Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 19 2017




has no problems

hey nice



what are you doing here I thought I'd stop by wish you luck so you don't need

me luck you're welcome Chuck no I mean we've

been training hey believe me I know so you're going to come watch now what's

the big deal I'm not interested in watching you turn oh you think this is

funny yeah I do you're not even married yet

and he's already pussy whipped honey listen I'm not gonna get hurt

I told me his fart you called that a sport yeah where you going if that

happens to you you just remember I warned you hey what a bomb me I don't go

to hell

go out there and kick some ass you got it you're coming in mr. Ringle dollar

please report from attorney and very noble or to Maternity thanks

this was his first fight and he'll be much the heal in a month you can't train

forever sooner or later you got a fight you don't have to imagine what the guy

20 pounds heavier who's a known animal

don't start with me Johnny I've seen you fight it's not the same

hey Doc the Tigers what brings you here well we had a drive-by shooting they're

working on the kid right now listen I understand you got a gang kid in here

yeah gang member oh really really de texto Pez this is my cousin

Terry whoo yeah how you doing listen to hear this kid's got a couple of busted

ribs we fight in the ring and it's underground and not sanctioned what do

you do when you're not in the ring Lopez what is the problem they're not using

drugs they're not shooting people I just leave them alone oh I get it it's just

kind of like numb you guys like to stick together don't you excuse me but I'm off

