Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017


Theme Music


Dr. Ed Young: In the middle of August,

I was jogging on a little path that moved down the beach,

and I came around the curve; I jog there many times.

I was dreading, to be honest with you,

going down in the valley, going up that next hill.

Say, "Woo."

And as I turned around the curve,

I heard a loud, loud noise that was overwhelming.

I didn't know what it was.

It's a rather remote area, the beach area, a little road

by it, and I recognized it as rap music.

And I'll be honest with you,

I haven't been a shell all of life.

I have never heard as many vulgarities, profanity, almost

word after word, after word.

It was loud, just echoing through that area.

And you know, for a minute I said, "Maybe I am jogging into

hell, I don't know."

It sounded like that.

And then I ran to the curb, and there pulled up in a beach area

was a pickup truck with a pretty large group of 20-somethings

and they were having a party.

I'm sure pot was being smoked and alcohol was flowing.

They'd been to the beach, had their bathing suits on,

listening to this rap music just filled with

unbelievable vulgarities.

I had never heard anything like it on this earth, one after

another, one after another.

They were laughing, and staggering, and dancing,

and lying down on blankets.

It was something, it was still daylight.

I guess it was the preparation for the orgy that was just about

to take place, and I jogged by.

When I got by, I'll be honest with you, I started to kind of

smile and laugh a little bit.

You say, "Well, that's kind of an inappropriate response."

No, I was sort of thinking about this study we're dealing

with today on the Bible, and I almost turned around.

And I said, you know, if I go back and approach them and say,

"I want to ask you something,

what do you think about the Bible?

Yeah, "Or could I ask you, is the Bible true?"

I wonder how they would have responded.

I think I pretty well know.

They'd have said who cares, get out of here.

Are you coming to preach to us?

Who believes that old stuff?

Who knows what's true?

Who knows if it's accurate?

That's myth, get out of here."

They would have followed up,

I imagine with an expletive or two.

It's amazing, is it?

How almost everybody has an opinion about the Bible.

Have you noticed that?

Everybody has some opinion about it.

So you have all extremes when you ask is the Bible true,

or is it myth, or who knows what should be in the Bible or

shouldn't be in the Bible, or are all of these stories

just fabrications or are they fantasies?

Are they delusions?

Are they some kind of crazy dreams or visions?

You know, is the Bible true?

A friend of mine was speaking at a university and a history

professor asked him to come and speak to his class.

My friend stood up and he said,

"The Bible is historically accurate."

The professor had began to laugh.

And he said, "What are you laughing about?"

He said, "For anyone to stand in a class of History

at this secular university and make the absolutely silly,

ridiculous statement, to say the Bible is historically accurate,

I find that humorous."

My friend, who is a former atheist is now a Christian

apologist, he said, "Well, sir, I'd like to ask you a question.

As a historian what test do you put down to determine whether

something is true or not in history or in literature?

How do you test something?

And the scholar sort of didn't have an answer.

And my friend said, "Let me suggest that you test the truth

of literature, of history, put the Bible to the same test

you do any secular writing or secular piece of literature."

And he reminded the professor of a scholar who was a--

her writes military books.

He is a scholar on military battles and on wars

by the name of Dr. Charles Sanders.

And Dr. Sanders says he uses three tests to determine

what really happened.

Can you imagine you're writing about a war, a battle, and you

get one side says this, and one side says this, and you get all

the reports from these military people, all the reports from

those who have already written on it, and you try to figure

out what really happened in the Battle of Bulge?

What really happened at Thermopylae Pass,

famous battle in ancient history?

What really--how do you determine that?

Dr. Sanders says you put down three tests: the bibliographical

test, the internal evidence test and the external evidence test.

Now, relax, we're not going to move too fast.

I'm going to explain exactly what this involves.

Number one--now, remember what we're doing.

We're testing as to whether or not the Bible is true, and

we're using a secular test that is used to determine whether

something is true or not.

You can't put it Snopes.

Everybody know what that is?

How many knows what S-N-O-P-E-S is?

Lift your hand.

Got a few.

That you hear popular urban legends and you put it in

Snopes, spell it in.

Online, it'll tell you whether or not it's true.

If it's false, it will be a little red dot.

If it's green, it's true.

If's green and red, it's sort of undecided, no decision.

You know put in there, "The Aggies are undefeated this

year," and see what you get?

It'll be a truth teller.

It'll be a truth teller.

So this is what--you can't use stuff, so you have

to look and determine.

The bibliographical test, the first test,

is a test of the manuscripts.

Haven't you heard people say, "Well, you know, the Bible is

so old, it's been translated so many times, and it's been handed

down, and therefore what's in here, it just may not be true.

They have revised it, they changed it back from--

we don't have any autographs, original, and therefore,

you just can't tell."

Have you heard people say that?

"How do you know that's not old stuff, and it's antiquated,

and how do you know that's what the author said

and this took place?"

You know, so you take it to the bibliographical test.

You look at manuscripts, you go back early, early, and you see

what manuscripts are available and see how the correspond.

For example, Plato and Aristotle, philosophers,

classical philosophers, how do you test, whether or not what

you read by Plato or Aristotle really was what they wrote down?

They have about nine manuscripts I think, for Plato, and ten for

Aristotle, that date back, and you compare those manuscripts

and you come up with, you know, a fairly accurate account

as to what they have penned.

They have only nine or ten way back in antiquity.

Nobody debates with the fact: this is pretty much what

Aristotle said, that's pretty much what Plato said.

Now, how many manuscripts do you think we have, say of

the New Testament, that would date back like that to compare?

We don't have the original, the autograph, any more than

we do with Plato or Aristotle.

How many you think?


All right.

There are 14,000 manuscripts of the entire New Testament,

dating back, and over 24,000 books of the New Testament,

and parts of the New Testament.

So when you sit down to say, is this what Paul really said?

Is this what Paul really wrote?

Is this the Gospels?

You've got all of this manuscript evidence

that we come down to.

How many words, you think, there are in the New Testament?

There are a hundred and-- there's 184,509 words in

the New Testament; 184,509 in the New Testament.

