Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

Hi I'm Mike and this is Our Wyoming Life

Haying continues and for the first time in our almost 10 years here on the ranch I decided to keep

track of my hours for the last week.

With the tally completed, Over the last 7 days I have averaged 14 hours per day for

a total of 98 hours.

Needless to say, I now remember why I have never kept track of my hours before and I

never will again.

So with 98 hours under my belt I decided to take a break from haying today, we still have

about 200 acres to cut and we will get back to it soon.

With all the concentration on haying its easy to forget that there is still a ranch to run

and what may have been a day off quickly turned to a full day of work.

Starting with this little lady.

I found her last night, laying in the pasture.

Dehydrated and weak, could barely stand and I scooped her up and brought her back to the

barn and I'm in the process of nursing her back to health.

Shes definately dehydrated and weak with a terrible case of diahrea, so she has gotten

a bunch of medicine to this point including scour pills, electrolytes, and penicillin.

Hopefully she will start to feel better soon.

So with haying going on and everything else I was actually at a loss for material to feature

in a video this week but then Erin reminded me that the fourth of july is coming up and

our annual 3rd of july party is just around the corner and we needed to start getting

ready for that.

So todays video is not about this little one, even though she is important and we will check

back in with her from time to time, todays video is about the fire truck.

This is a 1955 Howe Fire Cruiser, we purchased it back in 2012.

Up until that time it had been in use in a small town in montana called Ophiem.

It was actually in use up until that time and the finally retired the old girl from

their fleet.

We went and picked her up and brought her home where she got new tires and some replumbing

that bypassed her old pump system with a modern water pump that actually sits in the back

and takes care of spraying the water.

Some may ask why we have a firetruck on the ranch, but being out of town, if we do have

a grass fire it can take the local fire department quite a while to get out here so this is our

first line of defense.

I had a friend of mine from montana, who is a fire chief, come down and give us a lesson

on how to used the truck and how to be most effective in combating any fire we may have.

Also the truck makes a good water truck and if we have a stock well go down, a well that

gets water to the cows, we can also use it to refill and stock tanks we may need to.

So it serves a dual purpose.

The reason we are getting her out now is not only because we are coming into fire season

but also because of the 3rd of july party that I mentioned earlier.

We invite a few friends out on the night of the 3rd and bbq and blow some crap up.

We do it on the third because on the fourth we take the kids to the parade and tend to

end up at the fireworks in town so its a good compromise.

So during our party and the festivities the fire truck will be standing guard, ready if

any stray embers get away.

But before we get that far we need to get her out and ready.

Shes spent the winter in an old shed where the peacock likes to roost so first we get

her to the shop and give her a good spraying off.

Then I head back and check the calf again, looking good, just relaxing but alert which

is a good sign.

Also, I noticed last year that the flashing light on top isnt working so we will try to

fix that.

A small belt that rotates the light has broke and what good is a fire truck without lights,

it should be an easy fix using a rubber band to replace the belt.

Ok, that didnt work.

But luckily I live in a house full of girls, so a hair tie might just do the trick.

And there we go, working lights.

Its officially a fire truck.

Now all we have to do is put the pump in, using the trac.tor to lift it up and into

the back and hook it up via hoses to the tank.

We add little fuel and 500 gallons of water , which while its filling gives us another

chance to go and check our sick calf who even though is tired still seems to be doing pretty

good and so are we, water is full and the fire truck is good to go.

Ready to combat any dumbassery that might occur while we light off fireworks on the


The kids love the fire truck and grace even helps add flags to the back, making it a true

4th of july ride.

The fire truck is ready to go and I just had an idea and you can tell me if you think its

a good or a bad one.

I was debating live streaming some of our fireworks and bbq on the third.

Not sure if anyone would be interested in seeing any of it but if you are let us know

in the comments, as long as I dont have too many beers I'll probably remember to do it.

Thats it for this week, I'll keep you updated on the status of the calf in the barn, Sunshine

and if any wants to hang out with us on the night of the third, I'll see then.

Please like, subscibe and comment as always and have a safe and happy fourth of july.

I think the fourth is one of the best holidays we celebrate here on the ranch, its a great

time to get together, without all the work of branding or preg checking or sorting calves.

We get to sit around, have some great conversation, maybe even break out a guitar or two and celebrate

living in this great country.

Speaking of great country, we love Wyoming and wouldnt live anywhere else and we really

want to thank you for joining us, in our wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Episode 44 - The Fire Cruiser - Duration: 7:51.


Why Do Placebos Work? - Duration: 6:18.

Your brain is superpowered.

It's so powerful that it can actually convince you not to feel pain.

How's that possible?

It's all thanks to something called the placebo effect.

Placebos have been around for a /long/ time - back in the 16th century, Catholic priests

used fake religious relics during exorcisms to determine if a person was /truly/ possessed

by the devil or not.

But the term placebo wasn't commonly used in medicine until after 1763, when the physician

Alexander Sutherland used the word to condescendingly describe doctors who only aimed to please

their patients rather than focusing on providing effective treatment.

And "placebo" literally translates to "I will please" in Latin.

Nowadays, placebos are really just treatments that have no true medical effect - you know,

like sugar pills, or saline injections.

With a placebo, you're mimicking the action of /taking/ a medication or applying a treatment,

but there's no active ingredient - you're not really /doing/ anything.

So it's pretty weird that a lot of the time, placebos actually /work/.

But if a patient is not getting any medication, or receiving a real treatment, how is that

even possible?

In 1985, psychologist Irving Kirsch guessed that the reason placebos work could be because

of what he called response expectancies.

According to this theory, what a person experiences in any given situation is partially a result

of what they /expect/ to experience.

So if a doctor hands you a pill and tells you it'll make your pain go away, you /expect/

that it'll help your pain, and so you experience pain relief.

Or when your mom kisses your skinned knee and says "all better!", suddenly it doesn't

hurt anymore.

Placebos can also work as a result of classical conditioning.

Ivan Pavlov demonstrated classical conditioning back in the 1800's, when he presented dogs

with food while ringing a bell.

Eventually, the dogs learned that the sound of the bell meant they were about to receive

food, and they would start drooling even when there wasn't any food present.

In the case of a placebo, because we've learned that taking a pill will have a beneficial

effect on whatever ails us, if we swap the "real" pill out with a fake one, our bodies

will still react as if we were taking medication.

Or if a friend drinks non-alcoholic beer without knowing, they may still experience symptoms

of intoxication.

Psychologically speaking, placebos can be /very/ powerful - there's evidence that

placebos can be up to 70% as effective as taking an antidepressant drug for patients

with depression, and patients taking a placebo for migraines reported at least a 50% improvement

in their pain symptoms compared to no treatment - even if they knew it was a placebo!

And it turns out that those psychological effects may be connected to actual changes

in the brain and body.

In one small study, researchers used positron emission tomography, or a PET scan, to track

glucose metabolism in the brains of patients taking placebos to treat depression.

Because your brain requires lots of energy to function, scientists believe that more

glucose metabolism corresponds to more neuronal activity.

Patients who felt like their depression was improving while taking a placebo showed changes

in metabolism in the neocortex and limbic areas similar to those seen in patients who

were taking the antidepressant fluoxetine - also known as Prozac.

And in another small study, patients with Parkinson's Disease showed an increase in

dopamine release in the striatum, similar to that seen when patients were given a traditional

L-dopa medication.

Placebos are also known to have an analgesic effect, helping to reduce or eliminate pain

in many different situations - and in cases where placebos do help alleviate pain, they've

also been found to have effects in many different associated brain regions, including the prefrontal

cortex, cingulate cortex, and basal ganglia, and even into the brainstem and spinal cord.

