Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

Biological Warfare �One of the largest human experiments in history� was conducted on

unsuspecting residents of San Francisco

�One of the largest human experiments in history� was conducted on unsuspecting residents

of San Francisco.

By Strange Sounds

This is a crazy story; one that seems like it must be a conspiracy theory.

But the core of this incredible tale is documented and true.

One fact many may not know about San Francisco�s fog is that in 1950, the US military conducted

a test to see whether it could be used to help spread a biological weapon in a �simulated

germ-warfare attack.�

And this was just the start of many such tests around the country that would go on in secret

for years.

The test � one of the largest human experiments in history � was a success.

But it was also one of the largest offenses of the Nuremberg Code since its inception,

as it stipulates that �voluntary, informed consent� is required for research participants,

and that experiments that might lead to death or disabling injury are unacceptable.

The unsuspecting residents of San Francisco certainly could not consent to the military�s

germ-warfare test, and there�s good evidence that it could have caused the death of at

least one resident of the city, Edward Nevin, and hospitalized 10 others.

A successful biological warfare attack

It all began in late September 1950, when over a few days, a Navy vessel used giant

hoses to spray a fog of two kinds of bacteria, Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii

� both believed at the time to be harmless � out into the fog, where they disappeared

and spread over the city.

It was noted that a successful BW [biological warfare]attack on this area can be launched

from the sea, and that effective dosages can be produced over relatively large areas.

Successful indeed, according to Leonard Cole, the director of the Terror Medicine and Security

Program at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

His book, �Clouds of Secrecy: The Army�s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas documents

the military�s secret bioweapon tests over populated areas:

Nearly all of San Francisco received 500 particle minutes per liter.

In other words, nearly every one of the 800,000 people in San Francisco exposed to the cloud

at normal breathing rate (10 liters per minute) inhaled 5,000 or more particles per minute

during the several hours that they remained airborne.

This was among the first but far from the last of these sorts of tests.

Tests included the large-scale releases of bacteria in the New York City subway system,

on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and in National Airport just outside Washington, DC.

Over the next 20 years, the military would conduct 239 �germ-warfare� tests over

populated areas, according to news reports from the 1970s.

In a 1994 congressional testimony, Cole said that none of this had been revealed to the

public until a 1976 newspaper story revealed the story of a few of the first experiments

� though at least a Senate subcommittee had heard testimony about experiments in New

York City in 1975, according to a 1995 Newsday report.

A mysterious death

When Edward Nevin III, the grandson of the Edward Nevin who died in 1950, read about

one of those early tests in San Francisco, he connected the story to his grandfather�s

death from a mysterious bacterial infection.

He began to try to convince the government to reveal more data about these experiments.

In 1977, they released a report detailing more of that activity.

In 1950, the first Edward Nevin had been recovering from a prostate surgery when he suddenly fell

ill with a severe urinary-tract infection containing Serratia marcescens, the theoretically

harmless bacterium that�s known for turning bread red in color.

The bacteria had reportedly never been found in the hospital before and was rare in the

Bay Area (and in California in general).

The bacteria spread to Nevin�s heart and he died a few weeks later.

Another 10 patients showed up in the hospital over the next few months, all with pneumonia

symptoms and the odd presence of Serratia marcescens.

They all recovered.

Nevin�s grandson tried to sue the government for wrongful death, but the court held that

the government was immune to a lawsuit for negligence and that they were justified in

conducting tests without subjects� knowledge.

The Army stated that infections must have occurred inside the hospital and the US Attorney

argued that they had to conduct tests in a populated area to see how a biological agent

would affect that area.

In 2005, the FDA stated that �Serratia marcescens bacteria � can cause serious, life-threatening

illness in patients with compromised immune systems.� The bacteria has shown up in a

few other Bay Area health crises since the 1950s, leading to some speculation that the

original spraying could have established a new microbial population

in the area.

