Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017



Weitere DDL Kommandos in SQL - Datenbanksysteme - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> Weitere DDL Kommandos in SQL - Datenbanksysteme - Duration: 6:35.


Tales of Falling Down || Memory Lane - Duration: 14:17.

Nat: I'm getting a phone call.

Dael: Oh! / Anthony: Oh dear.

Nat: Hello? / Dael: You know, if she had a smartphone, she could tell who the call was from.

I know!

Look at this! Look how full this hat is.

I know! You- You guys have done very well!

So many! So many lovely anecdotes, look at these.

They're all folding into each other, look at all these reddit ones!

And I think well done to Dael for like

printing them all up and cutting them out.

How long did that take?

Uhhh, not as long as I thought it was going to...

Hey Humans.

My name is Dael Kingsmill

And this is an episode of memory lane where we talk about memories inspired by your memories. / Anthony: Yeah

It's really fun! / Dael: We take anecdotes that you submit

via the comment section under the videos or over on factory

And we read them out and then we give ourselves 10 minutes to follow the... rabbit down the... and we...

Think of memories. / Anthony: We're going to jump down

Anthony! Pick a thing!

I hope she didn't break her neck when she hit the bottom, haha!

Ok this is from the melodramatic raven. / Dael: Ooh! Nice name.

*Reads in a silly voice*

That is beautiful! How- I'm sorry, how is the first one of those your least smooth moment

When the mug handle punch is..? / Anthony: Did it like shatter? Just like the Hulk?

Dael: That's astounding! / Anthony: That is metal! / Dael: My, my, my, my, my.

Geeze. Get ready, gang! Ten minutes! Here we go!

Anthony: *Speaks beeping language*

Dael: *Joins in beeps*

Nat: *Looks concerned*

We had multiple

Cups in our family that just broke

I've got photos somewhere of my brother

Holding just the top of a glass because the bottom he'd got himself chocolate milk

And he was walking out of the kitchen and the bottom of this of the glass just came off in a perfect circle

and left him holding just with this round thing of glass all the milk was everywhere. It was pretty astounding

Since we're talki- It's funny, like whenever I- I like start off not knowing a story, but when you see me in the video

That means I've thought of something.

It was like literally like two or three weeks ago our neighbours have this like really beautiful Malamute, it's like a husky kind of thing?

Yeah, you guys have seen it. / Dael: The gigantic ones. / Anthony: and it was at the stage where there was a hole in the fence

So it could like see through and just like look at us, coz it was bored

And I was just like walking around, there's chickens that visit us

And I was feeding them and I was just like walking around with them like a mother hen

And I was just like walking down, and this is like just after that torrential rain

We had. I am just walking down and this is like swamp bit in my backyard

that I always forget is a swamp bit. I just- I was wearing these exact same pants I think too!

just like walked out, and I was literally just like to slid fully and just like fell like right on my arse

in the mud. And the dog was just like looking at me the whole time. Just as I go- *SPLAT*

just like oh, you know when you like are in shock after just like...

Yeah / Anthony: I was traumatised

Dael: Actually speaking of- / Anthony: thank God I took off my dressing gown before I fell, so it wasn't muddied (Anthony loves dressing gowns)

Nat: Your precious dressing gown.

I fell in a creek "the other day". Many of the Humans are already aware, I fell in a Creek, but I

Okay, I walked down Alongside the Creek. I realized how little time

I had to get back to meet my mother at the designated time and so I thought I'll just

Take off my shoes

And I'll go through the creek to get back

Because that'll be faster coz I don't have to like fight through all the trees and whatever

And it was a good plan until I hit a slippery rock and just went DOWN. Hard.

On my whole left side, it was- I've still got my light-switch wrist is bad, and I've got a couple of scrapes still but

The thing about it was that it was freezing cold water cause it's Creek water in winter

And I was just stuck there going like "no." / Nat: "why." / Dael: "stand up. I can't. how do I... stand up..?"

I think the first thing I said though was; "... I fell in da Creek..."

Anthony: Was anyone there to witness you? / Dael: No! And so, I could have cracked my skull open--

Anthony: Who were you talking to? / Dael: Me! / Nat: Oh, OBVIOUSLY.

I could've cracked my skull open and DIED and been in the middle of the bush. Coz I was out at Grandad's block of land!

Aww, I love that block of land! We had a big medieval day there. / Dael: Yeah we did

And I was a wizard. And Dael was a bard.

My entire backyard growing up. I don't know where that way um was basically swamp like if it rained?

It was swamp water and Raewyn for her 18th birthday-- She did it before it was cool-- She got a jumping castle and

It was going to be a sunny day, but the forecast was wrong and it rained

And so people weren't using the jumping castle

but me and my friends were like "WE'RE still using the jumping castle! And we used it like a

Like a water slide, kind of? So we'd like bounce around for a while

And then we throw ourselves down the little sort of slope at the end? That's where you get off? and because it was

Raining and my backyard- we basically lived in like Swampland

But only when it rained; our arms were going up to like HERE

Into the mud and my next door neighbour sprained his ankle. And then a bunch of PUNKS showed up!?

