Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

We'll greet the NewsAde viewers

Set! To be a hero A.C.E hello we are A.C.E!

We'll introduce our team

A.C.E means Adventure Calling Emotions

(Repeats in Korean)

We will show you all cool songs and performances in the future

We will work hard to be an infinitely growing and improving group

Please expect a lot from A.C.E in the future

We'll introduce our members now

Starting from me

Hello, I'm A.C.E's leader, vocal and dancer; fiery leader Jun

Fiery leader?

yes fiery


I'm A.C.E's main vocal Donghun who has a voice like a radio DJ

(Singing Beautiful by Crush)

I'm A.C.E's main interjection Wow (so punny Wow)

Today is just great


I'm A.C.E's light skinned Jason

Hello, I'm A.C.E's main vocal and CUTIE CHAN!

(Singing All Of Me by John Legend)

You did well Chan

It really makes me want to give you everything

We can't leave out introducing our debut song

Our song Cactus has an addictive melody

and is in the EDM sub-genre Hardstyle

We prepared a cool performance for it

And the stories of the members are in the lyrics

Please show love to our song Cactus in the future

Should we sing a short part of it here?

(Singing Cactus <3)

Should we show the point dance?

since the song came out too

(neeever gonna get over this dance )

That was it

Yes please love Cactus in the future

Thank you

[Talking about stage outfits]

At first it wasn't this outfit

Our stylist was showing us clothes from popular collections

and showed us hot pants

As soon as we saw it we were like "Oh that would be cool"

We were the ones who asked for it first

A lot of people think we hate wearing them

We were actually the ones who wanted it

People were worried so~

We like it (the outfits)

It kind of became our team's signature

I think that's a good thing

It something only A.C.E can pull off

I'll say carefully that maybe it could become a popular fashion

[What did you do in order to be able to wear these outfits?]

We actually did a lot

You know guys... kinda.. have a lot of.. hair.

Since a lot of people are watching

We try to take care of our legs

We went to a waxing shop

Its faster and is more effective

It was our first time so

It hurt a lot at first

Chan even bled

To be honest we all bled a lot

[Is it not difficult?]

After doing it for a while strangly it became more comfortable

If we don't have a schedule our hair grows more

It's so uncomfortable

So we keep doing it

Not having hair is so much more comfortable

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] A.C.E @ NewsAde - Why do they wear Hot pants? - Duration: 5:18.


Beyond The Five Senses The Powers Latent In Humankind - Duration: 8:30.

Beyond The Five Senses The Powers Latent In Humankind

By consciousreminder

The traditional five senses � sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch � are these the

only ways to perceive the world, to gain information, to experience reality?

In fact there are more than five senses, taking different forms, in various types of organisms,

including humans.

For instance, humans can also sense balance and acceleration, temperature, and pain due

to nerve damage.

There are other types of physiological receptors as well, some found in humans, some found

in other organisms.

To cite just a few examples, directional awareness based on Earth�s magnetic field occurs in

birds and bacteria, various species of fishes as well as dolphins can detect electric fields,

and for many types of fishes water pressure detection used to maintain buoyancy is critical.

But is there something more than the sorts of physiological-based senses described in

the last paragraph?

The answer to this question is of profound importance, as it fundamentally divides the

world into two philosophical and metaphysical camps.

On the one hand we have the �physicalists-materialists� who believe there is nothing more to reality

beyond matter and energy as construed by classical physics and western science more generally.

This position devolves to a dogmatic scientism (sometimes referred to as naturalism1) that

posits the so-called scientific method, involving empiricism, observations, and laboratory experiments

(generally with a heavy emphasis on measurements), as the only way to gain knowledge.

On the other hand, in sharp contrast to extreme scientism, are found a wide array of �ways

of knowing.� These include a diverse range of experiences with equally diverse labels:

religious insight, ecstasy, spiritual knowledge, meditative contemplation, divine illumination,

aesthetic and symbolic revelation, visionary trances, out-of-body experiences, soul travelling,

channelling of supernormal entities, and so forth.

In sum, scientism is often contrasted with spirituality, religiosity, and the preternatural,

supernatural, or supersensitive in all of their disparate forms.

Another way of putting this is that scientism denies any inner or beyond this material world

aspects, such as the concept of consciousness, that are divorced from or in addition to physical

matter and energy as perceived either directly or indirectly (using appropriate instrumentation)

via the five senses.

Those following the dogmatism of scientism often make a sharp distinction between the

objective and the subjective; based on my research, this is a false dichotomy that often

blurs under close scrutiny.

