Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

Now talk, where's the girl?

Somebody took her.

The most important thing is discretion.

Help me!


Watch out, it's a trap!

Oh shit.



How are you doing?

- Did I snore? - Like a pig.

Okay, no need to be hurtful.

We looked everywhere for you, that's exhausting.

You're the guys my father sent to rescue me?

No, we are the vets for the giraffes.

Of course, we are!

The unit 411 in the flesh.

And right now, you think you're rescuing me?

Wait a second, Mrs. Maron, don't take that tone.

It's Miss Maron!

- Really? - Yes.

Good to know.

Don't get offended if I don't try anything.

My heart is already taken.

I'm in this crazy relationship with one of my colleagues.

- Her name is Bullock. - Great.

And what are you planning to do?

We're thinking.

Yeah, that's right, we're thinking.

So don't panic.

In this kind of situation, if we panic we do stupid things!


Wait a minute, Mich!

I hear a "bip bip".

Yes, it's my chair!

Of course not, think for five minutes!

Fuck, it's her chair Mich!

- Now I'm panicking! - A bomb!

- Calm down! - Oh shit!

Calm down!

It will start only if I get off the chair.

- Shit! - It's all good.

I seriously freaked out!

No, it's not all good!

You will save me and take the bomb from under my ass!

You have to relax!

It won't explode unless you stand up, so don't freak out.

If we panic, we do stupid things.


No need to panic.

Do you have a cross-head screw?

What a good idea!

Yeah, so we can take out the battery!

Of course!


I'm so screwed.

At last, we're all gathered here!

You may sit.

I can't help it.


I said: "Hello".

Can someone please answer me?


It wasn't so hard, was it?

Why do I have to repeat myself?

Why no one respect me?

Shit, what should I do to be taken seriously?

It's because I'm pretty, right?

I'm cute?

I have nice hair?

My eyes?

My lips?

My nails?

When I was kid,

we had a rabbit.

And my Mom,

she always preferred the rabbit.

That's tough.

I suck.

I'm insignificant.

No, don't say that.


Each time I try to call you,

you and your Captain don't give a crap about me.

So it was you?

Don't take it personally, sir.

You shouldn't call when we are busy.

I tried and I tried to call you, but every time...

You were always after the Babe, "the baddest man in the city".

So I thought to myself,

if I kidnapped his hostage,

I would arouse your interest,

and thus I would become

the baddest man in the world!

The baddest man in the world?

The baddest man in the world!

The baddest man in the world!

- What a moron! - You're so stupid!

- Sorry. - Wait a minute!

This is why you kidnapped me?

To become the baddest man in the world?

- It's lame. - So stupid.

That sucks.

I'm sorry to say it,

but it's crap.

It' a very ill thought plan.

And to be the baddest man in the world, you have to be American.

Or maybe Russian.

Shut the fuck up!

I'm a real villain!

I have henchmen!

I have a hostage ready to blow up!

And most importantly, my secret weapon,

I have a colossus!

Yeah, for the bomb, that was well played.

- But for the colossus... - What about him?

In truth, you had a colossus.


You killed Gontrand?

Probably, yes.

Come on, guards, get rid of them!

Hurry up, chop chop!

No, no!

Where are they taking her?

Do something, don't let them take me!

We're on it!

And for you,

I've prepared a big surprise.

You're finally gonna learn to respect me!


You've never learned how to fucking knock?

I'm sorry, Boss.

That's unbelievable!

Sorry but there's a man on the phone who keeps yelling and who's angry.

He says that this is unacceptable and he is not gonna give up!

Apparently, one of our men took his car.

So I thought I should tell the Boss.

So I came to see you because...

Boss, are you listening?

I don't think you're listening, that ain't very nice.

Well don't worry, I'll handle this.

I will investigate.

Everyone think I'm a doofus, but I'll find this car.

And you'll be proud of me, Boss!


And here, what do you see?

A butterfly.

Yeah, me too.

And what's that?

It looks like a crab.


A tree!

No, a lobster with a ballerina up its ass.

Let me see.

It's a tree.


Hey, Genius, you've never learned how to knock?

You don't even have a door.

And so what?

Figure something out.

You're serious?

Go on and knock!

- Come in. - Hi.

Do you know anything about a Mustang?

Because its owner wants it back.

So he said, his words, not mine,

that one of our guy requisitioned it to arrest a suspect.

