Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

European Citizens Claim Right to Create Their Own Currency

by Pao Chang

Below is an interesting short video about why some European citizens are claiming the

right to create their own currency and use it to pay for certain goods and services.

As described on

Because the top cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum are open source, any one can

create their own cryptocurrencies.

While the proliferation of cryptocurrencies has central banks concerened, another more

insidious and perhaps greater threat to central banks� monopoly on money creation is the

issuance of scriptural euros by citizens.

What are Scriptural Euros?

Scriptural Euros are Euros issued by citizens under a �theory of the autonomous creation

of scriptural currency� based on the idea of collective property of money that affirms

the right of every citizen to autonomously create �scriptural� money (Euros) via

their own accounting records.

The theory of autonomous creation of scriptural currency holds that just as banks can conjure

debt based money out of thin air, so can citizens.

Money thus created by citizens can then be used to extinguish their own debts.

Apparently, citizen created euros have been accepted as payment.

@marcosabait (Marco Saba) shared his experience on twitter whereby his scriptural Euros were

accepted by Facebook as payment for advertising.

This correspondence between @marcosabait and Facebook shows how @marcosabait created 25

Euros as payment to Facebook and Facebook accepted the citizen issued Euros

as payment.

For more infomation >> European Citizens Claim Right to Create Their Own Currency - Duration: 3:08.




Area 51, the infamous military site that holds many top secrets over the years, has had its

fair share of conspiracy theories surrounding it ever since it made the news decades back.

Even now, many still debate over the "experiments" and extraterrestrial life living/captured

and brought over to Area 51 for experimentation.

The main purpose of Area 51, till today, remains unclear - allowing many conspiracists to let

their imagination run free - however, some conspiracy theories still outshine others,

causing waves in the community.

One such theory that just rocked the conspiracy community is that a UFO hangar has been found

by conspiracists who remain devoted to cracking the mystery behind Area 51, scouring satellite

Google Earth for weird and peculiar features around Area 51, exposing what really goes

on in the area.

The images show a brain-muddling feature - the road up the side of a mountain opens up to

a parking-lot like an area that has three different indentations that extend into the

mountain, a feature that looks like human-made caves.

These "caves" are approximately 10 to 15 miles away, leading conspiracists to believe that

these caves hide some secret aircraft of E.T.

Origins that are a lot more powerful than ours.

Conspiracists have also noted that since the road to the hangar is so narrow, it would

be virtually impossible to transport aircraft to the site.

Thus, if any plane were to take-off, it had to be a vertical takeoff mechanism.

Another more viable theory is that these "caves" actually tunnel straight to Area 51, and other

prominent locations in the region.

Unfortunately, no matter how much one can speculate, it will remain highly classified

info that no one will get the answer to - considering how top-secret Area 51 has remained over the


This allows many conspiracists to continue their theories - years after the creation

of Area 51.

However, it will not be too surprised if other Area 51 researchers find out that the caves

were related to some not-so-secret mining operations and companies - which has occurred

before in the past.

But as long as Area 51 stands, conspiracies will forever shroud the area - for nobody

truly knows what it does, to this day.

If you want to see the images for yourself, check out

this link:

For more infomation >> STRANGE HIDDEN BASE DISCOVERED NEAR AREA 51 - Duration: 3:54.


Control finance com Review - Paying or SCAM? - Duration: 4:30.

hello my friends and as I have promised yesterday that once I got my profits

from this amazing company I will share it with you so 24 hours has been passed

let me log in to see my profits sign in Logan and as you can see guys

that was my deposit 24 hours ago and after one day I got $2 and by the way

guys any profit you can withdraw it at once otherwise you can add more money if

you want so these two dollars is easy to be was draw I will wait for another

prophet to come as you can see here you

your deposit as you can see here guys I already complete one day with this

amazing company and I have got $2 and why is not mentioned here because I

already activate the reinvestment I will reinvest this total of beside the

present deposit so as you can see here guys your total profit is two dollars

and today profit still going on so I expect another two dollars by today and

once I received guys I'm going to maybe double this deposit maybe 300 400 more

as much as you deposit as much as the percentage would be increased especially

if you deposit 300 dolls because in 300 dollars you can became representative of

this amazing company as you can see here make deposit you can see here 300

dollars you can get one point ten percentage if you put $1,000 you can get

one boy in twenty five dollars why I am saying that if you pay 300 dollars you

can be a representative because you get a lot of benefits

can get increased bonuses as you can see here if I want to became representative

they will tell you that you should have at least $300 total deposit so

unintended to bubble my deposit once I got today profit I want to show you also

that this company is suitable for any level and minimum deposit you can start

with ten dollars up to you you can status with three dollars you can start

with thirty thousand up to you anyway the standard rate is one percentage in a

daily for lifetime guys for lifetime I mean if I left this 200 as it is it will

bring for me true dollar forever so this is the reason guys I'm telling you to

click opportunity and just test what you will lose what you will lose you will

keep the ten dollars in your pocket forever at least start to spin dollars

and see what will happen guys you have to try if you want to if you want to

earn money if you want to make money online you have to try don't keep the

money don't keep the money here underground or in your pocket you have

to get some adventure you have to but of course not to throw your money in in a

fake website or in hackers like this kind of software's or website has been a

hundred hours we will double your bitcoin in in two days so please avoid

this kind of website so guys this company seems ok for me I trust them and

as I'm saying that once I got another two dollars today I believe by today

midnight and I will going to double dirty I don't know my aim frankly is to

go for the $1,000 deposit so I can get 10 dollars daily and forever okay guys

thank you very much indeed and when I'm getting another

prophets I will share with you

For more infomation >> Control finance com Review - Paying or SCAM? - Duration: 4:30.


7 Days Adventure With God (2017) - FULL MOVIE - Duration: 1:24:40.

O, God, forgive us for every compromise.

A new movement, God, you are doing it.

You are raising people up. And this is going to go all over the world.

Life is a journey. With God, it is an adventure.

My name is Torben Søndergaard. I grew up without knowing God.

But in 1995, I heard the gospel of Jesus for the first time.

I saw that I was a sinner and I turned away from my sin.

I got baptized into Jesus and I received the Holy Spirit.

Since then, I had a desire to know God even more,

and to live life as a true disciple of Jesus like we read in the Bible.

I wanted to serve Him

and I started to share the gospel of Jesus and to make disciples.

First in my own city, then in my country, and now all over the world.

Welcome. Back to Brasil. -Hey bro.

Are you ready for it? -Of course I am ready for it.

I hope this movie will help you to see what the Christian life really is about.

No, we go to Brazil, to preach about Jesus. Pray for sick people. Cast out demons.

It is about sharing the gospel of Jesus in word and power

and it is about making disciples.

Ready? Sound on?

Hey guys. We are in Amsterdam airport now on our way to Brazil.

You look forward to it? -O, I can't wait.

We were there just three weeks ago. How was it?

Life changing. It's insane. People there are so open and so aware.

You just go on the streets and everything happens, demons are cast out,

people are filled with the Holy Spirit, baptized, just as you walk by, it is crazy.

God is doing so many things people don't see,

and therefore we got the idea, let's do a movie about this

and we want to invite everyone of you to join us on this trip.

You have to see it. -I hope you have your passport ready.

And here we have our friends who are with us, already filming.

We have Robbert here. -Hi.

Do you look forward to it? -Yes, very much.

He is going to be there all the time filming with this.

And we have Josué from France. -Hey.

