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For more infomation >> The tale of Elytra - Minecraft Movie (Machinima) - Duration: 6:27.-------------------------------------------
My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.37 [ENG/IND/2017.07.15] - Duration: 1:05:22.
(Consent to Surgery)
It's as I explained yesterday.
Read it again carefully and sign it, please.
Okay. A pen, please.
Jeonghwan, I'm scared.
You can't sign it just like that.
That's your wife's surgery consent form.
You must read it carefully before signing it.
Will you be quiet?
My goodness.
Here you go, doctor. Thank you.
- The bed is on its way. / - Okay.
She'll be taken to the operation room.
Okay, thank you.
You were there when the doctor explained.
I'm sure he brought the right form.
Do you think he wouldn't?
You should still check.
You never know.
Laparoscope surgeries rarely have side effects.
The scars are small and heals in days.
Don't be so nonchalant.
I've never been to a hospital before.
You know how scared I am of injections.
Will you stop making me repeat myself?
This surgery is not dangerous.
The doctor who just left is one of the top experts.
- Right? / - Yes.
By the time you wake up from your nap,
you'll find yourself lying here in this room.
Mom, whatever the surgery, you need to be relaxed.
Stop saying that you're scared and worried.
It's here.
It's time to go.
Don't worry. You'll be fine.
You'll be fine.
- Mom. / - Yes?
It'll go just fine. Don't worry too much.
It'll go well, Mother.
Take a nap, and it'll be all over.
You'll be okay.
It's been a long day.
You should sit down.
Where is Father?
Did he go to eat?
He thinks a catastrophe will happen
if he doesn't eat on time.
I didn't know he could be so cruelly direct.
I'll reward you a point for courage.
You were pretty cool yesterday.
I wasn't.
You were. It was right for you
to defend your mother.
You deserve to be praised.
Thank you.
When did your father stop caring for your mother?
He was always like this.
When he was a reporter, I thought
it was because he was busy investigating.
Even after he retired,
he is still the same.
I think that's why my mom is obsessed with me
and relies so much on me.
Do you understand her a bit now?
To a certain extent, I do understand her.
understanding doesn't equal acceptance.
Right. I get that.
(In surgery)
(In recovery)
It just ended.
- Right. / - Let's go.
Are you tired?
Do you want to go home?
You're tired as well.
Let's leave when Father comes back.
Where is he anyway?
My goodness.
Give him a call.
Shall I?
What took you so...
Did you go to the sauna?
I felt so tired and cranky
that I went for a short while.
Waiting outside the operation room
won't help much anyway.
Did the surgery go well?
Yes, it went just fine.
She'll sleep all day.
We'd like to go home now.
We both have to work tomorrow.
I'll relieve you tomorrow evening.
Stay here tonight and tomorrow.
You want me to stay here?
Who else should
when it's your wife who is sick?
You are her legal guardian
and husband.
I said I'll take over tomorrow evening.
Okay, fine.
They're different people.
The dad I found
isn't my dad?
Did I find the wrong man?
Why did he say he is my dad?
Why did he take me in?
No, it makes no sense.
The recipient cannot...
Mom, do you know the man in this photo?
(An Junghui)
Why are you giggling?
- Junghui's articles? / - Yes.
They're all saying nice things about him.
He is on the rise.
You're quite loyal. Still checking up on him.
I used to be his manager.
Get Seongjun's outfit for the photo shoot
from the dressing room.
This is great.
No one cares about Dad or the dating scandal.
It's all about his acting.
All the comments
say positive things about his acting too.
Do you know anything about
this nonsensical situation?
The dad I found after 35 years
might not be my dad.
Could you and I be unrelated? Then,
would it be okay for me to like you?
Should I be happy about that?
Watch where you go.
Thank you.
What's wrong with me?
I was surprised. Too surprised.
This is rude.
You're lucky that a patient just canceled.
Next time call before showing up.
What's going on?
It sounded urgent over the phone.
I'm just
very confused.
I met someone
and I'm not sure
if that person is the person I wanted to meet.
Put it simply.
The scar he should have on his back isn't there.
His memories don't match and neither do the photos.
He can't be someone else.
There is no way he can be.
Like you said before, memories
can always become warped or fade and the scar...
He got it 36 or 37 years ago.
So as time went by, the scar
could have faded.
It is possible.
There are surgeries to erase scars.
That could be it.
But if that wasn't it,
no matter many years have passed,
I doubt a scar would disappear naturally.
The men in these photos. Could they be one man?
Based on these I'd say they're different people.
Some people look utterly different in photos.
Some say I look different when I pose for shoots.
Some people are like that.
But his memories don't correspond,
he doesn't have a scar,
and he looks different in photos.
Isn't that strange?
All three anomalies in one man.
Is that common?
If I were you, I wouldn't think
they're the same person.
Who is this person?
Thank you. I have to go.
Have some fruit.
- Have some fruit. / - Thank you.
- Here, forks. / - Thank you.
Mom, you should've told us you'd been invited on.
Then, we'd have gone to support you.
I couldn't tell you. She just wouldn't let me.
You're awesome, Grandma. You're on television.
Wait and see how great she was.
Really? How far did she get?
Don't ask.
Minha, what is that called?
- A spoiler, Grandma. / - Yes, that.
- Hello. / - It started. Be quiet.
The next contestant is from Ogeum-dong, Suwon.
It is Kim Malbun. Welcome.
(Kim Malbun, aged 77)
You aren't wearing makeup.
You should've told me.
- Really? / - You can do it, Mom!
Why didn't you ask me for some clothes?
Be quiet, it's her turn.
When two people are close, we say...
- Me. / - Yes, Malbun?
Isn't it the liver and gallbladder?
The liver and gallbladder. That is correct.
I thought you were wrong.
- Malbun. / - Make a contribution.
That's correct.
"Harmoniously" is the correct answer!
- Grandma. / - You're incredible.
How did you get all those right, Mom?
Grandma is really great.
Number five, he came last.
What goes in number six?
Number six would be...
Let's see.