Scientists believe that many of the effects of placebos can be linked to top down processing.

Our brains have to do a /lot/ of work to take in, process, and understand all of the information

it receives minute to minute.

So in addition to bottom up processing - where the brain integrates and responds to raw sensory

information - top down processing lets different brain regions give each other feedback based

on our memories and goals.

So essentially your brain is like, "Hey, I remember taking this medication.

It makes me feel better.

I better send a message telling everyone to get to work feeling better!"

This is especially true of complex conditions, like pain and depression - unlike something

like a heart murmur, which just kinda happens by itself and doesn't get processed through

the brain, these conditions have a big cognitive component, and require a lot of that top down


This may be why placebos seem to be particularly effective for those kinds of conditions.

The effects of placebos are a really incredible example of just how powerful our brains can

be; our minds can actually affect the way that we perceive intense physical stimuli

like pain, increase the effectiveness of medications, and impact how we cope with illnesses like


But that isn't to say that these kinds of illnesses are "just in our minds".

The real takeaway here is that brains are complex, and lots of different approaches

- from therapy to medication to pure mental strength - can be effective and useful when

it comes to these conditions.

Now, don't you feel better, just knowing how placebos work?

You do, don't you.

Yeah, you do.

Thanks for watching this episode of Neuro Transmissions!

If you liked it, you already know you should hit that thumbs up button - and if you haven't

already, subscribe to catch more cool videos about brain power.

Please also consider supporting us on Patreon - we're so grateful for your support.

Until our next transmission, I'm Alie Astrocyte - over and out!

For more infomation >> Why Do Placebos Work? - Duration: 6:18.


How To Take Action When You Have No Motivation - Duration: 6:03.

Have you ever had something in your life that you really really wanted but you

couldn't get yourself to stick to the actions that you know you need to take

in order to make it happen

The common reason we give ourselves on these

repeatedly failed goals is that we do not have enough motivation. Now anytime

you think that you don't have motivation or any time you find yourself waiting

till you have motivation you are stuck in a trap

And it's a trap for two reasons

The first is that anytime you are in that place motivation sounds like

this magical thing that once you have it you're going to be all energized

enthusiastic and hyped up to go ahead and do something that you're actually

fearful of doing

Now the second reason it's a trap is because we have far more

control of our actions than we have of our feelings and when you wait till you

feel motivated you are relying more on your feelings than you are relying on

your actions

And I could prove this to you that you have more control over your

actions than of your feelings suppose that you are scared of heights and I

hold a gun to your head and tell you that if you do not go skydiving right

now I'm going to shoot you are you going to go skydiving? of course you are. Now

what happens if I tell you that I don't let you to be scared and if you feel

scared when you skydive i'm gonna shoot you do you have any way to stop being scared?

absolutely not because our emotions are just doing their thing. Now if you take

that story and apply it to something that you currently feel unmotivated

about if you think about it you have a lot of negative thoughts, fears, negative

feelings and even past traumas that are stopping you from doing whatever you

want to do in the first place and you are trying to wait till that moment that

all of these fears and all of these negative thoughts are going to disappear

and you're going to feel all hyped and energized but that time is not going to

come because all of these negative thoughts and fears are way stronger than

the hype that you are so wishing for

So what is motivation? Motivation is the

desire to do something. In general we have two types of desires that run our

life all the time. The desire to avoid discomfort and the desire to act on our

values. These two desires are in a constant battle with each other and

anytime that you have a something that you want to do you're going to have the

option to pick between the desire to avoid discomfort or the desire to act on

your values now most of the time we get used to acting on the desire of avoiding

discomfort just because that's our initial reaction and a lot of times you

don't even know that we could choose differently and act on our values

instead now we can't really eliminate our initial reaction of avoiding

discomfort that's why whenever you feel that all you should do is just accept it

as a fact that that's what it is and then go ahead and choose to act on

your values. And to do that you change the mindset in your head for motivation

to the mindset of commitment. commitment is whenever you act despite what you're

feeling despite what you're experiencing at that

moment and if you think about it any really long term goal that you had you

were on the commitment mindset and not on the motivation mindset because we all

have ups and downs when we do something we all have times when we feel less empowered

where you feel less energetic and yet we go ahead and do it anyway because we

understand that commitment is more important

So how do you apply this

whenever you have something that you are unmotivated about whenever you have that

moment that you feel unmotivated but yet you know you need

to go ahead and act on your values

So number one is, try to identify what desire is driving you at

that specific moment is it the desire to avoid discomfort or is it the desire to

act on your values Now the second thing is to understand that also if it is the

desire to avoid discomfort that it's normal and this is important because a

lot of times we try to resist that or we try to think that something's wrong with

us when in fact nothing is wrong with us and it's perfectly normal as

long as we understand that that's our initial reaction and it's okay that

that's our initial reaction we could decide and choose to do differently and

to act on our values instead

Now the third thing is to ask yourself how would

this affect me if I allow this specific desire dictate my actions? Would this

create a more fulfilling life? Would this help my life go in the direction that I

want it to go? If the answer is yes then awesome if not then you might have

to reconsider acting on that desire

At the end of the day any time we go out of

our comfort zone any time we do something that

we feel scared about we're not going to feel all energized and hyped up and it's

important to learn to ask these questions to yourself every time you

feel it that way you learn to act on your values and not act on your initial

reaction which is to avoid discomfort.

Thank you so much for watching this

video if you enjoyed it please go ahead and give it a thumbs up

I truly appreciate it and also comment down in the comment section below what

is it that you feel unmotivated about right now and I'll try to help you

further with whatever I can also if you didn't yet please go ahead and subscribe

and turn on notifications that way you do not miss future videos which are

going to be awesome thank you so much for watching again and I would see you

in the next video

For more infomation >> How To Take Action When You Have No Motivation - Duration: 6:03.


What's Up in Makeup NEWS! NARS Makes People MAD, Food as Makeup TESTED, Daddy Daughter Makeup Class! - Duration: 6:29.

From Niagra Falls, to Generation Beauty Toronto,

to Montreal…

I'm Jen from JenLuvsReviews and What's Up In Makeup is back and starting now!

Welcome to What's Up In Makeup for July 2, 2017...on this episode we are reviewing the

Top Industry News of the past week or so.

This week's major story -- Nars has decided to sell its products in China, meaning that

the popular brand is getting its share of controversy.

In 2013, the EU banned the sale of any cosmetics or ingredients that have been tested on animals.

In the U.S., animal testing is not illegal, but is left up to the company's discretion.

But in China, animal testing is the law.

Some users of the social media platform Weibo, in China, said they felt "more assured" of

quality after products were tested.

But it's more than assuring potential customers...

China is projected to become the largest market in the world for the cosmetics industry, with

an estimated $50 billion in domestic sales of beauty products in 2015 alone.

And that's a siren song that is difficult to ignore.

Currently, brands like L'Oreal, Benefit, Rimmel, Maybelline and Shiseido (which owns Nars)

are among the many cosmetic products sold in China.

Each is subject to the animal testing law.

Nars has issued a statement on their Instagram, saying, "We want you to know that we hear


The global elimination of animal testing needs to happen" but that it had to "comply with

the local laws."

You can see that statement, and the reactions to it, on their Instagram account @narsissist.

And those reactions are resoundingly negative.

The company has been accused of caring "more about profits than animal welfare," and another

noted "This is called hypocrisy."

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

On YouTube, Ms Yeah is known mainly for unusual cooking videos, but one of her most recent

videos shows an interesting way to use food (and office paraphernalia) as makeup.

