Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

what's up guys DON here and today.

uhh.. we're gonna do Leorio Last character of Hunter x Hunter, Main Characters so yeah,

he has different head so I will make the head, he has a longer attitude head or sharper it's

not really sharper, his face is "elongated", so that's what I'm doing right here right

now, but you probably notice it already that I am narrating the video, because I just realize

how crappy my recording was and then you know there's no big deal with it, uh..

Leorio from the series, longer or taller than Kurapika, so yeah.. as you can see I'm not

really good with colors, that's why I use color picker, and you know.. you can see that

I'm putting the RGB, uhh.. value(s) now I'm putting(making) a hair, I'll start with the

difficult one, because it will be easier to explain, the rest because he's just using

suit, I mean wearing suit.

So first is we need to outline his hair, so he has a bigger ear(s) than everyone because

he has a longer face, uh.. put a spikey, uh.. the next step on this is, to put a spikey

hair on the ends, spikier.. you know more detailed, that's why it made it longer, I

was explaining how to use, in advantage the Shift+S when you're adding a figure, I mean

adding a "segment" you just press L, instead of pressing L and S Simus-Simultaneously.

You can just press "Shift+S" at the End.. later on, so first I made the outline, and

later on I put the outer line, where it's the same with Leorio and Gon has the same

kind of design with their hair kind of outline..

He has the outline of Green for Gon, and for Leorio he has Gray, so I did that, so we're


When you're filling a hair, uh.. first or, or any detailed fill, first you have to uh

run trough the outline, with a thicker segments, then put another (do it again) with a much

thicker segment then after that just randomly fill it, here I was showing there was a little

hole, so I fixed that, there you go, and fixing it.

but I later on I realize how, uhh... bad, the hair line is so i fixed it again.

*Snorts* I have cold, uh.. my voice is changing again *chuckles* *sigh* so yeah, we.. we just

bring up some little touch ups here and there, then realize that i need to make the outline

the Gray outline thicker so I did that, and realize again to make the stuff "sharper?"

the spiky parts, so I did it again, you see I edit with "e" uhh.. so I didn't plan this

ahead so you just come as I go, and stuff you know.. so there you go I fit in to position,

so it fits, aaand... there you go, next what I did is, his eye glass, or shades, I think,

yeah.. his shades uh... then I realize I made it smaller, here in this part I was talking

about Leorio's power, it could be useful, for his uh.. profession as a doctor.

because he can transmute?

(HIS AN EMITTER!) here we just following in.. to.. the.. collar, making collar, then making

the inner, uh.. polo shirt or what ever it is called, inside his suit, then making the

neck tie, talking about how it should be dynamic or not, is considering if he has a different

costume for it like he doesn't wear the suit, so i'm just re-using some sticks here.. uh..

resizing the default limbs, uh..

I made the limbs again so that when I use "ctrl" making short for any kind of stuff,

here i made the sleeves, so when i use "ctrl" it snaps back to the original uh.. size of

the limb, so i'm making the buttons here, there you go.

I duplicated that, and change the color into darker and stuff.

so yeah... *snort* next is I made the suit uhh.. visible that it is a suit, over here

there you go "yep yep" so there.. *snort* I was trying to re-use this, but then later

on realize that it is actually big, like so I changed it, later on, and talk about changing

the color, different color for his pants. and his suit so it's distinct that he is wearing

a suit on his top, not a unitard or anything like that.

I re-used the sleeves of Killua for on the sleeves on his pants, and the shoes and feet

of Kurapika so there you go..

For more infomation >> Stick Making: Leorio Paradinight [NARRATED] - Duration: 6:38.


Avocados should be Extinct — Tidbits - Duration: 2:04.

This here is one beautiful, delicious Hass Avocado.

It was grown in Australia, and I bought it here this morning.

There's only one problem: the avocado should've been extinct for 10,000 years.

Avocados are a pretty special fruit.

Technically a large berry with its single seed, the modern avocado was thought to have

originated in Mexico, though fossil record also suggests similar species being really

widespread millions of years ago.