Grandma, please.
Oh my goodness. Please,
let my grandma win.
- Yes? / - Either way.
Either way. Let's check the answers.
What a pity.
I am sorry to say
- you were wrong. / - No.
Let's all clap.
Grandma, respect. Seriously.
Me too. Respect.
What's that?
It means they're proud.
Does it?
I respect you too, Mother.
I'm really amazed.
My mom's really amazing.
Mom, I'm impressed.
It's tough to muster the courage to go on.
How did you reach the final round?
Weren't you nervous?
Even if you're in a tiger's den, you live
if you stay alert.
I stayed alert and got
some questions right.
Before I knew it, I was up there with her.
You were really amazing, Mother.
- Thank you. / - You're the best, Mom.
My goodness.
Junghui, will you be very late?
Isn't my mom just amazing?
Most people forget things they know
when put on the spot.
How did she get everything right?
She is your mom.
She has the guts.
That sounds
like a jab disguised as a compliment.
It's a compliment.
Go to sleep. I'll go downstairs for a bit.
Don't stay there too long.
I won't.
He is very late.
He used to text if he'd be very late.
No, it can't be.
Is that why he didn't want to see my mom?
- Look. / - Do you know An Sujin?
Don't you know her?
An Sujin?
Yes, An Sujin.
I'm her son, okay?
Mr. Byeon.
Then, the reason he couldn't remember
or get my mom's name the first time...
But why?
Why say he is my dad if he isn't?
Because I'm a celebrity? Is my mom right?
What did he gain?
Nothing, but scorn
for trying to benefit from me.
If not that,
can he not say so?
Why not?
Then, where is my dad?
Honey, I'll come with you.
Let's finish it before the children wake up.
I'd appreciate the help.
Did you use the toilet?
Yes. Someone was using the other one.
You're up early.
You got home late.
You must be tired.
I'm fine. I should go.
He must feel completely at home now.
He used our toilet, and he's never done that.
I guess he couldn't wait.
Where did I put it?
(Human Gene Research Center)
Did you throw away my toothbrush?
Your toothbrush? No. Is it not there?
I can't find it.
I didn't touch it.
Get a new one.
There are extras in the living room drawer.
I only used it for a week.
All right.
Yes. What?
I need to go to the toilet.
Get up and go.
Hang on.
Oh my goodness.
Get up.
You need to help me up.
My goodness.
Get up.
That hurts. Be gentle.
Your slippers.
- Goodness. / - Hurry.
There you go.
No. Honey.
You need to push that in with me.
Push what in?
That thing.
Your IV drip bag?
Here you go.
I can't do this.
I should hire a caregiver.
Any more of this and I'll get sick.
It's not like you did anything.
My goodness.
Stop mumbling
and do your business and get out.
I'm going back to sleep.
She worked all night.
I should tell her to stay home tonight.
Walnut, go and sleep in our bed.
No, leave me alone.
You need to sleep in comfort.
Stay still. I'll
carry you inside.
There you go.
That's it. Sleep tight.
Who could this be?
Jeonghwan. Your interview with Mr. Baek is at 6 p.m.
Goodness. What should I do?
We barely scheduled this. I can't postpone it.
Hi, Dad. It's me.
I'm sorry, but could you stay there one more day?
What are you talking about? Absolutely not.
I have plans for tonight.
I'm sorry. Something urgent came up.
There is a retirement ceremony
for the Political Desk Director I have to attend.
He attended my retirement ceremony.
More than that,
if I stay here any longer, I think I'll become ill.
There is no way I'm staying. You have to come.
All right. I understand.
Yes. That's right.
Come on.
Aunt. How have you been? It's Jeonghwan.
Yes. I was wondering if you were busy tonight.
I see. If you could possibly postpone that...
Yes. Well, I understand.
I hope to see you soon. Take care.
What should I do?
Considering Mom, I can't hire a caregiver.
Well. I'll have to try and reschedule it.
Jongbeom, it's me. About the interview...
I'll go to the hospital.
Go do the interview.
I'll call you back. Hang up a second.
Weren't you sleeping?
My trial will be over in the afternoon.
I can make it to the hospital by evening.
You just need me from six to nine, right?
Yes. That would be more than enough.
Fortunately, I'll be doing it near the hospital.
I'll definitely be there by nine o'clock.
Thank you, Walnut.
If it were any other interview, I would cancel.
I've been trying to get this for a month.
would you like me
to deduct a point for you doing this for me?
You're right. I shouldn't even be asking.
I should definitely deduct a point.
Doing filial duty by proxy.
I can't believe this.
I barely recovered a point. I'm so sad.
Here I go.
Five, four, three, two, one. Done.
I'm going to go have lunch now.
She is unbelievable.
It's lunch time. What shall I have?
Mr. Park.
Cheolsu won't be able to have lunch. He is busy.
How about you and I have lunch together?
I'll buy you something expensive.
Enjoy your meal.
Could they have mistaken the order?
What's wrong?
Don't you like what I've ordered for you?
No. It's just that the proportion is so small.
Do they expect me to be full eating this?
It looks like they've just dropped some crumbs.
It's because we're having a course menu.
There'll be plenty on the way. Don't worry.
This is delicious.
Go ahead and open it.
What is this?
This is a limited edition.
Thanks to you, Cheolsu returned home,
and he started working. It's the least I could do.
This is amazing. It's beautiful.
It's the reward I had promised.
Please accept it.
I haven't done anything to be rewarded for.
Could you please give this back to him?
It's my way of expressing my gratitude.
I went through a lot to find something you'd like.
Give it back to her.
Then, why don't you use it?
You see, I still have 12 precious bags.
Please return this to him.
Your 12 other precious bags couldn't possibly
add up to this.
This is much more expensive.
You'll regret it.
It'll cost me much more to carry that around.
I'll need to buy clothes and shoes to match the bag.
Working part-time, I couldn't afford that.
You should use it. I'm sure it'll suit you.
How on earth could I carry this?
It's obviously a lady's bag.
Just accept it, will you?
