Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017

It's a quiet afternoon.

Rohui is pulling a chair taller than herself.

(Is it a sink expedition?)



What is she trying to do?

(What is she doing?)

(She's pressing on the dish soap.)


(I'm praying.)

Is she trying to clean the sink?

(Or maybe she's taking a bath?)

Are you taking a bath, Rohui?

Rohui is quite a troublemaker.

(Let's rinse it now.)

(It's a bath in the sink.)

(Don't waste water.)

(Should I start doing the dishes?)

Is it a bowl this time? No way.

Rohui seems quite skillful.


(She's trying so hard with her short arms.)

(There's no end to housework.)

(She has a habit of saving water.)

Rohui, what are you doing?

I'm doing the dishes.

(Rohui does housework in secret.)

No, I'll do it. Get down.

(This three-year-old wants to do housework.)

That's cold. You surprised me.

Don't splash on me.

Come on.

All right, you can play. I'll do the dishes.

I want to help you.

Since you're helping me,

it's become so much easier.

Okay. Thank you.

- What is this? / - A present.

A present. A present.

- Come here, Rohui. / - A present.

(They're trying to recycle.)

- What is this? / - Rohui.

Look. Look at this.

- Look. / - Rohui, come here.

We have to recycle first.

Let's recycle first. They're throwing this out.

Dad, how do I use this?

No, it's been thrown out.


- Do you like it? / - Yes.

Okay. You can ride it while I recycle.

Okay, go.

(Here comes a baby car)


(She's having a fun time driving.)

I'm done.

Moi, you can ride it now.

(She enjoys the ride with Moi.)

Papers go in here.

Moi is done.

Now Moi and Rohui

will ride together.

- Let's ride. / - Do you like cars?

(Starting to move)

Why did this fall out?

- Dad, why did it fall out? / - Hey.

What happened?

Put it back on.

Wait. Hold on.

I think this is why they threw it out.

Are you going to take this?

- I'm going to take it. / - You are?

(I must keep my word.)


I'll change it into a working car again.

(I'll fix anything for my daughter.)

(I'm KiGyver.)

It came out again.



You just have to hit it when it doesn't work.

Now let's plan it out. What should we do?

Let's paint the car first.

I'll make it shine.

Do it for me.

(He wraps the car with foil.)

(He covers every corner.)

You might get hurt, so I'll push it down well.

(It's now a shiny car thanks to Taeyoung.)

I'm making it.

Rohui, I'm going to go see

if there's anything we can use from the recycling.

Watch this, okay?

These can still be used. Why did they throw it out?

Should they become windows?

It can be used to make shape.

I'll take it all. I might need it.

While her dad rummages through garbage,

Rohui is going through the fridge.

I have a bad feeling about this.

(What did she take out?)

She found chocolate.

(I'm low on sugar.)

(She's struggling.)

(She succeeds in opening it.)

(She doesn't eat it right away.)


(She's getting her stool.)

(I'm so busy.)

(She manages to do slapstick.)

(What does she want?)

(Oh, a spoon.)

(Yes, this is it.)

(I won't let any go to waste.)

She loves chocolate so much.

(She's sitting down.)


She's following the "YOLO" trend.



(She's caught red-handed.)

What are you doing?

Rohui, why did you eat that without asking?

Hey, where did you get this?

The fridge.

The fridge? I know that already.

That's enough. No.

(That was delicious.)

(Taeyoung is finally starting to rebuild it.)

Rohui, what do you think about the car?

It's pretty.

Do you want me to add anything?

Make a seat for Moi.

For Rohui,

I'll make a seat for your friend, Moi.

It's almost done.

Put this on.

Let's customize it for you.


All done! It's done.

It's a super cool car made by Taeyoung.

(It breaks all formality.)

(Moi is stronger than any airbag.)

The car is so full of fine details,

it's hard to believe he made it using recycled goods.

It's seriously amazing.

Let's go.

(She's driving dynamically.)

(It rides smoothly.)

Rohui looks like a wealthy lady.

Shall we go on a trip with Driver Ki?

Let's go.

Let's go.

Rohui, is it fun?

(She's singing.)

- Hello, Rohui. / - Hello.



(Attention grabber)

- Did you make this? / - Yes, I made it.

Isn't it cool?

It doesn't move on its own. I have to push it.

It's really nice.

(She gets on to show them.)

- Bye. / - Bye.

Bye. Thank you.

Please move out of the way.

- Say hello. / - Hello.



It's Rohui's first car.

(She turns the handle.)

- Is it fun? / - Yes.

Rohui, you could get sleepy when it's sunny like this.

You should never drive when you're sleepy.

- Okay? / - Okay.

If you fall asleep while driving...

(He's nagging.)

(You must look both ways before crossing.)

Okay. Honk, honk.

Hey, it's a corn dog place.

- May we park here? / - Yes, you may.

Stretch. Stretch like this.


Our corn dogs are here.

Here, have it.

It's delicious.

(She's trying it for the first time.)

You're going to ask me for another bite.

(She eats it from the stick.)

Think of it as ribs and bite it off.

(Consider it ribs.)

(She's eating well.)

I really like ketchup.

It's so good.

Try some. Eat it.


You'll look for ketchup all the time now.

(That's correct.)

Is it good? Isn't it good?

- Here. / - Give me more.

I knew you'd like it.

(Why am I only trying this now?)

(She's trying to have just the ketchup.)

(She looks like Joker with ketchup.)


(They're at a nearby park.)


Where is Seojun?


Where's Seojun?

(I found you!)

Look here!

- Hello? / - Hello.

Is this Hwijae?

Yes. Who is this?

Hello, it's Ki Taeyoung.

Hello, Taeyoung. What is going on?

Rohui just got her first car.

She wants to show it to the twins. Are they home?

No, they're out at a nearby park.

We'll go find them.

- Don't let them steal it. / - Okay.

(Seojun is already eyeing Rohui's car.)


Shall we ride it?

I better show you.

This is how you ride it.

This is how you ride.

(Seojun gets on first.)

I'm in the car!

(What are you doing? Ride the car.)

(Is he driving with one leg?)


- Come here. / - What is it?

Please make it go faster.

Let's show everyone how fast it is.

Lift your legs, lift them.

(Taeyoung booster is on.)


- Isn't it fast? / - Yes.

Dad, you eat the small one.

Don't eat the big one. Eat a small one.

(Why is she saying this?)

(Do you want a bite?)

(This tragedy happened while sharing.)

You might drop it.

(It's a tearful sausage.)

Eat it.

(It's a tearful sausage.)

What's wrong?

Don't eat the big one. Eat a small one.

(She's developed a habit ever since.)

(Seojun has settled in Rohui's car.)


Rohui, can we give the car to the twins?

- No. / - No?

Please make two more.

I'll try and make you one.

- Are you making it? / - Yes.

You should watch what you promise.

(It's an empty promise.)

Don't run away. Come here.

For more infomation >> Speedy Rohui, "I have a new car~" [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.23] - Duration: 12:14.


Rowoon goes shopping with his dad! [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.23] - Duration: 10:54.

♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me up ♪

(What will Rowoon choose?)

(Her father's anchovies suddenly enter.)

(Is that what I think it is?)

(She goes for them without hesitation.)

Hold on.

She picked the anchovies.

(He is dying of happiness.)

Hey, that ruins everything instantly.

(Dad's anchovies are the best.)

