Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

funny cats


cute cat



pretty cute



Learn Photoshop in 40 Minutes - Duration: 40:03.

hey what's up guys Christian here for Chris Clark today we're learning

Photoshop all right super excited to get into this I haven't done a tutorial just

a straightforward tutorial in a while so I'm really excited for this a lot of you

guys have been asking me for photoshop stuff so here it is so this is kind of

like an introductory video whether you are just starting off with Photoshop or

if you already have some experience in it there's definitely a few tips in here

that you might find useful so let's jump right in and let's get started

alright guys so here we are in Photoshop and if you launch your application this

is what you'll see not these specific things because these

are my projects and things that I've been editing on Photoshop so you will

eventually have your most recent work once you have a few projects going but

this is pretty much where you find your your most recent so other than that you

can open them directly through here so you can browse through your finder or if

you're using Windows folders I guess and then you can create a new one so that's

what we're gonna do because we're just starting off and by the way guys if this

looks different from what you have it's probably because you have a different

version this is Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 everything else should be the same

especially for the basics we're not going to get into any of the additional

features with that it so it should be fairly similar for everyone across the

board so let's get started let's create a new project and here we're going to

just kind of select what kind of document we want to create so we have a

few presets here and I can just go for the regular you know 1920 by 1080 but

you can also put whatever value in here just whatever suits what kind of project

you're doing we're just starting off so anything will do and also this is your

you know measurement so pixels is usually what most screens and video

files and everything are measured in but if you're into photography and you need

these other options these are here for you as well this is where you can name

your project you can name it whatever you want you also have some preset

detail that you can load up and save and once you're happy with all this you can

just hit create and it'll create a new blank document for you now I have these

guides turned on but you can turn them on and off here where is it clear guides

okay so if this is your first time opening Photoshop and looking at this

interface or if you've never really touched it before it can seem a little

bit intimidating but it's really really simple and there's just a few basic

mechanisms here that once you learn those you'll be set for everything else

and everything else kind of build upon that so it's a lot easier than you think

don't let this kind of discourage you so let's actually start by breaking down a

little bit of what we have in front of us so we have our toolbar here this is

where you're going to pretty much selecting grab your tools and use them

for whatever you do in here this is obviously where you can posit your

pictures together where you do whatever Photoshop work you want to do we'll get

into a few different things and there's other tutorials on this channel as well

if you want to get into more advanced photography Photoshop stuff or other

post and filmmaking latest things so most of the tools that you're using in

photo we're all going to be here and we're

going to go through all of these individually in just a second and then

over here we have a few options for whatever tool you have selected so that

is usually what this top bar is for as well as a few other options that pop up

whenever we are moving things around and once we get into that sort of stuff

you'll see some awesome new options come up here and then here you have your you

know your usual file edit I don't need to go over these you can kind of see

what they do there's a few things that we'll go over later on such as you know

throwing in these adjustments you have a lot of adjustments here that you can do

and some filters so there's a few filters that you can apply to things and

we're going to get into all this in just a second and I know I've said that

already three times so but we're almost done so over here we have just colors

right now this might be different from yours and also all of this could be very

different from what you're seeing depending on what kind of workspace you

have so to change your workspace you can go under window and under workspace you

can select whichever workspace you want now most of you if you're just starting

off with Photoshop you're going to have the default essentials which is what I

have selected so you should be fine but just in case you're seeing anything

different then you can just go under window workspace and select essentials

so that's what we're gonna be using today so over here you're going to have

some information depending on what you're doing and then you have some

adjustments that are pretty much these quick buttons they're almost like

shortcuts of different adjustments that you can throw in this section over here

and this section is where you have all your layers so everything that you are

doing adding and creating and adjusting in Photoshop will show up here so this

is in a way kind of like your timeline if you're used to editing or it could be

different layers like what you have in After Effects so this is all very

similar to that and I love by the way how compatible these programs are so if

you're into the effects and you're jumping into Photoshop for that kind of

work or anything else where you need to go in and out of Premiere Pro or After

Effects I really love how compatible the whole suite is so definitely a big plus

for using Adobe products ok so we have a general understanding of where

everything is and it's going to get a lot easier once we get into things and

once we start using tools then you really start seeing how this workspace

comes into play and obviously in the middle here you have your canvas I can

just zoom in and now I'm using my trackpad I'm just pinching my fingers in

now this should be the same on most laptops if not you can scroll your wheel

or you can select the the zoom magnifying tool over here and you can

zoom in and out let's let's jump right into all these tools and by the way this

is our work area essentially this is our canvas this is where we are going to see

everything that we're going to be doing and if you're not happy with the size

you can always go under image I'm going to say edit but it's image canvas size

and in here you can select pixels since that's what we're what we're using as

unit of measurement you can see that this is the the numbers that we put in

earlier but we can change these at any time and we can change the size of our

canvas another way to do it is by cropping it in so you can use the crop

tool here and I know and we're going to we're not going to go in order here but

it's okay we we live on the edge and here you can freely move this around and

change the size of your of your canvas and you can crop in and out or you can

even select a certain ratio maybe you want to do a one by one square picture

for Instagram well then you have this kind of preset we can crop in wherever

you want and then you know you can just clear this out and and you can move this

freely around again so if you want to play these changes to this crop you can

select this checkbox icon over here and that will apply this cloth or if not you

can just kind of have this undo button here and if I click that it'll bring me

back to what I had so you can see how this side of Photoshop is going to

change a lot depending on what tool you're using so right before we can dive

deeper into this toolbar we should probably import something so that we can

play around and you can really see the full effect that these guys over here so

there's a few ways of importing things into Photoshop so my way of doing it

just because it's quick and easy is just going under finder opening up whatever

folder you're looking for and then just dragging and dropping whatever element

you want to import so we've imported this lamp and this is just a previous

picture that I cut out in Photoshop and that I already saved and is before the

website I just launched I just made a few web elements in Photoshop like this

one and if you guys want to check it out by the way it's Chris Cort calm just a

quick little website plug there but there's a lot of free tools on there so

maybe you guys will find something useful so now we have this thing moving

around in our canvas here and you can see the same two options are appear when

you import things you can actually move them around scale them and make changes

to them so right now I can scale it down and I can you know warp it

around like this as I hit command Z that will undo that and now if I hit shift

and scale it down now it's going to scale it down proportionately so we've

scaled this down and you can see that as I move this there's these kind of lock

guides and you can able them or disable them but personally I find them really

useful because I know when my item is centered and that's that's pretty nice

then once I'm up here you can see that my cursor is changing to these curved

arrows and that is because I can rotate this image once I'm outside of the box

so inside I move around outside I I can just freely rotate it and if we

right-click on this element we have a few additional options so we can scale

and rotate like we've been doing we can also skew it and use a really

cool because now if you go on the line you can skew it like this

a command Z to bring it back and then I can skew it on this side so all of these

sides are skewing I guess now you would say then you have perspective and if you

drag the points in you can see that it's almost like yeah like laying it flat and