Then, give it to your wife. I'm sure she'll love it.
I almost forgot.
Just so you know, I can't keep secrets.
Especially to my boyfriend,
there is nothing I wouldn't say.
For instance, he'll know we had lunch together,
and that you tried to reward me.
When will the next course be served?
I'm all finished with this.
What does he take me for?
I would never betray someone for a bag.
I would rather use up my credit limit than do that.
But I would never be able
to get that bag even if I max out my credit card.
Forget about it. Don't regret it, Rayeong.
I'm proud of you. Goodness.
That startled me.
Rayeong. Haven't you had lunch?
I did,
but I was in an awkward situation. I couldn't eat.
Who did you have lunch with?
There is no need to feel intimidated. Don't worry.
Can we sit at the same table and eat?
Absolutely not.
We've walked 15 minutes away from the office.
There won't be anyone here from our office.
We still have to be careful.
I did apply for this job so I could see you often,
but you shouldn't come to see me like this.
This isn't like just any other office romance.
This is between the owner's son
and a part-timer.
I have no intentions of becoming Cinderella,
so make sure we don't get caught.
Who could possibly blame us for anything?
We aren't committing a crime, are we?
We have your dad to watch out for.
In fact, I had lunch with your dad.
What on earth did he say to you this time?
Don't get so upset. Sit down.
Nothing much happened, Cheolsu.
I thought you were as gentle as a lamb,
but you're such a tough guy to your dad.
Don't waste your time being so tough
to your dad. Be more manly in front of me.
But what exactly do you mean by being tough?
Exactly what you're thinking right now.
I'm all done.
There we go.
Here are the main costumes for the title song.
These are for the music video and television shows.
With the concept of dangerous backstreet boys,
we chose the collection from G brand
that highlights retro style as the main costume.
Ms. Kim, what's wrong? Are you all right?
I'm fine.
It's been a while since I did a presentation.
I guess I got tense.
I'll continue.
G brand's collection for this season uses
glitter and embroidery of bright colors.
It's very different from modern minimalism
that was popular before.
Being a luxury brand,
the price range is rather high.
But I'll discuss the matter with G brand
and try to get sponsored to some extent.
- I like it. / - It's good.
Let's go with this.
Can you proceed with purchasing
and getting sponsored, Ms. Kim?
Sure, I'll do that.
Let's finish here.
Great work, Ms. Kim.
- Good job. / - Well done.
Thank you.
Ms. Kim, I...
Ms. Kim!
Ms. Kim collapsed.
- What? / - The ambulance is coming.
Go to the conference room on the third floor now.
Don't you
need to go back to the office?
I don't have to.
Hasn't she awakened yet?
When did the surgery finish?
It's been about an hour.
I guess she'll wake up soon.
I know you're sorry and upset.
you should console Yuju.
You know she is the one who is most upset, right?
I know.
You two are still young.
You can have a baby again.
She looks worn out.
I'll buy some beef bones on my way home.
I'll go with Miyeong now.
After she takes some rest,
bring her home.
It will be better for you to be by her side
than all of us being here when she wakes up.
All right.
We're home.
I'm so tired.
Goodness, why did you buy so many of them?
Those are too heavy for you.
You should have called me for the grocery shopping.
No, it's fine. I went with Miyeong.
I bought beef bones, ginseng,
and some fruits.
I think Yuju needs to regain her vigor.
Miyeong has eel and small octopus.
She can have seaweed soup today.
I'll boil beef bones tonight.
- Okay. / - I'll
put it in water to take out blood.
Are you coming this weekend?
I'm sorry.
I can't visit you this weekend either.
My mother-in-law was hospitalized.
What? What happened now?
Is she sick?
She had a surgery due to the uterine myoma.
I see.
I'm relieved that it's not a serious illness.
Why does everyone get hurt and sick?
So many things are happening.
Many things happened at home.
Yuju had a miscarriage.
Oh my goodness.
She and Junyeong must be devastated.
Okay. I'll stop by tonight.
All right. See you later.
With extra cheese, it's 20 dollars.
Yes, thank you.
Honey, a chicken pizza and extra cheese.
Gosh. Come in.
- Hello, Bomi. / - How are you?
- You have customers. / - How are you?
Have a seat.
As I earned cash prize for appearing on a TV show,
they're pushing me to treat them.
That's why I brought them here.
Good on you.
Well, bring the most expensive one here.
Yes, Mother.
Honey, the most expensive one!
I took the order. The most expensive one!
- Enjoy. / - Help yourselves.
This place sells the best pizza in town.
Goodness, why do you have to go to Italy
to eat pizza paying so much money?
Eat up.
- It's good. / - It's very delicious.
Look at that.
Do you watch that drama?
I heard that the main actor found his real dad.
Is that a real story, not the drama?
It's true.
He even moved into his dad's house to live.
His dad has a wife and children.
Why did he accept the actor?
I'm sure he seized the chance
to take advantage of his celebrity son.
Stop talking nonsense
and eat this.
What are you doing now?
What do you know about them?
Watch your mouth when you don't know anything.
Did you see it?
Did you see his dad taking advantage of him?
If not,
why would he take him in his house?
It's all because of money.
I'm sure his family is a crook.
What did you say?
What? Come here, you witch.
- Goodness, it hurts! / - What's going on?
- Goodness, let me go! / - Calm down!
My goodness.
What did you just do, you old wench?
- Take this! / - Goodness!
Goodness, what are you doing?
- Stop it! / - My goodness!
Let me go!
- Mom! / - Mother!
Compared to humans,
how can A.I. differentiate fake news?
Lee Eunjeong, a science reporter found out.
I got a surgery and can't eat
because my gas hasn't come out yet.
How can he eat something in front of me?
It's similar to the existing news.
However, the scholar's name in the article...
But he didn't come in yet.
What are you doing? I was watching it.
Give it here.
My goodness.
Give me the remote control!
Why don't you just watch this?
You need to pay attention to the ways of the world.
You keep watching the same news all day long.
Why don't you watch something fun?