wait a minute I'll fight this guy's all kidneys but right now

I have some groupies maybe drink

excuse me I need some tea hey you know these and Johnson right


how attached they don't sing got six and got well my goodness what are you doing

for go through crazy you got a way to do it can again local fucking there Oh

masquerade ball you know costume

difficulty noodles with chopsticks you speak English surely well thank you

all finished yes thank you so how was it good very

good I usually have moo shu pork

you should try General Tso's chicken house specialty really it's good to try

something different

don't forget your fortune cookie subset all right no my sister dude where's

Chuck very good oh my god I learnt you know phone and

you look like the guy I saw yeah pretty no more man I always do don't you want

to do come on where's the waiter let's round up some broom down on this right

right down Pellegrin Oh

wrong now nothing PMS oh come on we're just having

fun just leave me alone I didn't do anything he's your brother

you know you were supposed to meet me here tonight alone kind we never spent

any time together we're together now come on guys let's go come on you in a


one man Benny figure no I'm not hungry no more did you take again are you

already good a bit maybe shit don't my a hamburger nips it about a kick singing

ball off you know Johnny you really ought to come down to the fight Friday

night I'm too busy oh come on you can make time I'm a

doctor not a fighter I know better I've seen you fight before you beat them

out eyepatch mark

how'd you get home I took a cab what is your matter beautiful since your

obnoxious jerk are you two fighting hey you know Chuck's fighting again next

week you really like it you'd be there yeah

I'm sure he would there's a lot of babes in like B in Chuck's corner well I

wouldn't want to get in the way of any babes ah feels good

careful we want to get to here where

- real hot over here

this is my son Terry and this is my nephew Johnny son

this is Lane Jim Tom she's daughter of Tanya and she's telling to be a nurse

that's great Johnny here's the doctor an intern nice to meet you

me is going to help me with my laundry

you know Johnny I think you gotta settle down getting kind of old old come on

I'll show you old look outfit yeah tricks way okay pay for this come

on more we got more all right we got those stuffs got plenty ready for this

oh it's not bad for an old man and nothing oh hi yeah okay

I got one more thing here oh yeah okay data look mommy Wow

Oh scuse me okay I'm finished

engine I thought Bruce Lee yeah was his teacher

yeah you know to swim into a poem you see that the Johnny Carson show

yeah I was a front row I was at the controls

so have you been


I mean you guys ain't big so right now

wait this is the monkeys new kitchen

night off yeah I wanna get some dinner just finish

it's this okay so work or get the circuit

there right now and

what are you doing I wanted to take a break after one song

I didn't bring my helmet you're still mad about last night

I'm not mad no I can tell you should go back Chuck I'm not mad if I'm fine mom

dance that would be nice hey Chuck come here I'll be right back

I promise it's okay go ahead fuck come on

Kwan's in hospital what happened of course therefore threaten middle of

Venice one of them with the guys by Friday night I'd like to see them come

to Chinatown you try this let's go find them wait a minute I know where they are

and I think my crazy cousins right in the middle of well well well what do we

have here you guys want to tell me what happened

you tell me the way would appear your friend got his ass kicked

sure does I don't suppose anybody knows who did it I don't know who did it

you guys know did it I think it was a police-brutality cake

what are you a wise guy well Jess Kwan who did it you guys don't seem to

understand sir I can either be a friend or I can be your biggest pain in the ass

that's a choice these are better to look we don't know anything but if we find

something out we'll let you know yeah you do that

I'll be easy to find I'll be right over your shoulder

still over talking to Brad

we have

so what's your name Johnny I'm Julie

I know do I know you

use a winter

Stan's not now Chris do we do boyfriend who are you talking about

together we're strong with all

okay Oh Madonna

who the hell are you Chuck we were just dancing okay what the

hell is this Pearl Harbor came from my cousin yeah and how many pieces get out

of here

I don't get man what the hell were you doing there let this girl the other

night and I wanted to talk to her couldn't use

the telephone I really like this girl

too soon what do you mean first you find a good Chinese wife then you get an

American girlfriend today I went to the market and I met so Chung she's from

Shanghai and she had a very nice daughter at Mei I really appreciate you

looking out for me but please don't introduce me to any more women why not

I'm just not ready right now not really you are 32 years oh he's gone

crazy over that glass boy hi boy is that true love no it's not true I'm just I

just met her that's all boo 3 M 3 J here yeah please tell me feeling sorry yeah


check was so pissed we were just dancing who you were dancing with you know this

is cute I'm going to go try this on

this is really difficult for me to say but you're driving me crazy

I can't eat I can't sleep my head spinning my heart's pounding I was born

in China I had so many dreams of coming here but I never imagined this

maybe I was wrong to count I only hope you see the same way if you do please

come out and tell me if not I'll just leave I won't cause you any more trouble