First time you join us on a trip? -Yes, so exciting.

How is it to be here? -Amazing, I'm so thankful.

It's going to be good. So they're part of the team.

We are going to meet other people down in Brazil, and it's going to be amazing.

So keep in touch and we will come with more testimonies later.

Persecution. Everytime we have a kickstart weekend there is always something coming in.

It is just frustrating. It is every time. You almost know it now.

When you have a kickstart weekend, when you are going on a trip, something is coming.

And it also came this time. A mail, where people want to discuss.

This is a Christian I knew many years ago who just came with a lot of things.

Criticism against what I do and how I do it and so on.

Hi. -It's good seeing you.

Good morning or evening. I actually don't know what time of the day it is now.

I think it's around 5 am Brazilian time. We have just arrived to Campina Grande.

After a long trip. I started about 28 hours ago in Denmark.

So it's been a long trip, but now we are in Brazil.

Now we are in Campina Grande where we'll have a kickstart

with around 1000 people this weekend and it is going to be amazing.

Morning. I got some good sleep now, four or three hours.

It is really warm. It is gonna be a cap and sun cream the rest of the time.

Sunglasses. I look forward to see what will happen

and see how the Holy Spirit is leading. So I just take a morning prayer walk

before we start the day and just to get your thoughts off

and say: "God, here we are. What now? What do you want, God?"

We are here. It is going to be good. What is your name again?

Renato. Stella.

Renato translated the books we have into Portuguese. Two of the books?

Not yet, ok.

Come here. I will pray for you.

And if I say now, just open your mouth and say the first words and see what happens.

Close your eyes and pray after me: God. I come to you.

I repent. And I ask you.

Set me free.

Come with your Holy Spirit... Fill me up...

Right now.


There's freedom inside.

There's healing right now. There is healing inside of you.

The reason we want to do a movie like this is because often you don't see all of this.

This is not prepared, this is just something that happens, and it happens all the time.

It happens when it's not prepared and we just do it and that is beautiful. I love it.

How was it? God bless you. -Hallelujah.

Let it go. All fear, come out.

O, you have it.

Now you have it, use it. Let it out.

And if fear is coming, just speak and suddenly it becomes stronger

and it will build you up and take you places that you have never thought of.

It is always good to pray for people before breakfast.

We are going to see the venue for the meeting this weekend.

Just to see the place and prepare our minds for what is going to happen.

Then we are going to see the city, the surroundings here.

And then we are going home and have a leadership meeting afterwards.

Some of the leaders from this network would like to talk a little.

And then we have an open air-meeting tonight.

Yeah, we can. But then we have this aisle, we have this aisle

and then we have the middle where people can stand.

It is going to be warm in here. It is an open room, there is no air conditioning.

And there is going to be a thousand people in here. So it's going to be good.

We are looking forward to it.

Yeah, I can hear you. Can everybody hear me?

I don't need a microphone.

Is it possible to go to a place and sit down and get some drinks and ice cream?

I would like an icecream.

There are leaders from Salvador and other places who came in,

so we are going to have a leader's meeting.

They want us to pray for the mother-in-law.

We will pray for you, Fabian and me, and then we can talk afterwards.

Who wants prayer?

What is it? She can't lift it.. or?

We command all pain to go. Strength to the shoulder.

Healing right now in Jesus' name. Try to lift it up.



This is what God is doing!

She has a lot of pain in her knees. In her arms she has arthrosis.

I command all sickness to go. Try to walk. Freedom.

Hallelujah. -Is it gone? It is gone.

This is what I like. Again, it just happens. She is going in there and doing like this

and can move her body for the first time in many years.

Freedom, freedom.

Every lie. Come out. Go, go right now.

She never spoke in tongues before. It's a family member who was not

born again yet. The Holy Spirit came and she is shouting in tongues.

It's new for her. The family is standing there and looking at her.

Can you help her?

Welcome to the Kingdom of God in Campina Grande.

Yeah, it's going to be good.

Hello, can you hear me? How's the sound? Is the sound on?

We are ready to go. Let's go.

Wednesday evening, the first day here in Brasil.

We just want to go out and do some open- air preaching and see what God will do.

So we wrote on Facebook that we will meet down here

and the church told the young people that we will meet down here.

So we go down and we expect there to be some Christians already.

Then we will see if there is any of them who needs healing or the Holy Spirit.

We will start with our own people, the Christians, and we will pray for them.

Hello. -Hello.

Do you speak English?

Hello. Just come closer.

Of you here, who do not speak in tongues, who has sickness in your body?

What is wrong with you?

Do you speak in tongues? No?

Are you baptized in water?

And the fear, do you have it a long time?

A very long time.

Close your eyes. Just pray God,

I come to you. I repent and I ask you, set me free.

Come Jesus, save me.

Hallelujah, how are you?

A new beginning. -Amen.

And now start to renew your mind.

You have to know, you are free now. It is a new life.

And speaking in tongues helps to build up yourself.

Come on guys, it's good, amazing, to be out here.

Guys, I want to say something to you.

To everyone. Jesus is alive.

He wants to do something new.

But it's not new. It's the thing we've always read in the Bible.

In the Bible we read about the early disciples.

How they walked around, telling the gospel, healing the sick and casting out demons.

Guys, this is what I love. We have been out here and you see the group has grown

to 80 or 100 people. We have been preaching and praying,

Many got healed and set free. Many got baptized with the Holy Spirit.

When I became a Christian I remember I went to an open-air meeting

and I did not like it. People were standing with balloons

and we were ashamed of it, people looked at us as if we were crazy.

But now it's powerful. It's praying for people and casting out demons.

People were freed from demons in the middle of the street

and the people walking around did not know about that.

This is what we see in the book of Acts.

Because in the book of Acts they did not hide it.

You see in the book of Acts and what Jesus did,

that healing and deliverance were public,

Josué, this is the first time you are out with us.

And you are filming tonight. How was it to see everything from so close?

It's hard to find words for this.

But I felt the presence of God all along and it was so powerful.

It just gave me the desire for more in my life also.

So it has been good, it has been amazing, I love it.

I feel tired in my body, I think we all feel tired.

We slept four, five hours altogether yesterday,

and jetlag and so on, but at the same time you get energy from this.

I love it.

Some people came and need healing and would like us to pray for them.

In the name of Jesus I command this cancer to go.

I command this sickness to go right now. Strength right now.

I command this spirit of death to go.

I speak Your life. Your life. A new beginning.

You have pain now?

Can you sit down there? Freedom. Freedom.

Freedom in the name of Jesus.

No more pain.

This is Puma. This is not a fake.

I bought it in South Africa for one dollar when I was there, so it must be real.

Do you live here?

Does she have pain now?


Lay hands on her and we pray.

Just close your eyes and we will pray.

Freedom, freedom.

Go right now, go right now, in the name of Jesus.

Come out. Come out.

We speak life, life. Holy Spirit come.

We command freedom and healing, we command all pain to go

right now in the name of Jesus. God, set her free.

Just ask, and then we pray again. How does she feel now?

A little bit. -Okay, we pray again.

Just pray again.

Freedom. Last thing go.

Fill her up. More, more...

How is it now?

Now the pain is gone. For the first time in two years she can move without pain.

She is very happy.

God bless you.

A family came to faith a short time ago in this area

one of the poorest areas of the city.

The whole family came to faith, and others also and got baptized.

We just arrived here to pray for people and to see what God is going to do.

They used to baptize people and they didn't see the power of the Holy Spirit.

