Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

Energy Feeding Dealing With Physical and Non-Physical Energy Vampires

When we think of vampires we usually think of the fairy tale bloodsuckers, but the kind

of vampire I am talking about is associated with energy and they are all around us!

Energy vampires are energy suckers that feed off of our energy and sense our life force.

When this happens you will usually have to deal with something called a psychic attack,

which can brink about misery in more ways than you could ever imagine!

There are two main kinds of �energy vampires�; physical and non-physical.

Physical Energy Vampires

Some people are not able to continue on in this life without taking energy from those

around them whether they know it or not.

They often have emotional or mental issues that drain them causing them to feed off of

the energy of others.

An energetic part inside of this person attaches itself to you, and sets up the whole thing.

This could be any person in your life a coworker, friend, family member, ETC.

Non-Physical Energy Vampires

These types of vampires often go undetected and enter our lives with ease.

They are opportunists who will attach to energy siphons that another human is using.

They hit the hardest when you deal with something like trauma, injuries, addiction, and even

extreme fear.

If you think you may be the victim of some sort of energy vampire you need to stop the

following to cut them off.

When you are doing the things listed below you are allowing these vampires to absorb

all of your energy, leaving you with almost nothing.

Letting these vampires deplete you will be detrimental in the long run.

Read: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires


Stop trying to fit in.

When you shrink yourself to fit into a group you are allowing yourself to be walked on.

You never need to be less than what you truly are for sake of being accepted.


Stop talking to people who talk at you instead of to you.

People who leave you feeling drained after phone calls or in person visits should not

be apart of your life.


Stop letting people make you feel guilty for not living up to their expectations.



Stop letting other people walk all over you.

Doing the things other people want you to, even when you don�t want to is not right.

You should never let people manipulate you into doing things for the wrong reasons.


Stop having meaningless sex.

You should be sleeping with someone who loves you as you do them, not someone who you know

is using you.

Meaningful sex is the best sex.


Stop staying in toxic relationships because they are familiar.


Stop staying in abusive situations.

Remember that in all of this you could also be stealing someone�s energy to combat the

loss of your own.

If you want to make sure you are not stealing the energy of others maintain a good sense

of self-love and do not let your inner strength die off.

For more infomation >> Energy Feeding Dealing With Physical and Non Physical Energy Vampires - Duration: 3:53.


Video Haul/Rebajas Primark/OVS/Pittarello/Saldi/Ropa bebe/Elnòs center - Duration: 18:11.

For more infomation >> Video Haul/Rebajas Primark/OVS/Pittarello/Saldi/Ropa bebe/Elnòs center - Duration: 18:11.


Trump Preparing Counteroffensive Begins Investigating Mueller's Team For Conflicts - Duration: 7:51.

Trump Preparing Counteroffensive Begins Investigating Mueller's Team For Conflicts

by Tyler Durden

Over the past two days there have been some rather substantial developments in Special

Counsel Mueller's investigation into alleged ties between President Trump and the Kremlin.

First came the news yesterday that Mueller planned to expand his probe to review Trump's

personal business transactions, an announcement which sent stocks tumbling on the day (see:

Mueller Expands Probe Into Trump Business Transactions: Dollar Tumbles, Stocks Slammed).

Meanwhile, just this morning we learn that the Trump legal team has been shaken up with

Kasowitz out (not terribly surprising after his recent email meltdown) and Corrallo resigning

(see Trump Legal Shake Up: Kasowitz Out As Personal Attorney, Corrallo Resigns).

Now, as the New York Times points out, Trump may be preparing a counter-offensive aimed

at identifying potential conflicts of interest among the people hired by Mueller in order

to force recusals.

President Trump�s lawyers and aides are scouring the professional and political backgrounds

of investigators hired by the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, looking for conflicts

of interest they could use to discredit the investigation � or even build a case to

fire Mr. Mueller or get some members of his team recused, according to three people with

knowledge of the research effort.

The search for potential conflicts is wide-ranging.