As with any plant, the fruit exists solely to spread its seeds, and thereby reproduce.

For a large fleshy fruit like an avocado, this is accomplished through

a process called endozoochory.

Seeds are eaten by large animals, who then take the seed elsewhere... and poop it out.

This bring us to a key problem: what animal is big enough to eat an avocado whole,

without destroying the seed inside?

More importantly, what animal is large enough to then pass that seed?

There are no species alive that can do this: the megafauna that supported this cycle went

extinct around 10,000 years ago.

No seed dispersal, no offspring, no more avocado.

So how did it survive?

The avocado survived for the same reason why I have access to this

Northern Hemisphere fruit today: farmers.

Literally, human cultivation of this fruit saved it from extinction.

And, through breeding, and some lucky mutations, we now have varieties that can

fruit all year round.

Worldwide, we now grow an astounding 4.72 million tonnes every single year.

This episode was written & produced by me, Nathan Chapman.

My camera operator was Louise Chapman.

I'd like to give a huge thanks to my parents, for letting me borrow their kitchen, and of course

to Relativity Studios.

And now on to today's Final Tidbit: The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation

produces really in-depth documents about various crops grown around the world.

In their report on avocado production, the sole appendix is dedicated to recipes: Guacamole

with tortilla chips, avocado and hazelnut milkshake, and a delicious-looking beef loins

with avocado and fresh herbs.


For more infomation >> Avocados should be Extinct — Tidbits - Duration: 2:04.


Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore (Audio) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore (Audio) - Duration: 3:24.


The Killer has Awoken! |Dead By Daylight - Duration: 19:23.

Twelve o'clock midnight

Hey guys, Gossip Gavin games here today

We are I don't even know what the fuck. We are doing honestly where it's one o'clock in the fucking morning

I don't give two fucking shit this video is going to go demonetised right away. It's actually 3 a.m.


I'm gonna put self-care on so I can kill myself

I catch for

today any minute

Whatever so today, I'm here my laptop has been on for like 10 hours. It should let me talk

No today. I am here with


Tanner himself the legend playing the hello schools who want the who wants to beat? Yeah? I'm here with all on my slave

Rebecca Johanna Tanner and spike and today, we are playing



Yeah, wave craft

true Cory I'm

So anywho. We are no perks there are no items. There are no offerings in the game

But actually first get beyond because of selfie oh yeah, we are only doing self healing uh today

We're playing something a little bit different. It's kind of like a

You always see on the internet

What's Gavin? Can you make sure that you don't have text rune on when you have your perks on just?

And then Joanna started making it all into servants. We're not going to call them

No event survey my best friend Ken or do we want tara?

Do you want to keep team honest I do not think so yeah, oh good. No you want to tight?

You told so much

Censoring to already do to myself

Why do yu censor yourself because like no one's Gonna know anyone no one's gonna notice. You know pedis true. That's true

that's true to subscribe it's

actually one of my videos

All right, Joanna should we deal with guys and girls and just like whoever you have got you and I hit me up

Jointed I already found a house. Oh look. I think I found spiked are you to be fun or join our campus, okay, Paul?

I'm not Gonna Say

Hi, hi, Neighbors. Hi Gavin

Becca I mean sir these are our neighbors

Nah teacher. I'm in my room stop it

Are you fucking masturbating right now in front of me but and front?

Row until me three. Oh get over here when I can kill Jana Tanner Tanner Caterpillar stay here. I'm waiting for them again

Master Gavin I am healing Tanner

Preferably not tanner. We've can our lung health

Yes, master. Oh, yeah. Good. Good master might have enough. I'm ready. It's not your girls like yes

Thank you yep, oh Becca Becca Kinnear. I jumped up to my house, okay?

Everybody downstairs right now killing me. I think Becca's not here I

count two hours later

Can you search through?

We're supposed to escape. What's the point of us starting generators just oh no? Oh?

Oh, all right get back here. He'll be friends dogs. Okay, emily

Why are you hurting?

People make me mad you know that do you stay on the floor? We're doing as you asked

Go carry him back out wait. Tom's like did you just did you just attack him?