What do I do with that?

No, doesn't ring a bell.

But it looks like Rodriguez and Pinchon's work.

Do you have any news from them?


But don't worry about them.

The only bad thing that could happen to Rodriguez and Pinchon,

that's to be Rodriguez and Pinchon.

Yes, that's a lobster with ballerina up its ass.

Alright, wankers!

I present to you my army.

These two douchebags are with me.

And those three?

They're the rest of the army.

That's it?

Five guys don't make an army.

- Sorry, but... - That's no army.

That's a regiment.

Not even a regiment, it's a company.

A tiny company.

An itsy-bitsy regiment.

No, it's just a boyband.

Will you shut up!

Let's play a game.

You're gonna kill each other.


I said you're gonna kill each other!

Once again, it's a lame plan!

- I won't kill Fabrice. - Yes, you will.

You'll kill Fabrice and you'll kill...

- What's your name? - Michel.

- Mich. - Yeah, a stupid name.

You kich Mill... You kill...

Well, you get it!

And if we refuse?

If you refuse?

I will kill the big ugly anorexic cow!

That's not cool!

"Not cool", I like that.

I'm a villain who is not funny and not cool!

And I can assure you that to the one who'll survive

I will do something very "not cool", okay?

Mich, it looks like this is it.

We must part ways.

Go on and save her.

Kill me.

No, you kill me.

I can't kill you.

You're young and handsome.

You're in the best years of your life.

But me, I'm old.

Almost ill.

Don't say that!

You're in such a good shape for your age!

You've got everything!

You've got your kids, your wife...

She's so damn hot, you know!

Such a body, I don't know how you did it.

Come on, hit me to death!

I can't Fabrice, I love you, I love you!

And I love you too!

- Excuse me... - Hey, we're talking!

I love you too, you're my dragon.

You're my partner and my best friend, I can't hurt you.

I can't kill you!

Are you done?

Can you make a decision, please?

It's easier said than done, okay?

Hey, lovebirds, who fucks who...

I mean who kills who?

Nobody is gonna kill anyone!



I'm gonna count to three.


He's bluffing.


Okay, you win!

We will kill each other.

It makes me sick!

Hit me really hard, just here.

I won't feel a thing, it'll be quick.

Like a cow.

You're pathetic!

You, the ugly sow,

you'll meet the angels, at least they are beautiful.


What's that ruckus?

Nobody steals my hostage!


Now let's fuck this shit up!

For more infomation >> Real Cops, la web-série - Épisode 6 - Two Cops One Girl - Duration: 11:53.





Pink Matte Lips Makeup Tutorial Różowe Matowe Usta The Beauty Runway by Aga Wilk - Duration: 2:12.

Hi! It's Aga Wilk.

Welcome to my channel called „The Beauty Runway".

In today's tutorial I'm going to show you step-by-step how to achieve a matte lip effect in electric pink.

Before I start, I have to carefully prep the lips.

Moisturized lips are essential. I decided to use 8 Hour Cream by Elizabeth Arden on them.

When my model's lips are perfectly moisturized

I neutralize their natural color by applying a foundation on top, the one I used on a face.

The next step is to use a favorite lip pencil to line the lips.

If something goes wrong and you draw the line outside the lips don't worry. You can easily fix it using a cotton bud.

I use the same lip pencil to fill in the lips.

Then I apply the chosen lipstick to the lips.

You can apply it straight from the bullet or with a lip brush.

I blot the excess product

and I move to the last step of my make-up which is gradually tapping the pigment in the matching color into the lips with a brush.

To avoid fallout I hold the tissue underneath the lips with my left hand.

Thank you very much for watching.

If you want to be up-to-date please go to my Instagram and subscribe to my channel.

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Pink Matte Lips Makeup Tutorial Różowe Matowe Usta The Beauty Runway by Aga Wilk - Duration: 2:12.


Today in Military History: 7/2 - President Garfield is shot - Duration: 1:03.

Today in military history, 1881.

President Garfield, the 20th president,

and a civil war general, is mortally wounded

when he's shot, only four months into his administration.

His assailant, Charles Guiteau, was likely insane.

He spent weeks stalking the president,

believing he was fulfilling a mission from God,

to unite the Republican party.

And finally on the morning of July 2, 1881,

he shot the president at the Baltimore and Potomac

Train Station in Washington, D.C.