The video went viral and I know I saw it all over Facebook.

LIfehacker's Claire Lower also enjoyed the video, enough to try to recreate the effect.

She didn't have the exact same ingredients Ms Yeah did, but tried her best with flour

and cocoa powder for foundation, contouring with cocoa, coffee for eyebrows and a regular

pen for eyeliner.

For shadow, she used green skittle water with flour, and strawberries with ketchup for the

lips. Was she successful?

Check out the full results at

"Real Housewives of Potomac" Star, Gizelle Bryan

has officially launched EveryHue Beauty after two years of development.

The brand includes a tinted moisturizer (available in 12 different shades), a foundation brush

and blending sponge.

The formula includes vitamin C and E, aloe, and has SPF 25.

Bryant told PeopleStyle, "I, with my silly self, thought it would take six months [to


There were some formulations that we came up with that were good but they weren't

great and I didn't want to come out with something that wasn't great that I didn't

believe in."

Watch for EveryHue items to roll out every three months.

Next up is a trio compact that includes a highlighter, a setting powder and a bronzer,

which will be available in two color hues.

Following that will be a matte lip with top gloss.

Glow Perfect Tinted Moisturizer, $36.

Available on

We've told you before about Beauty Pie, the membership-only makeup outlet that launched

last December.

With a mission statement of low-priced makeup, under the belief that "Most luxury skincare

has a price markup of 10 times the cost it takes to manufacture it", the brand has many

fans and members...including Bobbi Brown.

At the end of May, Beauty Pie unveiled skincare products in their online mix.

The skincare line now includes 11 products, with prices from $5.21 to $13.11, and range

from a cleanser to micro-peel drops, to an anti-aging cream and a Korean-style mask.

Future goals include a retinol range, a vitamin C range, and super hydrating products.

Even adding in the $10 monthly membership fee, this is definitely a bargain compared

to mainstream products.

Blushington is the place to go when you want to get a special makeup application, and you're

in California, New York or Texas.

With that in mind, what better idea could they have than to establish a Father's Day

celebration Makeup 101 class, to teach tweens and Dads makeup from the ground up?

Well now, it's a permanent part of the beauty lounge's menu.

It was such a hit for both girls and their pops who want to understand where the contour


"What really struck me out of our class was this was the child sharing her passion with

the parent," adds Blushington CEO Natasha Cornstein . "It's a complete role reversal....The

dads have been completely hands-on — we even had some of them testing Jouer lip prep

on themselves."

During the 90-minute group course, which costs $50 per father-daughter team, both work with

an expert to learn about which products to use and when, and they then take turns applying

the product with the proper tools.

The average participant is between the ages of 11 and seekers of YouTube tutorials,

but Blushington is more about age-appropriate looks.

Makeup 101 courses are available at two locations in Southern California, in Manhattan and Dallas.

And last up for this week, I've got a bunch of little stories for you

kind of like a lightning round but not that fast 'cause I just couldn't spit this out

in a lightning round format. The first one I want to tell you about is

Unilever has severed ties with Sawit Sumbermas Sarana, a supplier of palm oil, because of

issues with their deforestation practices.

They are the latest company to cut ties with SSMS since 2015.

a team of scientists from the Estee Lauder companies recently presented data on the effects

of Pollen on skin, and what ingredients can lessen those effects

Olay is always looking for new ingredients that promote cell regeneration, and they are

currently investigating the properties of Carob as an ingredient

German cosmetics brand, BeYu, will launch 300 stores in India

L'Oréal's is in the process of pulling its Decléor brand from the US market, because

basically, no one knows what it is. I don't even know how to say it.

And Huda Kattan has been named to TIME's list

of the top 25 most influential people on the internet

That's it for now, don't forget the Daily Makeup Minute, 60 seconds of news you can

use Monday through Friday starts up again tomorrow.

and keep an eye out for Makeup Minute Extras

on my Instagram, JenLuvsReviews Chat today will be at 10am eastern.

Yes, we are going back into chat today.

We'll be testing out some of the most exciting products that I received at Generation Beauty

in Toronto.

In case you miss it, you can always watch it on the replay here on the channel.

Watch for a regular episode of What's Up in Makeup next week!

Mad love and we'll see you then!

For more infomation >> What's Up in Makeup NEWS! NARS Makes People MAD, Food as Makeup TESTED, Daddy Daughter Makeup Class! - Duration: 6:29.


Halit Ergenc & Berguzar Korel-entrevista"1001 noches"[Esp](5) - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Halit Ergenc & Berguzar Korel-entrevista"1001 noches"[Esp](5) - Duration: 8:41.


Fallout 4 Settlement Building - Let's Re-Build! :D - Part 18 (No Mods necessary) - Duration: 32:01.

Fallout 4 Settlement Building. No mods needed.

County Crossing: 16 min

Greentop Nursery: 19 min

For more infomation >> Fallout 4 Settlement Building - Let's Re-Build! :D - Part 18 (No Mods necessary) - Duration: 32:01.


freekickerz training with the best goalkeeper (legend) ! - Duration: 6:14.

Hey Olli! Hey guys, how are you?

I've just been watching you during the freekicks and penalties.

And what I notice with many goalkeepers, is that they are very unsteady before the shot.

What can happen then, is that I may be caught on the wrong foot exactly when the opponent is shooting.

In order to get rid of that mechanism, I brought 2 exercises with me.

The first exercise is diving from kneeling on both legs.

Here you see the starting position. Then you step on your ball-furthest foot as fast as you can.

After that, you step on your other foot, ending with a maximum power jump towards the ball.

Diverting the ball at the end. Or, as I saw just before, catching the ball!

That would be the best practice!

Let's go!

Look down, and when you're ready. Look up at him!

Yeeees, there's the rhythm!

We'll they can't be too easy!

For that, I would've been angry at my coach...

-What are you doing, man?! -Yeah, why should I even stand up for that?

The lift-off is the essence here!

Wroong! Wrong steps. You got up with the wrong foot!

Nevertheless, very good!

Now the 2nd exercise, is a follow up to the first one we did.

We call it "low ball and diving". We can see here: The goalplayer has his eyes focused on the first ball.

He then buries the ball - and what can happen next, is that there will be a rebound. So now he quickly focuses on the second ball.

He then starts again with the first position and the dive after the second step with a maximum power jump. Always try to catch it and if that's not possible: divert!


Stand still.

Always remember, technique before anything else!

The throwing came a little late. Great technique from the goalplayer!

Get up, come on and jump!

Yes! Very nice flow! Good!

And up, and jump! Yes!

Yes, great jump!

And maximum power!

You stood up super fast!

That one was mean, because he was already running forward...

Here you can see, how much you can actually get out of the exercise. Using a good technique to stand up quickly can be essential!

You can already move your body to the right when going down for the first ball. Try that out!

Did you notice? Even when going down, you can already position your body towards the right direction!

Just a secret advice!

Aaaah that was unfortunate. But great throw!

Come on now! Clean technique. Bury that ball under your body!

And up! Yes! Very good!

It doesn't matter if a ball goes in here. Focus on the jump!

Yes! Very good!

Clean technique! Bury...get up...and jump! Great!

Weird! Now we've suddenly got it!

Thanks Olli! Thanks to you as well!

It was a great day today! If you want to be coached online as well, check out Goalplay and find your exercise plan and equipment!

With this code, you'll receive 10% on Goalplay. You are also able to win signed gloves designed by Oliver Kahn and his team!

Thanks for watching! Thanks again Olli! Good bye!