Kill me you'll be second you'll be Becca. I'm gonna

Play the violin oh after you learn what can I realize she fucked up? Yeah?

Okay, can you not why oh my God girl?

Okay, I'm making out to stop it's not healing

No, Joanna's are there

What is wrong with you?

Right here, okay help. Oh like you helping me like like you I feel like my career like spike come here spike

Come here. No spike. Shelby. Don't go here all right come here quick, no

Okay, uh what who is this who knows I can't exactly go in

On Becca, I don't know if I can get up

Again, all right you don't actually heal them bruce. Yeah. Yeah, orchid. I'm actually gonna bleed out how

They're feeling yourself in stuff. We go out make a little noise get estonia famous Gavin movies

Really me up because I'm actually gonna bleed out. Oh a way. Where you at attacking no, Joini

Don't kill me I get Cve on glass there you go yo Becca

You know what tina? That's a good worker citizenship, and you need to stop sucking your own dick, so I'm not doing anything. Yeah

What what was that tanner? I did so I can see

identify Tropic records

I'm sorry. I was kidding. I was kidding. I was kidding. I was good anyway. Go back in milk straight

Okay, till we do do not last. We do not last. Yes, Kevin

I I haven't done all that for you come sit on the couch - Gavin

7-Eleven Gavin look at the chair in front of you look at try. I can't see anything to be honest with you

All right

Be careful, okay

You know what you're alright. Are you saying I hear thank right? Here's what I want you in that kitchen and

Into the kitchen all right you guys want to play for me all right?

All right, I'm gonna watch you guys put on a play for me. Okay. I'm going to be I'll be the mother comes back

He's allowed to watch it spikes the dog and um

join as the HDD

film hold on guys dinner

Football look I jumped out the window

hi there picnics all

Right Ne-yo doctors not in verb to be on the table. Go over there look over there

Hope all right come on Joanna. Let's eat. Oh, Starbucks or Brickster

Oh yeah, you can close without my spigot line

I won't help your mother welcome apogee. No g my prep patino Gone Gavin

I'm offended well, Becca made me laugh the most Becca which one of your friends am I killing


Back back away back away, second we actually choose. She's one person. She's one person you do not one tonight

Do not want do not join us okay, so tender. It's like come here Joanna and I

Remember the face yeah

I know I know but now you guys talk to Pete you guys gotta compete all right come on here point here

like please something I

Didn't really do all right you guys are you guys going to race to this wall all right now. Joe you like doing them, but

Like it's like not me, but just like just like

Haha, oh

Please another winner, so I murder you guys don't know us right away bike

Right I'm Gonna kill. You spices like she was gonna. Give you a second chance now. You're gonna die

One tweet the Red Lights by one of you

Okay, so mix what we're doing. I wanna be the end of shit, okay. I'm shaking in my boots alright, whoever wins this comp

They have to dye it right away

No healing no nothin all right, and then we're going to get down to three people

We're into the same thing all right so first things first

Alright Cos we're going to do hi. Everybody follow me

What you guys are going to do is from right here then this from this bench

Everybody listening you guys gonna race all the way down to the end and back

Well, I'm being body blocked, so this is a bear everybody everybody come over here. Everybody come right right here

Make a line make a line guys right over here. It's right over here. Everybody make a line

There's a tree - really right nobody


Everybody give us your each other a little bit of space

You guys going to run forward and you guys are going to run over to me. Whoever gets there first gets to decide. Who's dying?

Without cheating I ready hi judi. What you making lions?



One come at me bro. I cheated a

Good man, don't Lie. Don't lie. He was in Friday was the

Manager animated you first Joanna you win Joanna Joanna who do you want up?

Who who do you want to die Joanna?

Drink just just type into his

Hannah Montana said Tanner I didn't do anything what I know yep tanner. Do you have any last words to say all right?

Sorry sit 30 hoyle no good fact my sir

Did we just establish that shit Mike?