In terms of the mind-body problem, scientism essentially denies that consciousness is anything

more than an epiphenomenon arising from physical-chemical processes taking place in the brain.

The alternative extreme view is that consciousness exists outside of and beyond matter, and it

is consciousness that in fact infuses the universe and makes matter manifest.

Based on his understanding of modern physics, Amit Goswami (author of a standard textbook

on quantum mechanics2) has written:

�I propose that the universe exists as formless potentia in myriad possible branches in the

transcendent domain and becomes manifest only when observed by conscious beings.�3

It is not only from a quantum mechanical point of view that one can reach the conclusion

that consciousness may be prior to matter.

Erik Verlinde (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam) developed a new theory

of gravity based on the concept that the universe is essentially a holograph where the structure

of space-time emerges from information.4 Elaborating on Verlinde�s work, I came to the following


�The most fundamental aspect of the universe� is information.

Information can be equated with thought or mind or mental constructs independent of any

material everyday conception�.

The universe of mass and energy and forces, as we experience it on an everyday practical

level, may have had its origin in a thought that inserted information into an otherwise

blank (data free) holographic system�.

Inserting more thoughts, more information, expands and changes the system��5

For me the bottom line is that not only can consciousness exist independent of matter,

but consciousness � thought, information � is prior to matter in a most fundamental


This position is diametrically opposed to dogmatic scientism and opens, even demands,

the acknowledgment that not only is there more to reality than can be perceived by the

�five senses,� but in order to gain a complete picture and understanding of reality

we must gain knowledge in ways that go well beyond the five senses, beyond the simplistic

so-called scientific method.

We need philosophical, religious, transcendent experiences and the genuine knowledge such

experiences bring.

Those who limit themselves to their material physiology can never aspire to understand

the ultimate nature and meaning of the universe.

This assertion that consciousness is beyond matter is not just an empty statement for


We have latent powers to exercise, and such powers have been expressed in a variety of

contexts through the ages.

Various forms of paranormal and parapsychological experiences elicit and highlight these latent

powers, most often expressed as telepathic interactions (direct mind-to-mind, direct

consciousness-to-consciousness, connections) or psychokinetic interactions (consciousness

directly affecting matter and energy).6

Make no mistake; telepathy and psychokinesis are genuine.7 Remote viewing, which is essentially

telepathy and clairvoyance8 dressed in modern terminology, has been successfully demonstrated

over and over again under controlled laboratory conditions.9

Indeed, telepathy may be the most fundamental way to connect directly with the universal

consciousness, with the numinous, with the divine.

What is silent prayer but telepathy put to action to communicate with one�s god?

Numerous techniques can be used to cultivate and elicit paranormal experiences, experiences

that scientism either dismisses or fails to take seriously, and these have been developed

within many different religious and cultural contexts, from the rituals of tribal African

societies to the yogis of the Indian subcontinent to Zen practitioners to classic shamanism

to s�ances in all their diverse forms to western occult and esoteric studies.10 All,

at their core, elicit different but complementary ways of gaining access to legitimate knowledge

that is beyond the five senses.

For more infomation >> Beyond The Five Senses The Powers Latent In Humankind - Duration: 8:30.


How to Survive Anxiety for Back to School - Duration: 5:20.

You Think so in the back you like the Noise I'm excited to Take the training night is high and hi

I'm jessie Paige I'm 18 Years Old if You're Watching this and you Feel Anxious Whether you're Socially Anxious you?

Generalized Anxiety I think This Video Could

Help you out A bit this Video Is

Specialized Towards under School but I think it Could Help you in Regards to the life this Video isn't going to cure Anxiety

Some Things that Made my school experience With Anxiety A bit Easier and They Work for me They might not Work for you it's okay?

Hopefully Help out One Person even A

Little Teensy bit Let's give This to

45,000 life if You Think Anxiety Freaking sucks and you want Kicking in the Butt and Also just so more People See this Video Because

I think this Video Could Really Helpful to People and i mean if you think

I'm Cute

Be sure to subscribe and Comment down Once You have done so and I might Feature you like I'm doing With this Person but hey

So my friend Nicole Help me Film This and I really Appreciate that so we Decided to Make it collab and I also Helped her

Some Video to her Channel and I will link it down Below

Be sure to Check out a mental health Days are very Controversial Which I don't think they Should

Be I see all These Tweets and Things Wingless Mental health Is important Mental health Days are Valid and so on yet

Boy it's Still something that's

Disregarded When you have Anxiety you know it's real and When People Just Assume that you're Making that Up it Hurt even if You don't

Have Anxiety, we're Not Robots like your Brain, also Needs Days off but

Also you!