(She kisses him on the cheek.)

(She gives Moonvok a kiss as well.)

- That's the best! / - That's the best!

Say, "Thank you for the meal."

She's giving you another kiss.


One more time?

- Thrice. / - Three times.

(Rowoon is full of affection.)

All that work was worth it.

- One more. / - Why?

Sure, I care a lot for Moonvok, but this is odd.

Rowoon, you really like Moonvok.

Wait. Hold on. You can't.

(She has both of them in the palm of her hands.)

Oh, this feels great.

- Hello. / - Hi.

- Say, "Hello." / - Hi.


Have a great day.

Let's go.

Why did you pack so much?

- That's pretty normal. / - Really?

Try raising a kid.

Oh, no. Raindrops are falling.

(It begins to rain as soon as they're out.)

- Really? / - It's raining.

Rowoon can't get wet. Is this a shower?

What should we do?

Hold on.

Gosh. Hold up.

No, Rowoon.

First thing's first. Let's avoid it.

Are you okay? Were you startled?

What's going on?

- Look at the rain. / - The drops grew larger.

I'll go bring an umbrella.

- Watch Rowoon. / - Okay.

(While Moonvok looks after Rowoon,)

(her dad runs into the rain for an umbrella.)

(Now they spend some time alone.)

(However, Rowoon looks very sleepy.)

She must be sleepy.

What should I do?

♪ Rock-a-bye baby ♪

(Rock-a-bye baby)

(She falls into)

(the world's sweetest place.)

(Along with the pitter-patter of the rain,)

(she falls asleep.)

(The master of lullabies)


(He checks to see if she's breathing well.)

She sleeps so peacefully.

(He quietly zooms in on Princess Rowoon.)

(He keeps this moment in his heart.)

(Meanwhile, Outsider returns.)

(Now that they have an umbrella, they depart.)

Let's go.

Let's go.

(30 minutes have passed, but they're still home.)

Don't we need an umbrella?

(During that time, the rain has stopped.)

It's not raining anymore.

- We don't need it. / - I know.

We can get there safely.

(The trio's trip is hard from the start.)

(They arrive at a bus station.)

(Rowoon is fast asleep.)

This needs to be folded.

It's coming.

(The bus arrives.)

(But they have too much to carry.)


- Hello. / - Hi.

(The bus pass is always hard to find when in a rush.)

I have to check in.

She is about 15 months old.

(Why would they take a bus?)

I don't have a driver's license.

(He is 35-year-old.)

Moonvok doesn't have one as well.

(Isn't that too much to carry without a car?)

Is that a lot to carry?

I feel anxious.

The possibility of not being able to

care for her properly is terrifying.

I packed a lot in preparation.

Honestly, it's a lot less than before.

(Still, it's the size of half a person.)

(What has captured Outsider's attention?)

The basic bus fare is 1.40 dollar.

With card, it's 1.25 dollar.

90 cents for youth and 81 cents with a card.

70 cents for children and 63 cents with a card.

Just read everything you see around you.

(Rapping away)

(His tongue rattles away nonstop.)

(He turns the subway map into rap lyrics.)

(Mullae, Sindorim, Daerim, Guro Stations)



Your skills are still alive.

(Feeling complacent)

Excuse me? Are you Jang Moonvok?

Yes, I am.

Hello there.

- Have you seen Lai Kuan Lin? / - Lai Kuan Lin?

How is he?

(Yes, I've seen him.)

How is he? Is he handsome?

Yes, Lai Kuan Lin is very good-looking.

Isn't Moonvok handsome, too?

Yes, he is.

How about me?

- Who are you? / - Gosh.

(Have you ever heard of "Alone"?)

Please tell Kuan Lin that I'm his fan.

Okay. See you.

(See you, female fan, who exposed reality.)

(Bummed out)

How did I become like this?


Gosh. It's Rowoon.

- She's awake. / - Did you sleep well?

Rowoon woke up well. She didn't even cry.

Did you sleep well?

Did you?

Come to think of it, Rowoon is usually expressionless.

(Even when she's feeding)

(Even when Moonvok makes a move)

She stays composed even when he's fooling around.

No other baby is calmer than her.

- It's time to get off. / - Let's go.

All right. We're here.

(Just travelling about is draining.)

Do you want a hug?

Dad will hold you.


(Rowoon suddenly cries.)

Something smells funky.

Rowoon has peed.

Oh, no. Rowoon has peed.

Please change her diaper.

Hold on.

- Change her diaper. / - Wait.

What in the world is this?

- It's what she likes. / - What is it?

Rowoon, it's yours. Hold on to it.

See? Look how happy she is.

- Hey. / - She loves it.

And a doll.

(These all seem unnecessary to Moonvok.)

- Why is this here? / - Hey.

It's all necessary. Rowoon...

Hold on. I don't see any diapers.

- I packed it. / - It's not here.

Look at it. Wait.

It should be here at least.

(The diaper bag served no purpose.)

- Wait, Rowoon. / - It should be here.

- Is it really not there? / - It's not.

I looked through the whole bag.

Since it's urgent, I'll just go get some.

I'll be back. I'll go buy it.

(Sorry, Moonvok.)

(It's an emergency.)

Rowoon, just wait a bit.



Mission, find Rowoon's diapers.

Will Moonvok be able to overcome the emergency?


Do you carry diapers by any chance?

- We don't have them. / - You don't?

(He doesn't know since he's never bought any.)

They said they don't carry any.

(He runs whether the camera follows or not.)


(Just run.)

It's a market. Yes, that's good.

(He hurries inside.)

There they are.

(He discovers them.)

Hold on.

Hold on. For girls...

(For now, he grabs some for baby girls.)

10.4kg? This should work.

(He thoroughly checks the size.)

- Does it absorb well? / - Yes, it does.

- Really? / - Aren't you Moonvok?

Yes, I am.

Thank you. Have a good business. Please support me.

Have a good day.

(Diaper purchase complete)

This seems like acid rain. My hair can't get ruined.

Want to sit, Rowoon?

(How is she doing?)

(She's sitting in her chair and enjoying a snack.)

(When will Moonvok arrive?)

(At least all the items are being used.)

Let's eat anchovies while you wait.

I'll change your diaper soon, okay?

(If there are anchovies, anything is endurable.)

- The restroom is just there. / - Moonvok?

(He returns safely with his hair flying.)

Good work.

- Did you get them? / - Yes.

I'm so sorry, but can you watch our stuff?

We need to go wash the baby. Thank you.

Go to the men's.

(With no other choice, they enter the men's room.)

No one is inside.

Let's wash a little, okay?


Just a little now. We're done.

Just do your stuff. I'm going to take her

and buy her some clothes. I'll stop by after.

- Get your haircut. / - Okay.

Bye. Let's go inside.


Rowoon, there's a lot of pretty stuff here.

- She's a girl. / - I see.

She seems like a boy without long hair.

Rowoon, let's see how you look.

How is it?

You don't like it. She's not pleased.

Okay. She likes this one.

(This 15-month-old princess has firm tastes.)

- You like it? / - Do you like it?


You're pretty.

Rowoon, you're pretty. She's definitely a girl.

Meanwhile, Moonvok is getting his hair done.

(Chopping away)

What is happening here?

(The cutting is extreme.)

(This is how Moonvok was before.)

(What has happened to Moonvok?)

For more infomation >> Rowoon goes shopping with his dad! [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.23] - Duration: 10:54.