After watching our videos they did it again and they received the Holy Spirit

and they were baptized.

So it is spreading. It started with one family and then more and more.

So now there are a lot of families here..

...and we will see what God is doing.

Who of you has sickness?

Pain in the body?

Do you also need healing or freedom?

Holy Spirit, more.

More, more. Let go.

Let go. Let go.

Hallelujah, I love it. This is so beautiful.

The Holy Spirit is working.

God, we thank you. God we pray for freedom.

Thank you for Your healing. and for Your life.

Not many times I've experienced so many strong, different things in one day.

We went out to pray for a woman, the mother-in-law of a pastor.

She was laying in a bed for two years.

We went out there and talked and prayed.

A short time later we heard from them that now she was out of the bed,

sitting in a wheelchair and she could now move her body much more.

That was so amazing. So many people said: 'Hey, we just heard that.'

It became a big rumor that that woman had been laying in bed

for two years and now she is up.

After that we went to a family, it was incredible.

They had just met God, and got baptized in a very, very poor area.

We saw one by one getting healed, set free and receiving the Holy Spirit.

So many people got baptized with the Holy Spirit. It was beautiful.

But it did not finish there, because after that we went to the street

and so many more just got baptized with the Holy Spirit and got healed.

And there were so many amazing stories to tell from the street.

And it was just the third day of this seven days of adventure with God.

Tomorrow the kickstart is going to start with 1000 people.

And it's just going to be amazing, so... a new day.

And now it's time for bed, so see you tomorrow. Bye bye.

Good morning, Friday morning. The kickstart weekend is going to start today.

It's been amazing days up till now. I feel a bit tired in my body still,

but I am good, I am ready for it.

A weekend like this is going to be really full on.

We give everything we have, so Sunday evening we are so tired.

Because we are here to serve and then we can sleep and rest later.

So I just want to go for a little walk and just pray and get some air

and think about what God is doing. I like doing that.

Ready to go. -You are getting good at this.

Yeah, I'm a technical guy. Like this. Undercover.

So it's going to be good.

Normally Friday don't come so many, because people are working.

So I think 600-700 today and tomorrow 1000 people have signed up.

So we will see what God is doing. But it's going to be good.

We had some amazing days up till now.

What we also want to show you in '7 Days Adventure with God'

that it is not about the meetings.

You can have a life that is an adventure with God, without big meetings.

Now we are starting with big meetings, but already now, before the big meetings,

we had people come to our house, we have been in people's houses,

and we have been on the street and a lot of things have already happened.

This is something everybody can do.

Everybody can have people come to their house, preach, heal,

cast out demons and baptize in the Holy Spirit.

Everybody can go to other people's houses and can go out on the street.

There we don't need to have a big event and an invitation.

I think the problem is that many people are waiting for an invitation.

Somebody said earlier: 'I believe God called me to be a missionary.'

Fabian heard it and said: 'What are you doing now?'

'Nothing, but I believe God called me to be a missionary.'

'But what are you doing?' 'Nothing, I am waiting to be a missionary.'

Don't wait. Start with what you have. Start with people around you.

You don't have to wait for an invitation, or to be a missionary.

How are you doing? -Good to see you.

This is your family? -This is a son of a friend.

He came to Denmark. When was that? -September 2015.

To a PTS? -A kickstart.

It became amazing? -That's correct.

And he now makes an app for The Last Reformation.

It is going good with the app? -Yes, it's cool.

And you have done the Brazilian website?

Yes, -How is it growing now?

It is exploding actually. When I started I was alone, but now we have this group

and other people in Brazil, and everything is going too fast.

After he got kickstarted, he went home and kickstarted his brother.

It's a new life? -Yes.

How is it now? You just live it?

Yes, we are just living it. We realize we already had that, but we did not know it.

But now we are doing it everyday and we see everything going very fast.


Hi. Are you ready? -Let's go.

Why do you have so many clothes on?

I need to dress like this, otherwise I sweat too much.

Actually I asked someone what clothes I should wear.

Good to see you.

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are ready for a good weekend.

We have already had some amazing days in this city.

The last two days God has done so much.

And I want start by saying that, what we want to see,

is that this is a life, this is a disciple life.

Now I am going to go to the practical part,

where I will take people up and show how we pray for people

with healing, with casting out demons and baptism with the Holy Spirit.

So I will take some people up and show them how to do it

and kickstart somebody in front of everyone.

When I have done that, I will let everyone pray for everyone.

Fill me up. Baptize me. Right now.

Louder. Speak louder.


Now it is chaos time. We just did the practical part.

I showed how to heal the sick, cast out demons, baptize with the Holy Spirit.

And now everybody needs to get involved and pray for people.

And it is always chaos in a room with so little space and so many people.

How are you? -She is fine.

How is this... She was shaking before.

This is so beautiful. I prayed for her, she came to me, her mum had Parkinson's.

She was shaking. She tried to come up with her, but it was too hard for you,

and she was shaking, so I said: 'Not now.'

She came and wanted prayer, I prayed for her to get the Holy Spirit.

When she left, she saw her mom and she was healed.

And she started speaking in tongues at the same moment.

We both were healed at the same time. -Hallelujah.

A new life.

Yes, tomorrow you get baptized.

Do you have it?

It is easier if you start with...

Look wife, I took salad.

Today was... this is what we are doing.

It's so important to deal with discipleship,

to get that understanding of discipleship.

People always think that they cannot do it

and that others are more gifted than they are.

Not everybody is a super evangelist. But everybody can share the gospel.

Everybody can lead people to Christ.

I feel in many ways: We have found it.

I know there are other people who also do this but...

I believe this is the simple discipleship what it's all about.

It's not our idea. It's really the idea of Jesus.

Because for them to take that first step

is a greater miracle than that woman with Parkinson's.

They will remember that more.

So for example if a woman comes to me with pain in the back,

if I pray for her, she can get healed.

But I have seen that so many times

and I will not remember it in a half year.

But what I could do, is say: 'Hey, can you pray?'

Like... she has been my translator.

She has seen a lot of things from close by the last days.

Yesterday we saw great miracles,

but she came to me:

'Oh, I prayed for one who got healed.'

And yesterday, before you were going to bed, you were like:

'What is happening?'

The strongest miracles is not what we see other people do,

the strongest is what people do themselves.


And this is when a fire starts to burn.

This is where the life comes again.

And this is what we can give to everyone.

Who can he go with?

And just keep going. Break through.

You can also take one of your friends with you.

Are you going with them? -It's up to you.

I don't know what you agreed with Robbert.

Robbert, does he go with them? Okay, you go now.

Today a lady was healed in a very powerful way from 13 years Parkinson.

And she has been free ever since the meeting, it was amazing.

But when she was coming back for the evening meeting,

she got cramps all over her body.

We are going to pray for her to get the thing out.

Satan is a liar. We have sent Fabian to the hotel now to pray for her.

This is the fourth day of the seven day adventure,

the first day of the kickstart

and a lot of things happened today, it was so beautiful.

I just want to give you an update here, so many people got set free

and met God, and we love it.

The woman with Parkinson's who got set free today,

it was so beautiful, it was amazing.

She was walking the whole afternoon and it was a beautiful testimony

we want to share with the whole world.

But then the fight came in because then we heard on the way to the meeting tonight

suddenly she started to feel an attack in her body.

She started to feel it again, so we sent Fabian there to pray for her.

We want her to be free, we want this testimony to come out in the world,

because it is so unique, so strong.