thank you so much excuse me

what was that all about I don't know what did she say to him I didn't say

anything I did all the talking he's quite a

shocker I think I'm in love

cleared quite long pussy fucks out upon them without self David I don't see him

maybe is off tonight let's just go well aren't you hungry I don't think this is

a good idea well I'm hungry

excuse me your main place and no reservation tonight we're very very

bored no tickee no Washee right give him whole show you could if you Jo

Mingo used over the net so you are finally though here please forgive us

thank you sometimes they forget where they come from

please sit down Julie the guy's not here can we just go home

there was a waiter here last week named Johnny no waiter named Johnny yes last

week no waiter Johnny is my nephew just a

cowboy Johnny Benson ding ding ah 3 do you know where I could find him how old

are you 22 oh good age to have children

I'm sorry what did you have for breakfast bacon names you do your own

cooking no McMuffin no no McMuffin

do you have pings here I feel fine pain in your heart maybe maybe you should go

to hospital do you think I should go to the hospital I think I should go home

thank you here the research money doctor woman but you all can you do everything

Chris Marshall in trouble well I haven't been feeling well lately know something

I and my head Symphony and Konami and I've been having trouble

Thank You Simone please wait this one

you take a deep breath good another one

so when you can kind me skipping you came Maria prepared operating theater

we're going to meet at surgery I need a bone saw a rib spreader a bone spreader

right away doctor what you have the extreme case cardio inflammatory

neuralgia brought on by increased abysmal pressure I need surgery there

might be one other way to cure it what have lunch with me tomorrow I don't

think I like you anymore




I'm sorry

we're just getting there you make September congratulations

but I don't know if we are before you marry someone you should be sure I know

we've been going out for six years everybody just as soon as we get married

shall I assume that I don't know when it's right you'll know you can


well goodnight

what the hell have you been

we didn't get it dark I'm waiting for you for three hours

oh you forgot you know and all I ever hear from you is that we never spent

enough time alone together I'm sorry we're supposed to go to a

movie and you forgot you forgot I said I'm sorry we're worried I will find you

what time's it word that rich why do you spend more time with her than you do

with me I'm sorry what's wrong now nothing for me

it's late no I want you didn't want to do this

fine why don't you give me a call when you do


why is this word like a toilet why because there's always an asshole I'm

right about that are you gonna find any assholes to paint maybe over there by

the shitter let's go check it out

so you guys got a yen for the beach it's the guy to beat up Guang they all look

alike to me took for you surf racks to take care of

long you got it worse you got to fight me

wait mark

what happened you Terry whoo ten of his guide jumping when I get him in the ring

I'll kick his ass we're not going to wait to get anyone in the ring I want

all those assholes now

what is tired of you guys come to this country like you own the place I was

born here yeah well I saw what you guys did the bud man well that was for what

you did to quoi well that little Buddha head should have been in Venice

well you Kendall shouldn't be here


Oh Senators all-out war two guys in the ring I want you know he's mine inside

went amuck do me time to Train 60 HP there

dr. purpose doctor barrier

hey Doc why don't you tell me again what upstanding citizens easy answer what are

you talking it was just a war in Chinatown and your cousin and his

friends were right in the middle of it what happened oh you got three in your

emergency room and those are only two bystanders

I'm sure Terry was I was there I'll talk to him I'll find out what happened could

you do that let me acquaint you with a few facts of

life here pal gangs deal drugs now where did they get these drugs sometimes these

drugs disappear from hospitals get the hell out of here

I don't like you and I resent the hell out of your implication well I'm not

implying anything I'm stating a fact I didn't know

anything about that well that's good because if I find how do you do I'm

gonna be all over you like white on rice

pardon the expression so so so what happened 20 quite guys show up in

Chinatown standing around like they own the place what do you think happened

Lopez showed up at the hospital Chucky what could I do

they tell Quang they want to talk I go we argue the guy kicks me in the head

and all hell breaks loose all I'm saying is Lopez is out to get

you guys this violence has got to stop

this is not my fault

oh don't tell me into that stuff to hide she isn't like what your brother does

it's more for health and meditation but still a martial art let's go to the

beach I'll show you some of my secret Chinese techniques

hey you guys got a picture I'll make you bucks okay let's get one okay guys get

together now smile perfect

this is called waiting hand to the clouds like this

relax I like it but I don't see how it's going to defend anybody wise man say

before you can conquer others must first conquer yourself did you get that bum

confusion no fortune cookie

Chinese New Year is the most important holiday of the year for us on New Year's

Eve we have to pay off all our debts and start to your fresh everything has to be