This is why you lack intelligence.
You keep watching stupid shows.
What did you say?
Goodness, give it to me!
It's my hospital room. I can watch what I want.
If you want to watch what you want,
you should get hospitalized too.
Goodness, you're so childish.
You and I have different taste for everything.
We're so different. We should graduate marriage.
Let's graduate marriage
so that you live as you like and I live as I like.
Let's graduate marriage and live separately.
Live as we like without any regrets.
Don't you remember what you did 38 years ago?
You said you would love and cherish me
and be on my side as long as you live.
You even kneeled down in front of my parents.
Goodness, that was 38 years ago.
When your parents objected our marriage,
I should have broken up with you.
I kneeled down too easily back then.
As I didn't cherish my precious knees
that my parents gave to me,
I'm paying for the price so harshly now.
He argued for his position a bit too much...
Even just by a little...
I believe you have stepped over the line.
It's not just over the line, it is something
that completely denies
and insults your 38 years of marriage with Mother.
Do you also remember what you said
about taking out "her useless womb"?
That was the moment...
You are also forcing
a patient into graduating marriage.
Ending a marriage is a matter between a couple,
and I have no intentions of stepping in.
You may end the marriage, and you may not.
However, that is something you cannot
force upon someone.
What is more is that Mother is a patient
who just went through a harsh surgery
called a total hysterectomy.
Don't you think it's lack of manners
and inhumane to force that upon a patient?
Yes, that is exactly what I wanted to say.
Also Father, you do not have
the manners you should keep between a couple.
You continuously say rough words.
Also, she has not released any gas yet,
so she cannot eat and you sit here
ordering and eating that lunch box.
Even a little child cannot eat well
when that child sees that their mom cannot eat.
I believe she is the one who should ask
for this marriage to end, not you.
You're right.
That is exactly what I wanted to say.
My goodness.
Be quiet.
Be quiet!
You just bullied her again.
I have been noticing this for some time now,
and I think you feel superior by bullying
and treating her badly.
What did you say?
Why do you let him do that to you?
How did you deal with him for 38 years?
You should ask him to finish this marriage.
How dare you?
How dare you speak to your father-in-law like that?
What do you know?
Do you know anything about us?
Do you know anything about my life?
You are condemning only me in this situation,
committing the fallacy of a personal attack.
You are the one who is diverting the argument.
How can I not divert the argument now?
You are one brazen daughter-in-law.
Darn it. What is
the point in talking to you? Goodness.
You idiot. How dare you talk to me like that?
How can you say that I'm useless?
Your wife also steps over the line
because you have treated me
with no respect.
Darn it.
What's wrong?
Dad, what happened?
- Are you busy? / - Yes.
Even so,
how can you bring work to my hospital room?
Have you eaten?
You haven't eaten? You must be hungry.
Are you still ticked off at me?
No, right?
I am not ticked off.
I am angry, Mother.
My goodness. You are so narrow-minded.
How do you feel?
I thought you were busy.
My work ended early, so I got here quickly.
Hyeyeong, thank you. You should go home now.
I hate this.
Darn it!
I knew it.
You have to be crazy to get married.
- We're home. / - Hey.
Hey, welcome back.
You're home.
You should go in and lie down.
Junyeong, take her in and get some rest.
Then, we'll have dinner.
Okay. Let's go to our room, Yuju.
You're here.
Is Yuju asleep?
It must be the medicine. She is so sleepy.
Maybe she is trying
to catch up on all of her sleep.
You must be heartbroken.
I am.
I kept on asking her to take a rest,
but she wouldn't listen.
Yuju has been overworking herself.
I see.
But you can't let her notice you're heartbroken.
Of course, I know.
I keep thinking,
"What if she had rested just one night?"
"What if"
"she didn't stay up all night yesterday?"
Thoughts like these pop in my head.
I shouldn't be thinking that.
It's all because you're heartbroken.
But still.
It must be the hardest on Yuju.
She must be blaming herself.
You have to cheer her up.
I know. I should, but...
Cheer up.
Let me know if I can help you with anything.
Thank you for stopping by. I know you're busy.
- Mother, you were up. / - Yes.
Why are you out here? You must be tired.
I woke up, but it was hard for me to sleep again.
I was afraid I would wake Junyeong.
It's okay.
It could happen to anybody.
It must be heartbreaking,
but don't be too sad.
It's also not your fault, so don't blame yourself.
You should go and sleep.
Tomorrow, we'll eat breakfast together, okay?
Are you all right? You've had quite a lot.
I saw the picture.
Who do you want me to see? They're all strangers.
Don't you know them?
No, so who are you talking about?
(Dad's Snacks)
Open the door.
Open the darn door!
Mom said she doesn't know who you are.
She says she doesn't know you, Dad!
Why did you deceive me?
Why did you fool me?
Open the door. Open it.
Open the door!
Mr. An.
You knew, didn't you?
What? Know what?
Tell me.
You knew, didn't you?
Did you know?
Mr. An, you're hurting me.
I'm sure you did. You knew.
Tell me!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Mr. An.
Mr. An.
Mr. An, wake up.
Mr. An.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I was going to call Junyeong,
but I couldn't call him with Yuju and all.
No, don't be sorry.
You did well. It's all right.
Anyway, why did he drink so much?
I have no idea.
I just saw him in front of the shop.
Is something going on?
He never drank this much.
It's okay. I'll take care of him.
You should go and sleep.
Good night, Dad.
Is there really
something going on?
Why did you drink so much?
Have some honey-water and come downstairs.
I'll help you get over your hangover
with tomato pasta and vanilla ice cream.
(DNA test result was sent via courier service.)
(Test Between Byeon Hansu and An Junghui)
(Test Result)
(Do not match)
(Do not match)
(My Father is Strange)
Who on earth is he that he would live life
as if he was my dad?
Who are you?
I thought about telling Junghui everything.
I've never seen him with such sad eyes.
I have to end this marriage with your mom.
I just got discharged today.
Goodbye, I'm leaving.
Father is a huge surprise.
You pervert.