Worst Things About Being Scottish - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Worst Things About Being Scottish - Duration: 0:56.


DIY How to make dreamcatcher out of doily (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #379 - Duration: 2:15.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make dreamcatcher.

I made it by request from my viewers.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Make a circle out of steel wire.

Match it to a size of doily.

Move the wire through the holes in doily.

Next, bind the ends of wire by using transparent tape.

Cut of an excess of doily and burn its edges.

Cut a piece of ribbon. Around 30cm x 0.6cm.

Burn its ends.

Tie it to the bottom of circle.

Add another 3 pieces of ribbon.

Now, tie the feathers to the ribbons by using thread.

Finally, tie a piece of ribbon to the top of circle.

And it's done.

Dreamcatcher is a great bedroom decoration.

I made it out of white doily but you can use colored one.

You can also use multiple colors of feathers instead of single color.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make dreamcatcher out of doily (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #379 - Duration: 2:15.


#НевТелике Фестиваль «Нашествие». Главное приключение года. Тверь 2017 - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> #НевТелике Фестиваль «Нашествие». Главное приключение года. Тверь 2017 - Duration: 8:13.


Seol-Sua are gone! Daebak bursts into tears! [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.23] - Duration: 14:47.

Sian, come here.

Sian, hold this.

Today, you will... Look.


Look at Sian's hair.

We should call him Daesoon.

Who does he look like?

(Lookalikes No. 1, Sua and Daesoon)

(Lookalikes No. 2, Seola and Daesoon)

(A wig made them triplets.)

- I don't want to wear it. / - What?

(It's not Sian's style.)

(No way, Donggook...)

Who do I look like?

You look like Seola.


(They look the same.)

(They are a family.)

Who do I look like? Seola or Sua?

You look like that character.



(There he goes again.)

You just talked down to Sua.

Sister Sua.

That's right. You should be polite

to older people, okay?

- Yes. / - Okay.

Put it on Sian. Let me get some coffee.

(It's necessary to teach proper manners.)

(What are they doing?)

- We're making a bridge. / - Go ahead and do that.

Make a bridge and use it.

Make sure it reaches the sofa.

Start from here.

Start from here.


Knock on the stone bridge before you cross it.

(He remembers his dad's words.)

If you knock too hard, your hands will hurt.

(He advances diligently.)

He remembers what I said.

Dad, you brought shark teeth.

That's right. I brought shark teeth.

Do you remember it? So you remember it.

Who cried when that happened?


Sian, come here.

Come here.

You should have called me "Sister Seola".

Why do you keep omitting the honorific?

No, this girl...

(You can't say that to your older sister.)

(Strict discipline didn't work.)


Minha is older than you.

(His habit of talking down to his sisters)

(has led to fights.)

- Sian, listen. / - Yes?

Sian, sit down.

Stay there.


(What is Dad doing?)

- Sian. / - Yes?

When you call them, you should use the honorific.


- You are the younger one. / - Yes.

Look. Here is a doll.

Here is a doll.

Whenever you don't use honorifics,

this doll will grow larger. Check how big it is.

Compare it to your hand.

(He can put it in his palm.)

That's how big it is, right?

- It's small. / - It's small, right?

That's how big it is right now.


Okay? Leave it there.

Okay? Let's go.

I will call them "Sister".

Make sure you do that.

Let's leave the doll here and see what happens.

Sian has been omitting the honorific.

Seola and Sua have tried talking to him.

Sian is already at the age to know these things.

An acquaintance of mine gave me nesting dolls.

I decided to use it to teach a lesson.

That's why I prepared it.

(The scary special,)

("Call Me Sister")

Hurry up.

(His eyes are on Sua's apple.)


Sua, give me a bite.

(He talked down to Sua.)

- What did you say? / - He talked down to her.

Sian, did you call her casually?

(Shaking his head)

Eat this.

(He hands Sian a piece of apple.)

(He goes to the room.)

(Sian is busy eating his apple.)

(Donggook returns.)

(Sian is cheerful.)

You called your sister without the honorific.

(He remembered Donggook's words.)

Did the doll grow in size?


What is this?

What is this?

Sua... Sister Sua.

Wait a minute, Sian.

I want to take a look.

(I'm sure it was smaller.)

(The doll had fit in his palm.)

Call me "Sister Seola".

How big was the doll when you first saw it?

- It grew bigger. / - It grew, right?

It was this big at first. How big is it now?

- It grew bigger. / - Right? Let's leave it here.

We should leave it here.

We should leave it alone.

(Sian saw the first change.)

The doll grows bigger when Sian omits the honorific.


(Eating jelly)

Where did you get it?

Dad gave it to me.

- Sian. / - I want what Sua has.

(He talked down to Sua.)

You talked down to Sua. You left out the honorific.

- "I want what Sua has." / - He called me casually.

He did, right? Who heard him say it?

Who heard him call Sua casually?

I called her casually.

Did you call her without the honorific?


(Sian goes to check on the doll.)


(He measures the size from afar.)

(My goodness.)

(I think it grew bigger.)

(He goes closer to check.)


(How can this be?)

It grew bigger.

Dad, come here.

It grew bigger.

Look over there. Hurry.

It grew bigger.

Look over there. Hurry.

You are making a fuss.

It grew bigger.

You are making a fuss.

Look, it grew bigger.

You are right.

- It moved. / - Did it move?

(How fascinating!)

It grew bigger.

Calling Sua without the honorific made it grow bigger.

It's fascinating, right?

- Dad. / - What?

I want to go to the playground.

Sian, who do you want to go there with?

Seola and Sua.

(He makes two mistakes.)

Dad, I bet the doll grew again.

I know. Why did you omit the honorific?

You need to use the honorific.

Sister Sua.

You talked down to her.

(Did it grow bigger again?)

It grew bigger.

It grew bigger, Dad.

Dad, it grew bigger!

Dad, it grew bigger!

Dad, it grew bigger!

(Now is the time.)

Let's see how it compares to Sian.

Stand up. Sian, stand up.

It comes up to here.

How big was it at first?

- It was small. / - Then what happened?

It grew a bit bigger.

When it grows as big as you,

it will take away your sisters.

(He gives Sian the final warning.)

Was it a ghost?

It will turn into a ghost and take away the girls.

That's scary.

Is it scary?

You said it's not a ghost.

You shouldn't leave me behind.

(Walking backwards)

You know what you should do.

You should use the proper honorific.


If you call your sisters without the honorific,

- this doll will grow bigger, okay? / - Okay.

Is it growing bigger little by little?

Yes, it is.

Here is cold water.

(Meanwhile, Sian)

(stares at his sisters.)

It will take away your sisters.

Donggook's words left Sian in deep thoughts.

(He stands up and walks into the room.)

He heads towards the room with the doll.

Even though he is scared, he approaches the doll.

I will call them with the honorific.

Don't take away my sisters.

I will use the honorific.

Don't take away my sisters.


(Sian prays with desperation.)

Don't grow bigger.


It froze.

(He loves his sisters.)

(Don't disappear.)

Sister Sua.

(He calls for his sister loudly.)


Sister Sua.

- What is it? / - Sisters.

Sister Seola.

Sian is a good boy.

It opened.

- I opened it. / - I said, "Open sesame."

The weather is nice.


Why are there so many spiders?

It's a playground with swings.

It's a playground with swings.

(Sian goes straight to the slide.)