He looked hit he ran away killed himself and came back, and he just you know what that's true your eyes join

He's trying to do a non killings like Gonna feels like he's very rising you

Know it's like I'm sorry. Sorry fuck go in you do it you're in my way

Try Mike tried to kill me once yes. I tried to get overrun when when gas

Guys are everyone happening. It's like I'm not dating that's art. Yeah. Sorry about hitting a Johanna

Sorry about hitting you joy my wife okay. We deal fights like you that I've got it down now. Yes, whoever fun

Spy can subscribe to


still find a propane

Flowers are very smart girls. You've gone up gently

Boom right go find fights. Whoever finds them and let me know if they win

They win challenge number two

Five minutes later. I don't know which ones back and which ones Joanna. You wanna have some

Brain look at me put flip flip flip flip flip flip flip button, Becca

Are you judging me my braids are beautiful. I'm sure fine spike

curry Finds bike first

Did you guys find mike? Yes?

Everyone's right pisan where it were you Gonna?

Wear in front of this real big red truck. Can you guys talk over that please? What are you doing?


And now we did over here join is dominant. He's right over here

Drop right here right here, okay?

Right-Center Move

Accept your fate. Oh shit


No, just trying to make you at me okay help alright

Let him believe that let them without Kenna Kenna can heal yourself. Are you guys okay? Like we'll return after these messages

Hey guys, thank you guys for watching the video make sure you guys like and subscribe

We've still got like half a video left

I think I don't know but yeah make sure you guys like subscribe if you guys enjoyed today's video and

Yeah, what you have to say now have you did?

Watch your friend, right?

Alright we go on you guys you all right. Where are you guys his next challenge is to watch the bike die

But I don't look behind you

Hello in

in real life oh

Oh my God

Help me. I thought you were my friend

Oh, but do you want to die one time I can you help if you wanted me to die. Oh, God?

I know you're not good you want to?

Do you guys you guys I should hook him?

Can I live if I if I spin and make a orchestra blood no?

No you guys. Oh, wow it's make it up. Oh your blood is not official worthy dumb

I that I everybody just letting back climb high side

Alright, so guys now. It's like that. Uh the next challenge is going to start here in the sex dungeon alright

So is everybody alright? So everybody you can everybody see who can we see me? Hello?

Everybody here. So maybe I don't know okay

There's three of us, and there's four lockers

So we have to hide in a locker of our caught in the first locker youtube just just something I don't know quite like that

Alright alright, whoever I pick up first guys

No Bear is read and draw you have to say it you are you okay, buddy

But you can't actually like this one actually one here someone do if they're empty

If they're empty then we just started a generator. I actually look at me right? Yeah, you want actual students

This way, whoever. Oh, sorry might pick up our I pick out something somebody they go to two dice next if I

Don't pick anybody you have all get to go start up another generator

I would strap sorry actually you know what I'm gonna. Do I'm gonna be nice

Whoever I pick out gets decide who dies next after they start up another generator?

Okay, where are all our lockers, okay? All right?

Gavin you should never mind

Okay, it's one two three hi

Becca which locker do you think I should choose?

The first one you choose this one they'll come back

Yeah, Jesus which one is that that one no now come to me off a dinner?


So spike, basically you made it so I get to choose. Oh

I shouldn't have done that well ten or so dinner food container. Sorry. I'm struggling here

I'm kind of with everyone. I said okay. I actually can't drop you dinner. I'm really glitch because somebody's body blocking me I

Don't know me. I'll be-I'll Be-I'll beat up. Oh

Alright everybody else you guys go find in generator. Go ahead and start it up and meet me back here

I have a good one. I have a good one that I already started

Gavin and I are gonna move to another voice channel discussed you guys what?

What it's an interesting story everyone I was editing the video and I realized I lost all the audio to part two

So what we're gonna

Do instead is I'm just going to speed through it and to let like a half speeds that are not half speed

We're going to double the speed or just so you guys can to see through it

And then I'm just going to put something through it, and then that's it so

Sorry guys that lost the ending rip

For more infomation >> The Killer has Awoken! |Dead By Daylight - Duration: 19:23.



Hi everyone! Welcome back to my channel

with me Stella Lee

and today's topic is something I want to talk about since a long time ago

a free tip to cleanse your acne!