They were very polite.

They were like "hey can we crash your party and use your jumping castle?" And so they did- / Anthony: Wait...

I thought you said pugs..? / Dael: No, punks. / Nat: Yeah, I was like "Pugs..?"

Anthony: OH! I thought you said PUGS!

Dael: P.u.n.k.s. Mohawks and studs. / Anthony: Like talking pugs. / Nat: Yeah, I figured it out when they started talking...

Dael: Yeah. / Anthony: Well, the way my mind works... / Dael: Anthony didn't. / Anthony: There are talking pugs.

They did things like they pushed the trampoline up against the jumping castle so they would bounce high as they could on the trampoline over

The wall of the jumping castle and land on the- and one of them broke his arm

And some of them showed up the next day to help clean up because they were very polite party crasher punks

Did you guys ever reenact and cosplay the entire first movie of shrek in and around the swamp? / Dael: Uh. No.

crazy enough... / Anthony: *Silly voice* Ogre!! / Dael: We did not.

It wasn't like an ACTUAL swamp, but it was marshy-marsh type land... I guess.

I don't know- I don't THINK I've told this in Memory Lane

but I'm going to tell-- I have this talent where I can like-- my body-- my senses-- I have a sixth sense for

Knowing when someone's about to fail, and I'll just like turn around and I'll see it happen

And I was like I peaked in High school

There was just this random guy

I just looked at and he was just walking and just like stubbed his toe or something and then it like came to fruition

When I was in my maths room

I just like literally just looked outside, and it's just like this massive like grass oval behind our school

It was a businessman like in a suit just walking on the field don't know why?

And he like dropped his suitcase and all his papers were scattered everywhere

Like just as I looked at it! but it's like I've got like-- I like CURSE people! / Dael: You've got super powers

Nat: Is that a sense or a power..? / Anthony: Yeah, I know! Ooooh!

Are you causing it!

We're making backstories in Memory Lane / Dael: A bad luck ray...

My smooth moment was the first week of class. I just started a...

like a course this year and the third day of class

I was on my way... I was on my way to the station. I was walking down stairs-- So first day

I miss my train

And I catch a later train and come in late and make a really good impression and then the second day

I think I got lost? and then the third day, I didn't even make it to the station because I fell down the stairs. / Dael: No!

And I um... I had uh

One-- I had my left leg up on the bottom step

and my right leg went down onto the carpet that's at the bottom of the stairs and it was a

when we had those really bad rains

So it had come all in under my door

Wet the mat, and then I stood on the mat, and the mat just slipped out from under me

And I went like kind of like doing the splits but from your knee-

Dael: *Alarmed Squealing* / Nat: -down, coming out? / Dael: NO!!

Dael: *muffled and strained* It's fine.

Anthony: whoa! / Nat: yeah. so like I bruised the inside of my knee and my

toe and my ankle / Dael: *ongoing strangled groan*

And I couldn't walk and then... *laughs* so I was like... / Dael: *Still groaning*

Sitting on the floor... / Anthony: They'll just have to amputate. / Nat: and I'm like "well. the train's gonna be here soon...

I can't--" I couldn't walk. I couldn't stand on it. And I'm calling out-

"Someone help me!" It's like...

It was 6:00 in the morning. It was dark. / Anthony: Oh that's horrible!

It was bad. / Dael: NO. / Nat: And then I had to call up work the next day and be like "Hey.

Can't come in fell down stairs". I had to call up uni in the morning cuz

they treat it like working with you call in sick

So um I called in sick "Eyy. Fell down the stairs". and everyone's like "how did you? do? that??" Like it just sounds stupid!

Nat: I had to explain to everyone! / Anthony: Well, they gotta know that... People can be doofuses. / Dael: I've got pain! Sympathy pain!

Nat: But it's fine.

I was at a party once and um

You know those like... plastic..

Crate things that people store paperwork in? They sometimes have wheels on the bottom? Yeah, I like sat on one

And I was like

"This is going to be a good idea!" I think I'd had alcohol? probably. and it just slowly started to crunch underneath me! it was empty, and I literally just like

It's just all imploded! It didn't hurt but it was just funny, but then I felt bad coz like it's this person's

parents' possession and then-- / Nat: Where were you? / Anthony: my friend Josh's house, it was like a party.

Oh, so you broke his things.

Anthony: Just a random crate, yeah! / Dael: *mimicking Nat* "Oh, so you broke his things, you broke his stuff, you broke Josh's stuff, then. Ok."

Yeah, it just all broke. And I just remembered like the night of that party

We were just like-- because his parents were like away on like some holiday. / Dael: Kegger! / Anthony: I think we had permission to be there

But we didn't do anything bad

Anthony: Apart from me breaking the crate / Dael: Apart from break their belongings. / Anthony: Like demolishing a crate.