Cheolsu, are you okay?
- This is my boyfriend! / - Your boyfriend?
I wasn't expecting you.
Where is my dad?
Can't you just leave this matter covered?
Honey, it's all over now.
DorkaJoona - Nokia Rap !! - Duration: 2:39.
Gta 5 gameplay - Peculate the BANK money - Gta V online - bank ROB moment. - Duration: 11:10.
Gta 5 gameplay - Peculate the BANK money - Gta V online - bank ROB moment.
Nghe Kinh này 49 ngày liên tiếp giúp Ngủ sâu ngon giấc Việc chóng Thành Khổ Nạn Tan Biến - Duration: 1:33:21.
ТОЧНЫЙ ГОРОСКОП НА АВГУСТ Рак ♋ Самый подробный☀ - Duration: 10:05.
I HATE U I LOVE U - Piano - Gnash #SemVergonha - Duration: 4:01.
EAE! How are you?
This was my version of I Hate U I Love U
If you enjoy it please give yout thumbs up
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because we are improving it
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We have videos every wednesday and saturday
Every saturday there is a new music cover
And I'm making an effort to do new nice things
That's all
Kisses of rainbows and Unicorns And bye!
Everything that changed from the SNES and NES version of Super Mario Bros. | SUPER YURI - Duration: 7:50.
8 Ball Pool Unlimited Coins - 100% Working Updated links- 8 Ball Pool Coins - Duration: 0:36.
Let's Play Kona Part 10 ( Blind ) - Duration: 48:05.
Let's Play Kona
TESLA MODEL S DELIVERY | My New Car! - Duration: 9:45.
Hey everybody it is Ashley Renne from Travel Lushes and this is my husband Karl
Travel Lushes. It is the big delivery day, we're super excited and then
tomorrow we're actually going to go on our first road trip. I don't think not
too many people picked up a Tesla or a car the same day in and then went on a
road trip the very next day so it's going to be...while we're learning how to
drive the car we're going to be like on a road trip the same time so it's going
to be pretty interesting the next couple of days for us.
The supercharger you know, testing out the car and getting a feel for autopilot and
everything. So, yeah. It's gonna be fun. But first things first, let's go pick the Tesla up and let's
go from there. No more gas. No more gas!
Woo! Let's do this.
He said we can go sit in the owners lounge, makes us feel special. We're Tesla owners now.
I wonder if you're leasing it if you can still still sit in the owners lounge like if you're
leasing the car, can you sit in the owners lounge? Leasers vs. owners. You want some water? Yes please.
How do you feel Karl? I feel good like James Brown. Oh my God. So lame. I mean it's not
like I said 'dun nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh." I didn't say
that. Ok I'm turning this off. That's our car! Wow. Look at this! So cute. Little key. So they just pointed our car out to us.
That's really exciting. This is her. I'm not sure what the name is going to be. I think we're
going to call it Snow White. Snow. We'll just call it Snow. If you think
of a better name let us know in the comments below. I'm curious what do you
think we should name our new car. We are getting ready to sign the paperwork.
But first we need to take a look at the car probably. Make sure everything's in
order. You said that smells brand new? I would hope so.
Look how clean that white interior looks. Beautiful. First time for everything right? Never
had a car with white seats. And it's vegan leather. I wouldn't let us
get a Tesla unless it had vegan leather so that was my biggest thing. We're going to
get a Tesla, it had to have vegan leather.
Signing your life away Ash? Signing my life away!
It's the beginning of your life. Last time I felt like this is...yeah my mortgage my house.
Paperwork has been signed, it is official we are Tesla owners like we're
literally Tesla owners. It's crazy. It's a big deal for me because
it's technically my first car I've ever actually owned, this is not a lease.
My name's on the title. Are you crying? Don't cry. No I'm not.
Tesla owners. Now we're going to go I guess ask questions about our
vehicle. What's that in your hand Karl? Just a delivery checklist. You're very
prepared. Somewhat. Just a little bit. What's on the checklist?
Make sure to VIN matches, make sure it's the correct size battery, paint color, roof
type, temporary tags, tire inflation, you know stuff that you get from the Tesla Model S forums.
The little ins and outs. So prepared. I loved that. Oh it's so cool! So
this is the frunk. So of course you got trunk space, and then your windshield wiper fluid
goes here. And I will set the trunk down. And then we give pressure to
either side and feel. So what we do is backs of hands just lean your
body weight. Okay. And that'll keep it beautiful for a long time.
It's new and you're scared. Don't be scared. It's aluminum, it's real, just give it all
your body weight. Do you see this? This is hilarious. So all of my body weight?
There you go. You'll get the hang of it.
Just don't use the frunk.
All right, gonna go ahead and charge this baby up? Yup.
Alright it's official we are leaving with our Tesla. First thing first, very first
thing we wanted to get done is get this baby tinted so we're going to get the
windows tinted, should take I think a couple hours maybe a few hours and then
we'll get her back, snow, we'll get snow back and then we're off to the second
place to get the second modification for the car. The tint job is done and
complete and it looks amazing so now we are at stop number two the tire place
and we are going to get some pretty rims put on.
Mr. Karl, yes, what did we do? What did we have done? So we just swapped out the wheels
this is a classic oem wheel style I just like it better than the slipstream. Why?
Looks better to me, I don't know, preference. And we still have a lot more
work to do to the car but it's already 7 o'clock so the next stop is I have to
drop this off I'm finally turning my Lease in and I'm going to put gas in it
for the last time. This'll be my last time putting gas in the car because now we
have an electric car and I'm so excited! My last time.Oh my God. That was it. Bye Audi I'll miss you.
So we're finally in the Tesla well Karl's been in the Tesla, I haven't. It's really my
first time in it all day. Let's have some fun. Let's put this bad boy on autopilot.
How fast does this go? It goes from like 0 to 100 really quick.
Oh my God.
Babe. What's that noise? What noise?
Silence. Oh my gosh. I can't. Silence. It's so quiet.