So Fabian went there to pray for her, but she didn't get set free yet.

Of course it takes the joy away and frustrates.

It frustrates us, but of course for her also.

But there is a new day tomorrow and she is getting baptized tomorrow.

We really want her to be free.

So that is our focus right now.

But many other people got set free and a lot of things happened.

But it is frustrating sometimes when Satan comes in and tries to steal a testimony.

We don't like that. But now I need to sleep. So, good night.

I speak life.. life..

We are getting ready. It is Saturday. We will talk about the gospel,

repentance, baptism in water and Holy Spirit.

I'm going to take one lesson about that.

Then I am going to share the gospel and then we send people out to the street

and then we'll do the baptism.

What we want to do is,

we want to start with the baptism

and we baptize not to an organisation, but to a person, Jesus Christ.

You just help.

Are you ready?

You bend down and we take you down.

So are you ready on your own faith to be baptized to Jesus Christ?

Okay. So we baptize you. Just go down.

Kneel down.

Kneel down and go down with the whole body.

Just go forward. In the name of Jesus, go down.

Die with Christ, up with Christ.

Go. Go out.


Every lie, lying spirit, come out now.

Every addiction, guilt, shame, go out of her.

Leave her. Come out.

You feel a fight?

Any other thing you need freedom for? People you need to forgive?

Are you ready to forgive yourself?

Jesus wants to forgive you.

If He wants to forgive you,

who are you to not forgive yourself?

Are you ready to move on? -Yes, I want it.

She is ready.

Kneel down. Die with Christ, up with Christ.

You love her God, there's freedom. There's freedom my daughter.

There is forgiveness, my daughter. Let go.

Let go of the old thing. Let go of all the shame and guilt.

You are free.

Baptism is really beautiful.

When people confess something they have not confessed before,

and let go of something they have not done before.

And this is what is happening now.

There were things and then I said something.

I said: 'Can you forgive yourself?'

And that was when she broke down.

For that was her problem, to forgive herself.

To let go. And then I said:

'Are you greater than God? If Jesus paid the price to forgive you,

if God wants to forgive you,

who are we to not want to forgive ourselves?'

And I asked: 'Are you ready to forgive?'


When sorrow becomes joy,

sadness is gone, shame is gone, unforgiveness is gone,

and then the joy is coming.

Then the Holy Spirit is coming.

And this is what I love.

And again, every baptism is different.

This is a new life and God knows what people need.

And what you see here, is that when people come out of the water

we take a good time

to just pray for them.

Don't be in a hurry.

Don't just say 'ok' and go. Take the time to pray.

Speak in tongues?

Did she get tongues? -Yes.

Hallelujah, one more.

Who is waiting to get baptized?

Die with Christ, rise with Christ.

Die with Christ, rise up with Christ. Hallelujah.

So beautiful. So many things are happening.

People all over the place are getting set free from demons,

speaking in tongues, getting baptized.

Lives get changed.

It sometimes seems like a war zone, at the same time it is beautiful worship.

What is worship? Worship not just what you do in the church.

Worship is crying, people receiving the Holy Spirit. I like to hear that.

Worship is when demons are screaming and letting go

and people are crying of joy.

This is what we do at a kickstart weekend.

All over the place. It is the same all over.

Because it is the gospel.

And you can see the Spirit is working and it is beautiful.

This is your future, our future. This is what we are called to do.

What we will do now,

let's sing a song.

Many of those big churches will disappear overnight.

That day persecution will set in.

When Mao in China started to persecute the church in China,

what happened? 80% fell away.

No, the persecution revealed that 80% was ground number 2.

What happened when they were gone?

There was a small group left who were truly disciples.

Out of that group, China got changed.

We need persecution, guys.

Because the truth is, if we really want to serve God,

we will experience persecution. But it is easy to get persecution to stop.

Just do one thing. Remember this one word.

If you do this one thing, I guarantee you persecution will stop

and you get an easy life. That one thing is: compromise.

The Bible says: 'Seek first the Kingdom of God

and do His will, and then the rest will be added to you.'

We start with the rest. We start with all our things. And we often say:

'Look at me, I am blessed. I have a house, I have a car, I have good life.'

But the truth is, you have what you have, because you have worked for it.

The same as your neighbor. Why does your neighbor, who does not believe in God,

have the same as you have, if it is a blessing from God?

Nobody, just before he is going to die, is laying in the deathbed

and is going to look back at his life and say:

'Why did I not get a bigger car when I had the chance?'

Or: 'Why did I not work some more hours on the job when I could have done that?'

But many people, also in this room, will look back

and regret that you didn't do something crazy for God.

That you were focused on many other things.

on what other people would think,

instead of just packing your bag or your suitcase and go out.

The woman with Parkinson's. -Yeah, what happened?

We wanted to do a video this morning, because she was not healed.

Then her daughter took me in and she said: 'Look at me,

'The reason I have this dress on...' it's a beautiful dress with colors,

' because I have so much light and color inside my soul.

'Jesus set me free, I have got the Holy Spirit.

My sister got the Holy Spirit and my mother got healed.'

The mother stood up and she said: 'Look here.'

How are you? -Good.

Hallelujah. God is working and I just want to say

that there has been a fight here with the woman with Parkinson's.

This is her daughter, this is her daughter's sister.

She's changed, speaking in tongues,

God is healing, God is doing amazing things.

She had a little left, but she stood like this, free,

and she said: 'I have got faith to pray and I believe in deliverance now.'

'We will continue with mom and the last bit is going to go.'

It is awesome. -It is good.

And the mom she is like... Everybody was clapping...

The two Spanish guys, prayed for me.

And I experienced movement in my intestines.


When I came home, I took a glass of milk

and drank, and I don't feel nothing.

He is with us, he was driving us the last days.

You are a doctor? -Yes.

He is a doctor and he really got touched by the teaching:

'find a person of peace, go into the house, eat and drink whatever they serve.

But he could not do that, because of gluten allergy, and other things.

Then he got prayed for and he felt something moving in his stomach

and now he is free.

Hallelujah. So now you can go out there, eat everything.

And what is beautiful, is that those people we have been with...

of course there are many other testimonies we don't hear,

but like her and her whole family we stayed with.

Him, who drove us: free. So people we know, they just got set free.

And those people we don't know, they have also just got set free,

but we don't know them.

So many things have happened that we are not aware of.

When I asked today: 'How many have received the Holy Spirit?'

Around 60 or 70 people have received the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues.

'How many got healed or got set free?' and it was 80 or 90%. Beautiful.


You are? -Torben

We put it in there?

But we all need to seek God and do what He is saying.

I had a job for years and I worked a lot,

but when I worked so much, I didn't have time to really serve God.

So one time God stopped me and I stopped and started to serve Him.

And then I saw how God provided the money in another way

and God took care of the needs.

It's easy to come into a life where we just work, work, work

and don't have time to serve Him. We have to be careful of that.

We only have five hours, but that is fine for us.

We can do a lot in five hours.

We are eating breakfast in the hotel

from where we are going to go out on the street

on this last day of our adventure.

A family came here. He is very sick. We are praying for him.

He has been sick for years, but the whole family came.

One who is watching after her got set free and now she is speaking in tongues.

She just received the Holy Spirit. The mom experienced freedom and deliverance.

So everybody is meeting God and we are praying there for a breakthrough

And this is what I love, that we can do that over breakfast.

Close your eyes. Pray after me. God, I love You.

I believe in You.