We hadn't slept all night, we'd had alcohol

And I was like awake in the early hours of the morning like in his like sister's bed? Like not-- no one's home

I'm in the bed by myself and some of my friends are in like another room next to us. And all these like magpies? Just like start like

Calling and I said: *in a loud cooky voice* "MAGPIIIIES!!

SHUT UP YOU MAGPIIIIIES!!" just like started shouting and they were just like laughing

"GO TO SLEEP!" / Dael: That's very you. That's a very you thing to do...

Anthony: *continuing to himself* "magpiiies!" / Dael: My first day of school after moving to Wollongong-- I've got like 30 seconds don't I?

Anthony: One minute! / Dael: Brilliant! / Anthony: One minute of glory.

The first day of school after moving to Wollongong I made the excellent impression of arriving to school

about 80 minutes late and our periods were 80 minutes long


It was-- I-- we didn't know

how to get there exactly and we made the assumption that the turn for Fairymeadow would be AFTER the turn to--

It got confusing and we got stuck up Mount Ousley.

There's nowhere to turn around until you get ALLLL the way up to like Picton Road.

Yeah, so I got there a full hour and ten minutes late

I had to walk into-- Thankfully it was Drama! was my first ever class so I walked in and they were like "ah. Well.

I guess you're one of ours." / Nat: You could have just faked it. The NEXT day come in

Coz you missed the ENTIRE class you coulda just said

"I was sick yesterday, I'm sorry. I didn't have an embarrassing..." / Dael: Yeahhhh, hmmmm, noooo... / Anthony: But that wouldn't have been a "Dael" thing to do

Nat: No? / Dael: No

I have to arrive very late

Much better than missing-- actually now. I'm like "man I could've miss a whole day..." / Anthony: At least there's like a back story to support your--

*Weirdly peaceful alarm plays*

Well, I mean , I prefer the FAKE backstories for-- Yeah, this is a nice one!

*Nat humphs vaguely disbelievingly*

I Guess.

Anthony: It's like a lullaby *pretends to be a trumpet* / Dael: I like the dance-y ones! I like the dance-y endings!

I hope you've enjoyed this


Memory lane. Well... not peaceful there were a lot of injuries guys / Anthony: *to himself again* "Magpiiiies!"

Too many people falling over and shouting at magpies.

I don't know whether these scratches are ever going to

Go away, because they're under my skin and they're not leaving. / Anthony: Ohhh!

Dael: Anyway. / Nat: There's a bonus one for you. / A: That's like Bodhi Rook when he was working on Rogue One he months later still had dirt under his fingernails

Dael: But I... Need this wound to go away...


I hope that you enjoyed it. If you thought of other stories from your life as we were telling you stories from ours

you should leave them in the comments below or

head on over to

and leave them there because then maybe they will be the spawn point for a future episode

I am Dael Kingsmill, I make videos here regularly

I'm anthony you can find me at the links below in the undercroft at TheRussianBlue, my YouTube channel

*In an alarming voice* Find me! It's fun. Dael's there now. *Suddenly pleasant* Natlie might be there one day!

A lot of terrifying things just happened. / Nat: Need to process that.

Anthony: PTSD from being spoken to by Anthony. / Dael: You have to do your own

outro by the way, I'm leaving you to be the one to admit you have no links

But you just said that I have no links


Anthony: *Imitating Dael with a strange voice* Curses.

Nat: I have no-- / Dael: This is Nat. She has no links.

Yea-- Oh, okay.

No, what were you going to say!? What were you-- No! Say it! / Anthony: But she's really cool!

No, I was going to say "I'm Nat, and I have no links."

I thought you were gonna say "I'm Nat and I'm making a Twitter."

Anthony: And Urban Dictionary likes her.

Ha! That's wishful thinking, Dael. / Anthony: And Dael has a Kryptonian name.


I do! Da-El.

Both: Da-El.

For more infomation >> Tales of Falling Down || Memory Lane - Duration: 14:17.


Still Star-Crossed 1x07 Promo "Something Wicked This Way Comes" Series Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Still Star-Crossed 1x07 Promo "Something Wicked This Way Comes" Series Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


Reales vs. nominales BIP - Vergleich Bruttoinlandsprodukte - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Reales vs. nominales BIP - Vergleich Bruttoinlandsprodukte - Duration: 3:32.


🍁8 Ball Pool 100% New Updated Working Links 2017🍁 Claim Now - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> 🍁8 Ball Pool 100% New Updated Working Links 2017🍁 Claim Now - Duration: 0:41.


Speed Art #1 Festa Major 2017 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Speed Art #1 Festa Major 2017 - Duration: 2:50.


'Happy Birthday, Benjamin Flores Jr.!' 🎂 Official Tribute Music Video | Game Shakers | Nick - Duration: 1:18.


What's up, everybody?

Who's ready to be entertained?

I got knowledge, I got skills!


MAN: (SINGING) What a beautiful day.

It's a wonderful life.

What a beautiful day-ay-ay-ay.

It's a wonderful life.


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

We have identical biceps.

We're dominating this.

GIRL: This is next level.

This is freaking me out right now.

