012,

they tried to force Hong Kong schools to teach what they called

patriotic education.

It would give children lessons on appreciating mainland China,

and gloss over major events

like the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen Square crackdown.

And there's nothing wrong with patriotic education

according to Chinese state media.

But once again, those rebellious HongKongers didn't agree.

And once again, thousands took to the streets to protest

including many high school students.

And once again, they forced the CCP to back down.

If those high schoolers had just been patriotically educated,

none of this would have happened.

But anyway

the Chinese Communist Party just wouldn't give up.

It kept going and going,

like the Energizer Bunny,

but evil.

You see, an important milestone was coming up.

The CCP had promised that in 2017,

Hong Kongers would be able to directly elect their chief executive for the first time,

instead of having someone chosen by a select pro-Beijing election committee.

So in 2014,

the CCP announced that: yes, they would indeed keep their promise

and allow Hong Kongers to elect their chief executive

as long as the pro Beijing election committee

could assist Hong Kong's democratic process

by pre-selecting all the candidates that people could vote for.

You know, to make sure the candidates love the country

and love Hong Kong.

It's like one of those diets where you can eat whatever you want

as long as it's broccoli.

You probably know what's coming next.

A hundred thousand Hong Kongers

came out to protest.

Police beat them and fired teargas

Or as they called it in China, 'Patriotism Vape',

side effects may include shedding tears of love for your country.

Those protests became The Umbrella Movement.

It was called that because Hong Kong protesters used umbrellas

as shields against the Patriotism Vape.

Umbrellas are not always the most effective shields,

but probably more effective than...

whatever I was trying to do here.

A lot of people were afraid that The Umbrella Movement

would turn into Tiananmen Square 2: Electric Boogaloo

But it didn't, which is good

because the sequel is always worse than the original.

Anyway, Chinese state media largely tried to ignore The Umbrella Movement.

And when they couldn't

they framed it as a secret American plot

to undermine China.

See, Hong Kong was a Trojan horse after all.

Ultimately, the protests faded away

and the next chief executive was a pro Beijing candidate chosen by the election committee.

So did Fortune magazine accurately predict Hong Kong's fortune?

Well it did accurately predict that legislators

would eventually be selected by the CCP.

And Hong Kong did lose some of its global standing.

As China's entry into the WTO

helped the CCP build up cities like Beijing and Shanghai.

In 1997,

Hong Kong accounted for some 16% of China's GDP.

That figure has now shrunk to 3%.

And Mandarin has replaced English as the second most common language

as close to a million mainland Chinese

have moved to Hong Kong.

And the future of Hong Kong is

definitely connected to the power struggle

between current Chinese leader Xi Jinping

and former commander toad Zhang Zemin.

But Chris, you say,

this all sounds so depressing.

Is Hong Kong's future just one of doom and gloom under the CCP?


that just depends on your perspective.

Like, from the perspective of my favorite state-run media the Global Times,

everything is great,

since decolonization is finally coming to Hong Kong.

And state run Xinhua News informs us that

democracy but a mirage during Britain's 150 years of rule,

has been greatly expanded.

And if you're still not convinced,

Xinhua even released a rap video

ahead of the celebrations about how cool things are in Hong Kong now

and how its forever part of the motherland.

Here's how they describe the handover.

All Chinese people had tears on their faces.

Lowering humiliation, raising sovereignty.

Raising up our dignified sovereignty.

See, everything is great.

But to be serious for a moment,

one of the things I really admire about the people in Hong Kong

when I was there last year

and especially in 2014 during The Umbrella Movement,

was their genuine love of Hong Kong

that drove them to resist the CCP's encroachment on their way of life.

And it has made a difference,

if Hong Kongers hadn't stood up to the CCP over the last 20 years

the CCP would have imposed an anti subversion law

that would ruin Hong Kong's freedom

patriotically re-educated their kids

and given them the formality of universal suffrage

without a real vote.

So yes, the future of Hong Kong does depend on what happens

in the party's internal power struggles.

But, it also depends on the people of Hong Kong

and whether they continue to resist the party.

Because one thing is clear,

the Chinese Communist Party won't stop trying to control Hong Kong.

And for those of us outside Hong Kong,

the last 20 years is a warning.

A warning to Taiwan

about what reunification with China controlled by the CCP

would look like.