Need to Make Sure you Spend that Mental health day right for example I don't recommend Going on social Media Maybe like Limit Yourself don't

Know if Any of you Guys Have this but I have like few songs that always Call me if You want to tell you that

Whatever I'm Anxious I always play the song Sometimes I'm in A mood Where that doesn't Help Me and Soup Really Upbeat, Happy Song

Just Relax okay

My People Please cut out


People in Your life I asked you Guys on Twitter for Help With this Video and This is Probably the Thing I got the most

Is the Thing i agree With the most Honestly Having A good support System is so

Important Again This Is going to sound Incredibly Silly but When I'm unhappy?

Sometimes I just ask for A Hug when I was in School I never did This?

Keeping That in And not Telling People it Makes it Worse but that's why you?

Also to Have your good support System that's Gonna be like yeah

Here Here's your Hug and at least for me Too just as A friend When I see People open Up and be like I really

Want to Hug right Now like that's That's Adorable you Feel Anxious in School Please Make Sure

You eat Food I know it sounds so simple but it's so important for me in my personal Situation when I'm Anxious at

Home I actually

Benjy Which Is the worst Thing to do when I'm in Public and I have anxiety I

Don't eat I don't really know why if you have anxiety

I want you right now to just Analyze Yourself Make sure it doesn't Affect your Relationship With Food because I feel like that does

Happen for People and it can be Incredibly Dangerous to your health and

Once it does become A Habit Work Every Single day to Break that Habit single day I want to write A note on my Fridge

and be like don't

Tiger Emotions With Food Jessie

Someone Tweeted Me This and I thought it was so Cute and so true cute Little Pictures in your locker

Yeah Having Those in your locker can be Incredibly beneficial and if Maybe Seeing People Makes you stressed out Public puppy

okay This is going to sound Silly but I promise you it Can Actually Help Unless your school has These Banned

Digit Spinners Slime Silly Putty Those Things Can Help for me Personally

When i talk Into messages Better my hands it Actually Makes me Feel a little bit Less Anxious

I don't know why it does, also A few other things some People Tweeted me These ideas and I love them

One was Having a hair Time your wrist and he Just Really helps to have something Just in Case that you can set your mind

To that Can Kind of Take your mind Off of Whatever is triggering Hearing?

You know Sometimes Gonna Get Really Anxious in Class and you Can't really like Just Yell it out to someone

But you Really Just want to let go of it because you're Just Following up these Emotions that it's getting Overwhelming Putting A

Little Journal To write Those Things out Really Quick and Sometimes it Can Make that things Seem A lot, less scary

Firstly I was always too shy to like reach out and Make Internet Friends but I remember I would Watch Youtubers and?

They Would Talk About similar Experiences With Their Own Anxiety and I was like

Well I'm not the only Person to filling These things what this is One girl Named Jessie Paige yeah

I wouldn't recommend Watching her the memes that she Puts in Our Videos or more relevant than she is oh?

We Can find People that are?

Comfortable With These Traits that Maybe Make you Feel Anxious

You'll Start Getting Control over Things A lot more it Takes Time Be Patient don't torture Yourself to be a Certain Way

Don't be a Dictator over your own Body I wish I knew that Growing up Keep Trying to get More and more Comfortable with what

You want to do I went Through it I'm alive I came out Confident and Tech and I stuck Through With

What I wanted to do in my Own Ways of Self-Expression We Feature Instagram twitter Post Way-Hey and your Instagram and Twitter Pages?

Even if Maybe none of the Tips in This Video helps but you just Came out Knowing like hey, There's so Many

People Like Me that are going Through Anxiety that Makes me Happy so yeah I hope you guys Enjoyed Those you guys in the Future

For more infomation >> How to Survive Anxiety for Back to School - Duration: 5:20.


Busy - Kevin Roldan Feat Noriel, Baby Rasta & Gaviria (Video Oficial) - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Busy - Kevin Roldan Feat Noriel, Baby Rasta & Gaviria (Video Oficial) - Duration: 5:21.


aro plays overwatch then draws ur ocs | Livestream - Duration: 3:12:39.

For more infomation >> aro plays overwatch then draws ur ocs | Livestream - Duration: 3:12:39.


#43 KAPAN KE INDONESIA LAGI? - Duration: 7:51.

What's up! It's time to appear again, cause it was long time I wasn't here

Today I want to answer a question which you ask me most of the time

to be exact...

Mister! When you go again to Indonesia?