cleaned because today we're not allowed to clean anything why not because you

would sleep away are your good luck for the year the dragon is the most powerful

animal he's very good luck I will stop no there Lions yellow lions are the


easily Cantonese many years ago in China a huge piece would come down from the

mountains the farms we need all the crops and then steal away the children

one day al I am taping a forest it scared away to peace ever since then on

New Year's we do the damn for the lion scare the evil spirits away for another

year oh and is this a true story you see them nibbling on the corners of the

buildings because that's whether you will spare time in the corners of course

and try to you know the evil spirits hide in the corners everybody knows that

you have to come together with me tonight and have a traditional New

Year's dinner with anything I can't do that I'm not ready for it come on

I'm sorry food is not so much this is a feast

oh no it's not so much but please eat anyway at me no choice astrology ah my

uncle is a shooting man that's inside that means fortune teller and when the

children in a family wants to get married we send them to uncle and he

will say is it okay or not Julie's here the horse what's the matter

the bush is good they're very smart strong minded but men don't like to

marry a woman that is this smart and a strong-minded but for man that is

strong-minded and it's a tiger or a dragon then it's okay

well you're him don't you know no he is a dragon

hi hi it's good I just came to apologize they're beautiful I'm sorry about the

other night it's okay you know I do love you I know

why don't we go and have some dinner and then go - not to me I'm tired tomorrow

we'll have a good time that's really sweet but let's do it another time


grammar uh-huh hi I am have a problem what I'm in a man so I think I'm

probably in love with him grab that do you love Chuck I thought I

did now you're not sure well I have been

with Tucson's high school right and he still acts like he's in high school do

you love him I don't know and the other man Johnny Johnny

do you love you well I know you're having second thoughts well this is not

the end of the world then you should break the engagement everyone will

understand actually it's not that simple

this is a problem especially considering how your father died she's nothing to me

she's from China Julie I don't care but that isn't going to make any difference

to Brad does he know no well my advice to you is not to let them find out and

another thing before this goes any further you'd

better make up your mind what you're going to do about Chuck



I had a really good time tonight nature

well it's late yeah I have to work tomorrow meet you

I better go make child become me I'm gonna find a hurry

he's got my Imola Junior - I'm golf all I do

go on

just a minute

are you doing fine fine sure yeah everything's fine what was that

music I heard just three new house Chuck okay I guess

so everything's fine are due to right same old same oh that's good

how are you ready oh well well warms my heart all over to see race relations

improving in our city what do you want it's a storm brewing in the streets I

thought you might be able to tell me where and when

how how much you're talking about huh you never do well miss what does your

family think of this little arrangement just leave her out of this and you tell

your cousin I've had it with the gang wars going on on my streets


hi jack has a god good chili be out in sec thanks it returning a lot of time

with a living yes sighs sweetie what are you doing here

what I thought they should lunch okay I'll be back in an hour

okay have fun

so what do you want to eat I'm not hungry


so Tron

chuckling to talk so time

what's this I need more time well the wedding's not for seven months isn't

that enough time I need time alone

now such don't you love me

all right who is it shunk please sit that guy to dance that yellow piece of

shit is that who's behind this it's a person not a color you bitch it's

not going to be a person much longer you tell your friend to come and watch Brad

take Terry apart tonight and for round two I'm going to kick his ass whatever

happens well this one isn't for sport here flush it down the toilet

huh huh you've been training pretty hard lately yep

harder than usual just trying to stay in shape I hear this big fight tonight

really I didn't hear anything about that don't lie to me so what do you want from

me why didn't you tell me you have to know everything oh I want you to call it

off what do you care I'm dating his sister

so all my life I've been pissed down by these assholes just because I mentioned

I get shit about Vietnam I can share about Japan you don't have to tell me

well tonight it's payback time please you can find hate everywhere but the

important thing is finding love love I'm in love with her well how am I going to

call the fight off how's it going to look to hell with them you're not the

one losing face okay tell him you want to fight the way they used to in

Thailand you mean with the broken glass on the hands are you nuts

look this way you'll be the ones backing down what if he doesn't he's not crazy

okay hi hi is anybody here no I talked to Brad and couldn't stop him taken care

of they're not going to find what did you do I talked to Terry and he listened

yeah oh thank god






I hope you made out your will I'm only going to do this one way yeah we fight

thai-style with broken glass let's do it


so how'd you convince peering at the site in the old days in Thailand

fighters used to fight with the class on their fists

I don't Terry to tell your brother that the only way he'd fight that way Brad

went back down quietly he'll do it come on

no I'm telling you she's been Shane Jameer cheese I'm going with you


I kind of want to fight you Brad

you're going on funeral yep I don't think that's such a good idea

I really don't care what you think anymore would you tell me how you could

leave Chuck for that gook because I love him and I'll marry him you'll marry that