And a warning to the rest of the world

about how well the Chinese Communist Party keeps its promises .

But hey,

as the Xinhua rap video points out,

at least Hong Kong is getting the world's longest bridge,

which is what they want, what they really really want.

So what do you think of the handover of Hong Kong to China?

Leave your comments below.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell

see you next time.

For more infomation >> 20 Năm Qua Đi, Đây Sẽ Là Hồi Kết Của Hồng Kông? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 10:57.


Musik Livestream | Breexyz - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> Musik Livestream | Breexyz - Duration: 8:08.


Farming Simulator 17 John Deere T Series Combine Harvester - Duration: 10:54.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a New Harvester Form john Deere.

John Deere T Series Combine Harvester 3 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 11.000l Capacity

630R Drapper Header 9.1m Working Width 11Km/h Working Speed Unfold Drapper Header Spikes R KEY

ZURNS Raps Profi 2 Rapeseed/Canola Header Extension 9.1m Working Width 7Km/h Working Speed This header extension has been proven ten thousand times for straight rapeseed/canola harvesting with very fast payback by considerable reduction of seed losses up to 300 kg/ha.


If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 John Deere T Series Combine Harvester - Duration: 10:54.


Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - S9E1 - SWIMMING POOL - Duration: 4:42.

Previously a mermaid secrets of the deep

I'm so glad you're back. What did the Oracle say?

You oracle confirmed what we thought your tail is enchanted with the potion. We made it is affecting the balance of nature

He said our potion can bring the coral reefs back to life

But as long as it's trapped in this tail nature will be out of balance radia another big Journey lies before us

I'm ready we need to go to italy to find the partner stones to these that the orkney

The Tricky thing is that they cannot get wet so I have to travel by Air will you travel by water?

I've asked a quad to help you get back into the ocean. I'll meet you four days from now in Tuscany

Quattro will be here in the morning try to get some rest

Radia Freddie I'm here

Please hold on this train is departing


Pack sent me

Very excited to get to see you. Who are such a good friend?

I'm sorry, but I love the necklace you gave me baby and all the adventures got snagged. I lost it

That's okay. Actually I lost mine, too. Let's forgive each other okay?

We don't have much time

We will need to go through a portal and it could be very taxing at first

I'll be in the portal with you, but at a certain point

I'm gonna let go of your hand

And you'll be swept up in the atlantic ocean 20 miles from italy then head straight east and you will make it to the merpeople

Sanctuary wait there for a tax are you ready?


Yes, thank you for your help

Close my eyes and try to feel my dad

I see the portal

Please subscribe by clicking the picture in the glare of your street and like us by clicking the thumbs up



For more infomation >> Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - S9E1 - SWIMMING POOL - Duration: 4:42.


KIDNAP || Bollywood Movies Auditions || The Sritam || Best Actor || Best Acting (Negative) || 最佳男主角 - Duration: 4:56.

Mr. Sharma....

my dear Mr. Sharma...

are you done or not ?????

don't repeat that i am doing ... i am doing...

Since then you are setting the Internet just by doing it

A 6 year-old child will do soon as u

for 1 video call i am standing here like a joker

from 1 hour

How much longer will it take ????

you done it...


Connect that bloody Abasti

and give a slap to this kid dude..

The sound of crying should be heard his father's ears

quick ... quick... do fast

Dear Mr. Abasti....

How are you ???

Who i am and where am i from

This is not important for you....

What i am talking to you....

This Thing is more important for you...

I want a small deal with you...

you just give me 10 Lakh rupees...

and instead of that

i will give a very important thing to u

You have a single son rite ????

I am talking to you with respect an gently

because the doctor told me that

as much i get less angry

it will good for me...

and for you also....

Are you listing the sound of this crying ????

Do you really want ???

That I do something else with your child

No ????

Then give the money and take your child


There is no job for your son here...

I will kill your kid and feed to my dog

Do you thinking... that i am a salesman

With whom you will bargain

Let me tell you one thing...

I am not doing this business regularly...

I have to give the salary

to my juniors...

plz understand dude...

Now you are getting me angry..

Lett me tell you a short story...

You must heard about Nilesh Zaberi... Right ????

Someone kidnapped his daughter

and killed her last month

You must seen that news in television

That's guy is me....

her father doing a huge business

Did not he could give 50 lakhs

for his little baby ...

