Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

Hi friends, So I just got back from the youtube creators

for change social impact camp in London, a trip that started with me...missing my flight.

I've always had this thing I call ~plane magic~ which is that to matter what, things

always work out for me in an airport.

No delays.

No lost luggage.

Get stuck in traffic and roll up to JFK 40 minutes before your flight departs?

Turns out there's no line at security and you can just stroll right to your seat in

a cool 7 minutes, just before they close the boarding doors.

Plane magic.

But what had happened was.

I got back from vidcon late at night, did my laundry, and packed, at which point it

was 2am.

I needed to be at the airport at 6.

Somehow, for whatever reason, I set my *alarm* for 6am.

To wake up.

And get ready, and summon a lyft for a ride during rush hour, to my international flight.

No more plane magic.

But they rebooked me for later that night, on the same flight as Evelyn.

I slept most of the trip to London in a fancy british plane where they give you champagne

and Indian food and legroom.

There was a car waiting for me at the airport.

Like holding a sign with my name on it waiting for me, and it's true...they actually drive

on the other side of the road *explosion sound*

I got to my hotel, and slept for 3 hours, and then later that night at drinks with the

other creators for change fellows, someone asked me my name and apologized, saying she

hadn't studied up on the website yet to be able to recognize everyone.

I said it's cool usually I'm easy to remember because i'm one of the only brown ones but

look at this:

And gestured to a room full of mostly people of color from absolutely all over, all making

good shit, all in this room.

Plane magic is over, but i've stumbled on a different kind of magic now.

We spent two days learning about using our platforms to make change, a little from the

friendly people at youtube, a little from the class of ambassadors they told us we were

on our way to becoming, a lot from each other--about 30 people from 11 countries, who cared about

them deeply.

And wanted to make them better, despite frequently being on the outsides of their systems of

politics and power.

I learned about producing, and budgets, and accountability, and in talking politics with

a Brit, a German, a Yemeni and two Indonesians that everything is this scary everywhere

This was comforting somehow?

Oh right.

Because Videos.

Between drinking champagne on a rooftop in London, and falling asleep in an indoor astroturf

garden, and having cartoons drawn of our faces, We worked on our video projects that are meant

to try and make the world a little kinder, and safer, and better.

I can't wait to see them and to share them with you.

I went back and forth from letting it all go to my head and feeling like i did not in

any way deserve to be there.

It's not often that trying to do small, good things, a little at a time gets recognized,

and validated with free youtube swag.

That's not what this is for, of course.

It's for doing the thing despite all of that.

It's for progress we might never live to see.

It's for not growing weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not

give up.

But it's nice to know that that people like the small, quiet thing that we make here together

and they see it's potential to make change.

It's nice to roll deep with people who are trying to do the same, singing on a double

decker bus in a giant ball of jetlag and joy.

Do not grow weary in doing good.

New friends help with that.

Foreign french fry sauces help with that.

Staying up til three am making plans helps with that.

So i'm excited about my impact project, and the creators for change community, and

to make this small quiet thing a bit louder.

More on that soon.

But for now, In the comments, tell me what kind of magic is in your life lately.

If you liked this video, you can subscribe, you can find me anywhere on the internet at

itsradishtime, check my twitter and instagram if you want to see more of what London was like, and I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> London, Sort Of. - Duration: 4:01.


TANK GRAVEYARD: Inside an Abandoned Tank! - Urbex Military Vehicles Lost Places Germany - Duration: 7:23.

Meanwhile it's the tenth and final day

of our big urbex road trip that we made in February.

After several explorations in Luxembourg, France and Belgium

we're finally back in Germany where we spent the night on a tank graveyard.

This former military training area is now a habitat for endangered flora and fauna.

Until some years ago soldiers learned here how to capture these steel monstrosities.

Today nature is retaking control of the abandoned tanks.

Far to the west of Germany there's this huge site of around 220 hectares.

Most of this area has been used as a military training ground of the German armed forces.

But today it's a nature reserve.

It was opened for the public and you can meet a lot of people out on a walk with their dogs here now.

"Practice track"

"It's only allowed to use this track for training purposes"

Tracks and indentations in the ground

are silent witnesses of the military drills that used to take place in the whole forest.

By now a lot of different animals have resettled here.

"Do not enter when the red flag is hoisted"

The whole area was part of Adolf Hitler's Siegfried Line

which was built between 1936 and 1940.

It was a huge defensive system

featuring more than 18.000 tunnels, bunkers and tank traps.

After the war most of these constructions were demolished

but you can still find some remnants from that period

overgrown and covered in moss.

However, these tanks don't have any exciting history.

They weren't used in the war at all.

These colossuses were targets for the German Bundeswehr used in exercises.

We found five tanks in total distributed all over the area.

We're no tank experts

but it seems like three of them were so-called Kampfpanzer of the type M 47 Patton.

One right at the trail

one in the woods

and one is completely overgrown.

Another one is a M 41 Walker Bulldog that seems to sink in the pond.

Last but not least there's a Schützenpanzer Lang HS.30 right next to a wall.

To be honest: These war machines form a disturbing contrast to the surrounding peaceful nature.

Tanks like these always brought devastation.

But these tanks in particular don't appear very terrifying any more.

They're home for plants and animals now.

and it's amazing to see what can grow from something so bad.

Thanks for watching the final episode of our most epic urbex road trip yet!

During ten days of traveling we had many thrilling adventures

explored awesome abandoned places in different countries

and even made friends with new people.

All in all it was an intense experience that we wouldn't miss for the world.

Thanks to all the new subscribers that we gained over the last few months

and thanks to all the viewers who have been watching our videos since the beginning.

We really appreciate your support!

We have only come this far because of you guys.

Right now we're planning some projects for which you should get ready.

This stuff will be amazing!

And don't forget

The next adventure is just right around the corner!

We're taking a summer break now which means that there won't be regular content in the next few months.

However, we're planning to release at least some episodes in that time, so you should stay tuned for that.

In the meantime check out some other videos on our channel.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> TANK GRAVEYARD: Inside an Abandoned Tank! - Urbex Military Vehicles Lost Places Germany - Duration: 7:23.


Cadbury Dairy Milk All New Alien TV Ads Collection 2017 - Duration: 3:03.

Cadbury Dairy Milk All New Alien TV Ads Collection

Cadbury Dairy Milk All New Alien TV Ads Collection

Cadbury Dairy Milk All New Alien TV Ads Collection

For more infomation >> Cadbury Dairy Milk All New Alien TV Ads Collection 2017 - Duration: 3:03.


Ares Project Addon de Kodi - Duration: 19:38.

For more infomation >> Ares Project Addon de Kodi - Duration: 19:38.


Filth / Pislik (2013) Türkçe Altyazılı Red Band Fragman #1 - James McAvoy, Jamie Bell - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Filth / Pislik (2013) Türkçe Altyazılı Red Band Fragman #1 - James McAvoy, Jamie Bell - Duration: 2:03.


Timeline - Ace Attorney - Part 2 (2012-2016) - Duration: 26:34.

Hi everyone, this is TGF and welcome back for another episode of Timeline.