Y'all feeding me crickets?

These aren't crickets.

It's chocolate.

These aren't crickets.


I just said something, and I felt the crunch.


MAN: (SINGING) What a beautiful day.

It's a wonderful life.

What a beautiful day-ay-ay-ay.

It's a wonderful life.

What a beautiful day-ay-ay-ay.

It's a wonderful life.

[BLOWS RASPBERRY] Outta my way, whippersnapper.

Grandpa came to play.

You got to be a, heh, top-level dude like me.

I'm a mutant!




For more infomation >> 'Happy Birthday, Benjamin Flores Jr.!' 🎂 Official Tribute Music Video | Game Shakers | Nick - Duration: 1:18.


Annoying Villagers 21 - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 19:15.

Previously on this story line of MrFudgeMonkeyz's Annoying Villagers


What the?

No! Get out of here!

Hurry! We got to help him

Dance battle!

I can finally be the hero!




Please take this potion

And splash it on Steve

I believe he was meant to change this world for the better

I save you! I saved your life

You owe me your life now!


What about Steve! We have to save him! We owe him

Oh ya there's a hospital nearby

Dance battle!

I can get it up!

200 percent

We don't have the

Run! Run!


Boop boop boop

Do you even know where we're going?



Alright! Follow me to your death

Uh I mean to the hospital

Oh that dam suicidal creeper had to show up just when we were ready to attack!

We must retrieve the herobrine items as soon as possible

If that stupid villager discovers the power he possess. It be impossible to capture them

He's definitely the largest potential threat to master's plans

Follow them! Do not allow them to escape! Attack them when you see an opening. They mustn't make it to the swamp!

Boop boop boop

Stop that incessant booping!

You're not allow to kill me!

Steve, this why I have choosen you. And you alone

I'll do whatever it takes to win. Whatever it takes to protect this world and the people within it.

Are you guys alright?

Thank you but you don't need save us anymore

I've seen it. A savior. He is coming!

And his name. His name is Herobrine!

Hey do you like chocolate?

No I don't like chocolate. Chocolate makes me fart. Like this!

You're a freak you know that?

I wonder what his screams of death sound like

My farts sound like this

And now

Oh Alright I'm go sleep.

Wait. Wait. What happens if someone attacks us when we all go sleep.

Someone. Someone has to keep watch



Ok you do it. I'm go sleep too.

What! Why me?

I'm tired. I had to carry Steve all day!

But. But I'm tired too!

I had to boop boop boop all day.

Fine. We'll settle this the old fashion way.

Cobble paper shears!

Cobble paper shears!

Cobble paper shears!

Cobble paper shears!

Ha. Paper covers cobble!

Gasp. No. What! No. Cobble always win.

Cobble beats through paper and destroys shears!

Ok you have keep watch

Where have I been


Did they bring me here?

Did they have to save me?

I have only caused them trouble.

It be better if I left

I have to find Notch.

This world. This world will never be safe

if that man. If that man is still out there. Roaming freely

I'll do whatever it takes to protect this world.

And the creatures within it

I'm just a burden to them like I was to them.

It be better if you two stay away from me. As far away as possible

What! Impossible. That player. He's awake!

Eh. It's too dangerous for me to be here.

I know I should set a trap to lure the others away from him.

Yes I am so smart.

Oh yes


Where Steve.

Where Steve.

You suppose to keep watch. Now Steve missing.

Ahh. Snooze. snooze.

Ah. Wake up!

Stupid Alarm clock go to snooze mode!

Snooze. snooze.

Ah. huh? Where's Steve?

Eh. What's all this rack it about.

We have to find Steve! He's still injured!

Maybe he's been kidnapped

Steve? Steve? Where are you

Ah nop. You're not under here.

Hey. Hey. Wait! Look a mud trial.

Oh those looks like pig tracks.

Gasp. That has to be Steve.

No way. That's looks way too obvious.

That's too obvious

And look. there also treasure there!

Oh my god Let's go.

Oh my god! You two are so stupid.

No. Wait don't! Don't go. It's probably a trap. Oh my god.

Hey? Hey! Where? Where's the treasure?

There's only a pig here.

Uh oh ya. Where's Steve. Where Steve


Ha. You stupid villager and player. I tricked you so good.

Now you are completely surround!

No we're not. There's opening right there!

Oh no we're completely surrounded.

Wait a second!

Because he moved over here

Now there's a opening over there.

Oh no we're completely surrounded again.

Wait a second.

Oh my god stop this stupidness! Destroy them now!

Once I retrieve the herobrine items.

Master will finally acknowledge me! Then I'll be promoted! And then I'll be able to do cool stuff


Oh no. Steve's not here.

So there no one here to protect us.

We're going to die.

Prepare for your demise!

Oh what the heck! I didn't know a stupid witch was following you two

No wonder master told me to watch over these two.

Hey stupid player!

eh ya?

Be careful. I've hear that since the new updates were put in place.

When you stupid players die then click respawn.

You'll respawn in some random location now or something like that.