It's hot.

It's hot.

(Meanwhile, Seola enjoys the swing.)

The weather is pretty nice.

Sua, let's go down together.

(He makes a mistake in his excitement.)

- He called me casually. / - Again?

Sian, the doll must have grown bigger.

No, no.

(This time, he stares at)

(his sisters on the swings.)

Seola, let's ride together.

(He makes another mistake.)

- He called me casually. / - He did it again.

The doll at home is getting bigger.


It will take away your sisters.

(Was it too much?)

Sian, hold tight.

(He puts Sian on a swing because he feels bad.)


Sian, look in front of you.

Look in front of you, Sian.

Sian, why are you so serious?

(Every time he came to a playground,)

(Sian would be busy playing with his sisters.)

Look in front of you. Look in front of you.

Dad, leave Sian alone. Push my swing.


(You don't know how I feel.)

Where is Sua?

Sister Seola didn't use the honorific.

- I don't have to use it. / - They are the same age.

You need to use it since you are younger.

Sian, are you worrying about the doll?

- Yes. / - You are worried.

How would you feel if your sisters disappear?

- It wouldn't be fun. / - It wouldn't be fun?

- Sian is serious. / - I want to get off.

You want to get off?

Sian is worried

he'd find the doll has grown bigger.

Let's go in. Take off your shoes.

We are back.

Take off your shoes. Good job.

(He runs to the doll.)

(He is scared.)

It grew bigger. It grew bigger.

My goodness, it grew a lot bigger.

Donggook is mischievous.

You didn't use "Sister" three times.

It took away your sisters.

(Seola and Sua are missing.)

The doll took away Seola and Sua.

Please give them back.

Please give them back.

Please give them back.

Please give them back.

I think I hear them inside the doll.

Let's hide so that Sian doesn't find us.

Seola and Sua are gone.

It's just you now. Your sisters are gone.

- What will you do? / - Sisters.

I miss my sisters.

Seola and Sua are gone forever.


- Forever? / - Forever.

I miss my sisters.


(Sua said they would be together.)

(Seola showered him with love.)

(The three siblings were happy together.)

Please give them back.

(His eyes are about to shed tears.)

(His desperate prayer makes Seola run out.)

She is back.

She is back.

She is back.


She's back. Give her a hug.

Give her a hug, Sian.

(He sheds tears of relief.)

It's okay.

I wanted to surprise you.

(Thank goodness.)

It's okay.

Sian, were you surprised?

The doll grew bigger and you disappeared.

I wasn't gone.

I was over here.

You were over there?

We were hiding.

You were scared to find them gone, right?


Do you promise to use the honorific properly?

Sister Sua. Sister Seola.

For more infomation >> Seol-Sua are gone! Daebak bursts into tears! [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.23] - Duration: 14:47.


ちょっと怖い心理テストやってみたら、予想外な事が起きた…【KituneGames】 - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> ちょっと怖い心理テストやってみたら、予想外な事が起きた…【KituneGames】 - Duration: 4:11.


Seol-Sua's birthday surprise! Their dad made them a ring ♥ [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.23] - Duration: 10:42.

(Sian disappears into the field of roses.)

Are you done hiding?

No, I'm not. I'm not done.

Where is Sian? Shall I look for him?

(Is Dad looking for me?)


Hide well.

Hide well. Where is Sian?

(He spots Sian.)

I don't see him because of the flowers.

Hide well. Where is Sian?

(He walks further away.)

(This isn't what I expected.)

- Hide well. / - Here, here.

I don't see Sian. Where is he?

Here, here, here.

Here, here, here.

- Where is Sian? Hide. / - Here, here.

Where is Sian?


Hide well.

I don't see him because of the flowers.

Dad is mean.

I pulled a prank even though I found you,


Let's take a picture in front of the flowers.

In one, two, three.

(Smiling suddenly)

You and the flowers look the same.

Today is the birthday of Seola and Sua.

(Is today Seola and Sua's birthday?)

They will be here soon.

Let's get ready, okay?

Let's give them a surprise.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

I saw a movie

where there's a task force that helps people

with their relationships.

So Sian and I decided to do the same

and make an event.

Presents are a must for an event.

What do my sisters like?

They like stickers.

(He gets the stickers Sua likes.)

What is this?

This pink one is for Seola.

(He gets a present that suits Seola's taste.)

What is this?

I want it.

(Stickers with robots)

Don't get what you want.

Get something Seola and Sua would want, okay?

Dad told me to buy many things.

(When did I say that?)

This is for me.

Shall I go this way?

What do you think Sua will like?

What does Sua like?

(I know my sisters' tastes.)

This one.

(A food tray?)


(Let me tell you about Sua.)

(She is the master of eating.)

(Sua will like a food tray.)

What about Seola?


This one is for Seola.


That's right.


Put that back.


Why did you pick this?

- It's for bath. / - Is it for bath time?

Will you play with it during bath time?

This isn't what your sisters like.

It has robots.

Robots are our friends.

Whose is this?


Robots are for me.

We aren't getting yours today.

It's not your birthday today.

(Let me get one.)

We only need presents for Seola and Sua.

You got this one, too.

You picked everything your sisters like.

Here comes a bicycle.

Ring, ring, ring!

Sian, where are you going?

I'm going to get Seola and Sua.

It's their birthday today.


Have a nice birthday party.



(Happy and excited)

Where are you going?

It's Seola and Sua's birthday today.

Is it Seola and Sua's birthday today?

- Wish them a happy birthday for me. / - Okay.

Where did I hide them?

They were over there.

(Did he hide the presents?)

Are there presents?

Are there presents?

Yes, there are presents.

I will give them to Seola and Sua.

They are here.

(Sian hid the presents in different locations.)

They are here.

I will give them to Seola and Sua.

Where are the ducks?

They are here.

Instead of simply giving the presents,

we will surprise them. It will be a surprise.

Where did you hide the presents?

- Over there. / - Where else?

The ducks are over there.

The ducks are there. Where else?


(Presents No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3)

(Sian anxiously waits for his sisters.)

Sian said he will be here,

but I don't see him.

Look, there is Sian.

Come here.

Seola, it must be Sian's birthday.

It must be Sian's birthday.

(The sisters don't know it's their own birthday.)

(Happy birthday, dear Sian)

(Happy birthday to you)

(They should be here at any moment.)

Come here. Let's go.

Sian. Sian.

(Sian spotted his sisters.)

Seola and Sua, come here.

(He can't contain his happiness.)

(His voice goes up eight octaves in happiness.)


(Sian is excited about the event.)

You were surprised, right?

What is it?

Here are the ducks.

(He reveals the location of the presents.)

Okay. What are these for?

These are presents.

Why are you giving us presents?

Follow me.

Sian, where is Dad?

Sian told us to follow him.

Find your presents here.

Are there more?

I will look for them.

There they are. There they are.


- Here. / - There they are.

Who are these from?

Did we search this place?

I don't think we did.

We searched that place earlier.

You are right.

Let's go somewhere else.

Where are they?

(He forgot the location.)

Where are they?

Here they are.

Sian, I found them.

(That's right.)

There are presents.

These are presents.

Where did you get us food trays?

I got them so that you can eat well.

Did you get them so that we can eat a lot?


- Sian. / - Sian, thank you.

Sian, thank you.

What is this?

Let's go and see.

What is this?

What is this?

These are flowers.

Shall we go inside?