How many words do you think are even debated as to whether

or not that should be the right word in that verse?

Less than 400, less than 1%.

And not a single world that is under discussion for debate

has anything to do with the major doctrine of our faith.

Not a single word, it doesn't affect anything that we believe.

So therefore, when you have a Bible in your hand, you have

overwhelming manuscript evidence that it is accurate and it is

very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,

very close to the autograph,

the Scripture that was originally penned.

So someone gives you that old line, "Well, it's been passed

down and translated," you just sit back and say,

"You don't know what you're talking about."

The bibliographical test,

let me tell you, the Bible passes with flying colors.

Great, what about the next test, to see if whether something

is true or not, something is accurate?

That's the internal evidence test.

In other words, this involves, to those who have written

this document, are they truth tellers?

Are they people who have integrity or do they spin

what they're writing?

Do they twist the truth?

Are they people of veracity?

That's internal evidence.

And we had to look at Matthew and say, he was a tax collector.

Kind of suspect, isn't it?

Did he write the truth?

Mark--Luke was a Physician.

What about old Moses?

Is that true.

Now, how do you find out?

I want to just let you touch on two scholars and

their understanding of this.

The first one is C.S. Lewis, you may have heard of him.

C.S. Lewis was a professor of medieval literature

at Cambridge, an agnostic.

C.S. Lewis came to faith in Christ partly because he said

when he read the New Testament, he saw this was not fiction.

He said he'd spent half of his life reading ancient literature,

myths and legends and conjured stories.

He said when he read the New Testament,

he knew he was reading, first hand, accurate history.

And you know why he said he knew that?

He said primarily because of the details that were written

in the New Testament.

Notice, that Jesus was on the boat

and he was sitting on cushion.

What does that have to do with anything?

They caught a hundred and fifty-three fish.

What if they had caught a hundred and fifty-four?

No, idea.

What does that mean?

And you find details all the way through.

And Lewis says, "You do not find fiction written with

these kind of details in any ancient materials, unless it's

a character description, not just details for details sake."

He said the genre of writing details in fiction came

in modern times.

And you read novels today, have a lot details.

You read about somebody, they spend all this time telling

you all about this person.

Has nothing to do with the plot, drives me crazy.

I quit reading Robert Ludlum.

He did that so many times, it was silly,

but that's modern fiction.

Lewis said this kind of fiction wasn't

known in the first century.

Anytime before that period or for a hundred years after that

period, so he knew that these writers were truth tellers.

Now, second person, Will Durant, next to Gibbons'

"Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,"

Will Durant would be one of the foremost historians.

Durant said he also sees the Bible

as true and he uses a different approach.

He said, "I say it's true because of what some of the

authors said about themselves."

Read an autobiography of almost anybody,

the might put a little mixed bag

in there but primarily they come out heroic.

Have you noticed that?

Have you noticed that, write your autobiography and you could

read it and I would know, you would say, "Who is this person?"

Same with me.

You don't find that in the Bible.

Will Durant, he says, "When you read the Bible,

you see things that are written there."

You would say, "I don't believe

I would have told that: Jesus' family once went to him and

thought he was out of his mind, wanted to take him home

to keep from embarrassing the family's name.

I don't believe I would have written that."

Jesus didn't perform any miracle in Galilee.

He performed everywhere else.

I think I would have left that out.

Jesus before he was crucified in the Garden of Gethsemane, said,

"Lord, let this not happen.

Let this cup pass from me."

Man, I don't think I'd put that in there.

And what about the apostles?

They ran like cowards when Jesus was arrested and they just got

through boasting: Peter did, and the rest of them said,

"I'm with it, we'll give our lives for you."

I'd think I'd have left that out,

if I had been writing an account in the Scripture.

You know, what about old Moses?

Man, he couldn't-- he wasn't obedient.

What about Abraham?

Now, Abraham is a liar.

I mean, he lied about his wife three different times.

Isaac, one of the patriots in the Bible,

he was about the poorest father you could find.

He was a no good sorry dad in any way you look at Isaac.

And Jacob, ah a con artist, slick man, couldn't trust him

at his word, dishonest in relationships

and in business affairs.

I mean, what kind of book do you read that is so truthful

about all of this?

Will Durant says it's the truth, it's the Bible.

You can't argue with it.

As a Historian, C.S. Lewis

as a scholar of medieval literature, this is truth.

Now, let's touch on two things.

What about those miracles?

Walking on water, man with the withered hand, man born blind,

now he sees.

What about all the miracles?

Parting of the Red Sea, how do we know they are true?

My, my, my.

Let me remind you of something.

We have to understand that who God is and how we write down

what God does is the problem.

Anybody who believes in the beginning God created

the heavens and the earth; now, hold with that,

stay with that, think about it.

You really believe in the beginning God created

the heavens and the earth.

You believe that, you don't have any big deal with miracles.

In fact, it would be logical to think that this Almighty God who

spoke everything into existence throughout the solar system

and other solar system, it's no problem believing that

he performed some miracles here and there in his sovereignty

and in the economy of mankind.

Miracles, man they fit.

By the way, did you notice that in the New Testament especially,

all the miracles with only one or two exceptions

was performed in public?

Can't you imagine that more than anything else, those

who would refute Christianity what to disprove miracles?

Why didn't they do it?

When Peter stood on Pentecost a thousand people came

to believe in Christ.

How many thousands were there?

And he talked about the resurrection which

just happened, why didn't a lot of people,

"Oh, we don't believe that, that's a bunch of nonsense."

They couldn't deny it, there were too many witnesses.

So we understand from the internal evidence of Scripture.

You look at the Bible and it stands with crystal clarity

as truth, but look about the external evidence.

"Oh, now we're getting serious," somebody says.

What do you have?

Secular history says this, and biblical history says this.

There are contradictions, and there have been a lot of them.

I'll give you an illustration of one.

A guy by the name of Belshazzar is mentioned in the Bible

as the King of Babylon.

Well, in secular history, they have all the kings listed.

They say, "Look Belshazzar is not one of the Kings.

Therefore, the Bible just made that story up,

just made that guy up.

He was not the King of Babylon."