I don't quite under it myself actually.

But it's dangerous for you players as you may respawn somewhere in the villager kindgom.

Then you're good as dead.

They'll be capture you and then they torture you till you lose all your hope and try make you'll rage quit.

Get in the hot tub! Get in the hot tub! Get in the hot tub!

Oh no. I don't want to be tortured.

Then don't die. Stupid.

eh. Okay.

Perfect. Shot that stupid creeper and make him explode up those two! FIRE!

What impossible. He's charged creeper!


Is that strong?

Ya I'm super strong and rare and stuff

That's cool. But I'm stronger

No way. Then give me a taste of your power.


Come on. Show me. Show me your power.


Show me your power!



What the. Oh my god that's too much. Too much. Take it back. Take it back!

See I told you I was really strong.

Oh my god now that Steve disappeared. I'm stuck with these crazy people.

Plan B! Enderman GO! Get rid of that creeper

But I don't feel like it

You have to! If you don't. All my plans will be foiled.


And then master. Master will never acknowledge me and I'll be stuck with you stupid mobs forever.

Ok. I'll do it for money.

Eh. Why do all my minions have be so selfish.

Fine. Here's a diamond. Now go do it



Hey! What the?

Take me back! Or I'll blow you up!

Eh What the?

I promised my master I would protect those two with my life!

Take me back right now!

I'll give you tacos

Eh. What kind of tacos?

Super cheesy greasy tacos

Awwww. Yay Tacos!

Hey do you have any hot sause.

Oh I forgot

Oh my god. I'm blow you up. Oh my god. I'm blow you up! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm blow you up!

Yay hot sause

Oh my god! What we suppose to do now!

Dance battle!

No way

You cheated last time and ran away! Remember?

Ah. Oh ya.

We're doomed. Ahhh. We're doomed. Oh my god. Oh my god.

This is going to be my new ringtone

We're doomed. Ahhh. We're doomed. Oh my god. Oh my god.


Never give up!

We have to combine!

It's the only way we can beat them!

Hurry jump on my shoulders.



What are you talking. That's doesn't even make any sense!

Wait. Don't shot yet. I want to see what happens.


No! Wait! Wait! AHH

Fusion complete!

Enough of this crazy derpy weird stuff!

Ahh. Super ultimate fusion attack.

Ow. My face.

My super they have finally awaken!

My name is Boop.

And I am the greatest strongest super hero

in this entire universe

Wait how can you be the strongest super hero

if your powers just awakened

EH. NO! I'm the strongest!

I think we should let a higher level squad take care of this!

That was just a fluk. There's no way he knows how to use it!

It takes years of rigorous trainning.

Kill him and retrieve the herobrine items now!


Oh my god! RUN Oh my god!

Hey you're not getting away!

Super mega ultimate house attack!

Wow. What the. That was really cool.

Now! Super mega Lock the door attack!

Oh no! I'm trapped now

Wait a second.

I can't fight here. YAY! hooray

Ah. What you doing! Hurry up shot him! Shot him!

Ahhh. Run away. Ahh


Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink

huh? What the heck that?

Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink!

Yay! Somehow it's on my team! Yay!

What impossible. He can do summoning!

I thought master could only do that!

What. What exactly is he?

Ah I need more move names.

I need more names


What. This doesn't make any sense!

Can that stupid villager be so skilled!

because I'm super mega ultimate!



Oh my god

I didn't think it be this hard

Retreat. Retreat.


Huh? Hey! What all those clicking sounds.

Eh. What happened?

What where all those bad guys go?

Who beat them?

I did. I have super powers now. Look.


What? What's going on! My super powers.


No I really did beat them!

Ya you beat them like last time. like you beat herobrine huh?

No I was lying about that time. But I really did beat them this time.

Why don't you believe me!

Liar! Liar! Pants on fire. Hanging on a telephone wirer!


Hope you guys enjoyed annoying villagers 21 minecraft animation!

Hey there guys! This MrFudgeMonkeyz. I hope you guys enjoyed watching! Be sure to leave a like, comment below, and share this video with a friend. The series is getting so complex now. Hope you guys staying up to date. see you next time. Boop

For more infomation >> Annoying Villagers 21 - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 19:15.


5 Things you need to know about the MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti LIGHTNING Z | MSI - Duration: 2:27.

Hey what's up guys, this is Pieter from MSI.

And these are the five things you need to know about the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti LIGHTNING Z.

Number One: Overclocking

MSI LIGHTNING graphics cards are built for extreme overclocking using liquid

nitrogen for breaking World Records. This 1080 Ti LIGHTNING is no exception.

It has three 8 pin power connectors, 18 power phases, a dual BIOS and V-check points for external voltage monitoring.

Number Two: Gaming

Besides overclocking the LIGHTNING graphics cards are also excellent for gaming.

Thanks to higher out-of-the-box clock speeds and the TRI-FROZR thermal design,

which is the biggest and best cooling that we use and is easily able

to keep the beastly GTX 1080 Ti GPU cool under load.