Basically, I don't have a very good skin

not very smooth

I have a friend that only uses her $1 facial wash

without using any skincare products

no moisturizer too

but still managed to maintain a perfect skin

There will always be that kind of person and I'm sure

you have that one friend

but that's not the case for me

I need a more intensive treatment

and I have to really make sure

my skin doesn't react

And actually when I was a teenager *blushes*

abour junior high and high school

my skin experienced some breakout

and at that time I thought that's a normal thing

because it's kinda like teenage puberty

Our teenage hormones must be so active then

and I got a face full of acnes

...up until college.

Actually, it's kinda an on-off thing

There was the time when I had an okay skin

and there was also the time I had a bad one

But there's also a period when I had my face full of acnes too

and uh....

it was a very dark time for me >.<

I was very shy and timid

because when I met people they always say

"Why are your acnes still there?"

I didn't know what's wrong and didn't know how to treat them

and finally I went to a dermatologist

and I was given something to treat my acne problem

but it was too strong

and the dermatologist urges me to have my acne popped

and it left marks

Back then, we had very little information

Unlike now

Not many people gave me advice to treat my skin

Maybe there's one or two

but in general they basically had better skin genes

so they had fewer problems with their skin

If I apply every tip they said to my skin, I personally don't think that it will solve my problem

When I tell people that I used to have a face full of acne

most of them wouldn't believe me

They will probably say things like

"No way! Stella has a very smooth face!"

And I didn't take pictures a lot back then

Because, you know, if you have a bad skin

you would not want to take pictures of yourself

not very confident


I don't have that many photos from back then

Yesterday I was digging up pictures

and I found a photo from 2012

This is the photo...

Nightmare!!! T.T

Yes, it was from 2012

and as you can see

it's a face full of acne

but If I'm not mistaken

it was already better

actually only the little ones remain

I've had worse than that

but I didn't take a picture

It's a pity that I didn't take photos of it

I could've published it here

because I've deleted most of those acne photos

I was ashamed of that

and at that time I always enclosed my face with foundation

and concealer as bold as can be

so people wouldn't know I have acne

Honestly, now my skin is not as perfect

and I still frequently have skin problems

like acne and blackhead

which is like common in Jakarta

because the air quality is so bad

and I have big pores

But, I think my skin has improved so much better for the last few years

because I finally know the ways

to better my skin

and it is my skin today

I only had BB Cream

So, these days, I rarely use foundation

I only apply a very light BB Cream

I have to be grateful because of the years

I spent my life searching for the right techniques

to smoothen my skin

My skin has improved so much

I don''t want to share an expensive way

(This video is not sponsored at all!)

So these are free of charge

You can apply it yourself

and change your lifestyle

So, if you are curious about

this FREE acne-treating tip

These are them!

The first one:

Ensure you are hygiene when you are using towels

So when you are washing your face

Make sure you have a designated towel

for facial use only

so don't use body towels!

If your face is reacting with acne or blackhead etc


Change the towel every 2 days

to assure your towel is clean and dry

so it is not full of microbial bacteria and fungi

When you wipe your face


because it makes your skin condition worse

just gently tap it on your face

just gently


The second tip:

Before you get to sleep at night,

you have to remove your make-ups


Don't be lazy, girls!

Exhausted from a full day's school or work,

or after partying hard,

make sure to have your make up remover ready

at least cleansing water,

to remove all the make-ups,

because you must prevent your make-ups from piling up

on your skin

If you let it pile up, you will have acne

I always ensure,

although I had a tiring day,

I can skip showering

but I always make sure I have a clean face before I go to sleep

The third one!

Aside from a clean face,

I strongly recommend you to switch

your shampooing schedule

Most Indonesians shampoo in the morning

but I changed mine to nighttime

Why? Because after a whole day

your hair will be full of dust

and when you sleep

your hair will stick to your face

causing bacteria on your face

for me it's not hygienic

so I changed

I have to go to sleep with a clean face, clean hair

and it helps me a lot

on preserving my skin beauty

The fourth tip from me is

ensure your cell phone is clean

Your cell phone is the most dangerous source of bacteria

so you can see on your own cell phone

It can be dusty, came into contact with your acne,

if you put it on the table

it will also come into contact with germs

and if you don't clean it before you pick up a call

you stick it to your ears

the germs and bacterias will instantly stick on your skin!