Well today has been a very long day, very eventful day. Very very exciting you
know this is our first major purchase as a married couple , this is a really big deal
for us so we're super excited super humble to actually be in a place where
we could afford to buy such a beautiful forward-thinking vehicle. I'm really
excited because you know I'm all about being eco-friendly I love the fact that
this has vegan leather I like that we won't have to pay for gas anymore so
we're really really excited, we're looking forward to taking lots of great
road trips together and Road Trip! Also just kind of represents a new journey in
general, just our journey and life together. Thanks navigation.
Ruining my heartfelt moment. Make sure you tune in for our Tesla Road Trip
videos and if you like this video make sure you give it a big thumbs up and
Subscribe to my channel Travel Lushes for more awesome lifestyle content,
travel tips, bye guys! Thanks for riding along with us.
CASSATE - Risate a denti stretti - Episodio 1 - Duration: 7:04.
(intercom): 14 - 37 - 89 On the wheel of Palermo
I ordered a pizza Napoli, not a four tastes
Your wife is not seen with anyone
...and anyway you forgot the sardines
The music school today is closed
And even if you play, you will not win. ...Trust
I do not get people so sweaty. Returns after a shower!
Do you think I'm stupid? Only cats are washed this way
Hello nice young man. You will find love this evening at 23:37! Compliments!
- CLAIRVOYANT - 2° floor
ТОЧНЫЙ ГОРОСКОП НА АВГУСТ Овен ♈ Самый подробный☀ - Duration: 10:34.
EPIC NATTO TASTE TEST (Unique Japanese Food) - Duration: 9:40.
Top 10 Funniest Kids Try Moments! 😂😂😂 - Duration: 4:11.
- Ew, I don't like it!
- Why me?
I wish it was called that.
(upbeat music)
- Just close your eyes.
- You got to change your attitude missy.
- Oh my gosh!
I know I just found a dead fish in it.
It was gross.
- I'm scared too.
Too much!
It looks like blood now, kind of.
- [Host] Thumbs up? (screams and growls)
(slurping loudly)
(burps loudly)
- Delicious!
(whimpers excitedly)
- Mm hmm.
- Wonder what this is, it kind of looks like,
it kind of looks like a TV.
(loud thump)
- Okay, this is the strongest thing ever!
I'm strong! (loud crinkling)
Oh, (mumbles) all good.
- Interesting.
- Ernie, open wide, the (mumbles) is coming.
- I have to tie my shoe.
- (laughs) You don't even have laces!
(spits and sputters)
- I hate coffee.
Are you serious?
Cow poop. (laughs)
- This is medicine.
oh! (moans loudly)
Uh huh.
This is the first time, that's how good it is!
- Very interesting.
- (slurping loudly) I like the juice in it.
And I'll spit it out and get more juice.
- Bubble (mumbles)!
- Okay, okay.
(host laughs)
Oh no!
(host laughs)
(giggles) okay got a bubble, okay good.
I got to let it back in. (laughs)
I guess I'll do it again (mumbles).
Here you go, have some.
Ah, yeah.
It's a horse poo.
- Adios, amigos. (host laughs)
- Hey! - Hey!
- Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha.
How the Jedi Celebrated Their Birthdays [Legends] - Duration: 2:21.
Birthdays are probably one of the most important personal yearly celebrations people have.
Ordinary people tend to get together with their friends and family to celebrate the
occasion, and usually the one being celebrated receives numerous gifts.
But the Jedi are far from ordinary, so how did they celebrate birthdays?
Within the Jedi Temple there were never outlandish parties or grand exchanges of gifts during
one's birthday.
If there was a celebration it was a modest one, and only the closest of friends ever
gave gifts.
However there was one special birthday each Jedi went through during their Padawan days.
Once a Jedi turned 13, they went through the Padawan Birthday Ritual.
There were two main parts to the ritual.
The first one required that the padawan sit down and quietly meditate and reflect on their
They were supposed to remember both good and bad memories and to learn from them, so that
they wouldn't make the same mistakes again.
The second part of the birthday ritual had the master give his padawan a gift.
Usually the master took weeks or even months to figure out exactly what they wanted to
give to their apprentice, and they often traveled the galaxy to acquire said gift.
Typical gifts included healing crystals, special lightsaber hilts, or rare cloaks from the
most renowned weavers.
Actually Obi Wan's gift from Qui Gon was a river stone.
Initially Obi Wan thought the River stone was just a random rock that Qui Gon had found;
however he later discovered that the stone was force sensitive.
The stone actually went on to save his memory as it shielded his mind when Obi Wan was about
to have his memory be wiped after he got captured during his first official Padawan mission.
This same River stone was later re-gifted to Anakin on his thirteenth birthday by Obi
Wan, who told the forthcoming Jedi that it was once Qui Gon's.
It quickly became Anakin's most precious possession.
And that's all we really know about how the Jedi celebrated birthdays, as well as
all the known gifts masters gave to their padawans during the ritual.
AM I GAY?? [CC] - Duration: 14:40.
[Intro music]
Hello my little bees! I... [laughs] I have never intro'd a video like that before
but I wanted to try it
Today, we are talking about sex-u-al-it-y!
As you can see by the name of this video, "AM I GAY" [laughs]
I wanna talk about expression of sexuality and feeling more comfortable in your sexuality and all that sexy stuff.
So I feel like embracing your sexuality is- is a thing- it's a- it's a trend right n- it's trending
And it's a very... very, like, l- i'ts a theme that is reoccuring in the media and in the trans community and all of that fun stuff, so, I wanna talk about...
...changing sexuality. Which I've talked about, absolutely, I've talked about changing sexuality
actually, I believe I talk about that with Stef, and, um, we collabed on it and that was a great video and I'll put a link in the description below
But, I want m-more to talk about, today, about embracing your sexuality
and I wanna talk about, like, doubting your sexuality, so
quick little history of me:
I was... when I was younger, I was like, I'm bisexual, I'm a lesbian, um,
then I was like, I'm trans, wh-what am I, I don't know, I don't want to be straight cause that's weird
so I guess I'll stay being a lesbian trans guy
and then I was nothing, really, again, not really having a label
and then I found the label queer.