(My goodness.)

Sian, is this from you?

(I can't tell you.)

Sian, thank you. Thank you so much.


(It's Dad.)

(Happy birthday to you)

(It's a chicken cake for Seola and Sua.)

(Happy birthday to you)

It's chicken.

- Drumstick. / - Drumstick is the tastiest.

There is so much food.

(Dad, this is the right timing.)

(It's about time they notice it.)

My goodness.

It's a plastic bag.

There are rings inside.

Why were there rings inside the chicken?

I made them.

They are for my daughters.

I want to engrave the letter "I" and a heart

to write "I love you".

(The letters are engraved)

(and the metal is rounded.)

I have a license in welding.

You're putting your skills to use today.

I own the national license in welding.

Why did a soccer player get that license?

It was my second-preferred occupation.

That's incredible.

- This is bringing back memories. / - Really?

Thank you. My girls will like them.

There are rings inside.

- Rings? / - I made them.

Will you put it on that finger?

It fits perfectly.

Me, too.

(Seola puts on the ring, too.)

- Thank you, Dad. / - Give me a kiss.

Give me a kiss.

What about you, Sua?

(So this is why people organize events.)

We'll do a video call with Mom.

- Hello? / - Mom.

Hi. We're here like this.

Wow, it's fantastic.

Mom, look at this.

(They show off their rings.)

Show her your rings.

That's so pretty.

Dad made it.

The ring came out of the chicken's stomach.

You guys are luckier than I am.

I never got a ring.

What are you saying? I got you a flower ring.



Thank you for giving birth to me.

Thank you for giving birth to me.

Bye, bye.

He put the ring in the chicken's bum.

- He gave us balloons, too. / - Thank you, Dad.

Thank you, Dad.

For more infomation >> Seol-Sua's birthday surprise! Their dad made them a ring ♥ [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.23] - Duration: 10:42.



For more infomation >> YDALI v ČESKÉ RESTAURACI v LOS ANGELES! - Duration: 25:06.



For more infomation >> TYPOWA DWUZNACZNOŚĆ SŁÓW - Duration: 5:10.


Little Big City Berlin: die interaktive Miniatur-Stadt | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Little Big City Berlin: die interaktive Miniatur-Stadt | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 6:34.


【英雄日常EP8】第一次看日本職棒 萬人震撼場面! - Duration: 11:26.

For more infomation >> 【英雄日常EP8】第一次看日本職棒 萬人震撼場面! - Duration: 11:26.


Fake-News als Wikinger-Trick? - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Fake-News als Wikinger-Trick? - Duration: 4:40.


THOR RAGNAROK Trailer 2 (2017) 4K Ultra HD | Chris Hemsworth, Cate Blanchett, Tom Hiddleston - Duration: 4:38.

So much has happened since I last saw you.

I lost my hammer, like, yesterday. So, that's still pretty fresh.

And then I went on a journey of self-discovery,

where I met you.

Where are we?

You have no idea.

Hela, the goddess of death, has invaded Asgard.

Oh, I've missed this!

And you and I had a fight recently.

Did I win?

No. I won, easily.

Doesn't sound right.

Well, it's true.

Asgard is dead.

But it'll be reborn in my image.

I thought you'd be glad to see me.

We need to stop her here and now, to prevent Ragnarok, the end of everything.

So I'm putting together a team.

Like the old days.

Surprise... This'll be such fun.



He's a fighter.

Here we go!

I'm not a queen or a monster.

I'm the goddess of death.

What were you the god of, again?

We're the same, you and I, just a couple of hot-headed fools.

Yes, same. Hulk like fire, Thor like water.

Kind of both like fire.

But Hulk like raging fire.

Thor like smoldering fire.

Oh, I know what you're thinking.

How did this happen?

Well, it's a long story.

Asgard is dead.

Hi there.

What have you brought today? Tell me.

A contender.

It's main event time!

And now...

...I give you...

...your incredible...!


We know each other! He's a friend from work!

Oh, come on.

For more infomation >> THOR RAGNAROK Trailer 2 (2017) 4K Ultra HD | Chris Hemsworth, Cate Blanchett, Tom Hiddleston - Duration: 4:38.


Profit While Getting Combined 260k Craft/Magic xp/hr (Fluid Animation) - Duration: 7:53.




alright guys so about 20 minutes ago I found out something that is pretty

amazing so amazing that this video is literally a guide and you guys know me I

never ever do guide so if I'm making a guide right now you know this is huge

also I found out about this like I was kind of experimenting with things and it

actually worked right and what this is is the equivalency of stun alkane using

normal spell book but instead we are using Lunars to do this we're not done

talking but it's almost the same and you will know what I'm talking about in just

a second however there's a catch because when you stun how could you lose you

know a lot of money with what I'm doing with the lunar dinghy the lunar spell

book we are making money in fact we are making over 300 K and our GP wise not

only this we are gaining a hunt up to a hundred and 80 K magic XP and our

alongside of ATK crafting XP an hour so we do all the math we're making 300 k GP

we're getting 100 K magic XP and 80 K crafting XP an hour so that's like

almost a total of 260 K total XP per hour as long as making money which is

awesome right now before we get into all of that be sure to comment down below

your opinions about this video because if I pick your comment you have a chance

of winning a twisted boat also be sure to Joe my disco link to that will be

down below now how exactly this all came into play is that if you guys actually

pay attention to my hardcore I'm and videos

you guys know that I have a hundred thousand flax to spin with the lunar

spell of spin flax I believe that's what it's called it

isn't too bad but while doing this all day I was thinking to myself like bro

what if there is a never Lunas spell in which I can use while doing this and if

this spell cancels always fluid with the animation of the flax pinning spell why

don't I do both now if any of you understand how stun al can

I want to call it fluid animation because when you're asking and then when

you hit stun your character is getting both XP in the same thing which is why

it's so much XP per hour a few minutes ago I decided to do some experimenting

and I am doing the same thing but with learner's now with this method it

requires a lot more clicking it is harder however we are making money when

you start out it's kind of easy but you lose a bunch of money right but with

this method it requires more clicking it's way more intensive but you are

making money which is kind of cool now let's go through the steps actually how

to do this so you're going to want to get a dust staff that's what I have

you're going to want to open the bank right and there's three items you need

nature runes astral runes and money now it is everything needs to be followed in

order for this to work you got to pay a lot of attention all right so you're

gonna withdraw money from your bank withdraw the runes and you're going to

want to release them from your bank and as you guys know when you release an

item from the bank if you simply deposit it it goes straight to the bank however

there's no placeholder for it this is important so withdraw it from your bank

release it and then you're going to want to go to this option which I'm showing

on the screen and fill your bank so when you try to deposit these items it will

not be able to go to the bank because your bank is full next what you're going

to want to do is place your ma well you can use any kind of logs for the plank

make I'm using mahogany that's just what I'm using flax and bowstring you got to

put them in the same place as I am doing if you want to do it exactly how I'm

doing it now what you're going to want to do is exit the bank and go on your

spell book and make sure you are already on your spell book right and once you

click the spell book simply click on the bank once again now what you're going to