I forgive my friends, my family,

those people who have hurt me.

I love You. I ask You,

come with Your Holy Spirit,

fill me up, heal my body, right now.

Freedom, right now.

Let go, let go.

Let go of this hurt.

O, Jesus, we thank you.

We thank you, Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, come. Freedom.

There's freedom right now, my daughter.

There is freedom right now.

Do you know about this? -The Holy Spirit.

You believe in Jesus? Do you speak in tongues?

I smoke cigarettes. I do several wrong things.

I am a little bit lost my way with Jesus.

Do you want to repent? -Yes.

Do you speak in tongues? No. Come here, I will pray for you.

Close your eyes. First pray: God... -God...

I ask forgiveness. I have sinned.

I repent. And I ask you...

Forgive me. Come, Jesus. Save me.

Come with your Holy Spirit. Fill me up.

Baptize me. Right now.

Go right now.

I command this spirit of rebellion, fear,

go right now. Leave him.

Just speak in tongues.

Just speak in tongues.

Just lay hands on him. Just pray.

Come guys, it's amazing. God is here. The person there, he just works here.

We did not even preach the gospel to him,

but when he saw what happened, and saw the Holy Spirit work like this,

people got healed and set free, he came like:

I ask forgiveness. I have smoked. I have sinned and I ask forgiveness.

I need Jesus. And we just prayed and now he speaks in tongues.

This is what we need to see. We need to see the power of God,

because the power of God convinces people of their sin.

Of course they need to hear the gospel, but if they have heard the gospel,

and then see the power of God, the words they heard become alive.

Not only preaching, not only power, preaching and power together.

With Jesus, the word became alive.

When have you been baptized?

Do you know what that is? That is...

In the Bible you see that the Israelites, in the Old Testament,

they came out of Egypt. But then their old life, Egypt, came after them,

to try to take them back.

They needed to do something to be free from that old life that tried to take them back.

And what was that? They needed to be baptized, to go through the Red Sea.

Because when they came out on the other side, the old life was gone.

Hey guys. I recognize some of you.

We try to go around and see if we can find a place

with a little more people and a little more shadow.

Let's just take over here.

Good morning everyone.

There is some shadow, here and here.

We have no idea what is going to happen now,

but we are going to see amazing things.

The plan is that we have a church where we can go and baptize.

Around 2.30, 3 o'clock.

We have to leave from here to the airport at 4 o'clock.

And we don't want to be late this time.

So what we will do is...

I have no idea.

But let's just start to pray for people here,

who want prayer. And then, when we have prayed for each other,

then we can go out and find other people.

What is happening with you?

She is feeling the power of the Lord and she is really happy.

Do you speak in tongues? -Yes.

Just close your eyes and say: God, thank you,

Come with your Holy Spirit.

Freedom. Set me free.

Come with your Holy Spirit.

Your joy, your freedom,

Right now.

We lead a group that evangelizes on the street.

Can you pray for us? So we receive something from God for us.

Do you speak in tongues? -Yes.

Do you need freedom in other areas? -No.

Hold each others hands, close your eyes

and just pray: 'God, we love you,

we want to serve you

and ask you, set me free

from every spirit of fear and tradition.

Come with your Holy Spirit,

set us free right now.

Go, go, come out.

I command you, wrong spirit, come out right now.

In the name of Jesus, I command you spirit, leave her, leave him.

You wrong spirit, go right now.

You religious spirit, I command you, leave him, come out.

Come out right now in the name of Jesus.

Come out, right now, leave him. Go.

I command you, religious spirit, leave him.

Leave them.

Come out. You leave them.

Many of those manifestations are not the Holy Spirit, it is demonic.

Often we worship it as if it is the Holy Spirit, but it is demonic.

It is demonic spirits that have crept into the church and it has to go.

Go. Come out right now.

Do you speak in tongues? You don't speak in tongues?

Not now, but you are going to. Come with the Holy Spirit.

Fill me up, baptize me. Right now.

Set her free. I command this demon, leave her. Come out.

Demon, go. This is demonic.

But it has to go now, because the Holy Spirit is there.

I want to serve you. I ask you,

set me free, come with your Holy Spirit,

fill me up right now.

Freedom, freedom.

Freedom from men, freedom from control.

Freedom from control of people.

Freedom from control of people.

It is not about what people think, it is not about what people say,

it is what God thinks, it is what God says.

It is all about Him, it is not about you.

And you have been learning this.

But there is more, don't hold back.

There are people now who say they love the truth,

but they will turn against you, they will not follow you.

They will not follow you into the new thing,

into where God wants you to go.

But don't be afraid, because for those people you are going to lose.

you will win other people.

And it is not about the numbers. It is about the Kingdom.

It is about the numbers in heaven. It is about every sinner who repents

It is so much more than the 99 who do not need repentance.

The 99 who do not want it.

And God has had things happen, not because of you,

but because of Him.

It is all Him. And he has been preparing you to take this out.

To take this out.

O, God we ask forgiveness for every compromise.

We ask forgiveness for every fear and we speak life, God,

life, life to Brazil.

Life, God, a new movement.

God, you are doing it. You are raising people up.

You are doing it in Brazil.

This is going to go all over the world. This is going to go all over Brazil.

And it is happening right now that you are calling people,

and you are putting people together. You are raising up your army, God,

and you are doing it. You are pouring out your Holy Spirit

over all flesh, over everyone. Over men, women, old people and young people.

We are all called to follow you, Jesus.

Just go and pray, do you speak in tongues? -No

I want to live for you.

I don't want to think what other people think of me.

I don't want to care about that.

I want to care about what you think. It is all about you, Jesus.

And I ask forgiveness that I have been thinking of other people

and not you.

I want to be free. I want to serve you, Jesus.

I want to experience your love.

Guys, this is so strong. Every day on these 7 days

it just became stronger and stronger, because we are living it.

We had no break, we just been living this. 'Give, and it will be given to you.'

'It will flow out like living water.' We have been serving, giving,

laying hands on people.

Because of that it becomes stronger and stronger.

And now it is like the Holy Spirit is falling here out on the street.

Just out here, words of knowledge, it's like crazy.

You see people and you just see things and you just speak truth.

And you stand there and the presence of God is just falling on people

and people get set free and speak in tongues.

It's all over the place and it's so beautiful.

I believe this is what God wants to show you with '7 Days Adventure with God'.

That we need to take the first step - now she speaks in tongues -

and start doing it, with what we have. We have it all.

But when we do it, it will flow out of us like living water.

And it will be easier and easier to hear the voice of God,

to pray, to discern demons, which spirits...

Because we walk in it every day.

So this is a little for the last day. But it is never going to end.

This will never end.

When you have tasted this life, when you have experienced this real life,

you don't want anything else. It is not about having a big house or a car.

This is so real. If people could just get it that this is what it's all about.

The Holy Spirit, the presence of God.

O Jesus, thank you, I want this.

I thank you Jesus, I want this.

This is a taste of what we are coming into.

When we keep doing this, it just becomes stronger and stronger.

It's like the presence of God, the Holy Spirit is just working.

It's going to explode all over the world. It is exploding, but in a new way.

What happened to you? How do you feel?

I am free.

Just kneel down.

And then...

Keep the next ready.

You just go down there. You ask her:

'Are you ready to be baptized to Jesus?' and just take her down.

Down, down. Be baptized to Christ.

God, we thank you. All shame, go.

Freedom. Your joy.

Your freedom, freedom in the name of Jesus.