It includes scrutinizing donations to Democratic candidates, investigators� past clients

and Mr. Mueller�s relationship with James B. Comey, whose firing as F.B.I. director

is part of the special counsel�s investigation.

The effort to investigate the investigators is another sign of a looming showdown between

Mr. Trump and Mr. Mueller, who has assembled a team of high-powered prosecutors and agents

to examine whether any of Mr. Trump�s advisers aided Russia�s campaign to disrupt last

year�s presidential election.


To seek a recusal, Trump�s lawyers can argue their case to Mueller or his boss, Deputy

Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The Justice Department has explicit rules about what constitutes a conflict of interest.

Prosecutors may not participate in investigations if they have �a personal or political relationship�

with the subject of the case.

Making campaign donations is not included on the list of things that would create a

�political relationship.�

Of course, these developments come as Mueller�s team has allegedly requested documents from

the Internal Revenue Service related to Paul Manafort's criminal tax investigation that

had been opened long before the Trump campaign began.

Manafort was never charged in that case.

Federal investigators have also contacted Deutsche Bank about Trump�s accounts, and

the bank is expecting to provide information to Mueller.

Of course, Newt Gingrich, a former 'informal advisor' to President Trump, was among the

first to point out the potential conflicts of interest among the folks being hired to

fill Mueller's team.

"Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair.

Look who he is hiring.check fec reports.

Time to rethink."

As The Hill noted around the same time, several of Mueller's early, notable hires have all

been contributors to Hillary's and/or Obama's previous campaigns and Jeannie Rhee actually

represented the Clinton Foundation.

Michael Dreeben, who serves as the Justice Department�s deputy solicitor general, is

working on a part-time basis for Mueller, The Washington Post reported Friday.

Dreeben donated $1,000 dollars to Hillary Clinton�s Senate political action committee

(PAC), Friends of Hillary, while she ran for public office in New York.

Dreeben did so while he served as the deputy solicitor general at the Justice Department.

Jeannie Rhee, another member of Mueller�s team, donated $5,400 to Hillary Clinton�s

presidential campaign PAC Hillary for America.

Andrew Weissmann, who serves in a top post within the Justice Department�s fraud practice,

is the most senior lawyer on the special counsel team, Bloomberg reported.

He served as the FBI�s general counsel and the assistant director to Mueller when the

special counsel was FBI director.

Before he worked at the FBI or Justice Department, Weissman worked at the law firm Jenner & Block

LLP, during which he donated six times to political action committees for Obama in 2008

for a total of $4,700.

James Quarles, who served as an assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special

Prosecution Force, has donated to over a dozen Democratic PACs since the late 1980s.

He was also identified by the Washington Post as a member of Mueller's team.

Starting in 1987, Quarles donated to Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis�s presidential

PAC, Dukakis for President.

Since then, he has also contributed in 1999 to Sen. Al Gore�s run for the presidency,

then-Sen. John Kerry�s (D-Mass.) presidential bid in 2005, Obama�s presidential PAC in

2008 and 2012, and Clinton�s presidential pac Hillary for America in 2016.

Meanwhile, Trump himself, in a move that surprised a few people on his own legal team, seemed

to ramp up the pressure on Mueller alleging to the New York Times that the mere fact that

he was interviewing to replace Comey as FBI Director at the time of his appointment as

Special Counsel created a conflict of interest.

Mr. Trump�s advisers are split on how far to go in challenging the independence of Mr.

Mueller, a retired F.B.I. director and one of the most respected figures in law enforcement.

Some advisers have warned that dismissing Mr. Mueller would create a legal and political


Nevertheless, Mr. Trump has kept up the attacks on him.

In his interview with The Times, which caught members of his legal team by surprise, he

focused on the fact that Mr. Mueller had interviewed to replace Mr. Comey as the F.B.I. director

just a day before Mr. Mueller was appointed special prosecutor, saying that the interview

could create a conflict.

�He was sitting in that chair,� Mr. Trump said during the Oval Office interview.

�He was up here, and he wanted the job.� Mr. Trump did not explain how the interview

created a conflict of interest.