want to do is withdraw 15 flags and it has to be 15 not 4 not 2 not 99 not a

thousand 15 flax ok and once you have drawled 15 flax quickly click on your

log and press escape if you don't have this option there's an option on

runescape where you can simply hit escape and it will exit your bank so you

don't have to scroll your cursor to exit it this is super important if you want

off to movers so once you withdraw 15 flags you click

the log press escape and you should already be on a magic option-click plank

make and then just double click it why I said to withdraw 15 flags because if

you've done this correctly when you click plank make your cursor is already

on the log which is really fast if you want to be optimal and click plank make

and then you quickly click spin flex and since for some reason the animation is

fluid so while you're doing the plank make emo when you click spin flex it

automatically does it and then you quickly just click on the bank and

repeat and just keep doing it back and forth and that is literally it the

better you are clicking the better XP going to get of course as you can see

I'm kind of you know I miss quick but after a while you got better right I'm

boom that is it now I was doing more experimentation to see if I can do maybe

three or four spells but it kind of failed like would be there's a spell on

lunar was called potion share which shares potions that also is fluid but

for some reason I was getting less XP maybe two casts is enough because I

believe two cast is one take if I do the potion one it's going to be maybe a tick

and a half or maybe it's going to go over to two ticks

maybe that's why oh you guys can experiment as well if you guys find out

you can do three or four spells and bang I would be awesome I tried it and I was

trailing maybe because it was way too intensive for me but maybe if you find

it super easy and you can juggle three spells maybe also potion sure go ahead

it might be a little bit better XP but when you're using three spells I believe

you're going over one tick that is why arm I did calculations as of right now

you're making 300 GP per cast if what you are buying and selling is the GE

price if you're buying it for more or less than it's going to be kind of iffy

but to be honest as long as you're losing like 1 GP or you're making at

least a little bit of GP this is worth it you're getting a DK crafting XP an

hour and a hundred and 80 K magic are you kidding that XP wise that is

beautiful ATK crafting XP Wow do come on that's just that's beautiful

2000 comments guys wow you guys really want to win a twisted bow even though

it's one in twenty-eight cents so here's a comment

generator I use it randomly picks a comment and if your comment is picked

you got a chance of winning the twisted bow so let's pick one today when it is

barri and he says what is rank one probably reference to my video ranked 1

in all the votes cool the wonderful man today didn't land on the twisted bow

unfortunately maybe this guy will also up to one bill giveaways on my diss code

link to that will be down below every month the last one was yesterday the

winner won 100 mill but he had some implied Bob Marley if you're watching

the video go ahead and log on this code you've won the disco giveaway bye guys


For more infomation >> Profit While Getting Combined 260k Craft/Magic xp/hr (Fluid Animation) - Duration: 7:53.


Ulmerin macht Jagd auf Falschparker | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Ulmerin macht Jagd auf Falschparker | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 4:13.


【スママジ】必見!ゴールドと経験値はココで稼げ!逆モンストゲー『スマッシュ&マジック』 - Duration: 13:16.

For more infomation >> 【スママジ】必見!ゴールドと経験値はココで稼げ!逆モンストゲー『スマッシュ&マジック』 - Duration: 13:16.


Vanessa's Video Forecast - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Vanessa's Video Forecast - Duration: 1:05.


AYS Daily Growth Hacks 064 Falling Out of the Raft - Duration: 5:48.

Today's topic: Falling Out of The Raft. Hi I'm Doug Holt with Author of Your Own

Story and this is your daily growth hack where each day we give you a tip trick

or insight to help you up level what we call the five to thrive that is your

mind your body your soul your relationships and your business so just

yesterday my brother and his family and I decided to go whitewater rafting

they're visiting my wife and my son and I here in Central Oregon we decided to

be a great excursion and it was now we got to the destination at the foot of

the river we met our River guides and there they went through the typical

safety check tongues exactly what to expect and what we could be doing now

most this float was gentle you know class one two to wrap it so nothing

really to worry about but nonetheless you're still going down a wild river and

as we were going down a second part of the river we hit a set of Rapids it

didn't look too daunting but all of a sudden out of nowhere we hit a rock and

we hit the rock I fell back my nephew fell into my lap my brother popped out

into the water now we were still going down the rapids and he was caught in an

eddy so we were probably a good 30 or 40 feet away from him we try to stick out a

paddle to give him a hand that just couldn't happen now his family was

worried but of course I'm a sibling so I was laughing you know I knew he would be

safe but I also was happy my brother fell out on top of that a second thing

happened as he was floating down we caught up to him he put his head up his

chest out his feet were up he did everything he was instructed to do by

the guides through the safety check he got to the raft we pulled him in ask him

how he's doing said fine and one thing he said was really interesting so you

know I didn't panic at all the reason I didn't panic is because I decided

earlier in the trip to jump into the water and so what happened was earlier

the guys asked everybody when we stopped and said hey look if you want to jump in

and float down you can now that lists the second coldest river in Oregon it

was cold and only a few of us actually jumped in the water and yes it was a

shock but once we were in the water we started to a

I meant eyes really quickly and that shock started to wear off and only

safely swam back to our boats but then we continued to our journey well my

brother said is Gees had I not done that and I fell into the

river and not actually experienced beforehand the level of cold I probably

would have panicked but since I had already been in the water because I

already been in that cold I didn't panic at all and instantly remembered exactly

what the guide said chest out legs up head above water and I just floated down

through the rapids and I started thinking myself wow that's really

interesting see he oh he could easily have panicked most people do and people

put their feet down because they think hey I could stand up here because it's

cold I want to get up as soon as possible and that causes a thing called

foot entrapment and foot entrapment the most dangerous thing on the river

because your feet can get trapped and the current is taking you down and you

can actually fall go face-first and get stuck right in the water but it didn't

happen to my brother because he had already experienced the coldness of the

water it was able to think clearly also today I was on a coaching call with

another coach and he was telling me about a client of his a seven-figure

business earner who lost everything and now was building it back up and one of

the things that struck me was you know what that business owner had already

experienced both the gain of that seven-figure business but also the loss

and so he had experienced it so he knows what to expect down the way and can do

it a much calmer pace and I also thought geez this also reminds me of people in

the fitness industry who are constantly working to better their bodies the way

they look the way they feel and they had actually already done some of the work

and have already had that experience they've already failed multiple times

and therefore they don't fear the actual failure itself so I'm asking you today

in your five to thrive where have you been falling into the river where have

you been tossed out of the raft and you're okay because you know what in the

past you've already been in the water you know what that experience is like

and then what I really want you to think about is wearing that v to thrive are

you scared that you're going to get tossed out because you don't know what

to expect that's where the lesson really is where is it that you're holding back

you're holding on because you're scared you're scared

losing because you actually haven't been in the water before and then I'm going

to encourage you to jump in that water jump in that water one way shape or form

you take an action today take a small action today to test the water so you

know what to expect so you know what to expect if it fails if you're launching a

new product think about what's the worst-case scenario here what if that

product doesn't law launch what's the absolute worst case scenario chances are

it's much much better than you actually think the worst-case scenario is only

worse in our mind and if we actually rehearse

that worst case scenario and really look at it we actually can eliminate that

barrier to entry and let us jump into the water a lot quicker that's it for me

today as always go to author of your own story calm we get more tips and tricks

and insight help you become the author of your own story and remember we are

launching our author of your own story University so if you have any questions

let us know otherwise go over there and get on our waiting list and we look

forward to seeing you in there have a great day and remember is the author of

your own story

For more infomation >> AYS Daily Growth Hacks 064 Falling Out of the Raft - Duration: 5:48.