[gasp] And that label was just beautiful to me, because I was able to identify with it so much.
And do you know why? Because queer means something different to everyone, and it is such a beautiful word for me
to embrace for myself. I don't attribute it to anyone else, cause you should not be doing that,
but for me,
I see as something just so empowering for me and it helps embrace my sexuality because
over the last little history that I just gave you, my attraction to different types of bodies have changed so much.
So a lot of people who watch my videos assume that I'm gay.
Because I have colored hair and, more recently, because I pa-paint my nails, and I wear colorful shirts, and I have a cat wall, and I talk with my hands,
and I guess I do very feminine things that are very stereotypically gay, I guess, which is very problematic
but whatever. So, everyone always thinks that I'm gay. And even in real life, honestly, like
sometimes I'm out with someone who is my friend, and they talk to us as if we are friends, instead of if we were together or something like that
And, i-it's a little bit hurtful, but I also like that, because it makes me feel like my queer identity is still there even if I end up being with a woman.
And I- that's- that- that's been the- the biggest issue for me.
So I have dated men, cis men, in the past, and... did I identify as gay when I was dating them? No.
I didn't. And I guess you could say that our relationship was a "gay relationship", but
I still held onto my queer identity because that's who I am, that's th-the core of me is I am queer, and
I relate that to my gender, expression as well, and my gender identity, because I don't identify 100% as male, like,
yeah, I-I go under the FTM umbrella, but like...
Yo, I'm a squiggle, technically, I-I'm all over the place. I-I would technically fit under the nonbinary umbrella
but I'm good with just saying that I'm trans, because that's just- that's just how I identify, but
the queerness in me has always been there and will always be there.
[Sighs] So I had kind of a crisis, um, on the podcast, like, maybe a couple of months ago where I was like
or maybe it was in my videos, where I was like, sometimes I feel like I'm... I'm expected to be with men.
And... or maybe it was women, I dunno, we'll go with men.
Where I'm expected to be with men because I'm gay, and I feel like I'm holding these expectations to myself, and it's hard,
because when you go on all these apps like Grindr and Scruff and Hornet to meet people, you get rejected a lot,
and it sucks, and it's because you're trans,
and it hurt a lot, and it made me feel like I'm unlovable, and I'm never gonna be able to
find somebody who actually loves me who is a cis man.
And that really hurt, but it still felt like I needed that cis validation, which is another topic for another day. But,
I feel like I craved it so much. So there was a time when I'm like, am I not actually queer? Am I- am I gay?
Like- like- like, this is not clickbaiting, okay, like, literally, am I gay?
And, it- because I am very attracted to the male body, and to the male physique and...
I'm just not attracted to the emotional... men... stuff. And that's where all of this stuff just gets confusing to me
because, I am very, very still attracted to women
and women's bodies are super attractive, and if you put a woman, a- uh- like, a woman's body in front of me, I guess
and I'm not talking cis or trans or anything, I'm just talking a woman's body. So it doesn't matter if they're cis or trans.
You're putting this body in front of me, and you're putting a man's body - trans or cis, whatever -
and it just, I- n- it doesn't matter to me, I have an attraction to both equally, and...
to me, that's such a- it-it's a mind... fuck, because I felt like I would never be able to get to a point
and, I don't identify as bisexual, but I guess you can put me as that if you want, but I identify more as queer, but
I see these two bodies, and I'm equally attracted to them. But I tend to want to sleep more with men,
but be in relationships with women.
And, it's such an interesting aspect to me, and I've been truly trying to like, soul search, about, like, how do I-
How do I do this, how- how do I go on YouTube and talk about my sexuality so openly,
yet I'm here sitting at my desk, like, am I gay?
Like, am I just gay? Am I just gonna have to, like, deal with like, some men are just unemotional
and I know I'm being super stereotypical right now, I'm just like, giving you examples
because yes, there are men out there who
are very emotional. But, look, I'm a lot to handle hunty, okay? Like, I have- I have a lot of issues
and I'm emotional, and I cry a lot, and I need somebody who is there... who can be there for me
And I'm not saying that women are there and men aren't there, for me
I'm just saying that typically, the people who I have dated, it's been women who have always been more emotionally invested
and men who have been more sexually invested.
So I- I have this dilemma, alright? And I wanna embrace my sexuality. And I think that I figured out what it is.
I think that I am so fixated on cis peen because I, myself would love to have a wiener,
alright, and I have bottom dysphoria, and it sucks, and it hurts, and I would love to have phalloplasty in the future
and I think that I'm so fixated on the male body that... I want to get as close to a wiener as I possibly can.
So, going to sleep with men, and being around that wiener, makes me feel like I can... kind of...
identify with that wiener. And it doesn't make me dysphoric, and I really do, like, enjoy penetration
in the front, and I'm usually a bottom when I'm with men, although I can top too [clicks tongue flirtatiously]
Um [laughs] But then when you- wh-when I look at the emotional side, I've never, in my life, been ever able to connect
with... a guy. With a man, trans or cis, on an emotional level that I need.
And it's very interesting because then you slide off to the other side,
and I feel so emotionally connected to women, and I wanna be close to women, and I wanna be with women, and
maybe that's because I really embrace my feminine side, and I've always only had female friends, and I've always...
it's not like men are the enemy, but like... everyone in my life, you know, like, I've kind of- i-it was always... women.
And I kind of really love the emotional connection that I can have with women and how I can open myself up and be more vulnerable
Where I feel, myself, for men- and I know I'm being super gender right now, and not including nonbinary people, I'm just telling you that
I'm having a sexual crisis, alright?
And when I look at women, I do have that emotional bond, and connection and vulnerability
and I let myself be vulnerable,
and I think maybe I've had... just... so- there's too much thinking in my head
of "am I gay? Am I not gay? Can I keep my identity as queer? What am I? What's my gender?