But in the 1950s, they were digging around the ground, some

of those old archeologists and they found three tablets.

And on this tablet it told the story of a King of Babylon

named Nebulous, Nebuli.

And Nebuli took an army off, a large army and left Babylon

and went out to a war, and this tablet tells a story of when

he was gone, he turned and he appointed his son to be king

and his son's name was?



Biblical history against secular history, biblical history wins.

When I was in seminary, they told me that you know, it's

a mistake in the Bible to attribute Solomon having

all those horses.

You know Solomon had all these horses.

Said the horse was not introduced into Israel until

hundreds of years after the time of Solomon.

It's absolutely impossible.

We had all kinds of evidence in secular history.

Now, the problem with that, some old guy was poking around

up a little side of Megiddo, I think.

Well, listen, punch down there and said,

"Look, this is where a stable was.

Oh, look this is horses and they found his stable."

Secular history against biblical history.

The Hittites, that was a good one.

All through the Bible the Hittites were enemies of Israel,

but secular historians said, "You know, the Bible talks about

this large empire of Hittites.

We can't find any evidence of Hittites anywhere.

This is just phony baloney, biblical stuff, legend, myth.

It's just simply not true."

Until, some archeologists were poking around

and they found a Hittite town, then they found

40 Hittite towns had been excavated and the capital of

the Hittite Empire is now excavated.

and they discovered a whole language, the Hittite language.

Footnote, Voyager 1, broke out of orbit, out of this--

our area of the world, out of our atmosphere, out of our solar

system in 1986, the Voyager.

The next time the Voyager 1, reaches anything outside of our

outside of our solar system, it will be 40,000 years

from this time, 40,000 years.

It will travel through space as it gets to the nearest star.

On that Voyager, they have artifacts of this day and age,

music, hopefully not any of that rap, and they'll have culture

and stories about our lifestyle, so we'll understand in case

someone bumps into the Voyager up there, they'll know something

about us, and they have in 40 different languages,

directions as to where they can find the earth.

One of those languages is Hittite.

Oh, prophecy, truth in the Bible.

It's internal and external evidence that we find

in the Scripture.

In fact, Nelson Glueck, who is one of the foremost

archeologists, who is a Jewish man said, "In all the

archeological excavation, not a single verse of Scripture has

been contradicted, not one verse, not one bit of truth.

Now, compare that briefly with the Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon tells the history of North America

from 1600 BC to 400 AD.

You say, "Well, the Book of Mormons they got their history

and we've got our history."

The only problem with that, there has not been

a scintilla of evidence, any artifact, anywhere

in North America that said such a civilization existed,

mountains, and valleys, and towns, and cities existed

in this civilization.

Where did the Book of Mormon came from?

It came floating down out of heaven.

It has everything about it that would be a hoax.

And what do the Mormon scholars say, Brigham Young and

in other places?

They cannot show you one shred of any semblance of evidence

from any source on this earth, to give one scintilla of truth

to the Book of Mormons.

And they say, "Well, why do you believe?"

They say, "We just believe by faith."

That's blind faith.

Christianly, this Bible does# rest on truth, absolute history,

and therefore, we can stand and not worry about anybody else and

we could say, "This is true truth.

Look at the bibliographical evidence, look at the internal

evidence, look at the external evidence, and the Bible stands.


Everybody knows that drugs will kill you.

I don't know anybody who is, you know, over 10 years of age,

who doesn't know that.

Drugs will kill you.

They'll kill you, but you know people still do drugs.

It's amazing.

Though they kill, people still take drugs, buy drugs, sell

drugs, big giant business, but everybody know it will kill you.

See, to know the truth and to rightly respond to the truth;

two different things.

I think we know, we see, the evidence is overwhelming

that the Bible is true truth.

The question is, how do we respond to it?

And I will tell you the primary reason I know the Bible is true,

is because it's true about what it says about me.

So here is the evidence, you're the jury, you decide.

announcer: Has life left you feeling miserable,

bored, mad or confused?

You sometimes say, "I just want to be happy," and yet no matter

how hard you try, happiness always seem to allude you?

the world tells us that to be happy we need to rich, and

successful, and healthy, but in the Bible, Jesus used words

like, humble, meek, broken, to describe happiness.

And when we live those words out, that's when we

find true happiness.

Dr. Young: Do you want to live a life full of meaning and

significance, a life that is truly genuinely happy?

Join me for the series, "Happy People," as we study the best

known, least understood and hardest to live out

words in the Bible.

You find them in the Sermon on the Mount.

announcer: Get your copy of "Happy People, Volume 1," by

calling the number on your screen or go online


It's our gift to you for your financial support

of this ministry.

Dr. Young: The Bible is true truth.

God's Word is truth that brings

freedom and direction to everybody.

No matter where you are or what you're going through, his Word

will be a light for every step of your life.

Think about it, a light for every step.

So let me thank you now for watching today, and I want to

say a special thank you for your generous support that makes this

program possible, week by week, by week, and I look forward to

our time together next week, same channel, same place,

right here on the "Winning Walk."




For more infomation >> Is the Bible true? | Dr. Ed Young - Duration: 28:31.


Welcome to No Limits A Cappella! - Duration: 2:51.

Welcome to the No Limits A Cappella YouTube Channel!

My name is Koby and today I'm here to tell you the story of how our group got together

as well as meet its members.

No Limits originally started as a group of 23 individual singers who all were participating

in a part of Camp A Cappella.

Camp A Cappella is a camp started by Deke Sharon and Brody McDonald in which middle

school students, high school students, college students, and adults all come together for

one week of a cappella fun at the university in Dayton, Ohio.

These 23 singers were all assigned to be part of one small ensemble.

Under the direction of Anna King, we all really got to know each other as a family, and really,

at levels that we wouldn't have expected before.

Ranging from California, to Washington, to New York, to Tennessee, our members come from

all over the United States and we were able to unite under one thing - singing.

As the final performance drew near, we realized how much we had grown together as a family

and we wanted to keep singing outside of this camp.

So as a result, this channel and this group was born.

We have so many fun projects, announcements, and videos to launch, but first, let's go

ahead and meet our members.