Mr. Trump also said Mr. Mueller would be going outside his mandate if he begins investigating

matters unrelated to Russia, like the president�s personal finances.

Mr. Trump repeatedly declined to say what he might do if Mr. Mueller appeared to exceed

that mandate.

But his comments to The Times represented a clear message to Mr. Mueller.

�The president�s making clear that the special counsel should not move outside the

scope of the investigation,� Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a White House spokeswoman, said during

a news briefing on Thursday.

Of course, we suspect that any effort to limit the 'scope' of the Special Counsel's investigation

will only result in a redoubling of Mueller's efforts...the only question is how far Trump

is willing

to push in his 'counteroffensive.'

For more infomation >> Trump Preparing Counteroffensive Begins Investigating Mueller's Team For Conflicts - Duration: 7:51.


Wild Kratt Season 5 - Temple of the Tigers | Wild Kratts 2017 Full Show Episode 2 - Duration: 25:10.

Wild Kratt Season 5 - Temple of Tigers | Wild Kratts 2017 Full Show Episode 2

For more infomation >> Wild Kratt Season 5 - Temple of the Tigers | Wild Kratts 2017 Full Show Episode 2 - Duration: 25:10.


Applied Epigenetics The Art And Science Of DNA Activation, Healing & Repair - Duration: 16:59.

Applied Epigenetics The Art And Science Of DNA Activation, Healing & Repair

By consciousreminder

The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy

Einstein, Tesla, and the science of quantum physics have shown us that the fabric of the

Universe is composed of vibrational strings expressed as energy.

Every single cell and organ system, as well as our entire physical body, is encompassed

and surrounded by its own individual energy field.

The basis of every state of mind and matter, including conditions of disease or health,

is their primary state of vibration.

Therefore, the very life we live is a reflection of our own vibrational essence.

We are the creative force in the unfolding story of our journey.

Our world as we embark upon it now, is filled with higher consciousness and vibrational

frequencies that will only be supporting our highest potential.

In 1953, scientific research reported by James Watson and Francis Crick captured the attention

and imagination of our modern civilization.

Their studies on the nature of DNA, the blueprints for the structure of our cells, created the

belief that genes control biology, the foundation upon which modern medicine is built.

This belief evolved into the concept known as genetic determinism, the notion that our

physical and behavioral fates are encoded in the genes and that we are helpless victims

of genetics.

�The basis of every state of mind and matter, including conditions of disease or health,

is their primary state of vibration.�

One of the biggest intellectual roadblocks to overcome in healing ourselves and initiating

the process of DNA activation, or even understanding the Universe fully, is based on this assumption:

our genes determine our reality or the likelihood our lives and health will follow a predetermined


Epigenetics and Beyond

The latest breakthrough research in cell biology and quantum physics, according to cellular

biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., shows that our genes and DNA are activated and influenced

by signals from outside the cell membrane.

This pioneering research in the field of vibrational medicine is known as the science of epigenetics.

Epigenetics studies show how forces operating outside the DNA sequence, including extracellular,

environmental and energetic influences affect the development, functioning and evolution

of biological systems.

The science of epigenetics lies in tracing the signal outside the cell back to its origins.

It looks for the energy flow that causes the DNA blueprint to activate a particular pattern,

the driving force behind the way our DNA activates and expresses itself.

�Epi� implies traits that are above, in addition to, or on top of the cell membrane.

�Genetics� pertains to the DNA in the nucleus, the library of blueprints, which

is found inside of each living organism or individual cell.

Therefore epigenetics means control or influence of DNA from above or outside the gene.

The food we eat, the air we breathe, the words we speak and the ecological systems in which

we live influence the switches that turn on and off the expression of our genes and DNA.

Additionally, the signals generated from our perceptions of the world we live in, our thoughts,

beliefs, prayers, meditations and intentions influence our inner environment, cause chemical

changes in our body and brain and affect the way our genes communicate instructions to

our cells and literally have the effect of altering and activating our DNA.

Epigenetics is also showing us that through conscious intention we can change our quality

of life from what we have been handed down epigenetically from previous generations.