then depending on which direction you go in you can modify it that way so I'm

going to do that as well and then you have a few other options you can distort

it you can warp it and these are fun to play with you know you can even have

this sort of grid so you can really distort the image and these are really

fun and they're really great and useful when you're placing things or one of

your compositing things so this is definitely good to know all right so

let's say we are happy with our changes we can always undo them but if we're

happy with them we can hit this and now we've applied the changes to our image

so now you can see here on my layer panel that we have a new layer so this

layer is the lamp so we have the lamp layer and we have the background layer

now I want you to notice something when I turn off this background layer we have

this checkered pattern and what this checkered pattern is in Photoshop and in

most other software is a way of telling you that this is transparent so we have

a fully transparent background so if we were to render this with transparency so

maybe as a PNG image we would only see the lamp and nothing else because we

have turned off our background and we can't do much else with this because

it's locked right now so this is just by default backgrounds in Photoshop when

you're starting off are going to be locked as a layer but

you can always unlock them so doesn't kind of useless but then you can just

select them or delete them we don't really care we don't really need a

background we do what we want so now we do have something here in our workspace

let's just keep experimenting with these so the very first one is our move tool

or a selection tool on the shortcut for that is V so you can switch to that and

just really move things around just by selecting them and once you have a lot

of stuff you might need to select them from your your layer panel here and then

that's how you'll be able to kind of move things around when things get

really cluttered and you have a lot of layers overlapping each other but for

now we're keeping it simple with our lamp here all right so next up we have

this this thing it's a rectangular what is it's called rectangular marquee tool

and the shortcut for that is and I really actually don't know the names for

these I just use what I need but essentially what this does is you know

you can select this and this has made a selection and now you can't move what's

in it you can only move the selection you might think that that's useless but

hit command J on your keyboard and if you do that boom look what happens

nothing nothing seems to have happened but actually we created a new layer and

now if I turn off this bottom layer which is our lamp we're only going to

see our newly created layer and what this is is just a section that we copied

from our lamp image here so when we made that selection we pretty much told it I

want to make a copy of just what's in here so that's what this selection tool

is and you can do a lot of other things with it one thing that we'll get into

with selection that's really useful is layer masks and in a way it's almost

like like an alpha mat that you would have in After Effects or any things like

that I don't know if fun if these references are helping you or if you

don't use After Effects and I'm not making any sense but we're get into that

we'll jump in in that in just a second but let's move along to the next tool

for now and this is the lasso tool and one thing that I want to point out is

we're going down this list for the rest of these is that you can actually click

and stay clicked on them or yeah hold your click and and then from there it'll

open up like a submenu here and you can swap this tool for something else like

this this our artboard tool which I've never used but you can do that for all

of these so you can see how you have an people Alec elliptic elliptical

selection tool here and a few other options for that and they're all kind of

in the same category so you have your lasso tool which is what we're going to

look at now but you also have a polygonal lasso tool and a magnetic

lasso tool so we're going to see the difference in these right now let's just

zoom into our image here and this is still going to make a selection so the

way I do it is I'm going to click and drag and you can see that I can freely

just draw whatever selection I want and once I let go we've made that selection

so everything that we saw with this rectangular guy here applies to this

type of selection so we can make a copy of just this of whatever is in this area

or we can do a few other things now one of these other things that we can do is

once we get into brushes which I guess we might as well get into that now

because I've been postponing way too many things so if we were to select the

brush we can click on the brush right here and don't worry I haven't forgot

about these we'll get back to them we can select the brush here or you can hit

B on your keyboard and that will bring up the brush although right now we're

seeing this icon and it's telling us that we can't do anything but that's not

how this works we tell Photoshop what we want to do so what we're going to do is

we're going to click on this and it's going to say again Oh blah blah blah

whatever this says and you're just going to click OK because you don't need to

worry about that for now just know that if you want something you

get it done okay so I'm going to turn this this guy off for now so we have the

selection made on our lamp layer and we have our brush tool selected so if I

draw here nothing's going to happen and that is because when you have a

selection made and when you have a brush you can only draw in within that

selection now I can invert that selection so if I hit command Z real

quick I can hit shift command I and that's shift control I if you're on a

Windows and that will invert your selection so now if I can draw out here

I can do it but it's excluding the other selection so I can just go over it and

it's not going to affect this area so that's really cool for a lot of

different reasons you can do a lot of different tricks with just that but

another thing that we can do with selections in general is something I

already mentioned which is adding a layer mask now the way you do this with

any layer selected is you go down here these icons are and we're going to go

in-depth into all of these but for now we're just going to click on this one

and this is what creates a layer mask for whatever layer you have selected so

if I click on that it's going to do this to us

now why did it cut a hole in our lamp well that is because whenever we have a

selection it's going to apply it to that layer mask so it's going to pretty much

cut a hole based on what you have selected so the way that it's cutting a

hole isn't just by cutting it now you can see that for this layer in my layer

panel we have two thumbnails kind of next to each other so we have these to

this new element that we added by creating a layer mask and this is our

layer mask so essentially what a layer mask is and how it works it pretty much

tells where your image is transparent or not and the way it tells that to this

image is with black and white values so black is transparent and white is fully

opaque so I know that sounds a little convoluted but let me show you what I

mean so if I have this layer mask selected and I have my brush selected

you can see that my brush is now black or white and if it isn't you can always

click on these colors and you can you know just make sure that it's black or Y

or whatever color you want this is applies to all the brushes and now if I

go over this and I start painting in you can see that I can paint transparency in

but I'm not erasing anything I'm just painting the layer mask black so that's

really cool I use layer masks all the time because it's very non-destructive

and what I mean by that is like I don't want to just permanently delete things

and then not be able to go back to that step instead of I'm compositing things

in and let's say I just went too far here I can invert the colors by hitting

X by the way another shortcut if you hit X on your keyboard that will invert

these two colors here so you have like a primary and a secondary color you can

toggle back and forth kind of like your primary gun or secondary gun in the game

and you always have them here you can toggle between the two of them with X so

that's good time-saver but ok so now that we're on Y if I go back and I start

painting things over my image or my layer mask I should say now you can see

that we're introducing the lamp back in so white adds and black deletes keep

that in mind and of course you can always invert these colors and inverting

just a quick shortcut is command I or control I so if we have our layer mask

selected and then hit that so I am during the colors now you can see that I

am I've essentially inverted the selection and that is because we've

inverted this from a white background to a black spot that was deleting things to

a black background and a white spot that is keeping things in hopefully that all

made sense and hopefully I didn't lose you but essentially that's that's how

layer masks work it's really simple it's just two ways of doing it black or white

and of course you can use grey and get fancy and that will show some of it

through but not entirely depending on how dark the gray is but another way of

achieving grey in a way is to lower the opacity of your brush so see how this

changes for every tool now that we have our brush selected you can see that we

have a few different additional properties for our brush so I can lower

my opacity here and if I set it to like 39 or whatever you can see that I'm

adding a lot less information back into our image now if I click on it again

it's adding another 39 percent of it and if I click on it again it's pretty much

introducing the full opacity of the layer we're going to say opacity but

that makes no sense let's keep going down this list we have other ways of

selecting things we have the polygonal lasso lasso tool these are really hard

words but essentially you click on a point takes you and then you you don't

have to keep clicking you can just go somewhere else click on the point click

on another point you get the idea it's now making a different kind of shape and

then you can go near where you started like really close to where you started

and I don't know if you can see it because the image is really dark but

there is a o or a zero or a loop that is close or a full circle that appears

around the icon of my cursor and that is telling you that you can now close that

selection so once you click that it makes a selection for you and same deal

as these other guys so we know what to do from here all right let's take a look

at magnetic lasso tool now this will stick on things based on contrast

essentially that's how this tool works so it's an easy way to quickly let's say

going in here and I want to just select this part I'm really doing a bad job at

and so is Photoshop but you can see that I

kind of tried to follow along the lines here and it kind of lost it a little bit

here but what it's doing is it's creating a really quick in easy

selection based on things that are around it so you can see how it's kind

of snapping to lines and things that have a lot of contrast sometimes it's

magic sometimes it doesn't understand what it's doing but that tool is there

for you and that's another way you can make selections so that is it for this

list now we have other ways of selecting things and this is the magic wand tool

and the shortcut for that is w what this does it selects similar colors in your

image and it makes a selection based on that so I could use that for some of

this wood here this isn't the ideal image where you would be doing this

because there's a lot of different colors here this is a nice way if you

have like a solid wall that you want to select or something that has similar

color this is a great tool to do that in a quick and easy way and here you have

other selections as well quick selection tools so you have a lot of ways of

selecting things we get it so let's move on we have the crop tool which we

already talked about we have the eyedropper tool which essentially you

can just use it to take a color and now we have selected that color from the

image then over here you have a few things that are used for more

photography than anything else so we won't really touch upon those but the

Spot Healing Brush tool and the Healing Brush tool are really simple to use and

they can take away pimples and like little small skin imperfections so it's

really used a lot by photographers and there's a few other things here that are

really simple to use and I could really help some pictures or some people out

all right so we have some brushes and we already talked about that then we have

the clone stamp tool now this is a huge one in Photoshop so first of all before

you jump into the clone stamp tool which I now have selected I'm going to get rid