The Canterbury Tales 01 out of 3: Leaving London 1998 Russian Welsh animation EN subs - Duration: 27:22.


When April's soft showers have cracked the March drought.

when the warm west wind has breathed his sweet breeze through tender buds...

Hold up there!

..that's when people get the itch to go on pilgrimages.

We've got to get to Canterbury. see? Get blessed at the shrine of St Thomas.

That's the excuse. anyway.

Listen all. ladies and gents. Let me remind you what we all agreed on last night.

This is Harry Bailey. the innkeeper. Not the type to hide his light.

To speed the journey. each of you will tell two stories on the way to Canterbury

and another two on the way back.

Whoever tells the best - I'll be judge - wins a slap-up supper back here.

His inn. We pay.


- Sir... - Do you mind?

Now. who'll kick us off with a story?

Er... Now. what about...?

- Oh. my Lady Prioress. - Oui, monsieur?

I wouldn't want to cause you a moment's distress. Would you condescend to start?

Oh, c'est impossible.

She really only likes to speak French. you know. like they do in Stratford.

So much more refined. And her table manners...

Bless your kecks and balls. have I got a pertect story! Bloody funny!

- Look out - (FARTS LOUDLY)

What can I say? If any of you are too delicate... This is what people are like.

Right. John Priest. tell us something to make us smile.

Too right. It's a sin not to keep a smile on your face.

Must be hard when you're the only man in a priory full of nuns.

Imagine this poor widow. She leads a simple life.

Doesn't own much. Can't hardly pay rent.

Three cows, three sows, two daughters and a sheep called Moll.


But at least she were never took sick with overeating.

And she had this one cock called Chanticleer.

He were top o' heap when it come to crowing.

He were better than abbey clock.

He could measure equinoctial ascent, on the nose, 15 degrees per hour.


This aristocrat amongst cocks was sultan of seven hens, a harem of amorous sisters.

But the brightest of the throat feathers belonged to Mam'selle Pertelote.

She were polite, she were discreet and she were downright gracious.


Since the day she was seven nights old,

Pertelote had Chanticleer's heart safely slammed in her lock-box.



What's wrong now? I never thought!

Mam'selle. don't take on so. I was dreaming.

There was this beast in our yard.

like some hound-dog with blood on his mind.


He was sort of yellowy-reddy-yellow.

but with black tail. black ears. short snout and coal-glowing eyes!

How can you even suggest you're scared of something?

Dreams are nothing but nonsense. It's overeating.

- It's vapours from the gut. - (BELCHES)

Just listen to what Dionysius Cato has to say on the subject.

"Attach no import to dreams."

Too much red in you - dreams of arrows. flames. biting beasts.

Too much black - bears. bulls. demons.

But I won't dwell on this. What you need is a laxative.

Two days of worms will stop this nonsense.

Cato. Yes. he commands a certain respect.

but many greater authorities posit quite a contrary stance.

Daniel - did he think dreams were illusions? Joseph? Pharaoh? His butler?

Andromache? Croesus? St Kenelm? Scipio Africanus?

Suffice to say. this dream of mine spells adversity.

No laxatives. All I need is your soft feathers nustling beside me.

The perch is too narrow for anything else.


There's corn in the yard!

He were a lion, a royal prince striding his hall.

But worldy joys...

they're soonest gone.

Did I scare you? Silly. silly me.

I only came - truly. truly - to hear you sing.


Just like your father.

He graced my house and I'd be honoured to show you the same.

I never heard a singer like your father.

- Oh. - It was from the heart.

His eyes squeezed tight. his neck stretched thin.

Come. sir. I'm sure you're a chip off the same block.


Just for me?


- (CLUCKING) - Help! Help! The fox!

It were worse than when the Greeks sacked Troy.

Why, oh why did he ever come down from that perch?

Why did his wife dismiss his dreams?

(STRANGLED VOICE) Sir. forgive me. but if I were you. as God's my witness.

I'd shout out. "Black plague on you all!

"I'm at the woods. Tonight this cock'll be au vin."

Damn good ide...

- Now. inasmuch as I... - Don't! We've both been cretins.


"Attach no importance to dreams"?

Dionysius Cato? Laxatives?

There's something to learn in everything. You just have to know what.

Women's advice! Didn't it start all our trouble?

This is the cock's opinion. you understand. not me. Me. I love women.

Ha! I bet you're some cock stallion yourself. eh?

You and your seven hens back at the cloister.


If I was Pope. I'd let all you shave-heads marry.

This one's the Miller.

He breaks doors with his head. creams off the best of the corn and tells jokes.

You know the sort of joke.


I've been married for 58 days now.

Make me a free man. you wouldn't slip my head back in that noose.

- A wise man makes a virtue of necessity. - Don't marry and you won't get deceived.

Are we going to spend all day sermonising?

He's a merchant.

If he's not complaining about Dutch pirates. it's his latest killing at the exchange.

- You'd never guess he's near bankruptcy. - Who'll tell us another tale?

- It's seven and we're only at Greenwich. - And you know the lowlife you get there.

- Shut it. Oi. Listen up. - Hold on. Robin. Hold on.

Listen up. everyone!

(MUMBLING) I'm drunk.

Every one take a straw. Shortest tells the next tale.

I don't think I can remember a decent story.

That man. what's he called?

I read all his books. He already tell every story. Chaucer.

- He leave no stories for us to tell. - He's got no sense of rhythm.

Sir knight?

Lord... Draw if you will.

Oh. Well...

In God's name. I'll make a virtue. that's what I say.

A knight. A man of chivalry and truth and honour.

He besieged Alexandria. recaptured Algeciras.

No Christian man has done as much.

Ahem! Some men die in bed.

some deep at sea. some on the battlegrounds.

But there's nothing to be done. We all go.

The gods are cruel and what's man to them?

Anything more than a sheep cowering in the fold.

King of the Gods is Jupiter, the prime cause and mover of all above.

There's Venus, Goddess of Love.

Mars, the God of War.

But Saturn, he's the grandfather of them all.

Theseus, Lord of Athens, had ridden against Thebes

Arcite, protected by Mars, and Palamon, protected and loved by Venus.

Now to be perpetual prisoners in Athens. No ransom acceptable.

It's some trick of Saturn's.

It's an evil conjunction of planets.

But in this wretched world, we're duty bound to dig out a bit of happiness,

and one merry May morning...


Emily, younger sister of the queen.

- Oh! - Cousin. what's wrong?

Is she woman or goddess?

If I don't win her favour. I am dead.

Is this a joke? I loved her first. You're bound as a knight to help me.

(ARCITE) I love her as a woman. You said. "Is she human or divine?"

Anyway. love is the supreme law. It's each man for himself.

Until, one day, petitioned by a Theban comrade, Theseus released Arcite.

On this condition - if he was ever spotted in Athens, death.

He was free, but denied the one thing he wanted - the sight of Emily.

Sleep, meat, wine - he couldn't face any of it.

His old chums wouldn't have known him.

In fact, he was so different, he realised he could safely return to Athens.

He landed himself a job as Emily's page. Worked there for years.

Palamon spent six years in utter torment.

In the seventh, he escaped...and ran.

Hid in a grove all day. Come night, away to Thebes.

But destiny is powerful.

# ..And greenery

# Come welcome fair... #

Die! Or admit you do not love Emily.

If you weren't sick with love. I'd...

I shall return here tomorrow with armour. Slay me and you shall have her.

Who are you that dare to fight here? Who?