The science confirms that it is our individual choices, based on our degree of consciousness,

that play a role and change our cellular structure and level of DNA activation.

The research behind the science encourages us to abandon obsolete beliefs that we are

victims of predetermined genetic codes.

Epigenetics clarifies how perceptions of our inner and outer environments shape our biology

and behavior and make us masters of our own lives, rewriting the rules of disease, heredity

and wellbeing.

While genes play an important part in organizing us into our individualized form and uniqueness,

it is still a mystery, to science, how the organization itself happens.

After all, apes and humans, fruit flies and worms are all very different, but amazingly

similar, genetically.

This and other discoveries made in the last hundred years have opened scientists to the

possibilities that the primary components of life are orchestrated by something more.

Consciousness Is a Vibration

Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world�s most innovative biologists, revolutionized scientific

thinking with his vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory or Morphogenetic

Energy Field.

Our genes reside in this morphic field, and it plays an important role in the epigenetic

control and activation of our DNA.

It is a field of energy containing certain frequencies of information or resonance.

All living species, human beings, animals and plants, have a consciousness and therefore

a morphic field that consists of atoms and exists at a particular threshold of vibration.

�Through conscious intention we can change our quality of life from what we have been

handed down epigenetically from previous generations.�

Illness occurs when these atoms comprising the human body vibrate at unhealthy frequencies.

The Morphogenetic Energy Field evolves, organizes, structures and resonates.

It is influenced by epigenetic factors that translate into vibrational frequencies generated

by our environment, perception, meditation, intention and prayer, all of which influence

the process of DNA activation.

DNA Response Patterns

When our morphic energy field resonates with lower vibrations associated with fear or conflict,

the signals are picked up and passed through the cell membrane.

The informational frequencies travel to the nucleus of the cell and enter the chromosome,

activating a particular strand of DNA.

Our genes then communicate instructional functions to our cells based on the information they


The cells than prepare to �fight or flight.� This DNA activation response represents a

genetic wisdom designed to protect us from bodily harm and puts our physical and emotional

health in a state of alert.

In this scenario, our consciousness is focused on fear, instead of love.

The Fight or Flight Response

Travel inside the body and see how cell signaling creates physiological changes during the fight

or flight response.

Transcending our fears by shifting our consciousness to one of trust, harmony and love opens us

up to all possibilities.

These higher frequencies support our DNA activation in creating profound healing to our body-mind.

There is a vibrational pattern attached to each belief we hold.

By releasing limiting beliefs that are ego based and choosing high frequency beliefs

that are of Heart Consciousness, we create frequencies that affect our bodies, our DNA,

and enhance our ability to create a reality we choose to live within.

What really is amazing is we can easily create an illness or enjoy vitality just by becoming

aware of our environments, perceptions, beliefs, thoughts, and intentions.

Energy Follows Thought

As human beings we actually choose our experiences by the way we resonate or vibrate as an energy


Our perceptions and thoughts translate into vibrational frequencies.

Energy follows thought�shaping our reality.

It is that simple and profound.

The Buddha declared years ago: �We are formed and molded by our thoughts.�

Intention Changes DNA Expression

The practice of conscious intention, combined with an energy field that is responsive by

nature, can expand our gateways of awareness so we can experience our fullest expression

as limitless beings.

To be powerful our �intent� must be deeply, personally and sincerely engaged, where pure

sincerity of heart is felt and expressed in the act of devotion.

Our consciously formed beliefs, thoughts, prayers and intentions have a much stronger

affect on our lives than our genes do.

Nobel Prize winner Max Planck, a theoretical physicist and originator of quantum theory,

believes that all matter originates and exists as a projection of a conscious and subconscious

creative force, which brings the particles of an atom into vibration.

This theory revolutionized human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes.

Heart Intelligence

DNA is also a sort of �biological quantum field computer� that connects us to the

energies of what is becoming known as �Heart Intelligence.� The heart serves as a key

access point through which information originating in the higher dimensional structures is coupled

into the physical human system including DNA.