Once again, I am Koby, and I sing tenor.

Hi, I'm Jaclyn and I sing soprano.

Hi, I'm Rithik and I sing tenor.

Hi, I'm Hannah, I sing soprano.

Hey, I'm Sam, and I'm a vocal percussionist.

Hi, I'm Jake, and I sing tenor.

Hi guys, I'm Jenna and I'm an alto.

Hi, I'm Henry and I sing bass.

Hi, I'm Ben and I'm a vocal percussionist.

Hi, my name is Martina and I sing alto.

What's up!

My name is Hunter and I am a tenor.

Hi, I'm Ali and I sing alto.

Hi, my name is Lia and I sing soprano.

And there you have it, those are most of our members, if not all of them, we're still waiting

for a couple of people who have not submitted video clips for this, but their names will

be featured down below and their parts will also be there.

As for me, you guys, you can check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to

get more insight on what we're doing and updates as to what projects are coming out.

We've got our monthly covers and originals, we've got weekly Meet the Members videos,

and a ton of other exciting projects for you guys.

Our first song and our first video is already on the way, we're working hard at it nonstop,

and we can't wait to share it with you all.

As for me, that's gonna be it for this video, be sure to, once again, click the subscribe

button on our YouTube and we've got our social media links on the annotations here and in

the description box below.

Please check them out and I will see you guys next time.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Welcome to No Limits A Cappella! - Duration: 2:51.


Mistakes Are An Acceptable Part of Being Human - Duration: 15:45.

Mistakes Are An Acceptable Part of Being Human

Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human.

We are here to make all the mistakes we want because it is through our mistakes that we


As long as we try to do what we know to be right, we will be on the right path.

If we make a mistake, we should fully recognize it as a mistake, then put it behind us and

simply try not to make the same mistake again.

The important thing is to try our best, keep our standards of goodness and truth, and not

compromise them to win people�s approval.

The Creator loves us just the way we are, mistakes (Warts) and all.

When we make a mistake, we should ask for forgiveness.

After that, it would be an insult if we don�t accept that we are forgiven.

We shouldn�t continue going around with a sense of guilt, and we should try not to

repeat our mistakes.

We should learn from our mistakes.

Our Creator wants us to do what we want to do.

That means making choices � and there isn�t necessarily any right choice.

There is a spectrum of possibilities, and we should make the best choice from those


If we do that, we will receive help from the Other Side.

Our Creator knew we would make mistakes.

Life is all about mistakes.

It is constant change and growth.

Our greatest challenges in life will one day be known to us as our greatest teachers.

An important purpose for mortality is to help us learn to recognize and to choose the positive

even though the negative more fully surrounds us.

We make this choice consciously or unconsciously in every moment of the day, and these millions

of tiny choices create the foundation of our identity.

We are what we think.

We are what we say, what we do, what we fill our lives with.

Ultimately, every being creates himself by these countless, crucial choices.

By focusing within ourselves through meditation, dreams, prayer, even quiet reflection, we

try to connect with the heaven we desire.

When we are in love we say were are in heaven.

When we are separated from love we may feel like absolute hell.

It appears that the Golden Rule of loving others as you would have them love you is

a universal concept that may even be a natural part of human nature.

It may be a principle that is an instinct existing in the very core of us all.

Perhaps it is a paradise lost that is ours� to find after all.

Concerning the relationship between life on Earth and life in heaven, our life on Earth

is but a preparation for our life in heaven.

We come to Earth from heaven for the purpose of obtain spiritual development and to bring

the heaven we came from to Earth.

It is also here on Earth that the Creator and ourselves can really know what level of

spiritual development we desire and have earned.

After death, the level of our spiritual development determines the spiritual realm we inhabit

after death.

Free will is a divine gift from God to humanity and God does not force anyone to heaven.

The level of heaven we develop within us on Earth is the level of heaven we enter after


When the physical body is removed, we step into the spiritual condition we have been

building within us throughout our entire life.

Since the Creator is love, the greater spiritual love we build within us, the closer we are

to the Creator.

This holds true for the spirit world as well.

It is a life of love that leads to heaven.

Love is the Creator�s paradise for humanity and we can create this paradise from heaven

on Earth and within us if we learn to love one another.

Heaven is a matter of vibration and the various realms after death is based on the various

levels of spiritual energy that exists.

Love can be compared to heat that has vibrations that are finer that colder temperatures.

The greater the love � the finer the vibration � and the closer we are to heaven.

Heavier vibrations represent coldness and the heavier the vibrations the nearer we are

to hell.

When we manifest unselfish love, our soul vibration are so high that the only place

we can fit into is heaven.

People don�t go to heaven because of their good deeds, but because their soul vibration

of spiritual love fits in and belongs there.

After death, people gravitate into groups according to the rate of their soul�s vibration.

Birds of a feather flock together.

This connection between the levels of soul vibration we have in determining the level

of heavenly vibration we realize after death is the same principle as putting a coin into

the slot of a coin counter.

The coin just naturally fits to its proper location.

So it is with the soul.

After death, our soul naturally fits in the level of heaven we have developed within us.

In fact, while we live on Earth our soul actually dwells, not only within us, but also in the

spiritual realm we will find ourselves in after death.

We all have some level of discord or negative vibes within us after death because of our

Earth experience.

In heaven, all these unwanted soul vibrations are removed by the Creator � who can be

thought of as the Master Vibration.

The first stage after death is a condition of still being involved with and acting according

to our outward personality which we had on Earth.

From this initial stage after death, we slowly begin to lose this outward personality consciousness

and begin to become more of the person and inner nature we actually are.

As our outward earthly personality is removed, our thought process begins to change.

Our thought process becomes more and more based on our true intentions � our impulses.

In the realm of mind and imagination, impulses are the same as actions.

In other words, thoughts and impulses become united.

Thoughts are impulses and impulses are actions.

The farther into the afterlife experience we get, the more we are acting on the basis

of who we really are.

The final stage of adjusting to the spirit world is a stage of instruction.

As it is with children in the Earth realm, we must be instructed once again in the ways

of the realm we have just entered � with the exception that our instruction on the

Other Side is not based on time.

