Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 15 2017

success reveal

Khim Sokheng - Learn to Think

For more infomation >> Khim Sokheng - Learn to Think | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:34.


(日本語字幕/Japanese Sub)BABYMETAL Akatsuki Live Budokan Black Night Reaction!!! Audio Muted - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> (日本語字幕/Japanese Sub)BABYMETAL Akatsuki Live Budokan Black Night Reaction!!! Audio Muted - Duration: 10:56.


Agora você pode jogar o Rayman cancelado de Super Nintendo! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Agora você pode jogar o Rayman cancelado de Super Nintendo! - Duration: 3:31.


Meaning of "ping it over" [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:17.

Hi, everyone.

You're watching ForB English.

I'm Gabriella and in this lesson, we are looking at this expression.

Do you know what it means?

Ping it over.

Ping it over.

Now let's take a look at this expression in a sample conversation.

Person A says, "I finished writing the report.

Do you want to check it over before the meeting?"

Person B replies, "Yes.

Can you ping it over?"

So, what does this expression mean?

Well, it means to send something by e-mail.

So "ping" is a kind of sound that's very fast.

So it's the idea of digital communication.

Can you quickly send it over?

Can you ping it over with just one simple click?

And it's used in business a lot these days.

It's very familiar English, especially between native speakers.

So you can use this expression too.

Let's practice this phrase together.

Please repeat after me.

Ping it over.

Ping it over.


Now let's put it into context.

Let's take a look at the same sample conversation again.

I will be A and you will be B to practice the expression.

I finished writing the report.

Do you want to check it over before the meeting?



So you should have said, "Yes.

Can you ping it over?"

I hope you find this expression useful.

You're watching ForB English.

I'm Gabriella.

Please like, share and subscribe and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Meaning of "ping it over" [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:17.


Junmi dessin animé| Jeu de construction avec des machines lourdes| Camion de Sable pour les enfants - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> Junmi dessin animé| Jeu de construction avec des machines lourdes| Camion de Sable pour les enfants - Duration: 7:52.


I need you-Andres.barajas1 jb - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> I need you-Andres.barajas1 jb - Duration: 3:07.


Scientists Accelerate Backward Time Travel Under Laboratory Conditions for First Time - Duration: 2:27.

Scientists Accelerate Backward Time Travel Under Laboratory Conditions for First Time

In a first of its kind experiment, physicists from Washington State University have created

the only known matter in the world with �negative mass.� Unlike every other physical object

in the world we are familiar with, this mass accelerates backward under pressure.

This phenomenon, known as the intuitive side of Newton�s Second Law of Motion (force

is equal to the mass of an object times its acceleration (F=ma)) � could possibly explain

some of the more bizarre phenomenon in space, like black holes, but also, backward time


Cosmologists had proven negative mass can exist in our Universe more than a decade ago,

yet, creating a substance with negative mass in a lab has not been successfully attempted

before now.

It was previously assumed that negative mass objects would require �exotic� particles

which would not exist in our Universe, until physicists were proven wrong. Scientists held

their previous assumptions about negative mass because if it existed in our neck of

the cosmological woods, it would defy Einstein�s Theory of General Relativity.

Scientists such as Saoussen Mbarek and Manu Paranjape from the Universit� de Montr�al

in Canada say they�ve found a solution to Einstein�s Theory of General Relativity

that allows negative mass to exist without breaking any essential assumptions, but the

implications are far reaching. They�ve insinuated that these different �positive� and �negative�

masses would create a plasma which essentially allow for space travel.

Normally, if you were to exert a force (push) a regular mass as we�ve previously understand

it, the object would move away from us.

�That�s what most things that we�re used to do,� said Michael Forbes, a WSU

assistant professor of physics and astronomy and an affiliate assistant professor at the

University of Washington. �With negative mass, if you push something, it accelerates

toward you.� So how did physicists create negative mass

(well, mass that behaves as if it were a negative mass if you wan�t to get technical)?

First, they cooled rubidium atoms close to absolute zero. This creates a Bose-Einstein

condensate in which particles move very slowly and behave more like waves (as described in

the famous double slit experiment).

Scientists then used lasers to kick atoms around until they started spinning backwards.

When the rubidium rushes out fast enough, if behaves as if it had negative mass.

�Once you push, it accelerates backwards,� Forbes says. �It looks like the rubidium

hits an invisible wall. What�s a first here is the exquisite control we have over the

nature of this negative mass, without any other complications.�

This lab-created negative mass can now be used to test theories about dark matter, black

holes, astrophysics, time travel, and more.

For example, scientists have previously suggested that dark matter and dark energy should be

considered a negative mass. Others have suggested that black holes could be key in traveling

back in time, as well as to extremely distant places in our Universe.

The main issue to overcome, in theory, is that anything that gets close to a black hole

is sucked in by its immense gravitational pull, which is so strong that not even light

can escape, but if negative mass moves in the opposite direction with a little �push,�

then black holes could hold a key to space-time travel coupled with this new research.

Some theorize that dark matter, negative mass, and black holes create time tunnels (or �space�

tunnels which are really one and the same) which allow space travel in ways we have previously

only witnessed in sci-fi movies.

This �stuff� fills in the holes of our Universe, but it may also be the wormhole

�midnight express� to different times in history, and far-flung solar systems.

Now that negative mass can be created and observed in a lab, you can bet some phenomenal

observations, with far reaching implications, are about to be unveiled.

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