Rollin McCrathy, Ph.D., of the Institute of Heart Math in Boulder Creek, Colorado has

proven that measurable molecular changes occur in the DNA molecule as a result of intention,

meditation and prayer.

Intention projected into the energy system from the consciousness of the heart can provide

miracles of healing through the epigenetic effects of wellbeing on the cells of the body,

shaping our genetic expression moment by moment and catalyzing DNA activation.

Whenever we engage in healing ourselves through meditation, intention or prayer, we activate

a �tuning fork� that sends healing vibrations throughout the body.

Masters of Our Destiny

Epigenetic Therapy, correctly practiced, is potentially the most significant breakthrough

in the fields of health and longevity to date.

This approach allows us to address a predisposition to certain states of health and being.

Raising one�s vibration, as a conscious focus can do much to alleviate conditions

that one was predisposed to manifest in physical form.

The applied practice of this new awareness is empowering, for we can learn to become

masters of our destiny instead of victims of our genes.

Physician and best-selling author Deepak Chopra teaches us that we can actually modify our

own genes and initiate DNA activation through our actions and behaviors.

Miraculous healing occurs as a result of shifts in the consciousness of belief, intention,

spiritual practice and prayer.

Individually and collectively we constantly contribute to the development of our Universe

with our thoughts and our intention behind them.

The Effects of Conscious Intention on Global Change

In the beginning life was experienced primarily from our instinctive nature.

Humans existed within the scope of the environment.

Intention was focused on survival.

Much of our mindset, clearly rooted in the past, is still operating in this outdated

survival mode.

In today�s modern world our technology has progressed significantly, however, when we

look around we see that man is still as primitive in his behaviors as he was at the beginning

of our current civilization.

�Epigenetic Therapy, correctly practiced, is potentially the most significant breakthrough

in the fields of health and longevity to date.� The planet is under what I term �re-construction.�

We are at the threshold of a new way of living life, where integrity and transparency are

the building blocks for a new structure of life.

The illusions and beliefs that we perceive through the lenses of the ego�mind are falling

away as we open our eyes to the new world we are entering.

There is a higher energy frequency that holds the information of a greater consciousness

that is now permeating all life.

Everything as we know it is shifting; the weather patterns, banking systems, governments

even the Earth itself.

However, the utmost change to be experienced is the shift that is taking place within each


The way life experiences and values are perceived leads one to awareness and a yearning for

harmony, balance and love coming from the depths of our hearts as a priority.As we journey

ever deeper into the transformation process, we become intensely aware of the signals provided

by our life circumstances, our state of physical health and our vibrational levels relative

to all that surrounds us.

It will be quite easy to determine where we stand in our own process, at any juncture,

simply by becoming aware of the ease or difficulty we experience in manifesting our heart�s

desire in our day-to-day life.

We find that we have become the observers and the object of that awareness, simultaneously.

Our process of assessing our state of �wellbeing� and shifting our choices accordingly will

become an integral part of living.

This approach is what practitioners term as �conscious.� The world is in the mist

of reorganizing and as major participants on the playing field of life we must now choose

from a focused intention rooted in a consciousness how we would like it to be, rather than watch

from the sidelines caught in the mercy of the circumstances of our physical environment.

Every action, thought and choice we make contributes to the creation of the reality we experience

as our life.

�Every action, thought and choice we make contributes to the creation of the reality

we experience as our life.� This major paradigm shift in human evolution

has brought us to the doorway of a greater consciousness that transcends our antiquity.

The way we navigate the terrains of life will be by conscious intention, encompassing the

wisdom of the heart.

The focus of this process is to bring us to our highest expression of self.

By honoring our own personal truth we succeed in serving humanity by contributing to the

energetic whole with which we are connected.

A new chapter is opening now as we begin to view life differently.

We are transcending from a world that reflects the strategies of the mind, the mentality

of competition and the world of material entrapment, into a global consciousness that embraces


As humankind goes through this process of transformation in raising its consciousness,

the driving force will come from higher vibrational energetic signals, which influence the expression

of DNA and activate it on an individual level, thus fueling global change in the evolution

of humankind.