of this selection and the way you do this nice and quickly in Photoshop is by

hitting command D or control D on your keyboard and that will get rid of any

kind of selection that you've made so now we have the clone stamp tool and

this kind of looks like a brush and that is because it behaves like a brush for

the most part now one thing that I skipped with brushes and then I'll get

into here because it'll be pretty much the same thing is the size of the brush

the way you change this is by right-clicking wherever in your

in your canvas and when you right-click it'll bring up these options so this is

the same as with your regular brush so you're going to have the same window up

here if you right-click here you can change the size now you can see that if

I move it back onto the image you can see the size of it now I can change it

again you can see that it's much smaller or make it bigger so that's how you do

that and then over here you see the hardness and hardness is almost like

feathering and after effects okay I need to stop doing After Effects references

but it kind of softened things out i soften the edges so if i have a let's

let's get a brush real quick so I can show you this so if I have a soft brush

and let's bring our path City all the way up so you can see what I'm talking

about so if I click here we have a very soft spot now if I right click and I

bring these options again and I increase the hardness now if I click back out

here it does a pretty solid circle so that is what this thing is doing it's

pretty much how much is a blurring out or feathering out the edges of your

brush and then of course you can select other brushes here you can import

multiple brushes you can go crazy with brushes but there's a lot of different

options and different ways that you can you know maybe brush some things in so

that is really cool I love brushes and they can do wonders when you're

compositing things together and now they're great but that's not what we're

talking about let's go back to the clone stamp tool so let's turn this off for

now and let's just turn on the layer that we copied for no reason other than

just to show that we can change different layers depending on which ones

you have selected so in here we're gonna explore the clone stamp tool so what

this does is essentially it looks like a brush because it behaves like a brush it

paints things in but it's painting things not based on color but based on

what area you have selected here so to select an area to kind of paint in or

copy I can hit all on my keyboard and you can see that my cursor now changed

to this kind of target cursor and that is because now I can select a certain

area or a certain part of my image and once I do that I can paint that area

anywhere I want so you can see that now the brush actually shows the area that

you've selected so if I were to click on here you can see that I'm painting the

the image back in is really really useful you can use it

to paint people out of pictures if you've seen this and other tutorials on

YouTube for Photoshop it's a really popular one and that is what this tool

does so it's really useful you can use it for a lot of things I use this all

the time in matte paintings so it's definitely good to know and I mean

photography - there's a lot of uses for the clone stamp tool next we have the

history brush tool which kind of brings undo stings undoes things based on what

you have selecting when you're painting but I really don't use this very often

then you have the eraser tool which erases things and this behaves just like

a brush so you can again right click and you can change the size and the hardness

and you can just erase whatever you want your image I don't usually do this too

often just because I use layer masks whenever I want to delete or you know

change things that way because it's like I said before it's non-destructive

versus this way you need to undo things rather than being able to just paint

things back in so that's why I rarely use the erase tool but you know it's

quick and easy it's there if you need it next we have the paint bucket tool

wherever you click it paints that entire layer or the empty part of that layer of

a solid color and you can change whatever color you want here and you can

do that so it fills things in based on similar colors so if it's a fully

transparent area it'll fill that area or it'll kind of act like the the magic

wand tool that we that we looked at earlier and it also has a gradient tool

which is really useful you can kind of create these quick and easy gradients

with this and this can be really useful even in layer masks and you can toggle

back and forth to these like we did before and all the other ones then we

have a let's go back to an image here let me turn this off bring our lamp back

in then we have some other tools that I don't really use much but this is a blur

tool and right now I have my other layer selected so I need to make sure that I'm

selecting the lamp that I want to change now this blur tool let me just zoom in

to really show you what it does it surprise surprise blurs things out what

yeah so right now I have the strength sets of really low so this is how strong

it will blur things out or how much it'll blow them out so I'm going to

increase this all the way to a hundred percent and now you can see that I'm

really really blurring things out so over here you can

click on this and you can also sharpen things up so this behaves just like a

brush like we've seen with all these other options so just like how I was

blurring things I can sharpen things back up so you can see that on it's

obviously not going to make them go back to normal and it will start to create

some distortion if you sharpen things a little bit too much you know that noise

is really going to stand out and now you have let's see what else is in here a

smudge tool this kind of is like the liquify tool so you can smudge things

around could come in handy these are nice and easy and quick to use if

anything so I like that they're here then you have a Dodge tool and let's

bring the size of this down well the Dodge tool will just brighten things up

let me just pull this up so you can see that it's just brightening whatever area

I want so you can do some cool light effects with this and if you're

compositing things together this could be definitely a cool way to add a little

bit of integration in into your scene like so like if I were to drop this desk

on a table and there's a window that's emitting light from this way then I can

you know it's a nice little detail that you can add with this tool over here

same thing you can burn things you can darken things it's called the burn tool

so you can create some shadows you can darken parts of an image you can do

whatever you want and if I'm going over the same area while I'm still clicking

it that's just something that is true with all brushes it's it's going to

pretty much keep the same intensity but now if I let go and I click again it'll

make that same area darker so that's why I keep that in mind when you're using

these tools the more that you click the the more you will affect that area so

right now especially we have our exposure set to 50% so we can even go

100% and again this is kind of like the strength of how much is dark hang things

but you can see that if I go over that same spot it'll darken things a lot more

so the more you pass over certain spots after letting go of your click the more

it'll you know it'll show up with whatever you're doing if you're

darkening things or if you're using a brush with like a lower opacity same

kind of deal so like you can see that it's go over again I'm adding another

layer of opacity and so on so that's a kind of an overview on these tools then

you have the pen tool which is another selection tool and this is similar to

After Effects and know this is not just a reference

this is literally like they have the pen tool and after-effects and I've used it

a lot I actually used After Effects before jumping into Photoshop so for

selections I'll use this a lot of times so you can click then click again and

you can also hold and click so you can make some curves out of these lines or

you can make just some some straight lines just by clicking you know so you

can click and drag again you have these knobs that you can move around and you

can make some interesting shapes and you can cut around certain things that would

be otherwise difficult with these more freehand tools so you can go back to the

initial point and you'll see that same circle appear and once you click on that

it hasn't made a selection yet it's closed it's a sort of path of this of

this pencil to make a selection you have to go up here where it says make

selection and once you click on that it'll tell you how much you want to

feather the selection that you're going to make and feathering again it's like

blurring out the edges so I put it for point 6 pixels it's barely noticeable

but it still blends things in a little bit so it works for most selections that

I make but if you want things to be really blurry you can go up to 2 pixels

3 pixels and up from there really experiments see what that does

so 0.6 we'll hit OK and now we have a selection so this acts like any other

selection tool that we've looked at before so from this point on it should

be all the same I'm going to delete that selection by hitting command D or ctrl D