Higher spirit beings educate us and bring us into heaven.

As mentioned earlier, negative vibes cannot be expressed in heaven.

As we enter into heaven, these negative vibes are removed by the Creator.

This creates a level of happiness that cannot be imagined on Earth.


Heaven truly becomes a spiritual state of living as who we really are.

In heaven, we remember our real identity.

In heaven, only the best in each person survives.

It is a joyous condition and a state of expanded awareness.

There is a perfect freedom of spirit and no one gets tired.

It is a new lease on life.

It is a lively hilarious place and our true home.

We then begin to realize how we were merely visitors on Earth and heaven is our real home.

We begin to realize that we have been here in heaven before.

Knowledge beyond our deepest dreams exists all around us like the heavenly all-pervading

music that can be heard.

The Creator�s presence is so obvious here that it cannot be denied.

The love of the Creator in heaven is like the air we breathe.

The Golden Rule is the only law in heaven.

The beauty of the environment in heaven is beyond words and they reflect the spiritual

nature of those who dwell there.

Multi-coloured cities of crystal light created by our Creator can be seen.

There exist exquisite heavenly structures such as spires, domes, amphitheatres, Grecian

looking buildings, libraries of wisdom, halls of spiritual learning, temples, and communities.

Waterfalls, mountains, valleys, lakes and other realms of recreation exists in a way

that makes their earthly equivalents merely an empty shadow.

Because there is no time in the spirit world, we enjoy eternities in heaven.

A soul can choose to remain in heaven for as long as desired and can choose to operate

on that level of spiritual development forever.

Generally, however, we stay in heaven for as long as it serves our spiritual development.

This is because one of our main goals for existence is to attain a level of spiritual

growth that will bring us back to a complete merger with God in the highest heaven.

However, spiritual development is much more difficult in the spirit world compared to

developing spiritually in the physical realm.

Although our goal is to remain forever in heaven, our greatest goal is to bring heaven

to Earth.

If we don�t help those in the lower realms to develop a higher level of spiritual development,

we cannot truly enjoy heaven.

This is because our family and friends may exist at these lower levels.

We are going to link up, hold hands, and walk out of hell together.

For this reason, we leave paradise not just for the sake of our own spiritual development,

but for those we love.

By doing so, we are also doing this for God�s sake.

We are assured by the Creator that when we leave paradise for another incarnation at

a lower spiritual level, we will be brought home safely again.

Ultimately, everyone will merge at the highest level as it was in the beginning.

Ultimate paradise lost will truly become ultimate paradise found again.

When we love unselfishly, our vibrations are so high that the only place we�ll fit into

is heaven.

There is no other place we can go if we want to.

This is divine justice because it gives everyone an equal chance to eventually attain the harmony

to fit into some kind of heaven � regardless of their intelligence, education, indoctrination,

ignorance, wealth or poverty.

A heavenly existence is created by how we live on Earth, including the truths we have

lived, taught, and believed in life; and the love, peace, and compassion we have known

for ourselves and those we have touched.

Everything else is associated with a hellish existence.

It is a life of love, a life of behaving honestly and fairly in every task that leads to a heavenly


This life is not hard.

Everyone is born with a spiritual void within them.

Throughout our lives, we fill our void with a multitude of things.

Then when we die, we step into the spiritual void we have filled.

This is why having love within us is so important when we die.

Giving and receiving love from the heart, creates a heavenly paradise within us which

is manifested in the spirit world and becomes realized at death.

�The general rule of thumb is this: hellish life, hellish afterlife � heavenly life,

heavenly afterlife.

Death will not change a hellish life into a heavenly afterlife, nor does it change a

heavenly life into a hellish afterlife.

�We do not go to heaven.

We grow to heaven here on Earth.

�The spiritual state of being we have on Earth is the spiritual state we take with

us to heaven.

There is no sudden metamorphosis from an idle person into an active person, from a nonreligious

person into a religious person, from a money-centred person into a God-centred person.

�When we die, we take this heaven of love with us to the level of heaven that corresponds

to the love within us.

�People don�t go to heaven because of their good deeds, or because they believe

this or that, but because they fit in and belong.

It�s what you are Spiritually that counts.

�You�ll not be in heaven if you�re not leaning on the arm of someone you have helped.

In heaven you feel much more alive than you will ever feel here.

Our lives on Earth are for just a short time, like a vacation.

You visit, try to find your way around, and just when you think you�ve got it down,

it�s time to go home.

When you go home to heaven, you know exactly where you are, what you�re doing.

It�s just a wonderful place.

There�s no hatred, just love, kindness, and mercy.

It�s one huge family there.

�To appreciate heaven well it is good for a man to have some fifteen minutes of hell.

�As there are degrees of heaven and hell on Earth, so there are degrees of heaven and

hell in the spiritual world.

A person�s dreams, visions, and meditations are reflections of the soul�s experience

in the spirit world.

The conscious mind is the product of the evolution of the stars and planets.

The soul mind (sub-consciousness) is conditioned by its previous incarnations within the physical

world and the spirit world.

The conscious mind becomes dimmed or brightened by its recent experiences in these worlds.

The reports of many individuals who have been permitted to see or visit the next world tell

us that it is located right here on our physical Earth.

If our spirit eyes were to open, we would discover we are surrounded by those who have

preceded us in death.

But not everyone goes to the same location in the next world.

We will be acutely aware of everything we have done or failed to do in our lives.

We will also know the lives of those around us and they will know ours.

Therefore we will seek out those who think the same way we do, who value the same things

we do.

We will gravitate toward those we feel at ease with, who are like us.

Judgment is more a process of self-evaluation than the product of a heavenly tribunal.

Heaven is a matter of vibration.

The finer the vibration we have, the nearer we are to heaven.

Heaven is a state of being joyous, light, loving, harmonious, vibrant, God-centred and


The heavier the vibration, the nearer we are to hell.

Hell is a state of being heavy, dull, dismal, grey, and glum-as when you are heavily depressed

and self-centered.

Doctrine, creed and race mean nothing in heaven.

No matter what we believed we were all children of the Creator.