This means stable in-game performance without any frame drops for you.

Number Three: TRI-FROZR

The TRI-FROZR thermal design uses three MSI Torx 2.0 fans with ball bearings that deliver great airflow and will outlast the card.

At the heart of the massive heatsink is a nickel plated copper baseplate

that connects directly to the GPU to catch all the heat

and transfer it efficiently to the six heat pipes that run through the heatsink.

Number Four: Cooling innovations

We've featured some brand new cooling innovations on our GTX 1080 Ti LIGHTNING Z to help keep cool.

There are heat pipes infused into the backplate and the close quarters

heatsink that helps to cool the power delivery components and the memory modules.

Number Five: Design

The outside of the new LIGHTNING Z looks quite impressive,

but we've also included some premium inlays for you so that you can

customize these silver design elements into either red, gold or carbon to match your rig.

And last but not least the card has some beautiful Mystic Light RGB effects,

as you can see on the side and on the backplate.

So you can customize colors and effects and synchronize them with other RGB components

in your system for an astonishing display.

So now you know the Five most important things about the new LIGHTNING Z.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Things you need to know about the MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti LIGHTNING Z | MSI - Duration: 2:27.


Cartoon #Barbie NOT GOING TO CASTING #Kuklybarbi #ToysKitchen - Duration: 4:48.

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Tangled Rapunzel for Kids NEW Heroes Finger Family Songs Learning Video 2017 - Duration: 1:27.

Tangled Rapunzel for Kids NEW Heroes Finger Family Songs Learning Video 2017

For more infomation >> Tangled Rapunzel for Kids NEW Heroes Finger Family Songs Learning Video 2017 - Duration: 1:27.


Famoso & più Famoso (Un Film di Alessio Catizzone) - Duration: 8:44.

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ポーランドのスーパーマーケットでお買い物 | Japonka w Polskim hipermarkecie - Duration: 10:52.

I found Kikkoman's shouyu (soy sauce).

With this I can cook something more like Japanese dishes.

Kana's Travel Vlog [Supermarket in Poland]

Such a big and long supermarket and I cannot see the other side from here

We can see many apparel brands familiar to Japanese such as H&M

but it there are lots of brands that haven't imported in Japan yet. We can see them only in Europe.

A wall-clock!


Sushi! Wow

an electronic store

"Media Markt"

Chocolate section!

Let's go the line till the end.

From here to there

All chocolate!

Additionally, when you look back

Gift-boxed chocolate!

Here are lollipops (actually it's wafers)

Here are chocolate wafers

Here are nut containing chocolates

fruit chocolate

All chocoalates until here

Cookie section

I tried this before

actually it's a soft and thin sandwich cake

with fruit jelly inside

covered with chocolate coating on the top

puffy cake kind of cookie

so yummy


belVita is everywhere in Europe

grain cookie

Milka can be found in Poland and Eastern Europe

They have various kinds of cookies as well


I got Koala's March!!

Koala Land [European name]

I guess Wedel, a Polish confectionery company,

has coraboralated with a Japanese confectionery company, Lotte

Koala's March is a product of Lotte

Written Lotte Wedel

I didn't know this

mini croissant

croissant with chocolate


wafers with cream or chocolate

Here both ends finish with chips

Tortillas! Love it

Wasabi flavor

When I tried this parlica flavor, it was great

We don't have paprika flavored chips in Japan

There are choices of normal cut or wave cut of chips


Next section is very Polish.

You can guess what.

The favorite of the Polish is


Around here, we can only see colorless and transparent liquid

This is the cheapest vodka

three pounds ... so ...

around 500 yen

this one bottle is only 500 yen

The other side is Whisky

All Whisky from one side to the other side

What we have around here?

This is also vodka

Fruit vodka

This is special in here


30% of alcohol!



Captain Morgan

English whisky

Tequila, Mexico


Lots of alcohols

most of them are so cheap

only less than 100 yen per bottle

and they have alcohol from various countries

Here are beers

Beers from overseas


Cafe Chopin

because it is Chopin's country

What's this?

Selling doors

The strange thing is

I feel it's modern when I come to this kind of stores

but my friend took us here in a Honda car

that looks very old like a car of 90's

We cannot find that old cars in Japan

the coexistence of the new and old

that's something new

and makes me feel strange


Play Station games

Here many people play X-box as well

Ice cream

Chopin today :)

For more infomation >> ポーランドのスーパーマーケットでお買い物 | Japonka w Polskim hipermarkecie - Duration: 10:52.


<松居一代>まさかの「英語版動画」を公開!外国人のツッコミがヤバっww - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> <松居一代>まさかの「英語版動画」を公開!外国人のツッコミがヤバっww - Duration: 2:43.


Yoga For Deep Sleep & Relaxation ♥ Best Way To Unwind | Siem Reap - Duration: 21:15.