Do you know what did he said ????

Dear Mr. Satya...

I don't have that much money...

I can give you 30 Lakhs...

I am i joking with you ????

Or am looking like a Joker ???

You have to give that amount

as my demand

do you understand

he gave me less

and i gave him a stress

there was not a single scratch

on his daughters body...

I killed her by pressing her throat...

do you want

that I do the same with your son ????

No ??

then keep quiet and

give that money to me

and one more thing

if you try

to inform to the police

i will escape easily ...

but no one will stay alive

in your entire family

u got it ????

You have just 3 hour

Keep those amount with you

I will send my guys to your home to collect

If you took a second

more than 3 hours

i will parcel a cutting hand of ur son

and after another 30 minute

i will send u the second one...

Then after a hour of that.....

i will cut the whole body and feed my dog

do u think am an idiot

who will parcel you the cutting body parts

in every hour

I don't have that much time...

okkk ....

go go... don't stare on me


and get the money

you got it... now go.....

For more infomation >> KIDNAP || Bollywood Movies Auditions || The Sritam || Best Actor || Best Acting (Negative) || 最佳男主角 - Duration: 4:56.


The Southern Charm Tiny House (160 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 4:05.


For more infomation >> The Southern Charm Tiny House (160 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 4:05.




BY Isaac Davis,

It�s no secret the definition of �freedom� in America has changed a great deal in recent


While 9/11 was a major turning point, setting in motion a slew of changes to the American

mindset and to the legal framework which governs the contract between the State and the people,

our natural rights have been under assault for generations.

Couple this with the dumbing down of the American citizenry, and �We the People� simply

no longer know or understand our rights.

The fallout of this being we no longer protest or even notice when evermore egregious violations


Where has all the freedom gone?

The following 10 secret truths about America are critical in understanding the state of

the state today.


The United States is one of only two countries in the world which taxes nonresident citizens

for income earned elsewhere.

If you reside in another country, as millions of U.S. citizens do, you�ll have to pay

income taxes to two nations, or face prosecution by the IRS.

This means that if you happen to have been born in the U.S. but lived your entire life

elsewhere, you still owe Uncle Sam the full burden of income taxes, for your entire life.

This rule is so insane that only two nations out of 196 nation states in the world do it.

The other is the African nation of Eritrea.


The Federal Reserve is not Federal and there is no reserve.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave authority to a private organization to print currency.

The result has been continually rising inflation and continually rising debt which is mathematically

impossible to pay off.

A group of secret shareholders in the Federal Reserve make a profit for every dollar printed

and used by anyone.

This is the most sophisticated form of financial slavery ever devised, and many future generations

of people are already indebted to this cabal.


There is actually no law requiring U.S. citizens to file income tax returns, and the income

tax itself is unconstitutional.

This complex and controversial issue is broken down in detail in the documentary America:

Freedom to Fascism by the late Aaron Russo.


The IRS follows Americans around the world and harasses foreign banks to control the

finances of U.S. citizens.

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2010 makes it extremely difficult for Americans

to function financially in other countries.

Originally part of the Patriot Act, this type of global financial surveillance monitors

bank accounts and deposits around the world.

A result of this has been that many international banks will no longer do business with U.S.

citizens, making it extremely difficult to live abroad.


American churches are required to register with the Federal government and are not allowed

to engage in political speech.

Historically, churches were the centers of communal and societal change, as pastors and

leaders would speak to their congregations on matters of social injustice and government


The American Revolution would not have taken place if not for the churches, but in 1954

the federal government passed the �Law of Charities,� requiring churches to files

as 501(c)(3) organizations, which comes with heavy restrictions on freedom of speech.

Churches today are sanitized profit centers of social complacency not social change.


Free speech permits and free speech zones severely restrict our First Amendment rights.

This policy began in 1988 during the Democratic National Convention as �designated protest

zones,� but grew in prominence during the G.W. Bush administration.

Upheld and strengthened during the Obama years, this policy of severely restricting freedom

of speech and of assembly has been extended to college campuses around the nation.

We won�t see antiwar protests like what we saw during the Vietnam war because this

behavior is now illegal.