that gets rid of that next we have the title tool now once I click on here you

can see that it creates its own layer and this will be our title layer so I

can say hello and you know I can select my move tool and I can move this hello

around and we can see that it's its own layer so I can again I can select this

lamp so we can move this lamp around that we've kind of damaged and we can

move the title around we can also place the text below the lamp and now we can

see that the hello goes underneath the lamp the way that this works is because

this is a low mode that my computer is about to die hold on next we have the

path selection tool but we're not going to be using that for much so we're going

to skip that for now and then we can create some basic shapes so we can

create a square and now that created a new layer called rectangle for us and I

can always notice that up here our options are changing so we can change

the color the fill of this of this rectangle or we

can give it a little bit of a border like a nice little stroke and we can say

how thick we want the outline to be and then from there we can create different

shapes so we have a few presets over here rounded rectangle tool and Eclipse

the polygon tool a line tool and you can create a custom shape tool so right now

there is an arrow selected and you can change the shape of this right over here

and the cool thing is you can import your own images here so you can create

some custom shapes and you know just drag and drop them like this so then we

have the plan around tool and this is kind of what I use to navigate whenever

I'm zoomed in now if I hit V on my keyboard and go back to the selection

tool if I want to just pan around since I'm maybe moving some things around and

I don't wanna just go back and forth you just hit spacebar and that will change

this icon to the hand so now you know you're kind of panning around and while

you have the spacebar press down you can kind of navigate the same way so the

nice thing is that once you release that you're back to the selection tool and

you can go and do whatever it is that you were doing so that's nice and easy

there's a lot of really useful shortcuts and I've mentioned a few already

throughout this video but i definitely recommend learning them as you go

because they definitely speed up your workflow quite a bit now there's a few

things worth mentioning on this side over here

you can see that we can we have a bunch of layers now because we made all of

these custom layers but I am tired of looking at this lamp so I'm just going

to import something a little bit more exciting so we can play around and take

a look at layers and how they work just pop up finder over here so I'm gonna

select an image and I'm going to drag and drop it not on here but I'm going to

drop it over here right next to our project in this area over here and this

is going to create a new project with the same dimension as that image and

we're seeing that image so we can always go back and forth between different

projects or we can close projects if we're done with them we can save them

not save them I'm not going to save this but yeah if your Photoshop or if your

computer starting to run a little bit slow and you have too many projects open

you might want to close a few down and the same goes with any apps or anything

like that so we have our image import here and this will help us kind of see

what these adjustments are going to do a little bit more clearly than just a lamp

this is my friend by the way Maria Garcia she's a really talented model so

you should check out her Instagram it's really really good so let's start

throwing in some adjustments and see what we can do so I'm going to start

with some of these on the bottom here so we

don't with this icon does this is the layer mask so just just a little

reminder we won't be needing that for now instead we're going to go right next

to that and we're going to click on this half white half black circle and over

here we have a bunch of different options and these are things that you

can you can add you can add solid colors gradients and you can add a few

different adjustments and effects as well so let's start with a solid color

so you click on that it fills the entire canvas of a certain color you can pick

whatever color you want and you can click OK right now I just randomly pick

a color but let's say we wanted to give it a give our image a nice vintage tinge

well with a solid color like this if I were to set this to overlay and by the

way I didn't mention this but in your layer panel here with all of these

layers you have blending modes go away you have blending modes and this is a

way to blend the layers with each other so right now it's on normal but if I go

on screen you can see that it's kind of blending itself with the image below it

and I'm not sure how to really describe each and every one of these but you can

kind of see what they do and the main ones that I use our overlay screen or

add that definitely makes the whole thing a little bit brighter so they just

blend together in different ways depending on which blending option you

pick so I'm going to go with overlay for now and right now it's obviously way too