The president was treated quickly

and spent the next few days fighting for his life

while vice president Chester A. Arthur

served as acting president.

After 80 days, President Garfield finally died

of blood poisoning on September 19, 1881.

The following day, Arthur was inaugurated

as President of the United States.

Guiteau was found guilty of murder

and was sentenced to death.

He was hanged in June 1882.

You wanna know what happened yesterday in military history?

Click right here.

You wanna know what happens tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe. (dramatic music)

For more infomation >> Today in Military History: 7/2 - President Garfield is shot - Duration: 1:03.


Замедлитель из шприцев - опасно и ненадежно - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Замедлитель из шприцев - опасно и ненадежно - Duration: 5:26.


[ENG] LuHan Message for the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to Motherland - Duration: 0:12.

Hello everyone, I'm LuHan

My favourite place of Hong Kong is Victoria Harbour

because I used to see lots of photos and videos of it ...

Its really really beautiful, especially the night view,

so I really want to go there once

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan Message for the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to Motherland - Duration: 0:12.


Koenige & Priester - Du bist (ZDF-Fernsehgarten - 2017-07-02) - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Koenige & Priester - Du bist (ZDF-Fernsehgarten - 2017-07-02) - Duration: 4:05.


Reading Wrap Up | June 2017 Part 2 - Duration: 7:41.

Hi everyone, it's Lauren and this is the second part of my June reading wrap-up

so the book reviews for all of the books I've read in the second part of June. My

next video going up is going to be my favorite books in the first half of 2017

because we are now in July if you can actually believe it that we are that

far through the year! So keep an eye out for that, but firstly the most recent

few books that I have read start with Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey. This

is about an old woman called Maud who has Alzheimer's and she's trying to

solve a mystery that her friend Elizabeth is no longer at home and

people don't believe her when she's telling everybody that Elizabeth has gone

missing. But really it's more a story of Maud's sister Sukie who went missing in

her early 20s so Maud is jumping in her mind between modern-day memories and

a lot of jumble of what's going on in her everyday life and looking for

Elizabeth and then we get a much clearer picture where she's remembering back at

the time when Sukie disappeared and what happened then, so it's quite an

interesting mix of these two stories and these two parallels and so I thought it

was really well put together. I really enjoyed it, I thought it was very sad

experiencing what it must be like to be old, what it must be like to care for

someone who's old and how that affects the rest of Maud's family and then also

the embarrassment and the distress of not having your short-term memories and

then how disorientating that can be. So yeah, overall I really really

enjoyed it, it wasn't my favorite novel ever in the world, I think it would be really

good for a summer read. The next book I read I picked up because I have started

a little real life book club with my friends. Because I've moved jobs, I've got

some friends from the industry that I'm leaving that I'm not going to see every

day anymore, and then I also have several friends who read quite a lot but not as

much as me I suppose, and I have this outlet where I can talk about what I'm

reading and they don't, so I decided to bring everybody together a couple of

people said they wanted to do it and then I just got everyone I knew involved

I was like 'Right, you're all in my book club now, enjoy it! I'll tell you what to read!' But it's

also a nice excuse to meet up once a month and go to the pub as well I

thought! But the first book that I decided we would read on behalf of

everybody was The Vegetarian by Han Kang because it's quite short it, obviously

had had a loss of praise last year and I hadn't read it yet. On reflection I

don't know this was a great choice for a book club

or at least the first choice for this brand-new book club that I have because

it is a lot more difficult and a little bit more out there than I expected it to

be. So this is about a woman in Korea Yeong-Hye who one day wakes up from a

dream and decides that she's not eating meat anymore. However, we never hear from

Yeong-Hye's perspective, this book is in three parts the first part is from her

husband's perspective, then we get her brother-in-law's, then we get her sister's.