We are in the airport in São Paolo on the way home

after 7 days of adventure with God.

And it really was an adventure. Everyday was stronger and stronger.

And we will go home changed. Not only those people we met,

they have met God, but we too have met God.

I thought I had seen it all, but now I feel so little.

There is so much more to see, so much more to do.

There is a lot of work to do.

You love it? -Yes, it was a real adventure.

So we go home now and then the adventure will start,

because this is a life, for everyone. It will start in another place.

So I hope you love the movie. God bless you all, there.

See the Pioneer School, see the lessons.

Follow us. Come to a kickstart weekend.

And let's live this adventure together. -Goodbye.

Can I get it back?

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> 7 Days Adventure With God (2017) - FULL MOVIE - Duration: 1:24:40.



The showrooming in a practice that

It takes many years and each time gets more

force consists in catching look and try

any object in a physical store

then end buying what to

through the internet for any reason is

cheaper or because you have some kind

advantage that no physical store

I had today I want to talk about whether

This trend is making a day

Today much harm to many businesses is

best attack ua adapt to it


just this morning alfonso rodríguez the

founder of gastronomy and fitness and

hacía llegar esta noticia pero el

extreme planta cara al show room in esta

tienda de ropa de deporte veía como

cada vez más usuarios se acercaban a

sus tiendas físicas para probarse el

calzado y se van sin comprarlo para

luego comprarlo posteriormente en algún

competidor que lo vendía online

esto les estaba afectando al negocio

obviamente porque no sólo les hacía

perder ventas sino que los trabajadores

de la tienda invertían tiempo en

asesorará a las personas que iban a la

tienda y que luego no les compraban esta

empresa tomó una decisión drástica y

anunció a través de sus redes sociales

que si no eres cliente y su habitual de

su marca y vas a una de sus tiendas

obviamente te van a dejar probar que el

calzado pero no te van a decir la talla

ni te van a dejar mirarla y que sólo le

dirían si ibas a comprar en la tienda

asegura el dueño de la empresa cuando

lo comunicaron a algunos clientes lo

entendieron pero otros no decir una

serie web de todo tipo de opiniones pero

la realidad es que nunca han puesto en

práctica real

esta medida en sus tiendas pero según

ellos a través de este comunicado

desde entonces han reducido

drásticamente la cantidad de personas

que acuden a la tienda únicamente

aprobarse el calzado y no comprarlo

tengo que decir que personalmente yo no

creo que esta sea la solución

entiendo perfectamente lo que están

pasando ya que de hecho tengo personas

muy cercanas que están sufriendo en sus

comercios estas situaciones pero no creo

que se pueda luchar contra el

comportamiento del consumidor en

mercados en el cual no son monopolios ya

que el usuario decide y si no le gusta

pues se va a comprar el producto a

cualquier otro sitio

este caso me recuerda al de hace unos

años en una tienda en estados unidos de

calzado la cual estaba sufriendo el el

mismo problema decidió cobrar 20

dólares a los clientes que querían

probarse el calzado en su tienda y si

luego lo compraban obviamente no

o lo descontaban o del precio del


la medida como era de esperar fue un

total fracaso puesto que la gente que

hacía por cecilia obviamente no pagar e

irse a otro sitio a probarse los zapatos

y a comprarlos por supuesto

pagarías por probarte unas zapatillas a

ver esta es la nueva realidad del

consumidor digital es lo que sucede a

día de hoy en la compra de muchos

productos no estoy diciendo que que lo

defienda pero simplemente es la realidad

que estamos viviendo en el mercado el

precio es un factor decisorio a la hora

de comprar un producto por lo que en

lugar de prohibir ya que a mi entender

éstos son parches los comercios lo que

deben hacer es cambiar sus modelos de

negocio adaptarse cambiar los

procedimientos dar un giro de 180 grados

a cómo están funcionando sus negocios

porque la mayoría sigue funcionando

como lo hacían hace 10 ó 20 años y el

consumidor no es el mismo por lo tanto

no podemos seguir intentando funcionar

bajo el mismo modelo porque si lo

hacemos si no cambiamos no vamos a estar

alineados con el consumidor de hoy y por

supuesto mucho menos con el consumidor

nuevo que está viniendo como decía

para mí esto no se trata de si estoy de

acuerdo no estoy de acuerdo si es justo

si es injusto

se trata de la realidad de la nueva

economía de los negocios de si quieres

que tu negocio que tu comercio siga

viviendo los próximos años o muera

mañana justamente publicar un video

donde durante más dé a lo largo de

diez minutos habló acerca del retail

del futuro que deben hacer para

adaptarse que es lo más importante

entre ellos usar técnicas basadas en la

obtención y la gestión y el análisis

de datos para tomar ventaja tiempo real

de tu competencia

si quieres que te informe cuando

publiqué el vídeo no olvides

suscribirte a mi canal de youtube así

no te lo perderás

a raíz de esa noticia justamente esta

mañana pues estuvo hablando de este

tema con varios amigos cercanos que me

decían que esta práctica al hacen

constantemente y recuerdo es algo que

obviamente también hago pero recuerdo

un caso concreto hace seis años que que

me sucedió y recuerdo perfectamente el


yo fue el factor decisivo en la compra

de este producto

déjame contarte brevemente esta

historia y me dice si habías hecho lo

mismo que yo o no un nuevo proyecto para

el cual necesitaba comprar una cámara

de fotos de de cierta calidad y después

de indagar por internet ver opiniones

por bueno llega a la conclusión que

había una nueva cara acaba de lanzar la

marca sony pues que encaja bastante bien

colón y que necesitaba y mis

conocimientos de fotografía después de

verla por internet pues quería tocarla

no quería coger la abwehr su peso ver

si era cómoda la al cogerla por lo que

recuerdo que me fui a uno de los centros

el corte inglés porque en ese momento

tenía uno enfrente y la peli no la

tenían y pude verla tenía un precio de

600 euros por lo que antes de comprarla

y qué bueno pueda mirar primero

internet a ver qué opciones tengo

después de mirar por internet en - yo

creo que de diez minutos me di cuenta o

descubrir que la propia web oficial de

la marca sony tenían esa cámara

durante esos días en oferta con un 20%

de descuento sobre su precio real por lo

que sin lugar a dudas la compré hice


creo que hice lo que cualquier persona

haría decir ahorrarse 120 euros sólo

un producto que valía 600 que habrías

hecho tú por lo que no nos equivoquemos

la realidad del mercado

insisto justo o injusto no me entra a

valorar es eso es ésta y cada vez pasa

iba a pasar más y sé que es muy

difícil para para muchos comercios por

su situación pero creo que de una u

otra manera deben buscar deben ver deben

analizar cómo pueden cambiar su modelo

de negocio para hacerlo más productivo

no sólo en el día de hoy sino en los

próximos años siendo consciente de

hacia dónde va el comercio no y hoy no

voy a entrar en ello pero los robots es

otra de las partes que el retail y los

comercios los va a cambiar

drásticamente por ejemplo de hecho

conozco ya varias farmacias que están

robotizadas de tal manera que cuando

entras y le pides al dependiente un

medicamento no va él a buscar el

medicamento sino que a través de una

tablet solicita el medicamento y un

sistema de robótica que hay detrás

en menos de 30 segundos lo coge y lo

pone una bandeja al lado de él

dependiente para dárselo a ti

no crees que será el futuro de otras

tiendas físicas

la evolución significa rotura para

volver a construir y lo más importante

como decía darwin sobrevivirá a quien

sea capaz de adaptarse al cambio

me gustaría conocer tu opinión usas el

sol rubín en tus compras

crees que los comercios deben atacar lo

I can see the best way to adapt

to the

Leave me your answer in the comments

and if you want that companies should

I like to adapt dale video

get together

For more infomation >> SHOWROOMING EN LAS TIENDAS: ¿LO ATACAMOS O NOS ADAPTAMOS? ✔ - Duration: 7:45.