much it's completely destroying the image but if I go on the opacity for the

layer so again we have the blending options and we have the opacity for each

layer that we can select so if I select the color I can lower the opacity of it

and we can make that change much less drastic so if we go to like maybe like I

don't know 12 10 yeah and if we switch back and forth it's not a huge

difference but you can see that we're blending in the colors a lot more

together and we're giving it just a more of a unique and uniform feel so I mean

this is getting kind of specific and you can definitely play around with this in

many other ways so let's let's move on the list you can

create gradients and that's really good and maybe if you have a landscape you

can create some nice gradient effects for the sky and things like that but I'm

just going to move through these really we because it's just fun to experiment

with on your own so brightness and contrast these are adjustments and they

get created as their own sort of layer and this will affect anything that is

below it so right now if I increase the brightness over here you can see that

it's affecting everything if I increase the contrast or if I decrease it you can

see what's happening there so pretty straightforward and again I want you to

notice that with all of these layers that we're adding you have a layer mask

so if we were to let's say go back to the effect if we were to brighten this

up a lot but we don't want to see maybe the stuff in the closet here I can

select the layer mask of that adjustment layer and then with my brush selected

with black you can see that I can I can darken that up because I'm actually

subtracting this area from this adjustment by using the layer mask so

that's that's where layer masks come in really really handy and I really love

using them so there we go we can just do that little quick adjustment this looks

pretty bad so we're going to just select it and delete it and we're going to add

something else so levels and curves an exposure these

are all just different types of adjustments of two different things

with levels you have more control over your shadows and your mids and you can

kind of control it that way curves let's just add these in real quick

curves with RGB selected you can do something similar so you can control the

mid-tones and the shadows in terms of luminance but then you can also go we

just make this a little bit bigger then you can also go in the individual

adjustments of of each color so the red has its own curve and you can play

around with the red curve like so you can go on the green you can we take out

a little bit of green and make it more violet ish or purplish I don't know you

can have fun with this but that's essentially curved so you can make some

color adjustments really quickly in a nice visual way I really like curves and

I use this all the time so moving on we have exposure that changes your exposure

that changes the the exposure of your scene so pretty pretty self-explanatory

then we have vibrance hue and saturation we we just have a lot of options that

you can go through you can click them you're adding them the same way you can

increase saturation decrease the saturation something cool about this

adjusts that you can go under the individual

colors just like in curves you can control the hue of just the Reds or the

saturation of just the Reds so definitely really cool there's a lot

there to explore definitely go through the rest of this list everything else

works pretty much the same way you can add them and and just experience with

the sliders so very very simple stuff there now I'm going to bring in just

another random image these are all images from Instagram by the way so if

you want to follow me on Instagram definitely do so at crisco art I try to

post there as much as I can and I'm posting stories daily so if you want to

see what I'm up to definitely do that and I'll be in Italy for this time

around depending on when you're watching this video and I'm just going to make

some room here and by the way you can notice how all of these workspaces you

can just resize them so we have this image and we're going to drag it and

place it right above our other image so we can see that we're getting all of

those same adjustments now onto both images so you can see that just from

that movement alone you can see that there is sort of a layer hierarchy so

the the more they're up towards the top the the more it's going to ignore

whatever else is below it so if I move this just below the curves now it's only

going to be affected by the curves and this image is also being affected by my

curves because it's underneath to move it again

wait move it again there we go and it's being affected by the levels adjustment

and now if I move below the solid now it's also getting that overall brownish

reddish tinge so that's kind of the hierarchy of layers and layer panel and

how they work definitely keep that in mind and it can get tricky when you have

a lot of layers but let's say you want to apply these effects only to this

image and maybe you don't want to move this image above them because then it'll

it'll block everything else out so how do I apply these effects only to let's

say just this image alone so I'm going to show you a little trick if you hold

alt on your on your keyboard and you hover right in between the layers you

can see that the handle kind of changes slightly whenever you're in between each

layer so let's let's try to do it with this color so I'm going to I'm going to

click right there so when you do that you're telling Photoshop that you want

to contain this layer in this image so I'll show you exactly what I mean I'll

do it for these ones as well so you can kind of see what that is doing so

you've assigned essentially these to adjustments and this color only to this

image so now it's kind of bypassing the hierarchy and it's containing all of

these elements all these layers within this element and you do that by holding

alt and you go in between the layers so you can undo it by doing the same things

for your you see how the cursor is slightly different has like a line

through it if I go up here that will just undo that sort of selection a few

things that we didn't really go over are are the filter galleries here and a few

other things but really it's just it's very simple and it works kind of the

same way except that it doesn't create a layer so if we want to apply these

filters we want to select an image and then we can go filter maybe we can like

add an unsharp mask and we can sharpen this image and if I click OK that filter

is being applied to that layer so we're not going to create another adjustment

layer it's just going to be applied to that layer but for right now I wouldn't

worry about it too much just know that there's filters here that you can apply

directly to layers and you can definitely you know go through each

little section category and experiment with them all right guys I hope you

enjoyed the start in Photoshop hopefully they didn't bore you too much I know

there's a lot of tedious stuff that we needed to cover but hopefully you

enjoyed it hopefully you learned something from it and if this is your

first time on this channel I don't usually make Photoshop videos I do more

filmmaking and visual effects but if you guys want to see more photoshop

definitely let me know because I really love it I'm but using it a lot lately

even for VFX so let me know what you want to see next if you want to see more

of this definitely let me know in the comment section below anyways guys thank

you so much for watching my name is kris trini for kris carr and i will see you

next time

For more infomation >> Learn Photoshop in 40 Minutes - Duration: 40:03.





E-element Z88 81 Key Mechanical Keyboard - Unboxing & Review - Duration: 8:23.

Today we're gonna check out another budget mechanical keyboard and this one is from E-element,

who have quite a few budget boards in the market, and this is the Z88 81 key version.

And I wanted to check this one out because of how common it is on Chinese sites with

its price, and I want people to know what it's about and what to consider.

This was provided by for review, so a big thanks to them for their continued


Links will be in the description.

Opening up the box we have the keyboard itself.

We have a bag of goodies.

And some paper work, which does include English.

In the padded bag we get 5 extra switches.

A plastic ring keycap puller.

And a keyswitch puller.

This is another 75% keyboard in the budget market.

So it's approximately 75% of a standard full sized keyboard.

It has 81 keys, so it's only a few keys short from a tenkeyless keyboard which has

87, although is a bit more compact.

75% keyboards are a great choice for people who want to try out smaller keyboards, but

don't want to go to 60%, as it still offers most of the primary functionality of a tenkeyless


It also gives us more space on our desk, and more space for our mouse, allowing for a more

ergonomic experience with our mouse closer to the centre.

The build is what you expect from a budget mech.

It's nothing special, but it features an aluminium plate that the key switches are

mounted onto.

And this makes it quite sturdy, showing minimal flex.

The aluminium does look nice in this silver colour though, but it does also come in black.

And the edge is chamfered all the way around to reveal a chrome finish.

This design is extremely common with keyboards that have a floating key design with an aluminium

plate, since it's cheap and easy to make.

For example, it's just like the Ajazz AK33 which is also a 75% keyboard.

And this keeps everything very simple, and quite slim looking.

However while the enclosure is clean, the keycaps of course are the typical Chinese

gamery font keycaps.

You really just have to accept it with many of these keyboards, and that is unfortunate,

because I know for sure that most would prefer a more simple and elegant typeface.

That being said, this is marketed as a gaming keyboard and it does fit the theme, and looks

are subjective, so it's up to you.

Replacing keycaps though will be quite tough because of the odd layout.

It's a bit of a different layout to other 75% keyboards out there, in that it has some

gaps between keys.

Usually 75% keyboards would have the whole thing covered.

But we do have our gaps in the function row.

Then there's just heap of gaps in this cluster.

So the arrow keys are spaced out just a bit, and while it looks a bit weird, it doesn't

bother me personally in how it feels in use.

And that brings us to the small right shift key which is a 1.

5u key cap.

And just to clarify, a 1u key cap refers to key caps like the letter keys.

So a 2u key would be double the length of say the R key.

And this right shift keycap is pretty much impossible to replace, because it's not

even a normal 75% size which is already somewhat difficult to replace.

Although it is possible with uniform blank keys.

However since there is no right control key, you could put that key there, and it wouldn't

look too out of place, being a 1.25u key.

Although if you don't plan on changing the key caps anyway, then I guess it's not a


On the bottom of the unit we have some indents in the plastic, which does make the plastic

case a bit more sturdy.

We get 4 flat rubber feet for non slip, and 2 flip up feet which are also rubber tipped.

Out of the box it does come with the cable attached, which led me to believe it wasn't

detachable, but fortunately it is.

And this has a micro USB port.

And finally we have 3 drainage holes at the bottom for liquids to seep through in case

of a spill.

Under the key caps we have the ever prominent Outemu Blue keyswitches.

So these are just Chinese clones of the Cherry MX Blue switches, and are very similar, being

clicky, tactile, and loud.

These are using the dust resistant switches from Outemu, having these modified stems.

These switches are also removable without the need of desoldering.

But these are pretty tight, and I found the included keyswitch puller to be hard to use.

Some of them required a lot of force to take out which for sure will confuse some people.

So basically how this works is that there's sockets soldered into the PCB, and the switch

pins just fit snugly into those sockets to make the connection.

And this is useful if you want to replace a keyswitch for whatever reason.

Although the issue with these sockets are that they're too narrow.

The Outemu switches fit fine because the pins are slightly thinner than other switches like

the Cherry MX switches, Gateron's, Kailh's and such.

Although people have been able to supposedly file down pins to fit the sockets.

Now to the lighting.

This is marketed as an RGB keyboard, and while it does offer red, blue, and green.

There's only the 7 colours available, so it's not very customisable.

So it makes most of the effects and patterns look pretty tacky.

However, this still gives us 7 options for still lighting which I know most will use.

And most importantly, there is white which does have a touch of a blue tinge, but is

pretty clean.

And that's what matters for me.

Taking the keyboard apart is super easy with a couple of Philips head screws on the top.

And this is a very basic construction.

We have the aluminium plate that the switches are mounted to, which is about 1.5mm thick.

The plastic base doesn't feature ribbing, but is reinforced by the indents.

Again this is very basic, and because of this, it's quite a light keyboard.

The PCB is clean though.

There's SMD LEDs because of the hotswappable keyswitches.

The sockets used for the switches are more like holtites in it's shape rather than

the larger modules I've seen on other hotswappable keyboards.

Although these are soldered in, rather than fitted like holtites.

Unfortunately I didn't have my soldering station at this given time, so I couldn't

take them out to see how they would fair with other keyboards.

But they still have the switch pin fitting issues.

Overall it exactly what I expected.

The 75% form factor is a cool size for those first looking to getting smaller keyboards

that aren't 60%.

Although it does have an odd layout, straying from the standard 75% layout.

The build consists of a thin aluminium mounting plate, and a plastic base, so it is a light


And sure, it does feel a bit cheap, but again it is a budget board.

I think the biggest thing though that tells me perhaps you shouldn't get this, is that

the Drevo Excalibur exists for a bit more.