The only rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

For more infomation >> Mistakes Are An Acceptable Part of Being Human - Duration: 15:45.


Jay Z - "Kill Jay Z" (Official Video) 4:44 Tidal REVIEW: Kanye West Rumors - Duration: 1:25.

Jay Z dropped the music video for 4:44's opener "Kill Jay Z."

Despite rumours about this track being about Kanye West and Eric Benet, Jay Z clarified

that this song is about destroying one's ego.

Jay told iHeartRadio on 4:44 release day.

"It's about killing off the ego, so we can have this conversation in a place of vulnerability

and honesty."

The music video was directed by Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz, known as Bush Renz who

explain that, "the visual really tells the story of the need for the ego to die in order

to manifest destiny and make room for the evolution of the true self.

In the context of the KILL-JAY-Z visual, there is a fight to hold on to your identity on

your journey toward success–– for black men in particular there is always this ongoing

battle to preserve your identity; maintain your stamina, your blackness, if you will––

while killing off those parts of yourself that are detrimental to your forward movement––

but in many ways the weaponized ego was a necessary tool–– if you had any hope to

survive to reach such heights.


The official music video for "Kill Jay Z" is only available on Tidal.

But if you want you can head on over to my blog to see the music video.

Don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button to be in the know of all the latest

pop culture happenings.

For more infomation >> Jay Z - "Kill Jay Z" (Official Video) 4:44 Tidal REVIEW: Kanye West Rumors - Duration: 1:25.


【ザ・コンビニ3】資金が2億円!! part2 - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> 【ザ・コンビニ3】資金が2億円!! part2 - Duration: 9:30.


二重細編みのアクリルたわしの編み方【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 18:44.

For more infomation >> 二重細編みのアクリルたわしの編み方【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 18:44.


Expert from NASA talks about what it will be like during the total solar eclipse - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Expert from NASA talks about what it will be like during the total solar eclipse - Duration: 3:11.


Disclosure Process Is Accelerating Message From A Recent Crop Circle In Cley Hill - Duration: 9:43.

Disclosure Process Is Accelerating Message From A Recent Crop Circle In Cley Hill

By Jelelle Awen

�We are ascending through a collective experience of disclosure that grows from within.� I

was offered THAT during meditation recently by my guides.

I was in a pretty high UP place energetically in which it becomes difficult to mentally

track what I am experiencing and being offered.

It becomes challenging to even remember much of what I�ve experienced and, very often,

I pass out/crash nap as some kind of �rewiring� is going on to really let it in beyond my

conscious mind.

ALL of this makes it challenging to write about and share what comes through, so I�m

going to ask for help from my guides to help me out here and clear through the fog.

I started this meditation/journey by focusing on and letting in the latest crop circle that

appeared in England sometime during the night of July 17, 2017 to be discovered on July


Of course, this date �pings� for us as it offers a sense of portal or gateway�..7/17/17�.THAT

is a lot of seven energy.

Rather than go google what that means, I felt to check in with my guides about the crop

circle, the message it offers us, and the significance of the date when it was offered

to us.

I felt myself swirling around in the various sacred geometric shapes offered in the crop

circle and I really FELT them and let them into my heart rather than tried to mentally

understand them.

I had a wood cutting of the flower of life figure on my third eye with an amethyst to

help with this experience and a metatron�s cube cut out on my heart chakra with a rose

quartz on top of it.

I like the physicality of these shapes on my body and feel them much more this way in

combination with the energy of the crystals.

I haven�t �read� anywhere to do this, it�s just what has felt natural and good.

Whatever works and doesn�t harm anyone is my sense about these things.

NO real RULES in meditation or when connecting with guides and higher self guidance.

The pyramids in the crop circle felt like alchemy, change, death and rebirth�..forces

of change peaking UP and coming through.

They also felt like gateways that can be �activated� from within and of course represent the going

UPward of our consciousness as what happens during ascension.

The merkaba is the spirit light body, the vehicle to multidimensional travel and such

a well-known symbol of the ascension process.

When I felt the one in the crop circle, it was a collective merkaba, one that is available

and possible for ALL of humanity.

The collective merkaba offers the sense of our multi-dimensional essence and aspects,

including Star BEing and angelic aspects/guides.

The message came in strong then (fortified by the flower of life) that ascension is for

ALL of humanity.

Not just a select few choosing a higher timeline reality.

Not just for those polarized toward love and light.

It didn�t seem to mean that we NEED all of humanity in order to live New Earth in

the Now as that is each of our individual choices toward love and not fear.

Yet, the invitation seemed to be to remember that we are ALL ONE, so even when it feels

like we are going a different way from so many souls in mainstream consciousness�..on

another, higher level, we COULD all go together, we are ALL invited to come along, and we ARE

all ascending if even one of us is.

The symbols that look like eights actually turned into the infinity symbol�.elongated

and stretched out, seeming to offer an invitation into our Infinite Love and Infinite Awareness

sacred human essence.

The infinity shapes (six of them) are side by side with six circles.

This felt like a representation of the Infinite Circle of Life that lives in each of us and

for which we are connected and sourced from.

Along with the infinite possibilities available to us ALL�.again, the energy was of a collective

invitation to experience this sense of the Infinite inside of each of us as the Source

of our existences.

And then, Metatron says, �There�s my cube!� or a modified version of it anyway and seemed

proud of this and surprised.

I asked him then who offered this crop circle to us and he replied, �Some friends.

And friends of friends,� and then winked at me.

I got the sense that the gift and message of this circle was not just from benevolent

Star BEings/ETs who are waiting for us to BE more ready as a collective to begin the

disclosure and connection process�.yet, also, humans who are in the �know� with

the star BEings and working with them toward this end.

I�ve heard this called by David Wilcock as The Alliance, so it could be that.

The sense of humans and star BEings �working together� was a sweet one.

Metatron shrugged a bit at the awe these crop circles produce as, in another way, it�s

fairly �simple� technology from a Star BEing perspective that creates them.

Like that movie, The Gods Must Be Crazy, where the natives go crazy in awe over a coke bottle

since they�ve never seen one, so we humans �go crazy� when presented with something

in our 3D reality that is NOT explainable by current science or the prevailing worldview

of five sense reality filtering.