guy over my dead body

don't you think you've got enough 12 he killed his cousin look I didn't mean to

kill him crazy one who came up with the idea but I can't say my heart's pumping

fifth water because there's one less hope in the world I'm leaving you're not

scaring me to funeral Brad you are not my keeper you don't tell me what to do

I'm late I'll see you there can't seem to understand Julie I need business

about this you may have another funeral to attend tomorrow

I'm sorry I didn't know it's okay my share talks

what are you doing here we just come to pay our respects please just leave came

for her let's go Julie you're not staying here

you're coming home now come on come on walkie I'm here let's go come on come on

let's go God take this in a bureau Julie what you doing here Julie

come on let's go

you don't belong here

right what I don't belong here were you

meaning okay

that's not true Johnny I don't love you chewy please I'm just using you to make

Chuck jealous of engagement I don't believe it how do you tell me Chuck wait

for me I'm coming

dr. detective I thought you might like to know we arrested Brad Marshall when

yesterday and how long did you keep him I don't know no you don't know this

morning he showed up at Terry's funeral we made bail so what good is it to is

this your example of trusting the system he'll go to trial

I didn't Ovation look I'm doing don't care just leave me alone


you want to talk about this no why don't you call him what for because you love

him I hate him the opposite of love is not hate over the boys ever be let me I

couldn't care less then it wouldn't mind if I took this go ahead

excuse me for saying so but there is one thing consistent with local cultures a

book when it comes to women men are stupid

I certainly baffle me are you afraid to work just for those receipts Marshall

I don't know if you have any idea how difficult you get out of China or to

learn a new language to skip through med school

but I spent my whole life assisting then why did you give up jewelry so easily

I don't love her hogwash

this has been taped to her mirrors since the first night you met

five six seven zero one two three four five three one two three one three one

three double here oh my god why did you come here because I love you and I can't

live without you

you can't period I don't wanna fight you Brad I don't think you have a choice

Brad stay out of this please

come on come on yeah come on so I need you to that come on

I dream for that right now

that's enough bread

get up get up let it go come on all right I drink one more just but you

got bread

come out right now

come on get up come on my sister again and I'll kill you

stay down

call an ambulance the first-aid kid

good pressure here


For more infomation >> Action & Adventure Western Movie RING OF FIRE Don 'The Dragon' Wilson - Duration: 1:32:59.


awake (verb) - Duration: 1:12.

awake (verb) (formal)

Verb Forms






1 [intransitive, transitive] to wake up; to make somebody wake up

awake (somebody) (from/to something)

I awoke from a deep sleep.

The girls awoke to the sound of rain rattling on the windows.

awake to do something

He awoke to find her gone.

awake somebody

Her voice awoke the sleeping child.

2 [intransitive, transitive] awake (something)

if an emotion awakes or something awakes an emotion, you start to feel that emotion

His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities.

Extra examples

He awoke suddenly in a cold sweat.

I awoke from a deep sleep at six o'clock.

She awoke early the next morning.

For more infomation >> awake (verb) - Duration: 1:12.


awake (adjective) - Duration: 1:07.

awake (adjective)

[not before noun] not asleep (especially immediately before or after sleeping)

to be half/fully awake

to be wide awake (= fully awake)

I was still awake when he came to bed.

The noise was keeping everyone awake.

I was finding it hard to stay awake.

He lies awake at night worrying about his job.

She was awake (= not unconscious) during the operation on her leg.

Extra examples

At night he lay awake beside her.

By now, the baby was wide awake.

Claudia came awake slowly.

He was struggling to stay awake.

It was very early and I was only half awake.

Stephen jerked awake from a nightmare.

The children were still awake when we went out.

The noise had kept her awake.

For more infomation >> awake (adjective) - Duration: 1:07.


Men Have BOTH Feminine & Masculine IN THEM - Duration: 4:56.

I dated a psychologist once and, man, you couldn't get away with shit

cause she was super analytical and feminine...