For more infomation >> freekickerz training with the best goalkeeper (legend) ! - Duration: 6:14.


VLOG: Seoul's Amazing Starfield Library | & Travel News | 국제커플 브이로그 코엑스 도서관 & 여행 소식 - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> VLOG: Seoul's Amazing Starfield Library | & Travel News | 국제커플 브이로그 코엑스 도서관 & 여행 소식 - Duration: 12:56.


Was heißt Liberalismus - Liberal einfach erklärt - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Was heißt Liberalismus - Liberal einfach erklärt - Duration: 3:21.


My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.34 [ENG/IND/2017.07.02] - Duration: 1:05:56.

(Episode 33) After 35 years, An Junghui found

his birth father for his new drama.

His birth father is Mr. Byeon

who runs a snack bar in Suwon.

They can't publish our private life like this.

They can't.

Isn't that your photo, father?

I know it's from when he was young,

but they didn't even blur the face out.

Let me see. His name is on his uniform too.

Mr. An, you don't know how this happened, do you?

No, I don't.

Nobody knows I live here.

Let me call the director at my agency.

Hello, Mr. Kang. What's going on?

Okay, I'll be right over.

Meanwhile, can you block other articles

from being published?

Okay. I said I'll be there.

Let's go to the office. Mr. Kang wants us both.


Let me find out what's going on,

and I'll call you right away.

I told the director to stop other articles

from being published.

What if father gets outed online?

I'll do my best to prevent that.

I'll get the photo taken down.

Some reporters might show up here

while I'm gone.

No matter what, don't talk to them.

They'll confuse you with a lot of questions

and only print a few lines that sound provocative.

Even if you go see a doctor for a cold,

they'll write you're dying with pneumonia.

Don't ever answer any of their questions.

Okay. I understand.

Hurry up and go. Don't worry about us.

Okay. Let's go.


I'll see you later.

Miyeong, call us as soon as you can.

See you later, Junghui.

Miyeong, drive carefully.

I will.

Honey, what do we do?

What if anyone recognizes Hansu's photo?

What if they come here?

They wouldn't.

It'll be okay.

I'm so worried.

It'll be fine.

Even if they recognize the photo,

it's not like our address was in there.

And people my age

won't be interested in an article like that.

I read it because of Junghui.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have.

- You really think so? / - Yes.

You used to tell me not to worry about things.

You're not being yourself.

Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

Junghui said he'll block the articles

and get the photo taken down.


Junghui and Miyeong will take care of it.

You want to come to the snack bar with me?

It'll help to keep yourself busy.

Come and help me.

Are you Mr. Byeon Hansu?

Yes, I am. Who are you?

Hello, I'm a reporter with Mogirazzi.

I want to interview you about Mr. An Junghui.

No. We're not interviewing with anyone.

It'll only take a minute. I only want a few words.

I'm not doing it. I have nothing to say.

You're living with Mr. An Junghui right now?

Did the rest of your family agree to do that?

It must have been a hard decision.

Is there a reason why you live together?

He said he doesn't want to say anything.

You are Mr. Byeon's wife?

Will you answer my question?

You're living with your husband's ex-wife's son.

How do you feel?

What are you saying?

How can you just show up here

and ask questions like that?

You have four children.

Did they all say yes?

Is there a special reason why you live

with your husband's ex-wife's son?

It's just not normal.

Please leave. We have nothing to say.

Let's go, honey.

Answer me.

Did you say yes to his moving in with you?

Mr. Byeon, just a few words.

How do you feel right now?

Mr. An's been getting positive reviews about...


It's okay. He'll leave.

I'm going to wait here until you come out!

Mr. Byeon!


should we call Hyeyeong?

Neither you nor I know

how to handle things like this.

Yes, we better call her, honey.

I know. That's why I'm asking you.

Yes. Please.

What do you think you're doing?

You moved in with them?

And you've been lying to me?

Okay, Mr. Kang. Please calm down.

How could you do this to me?

You should've told me.

How could you let me find out about it this way?

What do I mean to you?

I'm sorry, Mr. Kang. I really am.

When did you move in with them?


About three months ago.

Three... Three months ago?

You two have been lying to me for over three months?

Ms. Byeon Miyeong,

didn't I tell you?

I told you to report any changes to me.

Did you think I was joking?

Have you no respect for your director?

I'm sorry.

Mr. Kang, it was my decision. Don't blame her.

You be quiet!

You want to be destroyed?

Didn't I warn you?

I told you to keep things quiet.

But you moved in with them?

Your career

might be destroyed over this.

"An Junghui turned his back on his father."

"An Junghui used his father for his drama."

"He's trying to gain pity!"

What? What's wrong?

You think that won't happen?

Nobody knows how the public will react

or what they'll say.

An Junghui's career as an actor might be over!

Don't scare her!

Move out of that house right now!

Okay. I'll do whatever you say,

so take the articles down. Especially the photo.

My family's in shock. If this keeps up,

my father might get outed online.

How can you worry about your family right now?

Who else could I be worried about right now?

Please get the articles and the photo taken down.

The Media Relations Team is working on it.

You come with me to your apartment.

Don't even think about going back to that family.

You're getting a new manager as of now.

You're getting a new one, even if it has to be me.


Intern, you're suspended.

Be at your desk starting tomorrow.

Be ready to submit a written report.

Yes, sir.

Come with me.

Tell everyone not to worry.

That includes you.

Okay. Don't worry about me.

Hi, Jeonghwan.

Hi, did you read the article?

What happened?

Are father and mother okay?

They must be stunned.

Yes, I'm on my way home right now.

I can't talk. I'll call you later.


You're Mr. Byeon's daughter, aren't you?

You recognize me, so you must be the reporter

who wrote that article after a 66-day stakeout.

Yes, I'm Kim Geunsu of Mogirazzi.

Let me ask you a few question.

You printed my father's name and photo

without blurring it out.

He was in his athlete's uniform.

Athletes don't have portrait rights, didn't you know?

That's only for sporting events, didn't you know?

It's a different story for private photos.

They do have portrait rights.

So you must know what you did was

a grave violation of my father's privacy rights.

The public's right to know trumps rights to privacy.

Oh, the public's right to know?

The public's right to know

only applies to public records, didn't you know?

It is limited to what is related to

public understanding and legitimate public concerns.

The fact that Mr. An Junghui is living with

his birth father is hardly a public concern.

Must the busy people of Korea be forced

to find out about the private lives of others?

It's exhausting.

And what do you think you're doing right now?

My father said no to an interview,

but you're camped outside, disrupting his business.

I'm not doing that.

Article 17 of the Korean Constitution states

the privacy of no citizen shall be infringed.

It is the right to protect one's privacy

from being exposed to others against his wishes.

Article 21, should the press violate the honor of

other people, claims may be made for the damages.

Would you like me to take you to court to discuss

the public's right to know versus individual privacy?

Let me have your business card.

I must begin by observing the practices of

this kind of vulgar yellow journalism.

Are you a lawyer?

Yes, I am Byeon Hyeyeong of Haeon Law Firm.

Did you say your name was Kim Geunsu?

Go back to your office and take the photo down.

Or I'm going to take legal actions.



You must be shaken up.

He kept asking questions,

and I didn't know how to react.

Nothing like this ever happened to us before.

I didn't know

there'll be a reporter here.

Thank you for coming here, Hyeyeong.

I had to.

What did they say at the office?

The director said he'll try to stop the articles,

and a team is working on taking them down.

They're working on it, so it'll die down.

And that reporter from earlier won't come back.

But there might be some other reporters.