Yes, it's been a few months but anyway, we can get back to solid values.

So, Timeline is a show about video games timelines.

In the last episode, we began with the Ace Attorney series from 1992 to 2011.

As for now, we'll cover from 2012 to late 2016 !

As usual, there will be spoilers for the whole series, Spirit of Justice included.

So let's go: Timeline is back.

Intro theme: Mr. Reus (Mr Menyou) ~ The Masked Magician

First of all, we begin in 2012.

On that year, Machi Tobaye & Jinxie Temna were born

and at the record age of 13, Franziska von Karma became prosecutor in Germany.

Then on the 8th September 2012, the second incident of the KG-8 case happened.

What was KG-8? It was the case that initiated the Yatagarasu,

the murder of the Armano group's secretary, CeCe Yew.

We covered it in the last video.

This second KG-8 incident is linked to the first one as it is linked to the same smuggling ring.

This is a member of the Cohdopian Embassy, Deid Mann.

He wanted to reveal the embassy's role in this smuggling ring.

However, someone hired a killer named Mack Rell to kill him.

He was caught via the surveillance video and was accused of the murder.

Calisto Yew, a lawyer, comes to defend him in the courtroom and Mack Rell uses the trial

to announce that his backer was in fact the Yatagarasu.

And he accuses the prosecutor, Byrne Faraday, of being that thief.

Thus, the judge is forced to stop the trial

and to ask for a replacement prosecutor.

Manfred von Karma could have done this, having more than 30 years of successful prosecution up his sleeve

but he gives the case to his disciple, Miles Edgeworth, that he raised after the death of the latter's father.

He arrives in the courtroom where the trial should resume

but Dick Gumshoe, new detective since a month, arrives, panicked.

He then says that the prosecutor and the defendant were found dead.

The investigation begins and accompagnied by Manfred's daughter, Franziska, who was in holidays,

Miles Edgeworth begins to investigate the two deaths.

Everything is based on evidence that the Yatagarasu could recover and give to the police,

namely a key that was used in the Codohpia embassy. A key that was also a knife.

The Yatagarasu was the only one who was aware of it, and since Byrne Faraday couldn't have known,

the Yatagarasu had to be the killer and was also hiding his identity.

It subsequently appears that the Yatagarasu is, in fact, Calisto Yew !

She used the key to effectively kill Faraday, then murdered Rell with a gun with a silencer.

When Miles backs her into a corner, she confesses of being the Yatagarasu and killing Deid Mann.

We realize that Calisto Yew wasn't her real name and that

the Yatagarasu is a part of the smuggling ring,

under the wild-eyed other detective of this case,

who's also in charge of the Yatagarasu case, Tyrell Badd.

After those revelations, Calisto Yew takes her gun and tries to shoot the young prosecutor.

Thanks to Kay Faraday's -Byrne's daughter and until now under young Gumshoe's supervision- in extremis intervention,

Miles succeeds to evade the shooting, and Yew leaves.

At the end of the case, Gumshoe says to Edgeworth that he'll always be by his side

and that's how the long friendship between the detective and the prosecutor begins.

However, with every intel given in this trial,

internal disagreements cause the principality of Cohdopia to split up in two distinct countries:

The Kingdom of Allebahst and the Republic of Babahl.

The Codohpia embassy in Japan is seperated in two in order to represent the two countries

with a neutral ground, the Theatrum Neutralis.

In 2013, a young Apollo Justice comes back to the U.S.

because Dhurke Sandmandhi's affairs in Khura'in became complicated.

He had actually understand that his wife, the previous queen of Khura'in, Amara Signatar Khura'in,

was indeed alive, and he wanted to avoid difficult moments to his adoptive son.

However, Dhurke promised to his adoptive son to come back in order to retrieve him one day.

A few months later, he freed his wife from her captivity and during her liberty, she gave birth to a child.

Let's come back to a case we already treated in the previous video,

the Dahlia Hawthorne abduction case.

On 14 February 2013, Terry Fawles, condemned to death for the "death" of that young girl,

escapes during a carceral haulage.

He just stole a car from a couple and asks Valerie Hawthorne by phone to tell her the truth

about what happened and to give her a rendezvous.

The rendezvous takes place on the Dusky Bridge, the same bridge of the abduction, 6 years before.

After the rendezvous, Terry Fawles is caught on the Bridge,

with, in the stolen car's trunk, Valerie Hawthorne's lifeless body.

He was thus accused of the murder of the late's sister.

The one person who defended the defendant was Mia Fey, a young beginner attorney.

The prosecutor is the already known Miles Edgeworth, as that is his first real trial.

Another attorney helps the young recruit, his name is Diego Armandon

an skilled lawyer from the Grossberg Law Offices.

Terry Fawles was accused because of a witness, a student in literature

passing by, named Melissa Foster.

It progressively appears that the real identity of this student

is actually Dahlia Hawthorne.

She indeed succeeded to survive because her sister gave her a new identity.

And also because she wanted to keep the 2 million $ diamond for herself, by manipulating Valerie and Terry.

Feeling betrayed in his love, Terry Fawles commits the irredeemable act:

He drinks the contents of a vial that was on the necklace he was wearing. He kills himself with poison.

Mia Fey, Miles Edgeworth and Diego Armando were affected by that case.

Mia Fey & Diego Armando, shocked, focus themselves on that case,

and Armando tries to force Dahlia Hawthorne to explain herself in the court's refectory.

They take a coffee, then suddenly Armando collapses.

Panicking, Dahlia Hawthorne meets a young student of the law,

who obviously is our Phoenix Wright.

She gives this young man a pendant which, ironically,

is the same that Terry Fawles had.

Dahlia was body-searched but nobody could find the poison vial

that Armando had drunk, making him falling into a coma for several years.

It should be noted that between 2014 & 2014, the initial trial system was set up.

It's supposed to help solving cases faster.

It is "inquisitive", so the judge is the only one who judges the case

and the investigations and trials come one after another for 3 days maximum.

So we're in 2014 and the case we'll talk about is still linked to the previous one.

Following Diego Armando's poisoning, Dahlia Hawthorne was kept under surveillance.

What's worst is that she had given the poisoned vial to a stranger, Phoenix Wright.

She then tried multiple times to retrieve that gift via dates with the young man.

On 9th April 2014, Phoenix Wright was accosted by Doug Swallow, who was studying pharmacy.

He told him to be careful around that woman as she wasn't who she said she was.

Phoenix, angry, pushed the young student and left.

Some time after that, Doug Swallow's lifeless body is discovered and Phoenix is accused of murdering him.

Mia, hearing that Dahlia Hawthorne is linked to the case, presents herself at the trial

to see again Hawthorne and defend young Feenie.

During this trial, it appears that Dahlia used the altercation to her advantage.

It caused a blackout in the pharmacology buildings,

which helped having witnesses of Doug's death.

She pushes again Doug toward the electric cable, which electrocuted him.

She then plays the tearful girl who just stumbled upon the corpse.

She had planned to kill Phoenix with her drugs, but in the end

she used those drugs to cast some suspicion on Wright.