[Poor travel珠海] 真心必食推薦!超正好好味!¥11招牌薑撞奶(即叫即撞)!¥13桃膠牛奶!黃氏許牛奶甜品專家 Zhuhai Travel 2017 - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel珠海] 真心必食推薦!超正好好味!¥11招牌薑撞奶(即叫即撞)!¥13桃膠牛奶!黃氏許牛奶甜品專家 Zhuhai Travel 2017 - Duration: 3:20.


Dissociative Identity Disorder Terms Part 1 - Duration: 7:46.

Hey, guys, it's Tyler.

We decided to take a break from the intro videos and do a video that kind of educates

a little more and that hits our goal a little more because our goal is to educate and put

out some videos that people without D.I.D. can look at.

We'll come back to the introduction videos, but today's just a little more education.

We have quite a few terms here to go over, I have my little cheatsheet, which is, like,

just my notebook.

The Labyrinth System made a really good video on this, as well, so, I will be linking their

video if you want to look at that.

I kind of stole some of their terms.

Sorry -Laughs- but yeah, let's go!

Dissociative Identity Disorder is the first first term.

Dissociative Identity Disorder is a trauma based dissociative disorder that forms between

early childhood, like, six to nine years old and it forms after "severe" recurring trauma.

It has to be ongoing.

Our therapist did mention that if a child doesn't have a support system and that child

can't recover, then that's when the alters will start to form.

Hi, guys, sorry for the interruption, but I just realized that I didn't even explain

what trauma can make you split.

(It) does involve emotional, physical, sexual, and psychological, and medical, so, like,

if you're in the hospital a lot and you're going through a lot of medical procedures,

that can make you split.

It can be environmental, like war, or just any type of thing that can traumatize a child,

but it has to be ongoing.

Just wanted to add that in, I forgot to.


The second term is alters, which these have multiple names that they go by, but the most

common that you will hear is alters.

So, the other names are parts, personalities, headmates, systemmates, self states, states,

identities, others, insiders.

Alters can have different names or no name, different ages, different blood pressure,

different medical readings like that, different appearances, likes and dislikes, different


They're like different people, but they're a part of one person.

Some can have their own allergies.

We have some alters with some of their own allergies.

Raven's allergic to garlic and Harmony is allergic to peanut butter, while as I can

sit there and eat, like, reese's cups and I'll be perfectly fine.

Inner world is our next term and that is where thealters go when they're not out and that

includes the host as well, which we'll get to what "host" is in a minute.

Inner world sizing depends on the individual.

Molly was the first formed, so, when she was first formed, she said that it was just a

dark room.

It was just a room.

She couldn't see anything, she couldn't hear anything.

It was just dark, quiet, so she had to actually, kind of, build the inner world up, in a way,

which I'm not sure if that works for all systems, I can only speak for ours, but that's how

ours was.

Now, it's the whole world.

We have different states, we have different countries, we have different buildings, we

have different NPCs; which aren't really alters or anything.

They're just kind of like fillers to give our inner world some events going on, uh,

they're just there.

Our next one is called host, which is the alter that is in control of the body the most.

Zach, right now, is our host and Levi would be the co-host.

The co-host, which is like a second host, spends the same amount of time outside as

the host.

Out and fronting is our other term.

Out and fronting means who is in control of the body.

So, Nick frequently asks us "Hey, who's out?

Who am I talking to?" and it's like "Oh, hey, it's Tyler!

;D" So, out just means who is in control.


Co-consciousness is basically being present (with another alter).

They can see what I am seeing.

They can, you know, see perephrial.

They're just- they're there, they're with me, but they're not out, they're not in control,

but they can watch me.

It's kind of like having your friend stand beside you and they're walking beside you;

they can see everything that you see, but they don't control you.


This is where -small laugh- it gets kind of weird.

Co-fronting is when two alters or more are in control of the body.

Let's say I am in control right now and Mitochondria is co-conscious and co-fronting.

She can see what I'm seeing and she can control the body as well as me.

So, sometimes when somebody's co-fronting, they can control one arm and I can control

the other, or they can control the legs and I can only control the arms.

That- that's basically what it's like for us.

Our next term is integration.

Integration is when an alter goes back to form as one from the alter that they had split

from, which this can be an alter that has split from the original or this can be an

alter that split from another alter.

Integration is when that alter that is going back to form one, everything that made that

alter, that alter, goes back into the person that they had split from or it can be spread

out between multiple alters.

We've never had that happen, where the traits are spread across, but we've only had one

alter integrate, so for us, when integration happened, that alter had integrated into the

person that they had split from and all of their traits, their personality, their memory,

everything went into the alter that they had split from.

It didn't separate across multiple alters, like some people would have it.

The original is where the first alter had split from.

Levi is our original, so most of us came from him.

System is the collective term to refer to all of the alters within the individual with


Some people, when they're talking about their system, sometimes they call it different terms.

I've heard "the corp", "the village", "my folks".

Our next term is switch / switching and switching is when you switch with whoever is going to

be out; one comes out, another goes in, so, if I were to switch right now, maybe with

Alyssa, Alyssa would come out, I'd go in.

That's switching.

Switchy is when somebody can feel that they're about to switch.

I feel that sometimes, sometimes I don't.

You're dissociated, you can't really focus on a lot.

Some people get a pressure on their head, kinda like a headache or a tension type of


Some people feel when they're about to switch and some don't.

Amnesia is when one alter remembers something, but another may not.

So, one alter may remember this day, me, but the others will not remember this day.

They don't really know what happened when I was out.

Blending or blurring is a temporary type of integration.

An alter can get different memories from another alter or their feelings, and stuff like that,

but it always comes back to them separating and then that barrier comes back up.

It can cause a confusion of who is who.

So, I think I'm going to end this now because I think it's getting a bit long, but there

will be a part two to this, as I still have some terms to go through.

If you guys have anymore terms or any questions, you can drop them down in the comment section

or reach us on our Tumblr, which as always, will be in the description box, so, see you



For more infomation >> Dissociative Identity Disorder Terms Part 1 - Duration: 7:46.


U.S. warns citizens. GET OUT OF NORTH KOREA NOW! - Duration: 4:11.

Welcome back fellow news hounds. I'm Gruffdkins and this is where

you'll find some of the stories you may not see on your standard news networks.

Today's stories are: Chinese and Russian Navy's join forces for wargames. And

American citizens told STAY OUT of North Korea. So let's get into it. Chinese

warships have today joined Russian naval vessels for a joint exercise in the

Baltic Sea. This is the first time China has undertaken exercises of this kind in

this region and it appears they are using it as an opportunity to display

their rapidly expanding naval forces. Experts say it is a show of force in

response to recent drills in the Indian Ocean involving the United States, India,

and Japan. The war games are expected to start on Monday and run through until

the 31st of July and includes China's most advanced guided missile destroyer

the type 52 D Changsha and the missile frigate Yuncheng as well as other

support vessels. Naval helicopters and land-based Russian fighter bombers will

also take part. Under the command of a Russian Vice Admiral and a Chinese Vice

Admiral they will concentrate on anti-submarine, anti-aircraft, and

anti-ship drills. China has been advancing its military at a rapid rate over the last

few years pushing to be seen as a major sea power even eventually hoping to

rival the US Navy. The United States European Command said "We are closely

tracking Russian exercises with other participants like China. We expect all

nations to adhere to international laws and norms."