And that has a very nice CNC'd aluminium base, with a better 75% layout, and is in

my opinion one of the best budget options out there.

And there's even the Drevo Gramr which is even cheaper, but has a different design.

Then there's the ever popular Magicforce 68, if you don't require the primary function


That being said, this does have a few extra features, with the removable keyswitches,

and multicolor backlighting.

But for me, if you don't absolutely require those features, then you would be better off

getting the other options.

Thanks again to for providing this keyboard for review and their continued

support of the channel.

Links will be in the description.

For more infomation >> E-element Z88 81 Key Mechanical Keyboard - Unboxing & Review - Duration: 8:23.


Who Will Kill Cersei Lannister? - Duration: 3:12.

we thought it would be fun to have

a little debate with our friends.

Allow me to introduce you to these wonderful people.

first of her name,

host of podcasts,

The Night is Dark" and "TV Show Show" and...

Rider of Dragons.

host of the Dan Cave and must watched

author of books about fandom and lacker of olfaction.

We're gonna ask you a question,

and have a little discussion.

Dan I'm going to start with you.

Ready, Go!

Now, It all stems back to the prophecy that Maggy Frog gave Cersei

when she was but a young girl,

a Valonqar is going to wrap his hands around your throat.

Now what does "Valonqar" mean?

It's high Valyrian for little brother.

Now some people might erroneously think that means, Tyrian.

But, if you think back, Cersei is a twin, she's the older twin, her younger brother

is also Jaime Lannister, that means that she is going to get taken out by the Kingslayer

himself is going to add Queenslayer

to his resume, because at the end of the day, he's

gonna have to make the tough choices,

Jaime Lannister knows sometimes the only thing that

can stop a Mad King or Mad Queen…


Dan you made my point almost for me,

but I'm going to change the brother, it is in fact


The little statured brother indeed.

At the moment he's in the best position.

He's advising the queen to be,

Queen Daenerys Targaryen,

and basically she's got the Unsullied,

she's got three dragons,

she's got the will to take over Westeros,

which is her next destination.

All Tyrian has to do is slide in and make the killing blow,

which he has done before,

with his father Tywin on the can.

So I believe it is going to be Tyrian…


Yes, he's killed his dad before, who hasn't thought about doing that from time to time?

It's going to be Jaime,

because, when the forces of Daenerys et al, march on Kings Landing,

do you really think Jaime's going to let the love of his life die at the hands of his

crappy little brother?


He is going to strike the killing blow himself while she bleeds out into her wine aquarium,

and then he's going to drink that blood and kill himself.

You say it dies at the hands of the little brother.

Jaime has only got one!

He physically can't choke out his sister because this hand doesn't move.

I think that's a very able-ist view of assassination..

I think that Tyrian's got that one, even though there little hands, he has choked out

before, his previous love.

As she says in the trailer, she has enemies on all sides.

So really, everybody wants to take Cersei out.

She is going to die.

Maude, where can people find you to argue with you?

And Dan?

and if you want to tell me just how right I was,

you know what to do.

Smash that follow button fam.

and you are watching HitFix on Uproxx.

Keep coming back for more fun Game of Thrones debates!

For more infomation >> Who Will Kill Cersei Lannister? - Duration: 3:12.


Zainab (ZainabLaLaLa) | The Road to Nerdfighteria - Duration: 3:39.

Hello, wonderful people of Nerdfighteria. My name is Zainab and today I wanted to

share with you how I found Nerdfighteria and what it means to me.

So, my initial introduction to John and Hank was through more educational videos and

these were introduced to me by my sister, who isn't really a big fan of YouTube

and YouTube community, but she does enjoy YouTube from time to time.

Where I actually found the Nerdfighteria community and actually started watching John and

Hank's videos weekly, and not just sporadically, was when I

made a friend through another YouTuber. And I think the main thing I love about

YouTube generally is just how communities overlap and how

when you meet someone who loves YouTube, they could be into a completely

different style of video compared to you. I've basically made a friend through a

completely different means and they were really into Nerdfighteria and I was like,

"Wow, okay, let's find out what this is about!" Because before then, before I made this

friend I didn't really know about a small YouTube. I didn't really know about

the community side to YouTube so much, I'd never been to a convention or

anything like that. So when I met this friend and they went to

VidCon and they met Dave, who at the time was successfully, weekly running the NFI

collab channel, which stands for Nerdfighters Info. Isn't really an info

channel. It's a collab channel. It was really, really cool because I got to meet

so many different people from across the world, who are all united by their love

for John and Hank and just their love of sharing their experiences and talking

about weird and wonderful things. And I think, over time,

what Nerdfighteria has meant to me has been like opening myself up to tell

all the weird and wonderful things and seeing things as

complexly as possible. And that's been really, really cool because for me,

especially because I feel like I watched the Vlogbrothers and listen to their

podcast in what I would call my formative years, which has probably been

in my latter teens compared to my early teens, even though obviously you're growing all the time.

But, Nerdfighteria for me has reminded me that even though I may feel

really normal and really small, that's what everyone's like. Everyone's weird

and wonderful in their own way and it's only together as like a big group of

people that we can make a difference, Nerdfighteria has also been the place

where I felt the most comfortable. NFi was the first place where on Google

Hangouts and Saturdays, I felt like I had a home on the internet and I was still

call NFi my home on the Internet. And it was the first place where I made a vlog

and it was the first place where I found out what community means on the Internet.

And honestly I have to say that the friends I've made in Nerdfighteria have

been the best friends I think I've ever had, genuinely speaking. So Nerdfighteria

for me has been a way to explore myself, a way to appreciate that I don't

know many things, but that there are some things that I know better than anyone else.

So yeah. Thank you so much for watching! I hope you're having a wonderful time

doing what you're doing and I hope you enjoy the rest of the videos and the

rest the stories that are being shared here. Bye, guys!

For more infomation >> Zainab (ZainabLaLaLa) | The Road to Nerdfighteria - Duration: 3:39.


11 жестов, которые выдают лжеца - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> 11 жестов, которые выдают лжеца - Duration: 10:26.


RANDY SANTEL $20 @SUBWAY CHALLENGE | 4 footlong sandwiches | MANDELVSFOOD & JOE BURGERCHALLENGE - Duration: 12:03.

English subtitles.

For more infomation >> RANDY SANTEL $20 @SUBWAY CHALLENGE | 4 footlong sandwiches | MANDELVSFOOD & JOE BURGERCHALLENGE - Duration: 12:03.


Cedar Shake Tiny House (300 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:50.


For more infomation >> Cedar Shake Tiny House (300 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:50.


Как Вожеватов будет отмечать свой День Рождения. Безумная РАСПРОДАЖА. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Как Вожеватов будет отмечать свой День Рождения. Безумная РАСПРОДАЖА. - Duration: 1:12.


Donner du fil à retordre (apprendre le français) - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Donner du fil à retordre (apprendre le français) - Duration: 5:23.


How to Customize Your YouTube Channel Layout in 2017 - Duration: 1:01.

In this video, I'm going to show you how to customize the layout of your YouTube

Channel, so you can go from this... to this. That and more is coming up right now!

Are you currently customizing the layout of your YouTube Channel? Let me know in

the comment section down below. If your YouTube Channel looks like this, you'll

know it's not completely customized yet because it still has a list of all the

videos you've uploaded in order. After signing into your YouTube Account, all

you need to do is click the gear icon next to your subscribe button, and

turn on the option that says customize the layout of your channel. Click Save.