Dahlia eventually accepts her verdict but tells Mia she's not done with her, and then she's condemned to death.

In the meanwhile, a serial killer roams... but he will turn himself in in 2015.

Meanwhile, Blaise Debeste, the Chairman of the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee,

hire Patricia Roland, who was acquitted a few years ago of a crime,

as prison director.

There's also the capture of the serial killer Sirhan Dogen,

who, by Edgeworth's prosecution, is sentenced to life imprisonment and is in solitary confinement.

Let's talk about some events that happens in 2015. First subject: Magic.

The Troupe Gramarye gives a performance with Mr. Reus, who isn't part of the Troupe.

However, the latter is hurt and Magnifi Gramarye, the patriarch,

decides to personally exclude Mr Reus from the show.

The second big event is linked to the last victim of the SL-9 case.

A bit earlier, I was talking about a serial killer. His name is Joe Darke.

He killed several people linked to a road accident.

He was arrested, then Neil Marshall, prosecutor, interrogated him.

No one knows how, but Joe Darke succeeds to escape from the interrogation.

On a stormy night, he kills Neil Marshall.

Joe Darke is immediately arrested and condemned to death sentence.

We're now in year 2016. The year that marked the beginning of our favorite attorney's adventures.

But before talking about these adventures, we have to adress tragic moments.

First of all, due to an error in a magic trick, Thalassa Gramarye disappears and dies.

Troupe Gramarye then begins to be full of disagreements among its members.

On 2nd May 2016, in Dr Grey's clinic,

a wrong dosage of drugs provokes 14 deaths of patients.

The nurse, Mimi Miney, is accused of that error and on 24 May,

on antidepressant drugs, Mimi falls asleep on her car's wheel.

Her sister is also in the car. Ini survives, but not Mimi.

Let's now talk about Phoenix's first turnabout.

The crime happened on 31 July 2016, where a newspaper seller, who's also a thief,

comes in top model Cindy Stone's flat to steal goods.

However, the top model comes back too early, and unfortunately,

that newspaper seller fatally hits Cindy Stone.

In haste, the thief asks himself who to blame,

and he recalls that Stone's boyfriend went to see her earlier. His name is Larry Butz.

Phoenix happens to defend his childhood friend and is accompagnied by Mia Fey who leads the Fey & Co. Law Offices.

Phoenix Wright's first great trial happens on 3 August 2016.

It soon appears that Larry doesn't have anything to do with that murder

and that the newspaper seller, Frank Sawhit, not only saw the murder but commited it.

He's then condemned and Larry is found innocent.

Larry, happy to be proven not guilty, gives a Thinker statue, the same model than the murder weapon,

to Mia Fey, as a prepayment. The latter proposes a meal with Larry & Phoenix

for the young lawyer to explain why he wanted to defend Larry.

Unfortunately, the meal would never happen...

Now, let's talk about Redd White. If you remember well,

Redd White is the chief of Bluecorp, an information-gathering company.

He ruined Misty Fey's life, who had to disappear.

Mia Fey studied in the city for one reason: provoke Redd White's fall.

She wanted to put an end to his schemes and to the threats

he had on numerous powerful people.

One of the future trials is related to this man and to hide the proofs,

Mia uses the Thinker statue that Larry gave her.

She called her sister, Maya, saying that she had to keep that proof

and that she was going to get burgers in the evening.

5 September 2016, last evening for Mia Fey.

The call had been registered by White's secretary, April May.

White arrives in Mia's office and retrieves the files using force.

The corpse is discovered a little later by the victim's sister, Maya Fey.

She's prostrated in a corner when Wright arrives to see the death of his mentor.

A witness screams, saying that Maya Fey killed her sister.

The police is soon there, with Gumshoe in lead, and Maya is arrested.

The investigation begins and it easily appears that Maya places little trust in Phoenix.

Mia had after all said to her that Phoenix had not enough experience to defend her.

However, nobody wanted to defend her, not even Marvin Grossberg,

chief of the office where Mia had begun before opening her own office.

Thus, Phoenix decides to defend the frail Maya.

It is revealed that Maya is a spiritual medium and she can invoke spirits.

At the following trial, April May's wiretapping implies

that Redd White could be involved in some way.

Phoenix eventually understand White's means of threats

and instead of using proofs to demonstrate White's involvement,

he comes directly to his office. There, White laughs at his face, hits him, and tells him

that he, White, will be a witness to the trial of the true murderer, Phoenix Wright.

Phoenix replaces Maya in the dock and Edgeworth is the prosecutor of the case.

Everything hoards against Phoenix because White was able to harden his testimony.

And even Phoenix could find inconsistencies, it would not be sufficient

as White had said that he planted the microphone before the murder.

Phoenix couldn't do anything.

However, Maya, desperate, manages to invoke Mia's spirit,

which gives her the necessary datas in order to prove White was certainly present on the day of the murder.

Mia's spirit, through Maya's body, threatens to deliver to the press a list of the people that White blackmailed.

That threat is enough to make White confess.

Later in the evening, Maya joins Phoenix,

and under Mia's blessing, Wright & Co. Law Offices are born.

One month later, another case shakes the world of Ace Attorney.

It is linked to the world of samurai.

The co-star of the show "The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo", Jack Hammer, just died,

pierced by the lance of the Steel Samurai, by the other co-star, Will Powers.

Maya, being a great fan of that show, wants to defend this star and Phoenix finds himself almost forced to accept.

In the first investigation, two things are clear: Will Powers has an incapacitating injury,

and a pic was taken by one of the surveillance cameras of the building, showing the Steel Samurai.

During the trial, it appears that several people knew for Powers' injury,

notably the person who saw the Steel Samurai going through that door,

the security person, Wendy Oldbag.

Phoenix accuses her, but she says there were other people in the studio, producers

including Dee Vasquez and a witness, a young boy, Cody Hackins.

During the second trial, Cody confesses that

the Steel Samurai had lost the battle after entering Studio 2.

The investigation proved that the Samurai was going toward the other studio, where the producers were located.

Dee Vasquez was actually blackmailing Jack Hammer for an accident that had happened 5 years before.

And once again, instead of waiting for the trial, Phoenix comes to see Dee Vasquez

who was going to wipe him away with the mafia's help, but Gumshoe saves him at the last moment.

At the trial, after an explanation concerning Jack Hammer's mean of retrieving the costume

to fake Powers' injury as the Steel Samurai,

Phoenix proves that in Studio 2, near the cabin, one of the gate's peaks had been twistedn

under the weight of a corpse. He understands that the same method could have provoked Hammer's death.

Vasquez has a good defense to the extent of being impossible to refute

but thanks to Edgeworth's unexpected help, Vasquez confesses that she killed Hammer by accident

as the latter wanted to murder her as he was fed up with his situation.

She pushes him by accident.

She then disguised the crime scene to accuse Powers thanks to Sal Monello, the producer.

Thus the Steel Samurai's story is ended, but Monello's imagination knows no boundaries

and a few time after these events, "The Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo" premieres on TV.

Nothing significant happens until Christmas, or rather Christmas Eve.

Two people are on a boat.