Approximately two-thirds of Americans live in official Constitution Free Zones, where

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has been given jurisdiction over the travel right of


Within 100 miles of the U.S. border anyone can subjected to the policies of border patrol,

which is allowed to interdict, search and seize persons and property without the due

process required for other areas of law enforcement.

Couple this with the rise in sobriety checkpoints and other police state measures and you realize

we�ve lost the right to freely travel.


Many ordinary and historically common rights, behaviors, practices and occupations have

now become privileges regulated and taxed by the state.

Building a home, fishing, hunting, going off the grid, gardening, selling lemonade, mowing

yards, driving a car, getting married, starting a business, cutting hair, and so, so much

more are all activities that now require permission from the government.

And for all of these activities, you�ll have to pay a fee for the privilege.

Failure to do so can result in violent arrest, heavy fines, and prison time.


Policing in the U.S. has become a for profit branch of the government, and police brutality

and violence is reaching epidemic levels.

Law enforcement agencies around the U.S. have seized billions of dollars from law-abiding

citizens in recent years.

Traffic enforcement and local code enforcement works to generate revenue for local governments

rather than for public safety.

And the violence of police against Americans is everywhere.


America has the highest rate of incarcerated people the world has ever seen.

Prison in the United States has become big business, and thanks to the war on drugs,

the government has found it acceptable to imprison millions of Americans, breaking up

families, destroying lives and wasting taxpayer money.

Although America has only 4.4 percent of the world�s population, it houses about 22 percent

of the world�s prisoners.

Final Thoughts

While America is truly filled with incredible, ingenious and productive people, we are living

in a time when government is extended its reach into our lives in evermore serious ways,

while going unchecked.

In order to solve the problem, you have to see the problem, and as we look around, it�s

easy to recognize that our


is being stolen from us.



Super low Overwatch Graphics on Nvidia GPUs - Duration: 5:40.

Overwatch, Overwatch, Overwatch… the popularity of this game only seems to grow and grow.

You have seen plenty of Overwatch before, the better question is… have you ever seen

it like this?

Because if you are trying to play this game on an older or weaker Nvidia GPU you can do

some sacrifices in order to get the best performance possible.

And boy… you can sacrifice a lot.

Welcome to the LowSpecGamer, the series where I explore ways of reducing graphics in modern

games to get them working on weaker computers.

And since I have already done a video exploring the general tweaks you can do in Overwatch

I decided to also see what is the lowest graphics possible in Nvidia GPUs… let's go!

But first… a small pause.

If you have followed my channel for some time you have likely heard of Amino.

They have been one of my most frequent and reliable sponsors and their support has been

invaluable in keeping the channel going, so I would like to thank them for their support.

If you have not heard of them before, Omnic Amino it is a phone app where you can connect

with people who also like Overwatch and share art, content or join chat rooms.

And the new version is looking better and smoother than ever.

So if you want to integrate another source of content to your phone procrastination cycle

(Don't lie, we all do it) Consider giving amino a try using the link on the description.

Feel free to hit me up in the private chat once you do so.

And now, back to the video.

So, sometime ago I showed how playing around with the driver settings using Nvidia inspector

can help you force super low graphics on games like Dark Souls 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider

so given how many hours I have spent on this game I wondered… how would that work on Overwatch?

To do this you need a tool called Nvidia Inspector which you can download from a link in the description.

This tool basically allows you to change the way the driver works with the GPU.

After changing into the Overwatch profile you can, for example, increase performance

by making sure the GPU is set to the best power profile but… if you are feeling extreme

you can alter the quality of the textures by setting Antialiasing Transparency Supersampling

to AA MODE REPLAY MODE ALL and then control the quality using the DX Lod Bias.

Normally the tool only allows you a minimum of 3, and you can already see the effect this

has on textures, but if you really want to go to town you can set this value which you

can copy from the description.

After you have applied the changes you will notice a very… very strong graphical reduction


Jesus what is even this?

Overwatch might not get the changes in the first try so if it does not work restart the

game and it should eventually pick up.

Take a look at how this… improved game looks now.

Oh my god.

Ok, that was- that didn't go well.

You know how much is going wrong when you start picking Bastion, that's when you're

getting really desperate.

I mean, they have us pinned down at the freaking spawn point, at the start of the match, how's

that even possible?


Die, die, die!

Oh yeah, our time has arrived, now we start pushing back.

Oh wow!

That was- that was not that bad.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die.