For more infomation >> Biological Warfare 'One of the largest human experiments in history' was conducted on unsuspecting r - Duration: 6:00.


Hướng dẫn pha thuốc cho nước có độ pH thấp | Betta Chia Sẻ Kinh Nghiệm - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> Hướng dẫn pha thuốc cho nước có độ pH thấp | Betta Chia Sẻ Kinh Nghiệm - Duration: 10:38.


Ready Player One (2018) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Comic-Con Teaser Fragman / Steven Spielberg Filmi - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Ready Player One (2018) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Comic-Con Teaser Fragman / Steven Spielberg Filmi - Duration: 2:36.



it's for the Spanish channel

you have to speak Spanish

I do savage stuff

he's basically jumping and doing nonsense

he's jumping like Jesus

that's how we start the day here in the team 10 house

everyone's here

we are going to do a challenge which is basically what we did with Tessa but with Alex Lange

let's do it!

As I told you before we are going to do a challenge with Alex

he wants to learn Spanish so we are here to help him

he speaks a little bit Spanish because he's been to Barcelona a couple of times

we are going to ask him questions about him


but he lives in LA

he's beautiful so let's ask him

he's more beautiful than you

let's ask him if he likes girls who speak Spanish

how are you?

good and you?

good where do you live?

in Spain

where in Spain, BARCELONA?

I like girls from Barcelona

I don't understand what you say but I think you're beautiful

I think that you're the woman of my life

I'm crying

what do you think about me?

you're beautiful

I think he likes me

it's been weird

Guys I hope you liked this video, if you want more videos in Spanish subscribe, like and comment

Comment the member you want for the next video

For more infomation >> THE ONLY ONE THAT KNOWS SPANISH ON TEAM 10 - Duration: 9:19.


6 Ways To Detox Fluoride – A Known Neurotoxin – From Your Body - Duration: 6:28.

6 Ways To Detox Fluoride � A Known Neurotoxin � From Your Body

Sodium fluoride is classified as a neurotoxin � in the same category as arsenic, lead,

and mercury, but it�s still prevalent in the United States� water supply. Here are

six ways to detox the substance from your body.

For years, health experts have been debating about whether or not sodium fluoride is toxic

to the human body.

Small amounts applied topically may prevent tooth decay, but there is little evidence

suggesting that fluoride improves health when it is ingested.

In fact, according to the world�s oldest and most prestigious medical journal, The

Lancet, the additive is actually a neurotoxin and is classified in the same category as

arsenic, lead, and mercury.

Because it is commonly ingested through fluoridated water, certain foods, and commercial toothpastes,

researchers believe that the additive is contributing to a worldwide �pandemic of developmental

neurotoxicity� that results in disabilities such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,

dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments.

The report coincides with 2013 findings by a Harvard University meta-analysis which was

funded by the National Institutes of Health.

The researchers concluded that children in areas with highly fluoridated water have �significantly

lower� IQ scores than those who live in areas with low amounts of fluoride in their

water supply.

In addition, the Harvard website states that �extremely high levels of fluoride are known

to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported

in rodent studies.�

In addition, �little is known about the substance�s impact on children�s neurodevelopment.�

Despite these findings, fluoride is still added to approximately 60% of the United States�

water supply.

This is especially concerning, considering that sodium fluoride was once used as rat


Because the cumulative toxin accumulates in the human body and can manifest in problems

over time, including dental fluorosis � or far worse health issues, it�s important

every individual follows the steps below to eliminate the additive from their body.

Note: You might experience detox symptoms at first � such as headaches, sluggishness,

or aches and pains, but this is a sign foreign agents are leaving your body.

Drink plenty of water and follow the six steps listed below to naturally eliminate fluoride

from your system.

1) Get Adequate Iodine

Iodine is an important element for the normal metabolism of cells, especially thyroid hormones.

It pushes the fluoride from your body via urine.