Usually I don't have answer for this question because

I want to stay more focus

with professional life and my job

and I don't want to waste my time only for traveling and relax

I want to be more productive

As some people already know, I used to work in Iceland

But I finished it for now because something very spontaneous happened

Now I'm ready to answer your question

I will come again to Indonesia on 3 of August

And I will stay in Indonesia until 23 of August, so it's around 3 weeks

Before I said that I don't want to travel again

It was a big surprise for me, because I've got an opportunity to become a guide for polish bule

So I will bring a group to show Indonesia to people from my country

I will land in Jakarta 3 of August and continue to Serang

Because there is an opportunity to play in movie for the first time in my life

Movie about Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, I will become his bodyguard

First time play in the movie, great experience for sure!

I'm looking for a place in West Java where I can go and have fun

Travel only for 2-3 days

If you have an idea where I can go or if you want to join me for Krakatau or Ujung Kulon

I don't know many places in West Java, so please help my with choice!

It would be nice to meet someone and drink hmmm

From West Java I will take a plane to Makassar

I will go to Toraja, If you live in Toraja

I would like to know what's interesting there, where I can go, when are the funeral ceremonies

Or when is Ma'nene ritual

Few days in Toraja and I'm coming back to Makassar

And continue to Karimunjawa to relax, do snorkeling and play with sharks

I'm looking for a person who knows Semarang

I would like to visit rainbow village which is painted in colorful way, I think it's great idea

I want to drink legendary Congyang

If you wanna drink with me, write it below the this video

I will contact you, if you know where I can buy it, and if you like to drink

We can drink it together and make a video about Congyang

Already many people wrote that I have to try it

I want.

I have 3 days in Semarang and Jogja area

If you know any cool place, which is not crowded

And if you are a tour guide, you can show something special and original

Which is unknown for bule barat

Later I want to make my own trip and organize it

For sure I don't know many places and even didn't heard about them

I'm planning to become a professional tour guide for Indonesia

It's very interesting job for me

To make othere people interested in country I know

So I can introduce this country for foreigners

That's the plan for August

What's next?

I know I know!

Here is a lottery, in last movie I've told that I will send a postcard from Islandia to Indonesia

Lottery time!

We have some papers here, let's see who will be succed

I don't see

We've got one, who is the winner?

The winner is Rico Wijaya, please send me

Give me your real name and address in comment or e-mail address

I will send it tomorrow or day after, as soon as I can

Subscrive my channel because I will appear more often than 2 months or month ago

when I was very busy

Now I have lots of time, many interesting videos coming soon

Don't forget to follow me on instagram where you can find different content. I like photography very much so check it out

Later I will make some contests

You will have a chance to win some clothes or t-shirts. I'm working on that right now

You have to be patient :)

If you wanna join me, check Instagram, Facebook, Youtube,

If you like to ask questions for bule

I hope I will meet you next month

Drink Congyang or Tuak, whatever you want

Or Pletok?

If you know where to buy it, help me in comments. So we can appear together!


That's all folks! See ya!

For more infomation >> #43 KAPAN KE INDONESIA LAGI? - Duration: 7:51.


Tips For Saving Money On Summer Bills (Pt. 1) | DLC YouTube - Duration: 1:36.

Welcome to Tips for Saving Money on Summer Bills Pt. 1

Turn Up or Turn Off the Air Conditioning Almost half the energy used in your home goes

toward heating and cooling.

Even making small adjustments, such as turning up your air conditioning by only one degree,

can make a huge difference.

For each degree you reduce your air conditioning, it's estimated you'll save 3 percent on

your utility bills.

Get Creative With Summer Camps Many cities and municipalities run affordable

summer camps through their recreation department, community center, or YMCA.

Call your city government or township office to find out what types of camps are available.

The length of the camp determines its cost, so be sure to carefully consider whether half

days or full days are most practical.

If any summer camp you're interested in is too expensive, inquire to see if grants

are available.

Don't Water the Grass The downside to sprinklers is that they use

a lot of water.

With more areas of the country facing droughts or mild water shortages, sprinklers are increasingly

frowned upon for wasting resources.

According to CBS, Americans are the world's biggest water users, and 36 states will face

water shortages in the next three years.

It's estimated that 50 percent to 70 percent of U.S. residential water is used on landscaping.

You will greatly reduce your home's water bill simply by not watering your grass everyday.

Follow Dollar Loan Center on social media Thanks for watching this video.

Be sure to leave your comments and like or share if you found this content helpful and

be sure to join us for more helpful videos later this week.

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