Palamon. sir. Your prisoner...who loves Emily.

- Arcite. sir. banished from this land. - Who also loves Emily.

You shall both pay the penalty in full.

Have mercy. Lord. for all women's sake.

There's no fool like...a fool in love.

But Emily can't marry both of you even if you fought forever.

This is my judgement.

Each of you shall go now and a year to the day return with 100 knights.

The winner shall have Emily. I might build the arena right here.


The morning before the tournament, Palamon made his devotions to Venus.

If you will it. I shall have my love tomorrow.

If not. then I pray you.

have Arcite's spear pierce my heart.

- Which. blessed lady? Which? - (RUMBLING)

His prayer had been accepted, even if the sign implied a spot of delay.

In the pure water of Diana's temple,

Emily ritually disrobed and...

Perhaps I shouldn't go into details right now...

but it'd be fun, eh?

Purest goddess. you know I wish only to remain virgin all my life.

Make peace between the knights.

(DIANA) You shall be wedded to one of those who has endured so much for you.

Great Mars. give me victory tomorrow.

Mine will be the blood. yours the glory.

(MARS) Victory will be yours.

You can imagine the sort of strife that put up between Venus and Mars.

Nothing Jupiter could do, until Saturn...


My planet's force is greater than any man knows.

Mine is the drowning in the limpid sea.

Mine the tightening in the throat.

Mine the... Hm.

So no more!

Palamon shall have his lady.

Mars shall assist his knight.

The tournament ceases when either knight is taken to the stakes or felled.

Arcite or Palamon.


I am shamed. in front of you all.

Oh. you'll soon have your way.



Doctors? Ha! Say goodnight.

Take the man straight to the graveyard.

One moment with his love...

..the next cold...alone in his grave.

Remember Palamon. He is a gentle man.

(THESEUS) In youth or age. king or squire. a man dies.

So why the heaviness if good Arcite has departed the foul prison of this life?

We should rejoice. Thank Jupiter for his grace.

And of two sorrows. we must make one happiness.

(kNIGHT) Palamon lived out his life in wealth and health. tenderly loved by Emily.

All that for a woman. eh?

If you want to know the truth about women. we suffer from a somewhat quaint delusion.

This one lives near Bath. She's...

If there's something we can't easily get our hands on. we'll cry about it.

Press something on us. we'll run a mile.

She's a little deaf. Her husband laid her out cold...once.

Her late husband.

Five husbands.

Not to mention other friends when younger. My lips are sealed.

That was our last-ever set-to.

From then on. I was the best wife from Denmark to India and back.

When it comes to the dance of love. she knows all the smart moves.

She told us all of them.

And I was faithful.


Madam. what a delightful...expostulation.

But surely only a preamble. I trust?

Impressive. isn't he? A friar. dedicated to poverty. begging.

He's even been known to stump up a girl's dowry out of his own pocket

so she can get married nice and quick.

The Church has got all the serious studs. Us laymen are just tiddlers.

That's why wives light churchmen's candles.

What's all this? "What a 'lightful preambulation"?

If you don't like it. boil your bum!

He hauls people off to court - a summoner by rank.

- What's a fly got in common with a friar? - I don't know. What's a...?

They've both got their snouts in your lunch.

I'll tell a story about summoners. then we'll see who...

If nobody minds!

- Sir Friar? - We'd be honoured.

- Thank you. - (BELCH)

In the days of king Arthur. there were spirits everywhere you looked.

Nowadays. with all the friars around. they're all gone.

Anyway. at king Arthur's court.

there was a strong, lusty knight bachelor

and one day he was riding down by the river,

He was all alone, and he saw this virgin lass.

Of course, there was an absolute outcry.

Arthur gave him over to Guinevere.

She should choose whether to save his blood or spill it.

I'll spare you if you can tell us this!

What do women most...desire?

- (LAUGHTER) - Come. knight. speak up.

An answer to that will keep your neckbone safe from this hard iron axe.

(GROANS) I don't know.

I suppose if you can't tell us now. we'll let you have 12 months and a day.


He went to every door and every town where he could hope to unearth the answer,

but everyone had a different idea.

- Tell me. what does a woman most desire? - Her place in society.

- My good man. what do women most desire? - Money.

Fancy clothes!

A right good seeing-to!


The day had come that he must turn homeward.

His spirit was broken,

his hopes bitter ashes.

His route took him through a forest and there he saw four and twenty dancing ladies.

Maybe they'll have the answer. Maybe.


No way through here. sir. Tell us what you're looking for.

Mother. what do women most desire? If you can tell me. I'd make it worth your while.

Give me your oath you'll do the very next thing I ask of you.

and before sunset you'll have your answer.

- My oath. You have it. Anything. - Your life is safe. Listen...

- (BUzz OF CONVERSATION) - Silence! Well?

My Lady Queen...

Apparently. women desire sovereignty over husband and lover.

They desire the upper hand at all times.

Now do with me as you will!

Not one of them - not wife, nor virgin, nor widow - could argue with that.

He had his life.

Sovereign Lady Queen. I gave him that answer.

In return. he swore he'd do the first thing I asked. Take me as your wife.

Take all my worldly goods. if you must. but let my body alone!

- I want to be your wife and your love. - (LAUGHTER)

My love?! My damnation!

Sovereign. should someone of my rank be brought so low?

He had no choice but to marry her, to take the old woman into his bed.

As for all the rejoicing and the arrangements for the wedding feast...

..there wasn't any.

No joy, no feast.

He became her husband in a private ceremony

and spent the day hidden like an owl.

Darling husband. are all Arthur's knights so hard to please?

- I saved your life. What have I done wrong? - (HE GROANS)

- Tell me. I'll change. - Change?!

Wondertul! Change! You're so hideous. so old and so common.

I could change all that if you behaved more courteously...

- Are you surprised at me? - All your talk of nobility.

Arrogance! The man who attempts the noblest deeds. he's the noblest man.

- You'll always be old. always ugly. - Then you need never fear a rival.

You have a choice. Plain and old. but your faithful. obedient wife.

Or young and beautiful and danger whenever friends visit our house.

Whatever you prefer.

(HOWLS) I put myself in your hands.

Whatever you want. my wife. pleases me.

Do I have the upper hand. then?

Do I make all the choices. all decisions?

- That is best. - kiss me.

No more arguments. I will be beautiful and true.

Look at me.

(SOFT VOICE) kiss me.


(WIFE OF BATH) May Christ send us all husbands as meek and young and hard...

..and the grace to break them.

If she says so. and a swift exit for those who won't be broken.

I'd give a barrel of ale to have my wife hear that story.

Talk about upper hand.

If someone doesn't tip his hat to her in church. she pushes me out. screeching.

"Avenge me. you coward! No. give me the knife. You cook lunch."

Someone wake him up.

It's the Cook. He knows his pale ale. his pastry and his poultry.

but you should taste his blancmange.


Are you drunk or were you working hard on a tart last night?

I feel heavy.

keep it shut or the Devil will jam his hoof in there.

Try jamming this in yours!


That's what I call plastered!

- (LAUGHTER) - Wait for me.

We're almost at Duck-Up-Duck-Down. Who'll tell the next story?

I'm just getting meself ready.


It's a bit slippy. but I'm getting back on me horse in a minute.

Hang on! Wait for me. man! I'll be with youse right in a second.


Hey. mate...

Ah. shut it.

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