Some good sources of iodine include seaweed (nori, dulse, wakame, etc�), cranberries,

organic yogurt, potatoes, organic strawberries, and organic navy beans.

2) Consume More Boron

Boron is a natural element that helps flush fluoride from your body. Boron-rich foods

include most nuts, dates, prunes, honey, broccoli, bananas, and avocado.

3) Eat Some Tamarind

This African fruit and spice is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine. Tamarind can be used

in a tincture or tea to cleanse the body of fluoride.

4) Increase Magnesium/ Calcium Intake

Most people are deficient in magnesium because the soils have been depleted of this mineral

through modern agricultural methods. It plays an important role, however, in the metabolism

and synthesis of nutrients within your cells.

It also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells. Along with magnesium, calcium

seems to help attract fluoride away from bones and teeth, allowing the body to eliminate


Both should be taken together, and this can easily be accomplished by consuming dark leafy

greens, nuts, seeds, fish, beans, whole grains, avocados, organic yogurt, bananas, dried fruit,

and dark chocolate.

5) General Liver Cleanse

The most important step to detoxify from excess fluoride may be to cleanse your liver.

The liver is responsible for over 400 functions in the body, and when it gets overburdened,

a number of symptoms may manifest.

Because fluoride isn�t a product found naturally in the body, some sources claim that it may

get stuck in the liver.

If you drink lemon water upon rising and eat liver-friendly foods, such as garlic, turmeric,

lemons, limes, and avocado, your body will have an easier time removing heavy metals

and toxins.

6) Sit In A Sauna

Saunas are great for ridding your body of toxins, as they inspire the body to sweat

them out. The penetrating heat feels good, as well.

Just be sure to drink plenty of water before and after to prevent dehydration. If you have

any medical conditions, consult your healthcare provider first.

By adopting a wholesome, plant-based diet, getting plenty of exercise, receiving 15-20

minutes of sunlight per day, thinking positive thoughts, and taking time off to keep your

stress levels in check, you�ll find that you feel better and have more energy than


These additional tips will improve your body�s ability to detox fluoride and other toxins

from your system, as well.

For more infomation >> 6 Ways To Detox Fluoride – A Known Neurotoxin – From Your Body - Duration: 6:28.


Donald Trump vs Scream, CaptainAmerica and Ironman are Big Donald's Fans / Spiderman vs Hulk - Duration: 29:14.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump vs Scream, CaptainAmerica and Ironman are Big Donald's Fans / Spiderman vs Hulk - Duration: 29:14.


Lego Juniors Cars 3 Mater 10733 build and review - Duration: 15:36.

Well Dad-gump! in this video we're going to do the Lego juniors easy build cars 3

mater set check it out we're Welcome to toy store heroes! on this channel we

do toy reviews model builds funny videos all kinds of crazy challenges too

if that sounds like your kind of thing make sure you click the subscribe button

below and click the bell icon if you want to get regular updates on all the

free content that we're uploading all the time in a previous video we built

McQueen and Cruz from cars 3 this was a pretty sweet set and if you want to

see how that build went you can check the link up the top there if you watch

it on mobile otherwise I'll put a link in the description and it's a lot of fun

so check that one out we're going to mix it up a little now by building mater

this is obviously McQueen best friend in the world they love hanging out together

and he's pops up a little bit in cars 3 and also he's in cars two quite a bit

there as a super-secret agent so this guy is very cool so here's the set its

model number 10733 ages four to seven and it's a pretty

sweet set this is obviously not for little kids keep those bricks away

from your babies brothers and sisters and let's go let's build this one right

now alright let's get into our build here we've got loads pieces to get on with

today here we go

Cool we've got this chassis piece here

so which is your favorite cars character let us know in the comments section


I took the kids to see this movie over the weekend and it was a heck of a lot

of fun as there all kinds of crazy characters old and new we've got obviousley

mater is back to the movie we've got McQueen and a new character

Cruz who helps McQueen out for the movie I'll try not to give too many

spoilers away let us know if you've seen the movie who is your favorite character