If they do, don't get nervous, okay?

There's no need. You've done nothing wrong.

Don't get nervous,

and if anyone asks for an interview,

just be firm and say no.

But they might try to take a photo of you.

If they do, don't duck or cover your face.

Just let them do it.

Some scumbags print photos like that

just to make it more scandalous,

to make it appear like you have something to hide.

Just tell them you will take legal actions

if they print anything.

And here.

Give them my business card.

And I'll take care of the rest.

I understand what you're saying. I will.

You're the one who must take charge, okay?

I'm not here,

so you must step up and take care of mom and dad.

I will, Hyeyeong. Don't worry.

Mom, I have to go back to my office.


Dad, when did you do judo?

I never heard about that before.


Even when I did it, you never said anything.

Well... It was only for a brief period.

Oh, how is your mother-in-law's arm?

Is she still in a cast?


Hi, you're home early.

How can you still be wearing that?

Didn't you say you're taking it off today?

But I'm still in pain.

The doctor said my muscles are all sprained.

Mom, why are you doing this?

Why are you screaming?

What did your mom do this time?

It's nothing.

Did you read the book I gave you the other day?

What book?

The book on graduating from marriage.

I gave it to you after Jeonghwan's wedding.

Oh, that book?

No, I haven't.

Wait, I don't even remember where I left it.

Where did I leave it?

Don't you ever pay attention to what I say?

I told you to read that book.

Why are you yelling at me?

You know I hate reading books.

Even if you do, just read it.

The book is about your life and mine.

What kind of book is it?

What was that? What did you say?

Read it first. And we can talk about it.

Oh, boy...

And where is my allowance?

Weren't you supposed to give it to me yesterday?

How can you say that when I hurt my arm?

Can't you see how sick I am?

Stop talking about your arm.

I made you lunch and vacuumed the house.

Give me my allowance.

I couldn't go to the bank with my arm like this.

You didn't hurt your leg. Why can't you go?

Fine. Give me the ATM card.

I'll go to the bank.

I can't trust you with my ATM card.

Who knows how much you'll withdraw?

What do you want? Give me the ATM card

or go to the bank yourself.

I'm saying give me a few more days.

You're home all day, so why do you need money?

Why are you asking for money?

- What did you say? / - Am I wrong?

Why are you arguing again?

Was I wrong?

Mom, wait.

I have a solution.

I'll resolve it so please calm down.

Mom, where's your mobile phone?

Right here.

I'll wire the money into dad's account. Okay?

Dad, how much is your allowance?

I'm too ashamed to say how much.

It's $300.

Isn't that too much for an unemployed man?

Do you think that's right?

Whoa... $300?

$300. And...

Mom, look into the camera.

The camera?

Okay. Done?


Look. The money's been wired, right?

Oh, that was easy. How did you do that?

It was nothing at all,

so why did you have to argue like that?

Wait, it's done?

Yes, the money's been wired to your account.

And mom, can I talk to you?

Huh? What is it? Why?

Mom, how much longer are you going to keep that up?

Take it off before you get humiliated.

Just one more week.

I'll take it off after a week

so please don't tell anyone.


Didn't you hear? Huh?

Because I'm in a cast, your father

made me lunch and vacuumed the house.

Otherwise, he would never do such a thing for me.

I haven't felt this good in such a long time.

But still...

I wouldn't ask for more. Just one week. Please?




I just don't think this is right.

Take it off.

I can't lie to Hyeyeong like this.

If you don't tell her, I will.

Take it off. I warned you.

You don't care about me anymore, do you?

You don't understand why I'm doing this.

If I hadn't done this, you and your father

wouldn't have paid any attention to me.

Mom, but...

You didn't see me that morning,

but I almost fell all the way down the stairs.

I was in such shock.

When I think of that morning, my heart pounds

and my muscles ache. They ached this morning.

But you only care about your wife, don't you?

Okay. Fine.

Give me three days. Please?

Just three days. Can't I have three days?

I feel so happy and excited.

Can't I have three days?

Think about the pain I suffered. No?

(An Junghui)

- I'm home. / - Hello.

It was a long day, wasn't it?

Drink this. It's freshly squeezed orange juice.

I think it's dying down.

I searched online,

and there were no more follow-ups.

Your father's photo was taken down.

I met with the reporter who wrote it,

and he took it down a few hours later.

- It's delicious. / - Isn't it?

I'm glad it wasn't more serious.

Father and mother are in shock, aren't they?

Well, this never happened to them before.

But they've calmed down.

Oh, Nut, I'm sorry you had to go through that.

You want to shower first or eat first?

I made some Spanish tapas.


Oh! Shrimp.

Mmm, it's delicious.

I think I should take a bath.

I'm exhausted.

Right? You should.

I'll draw you a bath

so go and get changed.

Really? You will?

Let me have them.

Thank you.

Your reward.

It's been a long time. How about tonight?


Let's contact the first guy who printed it.

We need to know who the source was.

Okay. Thank you.

Where did it come from? Even I was in the dark.

Mr. Ryu knows.

Mr. Ryu? The director of "Oh, My Boss"?

How does he know?

I told him after I failed the audition.

He leaked it?

This is crazy.

We can't sue the director you're working with.

Why did you tell Mr. Ryu without even telling me?


I'll get this situation under control,

so you stay here and stay put.

Don't talk to any reporters or answer their calls.

I won't.

I'm leaving.

There aren't any new articles,

but "An Junghui" is still trending.

The photos on social media pages

showed some reporters outside his apartment.

I better go and check on Junghui.

His apartment?

But there are reporters there.

He must be still recovering from his illness.

I can't leave him there alone.

I know. He must be pretty sick.

I wonder if he took any medicine.

Should I go?

I'll go.

I was his manager,

so the reporters won't suspect anything.

(Press / Weekly Entertainment)

Who's that?

Mr. An, it's me.

I came because I was worried.

Please let me in.

I'm fine. Go home.

I brought you some medicine.

You're still sick.

Let me just check on you.

Don't worry about me. Go home.

I'm fine.

Mr. An...

This box is for discarding your thoughts.

Write down what's bothering you on paper,

put it in this box and lock it up.

Bring it to your next appointment.

I'll help you discard them.


I'm home.

So? Does he look better?

Why? You didn't see him?

No, I didn't see him.

He wouldn't let me in.

I guess things are pretty bad.

Were there reporters there?

Yes, there were some outside the building.

I guess he is pretty famous.

He can't even come out of his apartment

because he's afraid he might be photographed.

That's bad. He hasn't been back there in a while,

so there won't be any decent food.

Who could that be at this hour?

How did you come in?

Someone was leaving when I arrived.

I woke you up, didn't I?

I was worried, so I had to come.

I figured there won't be reporters at this hour.

How do you feel? Don't you still have a cold?

No. I'm better.

You must be pretty shaken up.

How was it? You didn't get any reporters?

Don't worry about us. We're fine.

But I'm so worried

you'll end up suffering.

As long as everyone is okay,

I don't care about me.

I'm a celebrity anyway.

Go back to sleep while I fix you breakfast.

Hurry up and go to bed.

- It's okay. / - I said go back to bed.

Sleeping is the best remedy for colds.

Hurry up and go to bed.


Junghui, come and have breakfast.

I guess I fell asleep.

You were supposed to.

I told you to get some sleep.

Breakfast is ready.

Sit down. Do you like boiled chicken?

Even if you don't, eat it for your health.

I put in an abalone, too.

I do like it.

Why am I the only one getting the abalone?

There was only one in the freezer.

Don't say anything and eat.


That's steamed pear tea. It's good for colds.