I did enjoy this book I enjoyed the first two parts, by the time we got to

her sister's portion I think I'd run out of steam with it or I didn't

like that section as much. What I did find really interesting is that

Yeong-Hye is rejecting societal norms and kind of humanity's animalistic

tendencies I suppose and she's retreating into something more

vegetative, and the imagery that came along with that I really enjoyed

however as it went on I think I just realized this book is going over my head

and there seemed to be a lot of layers in it, there seemed to be a lot that she was

trying to say, but I just didn't get it and I don't think there's any shame in

saying that, like by the end of the book I just thought 'oh I don't know, I don't

know really', and that could be to do with the way that I was reading it perhaps I

was just skimming through it and not really investing myself in the book and

but yeah, it was fine and also I went in thinking I was going to really love it

and it was just okay. I imagine it's probably quite a good book to study but

I didn't really get that much from it from the first read. The next book I read

I did really enjoy and that was The Descent of Man by Grayson Perry. So this

is a study on masculinity, what it means to be male both biologically and also as

part of society. I was really happy to read this because a lot of the writers

that I have read on gender studies have been women and masculinity is something

which I experience externally but I don't have that kind of internal

internalized view of it, it doesn't affect me in that way

so it was really great to hear from a male perspective about these issues

which are quite similar to things that I've read before, but it was great to

hear a different voice and an experience that I don't have myself. One of the

things he talked about in this book is the idea that the way that we're raising

boys is to be an old-fashioned version of men so

perhaps boys are raised to be quite stoic, to be self-sufficient, to not be

emotional and to face any confrontation with anger and violence and that's kind

of building somebody up to be the type of man which perhaps we don't need in a

modern society, especially with more balance to gender roles and fact that a

man doesn't have to defend his home turf from beasts, which can lead to some men

having pent up masculinity, as he refers to it, which needs to exert itself

over something and it can lash out in terms of violence or in terms of just

ego or like trying to prove that you're better than somebody else and it's very

interesting. He was looking at his own experiences and psychoanalyzing himself

as he grew up. I don't know that it was the easiest book to read, some of the

sentences were quite wordy, so I don't know how accessible this would be if

you're not used to reading about gender already, but just with that kind of minor

point I think this is a really interesting look at what it is to be a

man and gender in general. And finally I read The Blind Fisherman by Mia

Couto, who is a Mozambiquean author and I say read, I read about half of this

book and then I put it down but I thought I would still mention it because I

think there are elements in this book that other people would really enjoy, I

just found that it wasn't for me. This is a series of short stories or fables

really because the short stories are very, very short and I'm talking maybe

like between five and ten pages and individually I really liked them, there's

a lot of themes in there that are very interesting and it looks at kind

of post-colonial Mozambique, there's differences between societal classes and

like the Portuguese and there are a lot of fantastical characters in these

stories, I got a strong vibes of 100 Years of Solitude

However because each fable was so short I just felt like they were going over

my head and really like as I was reading through it, I felt like I couldn't get

into any of the characters, some of the characters were blurring into one and

perhaps that was the point of it is just lots and lots of snapshots but I got to

a point where I felt like I wasn't able to take it in anymore, especially because

some of the writing is quite abstract and I just felt like I wasn't paying

attention as a reader so I decided to put it down. But, I would definitely

recommend it if you're ooking for that kind of book, I mean one of the stories

for example was about two brothers who'd got

swept away by a river and then written off as dead by the village and then when

they came back five years later the village are going 'Oh no, you're dead

we've written you down as dead, so you know you can't live here anymore because

you're in the way' and then it gets to a point where the brothers are sort of

going 'Are we dead?? What's going on? Maybe we are dead, everyone's saying that

we are!' So it is quite interesting in that way and I liked these kind of

little abstract fairytales but in the end I just decided that I wasn't getting

enough from this collection as I probably should have, so thought I'd put

it aside for something else. So I would love to hear from you if you have read

any of these books especially if you have read The Vegetarian and have any

more thoughts on it, or if you've read The Blind Fishermen and think I should

have continued on with that I suppose? Any other recommendations of books that

you've read and you've really enjoyed in June, I would love to hear those as

well and I will see you in my next video, bye!

For more infomation >> Reading Wrap Up | June 2017 Part 2 - Duration: 7:41.


Huawei Mate 9 Lite VS Motorola Moto G5 Plus | Enfrentamiento | Review | Unboxing - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> Huawei Mate 9 Lite VS Motorola Moto G5 Plus | Enfrentamiento | Review | Unboxing - Duration: 11:04.


Lucian - Need U (ft. LIA) - Duration: 2:47.

Lucian - Need U (ft. LIA)

For more infomation >> Lucian - Need U (ft. LIA) - Duration: 2:47.


Amanda - Blau (ZDF-Fernsehgarten - 2017-07-02) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Amanda - Blau (ZDF-Fernsehgarten - 2017-07-02) - Duration: 3:58.