What are some feminine qualities? Now you have both in you guys feminine is once

you understand what feminine is you realize you of both, women tend to

identify, not always, but most of the time, identify more with the feminine men tend

to identify more than masculine. Think about it, in a primitive time in a tribe

what it was the feminine's job? They would be able to tell the difference in the

subtlest cry of their baby and that would tell them a lot about: is that

baby healthy? Is he scared? Is he just nervous? Is something wrong? If you

came home, let's say you're out working the fields, or you were out building

something, you came home she could feel the subtlest difference in your tones in

the way you spoke in the way your being and somebody else was in the tribe the

same thing why because she's constantly adjusting and nurturing emotions healing

of our emotional state you guys ever noticed that and they're constantly

challenging our emotional state too, and calling us out and waking us up more

that's testing so that's all part of the feminine. We got anything else? Flow? Yeah

Flow. They.. Like I said earlier that the masculine identifies with

watching, the feminine identifies with movements and expression, dance, flow

things like that it's a more fluid energy another one I

want to see if anybody gets it... Lets see.. Intuition, yeah, feminine has a lot to do

with intuition why because they can see and feel so much subtle stuff and that's

powerful they can feel all the subtlest emotions

you ever notice I'm how the littlest thing the really feminine woman can pick

up on the littlest change in emotion like a barometer if you raise your hand

if you've experienced that. And they call you out fast on it don't they?

you know I dated a psychologist once, a really feminine psychologist, man you

couldn't get away with shit, cause she was super analytical and feminine and she's

like something's off in your voice today what is that what is that let's talk

about that and it would drive me nuts because she never stopped you know so

I get a mix of the two. Inspiration, the feminine is really inspiring

yes for you and for other feminine for people the feminine energy in general is

an inspiring energy the more you start to be able to understand the two

energies and start be able to dance and the one that you prefer the more you'll

draw the opposite there are some guys out there they're more naturally

feminine and they prefer a masculine woman if they like women look at Bill

and Hillary who's more masculine who's more feminine Bill and Hillary Clinton

okay so he's really fluid and flowing and and some guys are a mix like they

call them and dandy they're real if they're very good seducers because

they're very masculine very solid but then they have these feminine qualities

they put on top of it and it creates this weird dichotomy and it becomes

super attractive yeah Prince is a great example um David Bowie yeah David Bowie

would have qualified you mixes the two, too and so it's the expression so picture

these two it's kind of a beautiful flow and together they create this nice

dichotomy a river and a river bank right right the water is constantly moving and

flowing and you might say that the river bank guides the water because what

masculine does but at the same time the river over time shapes the river bank

that's testing pushing pushing on all the parts that are that aren't quite working

and reshapes the river until they're long-term and together you're a team

most guys fight that process with women and that's why they have trouble in

relationships that's why I have trouble long term you know they think because

they're supposed to be the leader they're supposed to dominate and maybe

that's fun in the bedroom from time to time but dominating 24 hours a day is

tiring it's not about dominating it's about

dancing together it's about flowing together well basically when you start

to embody all this when you start to drop into it all you

stop needing all the techniques, cause you start to see it all happening in front

of you it's not a concept it's something you can actually feel you feel your

masculine polarizing the feminine.

For more infomation >> Men Have BOTH Feminine & Masculine IN THEM - Duration: 4:56.


ทำให้ YouTube ปลอดภัยสำหรับลูกคุณ - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> ทำให้ YouTube ปลอดภัยสำหรับลูกคุณ - Duration: 6:38.


Dos 0 aos 6 meses: Dicas essenciais para a ligação entre o pai e o bebé - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> Dos 0 aos 6 meses: Dicas essenciais para a ligação entre o pai e o bebé - Duration: 9:15.


awake to (phrasal verb) - Duration: 0:23.

awake to (phrasal verb)

awake to something

to become aware of something and its possible effects or results

It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation.

compare wake

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