You have to clean your phone regularly,

by using wet wipes

or something like make up removers

Just make sure you do it every day!

Most of my experiences I had

If my friends have acne problems around the cheek

it usually originated from unclean cell phone usage.

Especially your right cheek answering the calls

So make certain you cleaned your cell phone.

Fifth one! Drink A LOT OF WATER!

okay, this is not free

but you have it in your house!

You have it!


it's not only for your health, but also for your skin

Because, from how I feel,

a lot of people tell me not to eat oily food

because it will make your face greasy.

I personally don't eat too much oily food,

but I always make sure I drink a lot of water

When I go to a restaurant,

I also order mineral water

Avoid soda, avoid cocktail,

because water helps detoxifying your body,

helps with metabolic processes,

neutralizing the oil in your body.

After I did a little research,

imbalance amount of hormones, oil and water in the body also produce acne

you have to ensure your skin keeps healthy

by consuming a lot of water

I'm not lying,

it helps sooooo much!

The sixth one:


Earlier, I said that avoid sticking your cell phone to your face

our hands are also a great source of bacteria

A little touch here, a little touch there....

and we only wash our hands only after toilets

or after cooking

You have to change your mind set

Everything in the world basically contains germs

and make certain your face is clean

and I used to freak out

I don't want anybody touching my face

Don't let people touch your face

and if not needed don't touch your face with your hands

If you have a habit of resting your face like this

or if you cover your face when you laugh

don't ever touch your face!

So, in this video

I cover my laugh with my hands


Everything is basically dirty

my cell phone

my hands

my hair also

Everything is about keeping things clean.

Next, number seven is

I got this one from a dermatologist

This one is extremely helpful

in my youth

I was about 17

my dermatologist told me to stop eating dairy foods

Stop dairy foods

Because they help increase your hormones

and if your acne pop out because of hormones

you might want to consider stop eating dairy foods

So, no eggs, milk, cheese,

and everything that contains dairy products like


Try that for 3 months,

and you will have a wonderful result!

That's it, I guess,

for now,

those are the 7 tips for an acne-free face

I hope those tips are helpful to you

to solve your problems with acne

especially for youngsters

Most probably you are having a problem with your face right now

because of the excessive hormones

actively produced by the bodies of young people

Don't be afraid because you're not alone

So many people are having skin problems

And actually this problem can be solved quite easily

if you can change your life style

These seven tips are very applicable

to your own lifestyles

And probably it will be very hard in the first days

because you are not accustomed to such lifestyle

but I'm certain if you have been doing it for 1-2 months

you will be adjusted to it

You can have an acne-free face!

Okay, guys,

thank you so much for watching!

I hope this video really helps you

and if you have tried these tips for 1-2 months

and if you felt that your skin has greatly improved

please let me know

because it will make me very happy

If you find this video helpful,

Don't forget to share this video to your friends

and I will see you guys on the next video!

Bye bye!



mob arena MINECRAFT - Duration: 52:36.

For more infomation >> mob arena MINECRAFT - Duration: 52:36.


Các Vị Bồ Tát Là Có Thật - Sự tích các vị Bồ Tát Tự Tại Từ Bi Trí Tuệ Song Toàn Phù Hộ Cho Bạn - Duration: 1:23:44.

For more infomation >> Các Vị Bồ Tát Là Có Thật - Sự tích các vị Bồ Tát Tự Tại Từ Bi Trí Tuệ Song Toàn Phù Hộ Cho Bạn - Duration: 1:23:44.


Ida Maria - Bad Karma: 1:02 - 1:13 - Duration: 0:12.

♪ You better believe in Jesus 'cause only He can save you now ♪

♪ Throw in a saint or two, why don't ya? ♪

♪ Three hail Marys and a Hare Krishna ♪

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