A shot resounds. One person falls in the water, and we see Miles Edgeworth, a gun in his hand.

You probably already understood that this case has several ties to the DL-6 case.

A picture was taken by a photographer named Lotta Hart,

who proves there were two people, one of whom was a shooter.

The victim is revealed to be Robert Hammond.

That should ring a bell as he is the previous lawyer of Yanni Yogi in the DL-6 case.

After it is proven that the case is linked to DL-6, Edgeworth decides to finally accept

to be defended by Phoenix, but warns him that this case's prosecutor is his mentor,

the unvainquished prosecutor, 40 years of career, no defeat, Manfred von Karma.

At the trial, Manfred von Karma honors his reputation,

hiding many facts to Phoenix in order to unsettle him.

However, he manages to prove that the shooter's fingerprints aren't consistent

with Miles' fingerprints on the murder weapon.

He also proves that it isn't a suicide, and that Edgeworth couldn't have fired the shot.

In the second investigation, Phoenix notices that a witness was missing, the landlord of the boat rental shop.

He doesn't have a name, and he had Polly, a parot, as sole companion.

Polly is very strange especially when it says "don't forget DL-6"

when Maya asks it if they had forgotten something.

At the second trial, von Karma declares that the landlord's testimony doesn't matter.

As Phoenix is close to giving up, Larry Butz turns up to save his childhood friend.

He says he was at the lake that night and he heard a shot a little before midnight

when the shot recorded by the camera was fired at about 00:10.

Which proves that two shots were fired, which is confirmed

by a second pic of the lake taken by Lotta Hart, showing an empty lake.

Which confirms that the victim was killed long before that time

and that the killer had disguised themselves in victim to fool Edgeworth.

And that the person in question couldn't be anyone else than the boat renter, who was nowhere to be found.

After the trial, Edgeworth confirms that Hammond was indeed the one who had invited him to the lake

and that everything had happened as Phoenix had described.

They both were on the boat and after shooting, the person next to him fell in the water.

He also says that nightmares keep haunting him.

During that last investigation, Phoenix & Maya, while looking at the rental shop,

find a letter with instructions on what to do to perpetrate the perfect murder,

for a revenge against the Edgeworth family and Robert Hammond.

After talking with Marvin Grossberg, it appears that von Karma

had reasons to have a grudge against the Edgeworth family.

In fact, Gregory had imposed on Manfred his first and unique penalty.

Grossberg also recalls that after that trial, he took the one and only pause of his career.

And INSTEAD of waiting for a trial after receiving the intel on the DL-6 case,

he meets von Karma in the Records Room and the latter

uses a taser to force Phoenix & Maya to pass out, and he then takes every proof with him.

The last trial of that case begins and the landlord has been found

and everything's already prepared: he doesn't remember who he is

and due to "an accident", he can't have fingerprints.

Backed into a corner, von Karma advises Wright to interrogate the parrot for more informations,

which Wright accepts, as last resort.

Through the following cross-examination, Polly reveals some informations

proving the identity of the landlord, Yanni Yogi.

He then confesses his crime, saying he fulfilled his mission,

his revenge against the Edgeworth family and Hammond.

Miles Edgeworth, who's about to be acquitted, objects.

He then explains that he's had nightmares since many years and that if Yanni Yogi

wanted a revenge, it was because he knew who the real murderer of his father was.

He then says that he accuses himself of the murder of his father. This is the last day on which the DL-6 case is open.

Von Karma suggests a new trial for the DL-6 case on that very day.

But something's missing for Phoenix: Evidence.

Von Karma had taken them from him, but in the course of the trial,

it appears that the murder weapon shot two bullets, it was used twice.

It is then noticed that a bullet got out of the cabin and that if it wasn't found,

it means that the killer took it with them, or that they kept it.

Von Karma had taken a break after the trial with Gregory.

Why? Because he's the killer.

Phoenix succeeds to prove that there's a bullet inside of him. The scream that von Karma lets out when he's backed into a corner

reminds Miles of the scream he heard when he was young.

Manfred von Karma confirms his culpability and is taken by the police.

He will later be condemned to death sentence.

After the party thrown at Miles Edgeworth's acquittal,

Phoenix notices a letter on his desk. It's from Maya.

She wants to return to Kurain Village because she feels that she didn't help Phoenix.

Phoenix then leaves at full throttle for the train station, where he finds Maya in extremis.

He proves that Maya actually helped him to prove Edgeworth's innocence

by keeping the bullet that was used to defeat von Karma.

Maya then confirms that she'll come back as she wants to help the office.

She leaves in a train, leaving our hero alone for a few months.

And that's where we'll stop for that episode of Timeline.

This episode is really important because it is about the first cases of Phoenix.

I hope we'll not spend as much time on the following cases in the next episode.

In the next episode, we'll treat the year 2017 and maybe 2018, we'll see.

I hope you liked this video and we'll meet up again soon.

That was TGF, stay tuned for more, and of course OBJECTION!

Outro theme: Mr Feral ~Apollo Justice - Guilty Love (Klavier Gavin's theme)

English subtitles and subtitles correction : Lautael French subtitles: TGF

For more infomation >> Timeline - Ace Attorney - Part 2 (2012-2016) - Duration: 26:34.


Anime vs. Real Life - Duration: 6:21.

Help me translate this video into YOUR language! Leave [your name] here to credit yourself ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Hey Kurumi! Let's start a band together!

Uh… No thanks. I'm already busy with my other club activities

Lalalala not listening! Okay, so first we gotta think of the name for our band

and then we'll go recruit new members

and then we'll all hang out after school

we'll visit the summer festival

we'll have sleepovers together

It's gonna be a lot of fun!

That doesn't sound like band activities at all

That doesn't matter!

The most important thing is to have fun and be happy!

Because if we're happy then we can all sparkle on stage

So what do you say, Kurumi? Will you join my band?

Do you honestly think that I'll join your "band" when all we're going to do is fool around and waste time instead of practicing

like a real band should?


Then you're right about that! Count me in!

Really?! But what about your tennis club? And swimming club? And-

That's okay! I've been your loyal slave since childhood and I'm not gonna stop anytime soon!


Hey Kurumi! Let's start a band together!



Hahaha! We finally meet again!

I won't let you destroy the earth!


Ha! You think you've got what it takes to stop me?

I do! And I'm gonna put an end to this once and for all!


Heh. That tickles


Hahaha! It's 100 years too early for you to be fighting me! Rest in peace little boy!

Yamato-kun... [do I really need to sub these yamato parts...]

Hahaha! We finally meet again!

I won't let you destroy the earth!


Ha! You think you've got what it takes to stop me?

I do! And I'm gonna put an end to this once and for all!

Yamato-kun x100


Can't you do anything else other than calling my name?

Yeah, it's getting annoying to be honest


Besides, why are you even here?

Yeah, you're only making it harder for us to concentrate with your extremely limited dialogue


You should just go home

I agree. Run along now. Scram!



What's going on? What's happening?!


What the… who are you?

I'm Bear, the guardian of the magical kingdom and I've come to seek your help

My help?