Oh my- oh man.

We are seriously in the border of pulling this out.

Yes, yes, yes, yes!

I can't believe we actually pulled that off, how in the world?

Oh D.Va jesus, what have I done to you?

This is seriously really weird to look at.

Ok, low-end Winston it is.

Yep, ok I have no idea how to play with Winston.

C'mon Hanzo.

Yep, dead.

No Hanzo, no Hanzo, no, no, no Hanzo, no Hanzo, no Hanzo no, no Hanzo.

Oh you're not the only one with tricks.

Oh wow… wow!

I'm actually doing pretty well.

No hanzo, no, no hanzo, good-bye Hanzo.


Wow, that was the play of the game.

Oh my god.


What just happened?!


Are you even serious?

Was that seriously the play of the game?

Well, wasn't that something…

Thank you to all my dear Patreon contributors for their support together with the sponsor.

I will see you all in the next one.

For more infomation >> Super low Overwatch Graphics on Nvidia GPUs - Duration: 5:40.


2 NEW DLC WEAPONS IN THE SAME SUPPLY DROP! (BO3 Triple Play Supply Drop Opening) - Duration: 15:42.

For more infomation >> 2 NEW DLC WEAPONS IN THE SAME SUPPLY DROP! (BO3 Triple Play Supply Drop Opening) - Duration: 15:42.


Farming Simulator 17 Fiatagri 160-55 Crawler Tractor & AgroMasz PO5 Plow - Duration: 11:27.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two mods From MoDHuB.

The New Fiatagri 160-55 Crawler Tractor And the Updated AgroMasz PO5 Plow

To transport the tractor I use the ITRunner TGS From The MAN TGS PACK V1.0.7

I check If I can remove the Support Feet The answer is I cannot

Fiatagri 160-55 Crawler Tractor 165hp 15Km/h Top Speed 2 Design Setup



AgroMasz PO5 Plow Updated This Plow won the third place in the Giants Mod Contest

2.5m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed It is have many option Look for what suits you best Recommended Power 130hp

Transport Position X KEY Turn Plow B KEY

The 160hp of the Fiatagri 160-55 Maybe Is responsible The Better Fuel Mod

For the record the 390hp Of the Fendt 900 Tractor is enough to pull this plow

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Fiatagri 160-55 Crawler Tractor & AgroMasz PO5 Plow - Duration: 11:27.


Mira's challenge 【Kugane Savage】 - Duration: 13:06.

For more infomation >> Mira's challenge 【Kugane Savage】 - Duration: 13:06.


Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 ♥ part 70 ♥ Beautiful Eye Makeup 2017 - Duration: 10:31.

Thank for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please like, comment and sunscribe for more!!!

For more infomation >> Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 ♥ part 70 ♥ Beautiful Eye Makeup 2017 - Duration: 10:31.


Ghost Orchid Cube Performance at Lubbock Museum - Duration: 13:24.






































For more infomation >> Ghost Orchid Cube Performance at Lubbock Museum - Duration: 13:24.


Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp giới thiệu: Bông Hậu Địa Phủ [ Phiên bản HOT ] - Duration: 4:57.

Me - Nở ( * ) - Poor

- encounter difficulties

- Must sell rice cakes, but i want be " Miss Flower"

Know can't learn rich girl, the girl was help

No "Dola" to buy the border illegally exams

So, I decided to down underworld to...


In underworld

i was lucky

feet wet and dry have to dive into the contest

The jury man looks skinny

as a ghost swim in streams

give me


amid tension

he pointing at me, ask:

- Nở ! what is " Miss flower "?

- Yes! " Miss flower" is flower plug in ASS hole

Ah wrong ! Anal hole

Then, I toward my butt for the jury

Withdraw the flower from my skirt:

- This is my part contest!

- Really ??

- Foul-mouthed, right?

They at here hear that, laugh like ghost crazy ,wild

Oh! they are "genuine" ghost that

stopped laughing, the old man stood up declaring:

Nở is ugly but ugly natural

Stupid but stupid own opinion

And innocent as a fairy WC in the park


- Oh! It's me??

I was thunderstruck by the new

Thanks to" ghost swim in streams"

Thanks to the ghost audience

Thanks mom,dad has spawned me

Thanks to all!! 9.5

- Thanks ! 5,9 (Birds must grasp)

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