Hey Guys welcome to beautiful Cambodia

We are here at this

Incredible Yoga retreat center called Blue Indigo right in the heart of Siem Reap and

Today, I've got a yoga for sleep for you. This is going to be a very gentle easy

Feel-good yoga class we're going to stay on the mat the entire time you're going to be needing a pillow for this class

So I hope this is a good indication for

What's to come this year the class is all about letting go of tension,

Stress or anything that bothers you out of your body and out of your mind

I want you to hold each posture as long as you can and

Really focus on that breath into your lungs and the exhale out as you breathe

I want you to send oxygen into every cell and every muscle of your body

so you can feel good you can rest and allow yourself to get a good night's sleep

So with that get yourself ready grab your pillow

grab your mat or get on your bed and

light some incense or sage if you have any this will allow you to really set a

Wonderful calm and peaceful mood for the class all right guys. Let's do it

All right guys before we get started today. Let's set the mood of your surrounding space

So either lighting some incense or sage perhaps or even lighting a candle or two?

Just take a moment here to prep yourself. Make sure you have your pillow ready

You're mat set up

Or your bed set up for this class

Again, and when you're ready, let's grab that pillow

And what we're going to do here start by sitting on top of it so come on over to the pillow sitting cross-legged

Just really finding that the center here

You're placing your hands on top of your knees. Let's close the eyes and just bring all of your awareness inward

inhaling into your nose

exhale out

And just bring that awareness into the present moment viewing yourselves within your body

Feeling the sensations of the inhale and to nose and the exhales softly through your mouth

and most another inhale this time reaching the arms up to the sky

I'm going to exhale one arm down the other hand over top of the ear

Pulling the opposite ear to your shoulder

Think about reaching away with that arm

And just nice deep stretch along the side of the neck here focusing on the breath

and exhale

And let's listen the other side both arms up

This time the other hand comes over the ear

Full of shame the Obsolete towards the shoulder

The other arm is reaching away from your body

So putting that little lengthening sensation to the entire side of your neck and into the shoulder

And keep your eyes closed if you like

think about continuing to reach away without our

Feel that lengthening sensation on the side of your neck

Wonderful, it's release

Inhale let's reach both arms up to the sky again this time taking a side stretch

Whichever side you'd like to start with first doesn't matter just continue to reach as far as you can to the side of your mat

Always remembering to keep both of your sit bones on the mat

Going a little bit deeper now into the side of your body stay with your breath


Now we're going to extend the leg that's farthest away from you

Out to the side and continue to reach the same side

So creating that even more lengthening stretch through the side of your body

Come back to center now this time staying in the same position

Bending one elbow the other arm is reaching towards the toes of that leg

Finding your breath staying in the present moment

And just allow yourself to to enjoy the stretch

Letting go of any tension on the opposite side of your body now

Awesome, let's come back to center

Good, we're going to come back. That's a seated position on both of your feet cross

Inhale reaching the arms up to the sky I'm going to exhale starting with your side stretch to the other side

And just hold here and breathe again be mindful of your sit bones and grounded

your shoulders and your hips are square and

Then from here extending that opposite leg

Keep the foot flexed and stay here going a little bit deeper into that stretch

Reaching those fingertips to the opposite side of your mat

Just breathing here

Allowing yourself to truly. Enjoy this posture

Good let's come back to Center

And that other arm is going to bed elbow comes down as close to the mat as possible the opposite arm is now reaching

Towards the toes

Lengthening the other side of your body once again

Continuing to bring oxygen into your muscles into your lungs filling your body with positive energy

okay, let's take one more breath and

Then exhale coming back to center now this time. We're going to extend the other leg so both legs are straight

You're going to take that pillow

I'm going to bring it over to the front of your mat or in front of you

Then you just going to fold it or keep it flat

Get into a comfortable straddle posture and come on down to your elbows

Or simply down to your pillow with your forehead

Allowing the pillow to be the perfect prop

To give you more relaxation in the body in the mind

Let go into the pillow

feeling a gentle stretch in the hips and the inner thighs and

If you can try to keep the feet flexed, but if you like to just release and relax the legs that's okay as well

Again, just focus on the breathing

With each exhale allowing yourself to relax and let go a little bit deeper into that pillow

Some know very slowly. We're going to come back up

I'm going to come out of the posture so go ahead and swing one leg over coming into a seated position on your mat

We're going to take that pillow an extra place it between the knees

So give it a good squeeze hands are going to come underneath the knees starting with a seated cat cow

Inhale arching the back looking up towards the ceiling

Hold that position and then exhale rounding the spine tucking the chin right down to the chest

Feeling a nice stretch in the shoulder blades

Again inhale look up slight arch in the spine

and then exhale

round in the back see if we can extend the elbows here to really feel that stretch and

again inhale and

exhale extend

Beautiful one more time inhale extend arch the back

and Exhale rounding the spine

And slowly from here letting go of the knees and slowly take the spine one vertebra down at a time

Coming into a nice resting position on your mat and just starting with a windshield wiper beneath