I made it with honey so drink it often.

I made a whole pot.

When did you make all these?

I only made the chicken and the pear tea.

I brought the side dishes from home.

I don't give the drumsticks to just anyone.

You should have some, too.


Why didn't you answer it?

Well, it was spam.

- Eat. / - Okay.

What is it?

I guess having you here made me relax.

I slept like a baby just now.

It's nice to have you here.


I hope you wouldn't feel so guilty anymore.

Thank you for breakfast, father.

Eat up.

What time is it?

Don't get up.

I'll go downstairs and make breakfast,

so you go back to sleep and come down later to eat.

You mean it?

Okay. Thanks.

Don't be.




Onions first.

I slept like a baby! I feel great.

Yet the bleakness of living with in-laws returns.

It'll be a month until the cast comes off.

Come in.

Mother, father, did you sleep well?

Yes, Hyeyeong. Did you sleep well, too?


You slept while Jeonghwan made breakfast

and came down now?


Like they say, you must have saved a nation

in your previous life to deserve this. Right?

Do you know of any other husbands

who would let his wife stay in bed

and make breakfast?

You're right, mother.

But I don't think it was a nation.

I think it was more like a village.

Jeonghwan, you should try harder.

She says it was a village.

It must have been a really big village.

Let's eat.

- Thank you. / - Sure.

Why am I worth just a village?

You're disappointed?

If it were just you, I'd say it was more than a nation.

I probably saved the planet.


What came with you isn't all that great,

although I did play a part in it.

Mother has to wear that cast for 28 more days.

So do we have to keep doing this every morning?

- Oops! / - Are you okay?

Step back. Are you hurt?

I'm not.

What do I do?

They are the limited edition Royal Affair dishes!

What was that sound?

Oh, no! My dishes!

I'm sorry, mother.

That's too bad.

They were limited edition, so we can't replace them.

Yes... I know.

What do we do?

What do you think? We'll have to buy new ones.

Come with me to the department store after work.

What time do you get off?

Is your hand okay?

A blue tie is great for the first day.

It makes you look relaxed and earnest.

It's not flashy, so you won't get sick of it.

When did you get this? I know you're busy.

Thank you.

Actually, I can't do this that well.

Come here.

I know what you're worried about.

I know I've been too busy to worry about our baby.

But I will take care of myself

and eat well.

Let's think about what to call our baby.

I'm sorry I made you worry.

But I can't get any time off just yet.

They are leaving me out of projects at work,

so if I take too much time off,

I might have to resign.

I'm not asking you to take a leave right now.

I know how important your work is to you.

I just wanted you to

watch your health and pay attention to our baby.

Oh, and if there's anything I can help you with

or if there's anything I can do for you, tell me.

I will.

Thank you for apologizing first.

Are you nervous? And excited?

I'm going to work for the first time at age 35.

I am a bit nervous.

And a bit embarrassed.

Don't be.

I'm so proud of you.

Just remember three things.

Smiling makes you look like a pushover.

People will be submissive if you're mean.

Being kind will make people take advantage of you.

That can't be true.

There's one more.

What can't be true usually is.

I feel like I'm headed for the battleground.

It is a battleground.

So make sure your eyes are glaring like this

and stay alert at all times.

Like this?

No. Glare harder.

- Like this. / - Like this?



Newbie, get this copied.

Yes, sir!

Are you Junyeong?

- Can you help me? / - Of course.

- Mr. Byeon Junyeong? / - Yes?


There you are. Come with me.


Sit down next to me.

For today, just observe what I do.

Yes, sir.

I'm here to get a certificate of seal.

May I see your identification? Is it for yourself?

I'm here to report a change of address.

Is it for yourself? Do you have identification?

Can I get a certificate of local tax payment?


Is it for yourself? May I see your identification?


I need to go to the restroom.

If anyone comes here, ask them why they're here

and get their document.

Of course.

- Thank you. / - Sure.


How may I help you?

I'm here to register a birth.

Is it for yourself?

Does the baby have to be here in person?

The baby is at the hospital.

Excuse me?

Oh, I, I'm sorry.

Certificate of birth... Document...

- May I see your identification? / - Yes.

Ms. Kim, did you get some good news?

You look really happy today.

Well, it's nothing special,

but it's my husband's first day as a civil worker.

I just feel so great. Can you tell?


We should celebrate.

Okay. I'll buy you lunch.



Why wouldn't you answer your mom's calls?

Do I have to come all the way here?

I'll buy you lunch tomorrow. You guys go ahead.

You're not eating?

Why did you come?

You're short-tempered, just like me.

You have some money saved up, don't you?

You moved out of your apartment

when you got married, didn't you?

Wasn't the security deposit around $10,000?

Lend me that money.

I spent that on my wedding

and bought furniture.

It's all gone.

You have a job,

so why didn't you save some money?

Get interim severance payment.

I already did that two years ago for you.

I'm not your bank.

You've done this so many times.

I have no money.

Even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you.

How mean.

I suffered so much when I gave birth to you.

How can you be so ungrateful?

Did I ask to be born?

Giving birth doesn't make you a parent.

You never raised me.

Oh, I can't believe you.

I nursed you at least.

I am moved to tears.

But I believe I already

paid you back for nursing me.

Don't ever come back to me again.

Why? Did something happen?

You look upset.

It's nothing.

Ms. Choi, what are you having?

We have to renew our contract soon, don't we?

You're right.

I've lost my appetite.

What do you mean?

You already ate everything.

- It's all gone. / - Whatever.

Rayeong, is something wrong?

You're picking on your food. I'm worried.

I have to lose some weight.

Excuse me.

Ms. Byeon...

- Rayeong? / - Yes?

You're acting weird. What's wrong?

Are you worried about renewing your contract?

Yes, I am worried.

I can sympathize.

Contract instructors like us are a dime a dozen.

I hope I meet a rich man and get married

so I won't have to worry about it.

I have a class. I'll get going.

Coach Park.

Why are you avoiding me?

Can we talk?

Are you angry at me?

It's not like that.

What is it, then?

Let me apologize again for

what Yeonghui and my father did that day.

It must have been very awkward for you.

I don't know what my father said to you

but please don't mind him.

I should've resolved things with my father.

It was all my fault. I'm sorry.

It wasn't your fault.

And he didn't really say much.

You came right away, so I wasn't offended.

Then why have you been avoiding me?

You say you're not angry,

but you've been avoiding me.

I don't know what to do.

Ms. Byeon?


I'm not sure how to face you.

I don't know how to act around you.

Can't you act like you used to?

If I do, I'm worried

I might look materialistic.

What if you think I like you because you're rich?

I'm worried about that.

But if I show how awkward I feel

or how uncomfortable I feel,

I'm worried you might feel disappointed.

That's how it is.

To be honest,

you're like someone from a different world.

I'm not a rich boy. I'm Park Cheolsu.

I know.

But your father owns a company.

I thought a rich boyfriend was the best boyfriend,

but now that I know you are beyond rich,

I feel small.

You feel so out of reach that I'm afraid

I might get hurt trying to make you mine.

I hope you wouldn't feel that way.

I'm not a rich man or out of reach.

All I am is your boyfriend.

I thought I had enough dating experience,

but I guess it's useless. I don't know what to do.

Let me think about it.

You have an evening class, don't you? Go.

I'll take you home.


You better not go and see Ms. Byeon again.

Don't add to my problems.

Dealing with father is hard enough for me.

Ms. Byeon?

So the tip I got was right,

Coach Park Cheolsu.


What do you think you're doing?

Can you... move your feet?