Yes, I need you to help me protect the earth by becoming a magical girl

So what do you say?

Well, I find it strange how the fate of the earth is being entrusted to the hands of a random girl like me

But what the heck, I'll help you out nonetheless!

Now gimme some of that magic!

That's the spirit!

What...? What's going on? What's happening?!


What the… who are you?

I'm Bear, the guardian of the magical kingdom

I've come to seek your help

I need you to help me protect the earth by becoming a magical girl

Because currently the earth is under attack by the evil polar bears from the north pole

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

So, what do you say?

Hey! Let me outta here! Help! Somebody help me!

That monster is out of control!

What are we gonna do?

I'm going to stop him

You guys wait here, okay? I'll be right back!

No, wait! Yamato-kun! Don't go!

Don't worry about me! You guys just stay here and be safe!

Oh no… Yamato-kun is in danger… we gotta help him!

But Tomoko, you see how strong that monster is! We're no match for him!

Yeah! Besides, Yamato told us to stay here and wait for him instead

I know, but still… we can't just sit around here and do nothing!

There's gotta be something we can do!


I'm sure if we all work together; then we can put an end to this madness

We've gotta do what it takes to save our friends.

Tomoko's right.


As long as we concentrate on our feelings and the memories we've created together,

then nothing can stop us!


I just can't win against you guys

All right, then. I'm coming with you!



Let's go save our friend!


Mm hm!

Oh no… Yamato-kun is in danger… we gotta help him!

But Tomoko, you see how strong that monster is! We're no match for him!

Yeah! Besides, Yamato told us to stay here and wait for him instead

I know, but still… we can't just sit around here and do nothing!

There's gotta be something we can do!

Okay then, do you have any weapon we can use?


Can you fight?


Do you have any strategies or plan to destroy the monster?

Nu uh

Then how exactly do you plan on helping Yamato?

I don't know… but still, I can't just stand around here and do nothing!

There must be something I can do!

What exactly can you do?

Well, I can focus on the strong feelings I have for Yamato and utilize our power of friendship

Because we all know that the bond that we share is the greatest magic of all

Yeahhh I'm outta here

Me too

Guys, wait! Don't go!

Ugh fine then! I'll do this on my own

Wait for me, Yamato-kun!

Yamato-kun! I've come to save y-


So that was it for another Anime vs. Real Life video, I hope you guys enjoyed watching it

Btw guys, we've finally reached 100k subscribers!


If you're new to this channel, then welcome

Thank you for subscribing. I really appreciate it

and I hope you guys can stick around for a long time

For more infomation >> Anime vs. Real Life - Duration: 6:21.


SUMMER DATE NIGHT GRWM (makeup and outfit) | Carmen. - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> SUMMER DATE NIGHT GRWM (makeup and outfit) | Carmen. - Duration: 5:28.


Мультики для малышей - Пэкмен против МОНСТРОВ - Все серии - Мультики про машинки - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Мультики для малышей - Пэкмен против МОНСТРОВ - Все серии - Мультики про машинки - Duration: 6:19.


What The Cast Of Fresh Prince Looks Like Today - Duration: 6:56.

It's been more than 20 years since we were last chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool

with Will and the Banks family on NBC's smash sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

After the show ended, some of the cast traded Bel-Air for real Hollywood careers, while

others opted to leave the spotlight altogether.

Here's a peek at what those fresh faces look like today.

Will Smith

Let's start with the Fresh Prince himself.

Will Smith rose to fame playing a fictionalized version of himself on the beloved '90s sitcom,

developing into a strong comedic — and dramatic — actor over the course of six seasons.

"How come he don't want me, man?"

After the show wrapped in 1996, Smith's career immediately took off with a string of huge

hits: Independence Day that same year, Men in Black in 1997, and Enemy of the State in


These days, the Oscar-nominated Smith is still one of the most famous and recognizable actors

in the world, appearing in summer blockbusters and character-driven dramas in equal measure.

Alfonso Ribeiro

If just seeing Alfonso Ribeiro's face doesn't make you remember the "Carlton Dance," you

were clearly doing the '90s wrong.

Ribeiro played Carlton Banks, the family tattletale we all loved to hate.

Although Ribeiro has had some screen time here and there after Fresh Prince, including

a starring role on In the House, alongside LL Cool J, the actor feels his role as Carlton

"pigeonholed" him and prevented his career from taking off.

Despite his lack of acting roles over the years, Ribeiro has managed to stay in front

of the camera, with numerous appearances on game shows and reality shows, with his most

recent appearance on season 19 of Dancing with the Stars, which he won, doing the Carlton

Dance ...

"It's not unusual to be mad with anyone…"

It's not unusual to be sad with..."

Karyn Parsons

Karyn Parsons played the role of the ditzy and spoiled Hilary Banks over the course of

the show's six-year run.

The oldest Banks' child experienced perhaps the most drastic evolution of all the characters,

going from a spoiled brat to a self-aware young woman.

Post-Fresh Prince, Parsons hasn't spent much time in front of the camera, aside from a

handful of movies in the late '90s and early 2000s, and a few short-lived television gigs.

Nowadays, she runs Sweet Blackberry, a film company that strives to educate children about

the stories of influential African-Americans.

Tatyana Ali

When the show debuted in 1990, 11-year-old Tatyana Ali made our hearts melt as Ashley,

the Banks' youngest daughter...

"Hey there, Lord / My name is Ashley Banks / My family and friends want to give you some

thanks / So before this dinner is all swallowed and chewed / Thank you, God, for this stupid


Since the show's series finale in 1996, Ali has enjoyed an extensive acting career as

well as success in her personal life.

She pursued a music career immediately after the show ended, and in 1998, she released

her debut album, Kiss the Sky, which was certified gold in 1999.

In 2002, she graduated from Harvard University and traveled the United States as a spokesperson

during President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign.

These days, she still acts, with sporadic roles in TV movies and guest spots on series

over the last few years.

Joseph Marcell

English actor Joseph Marcell, played the Banks' butler Geoffrey, for all six seasons.

Behind his proper demeanor, Geoffrey always had the perfect joke ready to deploy ...

"Ms. Lindsey, this is most inappropriate, I couldn't possibly — Oh, it's Ben!"

Post-Fresh Prince, Marcell had recurring gigs on The Bold and the Beautiful from 2003 to

2004 and on EastEnders in 2006.

Marcell currently lives in London, serves on the board of the Globe Theater, and occasionally

stars in Shakespearean productions.

Janet Hubert

Aunt Vivian #1, Janet Hubert, played the Banks' family matriarch from the show's premiere

until the end of season 3.

When the show returned for season 4, there was a whole new Aunt Viv and a whole lot of


Hubert was fired following disputes with producers and the show's star, Will Smith.

While the rest of the cast was filming seasons 4 through 6, Hubert made some TV guest appearances,

including an episode of Friends in 2002, and still acts in independent films today.

In a now-deleted March 2017 Facebook post, Hubert had this to say about reuniting with

the old cast: "There will never be a true reunion of the Fresh Prince.

I have no interest in seeing any of these people on that kind of level."