Very gentle movement of your knees to the right into the left

Letting go of any tension in the Lumbar spine here


very nice gentle Prep for spinal twist

All right now from here

Go ahead bring both arms out to the side

knees come up to tabletop position keep squeezing that pillow and

Taking a gentle spinal twist so both knees falling to your right side

Arms are out to the sides look over to your left shoulder

Closing your eyes and again just focusing on the breath

Surrendering to the mat underneath you

Plug all of your body weight to let go and release

Good let's come back to center and take it to the other side both knees falling to the left

And then you're looking over to your right shoulder

creating that gentle spinal twist

Really try your best to keep both of your shoulder blades on the mat

Go ahead and just breathe let go

Allow your mind to completely be in this present moment enjoying every single breath

coming back to center and this time we're going to grab the pillow bring the soles of your feet down on your mat and

Come into a bridge posture simply lifting the hips up into the air and as you're holding the bridge

Take your pillow underneath you

Go just hold I want you to squeeze your gluts

engage the muscles here a little bit a

very nice gentle extension of the spine

Now when we're ready to come down

We're going to slowly release starting from the mid-back and then through the Lumbar spine

Until you're fully on top of the pillow giving your knees a big hug and a gentle rock side to side

again a nice gentle massage for the back here

inhaling into your nose and exhale out

very gentle rocking

Flexing the feet and this time let's extend both legs up to the sky

Give those hamstring a very gentle stretch

Give them a little massage a little bit of love

And then slowly from here let's prepare for a happy baby posture

Opening the legs you can either grab from the outsides of your ankle if you're a little bit more in advanced

You can grab your big toes with two peace fingers

Or if you like to go a little bit easier, you can reach for your ankles

All were aiming for years to pull the knees as far down to the mat as possible

opening the hips a

wonderful move for your digestive system

Going to skate breathing here continuing to pull and use a little bit further down with each exhale

increasing the stretch of the hips

And then slowly come back up

Bending your knees giving yourself a big hug one more time

And then from your extending your right leg all the way down to the mat

Pulling the left knee into your chest

and all we're going to add here is a little flexion and point of that ankle so you're going to flex and

Then you want to point

Flex the left foot and then point

Flex and then point we're just massaging the joints there flex and point

Hold and then extend release give your body big stretch here inhale and then exhale

switching to the other side same thing grab your right knee pull it into your chest so you feel that left so as

Extending stretching up and then start by Flexing the foot and point

Flex and point

Flex and point and one more time

Awesome pull that knee in a little bit more

inhale and then exhale

Extending both legs out both arms reaching over your head and give yourself a hug one more time

pulling both knees into your chest

Focusing on the inhale into your nose and the soft gentle exhale through your mouth

Letting go of any negative energy stress or worry that you may have encountered through your day

This is your time right now just to let go and release

And be completely present with yourself in this very moment

okay, let's give it one more deep breath in and

then releasing down

Now what we're going to do. Here is actually lift the hips and just push a pillow away from you

So you can bring it right under the knees?

We're moving into our

Shavasana and by placing the pillow under the knees will actually give you a little bit of relief and support for the Lumbar spine

So once you're in your shavasana, just let go

Allowing the palms of your hands to point upward

Your feet gently releasing Outward

Your shoulders are letting go into the bath letting go of any tension or stress

With each exhale start to feel your body become heavier and heavier

Signalling your mind that it's time to rest

Letting go of any tension in your face relax your forehead your eyes

feeling a gentle heartbeat

relaxing your glutes and your thighs

Your calves and your ankles

Your arms and your fingers are heavy and relaxed

Just enjoy this moment a true moment of relaxation

Staying here with your breath and letting go of your body

Remember to be the watch of your thoughts here

Don't allow your mind to take you away from this moment of peace and relaxation

This is your time right now to let go

to release

Be completely at peace with where you are and how you came to be here today

simply focusing on the enhance and the gentle exhale

feeling your chest gently rise

then gently fall

feeling your belly rise and gently fall

And as slowly we're going to start to bring awareness the fingers the toes just

adding some gentle movement here

Maybe deepening your breath a little bit

and then once you're ready, just give that pitt a little little push to the side or to the front and

Then hug your knees into the chest

Your right arm is going to reach up your head and you're going to come to a field position here on the side

breathing and resting

Now if you like to stay here, please do and continue to roulette go into a restful sleep


Feel free to come up to your C2 position to finish off the class together

Sitting up nice and tall let's just take a moment keeping your eyes closed focusing on the breath

inhale reaching the arms up to the sky

And then exhale bring the hands down to your heart releasing a lot positive energy over your body

Namaste thank

You guys so much for being here with me today, and I wish you a very restful sleep

Or a wonderful peaceful day

Lots of love I can't wait to see you again

Thank you so much for watching if you like this video feel free to subscribe to our channel to see more videos like this

And of course follow us on social media like Instagram Facebook and Twitter lots of love see you soon

For more infomation >> Yoga For Deep Sleep & Relaxation ♥ Best Way To Unwind | Siem Reap - Duration: 21:15.


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have your back to the wall (Idioms)

(informal) to be in a difficult situation in which you are forced to do something but are unable to make the choices that you would like

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