Oh, boy...

This is a terrible, terrible world.

Why? Is there another article?

No, there isn't.

I mean, why are they

printing articles about

what's going on in our family?

I know.

Every time someone walks by,

I get scared thinking they might be a reporter.

Hansu and Yeongsil must be so worried.

He's the trouble. That An whatever boy.

He caused all this trouble.

I told Yeongsil not to let him into her home.

She should've listened to my advice.

How come she never listens to my advice?

Calm down, mother.

Mom, calm down.

By the way, what's Junghui doing right now?

- Is he home? / - He's not coming back.

He went back to his apartment or something.

He's not coming back. Good riddance.

I really hated him.

But what's wrong with that boy

wanting to find his birth father

and live with him?

Why is the whole world talking about it?

It's not like they raised him,

so why do they care? Why?

They don't even know anything.

Why are they gossiping about our family?

They are separating a father from his son.


Mother, are you siding with Junghui?


No, I'm not.

I should go check on Yeongsil.

Oh, Hyeyeong, you're here early.

You're the one who's late.

I always wanted to go shopping with my daughter-in-law.

Let's go.


Didn't you say you're going to get some plates?

It's for you. You don't have a summer blanket.

It's okay. I'll get one later.

Oh, but I want to buy you one.

How's this? Isn't this one nice?

I'll take this one.

Thank you.


Oh, this is so pretty. So pretty.

Hyeyeong, isn't this really pretty?

That's not my style.

It's heavy, expensive and fragile.

What do you know? You never cooked before.

But when you have guests over,

they judge you based on your plates.

Let's check out another brand.


That was the third one already.

Just come. I want to buy you something.

No, no, mother!

The blanket was enough.

Oh, this must be new.

Let me see...

Is this one too flashy?

Oh! I love this style.

Bravo! This is the best one!

Mother, I want this one.

You and I have similar taste.

Oh, I have so many outfits I want to give you.

We could even share our clothes. Right?

Mother, please pay for this.


How much?

Hyeyeong, let's go in here.


Oh, how nice!

Look at you! I can't believe I ran into you here.

- What happened to your arm? / - I got hurt.

Is she your daughter-in-law?

Yes, she is.

She is a successful lawyer

working at a huge firm.


Hi. This is my daughter.

- Hello. / - Hi.

She's getting married next month.

At S Hotel. It'll be an extravagant affair.

We came to buy the wedding gifts.

Her future in-laws sent a long list.

But I'm not going to complain.

I can afford it, so why would I complain?

By the way, how come you married your son off

in secret like that?

I thought maybe your daughter-in-law was pregnant,

but she doesn't seem to be.

It wasn't a secret wedding.

We had a small wedding to go with the trend.

Who gets married at hotels anymore?

And who gives all those wedding gifts?

That's terribly backward.

Don't you agree, Hyeyeong? Huh?

My daughter-in-law didn't want a flashy wedding,

so we rented a cafe and had a small wedding.

Both families were there,

and it was fun, beautiful and simple.

It was so moving.

Oh, and they live with us on the second floor.

Your son never visits you after he got married.

It's not easy to find a daughter-in-law like mine.

I guess I was very lucky. Don't you agree?

We better go.

Good luck with your wedding plans.

Let's go, Hyeyeong.

What is all this?

Was it a long day?

Did everything go okay?

Well, I could say no, but...

She's kind of cute.

Why? What happened?

There's nothing.

They stopped posting articles since last night.

Right, and most of the previous ones are gone.

They got them taken down.

They must be working really hard.

Most of the articles have been taken down.

Oh, that's a relief.

I think we can relax now, father.

And the comments aren't all that bad.

A few of them are mean but the rest are okay.

"An Junghui's acting is amazing."

"Is that why his acting improved?"

A lot of people are complimenting his acting.


I'm so relieved.

I was really worried people might post

mean comments about Mr. An

and spread false rumors about him.

Does this mean we can relax now?

I couldn't even breathe for a while.


I didn't know you were that worried.

You know this photo in the article...

Doesn't this guy look a bit like dad?

Before I saw the name Lee Yunseok,

I thought that was dad.

So I wasn't the only one.

This one looks much more like father.

I know. I thought the middle one was dad.

I know. I thought this boy was you, too.

I've never seen any photos of dad when he was young.

Dad, do you have any other photos?


Cameras are very common these days,

but in our time, they weren't.

I don't have that many photos either.

Why don't you call Junghui and ask how he is?

Yes, let's call him.

We haven't seen him in days.

I can't believe they called me on a weekend.

I wanted to go out with you.

Good luck.

I've been wanting to take a very long nap.

It was such a long week.

Then don't come out of the bed.

I'll be home by five at the latest.

- Bye. / - See you later.


Mom, take that off right now.

I can't do this anymore.

It's killing me.

I can't take this anymore

so take that off right now.

What are you doing?

I asked for three more days.

Today is day three so give me until tonight.

But your son is dying here.

And what's the big deal about a few more hours?

Please take that off.

What about you? It's just a few more hours.

Why can't you give me a few more hours?

It's until tonight. Just until tonight.

No more articles.

Now I can relax.


You're here.

What's all this, mother?

It's the pickling season.

I pickle vegetables every year,

so I ordered all these in advance.

But what can I do with my arm like this?

I'm sorry,

but can you do these for me? Please?

You never pickled anything before.

I did. You don't know what you're saying.

Be quiet.

Don't give Hyeyeong work. Put them away.

You were busy at work, so you never cared.

Maybe I didn't make a lot,

but I did pickle vegetables every year.

Since we have Hyeyeong, I was going to make plenty

and send some to her parents.

My parents?

Yes, that was why I ordered the best there is.

I can't throw these out. What should I do?

What else can we do? We'll have to do it.

Father, please help.


They don't sting that much.

What's he doing?

Honey, don't cut off that much at the top.

Oh, I don't believe what she's doing.

It's like she's never peeled an onion in her life.

Why are you so slow?

Make it look pretty.

I have to go to the bathroom.

Hyeyeong, you're so bad at this.

How come your hands are so slow?

Do it faster. We have one more box.

Hurry up, okay?

You're still working?

Did you fall into the toilet? What took you so long?

Come and finish this up.

That's enough.

You're going to make Hyeyeong sick.

That's why you have to help...

Who's that?

Hello? Who is this?



Okay. I'll be right out.

What is it?

It's the woman from next-door.

Someone scratched her car,

and she thinks it was us because of the color.

But I didn't even go out. Unbelievable.

Oh, can you go?



can you go?

You're a lawyer, so you must be good at this.

Okay. I will.

(Pine nut, seaweed and abalone, chicken)

I didn't realize how big this place was.


Hi, mom.

Me? Home, of course.

What about you?

What? Where did you say you were?

Incheon Airport.

I'm in Korea.

What took you so long?

I called you ages ago!

Look at my car.

You have a camera.

Why don't we just check the footage?


We need to talk.

Your arm...

What the...

My mom came to Korea.

You're exploiting the son you didn't even raise?

You are leeching off your child.

Let me see your father.

She is Hansu's ex-wife.

We must come up with an excuse to avoid her.

Do you have to do this?

Is that what you think, too?

This was all fake?

You hate being married to me that much?

Let's end this!

I didn't take marriage seriously enough.

Do you regret it?


Don't you think you should apologize to me?

Whoa! Seriously!

Has An Junghui met someone?

I wanted to keep working with you.

Is Mr. Byeon Hansu in?

For more infomation >> My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.34 [ENG/IND/2017.07.02] - Duration: 1:05:56.