This one setting allows you to customize the layout of your YouTube channel for

returning subscribers, as well as for new visitors. This includes setting a custom

YouTube channel trailer, as well as adding your playlists on the front page

of your YouTube Channel. If this video helped, feel free to leave a comment in

the comment section down below, and subscribe so you don't miss any of my

future videos. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How to Customize Your YouTube Channel Layout in 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


Skeleton Life 3 - A Friend Of Mine - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 4:27.

Hi loyal subbies! Enjoy this new episode !

Thanks for watching !


For more infomation >> Skeleton Life 3 - A Friend Of Mine - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 4:27.


Lijepi Brener- Jučer, danas - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Lijepi Brener- Jučer, danas - Duration: 3:36.



HEY TRIPPSTERS more Shania news apparently it has been confirmed that

she is actually working on a video as we speak for her second single that will be

out in a couple of months which is called

swinging with my eyes closed there is a photograph of her standing with the I

think executive director I think is who it is have just sent Colin for this

information Colin you're my buddy you know I love you man thank you so much he

actually has this on his a Shania now Facebook page I will link to that in the

description below if you guys want to see it you just click the link it'll

take you right to his page but apparently des picture was taken on set

day before yesterday while she was making the video for

swinging with my eyes closed which says to me that if she's working on that when

she must already have last about to get good finished so we should be seeing the

official video for loss about to get good right here shortly I'm thinking

within the next couple of weeks now that's just me guessing guys listen

Carrie what I wanted to keep you guys up to date on the whole news that is the

news concerning sniping and all of her new music so she's got one video done

and is working on the second so whoo when it comes out I will let you guys

know when we get a release date for the second song I will let you guys know and

Colin thank you again for keeping me up to date on Shania

so I can keep the other people up-to-date on Shania so but that is

going to do it for now this is ICEPETS Queen and I am tripping out

For more infomation >> SHANIA VIDEO SWINGING WITH MY EYES CLOSED - Duration: 1:36.


Game of Thrones 7x02 & 7x03 Comic Con Promo "Stormborn" "The Queen's Justice" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones 7x02 & 7x03 Comic Con Promo "Stormborn" "The Queen's Justice" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:58.


Jacquees x Jeremih Type Beat - Strip (Prod. By Sir Rahmal) | R&B Instrumental - Duration: 4:18.


For more infomation >> Jacquees x Jeremih Type Beat - Strip (Prod. By Sir Rahmal) | R&B Instrumental - Duration: 4:18.


Classical Musicians React: BTS 'Blood Sweat & Tears' - Duration: 15:12.

Umu: Okay, so that means we're for blood sweat and tears Lindsey: OH MY GOD

Lindsey: Blood Sweat & Tears

both: B-T-S blood sweat & tears

Lindsey: ohmygod it's happening davis: you asked for it, you've got it lindsey: omg

we're here to deliver what you've asked for <3

davis: now is the time lindsey: blood sweat & tears babyyyy

Rock on

*Rossini's Semiramide Overture plays*

jarod: blood peyton: sweat


Yunyi: Wow, I've never heard of this music video song it's not like I really don't think anyone knows it

and it's not like anyone requested it or anything

Umu: This song and music video broke a lot of records too, it won a bunch of awards

It got the most views in one week it got was the fastest kPOp music videos have a reach 10 million and 40 million views

umu: etc etc etc lindsey: ohmygosh! That's a lot of millions davis: what you're telling me is BtS are champions. umu: Yes

Jarod: alright umu: Just come out a music as much as possible and enjoy jarod: yāt yih sàam- in Chinese. This is K-Pop. oops.

henry: it's like a museum. it's like at one video where they'rrreeee


Fiona yeah that one. umu: Oh sher- sherlock henry: yeah

naoki: it would be really funny if he just knocked something over

shimon: that would be Horrible

henry: don't ride a bike in a museum. you are a barbarian.

gwen: opera glasses!

hugo: in an art museum

davis: is he gonna disappear?

umu: *wheezes*

Peyton: cue classical music

naoki: oh. Mozart Requiem?

gwen: that dank choir doe

yunyi: Mozart's Requiem? Kevin that's my first guess. I don't think so. It's not in the right key

Henry: there definitely also

B diminished going to C minor so a lot of that going on here.... *GASP*

lindsey: ooh they look so classy

fiona: whoa

henry: he looks.....fabulous

kevin: I like how this is f sharp which is the base of the last chord.

Jarod: Oh. dang

fiona: this is awesome!

henry: bruhh. I dig this.

naoki: we had 1-7-6-5 again shimon: yeah

kevin: my gosh

what a pretty man

Hugo: his voice is so high and so clear gwen: yeah I really like the androgynous style that they go for

Naoki: What do you call that? a walking bass line? idk i don't remember shimon: yeh something like that

kevin: oh, God. yunyi: Oh, this is such a pretty song

I'm liking the contrast of textures of- simon: oh yeah

Jarod: That guy-liner tho

kevin: outfit

peyton: woo

kevin: It's a very good song

jarod: the Bird...the color

peyton: oh man jarod: the drink peyton: the DRANK

Wow, these guys are classy af

Lindsey: They really like the whole like color drop kind of thing

Someone drop something they drink and when you look at it, there were like a bunch of colors

I mean theoretically it's kind of descending Tetrachord

yunyi: mm hmm kevin: that's it

gwen: that's a very interesting- hugo: sings

gwen: I wish i could riff like that

ooh Yeah,

kevin: oh those legs. Oh that was such a pretty profile. kevin: Oh, oh this legs. both: Ohhhhhh

my heart! kevin: *continues to 'oh'* beyonce can't top that

OHHH, they're in a painting. and it's


this song uses less symphonic instruments and more electronic instruments but i'm reeeally digging it gwen: but it still works

shimon: oh, paint


There was no bow and arrow in the videos right? shimon: apple

naoki: have we seen an apple yet? shimon: Yeah, we have. not in this video but in a past one.

like willima- naoki: ohh William Tell! right! *i have no idea what they're talking about here tbh*

hugo: his voice is so high (gwen: I LOVE IT) it sounds like a woman. It's so good

gwen: sounds better than a woman. hugo: He does

If there's any CGI in these videos, I can't tell

but that's how falsetto should sound (still talking bout jimin) like light, but still with tone

fiona: this is...this is so deep

henry: *GASP* WHAT THE-

that was cool to the background with the painting but he was sitting up on like the windowsill and jumped off

wow man that's dope

You could say it's a period, right?

it's a two plus two form

in which the first half is a half cadence and then the- shimon: ohhh they're fine again

OH! YES! yunyi: ohmygosh kevin: give it to me

Oh My God

if there was a lot of hype about this video coming out before it came out

It definitely like lived up to the hype



oh god it's so high- listen

oh...that's interesting

he's gna let go of the balloon he's gna lose the balloon


Wow, I thought there was gonna be like a drop there, but it went into the rap mon narration davis: deceptive

naoki: oh this is really cool


shimon: that contrast naoki: blood shimon: it's ridiculous naoki: and death shimon: holy cow. organ? naoki: that's very ominous

lindsey: the f- church organ? davis:....sick

gwen: are those the pipes???

fiona: I love Organ by the way- i'm A fan

yunyi: we need an organ major here kevin: i think it's a bach trio sonata. that's my first guess.

naoki: it's bach for sure, right

I'm going to look it up after this video

it's gna be eve? shimon: it's probably one of the members

oh what was that...that was freaky shimon: wings. black wings.

yunyi: so far it sounds like a solo piece kevimn: no Trio as a Trio sonatas are for working solo. yunyi: Oh, (umu: guys!) kevin: yes

ohh man

i swear on everything...if that thing moves..

shimon: Oh, tht's terrifying naoki: yeah, I thought it was gollum at first or something

jarod: what the peyton: wow oh wow

lindsey: OH WHAT THE F*CK

Whoa, whoa jarod: WHOA...

i knew it. i knew that for some reason that they were Gonna kiss?

shimon: wings naoki: oh he was a fallen angel

hugo: holy f-

*yunyi fangirls* *umu looses shit*

ohhhhhh man, idk about that bruh

yunyi: *still fangirling* sorry



oh that pitch distortion! ohhhh

davis: oh

He's tur- It's the statue

his face is cracking now. Put some lotion on that or somethin

...oh what



there you go! henry: wow fiona: that was crazy umu: well you had it fiona: i'm glad we watched that henry: i'm confused

I was like everything iss about to make a lot of sense right now

And then it got more confusing

well umu: did you make up your own theory? henry: i don't have time

I think it's all about birbs. everyone's a birb.

umu: ok that's your theory *to fiona* do you have a theory?

that's not a real theory. i'm just making a joke about birbs.