It's- it's just all over the place and it's very exhausting. So I think I've come to a place where I understand that
it really doesn't matter, and I've always felt like this, and
the thoughts that I've had, if I end up being with a man,
I just need to find somebody who is... emotionally vulnerable.
And will let me be emotionally vulnerable, and that we can help each other through things that have happened in our life and we're not so closed off
And if I end up with a woman, I also want that, because there are some women who aren't emotional at all.
But then it's when you talk about the sex, right? Cause this is all mental.
When you talk about the sex- I feel like I'm going up and down like genitals and head - head -
Um [laughs
When we go down to the genitals, it's like, what do I really want?
Cause I see both of them also as equal- it's interesting, cause when I'm with men, I'm usually a bottom, like 96% of the time I'm the b- I'm a bottom, with men.
When I'm with women, um, you would expect me to be a top 100% of the time, I feel, but you need to understand me,
that ain't my life. Because I need to be with someone who will do me as much as I do them.
So, I... If I am with a woman, I need- it needs to be 50/50
It needs to be that you are comfortable with having sex with me,
in the front, in the back, wherever,
I just have all these things, sexually, that I wanna do, and that I like to do, and I would love to explore with somebody
and it's just so fun when you meet that person, that's like, super open, and...
you don't fixate anymore, on... like... the phallic object of men
and that feels like I'm objectifying men just for their bodies. Like,
you go to a show, and you see men, you know, dressing in speedos, and dancing around, like yeah, fuck, their body is really hot
And like, I'm like, mmm. But, I'm really just like... Do I want that on top of me?
Do I? Like yeah, sure, I do, but...
I'm not looking for sex right now. I'm at a place in my life where I would like to share my life with someone
So, I feel like, I look at women, and I am super attracted to women's bodies, but...
I dunno how to explain it. I dunno. I feel like I'm being really problematic, by the way, but...
I... I've come to a place where I understand that, am I gay is not a-a question that I should have in my head, it's more of...
Let yourself be open, and let yourself find...
the... the- the person that is into you as much as you're into them
I guess? I dunno- I- I'm like, disassociating now, I don't even know what I'm talking about.
Honestly, I think my point is that I'm generally more attracted to men's bodies- like, women are hot, yes,
but I'm generally more attracted to women's- t-to men's bodies,
but when I have a f- a f- emotional connection like no other with a woman,
and I... and I feel, um...
like I'm able to be emotional and vulnerable and stuff like that, then my attraction to them just increases so much more
And then my attraction to men is just like, oh yeah, I can't be emotional with you, this is just for sex, I'm not attracted to you anymore.
So i-it's like a different thing.
And I'm being so gendered right now, and now I wanna talk about people who are nonbinary
Because I- I know how gendered I'm being and I- I don't like that I'm being like this, this is why- th- the title of th- "Am I Gay?"- like, who cares??!
Literally, who cares?! Literally, my favorite quote that I have ever said in my entire life
and I'm saying this, and this will be the quote that I put on my tombstone- "What the fuck is gender?"
Cause nothing matters. Nothing matters to me.
Literally, it doesn't matter. And all of these things in my head that just keep going, and I'm like, why am I thinking of these things?
Society has just put all of these ideas in my head about who you're supposed to be attracted to, and
there are only two different types of bodies,
and then I just like- I have to stop everything, and be like, why am I having these thoughts?
Because I'm in this community that has amazing people, and people who are nonbinary
and people who are cis, and... people who are cis, sorry, people who are trans, and it's just...
it's a mix of everything. And to me, it doesn't matter if you are a cis woman, a trans woman, a trans guy, a cis guy,
or a nonbinary person, or a fuckin' squiggly line, it doesn't matter.
I think that, because I have realized these things about men and women,
and what I need in a person, and it's really more of an emotional connection and an emotional vulnerability,
that makes me attracted to the person no matter what body they have.
So that's the conclusion.
And I know that it sounded really gendered, and probably people got mad at me,
and they didn't watch the end of the video so I'm gonna get hate comments, but whatever.
[claps] yes. So, in the end, it doesn't matter...
to me, anymore. And I- I'm not- [sighs]
I know this video's all about me, I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk a little bit about embracing my sexuality
and I feel like I'm finally at a point in my life where, yeah, I'm queer, and like, it literally doesn't matter. I don't
prefer cis men or cis women or a specific type of body or trans men or trans wom- like, it literally. Doesn't matter.
What body you have.
It is more in the head [sighs] in what...
type of emotional person you are, and how I emotionally connect with you.
And I feel like that- duh! Like, hello, Chase, obviously! I feel like I've been saying this for years!
But, I'm not listening to myself, so this is more of a video I have- hey Chase, yeah, yeah you right there,
Yeah. It doesn't matter. Literally.
All that matters is how you connect with the person emotionally.
And that's what I figured out with myself. And I... it took a long time, I guess, to figure out, but...
it's a beautiful thing when you're actually able to embrace your sexuality.
Anyways, that's all I have to say. Let me know what you think- haters, can't wait for the comments!
Cause I know I'm gonna get some, cause I didn't really elaborate on nonbinary till the end of the video, but...
I love you guys so much.
Let me know h- what you think, have a great week, byeeee!
[Outro music]
The Doublesplit God? V3 - Duration: 10:35.
🔥KXA - Gladius🔥
🔥Ultimate Pushsplit🔥
🔥Reverse Tricksplit🔥
🔥Reverse Pushsplit🔥
🔥🔥Ultimate Pushsplit🔥🔥
🔥Ultimate Pushsplit🔥
🔥Dun, dun, do do dun!🔥
🔥Doublecannon To Popsplit🔥
🔥Jordan Comolli - Alone🔥
🔥BEST PREDOUBLE? (too bad I didn't eat all the mass)🔥
🔥🔥Adore The Surface (Goblin Mashup)🔥🔥
Yhiita: So I really hope you enjoyed this video!
If you did, make sure to drop a like down below
Subscribe if you're new!
Thank you all so much for the amazing support!
And of course my name's Yhiita...
And thanks for watching :D (1,2,3)
*Yhiita sings outro*
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