Daphne Maxwell Reid

The only person who truly benefited from all that drama was Daphne Maxwell Reid, aka Aunt

Vivian #2.

She took over mom duties from the beginning of season 4, just after the birth of Nicky

Banks, through the rest of the series.

"Y'know Mrs. Banks, since you had that baby, there's something different about you."

After the show ended, she worked on a few shows and movies here and there including

Crossing Jordan, Eve and Let's Stay Together.

These days, you can find Reid focusing on her photography business, Fresh Prints.

Get it?

DJ Jazzy Jeff

If you don't recognize this face, it's probably because you're more used to seeing this character's

flailing limbs as he was physically thrown out of the Banks' house time and time again.

Jeff played Will's partner in crime, Jazz, but hip-hop fans know the two were friends

in real life prior to the show, winning the first-ever rap Grammy back in 1989 as DJ Jazzy

Jeff & The Fresh Prince.

When the show ended, DJ Jazzy Jeff returned to what he knew best – music.

Most recently, he worked with rapper Mac Miller and did audio work on 2015's Straight Outta


James Avery

The late James Avery played the patriarch of the Banks' family and the glue that held

them together, Phillip Banks.

Despite the constant antics of his nephew and children, Banks never deviated from his

role as a loving father and uncle.

"People opened doors for me.

And I've worked hard to open doors for you.

It doesn't make you any less of a man to walk through them."

Uncle Phil is a hard act to follow, but Avery still managed to have a widely successful

career after the series wrapped.

He particularly enjoyed success as a voice actor, most notably in Teenage Mutant Ninja

Turtles as the voice of Shredder.


That's what we need!"

"Are you out of your skull?"

"Ha ha.

Look who's talking!"

The classically-trained actor worked up until his death in 2013 due to complications during

open heart surgery.

Ross Bagley

And last but not least, the youngest member of the Banks' family, Nicky.

Although the character of Nicky Banks was introduced in season 3, Ross Bagley did not

play the role until season 5 — when Nicky had aged from a baby to a young child.

After his two seasons on the show, Bagley went on to act alongside his former co-star

in Independence Day, then the former Little Rascal took a long hiatus from Hollywood to

focus on school.

Most recently, he re-entered the acting world in the 2015 horror movie Gnome Alone.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What The Cast Of Fresh Prince Looks Like Today - Duration: 6:56.


7 Days to Die Previous stream june 17 2017 - Duration: 2:40:04.

For more infomation >> 7 Days to Die Previous stream june 17 2017 - Duration: 2:40:04.


Ma vidéo éditée - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Ma vidéo éditée - Duration: 2:45.


Extreme Wilderness Makeover! 2 of 3. Sharon Gonzales - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Extreme Wilderness Makeover! 2 of 3. Sharon Gonzales - Duration: 4:48.


¿Qué pasa en el mundo? - Episodio #7/Episode #7 - Duration: 5:00.


Welcome to ¿Qué pasa

en el mundo? guys

A series where we discuss world


in informal Spanish

Today's 4 news stories

Canada celebrates

150 years

A Youtube scene turns into an

involuntary manslaughter scene

In Colombia

they want us to travel by plane

like we travel by bus

and last

the economy is awful

when even the mafia

goes abroad to look for jobs


story number 1

July 1st

That is, yesterday

Canadians celebrates the 150th

anniversary of Canada

however, with some controversy

many indigenous people are upset

with the suggestion that Canada

is only

150 years old

when indigenous people

have been on this land for more than 15,000

the 150 years, they say

are really 150 years of

cultural genocide

but other people say they celebrate

the day because although Canada

has a dark past

like many countries in the Americas

they really hope that Canada

can one day achieve

reconciliation with indigenous people

Story number 2

Look, sometimes I am left speechless

the second story makes me sad

and angry at the same time

a couple of youtubers, a guy and a

girl from the US

decided to pull a stunt

on youtube

so that people would watch their channel

the you tubers were a teen couple

that made videos

on their lives as

teen parents because they had a little baby

in other words, the stunt had nothing

to do with their channel

In the scene

the girl was going to shoot

the guy

from a meter away

while he protected his chest

with an encyclopedia

thinking about it a little more, if they had read

the encyclopeida

they would have known it was not gonna work

obviously the plan failed

and the guy died

but the saddest thing to me is that everything happened

in front of 30 people

and their baby who is now


and with a mom that's going to jail


Don't do stunts at home


Story number 3

if you have ever been to latin america

you have seen the buses packed

with people

everyone holding on coming out the window

the door

our of everywhere really!

and well we will not have

the pleasure to travel by plane

like we do by bus

the founder of VivaColombia

a low-cost airline

that is, cheap

said he'd like to see people being able

to travel real cheap by plane

but standing up

he says that if one can hold on for an hour

on the bus

or the subway

standing up

packed like sardines

why couldn't you do the same on a plane?

I see the logic there,I mean


why not?

but the obvious question is

what about turbulence, and safety

and all that?

the founder has an answer

when you are on the bus and it brakes really hard

you just hold on

and keep on holding on for your dear life

so why wouldn't you do

the same on a plane too?


several aviation agencies in Colombia have already

states that such a thing

could not happen

precisely for safety reasons

but who knows? weirder things have happened

Story number 4

No, the third one was not the absurd one

believe it or not

Here I have another one

because ridiculous stories

are not exactly lacking in this world

you have all probably heard of Sicily

in Italy

known because many Italians

immigrated from Sicily

in the 1900's or so

and well

it's also the cradle of the mafia

Sicily is kind of a

mini Venezuela

now, in Sicily the government has been super tough

against organized crime

and a bunch of bosses have gone to prison

while in Venezuela they have just become presidents

in Sicily, like in Venezuela

the economy is


so much that

in Sicily the mafia guys are going abroad

in search of...¿better opportunities?

because if the economy is so bad

there is no one to buy drugs

and there is no one to extort

so the mafia has gone to


German police officers are flabbergasted by

how much ground the mafia has gained in the country

the fact is they are doing what they can

to prevent the mafia from expanding

but know you know

if you are a mafioso and looking for a job

Germany is your new country

That was all gus

thanks for watching and you already know

don't forget to suscribe

and to visit

for more info on the vocab

and expressions in this video

See you next week


For more infomation >> ¿Qué pasa en el mundo? - Episodio #7/Episode #7 - Duration: 5:00.