Everyone dead. (umu: ok) except for jin. he's the only one alive. henry: i don't think they're dead- just that they were never really alive. I think they

are kind of like- he's their sort of leader person and everyone else is just kind of like a little part

heee has schizophrenia and has like four- how many char- people are in this group?

well six plus him. fiona: he has schizophrenia and there's six people including himself inside of his own mind henry: wel that would be multiple personality disorder fiona: multiple-

Yeah, and what do you think of the music?

Yeah I really liked it. henry: this one was pretty good. fiona: Yeah, it got really hype really fast


I mean- if we're coming up with theories

i feel like he like fell from Grace or something like that

No, but kind of the opposite those wings were like black

no i- look he obviously used to have wings and that statue was representation somebody he used to know

Boy meets evil peyton: and he was just like (jarod: he's evil) "Yo, what's up"


Music is cool

it was definitly bouncin. mv was cool cuz it was the most song-like, other apart from boy meets evil, this is the most like...traditional kpop

Kind of vibe. but wow umu: was it weird coming from like the short films with like

Not like all the members to suddenly this? jarod: yeah where it's like full cast

well f*ck son. damn. (gwen: do we need-)

just pause it just pause it gwen: f*ck me *sings* upppppp

*sings* f*ck me dowwwwnn

hashtag when you accidentally make it magical


i like how it's not as over the to- like it doesn't you know?

It's like it's still equally artsy

But it's not as it's a more traditional music video-y which I can appreciate after all the short films we watched today.

They won...At like that MAMA awards they won best album of the year kevin: it's a good one. yunyi: they gotta win some awards for this kevin: solid... good stuff

What do you guys think about song like musically like yunyi: progression wise it was not the most

interesting kevin: it was yunyi: but it was very catchy

It's instrumentally satisfying

yeah it's satisfying but it's like

we would heard this progression before it's not- it was more like it dazzled on like how extremely well was produced, mixed and like themimicked and like the

Choices and the actual instruments and the rapping is pretty solid

that was pretty awesome (umu: blood sweat and tears man) davis: I now see why

Thousands and thousands and thousands of comments asking us to watch this video

It all makes sense. really good. So what do you like about it specifically davis: um?

Well, I definitely liked watching all of the videos

Beforehand and being and will be like oh yeah, it's a remember that in this video, and oh yeah

See that was in this video

And then you had this really interesting thing that was created where it was like you have this expectation for the video

But then like because you see the symbols from the other videos

But what they did was they they presented it in a way that like you couldn't really guess lindsey: yeah

lindsey: i was just...kinda thrown for a loop. a little bit. umu: mhm. story wise? and then music?

lindsey: oh it was awesome davis: Yeah, I mean, lindsey: it was just very catchy it was very like- davis: it had everything you want

It didn't allow you to like get comfortable because I feel like if you get too comfortable

Then you stop listening, and so I think I did a good job of keeping you engaged, and like-

There wasn't much that we can like actually analyze about it was it was it was kind of just very like upbeat like I would

hang out while

This is playing like davis: true lindsey: like I don't want to call it party music because I don't know if that's the right

Thing to say about it because it's not really

davis: but i would play that at a party lindsey: but like I would have that like playing as background music

You know people would like low-key vibe to it while they're hanging out davis: but the music video...holy shit. lindsey: yeah

so musically

naoki: the last one was the best. shimon: oh yeah. (naoki: Yeah) that was solid naoki: yeah

so you've seen all the short films. naoki: Yeah

and intro: boy meets evil.....

Did this answer any of your questions? naoki: I guess it does in a way. I feel like maybe it's a guy

Going from good to bad progresively

after he kills his dad he goes through all these different like

Moments, and it's Super representation of his psycho, so I like in a state. his mental state

shimon: but they're all individual people right not just symbolizing one person? naoki: but I feel like they all as a group they symbolize bTS and

Bts is one representation of someone shimon: sure sure

I guess compared to like the first like set series or trilogy right? (umu: HYYH) Yeah?

naoki: i didn't see that so i can't compare shimon: I definitely does give the ya know-

the Progressing from like the first set or hyy-

whatever. that was like them

doing the act and then like the short films was like the

the Consequences and them dealing with like you know they were all trapped in like a-

Insane asylum or like yeah like trapped in a box, or is like trapped in a certain way

And then this was like them breaking through almost

That's what I got

mmm no, not quite yunyi: wait you want to go back to that part?

It's not what I just played. yuni: it does sound like bach tho. (kevin: Yeah) it sounds like *sings*


It's not that one, but it's the same progression in the opening. God but bach had so many organ works kevin: a lot

yunyi: how are we gna find this kevin: it's not toccata and fugue. Let's start with that. yunyi: no, it's way too slow kevin: scratch that one off


or I Guess we can just go to this video and someone probably would ask "what's organ piece?" kevin: That's right

They would have answered it, but where's the fun in that?

No, I'm gonna win again

no I'm just going to search it up. yunyi: i'm gna scroll down through the comments and see if anyone- kevin: see who finds it first

*still can't find it*


It's also very well recorded yunyi: ok first of all

Is it d minor? kevin: yes it's in D iminor- congrats

Thanks, umu: what key is the original song in?

B Minor I think yunyi: oh nice key relations, umu: oh what oh D and b and d minor both: kind of

not even the reddit

page for this has it in the comments

Okay, so we're doing a service to the fan base by looking this up kevin: passacaglia in D minor found it.

yunyi: oh kevin: By whom!?!?!? yunyi: Piano version!? *umu clicks* no no no kevin: we need to find the composer

yunyi: *says dudes name* *i dont want to butcher spelling* umu: da- no, dabreech bufftaheahs yunyi: Oh, oh BUXTEHUDE!!!!! kevin: ofc yunyi: oh he's such an underrated composer

Yeah, this is the first piece where I actually genuinely like buxtehude b/c i haven't heard anything by him yunyi: are you serious? i love buxtehude!

kevin: well now I'm gonna listen to more of him

We ought to find the original we gotta find the original yunyi: but why would you play buxtehude on piano?

yunyi: that's a little upsetting umu: Do you want to do just- kevin: no, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Oh, it's short, Passacaglia. Oh

Passacaglia's are usually long

It's in thw wrong key

yunyi: baroque tuning

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

is it bugging you, do you want me to- yunyi: nononono kevin: it's bugging me (*has perfect pitch*)

yunyi: no- cmon! mean tone.

yeah, i'm mean to the tone

we finally find the piece after like seven minutes ah

yunyi & umu: AHHHHHHHH

kevin: bi-tonality xD

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