At the core of us lives the indefinable mystery for which we are made and long to return and

a deep sense of curiosity gets triggered by �unexplainable� things like crop circles.

I LIKE that we can be awed though and I felt how much LOVE was in the offering of this

crop circle too.

The use of such obvious sacred geometry is like a bill board loudly announcing that the

process of disclosure of Star Being reality is accelerating and collective ascension is

continuing to be underway in the NOW.

The main energies I felt were hope, Infinite Possibilities, and a deep, abiding love for

humanity spiced with an acute eagerness to begin the collective collaboration process

that WILL change our lives for the better and for all of the galaxies too!

I feel that this crop circle is also an invitation for each of us to meditate on it and hear,

feel, see the message from it that we are meant to receive.

It could be deeply personal for you in this phase of your ascension or it could be more

a collective message or vision, as I received.

No messages are �right� or �wrong�.

The main sense is to trust that whatever comes is what you are meant to receive from your

higher self and multidimensional aspects as you feel into ascension through the collective

experience as it continues to bloom and grow from within.

For more infomation >> Disclosure Process Is Accelerating Message From A Recent Crop Circle In Cley Hill - Duration: 9:43.


Official Shadow of War Shelob Reveal Trailer - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Official Shadow of War Shelob Reveal Trailer - Duration: 1:42.


AWKWARD RESTAURANT EXPERIENCES #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:17.

• From being asked about your wanking habits, to naked lunatics dancing in your happy meal,

the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit "most

embarrassing thing that's happened to us at a restaurant" – I'm Pringle and today

I'll be your narrator

10 – enigma5252 Grgak When Grgak was 16, his mom took him to a local

steak house.

She was on some strong medication at the time, but she seemed fine.

Their conversation started out normal until she loudly asked Grgak, "Do you masturbate

in the shower?"

He spat his food out and looked at her.

"You take a long time in there so I figured that's what was going on".

Being a teenager at the time, he was mortified.

To make matters worse, a bunch of elderly people were sitting nearby and they were giving

him the death stare.

It was the longest meal of his life.

9 - Mrman8 Slapped Ham When Slapped Ham was about 10 or 11, his father

took him to a burger restaurant.

His dad accidentally got quite drunk while they were waiting for their burgers to arrive.

When their burgers finally came, Slapped Ham's dad checked his burger and it had no onions

on it, so he took it up to the counter and without a word, shoved it in one of the employee's

faces and then started screaming at them to make him another one.

Unsurprisingly, they were asked to leave.

Slapped Ham and his mom got up and left but his dad stayed behind to argue.

He was so embarrassed.

8 – chloetrout Tolop When Tolop was ten, he and his mom went to

pizza hut.

Everything was going fine while they were waiting for their meal, but after his first

gulp of pizza, Tolop's gut immediately started to churn.

He felt really, really weird.

Without any warning, Tolop's guts emptied themselves all over the table, including their


While he was projectile vomiting, everyone in the restaurant stopped and stared.

Suddenly Tolop realised his bowls were about to vacate themselves in a similar fashion

and he ran as fast as he could to the toilet.

Once he finished destroying the toilet cubicle, he and his mother made a hasty exit and went

straight home.

7 – T4lon Robo On Robo's eighth birthday, her parents took

her to a restaurant to celebrate and said she could get anything she wanted.

After dinner, Robo wanted desert and noticed they had their own ice cream machine.

She picked up the cone and placed it under the machine and pushed go.

When she had enough she pressed stop.

But the machine didn't stop.

She called for help but no one was around.

She was there for a good 5 minutes trying to stop an avalanche of ice cream until the

machine finally ran out.

She walked back to her table embarrassed, as the staff were sliding around in a pile

of ice cream trying to clean it up.

6 – Wolfie165 Pandora Pandora was at a restaurant one night, when

suddenly, two tables away from her, a girl's chair randomly broke into a million pieces

and crashed to the ground.

Pandora tried to contain her laughter, but she couldn't.

She leaned back howling with laughter, and then the most ironic thing happened.

Pandora's chair broke, and while she was falling, she grabbed the table leg and broke

the entire table too.

All of the food spilled on her head and then the whole restaurant started laughing.

That's some serious karma.

5 –Zippytart Emojie Emojie's mom once took him to a VERY fancy

restaurant in the summer.

The waiter came and gave them the menus.

The waiter forgot about their table and returned an hour later with arms full of food.

Emojie's mom was confused because they were yet to order anything.

The waiter placed a huge salad and lamb chops in front of Emojie.

His mom stood up to find the waiter, but Emojie was so hungry he dove straight in.

A few bites in, Emojie's throat swelled up and he started choking.

The salad had nuts, which he was very allergic to.

When his mom returned, she screamed and immediately called an ambulance.

Safe to say they did not return to that fancy restaurant.

4 -Wolfcat_alley Gooby and Snewpee One time when Gooby and Snewpee were having

dinner, a handsome waiter was serving them.

Snewpee was served a very hot plate, but didn't realise and grabbed it with her hands.

She dropped it in shock and blurted out, "Hot!

So hot!

Hotter than our waiter!"

The waiter didn't respond to this and carried on serving their meals, but Snewpee was mortified.

Her family still tease her about it to this day whenever they are served a plate that

is extremely hot.

3 – Lockheed1329 Hellbent Hellbent was having dinner with some work

colleagues once when had a slight accident.

He went to drain his last glass of beer when suddenly gravity took over.

He remembers falling, but nothing else.

When he woke up, someone told him what happened.

He fell backwards off his chair, smashed his head on the table behind him, knocking that

over, and his feet kicked forward, kicking another table over.

He was dragged out the restaurant by his colleagues and remembers seeing at least 20 disgruntled

patrons shaking their heads.

Apparently they still talk about it around the water cooler whenever Hellbent's name

is mentioned.

2 – Xx_Death_by_Sugar_xX Dolan When Dolan was nine years old, he and his

father decided to go to McDonalds.