The Art of DNA Activation and Healing

With intuitive guidance, energetic awareness and conscious intent, healing frequencies

can be delivered to the morphogenetic fields that surround us in the shape of belief systems

and energy patterns of behavior.

In my practice of �Applied Epigenetic Therapy� I call this DNA Activation.

This understanding allows us to make conscious choices influencing and shaping those fields.

In addition to the resonance or energy pattern we may already carry, DNA activation draws

to us enhanced experiences in our life and reflects the synergy and resonance of these

higher frequency energies.

Working consciously towards these goals, we begin to build and strengthen our own ability

to connect with wonderful fields of higher consciousness, direct the expression and activation

of our DNA and maximize our purpose in physical form.

Every cell in our body is functioning together for our benefit, for the whole of our bodies.

This knowledge is very empowering because we gain the power to influence every biochemical

event that occurs in our bodies!

The science of epigenetics confirms that our intentions influence our health and cause

DNA activation and regulation� So take the time to talk to your cells from the wisdom

of your heart for they are certainly listening to what you have to say.

�It is only Love that can shine through the clouds of illusion.�

For more infomation >> Applied Epigenetics The Art And Science Of DNA Activation, Healing & Repair - Duration: 16:59.


EL SUPREMO SAIYAJIN GOHAN VS LOS DIOSES MALIGNO | CAP 33 | Dragon Ball Alternative - Duration: 17:00.

For more infomation >> EL SUPREMO SAIYAJIN GOHAN VS LOS DIOSES MALIGNO | CAP 33 | Dragon Ball Alternative - Duration: 17:00.


5 Optifine Cape Designs - Cool Optifine Capes - Duration: 3:56.

Hey there!

What's going on guys?!

I've got 5 more Optifine Cape Designs for you guys today!

The cape designs I have for you this week are a bit face-themed heavy.

Meaning you'll see a few face type capes in this video.

I also added in some other designs too!

As always, feel free to submit your own capes in the comments if you wish to do so!

Alright, let's get started!


Alright, so the first cape was submitted by ChaRblaR, I guess that's how you prounounce


He submitted two capes in his original comment.

He submitted a cape called Yeti and idk.

This is the idk cape.

And, I also don't know what it is but I like it.

I really like that bright green color on top of black.

It's just a cool color combination and this cape just has an interesting looking

design, I suppose.

This cape was submitted by MisFire.

I have featured a cape submitted by them in the past and they've submitted another one

that I want to feature in a video.

It's called a Face in the Dark.

I really like this one because it's so minimal yet even with it looking minimal it still

looks really cool.

You can see the white eyes it has against the

black background.

A small cool looking design.

Kite Trashay submitted this cape here.

This one is called a Scar Face cape.

It's not overly complicated in terms of some of the face capes you see in my videos.

For example, it doesn't look different in game or it's

not like a small face on a cape.

This is just a big face that covers across pretty much the entire cape and it looks pretty

cool, at least I think it does.

I think the red looks really cool near those white eyes ontop of a black background.

The next cape design comes in from Pips.

This is a ghost cape.

I have featured a few face type capes in this video.

But within the submissions on my previous video, they just

stood out to me the most, I guess.

I really like them.

This one drifts away from the black theme.

Of course, it's a ghost so the cape is white.

The face on the ghost is sort of a grayish color.

Pretty cool cape.

I wanted to get away from faces since the last three have been face themed.

This last cape is heart themed and I really really like this one.

So, I've featured heart capes on my channel in the past, of course.

But this one stands out to me because of the extra little detail that was added into the


Lumpisek, I believe is the person who submitted this


Overall, it's just a really really cool heart cape.

A bleedng heart.

I like it a lot.

So that's gonna do it for me guys!

Thank you all so much for watching!

As always, if you have any capes that you want to submit, feel free to leave a comment

with the cape design link.

If you're cape didn't make it into the video, feel free to submit it again or submit any

new capes you may have.

Also, feel free to check out any of my other videos if you enjoyed this one!

But yeah!

Thanks so much for watching!

I'm outta here!

See ya!