Tyzo Bloom - Tip Toe (feat. Casey Cook) - Duration: 3:36.

Tyzo Bloom - Tip Toe (feat. Casey Cook) Lyrics

You try to be cool You cover with a jacket over your heart

But i see right through I know that leather doesnt hide a spark

Dare to say words Scared to think of what could happen after

So what if it hurts So what if it hurts

I dont know about you I want to move just a little bit closer

Ill take a bet on you Before you know it

Its already over So can we take it slow?

I just want to hold ya Can we slow?

Baby can we tip toe Baby can we tiptoe

I dont know about you I want to move a little bit closer

I dont know about you Baby can we tip toe

Ive seen it before Youve got me swimming weather

Its no end Head to the floor

Just like you never knew me once again I know how it works

I want to change Sorry

So what if it hurts What if it hurts

I dont know about you I want to move just a little bit closer

Ill take a bet on you Before you know it

Its already over So can we take it slow

I just want to hold ya Can we take it slow

Baby can we tip toe I want to move just a little bit closer

I dont know about you Baby

Baby can we tip toe Lets take

I dont know about you Baby can we

I want to move just a little bit closer I dont know about you

Take it slow Baby can we tip toe

For more infomation >> Tyzo Bloom - Tip Toe (feat. Casey Cook) - Duration: 3:36.


GG LIVE | Bloodborne #4 (PS4) - Duration: 6:17:36.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | Bloodborne #4 (PS4) - Duration: 6:17:36.


L.ời Phật Dạy Rất Hay '' KIẾP ĐÀN BÀ'' quý ông quý bà nên nghe bài này - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> L.ời Phật Dạy Rất Hay '' KIẾP ĐÀN BÀ'' quý ông quý bà nên nghe bài này - Duration: 16:53.


5 Akhrot Khaio Aur 4 Ghanto Bad Kamal Daikhin | Akhrot Ke Fawaid Health Benefits Of Walnuts in Urdu - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 5 Akhrot Khaio Aur 4 Ghanto Bad Kamal Daikhin | Akhrot Ke Fawaid Health Benefits Of Walnuts in Urdu - Duration: 2:28.


The Significance of the Resurrection (Clip 1) // Bayless Conley - Duration: 2:57.

Get ready to discover answers in the Bible

with Bayless Conley

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, then Christianity is just another religion without

the power to change a person's heart.

If Jesus was not raised, then we can't trust anything He said because on numerous occasions

He declared that He would be raised from the dead.

And if He lied about that, everything else He said immediately becomes suspect, as well.

If He was not raised, then the Bible is just an ordinary book.

It's got a lot of history, some poetry, some superstition, some tall tales, but it's

strictly of human origin.

On the other hand, though, if He indeed was raised from the dead, then we which have believed,

we're not wasting our time.

Our faith is not useless.

Preaching is not useless.

In fact, it is the means by which God has chosen to bring the good news of His salvation

to a dying world.

If He was raised from the dead, then believers that have died, trusting Him, are with Him

now very much alive in heaven, a very real place, experiencing inexpressible joy and

glory and satisfaction.

If He was raised from the dead,

then Jesus is the Son of God and not just an ordinary man.

If He was raised up, then Christianity is not some manmade religion, but a body of God

indwelt people.

If He was resurrected as He said,

then we can trust everything He said with our very lives.

If He's alive, friend, then this Book, the Bible, it's more than a smattering of history,

poetry, superstition, and some tall tales.

It is indeed the Word of God.

Let's read the final verse, verse 20.

We ended in verse 19 of First Corinthians 15.

Verse 20 says this: "But the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead.

He has become the first of a great harvest of those who will be raised to life again."

My friend, Jesus is alive.

And the fact that He was raised from the dead, listen: It is supreme proof.

It is a demonstration that everything that He came to accomplish has been accomplished.

For more infomation >> The Significance of the Resurrection (Clip 1) // Bayless Conley - Duration: 2:57.


【TOY SMILEY】170702 20:33:10 SR【ゆっち】 - Duration: 26:50.

For more infomation >> 【TOY SMILEY】170702 20:33:10 SR【ゆっち】 - Duration: 26:50.


Dziękujemy za pomoc! Japońskie sieroty jadą do Polski na mecz - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Dziękujemy za pomoc! Japońskie sieroty jadą do Polski na mecz - Duration: 7:12.


Trump Escalates His War On The Press, Threatens To Sue CNN - Duration: 4:39.

Earlier this weep Donald Trump held his technically very first reelection fundraiser for 2020

at one of his DC hotels where attendees were charged $35,000 a piece to attend.

Well, during this fundraiser, Donald Trump got up there, made a little speech where he

started once again attacking the media.

This time specifically going after CNN for the fact that they recently had to retract,

apologize and fire a couple of writers for publishing a story that turned out to not

be 100% verifiable.

I think that's an important distinction to make here is that the story wasn't able to

be verified so they retracted it.

They issued an apology.

They took the right steps.

Trump won't let it go and so during this fundraiser he escalated his attacks on the network and

joked about, "Maybe we should sue them.

Any lawyers in the audience?

I think I've got a case.

It would be fun."

Those were the words that Donald Trump used.

"It would be fun.

I think I've got a case."

Well, let me explain something to you, Donald Trump, about how American defamation, slander

and libel laws work.

They can go both ways.

Making an untrue statement about a brand or a corporation is considered defamation in

the United States and people are able to sue over that.

I'm just going to throw this out there.

Say I were to refer to a network like CNN and call them fake news.

Tell millions of people that they are fake news.

That is an example of defamation.

That is an example of something that can get you sued.

That is an example of something that you do on a weekly basis.

You know what, Trump?

Go ahead.

Go ahead with your lawsuit and sue CNN for having to retract the story and apologize

and take all of the necessary steps to make it right again because I can promise you before

you turn around you're going to be slapped with a counter suit for continuously referring

to this legitimate news source as fake news.

There is a case there and it's a case that even a first year lawyer could probably prove

in front of a federal court.

You have a big enough audience via Twitter and all your social media outlets where you

call them a fake news outlet that they could prove defamation and slander without a doubt.

That's my message for Republicans right now.

You better watch out.

When you start picking fights with media outlets, those things whose job it is everyday to go

out and uncover things and report on things 24 hours a day, you better make sure you have

no skeletons in your closet.

You better make sure you've never said anything that can come back to bite you because I can

promise you even with as horrible as the US media has become, they still have some good

reporters out there who will dig that up and use it against you.

It is never wise to pick a fight with a media outlet.

There's an old saying, "You don't pick a fight with somebody who buys ink by the barrel."

But, that's exactly what Donald Trump is doing.

He thinks that attacking the media is a winning strategy and the Republicans, to be honest,

have admitted that that's going to be their tactic for the 2018 elections.

The only problem is that the public doesn't share their hatred of the media, at least

not to the same extent.

The public as a whole does not believe that CNN is fake news.

They believe that CNN screwed up as every single media outlet has done in their history,

but they also understand that Donald Trump is probably the kind of guy who eventually

these stories are going to prove to be true possibly, and that's why they're putting more

stock into the corporate media at this point than they are in Donald Trump.

Go ahead with your lawsuit if you think you've got a case because I would love to see the

counter suit immediately filed by CNN.

For more infomation >> Trump Escalates His War On The Press, Threatens To Sue CNN - Duration: 4:39.


Nick Diaz é suspenso pelo UFC após não realizar exames antidoping - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Nick Diaz é suspenso pelo UFC após não realizar exames antidoping - Duration: 2:50.


Beetle-kill Tiny Home (196 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:48.


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