There's no doubt NATO sees this as something that needs watching very


In other news US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has imposed travel

restrictions on all US citizens traveling to North Korea. The

restrictions will be registered next week and take effect 30 days after that

making it illegal to enter the country on a US passport. This comes shortly

after the tragic death of young american student Otto Wambier who passed away in June

after being sent to a North Korean prison camp. Unbelievably he was

sentenced to 15 years hard labor for stealing a poster. Banning Americans from

setting foot on North Korean territory anyone who violates the restrictions

could be heavily fined and face up to ten years in jail. Possibly using the

travel ban as a way of further isolating the hermit regime Donald Trump has been

frustrated by Kim jong-un's continued development of its ballistic missile

program and nuclear program despite sanctions and international pressure.

Earlier this year President Trump said he would never allow North Korea to be

able to threaten the American mainland but the world was caught by surprise

when they successfully tested an ICBM capable of reaching Alaska. Since then

tensions have reached an all-time high and everyone is watching to see what

will happen next. Some are even wondering if this blanket travel ban could be a

way of keeping American citizens out of harm's way

ready for a possible military strike against the North Korean regime. Whatever

happens we will try to keep you informed so hit that subscribe button for further

updates. And don't forget. The world is watching so please be kind to each other.

For more infomation >> U.S. warns citizens. GET OUT OF NORTH KOREA NOW! - Duration: 4:11.


【惡整】用假蟑螂來整同學,他被嚇得整個彈起來!? - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 【惡整】用假蟑螂來整同學,他被嚇得整個彈起來!? - Duration: 2:06.


Make Potassium Chlorate by Electrolysis - The Basic Guide - Part 2 - Duration: 6:31.

Greetings fellow nerds.

In a previous video i made a potassium chlorate cell to make potassium chlorate from potassium chloride water and electricity.

It is now 40 days later and we're going to harvest our yield of potassium chlorate.

So here is the cell.

Current is still flowing and the voltage hasn't risen significantly.

So our electrodes are likely still good and there hasn't been too much damage to the clips.

Let me open it up.

There is some spray out and condensation in the bottom but that's minor.

There is some salt creep and corrosion around the electrodes, but that's to be expected.

Electrolysis is still proceeding vigorously.

Okay let me turn that off and get the electrodes out.

On a side note you can see the potassium chlorate crystals crystallizing on the anode itself.

This is something you want to avoid as this blocks the solution from reacting with the anode.

In my cell this was unavoidable since the electrodes were as big as my container.

But if you can, generally keep your electrodes off the bottom of the cell so they're not covered by precipitating potassium chlorate.

Anyway, here is the cell with the electrodes removed.

And we have a beautiful crop of large potassium chlorate crystals.

So now we decant off most of the solution.

And finally, we filter the crystals and air dry them.

Now let's take a look at the supernatant.

There is a slight greenish tint indicating the presence of unreacted potassium hypochlorite.

You can see the color slightly better in this earlier video.

Anyway, if you intend to make more potassium chlorate right away

then you can simply pour this supernatant back into the cell,

check the density, top up potassium chloride and keep going.

Since this solution is already full of potassium hypochlorite and chlorates

you'll have a head start in potassium chlorate production.

If on the other hand you don't intend to restart production soon

or if you actually want to discard the solution and stop completely.

You may want to convert the last bit of potassium hypochlorite to potassium chlorate and squeeze out a tiny bit more yield.

To do this simply heat up the solution until it starts boiling.

As it boils the potassium hypochlorite will disproportionate into potassium chlorate.

Now the reaction actually works best if you control the pH to 6.7 but high temperatures will suffice.

In advanced chlorate cells the solution is kept hot while it's running to produce potassium chlorate continuously.

But boiling temperatures would actually damage the electrodes in addition to wasting power.

In that case pH control is absolutely necessary so less damaging temperatures can be used while still being hot enough to convert the hypochlorite.

Okay, once the solution is at a good rolling boil, turn off the heating and let it cool.

Small crystals of potassium chlorate will precipitate out.

And there it is, a small extra amount of potassium chlorate.

It's not a huge amount so doing this treatment to maximize yield is optional.

I'll let you decide if you want to do it or not.

Now at this point i am going to store my depleted solution for future runs of potassium chlorate.

This solution still has potassium chloride and is saturated with potassium chlorate so i might as well keep it.

I find empty bleach bottles best for storage since they are designed to hold exactly this sort of highly corrosive oxidizing alkali.

And there we have it, potassium chlorate.

Our recovered yield was 705g after 40 days at 2 amps.

Under theoretically ideal conditions for the same amount of time and current we should have 1463g of potassium chlorate.

So our yield was 48% of maximum.

While it is a bit a low i'm still very pleased because the actual cost of that much electricity was about $2.

Spending $2 to convert 705g of chemicals is a bargain even at 48% efficiency.

If i had perfect efficiency my electricity cost would have been $1.

As you can see spending hundreds of dollars to make a highly efficient cell isn't justified unless you're making potassium chlorate in hundred kilogram quantities.

Anyway, at this point you can save these crystals as is and use them for your experiments.

They are however somewhat large.

If you prefer a fine powder you'll have to grind these up.

Alternatively we can recrystallize them and get smaller purer crystals that way.

Transfer the crystals to large beaker or flask and add water.

I'm using some of the water to wash out my beakers and funnels to get maximum transfer.

The ratio is about 100mL of water for every 60g of potassium chlorate.

So i'm using a total of 1.2 liters of water.

Now simply heat it up until it completely dissolves.

This dissolving has the added effect of releasing any entrapped impurities like potassium chloride.

So when we recrystallize we'll have a somewhat purer product.

Okay everything is dissolved. Now we turn off the heating and let it cool.

When things slowly crystallize, like in the chlorate cell, they tend to form large crystals.

But when they're forced to crystallize very quickly.

They tend to form very small crystals.

This gives us the basis for controlling crystal size.

For pyrotechnics and similar, smaller crystals are prefered for faster and more consistent reactions.

Okay it's cool. Let me filter it. And there we go.

A much finer product of potassium chlorate.

The supernatant is now saturated with potassium chlorate and released impurities like potassium chloride

so i recommend storing that too and using it in future potassium chlorate runs.

Anyway, here is the comparison of the potassium chlorate both before and after recrystallization.

As you can see, recrystallization has considerably reduced the crystal size.

To test it we mix it with about a one third equivalent by mass of sugar and set it on fire.

That intense burn confirms we have a powerful oxidizer.

And there you have it.

Took over a month, but with some simple parts you can buy off ebay, we made potassium chlorate by electrolysis of potassium chloride.

In a future video i'll build a more advanced cell that produces potassium chlorate at greater rates with even higher efficiency in a smaller space.

Thanks for watching.

Special thank you to all of my supporters on patreon for making these science videos possible

with their donations and their direction.

If you are not currently a patron, but like to support the continued production of science videos like this one,

then check out my patreon page here or in the video description.

I really appreciate any and all support.

For more infomation >> Make Potassium Chlorate by Electrolysis - The Basic Guide - Part 2 - Duration: 6:31.


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