As soon as they sat down with their food, a guy walked in, who was obviously drunk,

and got completely naked.

He started screaming at no one in particular, "I'D LIKE SOME NUGGETS PLEASE" in the middle

of the restaurant.

Dolan and his dad sat in silence, they were completely shocked.

The drunk man came up to where they were sitting and stood up on the table, completely naked,

and started screaming again.

The employees had to tackle him down and drag him out of the restaurant.

It definitely put Dolan off McDonalds


a while.


Huge thanks for the folks over on our Planet Dolan subreddit for submitting their stories.

We have another question for you: "What's the dumbest reason you've been fired?"

Let us know in the reddit page linked below and you might be featured in a future countdown.

For more infomation >> AWKWARD RESTAURANT EXPERIENCES #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:17.


Official Shadow of War Shelob Reveal Trailer - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Official Shadow of War Shelob Reveal Trailer - Duration: 1:42.


Leão e Rosa dos Ventos - Danny Tattoo (Lion and Wind Rose) - Duration: 2:43.

Work done in 2 sessions. The setup of the first session was:

09 Magnum green rotary machine

07 Round Liner silver coil machine

09 Round Shader purple rotary

And 15 Magnum silver rotary machine

For more infomation >> Leão e Rosa dos Ventos - Danny Tattoo (Lion and Wind Rose) - Duration: 2:43.


Bad Baby Victoria vs Crybaby Annabelle " Eats Cockroach" Toy Freaks Family Toy Baby Bad Kids - Duration: 1:48.

Bad Baby Victoria vs Crybaby Annabelle " Eats Cockroach" Toy Freaks Family Toy Baby Bad Kids

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Victoria vs Crybaby Annabelle " Eats Cockroach" Toy Freaks Family Toy Baby Bad Kids - Duration: 1:48.


King Of Glory Gameplay Part #1- Go Home - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> King Of Glory Gameplay Part #1- Go Home - Duration: 8:41.


Free Bitcoin Adder Generate Blockchain Wallet Software 2017 Earn 0.05 BTC - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Free Bitcoin Adder Generate Blockchain Wallet Software 2017 Earn 0.05 BTC - Duration: 2:48.


Chris Justus' Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Chris Justus' Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:42.


Forjada a fuego: Tierra Viva #3 - Duration: 28:05.

For more infomation >> Forjada a fuego: Tierra Viva #3 - Duration: 28:05.


Putin: the development of civil aviation will allocate 60 billion roubles - Duration: 5:39.

Good afternoon, colleagues.

Our meeting is taking place as part of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2017.

I think this is a good venue for discussing the development of civil aircraft engineering.

Incidentally, it is not the first time we are doing this.

We have just seen the latest designs from Russia's leading producers of aviation and missile space technology.

I must say the Russian companies' potential is enormous and should be used in full.

For Russia the construction of competitive aircraft is one of the key conditions for easing access to remote regions and making air travel more comfortable.

For such a vast country as Russia with its, let's be honest, poorly developed infrastructure,

which has proved difficult to improve even during all the previous years of its history, considering the limitless expanses of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

However, it is vital to use modern technology to consolidate the country and make every corner equally accessible to every person regardless of his or her place of residence.

People should be able to move easily and freely throughout the country, travel to our major industrial and cultural centres and return in the same easy and free way.

It is also important in this context to increase the production of high-tech, science-intensive products and promote the development of the entire national economy.

Finally, this is a matter of the state's technological prestige.

I would like to note that the industry is currently receiving substantial support.

Last year alone, almost 52 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes under the Aviation Industry Development programme, and there are plans to allocate 60 billion in 2017.

These measures are yielding positive results.

Last year, civil aircraft production grew by 21 percent on 2015.

This is a good indicator.

At the same time, I am confident that the national aviation industry has the required technological and human potential for long-term growth,

for strengthening its positions on the domestic and global markets.

We have mastered batch production of regional airliners.

We have just seen the Sukhoi Superjet here.

Other promising projects are being implemented involving civil aircraft that can compete with foreign equivalents,

including the new Ka-62 helicopter and the MC-21 passenger airliner.

We have seen the Ansat helicopter today.

We have seen the Ansat helicopter today.

Today, we will discuss various measures making it possible to support these projects and to address the entire industry's tasks.

I would like to focus on the following.

First, the MC-21, which I have already mentioned, is currently undergoing flight tests.

Today, I would like to hear how these tests are proceeding, to discuss the current aircraft certification stage and preparations to launch batch production of this airliner.

I would like to focus on the aircraft's certification, and I would like to note technical issues that we know about.

Everything must proceed smoothly in this area.

Second, as you know, the United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation is expected to diversify and expand civil output.

This also concerns the defence industry's aircraft enterprises.

Helicopter deliveries under defence procurement contracts will soon peak.

The Defence Ministry has already reduced its orders under these contracts.

It is high time that we ponder ways to guarantee that the production capacities are utilised by creating demand from civilian customers.

This should be done without delay.

Among other things, Russian oil and gas companies, and other state-owned companies could play their part.

They buy quite a few helicopters abroad.

I believe that this has to change, as we have discussed with the heads of Russian companies.

They should opt for Russian equipment, of course on the condition that it offers the same level or even better quality compared to similar imports.

I think that this matter should be included in the agenda of the Government Import Substitution Commission.

Moving on, I would like to emphasise once again our intention to expand the market share of Russian aviation equipment on the domestic and international markets.

For that, it is essential not only to improve its quality and reliability, but also to develop after-sales maintenance services.

By the way this is also an issue for the defence industry: we need warehouses, spare parts, training, and we need to open service centres.

We all know that those who are able to ensure after-sales maintenance, guarantee timely repairs and promptly deliver parts stay on top of the competition.

We all know that those who are able to ensure after-sales maintenance, guarantee timely repairs and promptly deliver parts stay on top of the competition.

Today we will discuss how this work is organised, and what is there to do for ensuring effective maintenance of Russian aircraft.

Today we will discuss how this work is organised, and what is there to do for ensuring effective maintenance of Russian aircraft.

During the meeting we will also discuss other industry-related issues that have yet to be addressed.

Let us get to work.

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