I LIKE PURPLE PONIES AND | DIY Zone - Duration: 9:18.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome to DIY zone this is a game I got off the

Geo it's actually it was actually made for the do-it-yourself Jam I don't know

if it's over yet I don't know it was recent it's like a week ago or so now

what you do is you type a word or phrase to generate a level and you get to move

this little character that you know you got any third level with a lot like

guess yeah you know the games I'm playing it's a lot like other games so

we're going to enter I like purple ponies in and that's it and I like

purple ponies and and we hit start and here we go welcome to I like purple

ponies and zone and what it does is it generates a random level that you can

die in and look at his face it's like the meme face you still happy right so

oh all he grabs and everything I did not know that so you can grab ledges and

stuff it's like the basic clap for can you sprint

can you sprint what's great on there is it was he runs like oh man I grab

mechanic is the lifesaver for show a in jib up y'all

I've never done this before is this really cool I like how it's it's a

do-it-yourself you make your own level I'm wondering how the developer even did

this can you go down here you have to go what how do I get was this it's like a

love cave a cave that leads to nowhere okay that's fun I don't like how there's

no music though there's no music in this game like I probably put musing in the

background here but because that's that's how I roll maybe that's how I

might roll I don't know yet I have not edited this video yet because I'm

recording it now but I'm gonna jump and did it I did it so you just have to

climb up and then jump around jump around jump jump jump

Chuck oh boy that's close there's no checkpoints I don't think either so if

you die that's it you just did it just get started all over again holy moly how

long is this level and that looks like another risky jump Oh

oh boy oh oh oh boy Oh sprint jump and did it yeah there we go

this isn't bad this is not as hard as been a dead blood party he pizza for

sure there's been a net blood party had a hang mechanic how long is this level

holy jeez it's like I'd like repeats itself over and over this is a super

long super long level oh okay point in jump cool and jump

cool and oh boy yeah all right I know I gotta start I'll live let's try

something else let's uh regenerate again okay let's try

something smaller let's see if we can get something smaller by a shorter name

Dukey CIRA Dukey looks like welcome to the Dukey zone hahahaha

Thanks maybe it generates specific thingies shoot

I don't dad what was that Crouch okay so you can Crouch it's good to know so I

guess it generates specific no designs depending on what letters you use that's

pretty cool I guess that's that's cool that's cool oh I don't know I like this

mechanic I would like to see it in other games for sure rather than just to

create your own level type deal random blocks Oh at least it looks like random

block I don't know but yeah it looks like certain letters do certain things

they do certain Guldur it is the end I did you win yay i won okay let's do

something a little longer um Dukey shoes no we are due to Dukey

so it's Lily but Lily but sounds good alright hey

and junk see there's a cave in this one that's cool I wonder what letter that I

just felt that scrounge thanks fine it's fine I'm okay I'm okay now I'm look I

really like how the character looks like who you face aware if you can get

different colors probably not uh how are you supposed to

make that jump I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to do it I'm gonna get it done

I'm gonna get it and well fall right off I love platformers speaking of

platformer Jesus fell right through speaking of platformers Crash Bandicoot

trilogy came out today well today what I'm recording this today not not today

is probably going to go out like dang it like a day or two from now like the day

after tomorrow is one's going to go up so the first second something like that

I don't know something like that anyway it came out today and I don't have it I

just don't have it but I'm going to get it and I'm gonna play it because that

was the first video game I ever played was Crash Bandicoot and that god I've

really bad memory I have a really bad memory that's probably why I don't bring

up any how do you do that let's probably why I don't bring up like any childhood

stories or anything or if they are it's like really like short and boring

childhood stories because I I don't know I just my memory is just bad this is my

it this just was this and I don't think you can make that jump I think that jump

is too long it goes too far but jump even try it yet I don't think I don't

think it's gonna work I think I got to regenerate it again let's try um Lily

but again let's see if it gives me the same thing it probably doesn't

oh so it's totally random it's completely random so maybe just

generates a random level depending on the length of your but anyway back to

the crash bandicoot think I definitely plan on playing eventually whenever I

get to where I can purchase the game because

I can't right now for for some reason but anyway whatever I get to where I can

get it I definitely I'm definitely going to play through it I'm going to play the

entire thing and what I'm getting that with the whole memory it bringing back

memories thing is probably going to spark some like memories stuff's gonna

fly like oh look at that yeah I did it sparks are gonna fly Crash

Bandicoot game Hey yeah that Crash Bandicoot game zone all right so anyway

um it's probably to bring back memories I'm probably gonna come up with a bunch

of cool stories and I'm really excited and I really want you I want you guys to

be there for that because that node is sweet the awesome and it's gonna be fun

let's play like I love that game growing up there's my favorite game growing up

period I actually have a tattoo from it aku aku right there okay right can you

guys see it right there right there yeah aku aku which is a poodle Booga guy the

mask begins I haven't added because I had to get a crash bandicoot tattoo

because all the real gamers do oh come on not all of them I mean there's system

some of you guys out they don't have it but I have a lot of touches of all my

tattoos are from video games I don't know if you guys knew that probably not

probably know that but now you know if you watch this video that all my tattoos

are from video games I have um I have from the Passons Creed 3 I have the

Ottoman Empire Assassin's Creed insignia I have the carving that Emil has on his

mask in in Halo Reach I have that I have my little brother's old insignia

from the Last of Us when you played which player and you got to make your

own thinking I'm gonna drop down here do something Hey oh I can go under yeah but

anyway yeah I'm done I have the happy mask salesman I have a supersonic just a

gold sonic hedgehog like a Super Saiyan sonic and we beat it yeah and

miscellaneous other ones like this is all blood-borne and Dark Souls my left

side and my right size just missed like Final Fantasy Pokemon yeah just all

sorts of stuff all sorts of stuff so I'm gonna head finish up stood up there this

was DIY zone a nice chill game it was alright it was good it was made for a

jam and it was made very quickly I believe I think it was like a 24-hour

Jam I have no idea but great idea for a game what to really like this I don't

know if there's another game that's done this before probably is but I would love

to see this idea implemented in a bigger game so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed

if you guys did enjoy make sure you slap that like button underneath the video

and until next time see you guys later

For more infomation >> I LIKE PURPLE PONIES AND | DIY Zone - Duration: 9:18.


Oakdale Research Center /Roleplay Ep 1/ - Duration: 14:53.

you've been working at oak-- Oakdale medical research center security guard

for 15 years facing another ventless shift you begin to fall asleep until..ughh..