For more infomation >> 5 Optifine Cape Designs - Cool Optifine Capes - Duration: 3:56.


Lucifer Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer (HD) - Duration: 2:36.

You here for business or pleasure?

Oh, pleasure.

Always pleasure.

I'm Lucifer Morningstar.

I can play the piano, and I'm a fancy British man.


I get it now.

The handcuffs, the music.

You wanted to dance with me.


Officer Decker.

How's it going?

Dan, not at work.

Look at these.

Please don't juggle the evidence, Lucifer.

They're called fun bags for a reason.

The room's not spinning, is it?


Yeah, OK.





Do you know how to torture someone?

For more infomation >> Lucifer Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer (HD) - Duration: 2:36.


Incentivos para la conducta inmoral — Milton Friedman - Duration: 5:54.

There's a fundamental economic law which has never been contradicted to the best to my knowledge.

And that is if you pay more for something, there will tend to be more of that something available.

If the amount you're willing to pay for anything goes up, somehow or other somebody will supply more of that thing.

We have made immoral behavior far more profitable.

We have in the course of the changes in our society...

...been establishing greater and greater incentives on people to behave in ways that most of us regard as immoral.

On each of us separately. We've all been doing it.

One of the examples that has always appealed to me along these lines is the example of Great Britain.

Not now, but in the 19th century / 18th century.

You know, in the 18th century Britain was regarded as a nation a smugglers, of law avoiders, of people who broke the law.

In the 19th and early 20th century...

...Britain got the reputation for being the most law-obedient country in the world and incorruptible civil service.

Everybody knew about the fact that you couldn't bribe a civil servant in Britain...

...the way you could one in, say, Italy or New York.

How did that come about?

How did a nation of smugglers with no respect for the law get converted into a nation of people obedient to the law?

Very simply!

By the laissez-faire policy adopted in the nineteenth century which eliminated laws to break.

If you had complete free trade, as you did after the abolition of the Corn Laws,...

...there was no more smuggling.

It was a meaningless term.

You were free to bring anything into the country you wanted.

You couldn't be a smuggler.

It was impossible.

If you didn't need a license to establish a business, you didn't need a license to open up a factory,...

...what was there to bribe a civil servant for?

The civil servants became incorruptible because there was nothing to bribe them for.

Now, of course, these patterns, there's a cultural lag, as you have all learned in your anthropology courses.

And these patterns, once they develop, last for a while.

But what has been happening in Britain in the last 30–40 years?

Britain has been moving away from essentially laissez-faire and toward a much more controlled and centralized economy.

This reputation for law obedience is disappearing.

You've had repeated scandals about ministers of the government, about members of parliament,...

...about civil servants who've been bribed, about the rise in gang warfare and the rest.


Because you're establishing an incentive, you've got more laws to break now.

It's much more fundamental.

When the only laws are those laws which everybody regards as right and valid, they have great moral force.

When you make laws that people separately do not regard is right and valid, they lose their moral force.

Is there anybody in here who has a moral compunction to speeding?

I'm not saying you may not have a prudential objection to speeding.

You may be afraid you'll get caught.

But does it seem to you immoral to speed?


If so, your a small minority.

I have never yet found anybody who regarded it as immoral to violate the foreign exchange regulations of a foreign country.

Here are people who would never dream for a moment of stealing a nickel from their neighbor,...

...who have no hesitancy on manipulating their income tax returns so as to reduce their taxes by thousands.


Because the one set of laws has a moral value that people recognize,...

...independent of the government having passed these laws.

The other set does not appeal to people's moral instincts.

So, I believe...

Well, let me give you some more examples from the US.

Prohibition of liqueur which was attempted, as you know, had disastrous effects on the climate of law obedience and morality.

Something which had been legal, to buy and drink some alcoholic beverages, became illegal.

And you converted law-abiding citizens into bootleggers.

I heard over the 60 Minutes program last Sunday night a great story on buttlegging.

This has to do with the fact that the New York State tax on cigarettes... very much higher than the tax on cigarettes in the State of South Carolina.

So you have people going down to South Carolina and buying the South Carolina low-taxed cigarettes...