my personally was the character called mrs. Fritter who appears at a

demolition derby scene and she's a lot of fun so we're going to do a build on

the Lego juniors set for Miss Fritter which I think comes with McQueen and

Cruz and a couple of other cars to there check out their link when we get

to it we'll put a link up here that you can click on to watch that video

okay looks like it's supposed to be an air filter here on the front

so these are going to be maters wing mirrors/side view mirrors. I think in cars 1 he shows that he's

the best backwards driver in the world just by using these mirrors

We've got some eyes! what's going on over there???

okay time for some wheels


We've got these cool skinny tires. A lot of old cars like mater when they were from the

factory would've had really narrow tires not like the ones that you see on cars

today they get quite big and wide so it's quite cool that they've included that

they're not as big as the tires you see on on McQueen or cruz

You can see there's quite a difference in the thickness there

It's a little attention to detail that makes this a cool set!

let me know in the comments have you seen cars three yet and out of the three which is your

favorite oh don't forget about planes as well, maybe I'll include a poll

up here if you click on that card up there what's your favorite cars 1

Cars 2, cars 3, planes 1 or planes fire and rescue?

and there we see on the back, the license plate, A113

who can tell me why that's a special number?

we've got his flashing orange beacon on top that scene where he's driving

backwards I think that's one of my favorite bits of animation in the movies it's all at night and it's got that light on and it just looks so crazy it goes

inside one of the road cones it spins around and lights flashing everywhere it

looks really cool

okay I'm missing something on the back Mater's a signature tow hook

I know he's got one headlight here they do include... I spotted s second crystal

stud there if you wanted to fix him up a little you could include both headlights

I think we'll keep it close to the movie though and just keep the one on

okay so that's Mater complete he's looking really cool I love his goofy

smile and that's it, he's all done there but there are as you can see on

the box there's a couple of accessories to go with it so let's see what we have

oh yeah it's the sign from Mater's tow yard

great little set is this a unique brick I've not seen that than any sets before

I think it might be

it's not immediately obvious how that piece is supposed to attach you've got

two squares there, the box actually goes slightly canted to one side

you can see if you look head on it's not clear from the instruction because

they show you at an angle and it looks like it's sitting square on to the base

but that's cool we got a little parts bucket there and it does come with a few

spare pieces to about this cool blower scoop there for a supercharger i wonder

does that fit on to Mater?

oh yes! we've got a supercharged mater, to make him go

extra fast! sweet!!

so like a stow hook, i guess that's supposed to be like a magnet for the crane or


okay one more big thing to build you got a bace a little bit a fence there

nice bit of greenery

the yard looks quite derelict but it's nice to see a little bit of color in it

a base for something? Looks like some sort of pivot point but what's going to go on there

we got ourselves another crane!

now there's a couple of bits that Mater can pick up first

we've got a it's Lightning McQueen on the phone it's pretty big for a phone

guess that could be a tablet?

and then the very last piece, another hook bass thing there's some gauges I can't

make out.. Ii doesn't say anything on them that looks like it could be a

speedometer and maybe a rev counter? pretty

cool okay so these parts you can hook onto the crane or you can hook onto Mater

if Mater wants to be on the phone to McQueen

and then they can get to FaceTime email

you how's it going Oh shoot it's going great!

there's a pretty cool

set you get a few pieces you get the sign with a box full of parts you get

Mater himself he's a really sweet little motor there and you also get the crane

there's a few bits to lift around so that's a pretty cool set

scale wise it looks good against the other models

we got McQueen and cruz, and he's a bit bigger than those guys

so that's cool wheelbase is about the same, he is obviously a lot taller

sweet! so what do you think let me know in the comment section do you like these sets?

have you got any at home? which is your favorite? and don't forget to give us a

thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and we'll see you next time on

Toy store heroes!



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