check all camera feeds to make sure everything's all right I'll check camera

three oh whoa where's Abhi's check camera three oh wow

I'll check camera 2 then what the heck was that

you know I'll often took us to look dumb in timer1

everything fine basement are you sure right everything's good but camera 3 is

there anything in this chest that will need secured you baton for defense okay

okay we both have okay uh I always so slow you know

employee lounge will come in here everything's good rifle we're thing

looks fine I need to cut my toes what are you doing come on there's something

wrong and we need to find out what we should probably close the door just in

case we don't want anything wandering in you're probably close our office yeah I

can't I'm really like well only of those valid doctor's ID may enter restricted

patients which is time oh we don't have our IDs right now so waiting room and

front lobby see if everything's okay in here you thing looks fine okay we're


oh sorry close that door where do they go well we try going back

well we haven't checked this room the administration office we have to find a

key I don't have the key nevermind

mm let's go this side we didn't go this one she shouldn't oh yeah that really

scared me how are you what keeps the basement okay I'm really scary did we

hit it or something um I know where the closet because that's probably Hollister

oh there's a drill our research and a textbook so I have a textbook I have

research and a drill oh here you can take the research in the textbook oh

thanks well let's just keep that your ghulami just in case

can you on the cafeteria anything are you

are you hungry that oh my god oh my god

just cute those doors closed there's blood blood is there anything in

here no let me just try hitting it on a distance did you do you want to get food

full kill I can only do so much wait wait this is wait calm down calm

down stop stop isn't it and stop hitting it

isn't that the patient it could be I have no idea what they're doing here

what were you have to kill it Melissa holder nice

I'm night hammer one did doctor do something wrong I don't know we just

need to kill it and obviously I need help because I can't do it myself oh my

god I get hit just don't just hit by them won't try not so hard he's so like

there's some cookies Oh bottle hey cookie okay let's have one that's have

one why have two cookies so you don't need to share how many cookies do you

have let's get a cookie mmm that's really yeah yeah these are young them

actually cook it's a really good cookie it's kind of dry but I think it's peanut

butter to me I think it's ready but um uh peanut peanut butter cookies

are very like ready and dry a little plane I played my mom used to

make them there's a pina colada because I could go for a good pina

colada right now saying to be good down this way

this is amazement right I'm missing something I mean I have a drill thing

for you in the basement there's nothing for us and me to do I missing something

no oh vent covers um I think I use this to remove vent covers well that can't

want to be here no more when we do are these vent covers where are you yeah

this has to be or they she ship them or light do you want to get some Hamburg I

ran all the vent systems in service and see if anything is out of place in the


there's a closet i don'ti went in there

okay where are we I'm just checking everything see if it's all normal I

can't get anything and I'm really slow most of Ella's hot just it were you ever

given them where do we go I don't know maybe we should check the

security cameras on keep this anything you know odd or out of place yeah what

as I'm looking at the cameras it looks good so far where are you just looking

at the cameras you know

I think camera three might be broken oh no no I I can't turn it on

neither can i well I left at the basement door and uh photo camera three

must have been sweet where was camera three at I can't

I don't remember we can't go in the basement huh you need time buying


okay um Rory yeah oh oh you I thought was oh no why we didn't check in here

maybe there were something in here oh wait a minute

this one is not that one is it huh that's odd

there's a oh my god it's endless tell me he waiting wait we should probably get

the relic cookies it is like hey I know I know I know

yep that's really good and stuff oh there's awesome some water that we might

need um you know let's go to the office I haven't Keeney but I just gotta have

some cake I just read it okay okay I say come on

okay okay I'm sorry I'm thinking I was really into the cake I was eating wait

I press in wait wait for me it was nothing very like oh oh I'm busy then

huh you're so gonna get in there oh oh

lock down switch or force you a little luck down oh yeah put on lockdown

get on lockdown you swing yeah I got your security stick that we come over

here and I'm kicking the cameras oh yeah we should probably check the cameras

front door I thought it was supposed to be better locked down on this what Trent

tour is good what about camera line I don't like this

trick to see patients I found out what oh my god what son mom became through

the baseball Power has been cut found the basement and slipped a breaker

switch down there but the basement has a zombie in it I tried being a zombie okay

I think we should go to the restriction room um that would probably the best

place to go well I mean there's a camel and if it'll

broken glass no broken glass the flat glass isn't broken

what ad was all over it maybe it's inside there we shouldn't go in there

we're not a doctor we have to learn the basement and fix the power what we don't

know where the basement he is let's go to the cafeteria again word is let's go

on the crisis seriously there's a key for the basement I know not only why I

keep the basement we're going down there right now I'm at the basement door and

open it open yeah I just open it because the last time I opened it it was broken

it was like wah wah I don't know honey finally you're here oh oh let's just

shut the door

electric room actually want to be

but I said pull the reset electric system okay Hera's back ha stir behind

you my god help what is this help

I am I'm hitting it I can wait wait dad died

finally wait and these open you know I'm going to close the door okay

maybe we should go in the boiler room this piece is anything we might need

unless Marissa's cold sitter there's a doc doctors ID badge can I see it I

can't I need a machine but it looks like

huh this grant us access to the restricted patient wing that means it

gets me whenever it was there here you go for work she should go okay okay we

need to go back up

For more infomation >> Oakdale Research Center /Roleplay Ep 1/ - Duration: 14:53.


Extreme Wilderness Makeover! 1 of 3. Sharon Gonzales - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Extreme Wilderness Makeover! 1 of 3. Sharon Gonzales - Duration: 3:22.


Anime Mix Music Vines 46 #amv - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Anime Mix Music Vines 46 #amv - Duration: 7:29.


How to Become Not Just a Mentor, But an "Angel" - Duration: 2:58.

Speaker 1: It's funny.

I feel weird sometimes telling these stories, because I feel like who am I to get the guy

to tell a little piece of wisdom?

But I hope it's helpful.

Speaker 2: [Derek 00:00:08] says, "Hi."

Speaker 1: Tell him I said, "Hi."

Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:00:11] Speaker 1: That's crazy.

What a small world.

We should put that in, too.

I used to have, candidly, a lot of doubts for all my ambitions or hopes about whether

I'd make it, and so studying how other people made it was something I did all the time with

hopes that it would give me some tips.

When I give advice, there are things that I think are critical but maybe somewhat familiar,

like make sure you're doing things that you love.

Make sure that you put together a really solid plan for whatever you want to do.

Don't just allow it to be haphazard, even though sometimes wonderfully unexpected things


Invest in your talent.

I love all the stuff that Malcolm Gladwell talks about in that regard.

I still think that maybe one of the most important things that I've ever learned or been lucky

enough to encounter is that if you really want to move forward, there's often something

better than a mentor that can help you do it.

There's something I call an angel.

I think that often, angels are thinking about you even when you aren't aware of it.

I think they're super proactive.

I think they're willing to make suggestions; offer critiques, which sometimes family and

friends won't do; make really important introductions; and sometimes just emotionally charge you


Sometimes it's giving you that oomph to go back out there and do that which in your heart

you want to do, that which you may have been trying to do for a long time but not getting

all the reward that you want to get, and having someone who goes above and beyond, who seems

to, in a really kind of unsolicited and maybe even in a you don't even know why they're

being that good to you way, that that's a good thing.

An angel goes all out and goes all out even without you asking her or him, and all you

can do is say to yourself, "I gotta somehow pay it forward," which I know sounds hokey,

but that's all you can do.

You just have to say, "I gotta be that good to someone else."

One woman I remember and who I'm still very close to to this day: Chris Boskin.

When I was leaving business for the first time and going into television, I talked to

a bunch of friends about it.

They all thought, "Kinda crazy.

Not going to happen.

That's too difficult."

What I really appreciate about Chris, though, is that not only did she listen out the idea

and not only was she thoughtful in the brainstorming, but over the next couple of weeks, I heard

from her unsolicited three or four times with really helpful introductions, ideas, critiques,

big picture thoughts, and she continued it over the next six or seven years.

I would regularly find her calling me out of the blue, right?

That's not what happens with mentors, right?

Angels are calling you as well as you calling them.

As important as mentors are, as important as planning is, working hard, all that good

stuff, if you can surround yourself with angels, if you're fortunate enough to have them in

your life, I feel like that's the real goal.

Unfortunately often makes a difference between someone getting halfway to where they want

to get and someone getting 150% of what they ever even conceived was possible.

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