...and smuggling it into New York State and forging New York State tax stamps on it and then selling it publicly.

A large fraction of all cigarettes sold in New York State are buttlegged.

Now, there you've provided an incentive for people to break the law, so they break the law.

It's like prohibition in a different form.

The obvious answer is for New York State to lower its taxes and you will eliminate buttlegging overnight...

...and be able to take whatever may be the number of policemen who are devoted to enforcing that kinda thing,...'ll be able to take them and turn them to useful work.

For more infomation >> Incentivos para la conducta inmoral — Milton Friedman - Duration: 5:54.


Kadınlar İçin Kendini Savunma - Kız Gibi Dövüş - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Kadınlar İçin Kendini Savunma - Kız Gibi Dövüş - Duration: 8:45.


Arrest made in connection with body found in Brockton - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Arrest made in connection with body found in Brockton - Duration: 0:57.


Bad Baby Crying Falling Down From Rock PRANK Learn Colors With Silicone Baby Superhero Çocuklar Дети - Duration: 12:45.

Bad Baby Crying Falling Down From Rock PRANK Learn Colors With Silicone Baby Doll Fun Superhero Дети

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying Falling Down From Rock PRANK Learn Colors With Silicone Baby Superhero Çocuklar Дети - Duration: 12:45.


JUST IN: Mueller's Nasty Anti-Trump Moves PROVES He Should Quit Or Be Fired | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:41.

You would think that if there were going to be an investigation into whether or not someone

committed a crime, the investigation party would not have a bias, right?

In most cases, you would be correct.

Not this time, though.

According to Breitbart, the group investigating the Trump-Russia collision story is leaking

crucial details of their investigation to the press.

The Special Counsel is led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller and six lawyers.

We should be HIGHLY concerned about the fact that the Council is not only leaking information

but that it's also predominantly made of Democrats.

Out of the lawyers in the group, four out of the six made hefty donations to either

Hillary Clinton's campaign or the DNC.

James Quarles, for instance, donated a cool $33,000 to Hillary Clinton AND Obama.

Jeannie Rhee has been giving money to the DNC since 2008.

Rhee's donations topped around $16,000, which is not chump change by any means.

Andrew Weissmann gave up four grand to Obama and tossed an extra $2,000 to the DNC for

good measure.

Finally, Elizabeth Prelogar gave a total of $500 split down the middle to Obama and Hillary

in 2012.

Mueller and his band of Democrats have been under suspicion from Trump and the GOP when

the Special Council was first announced.

Now, we can see why.

Something isn't right here.

The Council was started due to another former FBI Director, James Comey.

Comey was founded handing out information to his friends so they could leak them to

the press.

Oddly enough, the probe is extending far beyond anything Trump or Russia related.

It seems like more of an information-gathering group more than an investigation committee.

Obviously, this is all a plot by the Left to try and dig up as much dirt as possible

on the president.

The Democrats can't stand the idea of Trump being the president, so they tirelessly come

up with ways to pressure him into cracking.

It is going to take a lot more than people watching him to get Trump to crack.

He has been in business all of his life, and is used to being under this kind of pressure.

However, that doesn't make Mueller's Special Council any less of a joke.

The left can go around parading as a group that wants to seek the truth, but many know

it's on the contrary.

Do YOU support the Special Council members going to PRISON for conspiracy?

Please Share this news and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Mueller's Nasty Anti-Trump Moves PROVES He Should Quit Or Be Fired | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:41.


Stay with me Hyona Park - Duration: 2:27.

Broken road led us here

Pathless road brought us here

Baby I see the scars in your heart

Trust me

You need healing

You need me

Stay with me till the dawn

Don't let go of these hands you're holding

Sweetly surrender

Sing me your song

Can you hear the stars are dancing?

Look at me

Here we are

Don't say a thing

The moon knows the truth

Baby I feel the scars in your heart

Trust me

You need healing

You need me

Stay with me till the dawn

Don't let go of these hands you're holding

Sweetly surrender

Sing me your song

Can you hear the stars are dancing?

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