Essence of Murli 03-07-2017 - Duration: 7:17.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date is 3rd July 2017

( Lets hear in today's Murli what Sweet Sweet Baapdada the ocean of love is teaching us on subject of love )

Essence: Sweet children, do not have bodily love for any bodily beings. Have love for the one Father.

Practise becoming bodiless accurately.

( Because body is perishable bodily love diminishes. However soul and supreme soul is immortal so this bodiless love never diminishes )

Question:What is the duty of merciful children?

Answer: When anyone speaks of useless matters, don't listen to such useless matters, but tell the seniors for the benefit of that person.

This is the duty of merciful children. To help others finish their old habits is to be merciful.

Question: What title cannot be given to bodily beings, although it can be given to Father Brahma?

Answer: The title 'Shri' cannot be given to anyone because Shri means someone who is elevated and pure.

No bodily human being can be given this title, because everyone takes birth through vice.

Father Brahma is called Shri because this is his alokik birth.

Song: Take us away from this land of sin to a place of rest and comfort.

Essence for dharna: 1. The jewels that emerge from the Father's mouth are the jewels that should emerge from your mouth.

Don't speak about or listen to wasteful matters. Only the ointment of knowledge should be used.

2. Have true friendship with everyone. Be very sweet and cheerful as you give the Father's introduction.

Become the same as the Father and uplift even those who defame you.

Blessing: May you be a master bestower and, as a world benefactor, give the donation of peace to peaceless souls.

There is upheaval and fighting in the world.

At such a time of peacelessness, become master bestowers of peace and give peace to others.

Do not be afraid because you know that whatever is happening is good and whatever is to happen will be even better.

People who are influenced by the vices will continue to fight.

That is their duty, but you world benefactor souls have to be constant master bestowers of peace and continue to donate peace.

This is your service.

Slogan: Keep all your attainments in front of you and weaknesses will easily finish.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 03-07-2017 - Duration: 7:17.


$45k Tiny Cabin on 2 Acres in Vermont | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 3:00.

$45k Tiny Cabin on 2 Acres in Vermont

For more infomation >> $45k Tiny Cabin on 2 Acres in Vermont | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 3:00.


Du bist ein Krieger - Future | Dragon Ball Super Song - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Du bist ein Krieger - Future | Dragon Ball Super Song - Duration: 1:48.


FUN LEARN COLORS HELICOPTER SUPERHEROES w/ 3D Animation For Kids And Disney Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:19.

FUN LEARN COLORS HELICOPTER SUPERHEROES w/ 3D Animation For Kids And Disney Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> FUN LEARN COLORS HELICOPTER SUPERHEROES w/ 3D Animation For Kids And Disney Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:19.


Netflix Renews 'Dear White People' for Second Season - Duration: 1:06.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

Justin Simien's original Netflix series Dear White People, based on the acclaimed

film of the same name, has been confirmed for a second season.

The first 10 episodes navigate the realities of racial tension, white privilege, and social

injustices on a fictional Ivy league campus.

The show follows a group of young activists as they aim to deconstruct the different facets

of racism.

The producers approach everything from white people uttering the n-word while singing along

to certain tracks, to a black student unjustly staring down the barrel of a gun while being

racially profiled by campus police.

Logan Browning, who plays the show's protagonist Samantha White, told Complex back in February

that, "Sam is a bi-racial student at this Ivy League school, Winchester.

She is just sick and tired of the racial tensions and stereotypes on campus."

When referencing the original 2014 film that inspired the show, Complex writers said,

"If you had to make a list of movies that white people need to watch to understand the

plight of non-white people in Trump's America, 2014's Dear White People would be at the top

of that list."

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on Youtube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Netflix Renews 'Dear White People' for Second Season - Duration: 1:06.


ASTRONOMIA DE PERTO - Galáxia "Morta" e Galáxia "Viva" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> ASTRONOMIA DE PERTO - Galáxia "Morta" e Galáxia "Viva" - Duration: 2:54.


Hamstring Sets - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:29.

For a hamstring set, bring up your knee and

place your heel on the ground. You're going to push your heel directly down to

fire those hamstrings. So pushing down and hold and then relax.

For more infomation >> Hamstring Sets - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:29.


LINd-O - You Make Me Crazy (ZDF-Fernsehgarten - 2017-07-02) - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> LINd-O - You Make Me Crazy (ZDF-Fernsehgarten - 2017-07-02) - Duration: 3:54.




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